FUZZY SETTLES DOWN | Buster Crabbe, Al St. John | Full Western Movie | English | Wild West Movie

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foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you hey thanks and robson's gonna kill us we'll take care of things Marshall I'll get them [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] what's the matter fuzzy I'm texting me some Bank routers I've never seen it done this way before her new idea might have here they come that's got him come on no use boys they won't fit I'll drop you again yeah where are you going you ain't gonna need no boots all right friends come on down here yeah they shouldn't have pushed me around I'm old death of Destruction when I guess riled and he rides Mighty easy Marshall you boys are in line for a nice chunk of reward money it's parrots and water for some time you know plus there's a lot of this country we haven't seen maybe we have to reflect that reward money we can take the trip we plan together uh Billy I'm getting tired eating Trail Dust all the time I like to find a nice Peaceable spot and take root you take root come on this country is being overrun more and more by an organized gang of Outlaws and we are at the crossroads for every wrestler riding to and from the border and the leader of the gang is making his headquarters right in this vicinity you know I admire your courage John but not your common sense what kind of tutorials you print in your paper making you some bad enemies maybe so but I'm still going to play square with my friends and I'll keep up the fight until we have Law and Order are you accusing me of not doing my delete you're not the best sheriff in the world Sam but I think you're doing all you can that's why this town needs a telegraph line we stand a chance of breaking up that gang if we can be in touch with the Rangers all the time then the wrestlers could be headed off between here and the Border the telegraph company won't spend the money to run a line into a one horsepower like this watch to prevent us from raising the money to build it ourselves they've let us hook onto the mainland of kingville that it cost a lot of money John better to spend it that way than to have the Outlaws taken away from us and I'd rather keep on fighting than to sit back and let a bunch of Outlaws have free run of the country foreign they'll have the doctor here right away don't worry I'll be all right of course you will I've been afraid something like this might happen I warned you to take it easy what I said still goes I'll take up the fight as soon as I'm On My Feet Again I'm afraid you're too late though thank you [Applause] you want to stop counting that money plus you'll wear it out okay I'll stop when it starts to look great well what are you going to do with your share the reward get married Maybe I say are you going to get married I'm going to keep it you know you can get yourself a mighty fancy wedding with all that money no really this money is going to give me the opportunity I've been looking for I'm gonna buy a little business and settle down media Cam and peaceful life I've always thank you to be somebody wear good clothes sort of when I walk down the street why people will turn to me fall and say oh honey this is what the thought that there's not making a noise like a local mule to help me round up this money you're going to lose it all yet you know because what's all the excitement over there I know I'm a stranger here too Sheriff what's going on over there well it's a foreclosure sale I'm selling the newspaper in public auction would you be interested not while I'm in my right mind I don't blame you for feeling that way my father gave everything he had including his life in a fight they helped break up this gang of Outlaws he did this for you and for all the other honest people but if you let this outlaw gang buy up this newspaper all of his sacrifice will have been made in vain but we're Rangers he did we don't know anything about running a newspaper but I do I was raised in a newspaper office you can certainly count on my help we all admire you were dead for the fight he was making and we're proud to do all we can to keep the ball over thank you really that's it what are you talking about that's what I've been looking for I'm gonna buy that newspaper you run a newspaper [Laughter] why not I got as much brains as anyone besides the newspaper editor leads an easy life you ain't got nothing to do but sit around the right thing everybody looks up to him he's being important okay please you know that that reward money is going to burn a hole in your pocket until you get rid of it now go on get it over with hey you talk like I had no intelligence for uh where have you been hiding it all these years hey wait a minute foreign and the property goes in its entirety to the highest bidder now let me hear you talk what am I here 500 I've got 500. do I hear 750 750. I've got 750. do I hear a thousand dollars get busy one thousand I've got a thousand dollars do we heard twelve fifty twelve fifty fifteen hundred you better change your mind you don't want a newspaper I'm giving you some good advice take it or leave it I've got fifteen hundred dollars do I hear 17.50 fifteen hundred dollars going for fifteen hundred dollars once going for fifteen hundred dollars twice do I hear 1750. you better stay out of this first and since when you riding hurt on me 1750 2000 all right keep your elbow out of my ribs yes again I've got two thousand dollars we'll make it 22 I've got 22.50 we'll make it twenty five hundred dollars twenty five hundred twenty five hundred dollars I've got twenty five hundred dollars who's been 27.50 27.50 3 000 I've got three thousand dollars right here 32.50 Gentlemen let's get on with the sale I'm bid three thousand dollars do I hear 32.50 three thousand dollars once three thousand dollars twice three thousand and fifty cents three thousand dollars sorry what kind of a bid is that it's a bid and you gotta take it all right I've got three thousand dollars and fifty cents who will make it 32.50 three thousand dollars and fifty cents once three thousand dollars and fifty cents twice looks like he's got into jail is that all the symptoms are y'all two gentlemen right now so that man right over there for three thousand dollars and fifty cents I hope first you won't forget your friends now it's just so important all right get away boy goodbye hey you can't tell to him I didn't finish bidding the sale is closed you had your chance to bed but it ain't legal he hits me in the Bread Basket I couldn't talk I'm sorry but the sale is over well it ain't for me it's all your fault oh yeah are you stop that fight or I'll throw you both in the calibers well it was his idea Chef I try to be obligee I don't care whose idea it was I don't want any more okay okay come on inside I'll make that transfer what's the matter that fellow slugged me I couldn't bid till it was all over I don't know what happened to Rusty he wasn't on a job three thousand dollars where's the 50 Cent s you pay three thousand dollars and fifty cents or the bid is no good what's the matter what's the matter now you see what you made me made me 450 cents now I can't buy a newspaper you know they say the sure way to lose a friend is the loaning money oh no bill you wouldn't break up our friendship for 50 cents would you I'll tell you what I'll do I'll buy a half interest in the newspaper for 50 cents what do you say who are you dirty low down skin plants you are sleep you feel better when you try to steal my shirt okay all right and there is your bill of sale oh Miss Martin let me introduce you to Mr Jones how you doing man I wish you all the luck in the world thank you oh that's Martin I'd like to have you meet my power Billy Carson just learn how to do hello her Father John Martin used to be the owner of the paper oh I have a few personal belonging with some things of great fundamental value so if you don't like that you just go run ahead and say anything you want him we'd better not have any trouble with him I counted on you to buy that paper you messed it up thank you very much for all your kindness Mr Jones all the rest belongs to you yeah I don't want you to see like you're being thrown out or nothing like that why I uh it's like you've had a pretty tough deal all around man yes you might call it that goodbye oh Miss Martin ma'am this is a lot of gadgets around here not to kind of get it I'm familiar with I'd be more ungrateful if you just sort of stick around so I get the hang of things well I don't know your reason for buying the paper or what policy you intend to follow my father dedicated the paper to a crusaded law and order and nothing could make him change his mind if you intend to follow along those same lines I'll do anything I can to help you yeah I've always admired that Law and Order no we didn't go for nothing else well you'll need a lot of Courage this country is dominated by a gang of Outlaws and the sheriff has helped us against them my father was trying to get together the honest ranchers and the Outlaws murdered them murdered him yes and I'll murder you too if you're trying to fight against them surprises this your idea of a calm and Peaceable life looks like you've got a bear by the tail if I have I'll come home with his heart yeah but what I want to know is it you're going to be on the inside or the outside yeah [Music] looks like that new editor needs to be educated there it comes now you do Mr Jones and how are you this fine morning huh say those are those are mighty nice clothes you're wearing [Laughter] go ahead and laughs I'll be wearing fine clothes when you're nothing but a saddle family [Laughter] [Music] [Music] I need a change [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey did somebody throw something I'd be a handful by can I play two [Laughter] foreign [Music] [Applause] you want to take it easy you're starting to play a little too rough you're going to Horn in where you've got no business once too often there's always a chance of that I run along before I lose my temper take your little Playmate with you you know friends I'm beginning to like this common piece of a life you've been talking about [Music] [Laughter] hello mind if I stick around watch it work no sit down make yourself comfortable thanks uh fuzzy I've set up a new type for those handles calling for the general meeting we run them off for me all right I'll have them out in just two seconds of a cat's tail let's go you left me foreign you know I admire your courage but I just wonder if you know what you're up against that's pretty strong tough well when I goes after he puts Outlaws I don't send him love from Jesus I hope you can prod all the ranchers into building that Telegraph line but just the same I'd hate to be standing in your shoes better not try to hold fuzzy he's death and destruction when he gets around I expect you'll get a chance to prove that you'll be doing a great Public Service Mr Jones that is uh if you live long enough to finish the job good luck is spread on so sweet I only repeated what I heard you say many times but can't you take a joke all right fuzzy I admire a man who can stick to his convictions no I don't put myself up as being so brave I mean really brave men are most they don't have to brag how can you sit there and do nothing why aren't you going to help your friend in this fight yeah I just started getting enough trouble it happens along with you I don't go out look for anything that you're afraid well I wouldn't say that I'm just sort of fond of my hide not eager to get it full of bullet holes that's all that must be an easier way of doing that why don't you try I bet this will get us to imagine foreign thank you howdy Sheriff Audi say yeah what do you know about those two fellas well I've got nothing against them if that's what you mean say what's on your mind nothing in particular I was wondering have you any idea who might have killed John Martin the fella that used to run the newspaper no maybe you can tell me who it was well I think it was someone that didn't like newspaper men no well I think it was somebody that didn't like the way it combed his hair say suppose you attended your business if you've got any let me attend the mine yes thank you well what are you two all teamed up about that funny face and just call them at me at the Weaver Ranch for most money for the telegraph line we'll have to put a stop to that before it gets started I'll go to the meeting and keep an eye on things you get some of the boys and break it up well how we go about it well if one of you sneaked in and started a little bonfire they'd all Stampede out of the house then you could start throwing lead leave it to us they won't feel like any more powered about Telegraph lines good I get busy hello how's the newspaper business just fine thank you may I give you one of these no no I've already seen one of them can we expect you there well I don't know for sure miss Edith you see I uh I might be busy you look at it the Free Press is carried on the fight because John Martin's life and we can't get nowhere unless you all back us up now you know that the Outlaws are organized and you have got to organize in order to lick them well I'm willing to buy chips in this game it sounds like good sense to me well I don't believe in jumping into anything without giving it some thought no Outlaws bothered me so why should I hunt for trouble well you're the only one in the valley that has no evening let's play safe I suppose you know probably I can't understand why your fingerly Carson didn't show up if you had any sense of loyalty at all he'd be here to back you up um you can gamble he's got a good reason for doing whatever he's doing [Music] [Music] takes money to build a Telegraph and we can't do it unless all of us kick in I am for it and I'll pay you mind share well I have a hunch we're going to run into a lot of trouble [Music] what's the matter you close what's happened to Rusty does it take him all night to start a fire I happen to be passing by Mr Weaver and I saw this fella trying to build a fire alongside your brine I thought maybe you'd like to ask him how come yes that Captain a little too hard somebody get me a glass of water please all right so you were just passing by well plus I had an idea that Gathering wouldn't eat with everybody to prove them I was kind of curious to see what might happen you know I bet he's got a lot of information you'd like to print in your newspaper man he'll tell what he knows if he cares anything about his neck listen Misty who you taking artists from I'm not taking orders from nobody you know Ryan's not going to get you anywhere except for rope color you know you're just one of the little fellas that do the Dirty Work who's the Bossier outfit I don't know what you're talking about I'm sorry you're right up outside who are your friends waiting for you why don't you go and ask them all right we will after we stretch your Nick a couple inches and you ain't hanging nobody you wouldn't like a little bit on that would you no no we're not gonna hang anybody first he's not crazy enough to die just to protect someone else now look Mister you tell me who the boss of your outfit is and we'll give you a chance to get out of the country what do you say what do you saying I've got nothing to talk about look mister I wouldn't blame you for keeping quiet if it gets you anything but how do you expect to get a payoff after you're dead you're not allowed to take the law in your own hands you're going to turn me over this year I don't think the sheriff is going to be very interested in you after we're through with you let's get out of here [Music] me get off hey we go come on me and my friend somebody's gonna win why are you still here aren't you going out to help capture those Outlaws no those fellas will be gone before that punch gets started besides I don't feel like riding around all night you're a strange man I can't understand you there's nothing serious about me Miss Edith I just take life easy that's all you know someone in this room broke that map it wasn't done from the outside I can't believe it was any of the ranchers I have known all of them for years somebody in this room was mighty nervous about what he might have been scared into saying well I guess I'll tune in for the night don't look like they're being followed I mean June is clear but I've got to hide out you better have the lace Ranch he'll tell you what to do I've got an idea of my own I'm gonna bless up Billy Carson wide open oh thanks for seeing me safely home I was no trouble I I was coming this way otherwise I suppose I wouldn't have had the pleasure of your company well I didn't say that and put your horse up for you good night good night good morning if you're looking for work pitch in otherwise goodbye nice thought you might invite me for dinner we feed no grub line Riders no work no ease as I have to see the broth first president he went to the railroad who went with him no one we're short-handed around here and he can do for a little while without someone to talk to people don't seem to realize you gotta fight in your hands what do you mean by that this Telegraph line isn't popular with everybody in the neighborhood you might try to see that fuzzy didn't get back with those supplies do you think he's really in danger maybe maybe not right down the road a piece see if I can find him goodbye there he is telling me along about this time foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you very much we can't afford to be recognize come back [Music] thank you [Music] actually [Laughter] but why do you always do things the hard way get me out of here you're like to lay my hands on him fellas hey who were they I don't know if it's here but they look familiar yeah if I ever get pulled up and they all look familiar even to their mother I guess that's easy way to get out of a wagon hello light hello Edith grab a plate no thanks I just dropped by to see how things are going fine where's was he well he went after more supplies should be back by now oh it's good well I'll drop back and talk to him later on there for me Dad I had a little trouble the gang tried to stop me but I rode right on through if silly here he's half a long time just to lend me a little hand it seems like you always happen around just at the right time is that bad I'd say it was rather good you know I reconsidered your case and I decided that you may have some dinner coffee or not stop yourself thank you hey why don't I suppose to live on flowers and sunshine oh I'm sorry Mr Jones there you are we raised ten thousand dollars a month that ought to finish the job I'm back in this way to the finish and it's running me pretty close on cash well I haven't found any money growing on trees I've kicked in my chair and if it's agreeable with the rest of you I'd say that fuzzy Jones was the one to take charge of the money [Music] you can rest assured I'll take good care of everything what's the matter with you it may not be as pretty as it was but just do it if that's the only Dirty Money you ever handle fuzzy you'll be doing all right all right buddy good night you know first now you got all that money what are you gonna do with it and I'm gonna find a place to hide it and I'm going to lock up right away let's eat a few happened to be going my way possibly good night buddy good night and I'll see you in the morning yeah thank you everything [Music] foreign thanks for seeing me safely home there was no trouble I was coming this way otherwise I suppose I wouldn't have had the pleasure of your company well I wouldn't say that you know I I'm worried about fuzzy with all that money he can be getting into more trouble than any human being I know because no one knows about it except the men who are at the meeting I have an idea that's one too many either well good night good night I'll be seeing you that won't call for too much exertion I'll be around hello is it well where's Bobby I don't know I haven't seen him all day that's funny did he say anything about going anywhere no not a word you know he has a lot of our money in his pocket I wouldn't worry about that he hasn't run out with our money I hope you're right all right get down I found this fella I killed out of town you're a cockeyed liar I was a heading into town well where have you been I don't know walking in your sleep I suppose no such thing a gang jumped me last night they hit me over the head when I woke up while I had me fight on a horse rode me around all night blindfolded and they kicked me off that's it you'd better think of another story that one isn't so good why should I think of stories maybe you're planning to get away with that ten thousand dollars I know see that money is not where I hit it last night now prove it to you foreign I don't know just as I expected he thought he'd fool us with a and Bull story well I'll bust you why you got nobody how you dig up that money and fast I don't know where it is pretty smart he promotes a telegraph line so to get us to put up the money for it that he skips up with so I'm in favor of hanging something on those Telegraph poles and I don't mean liar I'm not in favor of that by alone I got a pretty tough hand at Club you know when you do things in a hurry like this and find out later that you hung the wrong man there isn't much you can do about it is there what's going on here well Sheriff mild air cleans that fuzzy stole some money I'd like to see it settled in court Laughlin's proper like and that's just the way it will be Billy you don't think I stole that money I love friends we've been Pals a long time don't ask silly questions come along you know what it says silly I thought he didn't steal that money what are we going to do I don't know it's been a pretty tight spot goodbye I always thought he was on the level but it's hard to believe that story he told I do happen to come here this morning Mr Weaver Rafe asked me to come along he didn't say why oh I see thanks tell him and see what he's up to all right foreign he's got the money hidden and if we can get to him we might be able to make him tell where yeah thank you foreign [Music] how should I know because you were there when it was stolen that's what you think but you can't prove it I wouldn't be too sure about them you see I happen to know that Viral is the boss need to have the money he doesn't think that anybody suspects him I get out of that wall feed and face it go on I wouldn't advise you of turning around foreign [Music] money you know you're just a sucker in this to you tell you what I'll do with you you come clean and cooperate out I'll save your neck yeah I promise you there's no sense waiting for a trial we know who stole the money so let's start some action get it over this place that's all right with me bro I found the money and I brought along a witness to tell you where I found it that feet I'll keep my promise yeah now listen man he's right I can use metal in my business for the last time stop your gun [Music] foreign [Music] with me [Music] [Music] all right yes you'll have smooth sailing from now on thank you yeah I just happen to be around at the right time now and then and I guess I'll be drifting along are you leaving town I never said the same place very long good morning Mr Jones and how are you this fine morning hey I told you I'd be wearing fine clothes when you were just a saddle fat yeah yeah that's right buzz and uh I'm on my way right now goodbye hey you ain't going angry sure sure I am pleasure but don't you worry we'll be seeing each other sometime finally see you bye buds hey I'm giving you this newspaper a lot to stop and Barrel it's yours goodbye [Music] foreign [Music]
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Keywords: western movies, western movie, classic western movies, western, full western movies, cowboy movies, western movies full length, free western movies, western movies full length free, full length western movies for free, youtube western movies, best western movies, cowboys, free movies, full length western movies, western full, free classic western movies, buster crabbe, fuzzy settles down 1944, fuzzy settles down, al fuzzy st john movies, al st john, al fuzzy st john
Id: NmmM088g0Nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 34sec (3514 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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