twins blind date for each other | vs 1

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(lively music) (graphics blipping) (counter clicking) (sound swooshing) - Today, I'm finding a date for him - And I'm finding a date for her. Hi, I'm Nick. (graphics beeping) - And I'm Emma (graphics beeping) - [Nick and Emma] And we're twins. - She is the free spirit and I'm the grounded one. But with that said, she forces me to be more of a free spirit and I keep her a little more grounded. - Yeah, and he sets up the wifi bill. (giggles) (wifi blipping) It's definitely really important to both of us to like the other person that we are dating. - I'm gonna be looking for someone who's fun, who feels a little witty, maybe. - My brother's quite a rational, intellectual person, so maybe someone who also kind of has a little bit of that. - Pick wealth for me. That's all I can say. (chuckles) (graphics beeping) - Hi, I'm Emma. - [Participants] Hi. (giggles) - If you could just introduce yourselves and give me a fun fact about you. - [Courtney] Okay, hi twins. It's really nice to meet your shoes. (everyone laughing) My name's Courtney. (graphics beeping) I'm 23. I work in commercial real estate (graphics whooshing) by day and I'm a little bit of a notes app poet by night. (graphics whooshing) - Aw. - [Courtney] I like to read and write a lot and I'm big into fitness. (graphics whooshing) I just finished my first triathlon in August. - Wow. That's incredible. - [Courtney] Thank you. Thank you. - [Alex] Hi, I'm Alex. (graphics beeping) I'm 24 years old. I'm also a substitute teacher. (graphics whooshing) A fun fact about me is I've also been in a movie called "Imagine That," (screen whooshing) and when I was eight years old. - Oh. Wow. - [Alex] So I'm trying to get more into acting - Oh cool. - [Alex] and filming and modeling. - [Irie] Hi, my name is Irie. (graphics beeping) One fun fact about me, one of my eyes is lighter than the other and that same eye also has worser vision. And then (all laughing) I'm actually also a twin, so. - Oh, cool. - [Paulina] My name is Paulina. (graphics beeping) I'm 25 years old. I like to play the Wii. (graphics whooshing) (all laughing) I like to watch Korean dramas and then like write weird reviews with them on my Instagram story. (all laughing) I guess a fun fact about me, I don't sleep with a pillow. (screen screeching) - Oh - See, everyone just gets. (all laughing) - [Natalie] I'm Natalie, (graphics beeping) I'm a student. I also work for a children's theater company, - Oh. - [Natalie] so I'm gonna sing at a charity concert today for them. (claps) So that's exciting. That is. So I like to line dance if any of you guys know to do that. Oh gosh. I see some cowboy boots, so I was like, gotta put that in there. Yeah. - [Aitana] My name's Aitana. I'm 26 years old. (graphics beeping) I currently work as a bartender at night and then during the day I work at a theme park. Got into photography (graphics clanking) a little while ago and picked up reading (graphics clanking) this year too, as my New Year's resolution. - Hey, my brother - So reading a book a month. loves to read. Love that. - Do you have a favorite book that you've read so far? - I love "A Court and Thorns and Roses." - Oh my gosh. - My favorite, I got into it. - Everyone's talking about that. - It's so good. I love it. - Yeah. - Highly recommend. - Cool. (graphics whooshing) (graphics beeping) - Okay. Such a tough decision. You guys all seem lovely. The first person I'm gonna eliminate is Paulina. (graphics beeping) I'm so sorry. I feel like the vibes just might not mesh and the no pillow thing threw me off. Sorry. (everyone laughing) (lively music) - Hi. Oh my God. You're so- - (indistinct) - I love your hair. - Thanks for having me. - I'm sorry. - Oh, that's okay. I know, I'm like too weird for some people. (Emma and Nick laughing) - I'm gonna eliminate this person just because it seemed like their life is really, really busy and I don't know if there'd be like time for, I don't know. So I'm gonna eliminate Aitana. (graphics beeping) I'm so sorry. There's no good reason. - Hello. - Oh my god. - Nice to meet you guys. I'm Aitana. - So you're so beautiful. Oh good. - Any of you guys, you're all so good. - You're so sweet. - Nice to meet you - Nice to meet you. You Look absolutely lovely. - Love your accents. Amazing. Well, good luck you guys. Get your choice. (graphics whooshing) (graphics beeping) - Oh, okay. Hey guys. - [Participants] Hey. - Hey, nice to meet you all. My name is Nick. - [Sam] What's going on Nick and sister? My name is Sam (graphics beeping) and I love Skinny jeans, as you can tell. (screen whooshing) - It's fantastic. I love it. - I appreciate it. Trying to bring back the 2010 era. So something about me is I'm extremely goofy, as you can tell by my attire. I'm 25 years old. I started a private equity firm when I was 18 that build and scaled automotive shops in San Diego. I really love to play tennis as well. - Oh, you're a tennis player? Okay, well that already gives you points. I play tennis, so. - Singles or doubles? - No doubt about that. Singles or doubles? Singles. I'll be doubles with you though. I'll be a- - [Sam] Hundred percent. A hundred percent. - I've been already. This is a good start. (laughs) - [Sam] Appreciate it. - [Samir] Hi, my name is Samir. (graphics beeping) I'm 22 years old and I do part-time modeling and I plan on playing in the Olympics in the future. - For what? What do you do? What Olympic? - [Samir] For basketball. (graphics clanking) - For basketball. I mean, I can see you. - Oh, That's crazy. - Super tall. So this is, yeah. That's awesome. - [John] Hi, I'm John. (graphics beeping) I'm 23. I'm an IT on a submarine. - See, how do you do submarines? I actually had, I, I'm so claustrophobic. I have no idea how you do that. - [John] Get on it and you just ignore the cramped spaces, you just get used to. - I'm sure that's super easy. Just ignore those cramped spaces. (Emma giggling) Perfect. Love it. - [Jordan] My name is Jordan. (graphics beeping) I'm 23. I live out in LA right now. But I guess a fun fact about me would be, I grew up in military kids, so I'm kind of from all over California. - But you should, you should like read books for a living or something. You'll, I'm telling you, you'll like, I feel serenaded and you're literally just speaking for me. (Emma laughing) - [Jordan] I appreciate that. That's really cool. - [Matt] My name's Matt. (graphics beeping) I am a Hollywood assistant, (graphics clanking) but on the weekends, I'm a club promoter. (graphics clanking) I guess funny fact about me is I've only left the states once, but I've been to like 35 states. - Wow, that's cool. - I do a lot of road trips, but I haven't flown internationally too much. - [Noah] Hello, My name is Noah. (graphics beeping) I am 22 years old. Some of my interests include sports, (graphics clanking) music, going to the beach. (graphics clanking) I like dancing, (graphics clanking) not good at it, but it's fun. - Same. - [Noah] And that's about me. Yeah. - That's awesome. And music. What kind of music in particular? - [Noah] I'd say rap and pop are probably my favorite, although in college I picked up some country, which is an unpopular opinion. - Okay. - [Noah] Kind of controversial, but I loved it. So it's fun. - No, we love all types of music. So you that honestly that there was no wrong answer there. That was perfect. - Thank you. - And I love your shoes, by the way. - Thank You. Hey, you too. - Thank you. I appreciate it. (laughs) (graphics whooshing) (graphics beeping) - [Host] So do you know who you wanna eliminate? - I do. Unfortunately everyone's great, but the first person I'm gonna eliminate, he sounds like a super, super cool like business dude and it's really busy all the time. And I think Emma likes to be prioritized. (chuckles) So, I'm sorry Sam (graphics beeping) to do this to you, but I have to. (lively music) - No Worries guys. - I Appreciate, - I appreciate, man. No worries. Thank you. - Thank you. - I love the pass. So cute. - I appreciate it. - Thank you. - Thank you. - You look such a good looking dude. (Emma sighing) - Always first. I'm always first. (Nick and Emma laughing) - He was very like obviously a very attractive guy. He definitely had a little bit of an air of arrogance, for me which is just not my thing. So I would've probably also eliminated him first. (chuckles) - This next person that I'm gonna eliminate, I think he seemed a little shyer, a little calmer. And that is the kind of thing that I'm trying to get Emma to stay away from 'cause that's been her previous preference. So I'm really sorry Jordan, (graphics beeping) I love your voice though. Like I hope this is (Emma laughing) why it hurt so much. - Oh my god, bro. - This is a beautiful man. (hands tapping) (screen booming) - Appreciate bro. - Hyped you up the whole time. Alright, nice to meet you. - Hi. You're so pretty. - I appreciate (indistinct) (Emma laughing) Hey, the voice beautiful, that's good enough. - Honestly, please. You're going do great things with that voice. - Y'all got good choice of mine though. (Nick laughing) - Aw. (graphics whooshing) (graphics beeping) - Hey girls, I would love to know one green flag of your own and then one red flag. - [Courtney] I think (graphics beeping) I have a really positive sense of self. - Aw. - [Courtney] So I really look for that in other people as well. A red flag. I still use a Yahoo email address. (screen whooshing) (everyone laughing) - Oh my god. - The notes at poetry can be a little bit of a red flag for some. - Oh I think that's really sweet. I like it. - [Alex] I'm gonna do red flag first. - Okay. - [Alex] My phone's (graphics beeping) always on do not disturb. (electronic whirring) I'm so sorry. ♪ We're sorry ♪ (everyone laughing) I just don't like when people call me like telemarketers and stuff. But I'm always gonna answer you babe. Always. - Just not for like a few hours. - Yeah. Can't reach you. (Nick and Emma laughing) - [Alex] Green flag. I would say words of affirmation. I'm always gonna let you know that I care for you. - Aw. - And I always will be there for you, you know. - That's great. - That's sweet. - That's a great (indistinct). (giggles) - [Irie] I would say like, (graphics beeping) I'm kind of crazy (sound boing) but not toxic (Emma and Nick laughing) but like I feel like it's justified stupid is what stupid does. (screen whooshing) And I feel like it's infectious and if you're kind of dumb, (screen whooshing) I'm just like, I can't, there's no other way to react. But like, I don't know. (taps) Green flag is that I've, I guess it's important like what you put out is what you receive. And so I don't ever want to be like a negative energy to people and I don't want that for me either. So I always try to like keep myself in check with that. So yeah. I can't be crazy but I check myself. - There's a balance. (giggles) - Yeah. - [Natalie] I think my red flag is probably the fact that I have two really close girlfriends. (graphics beeping) I call them the council. And so like when anything happens (Emma and Nick chuckling) like they're probably gonna hear about it. It's like my red flag. Green flag, I would say I am very good with like time management 'cause my love language is quality time. So I'll always like make time for my partner so that you know, we have time to spend together, to do things. - I love to hear that. (graphics whooshing) (graphics beeping) - I am gonna eliminate this person because my brother is an incredibly grounded person and I feel like, I don't know if crazy is really goodbye. - I'm sorry, I'm gonna eliminate Irie. (all laughing) - Hi. - You're gorgeous. Can I give you a hug? - Hi. - So nice to meet you. You guys have an accent? Where are you from? - So (Emma and Nick laughing) - We grew up in LA but our parents and whole family all from London. So we both ended up with like weird mixed accents. (Nick laughing) (indistinct chatter) - All right - So nice to meet you. Thank you. The second person I am eliminating, I feel like it's important to be like easily contacted. (participant screaming) - So Alex, I'm really sorry. I like, (lively music) Oh hi, - Hi. - This is an attractive group of folks. - Nice to meet you. - I trust that when it's needed, you're that but- - Absolutely. I know you better. (Emma and Nick laughing) - Know you better. - Yeah, yeah. - Nice to meet you guys. - So nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. (graphics whooshing) (graphics beeping) - Alright, so I feel bad 'cause I am gonna put you on the spot a little bit, but I guess that's the point of getting deeper. So let's say it's Valentine's Day, but you literally have absolutely no money to spend and yet you still wanna make it a really special day regardless. What do you do? What's the game plan? - [Samir] Well, you know, (graphics beeping) since we're in LA, I would definitely take, take your sister out to the beach, go for a nice little walk, get to know her, get to know much about what she likes, what she doesn't like. Maybe end the night with skipping some rocks on in the ocean. - Yeah, brilliant. (graphics beeping) - [John] So are you able to use credit cards? (all laughing) - You can drive. - You can make something. You can drive somewhere. - [John] Go to, well you can't go to dinner 'cause you don't have any money. Oh my God. (Emma and Nick chuckling) - So you gotta think outside the box. - Yeah. - That's the question. - [John] Well yeah, a little picnic day. I'm sure I have like supplies around my apartment. (Emma laughing) You can make like a picnic day at a park or something. Go for a walk, you know, go sit by the water, feed some pigeons, you know. I don't know. - Cute. - What do you pack in your picnic? What's the go-to? - Well water obviously (water spattering) you gotta stay out. - Wonderful, love it. (Emma laughing) - Some fruit, maybe some wine, some cracker, crackers, cheese, you know, - [Matt] You could snowboard. (graphics beeping) We can go to the beach, we can do whatever. You know, the cool thing about working in Hollywood is I have a lot of friends in music. If you like to, you know, go to a show or something, I can ask. - I love that. - Any request. - Fun. (giggles) - [Noah] Going and having (graphics beeping) some sort of like shopped night where we find like ingredients in the pantry and cook up something fun and we like taste each other's dishes and work together and make it like a- - Okay. Cute. - [Noah] Yeah, like a little activity. - Yeah, yeah. - [Noah] I think it'd be relaxing and a nice way to talk and learn about each other. - That's fabulous. That's the creativity we do. (Emma laughing) I love it. (graphics whooshing) (graphics beeping) - Alright, so this first person I'm gonna eliminate, he struggled a little on the creativity front. (Emma laughing) He didn't really know how to go on a date without spending any money. So I'm really sorry John. (graphics beeping) You are a fantastic person but. (lively music) - Oh, hi another handsome. - Another handsome beautiful man. - Don't. - You're so tall. - Don't think I'll see this mad. (chuckles) - Thank you. - (indistinct) you guys up. - Oh, thank you. - You look, you look sick. - Maybe work on your creativity a little. - You can make something. (Nick laughing) - Go for a drive. Listen to some music. - There you go. You could have said that. - Nice meet you. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - I was a little sad with the third elimination, I would say. - Sorry. - But they're all, they were all lovely. - So this next person I'm gonna eliminate, he also struggle just a little bit to kind of think outside the box and be creative and Emma is that type of person. So I'm really sorry Matt, (graphics beeping) but I'm gonna have to let you go here. - Hi Matt. - First off, I was gonna say you guys man, your fashion is like wow, - Bro, coming from - So are you. - the beautiful hair and shot. (all three laughing) - Beautiful hair and shot. - Thank you. If you guys ever like go out, and need, you know. - Oh my god, - Please, please, - yes. - absolutely. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. (graphics whooshing) (graphics beeping) - [Courtney] Okay, I kinda have a question for Emma (graphics beeping) to answer about her brother. - Amazing. - [Courtney] So one, what would you say his best quality is, and two, like what's something that you might give, like a loving disclaimer about to for someone he might potentially date? - Ooh. - [Courtney] Like a potential red flag. - Okay, he's so kind of as I've said, grounded and strong but also has the ability to be so emotionally understanding and sensitive. One of the most curious people you'll ever meet. So get ready for questions. And a loving disclaimer, he loves to be right. (chuckles) - [Courtney] It might be a problem with me 'cause I also always need to be right. (all laughing) - He's a great debater. Like not in any kind of toxic way, but he's definitely really good at getting his points across. And sometimes it can be just like, I don't wanna hear it anymore. - [Courtney] Honestly, I'd rather talk to someone who was really opinionated but we didn't necessarily agree than someone who had no opinions at all. - Okay, well then you guys would kill it then. I can already tell (Courtney and Emma laughing) - I'll admit when I'm wrong. - [Courtrney] If I'm proven wrong, you know, there's nowhere I can go from there. - There's no shame being wrong. (laughs) - Yeah. (laughs) - [Natalie] So my question is, can you tell me about your favorite memory (graphics beeping) with your twin? - There's no one necessarily that stands out, but I would have to say as a whole how much he makes me laugh. He makes me laugh hotter than anybody in the world. I mean, I peed my pants countless times. It's like an issue. - If I would get her kicked outta classes because we'd, I'd look at her literally. - Yeah because look at it, I can't hold it together. - She couldn't stop laughing. (graphics whooshing) (graphics beeping) - [Samir] Alright, so my question is, how much do you value (graphics beeping) your family and why do you value them? - I would say that Emma definitely values family a lot. I mean, we go and see our dad like once a week. Our mom actually just moved to a different state, but we make sure and go visit her. And I know it's important for Emma to, to be close to the family, the person that she's with. So like that's- - That's true. - [Noah] I'd love to know (graphics beeping) each of your personal and professional goals. - Personal goal would be just to find happiness. I mean truthfully like I don't exactly know how I'm gonna do that professionally. I just wanna make sure that I'm making enough, that I'm comfortable, that I don't need to stress about money, that I can like go on trips and live my life. - I love activism and I did gender studies in college, communications and gender studies, but I'm still kind of figuring out Korea. I'd love to do something creative that is somehow making an impact on people. (graphics whooshing) (graphics beeping) - [Host] Are you ready? - Yeah, I think so. - Yeah. I'm only really eliminating this person just because I think the other feels slightly more compatible with my brother, with everything we've talked about. So Natalie, (graphics beeping) I'm so sorry. - Hi. - Hello. - Oh my gosh. Oh my goodness, so cute. We can still go line dancing. - I would. Okay. Actually I would love that because I'm also into that at the moment. - Oh really? - I can't dance, I need to learn. - You can teach. Yeah, yeah. - You're gonna love her though. You guys are so genuine. - Oh, Thank you. - Thank you. Thank you. The person that I'm gonna eliminate, I'm not eliminating because there's anything wrong with him. It's that the other person really sold me. The person I have to let go is Samir and I'm really sorry 'cause you seem fantastic. - Hi. - Hi. - I like those jewelry too. (hands tapping) - I'm, I love with jewelry too. - Nice to meet you. - You guys are really pretty. You have a great beard and cream shot. - It's all not meant to be. - Yeah, - Yeah, maybe. - You guys. - Maybe we should, after. - Why they're bonding? (laughs) (Nick and Samir laughing) - You guys have a good pick. - Aw, - Have a good one. I chose Noah simply because he seems the most compatible with Emma. I really loved his date idea. I like your vibe. I like your energy. I really liked that and I just, yeah, I think he'd be really good for Emma. (graphics beeping) (lively music) - Hi. - Hi. - How you doing Matt? - Pleasure. Good to see you. - Thank you. - How you doing? - Please to meet you. - Of course. - I love your face by the way. - Oh, thank you. Yours too. The shoes is again matching. I guess my brother just matches with everybody - It does. - Yeah. (sound whooshing) - Yeah, I picked Courtney just because everything she said felt like one of my brother's interests or hobbies. Like he loves to read. He's one of the most beautiful writers, I know. You know all of your, your interest in debate. I just, I felt like it was very clear that you guys would get on incredibly well. (graphics beeping) (lively music) - Hi. - Hi. - Oh my gosh. First of all, I'm so flattered. Those girls were all so wonderful. - Hi everyone has been. - You're very handsome too. (giggles) - And you're beautiful, wonderful pick. - Oh it was. You guys have such a sweet sibling relationship too. Reminds me of me and my sisters. - Oh. - [Host] Nick and Emma, do you feel your twin knows you best? - Yes. Genuinely. Yeah I do. I feel like I am both the most compatible with this person and actually the most attracted to, so it's perfect. - Oh snap. So I killed it, basically. - Yeah, she killed it. She really did. - No, I think he did a great job too. I mean all of his answers are like very aligned with I would say who I am. So I'm also happy - [Host] And would you guys go on a double date? - Yeah. - Definitely. I go on a date without her too, (all laughing) but if she has to be there, it's okay. (laughs) - Oh my gosh, yeah. (laughs) (lively music) - I was on a. - No matter. - I was so. - Honestly.
Channel: nectar
Views: 939,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: versus 1, versus 1 nectar, versus 1 jubilee, versus 1 jubilee nectar, online dating, dating show, dating tv show, dating internet, internet dating, nectar dating, nectar jubilee, dating, love, twins
Id: a0MGUkapkVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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