WHO'S MORE LIKELY TO | Hajime Hinata and Izuru Kamukura

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hey guys it's hajimete Ann I had a thing planned for me to do with my twin brother Izuru which you met last time but he's not back from his appointment yet so I'm just gonna wait here I guess hey Z do you wanna yeah I'm making a video again Joanna come I have a thing playing for us to do together we're gonna do this thing called who's more likely to and it's another challenge so you have these signs okay so then the first question is who's more likely to cry in public ready 1 2 3 and it's you don't really cry nope I don't really cry I'm not I'm not I don't cry often that's not what we're saying here we're just saying that I'm more likely this isn't that this will your first video was I wasn't crying it's just ranting about things that made me mad they're kind of the same thing okay the next question is be sleeping ready one two three you know those mornings I tell you doesn't want to get up tell me I want to get out but here's just refuse to you know until I punch you in the face yeah you don't punch me in the face yeah but I could help you I would help lock you in your sleep yes I don't doubt it okay so the next question is who's more likely to forget birthdays one two three I mean it's not like I don't care it's just that I'm forgetful really good really good memory okay um next one is who's more likely to fall well walking fun two-three weeks show not I'm not really clumsy I don't like how all these are me it's just what happens maybe this drink isn't agreeing with something that's okay okay I'm not I'm not really clumsy not nearly as clumsy is like me Collin of course or even like Maggie's pretty clumsy and did you hear you lost a shoe in the woods and you doesn't even know how it got there because he wasn't in the woods but you found out alone yes crazy stuff going on around here it's just that that you wouldn't trip and fall right let's I pushed you I still wouldn't fall probably true okay the next one is laugh at the wrong moment okay this is not fair you never laugh out there like these questions are all just like stuff I do why didn't you just read but you said you don't cry you know you're not clumsy but now you're saying you are no I'm saying that laugh so before you were trying to be cool I see I see edit that part out maybe okay the next one is know every song that my Xenocide could come on I mean wait really yes you was like mais no no you like Iran No then their catchy and I heard them and now I can't get them out of my head okay I was not expecting that yes forgot this is really not a good game for us this is you should have done it come on I'm not doing anything with comb Ida why would I ever do any oh my god I can't believe you just said that okay next one is who's more likely to have too many posters and not enough walls three two one I don't really have any posters but you don't have any but whenever I go on the computer you're in history you always have like a bunch of eBay searches for okay poster orange juice poster so it seems like you want them I like orange juice okay there's nothing wrong with liking or choosing no case why would you want a poster to express my love for them next one is who's more likely to get a stalker ready show and get it show since dinner that I chose the stalker ah yeah you know no one would stop me oh wait now yeah come on des it's not a stop it really okay then combine it he stalks me alright why are we mentioning comidas and watching this I really I really don't like this I'm very good for my health what quiet makes me want to throw up please don't everywhere I will don't I drink a lot of orange juice today it'll be orange that's gross next question is who's more likely to be a drama queen sighs yes it is one two three show why because you get so worked up over your talents like like there's this one time where you got like all the swimming stuff just so he could go explain that's not a good example booming was last week that's true but seriously orange juice mini fridge rant but but it still you are you can be a drama queen sometimes you can be a drama queen twitch this is my proof be a drama queen sometimes you can definitely be a drama queen okay but you all just a question no food more drama CLE I'm not a drama queen I just I just impassioned as I'll I don't think I don't really care all right here we go we agree okay okay who's more likely to watch anime one two three shell you get like the talent anime watcher I'm talking whenever it's sometimes um you're Monica and I watching it so what sort of an idea but it depends could I hope you're not watching anything that I wouldn't want you to watch what is it no not okay how'd you may went to the bathroom I'm bored I don't I think he'll be there a while seems like he wants to fix it okay thank you yeah he's fixings okay two L's leg go to bed honey it's me the door I wouldn't want any creepy little people with microwave so pair one time Hajime I forgot to post the door and let's just say it didn't end well no it was a nice evening with - gotta keep the cookies out okay uh who's more likely to hold their breath the longest really who's more likely to have weird phobias would you like to know what am i weird phobias alright this guy this guy we're here will you stop complaining about that I should wish that we could get rid of it because it's really scary and making it hard for me to sleep I like it how do you like it why do you like a picture of a creepy man staring at you while you sleep he has the same name as me I was named after him but that's true also he's the founder of hopes beat can me he's also a creepy old man with a weird face and weird haircut he wasn't creepy that haircut wasn't that weird for his time well whatever you say next is who's more likely to worry about small things shoo Nene oh I thought it'd be you because you always like worry about little details when it comes to like talents and stuff how'd you make your nickname is how you made the warrior that's not my nickname no one's ever called me that before then it's your nickname now I've been called unreliable Hajime though my mother she probably also would call you how'd you made a warrior well she's a poo head and I don't like her okay no it's not sleepy time easier get up I'm asleep down no no no yeah we tied one more question what early okay okay so the last one is who's more likely to ask stupid questions but it's the person who made this okay more likely to ask stupid questions I mean you're doing it right now I didn't even ask any question all of those are questions and they were all stupid you but I didn't ask them I just looked at this and read them out loud it's just part of the game find them whoo I don't think they're stupid well they like not necessary I mean I worked hard to make these signs okay no no you're not just gonna you have to the outro with me okay good back here okay uh so that's about it I guess since we don't have our questions and easier is getting bored so thanks for you just knock over the light FL over by itself it's the a/v room light go on it's not mine okay okay thank you for watching everyone if you enjoyed please like and subscribe and if you liked having easier then comment and say that you want him to be here more goodbye mmm-ma Suki Suki Daisuke I'm just soon it's all day long
Channel: Hajime Chan
Views: 49,042
Rating: 4.9440355 out of 5
Keywords: hajime hinata, danganronpa, dangan ronpa, Tag (Game), izuru kamukura, spoiler, orange juice, cosplay, hajime, hinata, izuru, kamukura, brother, ahoge, who's more likely to, super danganronpa 2, sdr2
Id: h_z3fJHvvZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2016
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