teen girl builds dream boyfriend | build-a-boo

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- Hi everyone and welcome back to Build a Boo the show where we ask the question, what if you could build your perfect partner? Now we all know that one store where we can go and build our own teddy bears step by step, yeah? The one I can't mention right now due to copyright issues? Yeah? Well that's exactly what this show is, except we're not building teddy bears, we're building boos. We're gonna dress them, we're gonna give them a job, hobbies, music interests, even a voice. After the final round, we'll see if our hero's idea of a perfect partner matches with the person that they chose or another boo in the room. Ooh. I'm your host Nicolas Zhou, aka your new internet bestie. Now let's go Build a Boo. (chill lo-fi music) Hi. - Hi, - I'm Nicholas. - I'm Maddie. So nice meet you. - Nice to meet you. Look at this little outfit. - Thank you. - Okay. Wait, do a little twirl for the camera. Do a little, okay. (bells jingling) Okay, we came dressed too impress, I see. Oh my God, tell me a little bit about yourself. - I am 17, I am a senior in high school, I like to work out, lift specifically. - I love that adventurous spirit. You're so young. - Thank you. - And sprightly, it reminds me of the good old days, you know, what do you feel like you're looking for in a perfect partner? - So I'm looking for someone who's very like emotionally intelligent, is very driven, dedicated, kind of adventurous. I like when they lift 'cause it kind of shows that they spend time every day trying to improve themselves. - Cool. - Just someone kind of who can like be my best friend. - Someone who's your best friend? I love that. - Yes. - Do we feel like we found that in high schools? - I get told by my friends all the time that, you know, I'm never gonna find someone, because I'm so picky, (Nicolas laughs) about what I want. - Oh my gosh, well I am so excited to get started. Should we just get right into it? - We should just get right into it. - [Nicolas] You wanna meet the boys? - [Maddie] I'm ready. (electronic click) - Welcome, welcome, welcome. (chill keyboard music) I'm sorry you guys can't talk yet. I'm so sorry. It's nice to meet all of you though. All right, Maddie, what do we think? - Well, I actually noticed you all have high socks on, which is actually something I thought about before this because I don't like those sock. (electronic buzzer) - [Nicolas] You can all stay. Congratulations. - I like the print on your shorts. Also love the Gymshark. - So based off these first impressions, do you feel like anyone made a strong enough impression to join us for the rest of the trip today? (suspenseful whooshing) - [Maddie] Gymshark Shorts. - [Nicolas] All right. Hello Gymshark Shorts. (Nicolas laughs) How are you? Amazing. Well we're gonna give your potential match one of these five names we have Kyan, Winston, Luke, Mateo, and Joaquin. - Kyan. - Kyan. Oh my god, is there a reason why you picked Kyan? - Just a cool name. - A cool name. - It's like different than Ryan, but like- - Love it. Mr. Gymshark, you wanna come claim your name. I feel like a chaperone at the school dance right now, I'm not gonna lie. Y'all ready? (Maddie hums) Let's do this. Let's go to the next station. Welcome to Dress Me. (electronic click) Let's go over here and take a look. - Let's see, what do we have? Well, the Zara. That's a good one. (funky disco music) These, these are very cool. Like the very stylish. We have the Urban pants, Essential's hoodie. - Ooh. - That's gonna be one of the favorites for now. Love the pants. Great shirt. (Nicolas laughs) Because I like graphic T-shirts a lot. Good. Yeah. Not my style necessarily. - Fair. Fair. - This one. - A puffer. - I really like the puffer with the green, green's my favorite color. Okay, we're gonna go with this outfit, because it seems comfy and it's like, you know, still that put together look, which I like and I like the shirt. - Amazing. - [Maddie] There you go. - Right? Kyan whether this is yours or not, we feel like you're gonna rock it, so. (bells jingling) (chill drum music) - Oh yes. - Hi. - Looking good. Yeah, I like it, see? That's like kind of like what I look for. I feel like kind of like the casual look. - Looks good. Looks good? - Yeah. - All right, if we're ready, we're just gonna move on to the next station. First things first, we're gonna pick a hobby for our perfect match. Take a look, get familiar with them. - We got a skateboard. Let's see the skateboard. Okay. Looks like a good skater. I actually skate a little bit. We got board games, acting, rowing, video games. Rowing means that they're probably very strong, so that's a good one. I lift a lot. - Do you feel like that's what you're gonna prioritize? - I feel like when it comes to like what I want in a boyfriend, I would probably go with rowing. - If you want a hand that cap over to Kyan here. (Nicolas laughs) Okay, it fits, it fits. So next column here we have dream job. - [Maddie] So we have neuroscience researcher, you know, they're definitely pretty smart. - [Nicolas] Yeah. - Cinematographer? So, I actually do my school's like videography for football. So that's, that's pretty cool. - [Nicolas] Cool. - Creative director. I'm also very creative, so that's a hard thing. I like to do art and take pictures and videos. So that's like kind of all of that together, I would say. Sports medicine, very good one 'cause I like sports a lot. Fashion content creator, that's a pretty good high goal, and that is very cool. I don't know any guys who wanna do that, so that's pretty cool. I'm gonna have to go with the creative director 'cause that's probably closest to what I want to do in my life, if I go into a creative field. I envision myself kind of being like a boss one day. Like I wanna be like- - Yeah, lofty goals. - I'm pretty involved with like my school like leadership, so it's definitely like, I like the director mindset. Definitely a leader there. - Amazing. That sounds perfect to me. Let's give Kyan a little magazine. - Here's your book, magazine. - Amazing. All right, let's move on to music taste. So we got Phoebe Bridgers. - Okay. - Ooh, we got J. Cole. - I like J. Cole. We got the Rolling Stones, something a little more classic. Got Tame Impala. - This is like impossible. - And I got Michael Jackson. - Michael Jackson. Okay. Wow, okay. (Nicolas laughs) This is gonna be hard decision. The Tame Impala is like pretty tempting. Yeah. Tame Impala. And this is also a great album. - Nice, great choice. All right, so to recap for hobbies we got rowing, for dream job we got creative director, and for music we've got Tame Impala. We still feel good about those choices? - Yes. - All right, amazing. - Feeling good about 'em. - Amazing. Alright Kyan, Maddie, (electronic click) welcome to the next station. We're gonna actually be doing a loveprint test, which is Nectar's very own love personality test. So it's gonna be really cool. So the first options here on this left-hand side here, we have reflective vs. active. So let's say you get into an argument with your boo, do you want them to kind of go away and think more about what they wanna say to you? Or do you want them to resolve everything right there in that moment? - If like you're in an argument, I think that it's really important to understand that you're trying to work together to solve the issue. You're not going against each other. So I would say, reflective. - So I vs. We is basically how independent do you want to be in this relationship? Or how independent do you want your dream partner to be in this relationship? - I want that person to like be my best friend. You shouldn't be in a relationship with someone unless you feel this like urge inside of you that's like, I want to spend a lot of time with this person. So I would have to go more to the like 'we' side. - Cool. Next here we have emotional vs. physical. So do you want 'em to be more emotionally intimate? Or more physically intimate? - So this is a hard one for me. - It's a toss up yeah. - I don't want someone who isn't slightly like touchy. I would say, I don't know, it's important. - You can move it like literally a centimeter. - Like, yeah, like right there. (Nicolas laughs) I know what I want, and I can kind of analyze my own feelings well. I want someone who's emotionally mature, and like kind of willing to think about things. Very thoughtful person. - Can I just say you're being so thoughtful about all of these. Like this is, oh my god, I feel like I'm getting to know you so well right now. Okay, last but not least, we have guarded vs. open. So how vulnerable and how often do you want your partner to be vulnerable with you? - I want the person to kind of be like my best friend. You know, I just wanna be like your biggest supporter if I'm dating you. So I'm gonna say open. - Wow. Yeah. - 'Cause like you should be able to be open with the person and like you should be able to discuss conflicts even if it's hard things to talk about. - Noticing here that open seems to be the most intensely that you feel about there. - Yes. Yes. I think I picked good. - I think you picked good too. This sounds like a nice, nice guy. - Nice, thoughtful guy. - Nice, thoughtful guy is what we all want, Kyan don't let us down. - Yep. Don't. (Nicolas laughs) (electronic click) (funky guitar music) - We are at the last station. This is Hear Me. We're gonna play the voice memos that all the potential matches have recorded, and you're gonna pick your favorite one. (phone ringing) Oh, someone's calling us. 'Ello. (distorted voice speaking) Yeah? (distorted voice speaking) It's for you. (Nicolas laughs) - [Voice 1] The quieter you are, the more you hear. - [Voice 2] A wise man once said, "Favorite candy, Reese's Pieces or them Lifesaver gummies, gimme a bag of them, they're gone." - [Voice 3] The cake is a lie. - [Voice 4] Get ya money up, not ya funny up. (all laugh) - [Voice 5] Fail early. Fail often. Fail forward. - Okay. - [Nicolas] We have a wide range, again. - They're mostly motivational. - Yeah. We have a motivational group, which makes sense. They were, they all seemed pretty ambitious earlier, right? - [Maddie] Yes. - Do you have one that really stood out to you? - The last one. Because I feel like if you aren't failing, then you're never really pushing yourself. When I'm lifting, if I'm not not failing my PR, then it shouldn't be my PR. - Yeah. I love that. Oh my gosh. Okay, we just finished all of the building blocks. Now we're gonna actually go backwards, start revealing who actually was part of all the things that you chose. We're gonna reveal one by one who you chose for all of these. Before you do that, do you wanna hear Kyan's voice? - Yes. - His real voice, if that is his real name. Kyan, do you want to introduce yourself to Maddie? - Hi, I may be Kyan. I chose the first quote about the quieter you are, the more you can hear. Because like recently I've started listening more, and speaking less, because I just think it's really important to like listen to your friends, listening to people's struggles and helping them. - It's a good answer. I like the quote a lot. - Oh my gosh, I've never heard a teenage boy actively want to listen to someone. That's amazing. (pop synth music) Do you guys wanna like meet each other? - Hi. - Yeah. Hi. (Nicolas laughs) - I'm back in the chaperone role, I feel. - You are. (Nicolas laughs) - Well thank you Kyan for your lovely introduction. Let's bring out the voice memo you actually chose. - What's good. - Hi. - So I chose that voice memo with the fail quote. You know, I've been doing like my social media stuff for a year now, and you know there's times where it was doing really good, and really bad. So I really had to think about like, not everything's gonna go well. So I thought of that quote, failing is just a part of life and it always will be. That's just always in my mind. - Yeah, I really like that because if you don't fail, then you're not really trying that hard. - Exactly. Yeah. - You know, keep trying until you get your moment. - All right, well I'm sorry we still don't know your name. We'll find out in a minute though. - Of course, yes. - We'll send you back off into the peanut gallery. - I'm out. - [Nicolas] See you soon. First things first, (electronic click) let's find out what Kyan's love print was. - Okay. Actually my reflective was in the same area. I'm a pretty reflective person. I like to think about what I'm gonna say before I say it. - And you love to listen. - Yeah, I love listening. We vs. I, definitely like a 'we' person, but I think I was like more here. You don't wanna just date somebody just because you're dating them. You wanna like be able to like have fun with them, you know, hang out with their friends and then they hang out with your friends. Physical vs. emotional. I'm definitely more on the emotional side. Yeah. I just value, you know, having that emotional connection. Of course I love intimacy but like it's important to have emotions. - Yeah. And then open vs. guarded. I'm actually over here. - Whoo. (all laugh) - That's a little different. I'm not gonna just like open up all my feelings to like every single person that I meet, because I think that should be reserved for like that one special someone. Because you know, I don't love to share everything. Gotta keep some things, you know, hidden. - So would you say you are open when you're in a relationship? - Open in a relationship. But, like just to like normal friends? - Yeah? - Not like super open. - So some different answers, but fair, right? - Yeah. It's very- - [Nicolas] Well you give such a good explanation. - [Kyan] I'm a little justified. - Definitely like emotional. That's a good one. because I want kind of both ways on that. So let's see who you actually matched a little bit more closely with. - Hello. - Hi. Another nameless friend. Hi. - So basically we pretty much got the same exact outcome, but I was a little more towards the center with everything, 'cause I was a little more towards, - Active. - Active, yes. I do value a good relationship, but I also like have friends that I also care for. - Yeah. - So like emotional and physical. I'm a little bit more on the emotional side. I want someone to like have a good relationship with, be able to vent to them about things in my life that I might not normally vent to my other friends about. I was a little more open but not too much, just because I do like to keep to myself sometimes. But if it's the right person, I do like to be more open with them. - Nice. (electronic click) - For music, you picked Tame Impala, for career you picked creative director, and then for hobbies you picked rowing. So we're gonna bring out each person who actually brought in those items. - Okay. - You ready? - Yes. - Who is the rower of the group, oh. - Right here. - Okay. - So easy. No one needs to come on. - Exactly. - Okay, so I've been rowing for two years now. I'm on a club team and I spend about like, 18 hours a week rowing. (inspirational synth music) It's great to like, you know, see the sun set and sun rise, 'cause I row at like 6 in the morning and I also row at like 3 to 6 pm. - Nice. - I feel like I see a romantic boat ride in the future. Oh my gosh. Okay. Amazing. So you are the rower. Let's find out who is the creative director. (suspenseful whoosh) - It's me too! (all laugh) - Okay. - Okay, two for three. - So yeah, I'm also, like you, I really like photography. I'm a super creative person doing creative stuff. - Yeah. It's important to have creative freedom in whatever you're doing, so that it's most enjoyable. - And it was really cool when you said that you did media for your school. That's, that's awesome. - Thank you. - It's so cool. Isn't it actually the coolest? - I know. For real, like actually. (Nicolas laughs) - All right, we're two for three with Kyan. Do you think we're gonna get three for three? - Maybe. - Maybe? Maybe? All right, well let's bring out who each brought in Tame Impala. - Sadly this isn't me. Well this belongs to, - Hello. - You. - Hello. It's nice to meet you. - Hi. - Hi. I brought out Tame Impala. I really liked how you talked about how you like a wide variety of music and I agree with that. I feel like my taste is always changing. - Amazing. - I feel that. - All right, well I wanna know your name, but we're almost there, we're almost there. Bye. (Nicolas laughs) (pop synth music) (electronic click) Alright friend, come on out. - Okay. Hello. - Hello. It was the bright blue shirt. - Nice. - I kind of just like to be kind of comfortable but also like look a little bit like put together a little bit. I don't know, I feel like this is just something I'd wear. Like, you know, going out to something casual. - [Maddie] It's very stylish. - Oh, thank you. - [Maddie] It's pretty good. - I feel like. Yeah, I normally pretty much dress like this. Unless I'm going to the gym. My gym fits are pretty good though. Like you'd have to see them. - Oh. - [Kyan] I don't know. If you wanted to like lift? - Mine are two. - Okay, okay. - [Maddie] Come see 'em. - Amazing. What do you think? - That was actually my second choice 'cause it's like really stylish but like comfortable. Which I feel like- - Yeah it's comfy. - It's kind of how I go. - Well you're looking great. - I go back here? - Why not, enter the portal. (all laugh) - Are you interested to see who's wearing the outfit that you chose initially? - Yes. I'm very interested. - All right, let's bring them out. - Hi again. - Hi. - So I like to dress pretty like simple but also comfortable. - Nice. - If we did this all again, would you still pick this up at first? - Yeah, probably. - Yeah? You're a look and fly friend. I love that they all go through. (both laugh) (chill synth music) (electronic click) Let's bring the boys out. Come on in. - Hello. - [Maddie] Hello. - Nice to meet you. My name is Mateo. I was a skateboard one, I was a little sad you didn't pick it, but you know, it's okay. Yeah. I play sports for my high school. I'm on with lacrosse team. You said you were, did like the news and stuff? - Yeah. - I work with the news for my school. I'm a photographer for that, but yeah. - Okay. Thank you Mateo. We're gonna bring out the second guy. You ready? - Yes. - All right. - Hi. - Hi. I am Luke. - Luke. - I had the Rolling Stones vinyl. - Nice, very nice. - I also had the neuroscience researcher. - Cool, I'm actually going into psychology. - Oh, okay. - So studying kind of, you know how the mind works. - That's really cool. - Mine was the the cake one, (Maddie laughs) which was just a reference to something, so. - All right, well thank you Luke, it was lovely meeting you. Let's bring out the next guy. Familiar face. - Yeah, we've met before. - We have. - Here's my name tag. I am Winston. - You are Winston. - I listen to like tons of music, but right now I'm kind of like into alternative. But my gym playlist is so different. - That's how, that's how I am. Everything I listen to in the gym, I leave it at the gym. - [Winston] No, I know. - It like gets me hyped up like differently. - It gets me hyped up. But like when I'm PR-ing versus like, my friends are like, what is this music? And I'm just like, don't judge. Like I need to hit it. Well now I feel betrayed, 'cause now who's the real Kyan? - Who is that? - I guess I'll meet him soon. Come on out. - Hello. - [Nicolas] Another familiar face. - So I actually was the real Kyan. (Nicolas gasps) So a little bit more about me is for the dream job, I was the cinematographer. - Very cool. - Which I think kind of lines up with what we've already talked about. - Yeah. - I kind of wanted to hear more about like what you do for your film. Cause I know that we have that in common. - Yeah. So I kind of just go out to different sports through Blue Crew, and like shoot the different sports, and then I like make a video of it all at the end. So that's how you do the hype video. - Yeah that's very cool, I think it's very similar. Yeah. - Yes. - Well it was lovely meeting you, the real Kyan. We have one more. I wonder who it could be. - Who could it be. - Hi. - How's it going yo, my name's Joaquin, of course. I'm the last person. - But not the least. - Definitely not. I was the fashion content creator actually. Oh yeah. I do that basically almost every day. Well, Joaquin it was lovely meeting you. Feel free to join your friends here in the line. (cool synth music) How are we feeling, Maddie? - Good. - Good? Were you so happy to meet everyone? - Yes, it's funny not being able to hear you guys talk, so it's cool to finally hear everyone's voice. - And do you feel you got more time with the guys that you didn't get to talk to beforehand? - Yeah, definitely found out kind of a little bit about everybody, which is important. - Amazing. Well, we're nearing the end of the line here. You've met all of these incredible, lovely, lovely boys. - Yes. - Do you think there's one of them you feel like you really wanna take out on a date? Get to know a little bit better? - Yes. - Amazing. Well, I will, I'll let you, you get to it. - Um, do I just say? - Yeah, yeah. (synth music buildup) - Winston. - Yay! (group applaud) (Nicolas laughs) Winston, the chosen one. How are you feeling? - I'm feeling great. This was such a fun experience. Her personality, I really liked it, and I just like couldn't stop staring at her. Like I think the whole time I was just like looking at her. And you of course when you're talking. - Good, yeah I'm glad you said that. (Nicolas laughs) - But I feel like we had tons in common, but like not too much. So I thought that was really cool. And that she goes to the gym. That's so cool. Like I want to like, I don't want to be that couple, but like the gym couple, you know? (Nicolas laughs) - Okay. So I noticed a couple of things happening out there, specifically with one person. I'm gonna say it was Winston, who you kind of hit things off with? - Yes. - Yeah. - I definitely did hit things off with him. He said he was a good listener, so I feel like the fact that he picked that as his quote just shows that it's something he cares a lot about, and that he wants to be a good listener. But it's cool that he can talk to me so comfortably, but also admits that he's a good listener. - Totally. Oh my gosh. So do you think we've built the dream person today? - Yes. - Amazing. What do you feel like ultimately made this decision for you? - I would just say like with like the loveprint. I really just liked what you said about the guarded and open. I'm slightly guarded a little bit too when it comes to bigger things. And the gym. Yeah, you seem cool. I love the outfit too. That's definitely my second choice, so thank you. - Oh my god, I feel like the proudest chaperone in the world right now. - A great chaperone. - Oh my, thank you, thank you. Also, thank you to all of you. Amazing, amazing friends. - Yes. You're all are very nice. - Listen, mom will leave the set, if y'all want to exchange numbers, do whatever you want to do. I'll be in the car if you need me. Thank you all so much for watching. It's always so interesting to see how much fantasy, lines up with reality. Again, I'm your host Nicholas Zhou, and we'll catch you next time on Build a Boo. (Maddie laughs) - I don't have my phone with me right now. It's over there. - Your phone? Oh yeah. - Do you have yours? - No, but I have it in my, so, okay. - Okay, we'll go get it. - Yeah, we'll do that. (Maddie laughs) Definitely. We'll hit that gym date. - No, we have to. Where do you work out? - (censored). - Oh yeah, yeah. There's, wait, where are you from? - (censored). - Okay that's-
Channel: nectar
Views: 1,856,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: versus 1 nectar, versus 1 jubilee, versus 1 jubilee nectar, online dating, dating show, dating tv show, dating internet, internet dating, nectar dating, nectar jubilee, dating, love, gen z dating, build-a-boo, youtube game show, dating online show, teenagers, dream boyfriend, dream partner, ideal partner, maddie, high school, senior high school, driven, adventurous, best friend, high standard, picky, gym, couples, kyan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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