PS/After Effects Tutorial: Animated Stream Graphics Screens

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[Music] you know what is gonna guys it's your voices so here is a video here today bring guys a Photoshop slash After Effects we're how to create your own really cool animated stream graphics now we're gonna be using a really cool free plugin from Video Copilot and it's a it's called saber I believe and you guys can just leave it link in it I hope you've a link in the description down below for you guys go ahead and download it um it's just a really cool plugin it just kind of like alright I'm gonna show you you've already seen the beginning of the video of course right however you can see this is my current starting screen screen that I use on my stream it's there's nothing wrong with it it's pretty it has nice colors and whatnot um it's a little outdated personally for my being but I just didn't you know I'm working on reviewing very soon with more or less this kind of pression quality I'm going with for today's been a gonna show you guys so if you're a stream or if you're a graphic designer you're just trying to get your design assets up or your extreme you try to get your production quality up this is definitely really cool way to do it because the plugin is free and you can always just you know access a free for a free trial for After Effects and plugins do work on free trial so there's that um so yeah this is a starting this is the starting school like stagnant or static screen however this is the the new sort of like look it's very very easy to do this plug-in it's just it's just like a night and day difference personally when it comes to production it just I mean this right here it looks super super cool one thing as well as that you haven't have to have it on loop otherwise it's gonna be a little bit awkward if you don't have an on loop this is what happens I believe the original clip is around eight seconds long so if I don't have it on loop is just gonna go black screen right after it finishes so make sure you guys do have it on loop that way it will keep just looping for you guys and you just don't have to really worry about until you of course what your seen back to whatever you want to go ahead and do so this is a very very cool thing to do so hopefully guys know today's video too lights on the video it goes a secret down below so you do not forget if you guys just you know sometimes you guys are great at sometimes you just don't even leave a like but I get it I love you guys serve ever anyway so let's gonna get this thing go Mercer off with the backlit sort of background to the actual text that's gonna be holding this so what's a very nice simple clean background but I'm gonna hop in in Photoshop we ready I'm gonna happen the next clip so I can you know make sure I get this thing going right and yeah you can see you guys in a second alright guys so of course already in Photoshop so let's go ahead and I sure guys how I do this so I went with a more very simple sort of like very nice clean approach to it nothing crazy going on it doesn't mean that you can't do anything crazy going on in your background but for me I just wanted to kind of focus the text or just focus the effect itself to be what's kind of like being like seen a lot um so let's go ahead and just show I guess I did this so first things first is I did use a gradient I use a very very cool gradient we're gonna go and just go to gradient map here and I believe the grade and I use will be right here and actually let's just use an actual uh let's use a gradient map and not bad let me see something hold on gradient map and the reason why I'm using this is so I can change the actual angle a little bit cooler a little bit better so let's go now click on our little grading here so okay let me show you guys so the first I guess shadow to highlight ratio would be this really nice cool like very dark blob blue almost so it's definitely it so it's basically blue but ofcourse he has that black very darkness to it so this hex code is zero eight zero eight zero B that's the first one and then for the highlight section we're probably gonna be flipping in a second anyway but regardless each other side um this hex code would be zero eight to one d24 it's just more or less like a nice sort of correspondent it's almost getting to that greenish blue tone but it just kind of of course is still blue but it's nice more dulled out blue and the reason why I didn't go with like a green like a Bluegreen just because I wanted to make sure that I wanted to just be nice and even and not too like crazy about it cuz I already have a few show you guys the the finished product really quick I already had more or less green highlights being casted around the entire thing and not actually using blue and green because I didn't want to make it too like Mitch match and just sort of you know very obviously patchy of color so I want make sure I kind of get that out of there so we're gonna go ahead and just change this angle I like the dark side over on the right hand side so I'm gonna change my angle just doing like this just like so and then once I've done that that's pretty much gonna be our background to start off this really cool background so what's gonna happen here is we're gonna be doing this really cool thing called I like to call the aurora effect essentially it's just me doing this really cool sort of lighting almost streak kind of effect and just really very very simple to do actually so the one thing I did was I made a new layer of course because we're gonna putting on a new layer and we're gonna be using a rectangle just like so the rectangle marquee tool you can just use by just simply going over here click on the rectangle click and dragons basically fill your entire canvas by the way let me just say this now before anyone just starts the Kaiba sighs it's 1920 by 1080 P so if you guys just go to 1920 1080 and then basically the resolution I have on 300 I believe anything above 150 or 175 is perfectly fine anyway however I just like to have it on 300 because why the heck not and then you create and that's gonna be your basically your project file as well when you go into illustrator so keep that in mind just because a nice 1080p resolution screen um so on this rectangle here we're gonna be basically pressing right click transform selection that way I can kind of give it a nice rotation here I'm holding shift that way you can see in my right hand side orb right above my mouse you see how says 15 for 30 and then 45 basically if you hold shift it keeps it in a nice simple 15 intervals while you're actually rotating it so you have actually guess or anything like that that way you have a nice very cool just diagonal line a nice 45 degree angle that's what we want so I'm gonna take my brush here let's go ahead and take this brush let's go ahead and make the hardness zero and then we're gonna give a nice brush size we're just gonna take a very simple I'll just make it white for now because we can change the color afterwards so I'm gonna make an even chain my Dameron Mountain diameter amount to about 150 and I'm just gonna try to find out where like I don't want to click here and have this big streak do not click anywhere near sort of the actual your your circle your actual mouse circle for the actual brush should be nowhere I would say not even maybe like I would say like maybe an inch or no that sounds like a centimeter like half a said I mean almost like actually you know outside of the box that way you kind of have more like this you don't have like this kind of harsh glow cuz you definitely don't want that it looks kind of very tacky and awkward and you also don't want to see like you can actually see like a I guess a circle streak right you just want it to be a nice little cool oil like light Aurora I like that's how I like to call it right so I'm gonna say this again maybe like just right outside of the box here just right outside to make sure I hold shift and click once again just out science there's maybe a nice very cool streak so if I press control-d to then deselect you guys and see then it just gives you a nice very cool like Aurora streak so if I were to show you guys this again basically repeating this over and over and over again and then taking your eraser and kind of erasing it so now let's go ahead and make sure we actually get the same green or at least close to the same green for the sake of the video it's somewhere around here I would say I kind of like put this up a little bit more and then I'm gonna just give you guys this hex code I don't know the code C Mon you're sort of you know even your background of the gradient really is all up to you but I went with a really nice cool green and blue complementary color like color scheme so this is like a nice cool like a neon greenish color so this is the hex code 3e f7b for so you guys put that in your color picker you guys will get the same exact call that I'm using currently and so let's go ahead and do this let's just go ahead and hold alt and shift and then we're just gonna go ahead and also did I actually end up doing a bigger no I kept it right there okay see you um let's just say right here I kind of wish I made it a little bit longer but for the sake of the video it's fine I'll just use the actual back on that I actually had before um and then right there what I mean by a little bit longer is I wish I made the streak a little longer so I didn't have to actually like if I were to try to move it down you see how you have this cut here that's it it's like almost like any imperfection it's not something you want to have um so I mean actually I can just go back really quickly why the hell not let's just go ahead and try to get that same green again at least somewhere around where it was before and I'll go ahead and I'll go back into and just make sure I make it a little bit more longer right there's no there's no harm and actually doing it over why the heck not it's not too far back so there we go a little bit longer and now I can actually do this without actually feeling like I'm hurting myself when it comes to uh making sure I have it kind of filling the screen so olan shifts just kind of moving it around and right about there I'll just go ahead and move this one over ah that's fine what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna go ahead and just group it together by holding ctrl G making sure all the layers are selected on the right hand side moving it down alt shift moving it down and I'm gonna flip it horizontal and vertical you have some like this right and then essentially this part here would just be coming in I would probably make it a little more uniform but this is pretty much fine so it's gonna happen here is I'm a control click on both of these groups here together group those two groups together I'm gonna make a nice duplicate group of this actually group that I have here just so that if I ever need to go back and like fix things I made a place in my mind oh I'm gonna miss play something and I want to go back and fix it up actually like having to do it all over again make sure you guys make backups so that's what I'm gonna do get right here that's my backup now I'm gonna merge this layer together just like so that way now I can take my nice soft brush eraser and give myself some just I guess I would call it a like almost like a little depth play around like we're gonna take this and bring it all the way down here let's take this and put it like halfway and let's take this one and put it like up here and it's just really just trying to make it more I guess randomized right because we just had all the same sort of lengths you already saw before previously putting a little more I guess like space in between height wise right I'm something that's pretty fine that looks pretty good so lastly I believe what we're gonna doing here is just want to take a duplicate of this actual sort of entire streaks here we're gonna do we're just gonna simply go ahead and move them right about here I'll say like right about here essentially I'm gonna do normally let me show you guys with the actual let's do this I think I should see the exact where the actual practicals moving to okay I deleted the wrong one no it's this right here there we go so I'm just moving this down towards the right just like so right you can see how that works so just be taking the control you option I'm just gonna bring up the hue and saturation so you press ctrl you while you're selected on a layer it brings up the hue and saturation that's only targeted towards that layer I'm gonna simply take my lightness drop this all the way down to negative 100 's gonna make it black for us right press okay and then on this layer use your brush again your eraser and then just see races so you see how these have these you have these weird awkward odd like cut-offs which is basically happening because you have the canvas before and you didn't see that previously you want to make sure you get rid of that because it's kind of like a quality thing you know you know that you definitely want to have that so gonna go ahead get rid of that just like this and then let's go up here bring some of these up here and I'll say it like that's pretty good we're missing a little bit over here so I can might be do it just gonna be make another duplicate and then just erase where I don't want other stuff right and I'll have one like maybe in the middle so let's put one over there as well and just erase the other stuff right you can see how that word you just want to basically fill that space to get this really cool and look that it's kind of looks like there's light just like leaking out of this really cool simple background so for me this is where I would stop out for you guys and if you guys want to if you want to find a really cool color scheme I already have this cousine from previously but maybe let's just see what happens when we go ahead and use the color balance option and you just want to move things around you might find a color scheme that you might want to use when it comes to After Effects and gonna do your actual lighting and stuff so ah it doesn't look crazy good like this but it might give you an idea who the heck knows if you use a different kind of hue/saturation or sees me hue or vibrance when it comes to your I'm colors but regardless didn't work too well for me but maybe will work for you so I would try that out most definitely and yeah that's pretty much it what I would do is I would go to file export save for web option you want to change this to PNG 24 and then you just want to save it as so that's probably the best way to actually export a anything really anything at all when it comes to a picture quality so make sure you guys use PNG 24 not jpg I promise you it's better if you use PNG 24 and you just save it and then once we're gonna save we're gonna drop it into After Effects and then I'll meet you guys over there so let's just go into this now I need water that's the thing all right homie so we're actually inside After thick's all good to go this is actually the one that I use or the cop that I use personally to create what you guys saw in the beginning in the video here today so you can see all these other solids right here actually just the actual saber effect used so that can you have these really cool little streaks that sort of have more motion going on around it so it's not just so boring and obvious that motion is only going on the middle it just feels very awkward if I did so and then of course you can start to see this starting the soon part here looks really really cool it's almost like an effect that's you kind of like filling up water in a cup kind of things it's basically the end offset and kind of like how to say that as the way to put it is probably like just imagine the word is kind of like filling itself and almost the offside I'm saying the plug-in itself is doing all the work when it comes to this stuff here very simple way to animate this it's not hard whatsoever you guys will learn how to do it in today's video hopefully and I would very much so advise you guys cuz I not be using a lot of the settings that the person video copilot who created this actual really cool program plug-in scuse me he did definitely a way more in-depth view of all the settings I'm more or less gonna be using maybe like four or five and then giving you guys some tips on how to make it look somewhere close to what I have going on here because I said oh that's what I know how to do that's what I learned today's video so make sure you guys know so I'm not a pro adapter fix but I can definitely tell you guys that I like to just kind of show you guys where I'm at in the process of just learning different programs learning how to how to just give my design asus of better advantage so or a better learning experience why the heck not anyway let's go ahead make a new composition new composition we're gonna be going with 1920 by 1080 we use 60 frames per second for this you can use 30 I believe I don't know if I really would see too much of a difference um maybe if you have that cinematic versus just smooth feel whatever works for you it's gonna be using 60 for today's video because I did I did that before let me also rename this I don't know why what compilation settings let's just name it tutorial okay so first things first I'm gonna drag in our untitled PNG which is actually basically our how do you call it the English is a hard language the Photoshop images that we use are just gonna lock the layer because we're not really doing anything with this layer whatsoever and we're just gonna go ahead and go ahead and file excuse me not file new but new text that's the first thing I'm doing in today's video so let's go ahead and put it in the word that I'm using which is gonna be starting for me and this can be be right back for you this could be this could be anything for you honestly so just whatever word do you want to have or whatever panel screen or whatever screen that you want to have the the word say maybe wanna have it your name who the heck knows I think it's gonna be your logo who the heck knows it is all doable though to just be that just know that as that is a thing I'm gonna make this a little more bigger put that right in the middle just like so turn off my grid here let's say this is a pretty good start so I did use Gotham narrow I just changed my settings or changed my with my size of my text for the holding shift clicking on a corner making it bigger turning on the grid figure out where the middle is because if I use snap to uh where is it transform if I use snap to Center in view it would usually do it in the view for some reason it's the the text here is on the bottom left and I don't know how to move this right here so if anyone wants to help me I don't know how to move that but you could also do that if you have like a logo which are you a lot more easy to just snap it right in the middle by just doing the right click transform Center in view which is control + home for your actual shortcut so once you have this the same effect could be I believe put on to a text reaction changing yourself but that's not the way I learned it I personally learned it as my text once I made sure I spelled to write all that good stuff I'm gonna go back to this actual the the files over here on the right hand side or the left hand side sees me the project text here and make sure I just changed my text into a mass so create mask from text just like so it makes it white all good to go base what's gonna happen here is there's gonna be more and less individual sort of a it said more volume mass basically right so it's gonna like be like it almost an AI file almost right so I'm gonna go ahead and go to the effects which is right here type in the word save I already did so so just really quickly just drag the effect right over here just like so you can see that the the the the word starting kind of went away right I also wanted to make sure there's when I set it right there as I wasn't making sure I spelled it right I've been doing to a stalling mistakes um so anyway right you want to have a saber effect here it's gonna start off always as basically this really cool simple light what does it call like a light streak just like so but the first you want to do is we're gonna go in it to where I believe it's customized core core type change it from saber to layer mask just like so so that we can see that the actual layer mask the actual effect itself gets masked on to the little a I sort of masking of the words starting that we have right very very simple way to go for it and you can see right away it's gonna be very very sort of all this thing's gonna be a little bit too much for the actual text so first things first mess around the core size we're actually first things first I probably messing with a preset we're probably used electric this time this is what I use personally in the actual and the actual starting and soon present view um you can use really anything you guys want like if I flip through some of these they're like ridiculously cool um you can see different ones have different noise type systems a burning one very very cool um it's just so so many and I advise you guys to really go through these I didn't even go through these myself so I why I'm saying go through these I'll go through these a little bit so you can see what's going on here um but there are what the heck is that Jesus you can see there's some really really really cool ones I still advise you guys that makes you guys check out the actual on tutorial that I'm gonna be having a link in description down below for you guys so anyway we're gonna be using electric for this one and I'm gonna change my course eyes immediately which basically the core size is I can give you guys some insight on it right oops I want to move that what are you where did you go where did it go okay the course has to basically be the actual I guess source light to this or the or the thickness of your stroke if you think about it like that so the course I just put this up to like three or so you can see what's gonna happen here is it gets way too much if I lower this down for a second you can see the course I just gets a little bit too thick let's just put this at five again and here's the core size for me personally on the electric preset point five looks super super nice to me and let's just change the spread a little bit to like actually 0.1 was perfectly fine let's change the the intensity on the glow though to a to a nice high eighty number that way you have that really really cool electric feel to it and it looks pretty good um so personally me I'm gonna be having multiple colors I'm gonna be had multiple colors the way I'm gonna actually do that is I'm gonna be copying and pasting the actual same text we're working with here so I'm not gonna quite sure like animate this right now so let's go ahead and just actually let's just do a little bit of the I guess a little bit animation so very simply the one I'm gonna be using a lot or the in this case so let me give you today's video is and offset which is right here which is basically doing that thing I was talking about before like the filling up the cup thing with a cup with a with the soon part coming in right here let me just show you guys right this the soon is basically me changing the end offset you see how that works so if I go back to my actual tutorial composition and if I just change the offset you'll see what happens here it almost fills it up you guys see how that works it's very very cool and how I actually did the soon part so if I animate this from zero to a hundred that's basically how it happened so not incise what I was wondering why I didn't happen and offset if I put that to zero right if I just show you guys really quickly let's just put this keyframe this zero let's go to like three seconds change this to a hundred and through that time frame you'll see that it fills in so that's how I did the soon part that's that's very very simple you see how very very simple that is very simple keyframes let's just go ahead and just turn that off or delete that so press u to bring up the keyframes on the actual layer is very simple to do and uh where did you go again why is it always do that okay um so yeah that's that so I'm gonna go ahead and just say let's just change this a little bit I'm gonna turn it off sit on again let's just put this on in the eval mmm like a tea so we have like about that or maybe a little more like 75 about 75 I think it's pretty good cuz I still want to see the word start I'm gonna use this actual first one to actually be able to see all of the actual text I would say maybe even like 77 just so that a little more of the tea there we go a little more that's he can be in there so ash that's pretty dang good um so there's also a really cool thing called um where is it at the glow settings just no flicker its flicker so if you guys know if you guys can't tell just so there's these little cool little flickers if you guys were to put this up to like 15 or so flicker intensity it's kind of like almost kinda like these little almost think about of brush hits going in and out something about like that I definitely put some of those in here so I'm gonna put this about would be like 20 percent intensity and let's just say flicker Street I like 25 that way when you're going through you can't quite see it too much with finalized almost like render preview it or whatnot but I don't know what is a After Effects in this in the sense of a like how the render and stuff goes I'm actually not entirely sure but uh oops you can see it a little bit not too much though it's not too much any it's not too high anyway anyway regardless that's what I basically mess around and float around with what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna copy and paste this one right here again really quickly though so I should get those two colors in here a little bit so I can see what I want to do so basically what's gonna be happening you can't really tell actually before I do that I'll be sure to actually show you guys how to actually turn on basically an overlay cuz you want to make sure you guys just see your background right um if you guys I don't have your mode enabled this one on the bottom left these little tabs here expand or collapse um you definitely have the second one on basically right so you see the mode turn this on simply just put this on ad and you guys will see that it now is on the background here you can see it now on your background look super super nice super clean the the blue definitely works it's okay and secondly I'm gonna turn this one on again now so I'm actually show you guys the different color the green and we're gonna go ahead and just turn on this on ad as well so I can see over this one but we're gonna take this off set here and we're going to change this to let's turn off this for a second let's just change it to like 55 and let's want to change it from electric to energized oh that looks pretty freakin sexy okay let's fill just a green again um weird about here is that pretty good okay green so let's go ahead and just lower the core size first let's go the course has about like two like one I would say why would probably be really good let's turn off or turn this let's go with these star offset or the end also where's the enzymes that we go kind of make sure I'm gonna have it overlaying too much like how you see it right now I'll just route or to 100 let's go back and Nicky this one I actually and just turn it's like 50 there we go and let's go back into the green one and turn the INA offset to about like 95 there we go that's about right I just wanna be able to see multiple colors and not have them overlaid over each other at the entire time because that's a little bit of an awkward situation as you can see this looks a lot better you can see definitely to sip two separate colors so for my blue one or for my green one excuse me I have it on where is it at excuse me and offset at 95 so one thing I did change I can change basically the the seperation I want to make sure I had those two separate colors so I did change my end offset to 95 course is two one in the green whichever color you choose to be but one one's gonna be that those settings and for the blue I haven't and all set at 50 and my course has at 0.50 and then of course is the blue one on electric preset this one is on the energized preset so that looks pretty dang good so what's happening here is the effect itself is really honestly already done I'm not gonna lie to you about that it's basically be animating itself I kind of like a little bit run a preview here but I know my regular preview is so so bad but you can see it's already animating it so all the the electric sort of current currency current not currency current period current what is there a word let's not break my brain oh you guys you can see answer damning itself so essentially this is almost already done so in a way if you guys want to say let's just go ahead and like really quickly now kind of look at it more you see how that's kind of working out there so the guys once you one thing I probably like mess around it's the the definitely to spread cuz looks a little bit too much like this right here the bias or whatever how you say it's like 0.3 probably a little bit better so it's not so much going on there and the noise by the way the noise in the background these little like almost like this the smoke in the background you could change that as well I'll probably do so and that would be rotated a distortion no let's go where is it okay lost I am lost in the settings wasn't it there where is it I know I can find this gimme give me two more seconds I'll find it can't find it isn't in here it's definitely in here glow there we go noise okay so I had to take a little longer but you can see if I take my aspect ratio and throw this to like I don't know let's just say like point three almost you'll see that they gets more like very motion blurry and if I just change the blue one as well you can see it a little bit better how do i what's going on here now can I find it faster it's on glow settings distortion glow Distortion and then aspect let's just change it's about point three again you'll see what happens here so you see how that looks right almost gives it more like a motion kind of feel I would say whatever I would say this okay though putting out on one I just think that's something you might want to work around with to to make it more kind of like you um it's it's pretty dang good you can change a random see I probably change this as well just you don't have the same exact thing going on for your entire thing so now we have a different sort of see when it comes to the motion what's going on here so if you use maybe energize twice is this some more thinner one so that way you don't have the same exact sort of glow or wind speed you can have a change of wind speed a little bit there's a lot that goes on here but I can't entirely show you it as perfect as the way that Video Copilot did cuz this is whatever his computer is it renders like a god um I have a new computer but I don't have the exact things for more or less on the editing side so that would be not unfortunately what's not what I have currently but hey whatever here this is pretty much how I did the starting word here but for me I didn't more have like a I had a more like a very skinny approach to it or skinny strokes to it but just to show you guys the the the velocity or the the presence that this shows this is pretty cool so for the actual other part when we're gonna do these little little uh almost like little streaks is how we did this just pressing new solid that was like the most awkward turns than ever but they sort of amazed making these things right here right on the outsides so we can have those moving as well so it's not just the inside moving because of this the soon part here the way I did that was just simply doing exactly what I did for the starting but essentially taking one of these and making them black so you can see that there we go it looks more great that looks pretty cool as well but that's how I did this soon part very simple I promise you'll be able to figure it out very easily if you at least follow this tour someone um let's go into FX drag the saber onto our nice solid and we're it immediately go ahead and just turn this on ad and we're gonna also immediately turn this on energized or electric let's go to electric right we're gonna take this you see these little key points or a little what would be like the the legitimate word to use inside After Effects like key frames or motion frames or target target points something like that let's just change our course size here to like point that's fine let's just turn this up then let's just say right about there it's pretty okay what about even point two okay let's do you point four there we go that's fine so essentially this is like how it's gonna be happening we're gonna be duplicating this a couple times so one thing for sure is that was a voice crack it's changing distortion glow maybe even your core Distortion make sure you actually have a random seed on these that way you don't have the same exact if you use at least the same exact thing I which I'm gonna be using I'll be using electric for all the these surrounding things here make sure you change the seat around a little bit so we need of course control-c control-v move it around so to move this one around once your ctrl-c and ctrl-v click back on the saber click back on these motion points and then just move them to where you want to move them to so I'm gonna move this one right down here I'm gonna go into the seed change it around um change it around here as well if you want you can animate the offset so that kind of like does what I did before for the the soon part under starting so if I were to go to ah let's go ahead and just lower all these because we don't need all of these here customized core start offset or and offset you can have one be like coming in and just doing something like this like shooting out almost like electricity so if you have one at zero it won't be there so if I were to quickly try to show you guys how to animate it if we just have it on zero frame so in the start we're gonna have this keyframe at zero offset and at let's just say 2.3 seconds or whatever or two and a half seconds we're gonna have the offset be at a hundred so it's gonna happen here is let's go ahead keep doing now let's go ahead is every way to turn off there was a way to turn that off how did I do that where is like the mmm so I don't actually have to see this it wasn't no way to do that I forgot how to do it okay whatever anyway essentially you can see what happens here is it's gonna start coming in nice and slow or however fast you wanted to come in or whatnot ah there we go so to see how it's coming in so just it's a very cool little almost like an electric nation I would say I'd probably really if I was gonna do this over again in my composition number one I already changed those around so I can actually have it a little more more like shooting and coming in and coming out I think they look a lot better honestly so I just give you guys a good idea so essentially that's pretty much it honestly you can change the colors as well by just clicking over here clicking this little mark right here and make sure I click on the green just make it a little more vibrant as always so you have a blue one you have a green one and you just sort of split them apart I would definitely not put it on top of the actual little aurora stuff put it more or less where the shadows are so that way it just looks a lot better and you have that nice little kind of like cohesive room and just make me look just really really nice cool composition and basically that's it for this phase twirl here today I know I didn't do too much I promise I I didn't explore the Sabre effect or the Sabre plugin very much but for what I explored I got a really really cool I'm personally satisfied with it and a really cool little effect like I said I'm probably gonna go ahead and rerender it so I actually have it kind of shooting like I said before one thing to be certain of though if you have something changing with the offset let's go back in here for a second if you have to just change with the offset so let's just say for whatever reason for the blue our notes just of the green which is this one right here the energized one let's just say for whatever reason if you have your offsets start at mmm like 50 right for the green at three and a half seconds you have it at a hundred right so it's gonna like basically fill in again so if you have this going on right if you have that sort of like look where it's gonna be you know kind of coming in make sure excuse me if you have like an 8 second composition like I do make sure you press you and your keyboard when you click on that so if you ever do anything with offset or anything with keyframing press you on a layer it'll bring up those keyframes so essentially what you want to make sure you do is so essentially you have this keyframe here which is the offset being at zero this keyframe here being an offset of being at a hundred being sure that you don't actually jump when it comes to looping it inside of the what do you call it sine stream lab so you'll want to jump basically right so if I have this here but if I have this at zero right or I have it on fifty make sure you control see right that keyframe go to you know basically the end of the keyframe or the end of your composition which is eight seconds or whatever control V so you can actually copy and paste that um you know that intensity or we're not intensity V offset so it's gonna happen here is it's gonna basically almost loop itself so if you have a set fifty doesn't go to fifty to a hundred it fills in it's gonna go back to fifty but essentially besides jumping from 100 to 50 it's gonna basically now essentially go backwards and it won't look awkward you guys you know I'm saying otherwise you're gonna see in your stream labs and you put it on loop it's gonna jump you don't want it to jump because that's a it's just gonna look to Ollie it's gonna look a little bit awkward um you might have you might even have a change of settings when it comes to the streaks as well so if I you know make it go out I want to make sure it goes in as well so that went in loops it loops from one of those coming out um so I hope that makes a little bit of sense there is no real other way for you to explain about science this is are currently at fifty be offset which means it's gonna be kind of filling in outlining the actual thing so if I put this 250 he's gonna outline it to 100 s so right essentially if you have this being your end keyframe it would immediately jump back to here and then go through it again so it'd be like hey and jump you don't know mean so to make sure it doesn't jump make sure you actually make one of the end keyframes be where you originally started so hopefully you guys enjoyed today's video here today I didn't try to make it as long as possible I hope you guys just like how to figure out the setting and just really have fun with it please be sure to check out the actual download link or to be the act of twirling I'll be posting because in the tutorial is a download link please be sure to watch that a heading familiarize yourself a little bit more however for me I believe the studies that I personally change around with and work with is pretty much good enough for me and I hope you guys enjoyed I hopefully it makes your stream look a little bit cooler and or if you're not a person who is doing it for themselves or for a designer who's just looking to up there like I said design asses to make their their stream packages be a lot cooler a lot more production value just give them another reason you know you know get the prices that you personally want hoping this is the torah' for you that you guys so very much for watching gonna keep smiling stay positive and safe England up guys know folks don't forget to like comment down and tours gonna see me do don't forget to check out myself I stuff like that calm slats of HQ um it's a you know all premiums in designs those five dollars ah yeah I think that's about it um that's it I already said keep smilin stay positive so I'm gonna leave what time is it 10:30 holy car 12:30 12:00 I need to go to bed and render this they thank you so much for watching I saw
Channel: Seso
Views: 590,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seso, sesohq, animated stream graphics, how to make a moving starting soon screen, how to make a be right back stream screen, how to make animated stream overlays, free after effects plugin, Saber effect, how to get better production on stream, how to make a cool intro for stream, twitch graphics
Id: lCinHIiuP-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 38sec (2138 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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