Hajime Hinata compilation Part 1

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[Music] so you know it you're the first like ever yeah yeah classic I new game+ stat five times in a row once are you serious yes cross my heart I know how tough that is I did ten in a row one that blows mine out of the water someday I want to see your very best run alright sure you got it you that uniform are you in the reserve course yes ma'am [Music] I get it you know for being enrolled in the main course that guys kind of a bit quirks aside while you guys have incredible talents don't you must be nice and good at something like the be-all-end-all yeah but you have greater freedom than we do somebody like you can go anywhere hey you do what you count yeah okay right on I got the whole class what's that for well what about you huh you're all by yourself so there same thing as everyone else I guess I've had my sights on hope speak ever since I was a little kid I wish but I still don't get why you're so interested in a scrub like me anyhow don't be like that what I better not hear you call yourself that ever again young man that's what I am understood yeah routing clear ma'am right I guess I should get back to my class we'll pick up this conversation later about that project really you're free to decline if you don't want to it's just the fees are so high my family could never afford it too late for that I'm here whim there's no shame in normalcy hey I would but I really suck at games like that that's okay what's the big idea class I'd like to introduce a new transfer student a one-of-a-kind campus for one-of-a-kind talents well would that feel like tell her some special skill walk through the gate into the Academy's main school cuz I belong there one problem I don't excel at anything sports music cooking I'm just average [Music] either way I gotta decide hey why do you care what I do honestly your people skills could use some work but you're here in the reserved course like us you'd be over with the others if you really what the hell I'm not giving up you two you know each other I told thought though that we would I told thought though that we would take come on enough already [Music] you destroyed me again you really are the super high school level gamer sucked at video games but you still bother to play him you want to know how bad I would be but what if somebody else were the super high school level gamer and every time they left your score in the dust it's way more important than ability in the long run yeah me too yeah this is great fun yes ma'am ready even without talent there is hope Natsume wait hold on now what I know you and Sato don't get along but still you can't threaten people like that they're not gonna Scout you in fact once they catch wind of this they'll probably kick you why does this matter to you why is the main course so important I get it feeling like you're left behind must be the worst thing ever but I I don't think you have to be a top student or an elite you love your big brother don't you talent isn't even a factor just stay with him and make memories to get they deserve the very best including the people around them why are the police here some kid got murdered I think tell me the truth okay I should probably be going what exactly were the two of you talking about Hey so where'd you go after she stormed off yes talented or not she still had hope for the future hope that you're wrong Oh [Music] Sato never did show up not that day or the next or the winning frisky I need to ask my hero Koizumi in the main course a question I'll be quick about it no way but look I know you I want to know the truth not the version they're feeding us in class what happened please just tell me yeah this cuza Ryu was killed by an unknown intruder on school grounds and miss Sato died from the shock of losing a classmate you're just trying to sweep the killings under the rug to save your precious Academy what did you just say bastard useless and life and a hassle and death you bring down the whole place either way so what if they weren't one of your precious elite students our lights are all worth the same no they're really not grow up kid you can't make diamonds out of empty beer bottles why don't you run along and play go crawling back to your dead-end buddies there's more to life than just being talented there's all sorts of things you can focus on like toiling for the sake of your master's turn off your brain and fit into your slot dog and take to the collar and leash already Hinata are you okay you're bleeding hey Hinata look I picked up a new game for us to play I can't it's just I have to go somewhere today sorry it's really important and I can't miss it hey yeah what's nothing are you making memories at hope speak why I want you to make a bunch of them for me there's way more to you than just a super high school level gamer your character stats are off the charts well then see you later Nanami when I saw you I wanted to be able to say hey I have a talent look at this crazy thing I can do you've come to a decision boy yes I've made my choice
Channel: I Myujikaru I
Views: 193,976
Rating: 4.9800429 out of 5
Id: 0MMQUfaAZ2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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