How to Create and Use Scoreboards in OBS

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hey everybody welcome to mike's world mike johnson here with you uh today we're going to go over scoreboards in obs for sports and live streaming i've had people ask me several times about how did i get the scoreboard in one of the live streams i did for high school football i'll show you that right now this is uh just a sample of a game that i streamed a high school football game you can see the it's got a ticker at the bottom running scoreboard clock all that kind of stuff so people have asked me how did i do that well this is the first of two videos that i'm going to make explaining that in this in this video we're going to go over building a scoreboard in photoshop and the one i use particularly i'm going to show that to you in the different layers and then we're going to build a simple one and then i'm going to show you how you can use that directly in photoshop without the need for the scoreboard plus app or anything like that and then afterwards we are going to use the scoreboard plus uh software that is a free plugin for obs and i'm going to show you how that works in the controller and we'll show go over the pluses and minuses for both of these they both work great you need to have the scoreboard plus plug-in if you want to have a running clock there is ways which i don't get into about how you can sync that to the to the controller at the game if you have access to it if you're a school that's doing live streaming uh but you can also control the clock yourself which is what i do i start to stop it and if it gets off just a little bit you can easily just adjust it so that's what i do but first of all we're going to take a look here at photoshop so let's take a look at that and if you take a look here you've got this basic scoreboard right here that i have created so i have right down here in the far left side i have the uh sportszone oklahoma logo i've got each team i've got a box here that's for each quarter and then a box for each score and then i left room over here if you want to have a sponsor now i also have this black layer down here and that is there if i have a running ticker like the example i had showed you before and i'm just going to switch off some of these layers to kind of show you what each one looks like so if i don't want to have that running ticker underneath and i just want the scoreboard i can easily turn that off and we're actually going to be using the photoshop file inside obs not we're not going to save this as a png because then you have to change it each time we're going to keep it as the photoshop file and that's that's extremely important because when it comes time if you want to use this just this in photoshop and change the scores within photoshop it will change the scores in obs automatically um and it's it's a great thing there's just a couple situations you got to think about uh one being is how you have your hotkey set up in um obs because that can definitely mess up as you're trying to change your scoreboard in photoshop but i'm going to turn that lower layer back on and so this is it so like i said the black layer that is only on if i have a ticker and then let's just click through some of these so um we have behind look at that transparent so we start off with a a black square behind that's transparent and so um if i were to click the effects here i'll move this over here so you can see it you see my opacity is set at eighty percent and so and i have a a stroke one two it's a very small one it's white it's a very very lo very subtle and during the video or during the live stream it turns out looks really good so that's what we have for the effect for that our next one is our away team box so if you notice it's just it's just black if i turn off the logo let me find it it's just a square box that lays in there and then my logo will lay over top the edge so it just looks like it's all built into one same way on the other side if i turn off the pc north that's the name let's say if i turn off the logo it's just a square box and then if i lay the logo over top in here it kind of looks like it's all kind of built into one i have the name for each one here and if i turn those off those layers easy the type of text that i'm using for this is biebus new i i think i'm saying that correctly i'm not 100 sure but that that's the the text i'm using um for the names and then i also have all these layers if i'm not going to be changing them i have them within a folder here called layers over here on the right and then i just kind of have the ones on that i would want to change there's my sponsor logo on and off there's the sportszone logo and then up here under another another one is scores so within scores i have um each quarter like now i've turned them on so you have each quarter and all you have to do really to change it is double click on this hit 2 control s so by doing that if this is in obs when i change that quickly by double clicking on the text we'll change it to three and i hit control s it automatically saves it and automatically changes it within obs and i'll i'll show you that how that works here in just a little bit but this is how you can change it so this first score if they score a touchdown six control s and then they get the extra point seven control s and i'm using football as a reference because that's mostly what i do is football games same way with the away score they score six control s and that automatically saves the photoshop file and and you just kind of do that as you go and if you're not worried about a clock this is probably your best option it's simple and easy the only thing you really need to do is you if you're using a laptop or any computer you need a dual screen so you need a second screen so that you can have your main screen running obs and your alternative or side screen running photoshop so you're not trying to cram them all in the same screen and to show you just quickly you know we have right now i'm showing you the photoshop screen which is my external monitor but if i switch over here's my obs which is on my main laptop screen all this right here so that is that's how all that's working so let's go back to the photoshop screen and um so what we're going to do here is i'm going to since i've showed you this i want to clear these out zero double click on home zero double click on away zero um and then you could just play around with how you like you know what kind of scoreboard do you like do you want it down here do you like it up top do you want a small one in the corner do you like a small one here in the center kind of like what the nfl is kind of doing now with some of their games um it's what whatever you like this is this is what i liked this setup and and quickly what i can show you is when i decide when it's a different game or a different team plan um a question i'm sure you're wondering is well how do you change this stuff or change the the logo and all that and so what i do is let's minimize the scores and let's go back to layers so let's start off with this putnam city north logo which is the the paw the panther paw so if i wanted to put if i want to change what i'm doing well these color backdrops are easy um to change and and all you have to really do with those is over here is change your color palette and let's just say let's say we want this green you know hang on so let's say we just want it green for whatever reason or you know what let's not do green let's do orange we want to change it from red i changed let's say we want to do orange so that's our and then all we do is make sure we've highlighted the home team box we go up here and we're going to do the paint bucket and we're just going to change that and there you go pretty simple to change your color and then obviously it's pretty simple to change the name you just type a new name but the logo does get a little bit more difficult but it's not that hard so all i'm going to do is i'm going to go over up here and i'm going to highlight layer 2 actually i'm going to rename that pc north logo pc north logo just keep it and then i'll and you'll see another one i have pcn logo and that's because i we there's different two different logos for that school so i just turn on the one i want they've been using the panther paul moore recently so that's why we have that up here but let's say we want to replace that so all i'm going to do is i'm going to i'm going to go in and i'm going to find i am going to open and i am going to go find let's go to graphics let's go logos and i'm just going to find any logo that i want to replace um how about the ardmore tigers let's open ardmore tigers so i double-click it opens in photoshop and then all i'm going to do is i'm going to crop that about like that and i'm going to hit enter and i'm going and obviously there's some white around this tiger so i want to get rid of that so i'm going to change this background i'm going to change it to a layer and i'm going up here and i'm going to use the magic one and i'm just going to select and delete select and delete it's kind of hard to see i get it it's a small logo and i took away the white so now i just have the tiger now i'm just going to select all copy i'm going to close the original and not save it and then i'm going to go up here to edit and i'm going to paste and you'll see this tiger showed up and it's kind of small but i'll drag it over top the current one ctrl t to change your uh to be able to change the size and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to drag it until it automatically syncs in there i'm going to move it over a little bit which is good and i'm going to turn off the logo that's behind it and there i've changed the logo so if this were let's say it's not pc north let's say it's uh well it's ardmore so now we have the ardmore tigers and of course we could change the backdrop to whatever we want but we've quickly changed the logo and we've changed the name and we could do the same over here with another team i'm going to control z and undo everything i just did because i don't want to change the scoreboard permanently so there you go that is pretty much how my scoreboard is set up how i can quickly change that scoreboard uh to make it whatever i want uh but let's let's say you want something different or let's say you're doing baseball i mean you really do anything and it's just all controlled over here on the right in the layers section and i'm assuming that most of you who are watching this already know photoshop so that's why i'm just kind of breezing over some of this stuff and if you do know photoshop you probably already know how to make this stuff but let's go ahead and we are going to close we're going to actually open a new a new project and we're going to build a scoreboard and then we'll be done with this video at least for showing you so um quickly when i stream everything i stream typically is 1280x720 but i still make all the graphics in 1980 so i'm going to create a new project and i'm going to close my old one and i'm going to say no i don't want to change any of the changes okay so we have a blank slate and so now we're going to create a scoreboard brand new scoreboard and you start with a blank transparent layer and the first thing we're going to do is we're not going to make one identical to the one that i just showed you because you've already seen that let's make one up here for this corner let's make a simple one scoreboard so the first thing we'll do is we're going to change our color to black so we're going to go down here to the rectangle tool we've changed our color to black to start because that's going to be our base layer right here and we're just going to create a scoreboard let's say we want it about that size and it's black so there you go that's the layer and i'm going to go down here into my layers and i'm going to rasterize that cancel rasterize that layer and then i'm going to go into the effects and i'm going to just back that down to about let's say 70 and that just made it transparent and then we also one of the things i also like to do with these uh these backgrounds is i like to do a either a stroke or an outer glow so let's do an outer glow but i make it very small very very small just a little bit of a glow so eight maybe eight or nine you can play with it see what you like i've got it as a soft light just a little bit of a glow on the outside and then what we're going to do next is we are going to make two little score boards or two two little lines in here boxes for uh the teams that are playing each other so i'm going to use my old high schools as an example so let's say we're going to do southeastern versus yoda southeastern is royal blue white and black yunyoda is purple and gold so let's do a blue box and a purple box so let's start off with the blue box so we'll go up here and find the color we want and i want pretty much royal blue and i'm going to create a box with inside that and it doesn't have to be exact to start out because we can always adjust so let's say how about that that's pretty good um that looks about right let's see i can move that a little bit that's good and then because i want the exact same dimensions i'm going to first i'm going to rasterize that box then i'm going to duplicate it and what i'm going to do is i'm going to pull down i'm just going to use my down arrow to move oh hang on a second so there's my copy sorry i didn't see that okay and then i'm just going to move this down here like that and then i'm like well yep that looks pretty good but maybe that's not quite um let's see we'll go there and maybe the other box needs to be moved up one spot so yep that looks about right that's what i want right there and so the next thing i'm going to need and i'm going to go back and adjust these and add you know stroke and things like that to these but first just first and foremost i want to have um i want to have a base to play with but the first yeah what i am going to do right now though is i'm going to go ahead i've got layer 2 selected which is down here and i'm going to go ahead and find the color i want and that's about good for unyoda so we will change that box and so the next thing we're going to do is we want um to we want our score boxes and so what we're going to do here is we're going to create identical boxes as far as the size as these but they're going to be white and they're going to be square and they're going to go right here and right here so one of the other things you could do sometimes is you could extend this out and then lay the white box within this bigger box but i'm not going to do that here so what we're going to do is i'm going to change my color to white white or black so it depends do you want white letters over black or black letters over white i'm going to do black numbers over white so i've got white and what i'm going to do is i'm going to create just a box and it doesn't even have to be perfect because what i'm going to do so i'm going to try to match it up and i'm going to hit ctrl t and i'm going to try to match it to and that looks really good there we go and so then what i'm going to do is i'm going to go up to layers we'll rasterize that layer because it's done and then i'm going to duplicate that layer and we'll pull that down line it up right there's good so now we have we have our base layer for scoreboard base layer we have our score box and then what we're going to do over here is create a box for the quarter and it's not going to be centered um and actually you know what we're gonna do we're gonna we're gonna i'm just gonna change this up just a little bit a little bit different than what i thought so i'm gonna change this black box and i'm gonna pull it oop and i made a mistake there gotta unlink it and i'm gonna hit that and then we're gonna go that looks really good right like that okay and so then what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to duplicate that layer and watch what i do here so we'll do whoops duplicate pull this over and then what i want to do is i want to go back to highlight that layer i'm gonna hit ctrl t but i'm gonna turn off or i'm gonna turn on my linking at first small and then i'm gonna turn it off i want i just want a small box hit enter and then i'm going to slide it over to it connects right like that and then what i'm going to do is go ahead and this last score box that i made i just turned it on and off i'm going to duplicate that again and i'm going to slide that over slide that up right like that and that looks pretty good except you know i don't i don't really want it to be the same size as the score i want it to be smaller so i'm going to move it like that i'm going to center it about like that and then what i'm going to do is go back to this duplicate layer cancel control t um we'll keep it so i don't want to keep it linked be able to move it and then you can hit control plus to zoom in which is what we'll have to do here and when i zoomed in and see i've got some differences here on my boxes so which box am i on so i'm just gonna i'm gonna fine tune some of this stuff and that makes that about right we got this box and then control t gives you a little bit more control let's zoom in okay so there so now i have i'll zoom out just a little bit so now i have my kind of corner scoreboard set up got some transparency here uh we'll put the names in so let's go with um white for the names we'll go that might be a little big i'll have to change it in a second yeah it's really big so south let's just do that and then we'll change it first change the size let's do 20. not 203 we want 20. that's still big let's do 15. and finish typing it out south eastern right there and then we want the other to be unyoda now of course i can just duplicate this layer and then i pull it down and then i will double click and i'll change it to you and there you go we have that quick scoreboard set up southeastern union pretty basic so with this with this basic scoreboard you could use this for football you could use it for basketball you could use it for baseball um you know with the inning being here so let's put a let's go ahead and continue on and change our color to black because we're going to put our scores and our numbers here and our quarter here so um and then also you know for this what i'll do here is um you can change this if you want type it out differently or you can create a layer for each one one two three four f for final h for half time or you can just type it in it's whatever you feel comfortable typing is probably the fastest way and it's less confusing you don't have as many boxes so let's start out with zeros and that just made it we've got to go up here and change this to black and we'll center that up with and that looks pretty good and then i'm just going to duplicate that and i'm going to drag it down and centered and then we're going to make a one for first quarter and of course you know it's too big so we have to make that smaller so let's try 10 points let's do nine i want it a little small and right about there is my first quarter and of course like i said you can change that to final you can change it to half time you know whatever you want to do and you hit ctrl and we haven't saved this as a name yet so i'm going to save as before i do anything else and i'm going to hear graphics logos let's do graphics i think i had scoreboards saved here somewhere um yeah sportszone oklahoma and i'll just change to save this as e c versus uni auto and saves it as a photoshop file and this pops up maximum compatibility just click ok so there we go um so now we have southeastern versus unita if i view and put this on uh fit fit the screen there's our scoreboard pretty basic one this is a basic one but it's clean it's nice it looks somewhat professional and then what you do is what i would do is after i made all my um layers i'd go over here and let's click on and off and i would call this i i rename these because i want to know what they are it's easier so i'm going to call it quarter home score oops sorry well trying to get it to rename there it is away score or visitor score either one we have union southeastern for names we're going to call this a quarter box we'll call this away box away score box call this one home score or no that's the way score huh messed them up way score box change this one to home home score box this one is going to be home box home name box that one visitor her way away name box we're going to call this one quarter base box and then we're going to call this one base box okay and from there we've pretty much built our scoreboard and for the quarter if i come up here on the right side where the layers are and i just double click on the t i can change this by hitting a two and then ctrl s and it saves it now you will notice it kind of off centered depending on the number that's something you might have to get used to if you're going to do it this way if i hit a 3 control s that stays centered but if i hit go back to 1 control s okay so that's pretty good wait home score double same thing click on it um six control s this this is really good this score board would work very well for football and baseball or any sport where or anything you're keeping track of with a score where there's not like quick rapid scoring it's probably not the best for basketball just because um the scoring is happening so fast um and then of course you know if if you this this is like i said this is the photoshop way of using a scoreboard in obs with just photoshop so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to switch over to my other screen so just one second here here's my obs screen and you see over here this preview where i had uh the scoreboard and over here is the actual what you're seeing so um but what i want to do here is i'm actually going to go over to this is one of my other things i have let's see okay i'm going to leave a black screen here but even though you're seeing the stream because with this is where i'm going to work so this isn't you know in the preview i'm just going to show you what this would look like so under this uh tab for live i have a black screen here but i'm going to go ahead and add my layers here and so you know i had some other filters already turned on that was a backdrop there's my red zone bug for another show i do but we're going to go ahead and we're going to add this scoreboard we're going we're going to add let's go back over here we're going to add this scoreboard to um to the preview screen the other preview screen so what i do is down here in obs i just click and i add uh image and we're going to call it scoreboard now i got to go find it so you got to remember where you saved it which um i think i saved it in graphics sports in oklahoma sc versus unita right here so i'm going to click that and it just added that so i hit ok so now you see up here in this box here's a scoreboard and so that would normally lay over any kind of video you have and you know what just for the heck of it let's do this let's put me on and let's add that scoreboard already done it so we can add it click ok and then once it's up there you can move it wherever you want it so let's say because my head's here let's say i want it over here so there you go you can move the scoreboard around anywhere you want you just drag it you know you can put it back down here if we want we can put it over here i kind of like it up in the top right corner it just depends i mean depends on what you want to do and then you can have a bug in there as well for something else but here's our scoreboard so that being said and you see it right here you see it right here so let's uh so i want to show you really quickly what it looks like on the air when i change it in photoshop so off screen what you're not going to see i'll just i'll click back over here for a second so here it is i showed you guys on the side how you change uh all the stuff over here so that being said we're gonna go back to me with the scoreboard and what you're gonna see now uh let's go what i'm so now i'm full screen but over here off screen here's what i'm going to do so i'm going to change the quarter and i'll walk you through as i do it so i'm double clicking i've highlighted the one i'm going to hit 2 control s and you see it changed it if i go to score let's go home score and i double click and they scored a touchdown so i hit six control s and it changes it all i'm doing is making changes in photoshop and it's changing the scoreboard on your screen so so away score uh seven control s there you go so that is the basics for a scoreboard within uh using photoshop and using a scoreboard in obs it's very simple very clean you can make any kind of design you want but the other thing is too is this is also how you can create a scoreboard and then use it later with the scoreboard plus and i'm not going to go into scoreboard plus right now and show you everything about it but i think i am going to go ahead and show you really quickly how that works once it's set up so another video later on i'll show you how it's set up but i'm going to go back to the photoshop screen okay so if you want to use this scoreboard and you want to use it in obs but you're wanting to use the scoreboard plus app which which has a controller which is really nice and it's quick and easy all you have to do is you keep this design but you just turn off turn off your score and quarter layers that's all you have to do and then you save that um you can either save it as the photoshop and i can just hit control s and save it and then it's ready to go um or you can save it as a png and bring it in separate it's or ping file or whatever you want to call it so let's go back to let's go back to this screen right here okay and so what you want to do is once you have this screen up you need to add your score layers and so quickly what i will show you is if i go back to this screen i'm going to minimize and i'm going to go into my and i'm going to go into and it's popping up the other screen let me pull it over here all right go into documents and i've already installed it so here it is scoreboard and i open up scoreboard and here is the scoreboard application and if i open that this is what you get this is how i'm going to be able to control the scoreboard you have you can set the time you can do scores you can do quarters and when you click it changes them so you know or you can go by two if you're doing basketball and you quickly the different scores if you mess up you can go back at any point you can change you know you can change all this you can reset the timer reset the scores goes to zero like i said quarters here you can set a clock so let's say i set it we have 12 minute quarters and then what way this works is once this is all on your screen in obs and you've inserted these layers i hit start and i have a clock that runs down this will be on your screen click stop to stop it there are in these settings always on top that this is important if you're going to use this timer you have to keep the scoreboard this thing on top of all other windows or else the clock starts glitching but but otherwise it works really well there's sound settings hotkey setups preset timers for quarters there's a lot of different things you can do in here you can also somehow sync this thing to the the actual score clock or whatever the board at your uh at the high school if you you know i'm not real familiar with how to do that i haven't tried to do that i think it's under remote here and you have to link up and everything so but that's possible so that being said this is the controller and when i start inserting this stuff in the in obs you'll you'll see how it pops up and then we'll go back and i'll show you how it controls it so that being said over here in this side uh there's a folder called output and if you see that you're going to see these little text documents waste away name way score all that because you can actually put the name in here as well but i created my own scoreboard so i just want to have i just want the scores in the quarter that's all i want but this is where you find it and this is where we're going to ins uh insert into obs so let's click out of all this now let's take a look at all this and let's go ahead and insert some scoreboards so i'm going to go ahead and put me in the preview here so i can show you what i'm doing and this is going to be a little bit and actually here's what i want to do i am going to take the scoreboard and i know this isn't how you would normally do it but i am going to go ahead and make this really big over top me and i'm doing that so it's easier for you to see what i'm doing okay so we have the scoreboard within our cam one shot and you see up here it says scoreboard right here and that's your scoreboard now we need to put the numbers in so all you do is go down and add add and we're going to go to text gdi and we're going to just call this home score click ok and then under here what we're going to do is find where is it read from file we're going to click that and then under here we're going to hit browse and this is where we're going to the documents we go to scoreboard and we go to output and we want the home score so we are going to hit uh home score and select that and it's giving me a big old zero and so what i'm going to do is i click see here we are going to alignment center top so center alignment top and you can even do an outline if you want which kind of looks kind of neat but you know depends on what you want now we want uh we want to select the color because we want black and let's see where is it at that was the background color uh we want color select color black okay and that's going to change our zero to black and then what i'm going to do this is the home score so i'm just going to drag it down here right like that and if i want to go in there again and adjust it [Music] see here text transform i was seeing if i could change the uh the text there's ariel okay select let's see if that what i've been using there it is ebay's newey we're going to select that click ok and now our score is going to match our score number is going to match our uh um it's going to match our name so we're just going to put this over here right like that you can play with it move it around i'm just giving you a sample same thing for the away score or yeah the away score is we're going to click text gdi away score click ok and you have to set all this again and you can't just duplicate like you do in photoshop because these are linked these are linked to that scoreboard console i showed you just a little bit ago so you actually have to go in here and recreate these each one let's see away score i didn't change the color and we had to read from file browse and away score and then i need to change the color again to black click ok and now we're going to pull that and what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to put it i'm going to try to match it up to this bottom one and then i'm just going to drag it up here and you can use the little arrow keys on your keyboard to um to change it to to move it around and so that looks about right it's pretty close um you know you can play with it and then the last one we're going to add in is we're going to do quarter so we'll add the quarter in select our font [Music] click ok we are going to read from file and we are going to browse and we are going to go to period open that change it to black and i keep get messed up here change it to black and then from there we are going to drag this over here and it doesn't have to be the same size because it's obviously a smaller box something like that so there is your scores and then what happens is when you open that controller so give me one second i'll open that up remember it's in documents scoreboard and scoreboard and close this and so now here's our scoreboard and when i change the quarter on the scoreboard it's going to change there's a little bit of a delay but i change it it changes change the score there's two two free throw three um one two three four five six seven so three to seven you know if you do it quickly it you don't see it count up on the score and that that pretty much is it and then you can also do the same thing if you have a box for your for your clock you just insert the clock and then you would set your time and it would actually show up on here and everything like that so i'm going to reset the score and pull the quarter to one now there is no half time or final for that box when you're you know this would work for soccer too i guess but there's all kinds of it goes all the way up but keep in mind you know you get past the single digits it's going to be off center but there you go you can close this there's your clock or your scoreboard and there there there's the issue though if you move the scoreboard then you got to move everything else that's pretty much it uh you know for all that again you know you can go back to again i like to go back i like to control photoshop directly and use this i like using this setup if i don't have a clock i i just think it's easy to do it's quick the only caveat here and i said there was pluses and minuses the plus to use in the scoreboard controller is the quick and easy it changes the scores you're not going to mess anything up and you can continue to set up your hotkeys for obs which is like you know enter is cuts so you don't have to mouse click you can use setup keyboard shortcuts problem is is that you have to be very careful if you're going to use if you're going to use photoshop to change uh to change scores and all that that you're have you're going to be using numbers you're going to hit control s so you got to make sure that any numbers that you might use the f button for final h for for halftime anything that any number or letter that you're going to use in photoshop to change scores control s all that that you don't use those keys when setting up hotkeys within obs because you go to hit if you have enter or you have control as one of your let's say that's your stinger transition well when you go to change in photoshop a score and then hit ctrl s as soon as you hit control that stinger is going to transition in obs because it can't distinguish with between the two so it's very important to be careful with that um but this is very simple with photoshop whereas the scoreboard controller is not necessarily as it's fine it can control the scores and everything the thing is is this the clock can get sluggish you have to keep that controller on the top screen and starting and stopping there can be a delay compared to real time so of sometimes when i was streaming football i used it but i might during a timeout or when the clock stops i might have to i might be off by four seconds and i might have to like reset it and so um you know and that's not real professional but that's the best you can do but it is nice to have a clock if you need one uh within obs so that's all i have for you guys today thank you for watching uh it's been kind of a long video but this is how you can make your scoreboard set it up for both um for photoshop use in obs or to use the scoreboard app i will have another video coming up soon uh there will be a link to it in the description it will be a lot more in depth about where to download the scoreboard app how to save it how to install it and we'll go more in depth with adding a clock and all the other things that um that that that program can do within obs so thank you for watching if you haven't please subscribe to the channel always like the video please leave your comments and we'll see you next time take care
Channel: Mike's World
Views: 29,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: streaming, sports, scoreboards, live, football, basketball, baseball, soccer, how to, tech, OBS, live stream
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 2sec (2822 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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