Izuru Kamakura Tiktok Compilation

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that's what I have some breakfast hey guess what after lunch bang guess what after dinner felony hi I am drew I am drew and we are the same person we may have similar lives we may have similar wives but we are not different nonetheless [Music] [Applause] because I made a promise [Music] I have no talent at all I was even betrayed by the Academy I admired so much another super Kamakura I can't choose the future [Music] [Applause] my diagnosis is that now honest betrayed you I'd like your batter if she lose at cards for sevens and a 10 I think I won again every time she's won [Music] my name is turn you're trying a winner on the air it out yes he wouldn't be for the parking lot my [ __ ] dogs are we park a lot of my choppers they sparkle on I'll be jazz darker no I can't see the bush and I rate Rosco y'all [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] boy [Music] his hell ain't missing no meals come to my automobile let him eat it with his grills even telling me that still he keep telling me it's real that he love my cut the clothes and he don't like I'm funky what something crap brother for the Jag and I hit him with a jab and that's why I'm not allowed around squirrels anymore the ho which one have you stuck your dick in the peanut bar jar again how am I supposed to make brownies for company when it tastes like two inches of disappointment some terms that wonder why I need you and amber sweet is addicted to the knife addicted to the night the night and addicted to the knives needs a little help with the agony I have no talent at all I was even betrayed by the Academy I admired so much and not easy to Kamakura line [Music] it will come I bet you know the drill drink my colors come either don't bore me Lisbon boy drink like everyone asks me if I'm a Satanist but it's pretty bold you little [ __ ] to assume that I'm not God all I really needs a smile smile smile from these happy friends of mine [Music] when I popped off then you go gave me just a little bit an odd job there's no way this could get any worse it's worse it's much worse I used to be so beautiful now look at me [Music] come on go ow what did we say about masturbation I was just [ __ ] my email you can't lie to me Jeremy I'm inside your brain now we're going to devise a system [Music] [Music] wherever you go I'll be far to follow love you so you learn what I already know [Music] bring me my Beach we literally look perfect we are the perfect set of friends you lucky boy or emo I look got this [ __ ] wave full on the set [Music] the only time I ever see her when she's behind me in the mirror even from a distance I can hear her and try to listen but her whispers make my ears hurt [Music] [Music] there's a billion people on this planet to take a bother but for some reason you chose me I wish I could give you the attention that you already but at the start of your nose maybe alone it's being overdramatic but I don't think so I do know for a fact though that you're a definite coward and I think it may be time for you to go [Music] [Music] [Music] you stay oh my god there's nothing I can't [Music] [Applause] I have no talent at all I was even betrayed by the Academy I admired so much I'm not easier Kamakura says he's got boy friends that I'm scared of him I ain't [ __ ] vegetarian will you pray for me [Music] [Music] must have been out of her head [Music] [Music] [Music] areas are kamakura your needs are how far you're either Kamakura you're either a comic or a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] arizuka mokoro your knees are a furrow you're either Kamakura you're either a comic or a just know it breaks my heart when soul mates died ten years apart and lovely love is left to sit in wait soulmates come by surprise bell curve it seems extremes arise and those only jeez I'm a nerd I'm so ugly look I don't have any booking talents I've gotta blow but now I changed outfits I look like a douchebag get crazy I get three I gotta get straight i buy get straight I gotta get crazy I get [Music] oh honey pow well hey there Mik boy here not Mickey what the [ __ ] everybody [Music] everyone asks me if I'm a Satanist but it's pretty bold you little [ __ ] to assume that I'm not God [Music] Who am I [Music] Wow these are a secret society outfit no wait these are secret society outfits you look like a businessman with an extremely specific fetish Who am I [Music] tell me I won't ever be [Music] [Music] [Music] hey that's my type [Music] jeez I'm a nerd I'm so ugly look I don't have any booking talents I've gotta blow but now I changed outfits I look like a douchebag oh yeah look like a golf or swim you [Music] hmm that's nasty um I'm gonna go throw up [Music] we'll just make kids ladies I got their eyes cuz version cus the ones I loved everything fire spreading dollar round what's okay it's hard to breathe the cats are [Music] USANA China ain't wanna be cool like you [Music] [Music] listen if you're dating a danganronpa cosplayer you're single to me that's it like what are they gonna do quote a mother mother song at me all I gotta do is throw away those ammonia boots and that [ __ ] is out of there that feeling when your brother is a cat hey father what father what Hajime yeah nothing stop it stop it hey Ezra hey where are you what are you doing [Music] and the most distinct thing I remember happening is one day I was eating an apple and she said what does that taste like and I said an apple and she said yeah I've never had one she was later arrested least you can do is have the twig suck me off I know you think he is some twink he gave me blue balls another black and blue ball he looked at her he's braver a hard move she says no [ __ ] go JMO he looked at the cabinet he walked to the cabinet get close to the cabinet now he's open in the cabinet now pause the movie cause it's so damn twisted not only is there man in this cabinet but the man is imagine [Music] Kamakura Kamakura let down your long hair [Music] [Music] I have no talent at all I was even betrayed by the Academy I admired so much I'm not a super Kamakura I can't choose the future ten people died in the Bronx last night due to a fire that killed ten people in the Bronx last night during a fire fire officials say all ten people died due to the fire which was too hot for their bodies [Music] [Music] [Music] something's off not to be get down or baby I stepped into a nightmare when I woke up from utopia starting to remember like the person in my Mobius why is everybody looking at me shake it from the way my heart is breaking but this talent at all I was even betrayed by the Academy I admired so much I'm not easier Kamakura I can't choose the future [Music] you oh we're here just sitting in the car I want you to show me if you can get fun step on the gas on the gas on the break step one two three [Music] I love you like a broken pot one last kiss I need you like I need a gaping head did you know that people with guilty consciences are more easily startled by loud noises I'm sorry I don't know why that went off anyway just an interesting science fact [Music] 9:14 playing all these women with my massive piece hundred bad days made a hundred good story so hundred good stories make me interesting a party's cuz I feel like the worst always if you are not very careful your possessions bloopers show me how to feel now we're my past do I need [Music] [Music]
Channel: CadyGamer Pix
Views: 18,274
Rating: 4.9804497 out of 5
Id: Ile2COhnO-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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