Sci-Tech Band Presents: Winter Fest - Celebrating Student Success in the Arts

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ladies and gentlemen are you ready to get loud are you ready to get excited [Music] give it up for the pride of springfield from the springfield high school of science and technology the scisec burns [Music] oh one two one [Applause] uh uh [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] time [Music] [Music] so uh hey [Applause] [Music] oh baby oh my goodness so hello everybody give a big shout out to our man dominic serno [Applause] so to our live audience at home obviously we want to be there in person but we cannot do that right now but hopefully you can feel the energy we are so proud of every student here we are so that's what this night is about this night is about celebrating students that's what this whole night is about mayor can i give the microphone over to you you're the pro put your hands together for that ace director gary bernice he does such a great great job and the principal kevin leem and staff and administration [Music] oh my man anthony what's up anthony mr trump mr trump this is the best meeting of my day today and i love being with the psy award-winning sci-tech band and tonight we come together for a holiday concert merry christmas happy kwanzaa happy new year and good health to each and every one of you but what you young men and young ladies are doing making beautiful music doing outstanding in class giving back to our community you can't put a price tag on that and you are a shining example of the good the much good of the city of springfield let's give them a big round of applause [Applause] the last thing i'm going to say because the people want to hear you play is that i was proud to have you play in a couple of my inaugurations and i'm hopeful that you can play in another inauguration on it so to each and every one of your continued success and good health and i'm going to give it back there's no i don't see a ladder today there you usually have a look right there okay he tried to get me on the ladder one time we missed you at the museums i know we couldn't have even museums when we opened up the holidays so listen i am so proud of each and every one of you continue making beautiful music in and out of school god bless you all back to gary thank you so much thank you a huge shout out this wouldn't be possible without focus springfield give a huge shout out to all the staff at focus springfield for coming in and filming you all right it's music time our next piece is called hard rock blues hard rock please i'm going to invite our band president up to conduct give it up for tess [Music] one [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] we're gonna stretch joey is now gonna go going to take the solo [Music] so [Music] huh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right well i first want to address our audience in person and watching thank you for giving your time thank you for giving your time and taking the time out of your night to watch us perform it means a lot to me and i know it means a lot to everyone in this band and to the band i genuinely love you guys like i don't just say that just because i'm banned president like you guys mean the world to me and this has been the best night of my life so far and it may be my last winterfest but trust me this this band i'm coming back like you guys can get rid of me i love you guys i've met so many people you have you guys have gotten me through my worst times and i'm gonna make this short because i know i'm gonna cry so i love you guys and i just want to say how proud i am especially to symbonic band and i know kovid hit us really hard i know high school is not always easy but i just want you guys to know how incredibly how incredibly proud i am of you guys and you guys you guys really do rock like i have i have confidence that when i leave when i walk across that stage and i leave that this band is in capable hands because i've seen the symbolic band you guys oh my god when i tell you i have so much you guys have so much potential like i love you guys i love every single one of you thank you guys for the amount of memories thank you guys for the amount of memories you've given me and when i walk out i hope you know you guys are forever so if you ever need anything reach out i love you guys and i'm gonna pass it off to your vice president joey i'm not good at public speaking so i'm going to make this quick i want to thank everyone watching at home and here you guys are amazing you make this band possible i want to thank everyone here my band president my friends this this is my family and i would not be here in general without you guys these four people right here changed my life bernice anthony roulette and luth just changed my life for the better through my lowest lows my highest of highest everyone here has been here and i'm so thankful and grateful to the vice president of this beautiful amazing band that's all i can really say i love all of you guys [Applause] alrighty up next to introduce our next piece we are actually inviting up a student leader who is a freshman all right so uh he will be introducing this piece uh yandell get on up here [Music] [Applause] guys guys i can't really believe this we have been like it has been three months since we picked up our instruments i'm talking to the symphonic band um and we i can't believe we're gonna play this song right now and like y'all remember when y'all made our your first sound on the mouthpiece like i just can't believe this like it's just i'm so proud of myself i'm so proud of everyone here like how how much y'all advance and only three months like if this is what we're gonna do three months only and after school imagine what we're gonna do six months after school nine months after school and what we're going to do when we're seniors like i just so proud of y'all so part of everybody here and well let's get let's get going let's get going to the next song canon [Applause] remix hello so so so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right everybody can we hear it again for our symphonic band students before i introduce our student leader to introduce this next song i just want to take a moment to recognize our band student leadership team this band student leadership team these leaders meet on mondays after school but they do a whole lot more than that these students serve as role models they serve as sounding boards they serve as people who make band band who make band what it is so can we just give a big round of applause a big ounce of recognition to our band student leaders for all that they do i look up to every single one of these people here not just every single person here but also like most specifically our student leaders for everything that they do and for the way they inspire me every day so thank you all very very much for that to introduce our next song i would like to bring up one of our band student leaders jeremiah come on up here [Applause] all right um this song is very special to me well it's called tempest and yet it's very special to me because like i had this one teacher well she's here she's in the audience and she helped me get through it and like i felt like oh i couldn't get through it but yeah she really helped me and like you know i was very proud of myself and like you know i was i really i really liked it but yeah i was thinking of like you know bringing her up here so please give a round of applause to ms griffin [Applause] um so ms griffin thank you for helping me out like getting through the song and like you know whoa you weren't the only one it was all of y'all like everyone helped me out and but the one that was mostly on my side and like sticking through with me was miss griffin and like i just want to say that i'm really thankful for you and now again thank you jeremiah give it up for jeremiah and your van president to take over this song give it up for tess who is about to conduct your school fight song the tempest um [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all righty such such great things are happening today i love it all right so along with what happens in room 105 in the band room um we also are lucky enough as a staff to work with other fine arts people right so we have art we have ceramics we have guitar we have chorus we have video production we have career development we have all of that fun stuff and i just want to say a personal thank you and i love you to all of our fine arts teachers that are maybe here in person maybe you're watching at home in your jammies but thank you so much for everything that you do to help support our students inside and outside of the classroom so can we give it up for our fine arts departments in our school y'all are so important y'all are so important and so appreciated we love you all so much speaking of our fine arts people um they actually have some videos of what their classes have done and you can find those on the scitec band youtube page i know um there's a couple videos from just this year already put up there so yeah on the scitec bin youtube page you can find those now i'd like to bring up my good pal my good friend mr anthony diaz [Applause] all right man you already know what's gonna happen and it's winterfest so you know y'all need to be loud all right so here we go scitec band what it is [Applause] [Music] that's right awesome guys so for this next piece uh it's called c minor groove it's amazing beautiful piece this is actually the first place that all beginning bands play beginning band put your hands up and wave let me yeah give it up for this funny band everybody so this is a special piece i also want to give a special shout out to a lot of our alumni mentors who have came this year and helped out you know our band and this and these amazing students specific shout outs to rahul bonner jennifer santiago and devin miller they're actually playing here and all the alumni supporters who came to you know watch this amazing performance so let's get right to it same on the groove up [Music] so [Music] so [Music] come on [Music] [Music] i [Music] baby [Music] my [Music] [Music] here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] [Music] three [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] improvisation [Music] yeah yeah [Music] do [Music] [Music] yes [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i know people are going crazy at home they're like so some people ask what is the story of the scitec band 99 of our students have never played an instrument in their lives yet look what they can do our students are three times more likely to stay in school our students were the recipients of the massachusetts commonwealth award the state's highest honor for achievement in the arts our students even received a personal letter from president barack obama praising them for dreaming big dreams and improving our community but that is not the story of the scitec fan or at least not the whole story the story of the scitec ban is about family and about serving others we have a banned commandment that says seek to serve not to be served seek to serve not to be served today our band family wants to serve you through this performance the reality is that we're the most connected generation in human history yet people are more lonely now than ever maybe you feel alone maybe you feel hopeless well our scitec band students are here right now to say that you are not alone that you are loved that you are special that you have value and that you can achieve anything and become anything no matter what anyone tells you [Music] to be honest it's been a really rough year we've lost one of our own band members juan rondon we'd like to dedicate our next song high hopes to juan the lyrics of this song say be something greater go make a legacy juan you made a legacy here in our band family and you will never be forgotten other lyrics in high hopes say that we had to have high high hopes for a living didn't know but i always had a feeling i was going to be that one in a million always had high high hopes juan you were that one in a million everyone here everyone watching you are that one in a million as you witness firsthand the love this scitec band family has for each other and for what we do through this performance our hope is that you will be inspired to have high hopes for yourself to lift people up around you who feel alone to make a difference in someone's life and to be the light in the darkness [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] my [Music] [Applause] i know we have a lot of people at home that are in and they're in front of their tvs they're in front of their phones they're like they're going crazy all right uh and you know what there's someone else that i want to go crazy for i am crazy for this person uh not in a cr in a weird way i'm sorry mr lim but um miss our principal uh we cannot do anything we do without the support of our admin team uh so to have a school that supports the arts that supports music that makes it possible for everything we don't take it for granted and i want them to know that we love them we care for them and we appreciate all that they do for us and i want to hand the microphone up to your principal mr lilly thank you thank you thank you good evening ladies and gentlemen uh and welcome all of you viewing live stream and thank you to focus springfield for getting this and supporting us on this effort we really appreciate it um i'm not going to talk very long because i want to hear you guys play but there's a couple things i do want to say and that is i want to be clear in that there is no replacement in life there's no replacement in life for hard work and the fact that you are here this evening is the product of all of your hard work and if you continue to work hard and if you continue to persevere you will always you will always be successful in whatever it is you choose to do because like i said there is never a replacement for hard work so continue working hard continue persevering and please please always know and trust that everything about you matters so play hard and play loud and i would be remiss if i didn't say let's go let's go let's go [Applause] well good because our next piece is the loudest one principal liam so we're gonna dedicate this one to you all right we learned this one you came to our class to watch us as we learned it now we get to put the whole band together so this is for you it's time for a little rendition maybe you heard it carol of the bells no we don't call it carol the bells we call it carol of the buckets so here we go we have to get set up for some other equipment all right i think we're all set up here's a solo joey to start here is carol of the focus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] the students just learned that no joke two weeks ago two weeks ago they're like we need to add something special for you they added it for you and so principally we dedicated to you here we go awesome job fantastic fantastic everyone all righty so last time last time i asked somebody to come up they were a freshman they just started with us now let's go on the opposite end of the realm we have a senior coming up who has been with us for all four years i had the privilege of watching him grow from a freshman to now senior and it's like oh my god so i'd like to welcome up one of our band managers jean rivera bring it on [Applause] hello i'm gonna keep this plane short okay banned right i came in here freshman year not gonna lie didn't have high expectations but when i like first class amazing i was addicted i'm not gonna lie because when i came into the band room it was like an escape from all my problems i could just talk to friends i could chill play music i love music how many people love music because i love it it's amazing now we're gonna play something that i pretty much played since frenchman year i absolutely love this song and we're just going to get right into it 12 bar blues [Music] [Applause] everyone this is our last performance or our last song for this performance and of course we're dedicated to all of you all of you out there at home we love you no matter where you are we're going to be back together again we promise so this whole scitec band is going to dedicate this to you guys you ready to do the last song are you ready to do the last song i'm ready here we go this is for you dedicated to you 12 bar blues [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] my [Music] my [Music] so [Music] two [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] my [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Focus Springfield Community TV
Views: 3,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MT3pWjklqMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 20sec (4160 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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