Two-Fisted Law (1932) Tim McCoy, John Wayne, Walter Brennan

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[Music] [Music] [Music] sure is a good when you're putting over this time boss hey jokin don't breathe and have one of that bar next ran for a long time some of the sheriff serves a patent it's mine oh sure hey you get your dirty feet off my desk your father's own work yeah well I'm all set to take possession of Clark's ranch I want you to go out and serve the papers well you know I think this is a kind of a dirty trick why not boy off that when she was born on lived on all his life you know there ain't nothing although all the compare is you to take it from him you could give him a little more time and you wanted to papers are papers and I got what I need right here well I don't like to be a party to this hey are you the sheriff arranges if you are come on well Tim's inside a pack and getting ready to go I bet it breaks his heart lose this ranch to that crook Russian no wonder to being raised on it having his dad leave it to him wonder where he got that idea to go hunt and silver and I wouldn't mind if he taking me along with him me too I'm the great boss where hey lucky thing you can't waters showed up here I might have left the ranch without even pay at all oh we don't want to take any money Jim you all might need it we'd only lose it playing cards or something anyway we're plenty square with you now boss go on take it everybody else was paid off four days ago no reason why you probably should be left holding the bag you fellows have stuck to me through thick and thin a lot of things you've done that I know I couldn't pay you for with money here go on take this money before I knock you down the creek one well what are you aiming to do now boss I thought we talked that over last night yes we did we're not convinced yet we think you ought to take that job with Owen I think Olin did enough when he took you fellas on and furthermore after running my own outfit I don't know that I want to work for anybody else especially but made some effort to get this ranch back John that fuller Russell I'd like to wring his neck but just remember Russell was acting within his legal right legal be hang he promised to renew that note of yours and then wouldn't and maybe legal but all I can wish for Russell is a rough horse a cactus saddle in a long journey y'all wanna know about truth about it I've legalized feeling the same way now what else you want us to do all right don't know if there is anything else you can do for me I'd like to leave my trunk in your care though while I'm finishing packing up why you boys would mind go down saddle up my horse and bring him up here you know that horse and that Palomino colder the only bits of livestock I've got left out of this outfit now sure we'll do that Tim oh good morning Betty good morning Tim hey Betty I'm awfully glad your father decided to give audience you could job I'll help our son I wish you come with him well I can hardly do that I'm afraid no well when dad left me this ranch he thought I was gonna make a success of running it up now I haven't been anything but a failure certainly wouldn't be right if I didn't make some attempt to get it back again I know exactly how you feel but somehow I can hardly believe that you're leaving and that Russell is getting the barracks oh boy they might have been Hitler hold it rush was only kept his word well there's no sense talking about that now you know Russell holds a mortgage on our place too I wonder if well I wouldn't wonder if I owe you your dad's always able to take care of his obligations but I do hope he won't have to borrow anymore that's where I made my big mistake you know oh hello thanks hey boss it's not too late you all change your mind I'm telling you you're not gonna find any silver in that Torvill race old prospectors gave that up years ago it's been gone over with a fine comb boss and well I'm gonna try my luck at it anyway well if you said you said nothing more we can do about it no I'm all set except for just one thing I happen to think about up in that country where I'm going would be no place to take an often like this hey Betty that's a mighty fine cold I think you make quite a heart I'd like leave them with you Oh no I'd be glad to have him I love horses as much as you do Tim and I'll break him and train to do everything you'd want a good cow pony to do will you Betty of course I'll tie him up when we're taking with us sure you know Betty I'll be I'll be coming back here one of these days what I do I wonder if there's it well I wanted to be a chance to to get my horse back my of course to him thanks Betty huh come on come on and good night cowboy get up the boss I reckon it's time we were drifting along the long bar hope you get round shouldered carrying silver but come on and boys take care huh you back yes sir I do how do you want I'm from side how to do a thing like this to you Tim well it's no fault of yours just the way the cards fell wherever I am blue surprised to see you out here today sheriff Russell you didn't think you're gonna have any trouble getting me off this place did you well I didn't know Clark especially after all the talk it's been going around Eagle Pass tough it's been going around even past what do you mean what you said about me in town yesterday why don't seem to remember what was it you said I was money man well aren't you that's my business yeah you seem to make quite a business out of it you also said it was a bad day for Eagle Pass when I settled in town yes I still think so hmm well I don't think I'll be bothered by your talk much longer mr. Clark this is my place now is there anything keeping you here aren't you just a little previous no this won't be your place and 12 o'clock noon today see you right Russell got 12 minutes to go to know now before I go any more of my statements you'd like to discuss with me yes you said I was a cow thief mélange oh hold on here I ain't gonna have no shooting ruckus a matter of fact I didn't say you were a cocky Broughton I merely said that it was kind of funny that I lost so much stock lately I suppose the people just used their normal intelligence and arrived at a logical conclusion kind of sorry now that I didn't think of it myself sure what does mine off my property are you giving me orders why for two cents I'd not that face yours right out from under your hat you know sure don't get in any trouble on my account I'll pull out I don't care what are you doing odd I done my duty hi Taryn out here where this mangy coyote but I don't have to stay Russell I'm leaving now but one of these days I'm coming back don't think for a minute that you're going to get away with the bar X as easily as you imagine take my advice and stay awake mark oh boy you're the only thing I've got left out of that outfit now [Applause] someday we've got to come back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so this one came back to Artie yes man but you just don't seem like Tim if you all had let me get in touch with the postal no there's no you Sonny he just disappeared that's all boss getting that Girls Ranch will be like taking candy from a baby yeah almost too easy now that her own man's dead of course there's always a chance of Clark even though he has been gone two years not all right what do you think I'd put Tyler on Clark's trail huh Clark I'll never be back you really clear the way for yourself chief and that's not the half of it I'm going out right now recall on the future mrs. Russell well then I'll be best man this is on the level here's to the future mrs. Russell [Applause] good afternoon Betty Nick Owen to you mr. Russell didn't I see you in town today you did but I stepped into the post office when I saw you coming my way now look honey miss Owen you've got me all wrong it would be pretty hard to get you any other way I admire your spirit you put up a mighty good fight you played like your father's debts but it's a losing battle now I think well we could arrange an extension on the loan I gave you part on this ranch and yes where's the catch why should it be any catch because it isn't like you to offer well maybe I've changed a coyote never changes his bark you're wrong I want to help you I'll be a rich man someday well why shouldn't you help me spend my money are you suggesting that I married you exactly I knew there was a catch someplace well you better be getting away from here there's nothing more to say your money isn't everything you'll be thinking it is when I take this ranch away from you that that's three days away oh come on Danny don't be foolish the matter is settled won't do you any good wedding for Kim Clark to come back why did you say that everybody knows your wedding for him you're always talking about him yes I am and why not he'll never be back probably dead by now what what do you know about him well I mean he won't last long living the life that he is he's an outlaw robbing banks pulling up trains please wait a little while just just a minute Russell take your hand away from that gun prospector came back just loaded with wealth you pick up your hat and tear out why are you able see that advice for yourself Clark I'll make you wish you never came back if it's the last thing I ever do get going I don't think you come back if you should take my gun Oh Luke oh gee boss it ain't so bad as long as you know you've got the following watches what did you chip Lord you know who he was hey just a minute one at a time yes just before he died he told me his name jinx Tyler James Tyler yes good morning means all it used to work for Russell used to work for Russell yeah but never mind him boss tell us about yourself yeah sure did you find any silver oh no I didn't find any silver what happened huh now no more questions night boys come on out with you I've got luckily but you want to be up to par didn't you yes I will be then good night good night I've got to play for you know you never had coach do that with me yes well there are years well that can't be that cold yes it is and I named him pal come on I want to show him to you well he's turned out to be quite a horse doesn't he he bit me has if you whip though he'll come to you you will what a training you are well of course I had to Train dr. pal go on out with him to make friends you follow you all around well I'd like to do that you are a aren't you huh now make friends with me with it come on who's you and I go for a walk you follow me around come on who taught you to nip like that huh man think y'all moves method please perfect making me your ten holy Neil oh yeah down down way down get Barney well here I am a beggar on the horseback well the way I've got to go into town today may I ride him in oh you don't have to go today I'll be back I know but yes but you need that money does $10,000 by day after tomorrow oh I lose this ranch you won't lose it down I'll see to that hello where's Tim he's here now but he'll be back draw your own conclusions sure I will and without any help from you what's the matter what happened Betty the Express office was robbed last night on a man murdered well why should you want to see Tim well I want to talk to him about it oh this is ridiculous Tim doesn't know anything about the robbery I don't think they did Bendix yeah my deputy says he seen three strangers right into town last night just before the crime and then Yocum here Russell's Foreman says he seen them too what that got to do with Tim well I think says he could recognize one of them you have his chance all right here comes Tim all right some of that Bendix what hello sheriff let's see again by the reception I'd like to ask you a few questions boy well far away we know you was in town last night yes what for why I want to send a message to a friend of mine you don't have to do better than that how you shut your trap Russell who'd you send it to why well I I'd rather not say I'll answer my question boy because this is serious sorry sheriff but there's nothing more I can say just at this time well if you won't answer my questions why can't you Tim you don't know I don't know what this is all about I'll tell you you're accused of a robbery of the Express office and a murder and who accuses me of it I am done just what you base the accusation whatever hey listen does this man look to you like one of them three strangers that you said you seen well it was kind of darker I wouldn't want to say for sure well I'm sure he's the man all right I'd swear to it I'll wait a minute everybody there was one shot fired from the watch maybe Clark can explain how he does Russell it might interest you to know that I was shot by jigs Tyler I don't even know the name you're a liar he used to work for you oh that's a waste of time sure he's just trying to avoid these I'm afraid I'll have to hold you Tim until you clear yourself no you I put on I mean it all of it I'm going out of here no one's gonna stop me off away on the wrong track be sorry for this sheriff I'm sorry already I've got important business elsewhere [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you know Betty named nothing I ever hit her to do washing my life and have to serve that paper on you that's all right it isn't your fault boy I can't believe Tim would leave me in the lurch like this come on sheriff let's get this business over with somebody's coming hey Jeff I demand the sale of this ranch immediately there won't be any foreclosure today here's the $10,000 elephant satisfy the note this man hold are you count that money and then get off this property say Tim I reckon you didn't arrive a minute too soon Oh try to time my Pony Express so that I arrive on schedule $10,000 hmm that's just the amount that was stolen from the Express office what are you driving at there ain't no proof that that money come from the Express office and until there is Betty don't all your scent maybe you're ready to talk now Jim huh well depends on what you want to know where'd you get that morning why wait I'm not ready to explain that just yet course he ain't ready cause he's a lyin thievin side went Yocum one of these days I'm gonna think you were serious when you start falling for that gun of yours sheriff it's your duty to arrest this man and you know it I'm afraid I gotta do it to him I'll sure if I can explain everything later but I've got to get the gold city it's most important can't you see it's just a trick I demand that you put him under arrest I promise you I'll be back here in three days I'll give you my word out your words always good with me son if Russell insist put him under arrest Vinnie I've got to go now put the tiny bit up and security for Tim's bond good you see judge Gilmore and get his release at once that's mighty fine of you Betty you think you're going I'll be right back come on kid come on Tim we don't go on inside with you Sheriff see that everything's all right I can handle this without you Russell and we've been legal alright why don't you let him come along we can think of that Tyler matter at the same time Tyler matter what do you mean you'll find out at the trial what trial yours Russell it's coming off mighty soon come on Kim give me a bottle cake all right mr. Russell no he's getting shaky boss just cause you lost the bridle bit ain't the bridle bit mark Giggs time I was wondering about that think you've got the fastest brew off anybody around I got a job I'm listening chief I want you to put Jim Clark out of the way I'm so easy I'm not sure I said you do as I say you're in this just as deep as I mean what are you doing you want me to play along come clean about this Tyler business tire on Clark's trail Casey discovered silver you'll get it without letting me in no I'm good enough to do your dirty work huh I have my own deals in my own way well there's one thing sure you won't get Clark's silver I didn't find them where do you think you get the money to pay me for the orange girls ranch when they express all this robbery not throw down unless he was sure it was you maybe but you don't know that for sure I did go for Clark I might risk my neck for nothing silver mine are no silver mine you've got to do it to save your own neck you mean Tyler mother confessed all our jobs Babli clark said about putting me on trial in you you know something city to find out more I was wondering why I was so anxious to make that trip Tom's brother he was the Workmen's lives in it so that's it huh think you can get more evidence of justice from the brother until you think we're up against suppose I do this thing what protection do I get plenty of money in case it ever comes up to trial stand behind you I was sure you stick with it got to protect you to protect myself see I could start an argument drawing self-defense good idea Clark must never get the gold City he won't even make a good start good luck boy I'll be waiting for you here well that's settled - boys you pleased him yeah thanks to Betty you got time I'd appreciate your coming over the Express officers me maybe you might pick up a clue that I overlooked well do you think I could be any help to you I'd come along Betty no I'm going back to the ranch I'll see you later goodbye bye I don't pick up any clothes reckon em than to be picked up maybe Timoney can find something that is if you're sure that he ain't one of them three strangers but you said getting well ain't sure but they didn't get a real good look at them fellas you don't mean to say that I'm under suspicion well I reckon everybody's under suspicion we get this thing cleaned up all right all you've got to do is prove that I had something to do with the robbery yeah that's all come on good straighten this up here so the money there's some papers messin up important but I just want to point out my stand the combination didn't you say something about an explosion I was justified of the gunshot for killing Washington that's where they found his body you were the first to discover this weren't you yes several other people heard the shot but they thought it was broken cowboy celebrate and you said that when you came down here that morning this front door was unlocked yes that was the first thing I noticed you know you can almost imagine whoever came to that door was known to the Washington he probably went over that one locked the door for a friend of his got shots please trouble that's right the other too much to get busy and robbed the same that's what makes you think there were three of them well I figured them three strangers I seen in town probably done theirs funny but in a town this size you're the only man that saw any three strangers well I might have blamed I'm the only one observant in the town your powers of observation are most extraordinary Bendix well that's missed Orion and you're stuck with it the detectives at work finding any clues armory just what condition did you find things in when you arrived here that morning well I said the first thing I noticed the door was unlocked then I found the watchman on the floor and saw that he was done for so I went on to save all the papers scattered about the money gone then I sent one of the boys after the show I was away but my deputy Bendix here come right over I got here a little later that's right and if you find anything go there's any bits of evidence or anything that might give us information that might help with any well know I started in there time straighten up these things and I've been at it ever since Oh what do you make up why nothing yep by the way Yocum where were you at the time of the robbery well in the bunk at the bar X can you prove that Russell backed me huh I wouldn't take Russell's word on the old are you hidden that I had anything to do with this I'm not hitting anything there are certain few individuals in this town that I wasn't curious about I wonder if they could prove a proper alibi for the time of the robbery now just a moment Yocum there's no cars for you defending yourself yes well don't be accusingly you're liable to get something you ain't expected I'll accuse you if I find any evidence that points in your direction oh we seem to have overlooked it when you were cleaning up oh that's just a blank letterhead also miss carpet now this blank if you imagine let's take a look at the other side of it what looks like brownie I haven't got any browning here that's not browning that's mud yes one of those patru tomorrow those marks you see yeah miss hey what's the idea oh darn thing the marks that you see on there the impression of a boot heel shard with a metal healed laid down over carefully show him this is the first real clue that we picked up by the way if you mean metal heel plates on your boots Yocum [Applause] wait shut up [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Tim no I'm not I think you open was pretty hard to hit sure we should just take a look at those boot heels he's the man all right what does it mean hey Russell I thought you told me that your home was on your ranch the night of the robbery well he was up until 10 o'clock I went to bed then that's pretty fast thinking Russell that alibi clears you of what being implicated in the Express office robbery well you don't mean to say that your firm was mixed up in that we happen to have evidence right here to prove that he was Sheriff I demand that you hold Clark for attempted murder attempted murder nonsense their case is self-defense and I'm glad Tim didn't miss and you won't need me for a witness generally not this case is finished now I want to be on my way to Gold city who's right away run along son thank you for helping me terrified it's just that you hold him you insist I'll be back here in three days and when I get back I'll have a little insisting to do regarding you mark you're a mighty lucky to get out of this like this I'm drawing the second fastest gun man around here who's the fastest either me or you someday we'll find out nothing will give me greater pleasure mr. badge uncle died so sudden he might have made a confessional tobu his powers work yeah that's what you put out to learn he had a bandit on his payroll much of a surprise to him as it watched everyone else hurry comes now I want mr. Russell no Jake I want to see you bending all right wrestle the matter isin that cruel mine with me what what's the idea turned yellow never since clock shot Yocum lost their nerve I tell him we've got a doing something to stop Clark do you see my knee confident Russell maybe Clark's got something to say about Danny self he won't be in a position to say anything when the time comes what do you mean gentlemen can't talk that's right he's gonna do it you me why you're crazy I tell you we've got to do something to stop Clark he knows too much you don't know anything about me you know if I why I don't mean you if I get no tight spot yet why you dirty double-crossing hood take it easy take it easy I won't do that far you've worked with me we've reached a point where we've got to stand together what do you mean Mark's already started investigating things you pick up fewer trail all right all right what's your plan Marta's due back in town today remember these shows up I want you to put him under our arrest what for my drums Inc Yocum why that was a fair fight Jochen got better than even great that doesn't make any difference you've got to put him under arrest but I can't do it without the sheriff's on it you feel that it is your duty to put Clark under arrest for the don't know don't you yeah but what's the use the sheriff attorney Madhu's I want you to put Clark under arrest and all to him to hand over his gun suppose he refused it he won't do anything he thinks the shower I bought it now get this clear the instant he reaches for his gun to give it to you I get the idea resisting arrest exactly Mouse wherever I saw him pull on you forcing you to shoot him in self-defense that's a mighty fine plan Russell but where do you come in right behind you in case your bluff doesn't work out so it was pulling me into just another one of my mistakes see he comes clock now I hope you worried about my coming back waiter Oh worried so much about that son what I have been wearing a lot about how you've been producing all this good money out of thin air you mean out of two years of back-breaking work then you found silver no I found gold gold well thank you fine you remember those old diggings up on them renal creeks soon arrived all the head up months if they were never half worked you don't have to gravel up at the head of that Creek is just full of nuggets is was was and still here and use of this strike gets out you're gonna see one of the biggest gold rushes has ever taken place around this part of the country that explains why you couldn't answer my question of course I was afraid that someone would hear about the discovery before I have a chance to register my claim is that why he went to gold City mmm see you know there's one thing more I like Oh where did you go that day me chased you I certainly covered a lot of territory that day you know I rode all the way to memory no I wanted to convert some nuggets that I had into cash so that Betty could take care of those notes that Russell was holy oh that explains everything well what he can turn out him well I've been working all this time with just one idea in mind that's the barik now I want to try and find Russell and see if I can't buy it back again good idea and I'm gonna be right on my way now I wish you luck boy thank you so mom so long see you later here he comes now I've been looking for you slot well here I am I'm putting you under arrest I'm dressed what's the charge given their zinc yoke I thought that was all cleared up you're mistaken mighty queer the sheriff Malcolm never said anything to me about that you can talk that over with him inside I got more orders will they found sheriff Russell don't talk like that char you come on peaceable you're making a dumb fool play bendy sheriff isn't gonna stand for a thing like that for a minute you're set on arresting me why I'm not gonna resist you don't mind is sensible clock hand over your gun hand over my gun there get a doctor hi chirp too late for a doctor well there goes the ball right listen sure want to confess Russell right in this with the up mean the robbery at the Express office yes chicks stole your cattle what's the other business the ranch is yours Tim I always knew it was like filet like Tim what are you worried about well there's something been bothering me stop sign there what I always thought that you like the name of bridal bed oh I do but has it ever occurred to you that there are two ways of spelling bridal [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Audio Video
Views: 344,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tim McCoy, John Wayne, Walter Brennan, Two-Fisted Law, fist, law
Id: 24lqf3ouYN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 2sec (3422 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
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