HAJIME HINATA: Character Analysis

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hey guys Lavine is here so today I'm going to be doing my analysis of Hajime Hinata and Ezra Kamakura since a lot of you guys wanted me to try and include both in here so I did my best and I hope you guys enjoy I also do want to apologize for the wait this video took way way way way longer than I thought it would honestly every time I try to put a day aside to work on it something would come up with work or whatever else and it just kind of kept getting pushed back I do also want to thank you guys because I just hit 25,000 subscribers or over 25,000 subscribers while I was working on this video I thank you guys so much I really really appreciate the support and how many of you seem to enjoy watching my videos and all of you to leave comments and likes etc and especially you guys who have stuck to the hiatus I really really appreciate it and super cool to login to see that but without further ado let's go ahead and begin the analysis so first I'm going to start with Hajime in the DA group of three anime and how he seemed to view not only himself but the world around him as well there's not much known regarding hajime's past but we did get to see a small glimpse of what life is like for him at Kodaka high before he transferred to the reserve course Kodaka hi of course being based off of the creator's name Cathy taka ko-- dacha while I was doing research for this video I saw the tumblr user GS gold stars point out that in hajime's da ARPA 3 character bio it states that he was accepted to the reserved course and exempted from tuition for meeting certain requirements it can be believed that the eastern requirement where his lack of talent making him a perfect candidate for the easier Kamakura project so essentially since he agreed to be considered for the project his tuition fees were exempt but in the anime we see that he understandably begins to get cold feet about officially agreeing to be a part of it in his conversation with Tianjin he mentions that his family can't afford the tuition fees unless he agrees to go through with it otherwise he'll have to return back to his old high school this appears to be a huge fear to him and for good reason going back to super DARPA too we see that before he transferred to the reserve course he was out casted by his fellow classmates it's obvious that their remarks about him being completely unremarkable and insults directed towards how much money this would cost his family hurt him pretty greatly and caused him a large amount of anxiety in the second game there was something he said at the beginning that really stood out to me regarding his life the for hope he states this reality that could not be more different than my usual daily life school studying exams job hunting going for walks going to schools riding the trains lectures I found it odd that six out of the eight activities he mentioned were work or school related and that's the ones that weren't work or school related were mostly just a means of getting to work or school because of this I believe that Hajime was a very work focused person and that he didn't have any friends at his old school or at all really growing up and not necessarily because he was bullied or anything along those lines but possibly because he didn't want to be friends with anyone around him let me explain so a common theory related to Hajime is that he has a massive inferiority complex in regards to his lack of talent compared to the ultimate and I do believe this is true to a certain extent but also that his confidence sort of wavers depending on the situation so in his dream sequence he mentions that he wants to leave that place and go somewhere he truly belongs and I saw online that a tumblr user who goes by the username all my lovely six pointed out that this is a very different outlook compared to someone like Kameda that truly has a stagnant inferiority complex and even refused to attend hopes the Academy at first because he believed he wasn't worthy enough Hajime on the other hand is shown to be someone who focuses exclusively on a work school improving and believes that he does belong it hopes the Academy this implies to me that in reality he believes he's better than his average classmates that he was destined to be led by talent and that since he had given up and accepted normalcy like everyone else a Kazakh High or the ruler of course and was still working hard to find his talent that he was above them in a way and couldn't relate or become friends with them more than likely he saw that they would be a negative influence on him with their given up sort of outlook we see this in Dharma 3 to spare side as well when he meets Natsume for the first time she voices that she's different from the other Reserve Corps students because she has given up on her talent and when she accuses him of giving up on himself it implies that he plans on voicing a similar opinion before being interrupted I actually do think that they both hold similar opinions on the rest of the reserved course but just that Natsume is more vocal in blunt with her opinions but I believe that growing up Hajime was always attempting to be the best by studying more going to more lectures etc in order to be the best but that he always fell short so after this he listed for the reserved course and transfer to hopes Peak Academy hoping that he could find people that would help make him feel more confident people that would be a positive influence on him and that he would fit in with something that I didn't notice at first but I also saw pointed out by all my lovely fix on tumblr is that for someone who claims that Kochi Academy was their dream school he doesn't seem to know much about it compared to a real hopes Peak fanboy like Kameda I think that since he didn't know much regarding the lucky student draw and the host academy forums then maybe he had a different idea about the reserved course before he transferred there I think that he may have thought it would be a more positive experience or that by being there he could eventually transfer over to the main course but as we see in the anime the reserve course in the main course are incredibly divided and even with this being the case he still met and befriended in ultimate Chiaki who I think may have been one have his first friends and only friends in general and just as do their states regarding the reserve course kids once they begin to hang out with the main course kids they start to think that they're special except instead of using that language to describe it I would say more so that Hajime began to find the confidence he was looking for by befriending Chiaki her words telling him that he had more freedom not to be tied down to one talent and that talent wasn't everything and now what matters more is getting involved with others in giving birth to hope really seems to affect him and you can tell I think that after this conversation he came to truly believe that he could live a fulfilling life as a normal person and that he may have this incredible freedom that Jackie spoke of and that his life could become interesting by being around people of talent such as Chiaki or Kameda since as mentioned before these are the people he feels like he belongs with but in the diner of a universe talent reigned supreme and this is probably even more apparent in the host the Academy's reserve course since the segregation and bias is just so incredibly obvious I think this idea began to weigh on Hajime in this first theme that we see him with Sato and Natsume in when they begin arguing over mahiru in this scene we see that both of their core beliefs until that talent reign supreme and that The Ultimates are better than these reserve course losers and this is a belief that Hajime held himself before meeting Chiaki and still does to a certain extent even with her influence I actually believe that both of these characters symbolized in the show two different outcomes that Hajime believes could happen to himself if he didn't decide to go through with the either Kamakura project Natsumi I think symbolizes the outcome in which Hajime doesn't go through with the project and accepts that he is meant to live among the normal people this would be a miserable life for him where he was constantly in the shadow of the ultimate forced to watch from the sidelines the success of those he feels he belongs with from a distance while at the same time never fitting in with the normal people that he's actually worthy to be around oh I think symbolizes what he thinks could be a negative outcome of chiaki's advice of getting involved with others in making memories since in his mind he can only belong truly with people such as The Ultimates I believe that he fears he could become someone like Sato whom since she had given up on her own talent she instead became unhealthily obsessed with the talent of her friend mahiru I think both of these outcomes are emphasized and juices interaction with Hajime as well right before he officially decided to go through with the project if you live your life idly groveling before your betters nothing could make you happier could symbolize the outcome of him ending up as Natsume zwarst fear and the quote you cling to talent of the main course students like crap trailing behind a goldfish could symbolize him becoming like Sato I do get a bit frustrated seeing people online simply say that it was all jusers fault that Hajime went through with the projects or that Dharma 3 ruined his character and that the only reason he did it was because he wanted to impress his new girlfriend Chiaki don't get me I have the complaints with the anime but I actually do think they handle this part in the right way to simplify this whole scenario I believe that Hajime has a belief within himself that he is above the rest of the reserved course students and his old classmates a Kazakh high because he does try hard and he hasn't given up on his talent but that his confidence waiver is based off of what he experiences in the real world and because of the obvious segregation at hope speak Judith cruel words Sato and Sumi states etc he came to the conclusion that you can truly only have a hopeful future if you have talent something to show the world that you are worth something Chiaki told him that he would have the ability to create his own future but because of his lack of faith within himself he couldn't come to the realization that he didn't have to decide between the easier project and having the same fate as Natsume or Sato but that he could create his own future but there was a possibility of despair and hope in each choice but because of these external influences his gaze is limited and he could only see the few choices given and the despair within them this idea parallels chapter 6 of super darkness - when he feels that he can't make a decision there either since they're also full of potential despair except this time he was able to find that confidence within himself creating his own future and become the ultimate hope at the beginning of super Dharma - we see that Hodja Mays reaction to the killing game isn't the most heroic and that his initial reaction is that he really just wishes to not do anything and that it would go away we also see that it's Kameda and the ultimate impostor that are the ones to attempt to encourage and lead the others in the scenario while Hajime simply follows along and although we do see this I'd like to also point out that even though he wasn't necessarily the leader type he was probably one of the ones who worked the hardest in order to solve each murder case and I do believe that working hard to accomplish goals is a core value within him I think some of these aspects of hajime's character is what makes him such a relatable and compelling protagonist since we see that he has the potential to be a true leader but the game gives him plenty of room for growth another thing notable about hajime's personality is that he's considerably more blunt than Makoto it's noted on the wiki page that he uses the word or a to refer to himself rather than boku which both Nagi and III used it states that Ori is a more boastful way to describe oneself it also puts that he corrects someone in the trial he states sori watch a gouge though rather than sori watch a gal yo which is supposed to be a more blunt and impolite way to say that's wrong I also noticed that in the trials he gives very little to no room for correction when he argues points stating things like no that's impossible this is very different than how someone like Jesse corrects others which leaves plenty of room for Corrections since she ends her statements with things like I think this makes it sound a lot more opinionated rather than being stated as facts I believe that the reason Hajime is so much more blunt and why he states things this way is because of that fear of Correction and somebody possibly looking down on him I think that by using this more confident language it helps him encourage himself that he is a person of talent since for someone like Hajime whose confidence is a bit fragile speaking in a more polite way that makes him sound less could remind him of his own insecurities some proof of this is how Hajime initially looks very anxious any time you corrected or given any negative feedback I looked up every rebuttal showdown from each trial and notice that when it was simply a correction he would look anxious and then work up the courage to argue back but in a more intense situation that directly attacks his insecurities he's unable to come up with a good or Buttle an example would be after Kamata finds out that he has no talent and begins basically crap dogging him Hajime can only really respond with incomplete comments again I think this goes back to Hajime never wavering confidence I think he's able to falsely convince himself of his own confidence by using or a and though in finally being around what he would consider positive influences for his confidence but when his surroundings change and all of a sudden someone is talking down to him or he's faced with a hard decision we see as insecurities quickly Spana it goes back to how his opinions and the way he acts is greatly shaped by external forces again in the sixth trial we see that he didn't have enough belief in himself to see that there was another option other than the one Junko granted just like in despair side he didn't see that there was any other options other than him ending up like Sato or Natsume based off of hope speak and society's rules but after she aki encourages him to create his own future in super-dark ippatsu we see that he finally decides to give up his old beliefs and realizes that this situation and the world in general isn't a game he doesn't have to follow juncos rules or hopes peaks or society's rules in order to succeed he simply just has to believe in himself and realize that although hope and despair both lie in the future as long as he holds on to hope he can conquer anything and in Hope side his character comes around full circle and we see that he's learned that you can no longer run away from your problems or despair as well after you try to do in the past this of course emphasizes the main theme of the anime that was meant to portray that true hope is overcoming despair and that you need to spare in order to have hope while the main theme of super DARPA - seems to be that no matter how mixed the future may look filled with both despair and hope you have to continue to have faith in yourself and create your own future now I'm moving a bit off-topic there is something else I want to talk about so something interesting I noticed while making this video was that we all know it's obvious that tomayto is supposed to be like this twisted version of Nike in the way that they both view hope or more specifically how they both believe that you achieve hope by conquering despair but the difference is that Kameda is willing to cause this despair in order to watch the talented conquer it I also think that comidas views on talent are meant to be a more twisted version of hajime's or at least that his views are supposed to be based off of his in a certain way in this case both believed that only the talented can conquer despair and have a bright future but the difference is that Hajime wants to be talented more than anything and he believes that he deserves to rank among them but is consistently turned down while Kameda on the other hand except that he's nothing but a stepping stool for the talented and he even refers to Hajime as being full of himself for thinking that he could rank among the ultimate being an average person also combined believes that he's so undeserving to rank among the Ultimates that even though he was accepted in the hopes the Academy's main course he turned down the offer originally this being an offer that Hajime would literally sacrifice his mind and body for hopefully this comparison isn't too obvious I just never noticed it really before making this video so I thought it'd be kind of interesting to point out how each of their beliefs on talent mirror each other but then their responses are just completely opposite but next I'd like to talk a bit about easier Kamakura since a lot of you guys wanted me to analyze him as well and basically just going to be doing an overview here of all of his actions and how I interpret them also there might be slight darn if a zero spoilers in here as well it's heavily implied in the anime and it's almost even outright spoken at one point but if you haven't read the novel and you're really sensitive to spoilers you might want to skip this part I'm kind of bummed because this is my favorite part of this analysis so I'd be kinda bummed if a lot of people skip this so maybe some of the other people that have read zero can kind of say whether or not this is a spoiler because it is outright spoken in the anime but I also kind of imply something else here so it's just hard if you're really really sensitive to spoilers and you want to read zero go read zero first and have a bunch of links to where you can read it in my Junko analysis description so to start out either it was born with incredible talent but overall was a blank slate when it came to hope and despair he was bored of the world the minute he was born just the famous Junko since they both share super analytical abilities Junko uses this trait that they share as a way to convince him to help in her schemes of throwing the world into despair he first tried out despair by watching the first killing game that Junko sets up he seems completely bored throughout the entire thing until the very last few moments when he was unable to predict that he would be shot by the boy with a chainsaw this is when he acknowledges that despair could be in fact something he couldn't predict after this we see that he also witnessed chiaki's execution and death again he seems completely unaffected until right when she dies when he notices that a bit hajime's emotions sprung up from inside him which he had believed was impossible so at this point he has now reached the conclusion that both hope and despair have the potential to be unpredictable but now the question is which one of them is truly worth his time just before this we also know that Gingka framed you as the culprit of the first killing game which led to the reserve core students to participate in the parade which eventually led to the tragedy after this eventually death chaos and despair became a normal part of everyday life as mentioned before is Rey was initially interested in despair but I believe his interest vanished because in chapters the euro he states this world is full of boring people people who lack talent stick together and oppress those who do possess talent even though they know they're insignificant they don't try to acknowledge their true superiors they are profoundly desperate to drag them down to their level and because of these bastards the world has come to a deadlock I think in this scene he's referring to the cause of the tragedy and the reserved for students who initiated the tragedy and those who follow along and begin to riot against the wealthy and talented and how since this chaos and despair became normal it suddenly began to become predictable and enter a deadlock this is a parallel sapotes rocking in Chapter zero as well since at first the rocking was unpredictable and exciting to either ooh but soon he states that he'll become bored of that as well because detecting regularities among irregularities would eventually become predictable - and I think that's exactly how he came to feel about despair because once the irregularities of chaos and death become a normal part of everyday life it eventually becomes predictable I think he became angry at Junko for this reason to be coming upon her game that didn't even grant him the result he wanted after this analysis I came to the conclusion that I don't think Gingka was interested in the despair of the world but only in the despair for herself and that the despair of others was actually quite predictable to her for the most part just as either was able to predict a majority of the killing game since they share a talent also you kind of see this reiterated since she was able to manipulate the killings in the second game to parallel the killings in the first game in this we see that she knew exactly how to set everything up so the students would ask the way she predicted and they did if we go off of that then this game was incredibly boring to her but this wasn't the true despair that Junko talks about that she longs for know the despair she craved is far greater and was only meant for her I think her dream it truly was to create this intricate plan that thrusts the world into chaos as she killed her own sister and others are not as euro spoilers for just to see it thrown back in her face she wanted to create a perfect plan that she put her heart and soul into and she wanted that plan to fail so that she could feel the despair so that she could feel human and you see a lot of evidence for this now that I look back through all of these things in the trials for Dharma won in sushi significantly more happy to see her plan fail in the second game she actually admits that she wants something to happen to ruin her plan that it's boring to her otherwise she wants this unbelievable unpredictable despair and she wants it for herself she manipulated either into thinking that he would be in on this major unpredictably amazing thing but he wasn't given the full plan she made it seem as if the chaos itself would be unpredictable which either who learns it's not this is why he's angry with her since they both share super analytical abilities he understood that she already knew she would be unsatisfied with this outcome and came to the conclusion that she was in fact just manipulating him into following along for her own benefit Junko mentioned that she broke either spirit and I wonder if this was what she was referring to I'm sure others could argue that it was Jackie's death that broke his spirit but I believe otherwise I think either it was only emotionally affected by Jackie's death because of hajime's emotions inside of him and that more so he was just taken off-guard at the fact that there was something else other than despair that could be just as unpredictable I don't think Ezra has much interest in good or evil I don't think he would mourn her death just because she was a good person or for whatever else he seemed only interested in what he can't explain which is probably why he held on to her pin all that time since he couldn't explain the emotions he was feeling from Hajime deep down inside I think after he realized he was used by Junko he particularly more interested in hope and in chiaki which may be why he visited her desk in that flashback that we see in DARPA 3 but this is just my opinion on the situation feel free to argue your own opinion in the comment section below if you have a different one but moving on in Chapter zero he states that he plants users similes to house used him in the past and has a contribution she left him the AI as a way to see officially which is more worth his time hope or despair but he also states in the scene that he already knows what will happen and I assume by this he means that he believes got despair will win in the end because as stated before he shares a talent with Junko and even she wasn't able to predict hajime's awakening and the hope filled ending also another line that backs this up is that he tells committed that they will never have a reason to meet again and if he had already predicted the true ending then he would know that they would in fact meet again and hope side but because he wasn't able to predict the ending and hope proved to be more unpredictable and worth his time he officially decided to side with hope in Hope side but that will conclude the analysis portion of this video so now let's move on into the trivia portion and like always I'll be heading to the Wikia page for most of this information and I'll be skipping a few of them because some of them I already mentioned in the analysis portion of the video Hajin areas first name means beginning while Hinata means a sunny place or to face the Sun his full name can also get a translate as to face a new day the names Hajime and Hinata are very common names in Japan with either having Minnie written forms kannada itself is both a surname and a given name this common quality of his name's is a parallel to how Hajime was a common student with no extraordinary talent watching the beginning of his given name hodgman's birthday is January 1st the first day of the year in the Gregorian calendar has amazed temporary transition into his awakened formed is similar to kiya taka and Mario's transformation to ki Ando both of them acquired the transformation by keeping someone in their memories in hajime's case he kept Chiaki and Izuru in mind as he finished off AI chinko and both of their naturally dark hair color turned completely white according the text seen on the computer screen in Episode six of despair side both Hajime and his parents gave their consent for the either at Kamakura project and agreed that the school would not be held liable for the said actions although it's unclear if they were fully aware of the consequences considering the school's tendency to lie and high information as you want to talk about this a bit more because I personally do not believe that they did know all the information firstly when Hajime is leaving Chiaki before he decides to accept the project he mentions that he wants to be a better version of himself that will be proud to be around Shi Aki at this point you should have gotten all the logistics of the project since it's right before he agreed to do it and since he simply states better version it implies to me that they told him about the artificial talent portion of the experiment but they didn't tell him that he would be a completely different person also right before Hajime goes through with the experiment the people around him say you may feel a little confused when you wait but you'll be back to normal in no time you can become someone who embodies the school's ideals to me these lines also sort of implied they didn't give him the whole story I guess I could see somebody arguing that they could be telling the truth based off of the last line mention but would as much as hopes Peak Academy lies and tries to cover up things I really do think that they didn't tell him or his parents the full story and that more than likely after the experiment was a success they probably planned on telling his parents that he died during the surgery as a way for them to never learn the truth about the experiment but this is just my theory on the situation moving back to the trivia hajimete possibly either with shorter hair if seen any promotional art for the collaboration of Dharma 3 and Gunn girlsí as for easiest trivia it states that his first and last names are written in katakana but the original Izuru Kamakura as names are written in kanji is aru which literally means out of the current could also mean to go out into exile those of these meanings could reflect how either Kamakura was a unique existence which felt very secluded due to having no peers Kamakura means a place in which a God resides or a seat for God this could reflect how either II was created to be a host for superhuman talent but this concludes my analysis I hope you guys enjoyed I'm very very sorry that it took so long like I said before every time I tried to work on it something would just come up usually work-related and transferring to like a different branch in May so I'm hoping that help I'll also be getting an apartment with one of my friends which will make live-streaming a lot easier because I'll finally finally finally have my own room and it won't be splitting it with anybody else which reminds me I haven't forgotten about the 999 livestream I will be getting around that hopefully sooner than later later being in May when I do have my own room and it's a bit easier and soon erving hopefully in the next like week or so as for the next studio I'm not a hundred percent sure I would like to do a video on the unused executions in danganronpa so I'm probably going to end up doing that I'd also like to get back to doing character analysis videos every other video again because I like that system a lot better than how I've been doing it recently which it just kind of feels random so I would like to start doing that again go ahead and feel free to request any characters you would like to see as well I look through all of them and if you have any other video requests besides character analysis videos and that would be super helpful too because I would like to start making top list again but with v3 coming out soon it just kind of feels like maybe I should wait to start doing those again until after I play the game so I don't have to keep remaking lists or anything like that I'd also like to make some more v3 theory videos too so let me know if you guys would be interested in seeing any of those as well but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the video feel free to leave any of your own theories comments opinions or anything else in the comment section below and I will see you guys real soon subscribe to be Hotel videos mmm
Channel: Weeby Newz
Views: 382,288
Rating: 4.9750128 out of 5
Id: rBLsJ_bWlws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2017
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