will 6 drunk singles reveal their crushes?

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- Welcome to "Dating Under the Influence", the show where we test what influences our dating choices the most. In a series of four rounds, we'll explore different elements that impact attraction. At the start of each round, the group takes a shot together. And after each round's activity, we'll do an attraction checkpoint. Will a genuine connection form between these six singles? Let's find out. (sultry music) You guys ready? - Yeah. - Okay, but first I think it's shot 'oclock, before we get into the first round. To love. - To love. - Cheers. - To love! - [Participant] Oh my God. (bottle cap pops) - [Leesie] In this first round, they have 30 seconds to shoot their shot with the person they're initially attracted to. - Sasha? - Yeah. - Nice to meet you. - It's nice to meet you too. - Where are you from? - All over California, but I just lived in Chicago for five years. Moved here back in July. - Wasn't too cold up there? - I loved how cold it was over there. We can stay like this. Um, hi. (group laughing) So how long have you lived in LA? - So I'm just visiting. - Oh, wow. - Yeah, I live in Austin. - Oh. - Yeah. - I feel like I know a lot of people that live in Austin. - Do you? You should come visit. (group laughs) - Remind me. - Gabby. - Gabby. Like Gabrielle Union. - Yes, like Gabrielle Union. - That's right. Yes, Yes. Hi, nice to meet you- - Jordan. - Yes. So you from California? - I am. I'm a dancer, so- - Oh. - LA is like very creative. It's very artistic, so I love being out there. - Yeah. - Now it's your turn Gabby. - Okay. Uh, we can stay here. (laughing) What do you do? - I'm an actor as well. Kinda the same- - I just got into acting- - Oh, sure. - I was telling Sasha maybe like a month or so ago. (Sara faintly speaking) - [Anh] Oh, what a surprise. - Hi. - Hi. - Where are you from? - I'm from San Diego. - Oh, me too. - How old are you? - 24. - 24? Okay. (group laughing) Sounds good. - First initial attraction was to Matt, but then I don't know I started talking to Anh and I really like how we had a lot in comment. - Yeah, I went to Coachella and it was like- - Me too! - Wait, weekend one or two? Weekend one or two? - Two. - Me too. (both laughing) - Where you hiding? (group laughing) - So we're gonna do our first attraction checkpoint. Point to who you're most feeling right now. We'll start with you, Sasha. (sultry music) Okay, Jordan. - I was really into Sasha and Gabby off the top. - Okay. (laughing) Okay. Okay. And Anh. Cool, cool, cool. Are you guys ready for another shot? (participants chattering indistinctly) (whimsical music) - In college, I was always called one shot Sara, 'cause it'd be one shot and where is Sara? She's gone. I'd be always passed out not even before 1:00 AM. (bottle cap pops) - [Leesie] Round two. Just like typical beer pong, the group will take turns trying to make a shot. Once a shot is made, they get to ask their current crush a question from the truth or dare deck. - All right, all right. (group cheering) (ball clacking) (Jordan sighs) (ball clacking) (group cheers) Here we go. Drink, drink, drink. "Pick someone to slow dance with for one full minute". I mean, you are in musical theater, right? So you know how to dance. (opera music) - This is nice, yeah. - This is so lovely. What'd you have for breakfast? - Oh, McDonald's. - Ooh, McGriddle or McMuffin? - McGriddle. - Oh, good choice. - Yes. Yes. - Jordan has a very cute face, but he is a little shorter than I am, so it's kind of something I have to get over. Whereas Matt is very much quintessential my type. (ball clacking) (group laughing) (Gabby laughing) - Oh, cool. - Chug, chug. - "How frequently would you want to have sex in a relationship?" - That's a good question. As much as my partner is interested. I can go whenever, you know. - Good answer. - Yeah. - It was like, not a mutual, but like the same kind of connection with both Jordan and Matt, but I think I honestly related to Matt more than Jordan. - Let's go, let's go! - Let's go, Sarah. - I'm way too buzzed to like hit it. - You got it. (ball clacks) (group cheers) - Thank you. But no thank you. - "Read the last text from your ex". (Anh coughs) Ooh, spicy. - Does anyone else want that card? - No. (group laughing) - Sara, you gotta make sure he's being honest. (group laughing) - Goodnight with three Ns and a sad face. - Aw. - Sad face. - Ouch. - [Crew] Was that like a recent text? - Yeah, it was... It is a recent text, so yeah. (laughing) (ball clacking) - Matt, that's for you. - Thank you. - "What red flags of yours have been called out by past partners?" - Sometimes I'm a little closed off and I- - You're letting yourself off too easy, that's not a red flag. - Well I was gonna tell you- - That's not a red flag. - [Matt] I was gonna tell you another one. - That's like a very normal thing. - I'll tell you another one. - Okay. - I sometimes chew with my mouth open and people get like really frustrated with me. - You're painting a really nice picture of yourself. - Thanks. (group laughing) - [Sasha] That's okay. (ball clacking) (liquid sloshes) - Ooh. (Jordan speaking indistinctly) - Me? - Yep. - Truth, have you ever cheated on a partner? - Oh, absolutely not. (laughs) - I was like, whoa, absolutely. (group laughing) - Have you? - That's not my question. (ball clacking) (group cheers) - All right, "What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you in bed?" (Sara laughing) - Farting or something like that, I don't know. I'm a loud farter. - No worries, me too. (group laughing) - We're gonna do our second attraction checkpoint. (sultry music) Are you guys ready for round three? - Bring it on. - Let's do it. - Another shot! - Let's go. - Mm-hmm. - [Crew] Chasers... - Hi, it's me Siena, the director of this episode. Take a shot if you like this new series, "Dating Under the Influence" and subscribe for more. Cheers. (bottle cap pops) - [Leesie] Round three. One by one, each single gets to spin the bottle. When the bottle lands on someone, they can each choose to share a kiss or take a shot. - All right. - Oh my God Leesie, get over here. - [Leesie] Don't tempt me. (bottle clanging) (Sasha gasps) Let's try it again. - Okay. - [Leesie] 3, 2, 1. (ethereal music) (dramatic music) - Oh. - Oh! - [Leesie] 3, 2, 1. (Sasha gasps) (participants squealing) (participants clapping) (bottle clattering) - Ooh, it's Anh. - Ooh. (Leesie faintly speaking) - All right. - Oh god. - Oh, I don't know if she's gonna kiss me or not. And like I was like, maybe I'll just give it a go. - [Leesie] 3, 2, 1. (sultry music) (Matt chuckles) (participants chuckling) (group cheering) - Yes! - Oh God. - What's up, Matt? - Spin it with force. - I tried to spin it at one point so that it would land on Sasha and I wasn't able to make it happen. - [Leesie] 3, 2, 1. (Sara chuckles) (bottle clanging) (group chattering indistinctly) - It's Anh. - Anh's just gonna kiss all of us by the end. - Let's hope, let's hope. - [Leesie] Alrighty. You guys have your decisions. - Yeah. - All righty. 3, 2, 1. - [Participant] Yeah. Get into it. - I hope my mom isn't watching. (laughs) - Should we leave? - Should we go? - Yes. Yes. - I think that's a wrap for today. - [Participant] Anh, it's your turn. (group laughing) - [Leesie] 3, 2, 1. - He didn't even grab the shot. - Yeah. (participants gasping) (lips smacking) - This is intense. So I was like right there. I don't think I've ever seen two people go at it like that, that close. - Yep. - Yeah. (participants cheering) (Leesie faintly speaking) (sultry music) - Okay. (bottle cap pop) Rounds four. This is the single's final opportunity to reveal their feelings for one another and see if they're reciprocated. - Excited. - Who's drunk? (group laughing) You're like, nah, I'm chill. - No, I'm drunk. (group cheering) - I'm feeling pretty drunk. (laughs) - I'm feeling way too lit. I think I'm a little bit the most lit out of everyone but I'm enjoying myself and having way too much fun. - Matt, get up here. - Okay. - A the beginning I felt mutual vibe. I'm so sorry I'm way drunker than I thought and I didn't realize that when I made eye contact with you. I would love to get to know you better, even though you live in Austin. (laughs) Love to get to know you better while you're in town. We can like go hang out, grab a drink or something after this. - Yeah, I'd love to. - Awesome. Love to hear it. Bring it in for a hug? - Yeah, yeah. (Sasha thumping) (group laughs) - [Participant] Me too. - Yeah. No, this is a lot of pressure. - It's okay. - Oh, okay. Most of the game I was into Sasha because I felt that we had a lot in common and that made the most sense. It's very difficult to decide because I did like both, so I kind of just had to choose one or the other. I'm gonna go with Gabby. Yeah. Honestly I have like a lot of friendships and like what I base my relationships off of is like how much I can be a friend first. - Right. - I just feel like our conversations were very genuine and it was easy to talk to you. - [Gabby] Thanks. - I think Jordan and I could be wonderful friends and yeah, I think him and I could work really well together, but I don't know if the romantic connection was there necessarily. Yeah. - He did vote for you a few times. - (laughing) Sorry. Sorry. Hearing that makes me wanna like punch him in the face 'cause I'm like, no, you have Gabby, like she's a fuckin' catch. - Sara! - Yeah! (Sara faintly speaking) (group laughing) - I'm a little too drunk for this. - I'm too drunk too. I'm not gonna lie, like when I first saw everyone, like you definitely caught my eye. So, and I'm glad that we vibe and we have a lot in common. - Yeah, we do. - Like it's too much. It's kinda scary. - It's kinda scary, yeah. - Guitar, piano, and EDM, and it's hard to find EDM heads out there, so I'm really grateful that like I found you and like, yeah, I'm excited. - I'm excited too. - Would you like to go on a date with me? - Yeah, of course. - I'm excited. - Me too. - Make out. (group laughing) - [Sasha] One more time. Third times the charm. (group laughing) - I think there's a very strong chance at romance and they're both a little crazy in a good way. I think they're meant for each other. (upbeat music) - [All] Cheers. ♪ Oh we wiling ♪ ♪ We drinking cherry wine and ♪ ♪ We dancing on an island ♪ ♪ We go and pop the finest ♪ ♪ Yeah yeah yeah mix tequila ♪ ♪ And call me señorita ♪ (participants clapping and chattering)
Channel: nectar
Views: 2,141,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: versus 1, versus 1 nectar, versus 1 jubilee, versus 1 jubilee nectar, online dating, dating show, dating tv show, dating internet, internet dating, nectar dating, nectar jubilee, dating, love, drinking, kissing, hot, gen z, lover, spin the bottle
Id: fuWCbssUCmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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