The Kid LAROI Speed Dates 15 Women on The Button | Cut

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do you have lots of crushes on celebrities Zoe I have lots of celebrity crushes the person you're sitting across from may be a little bit of a celebrity ooh what kind of I just make music music yeah I just make music I'm sorry Zoe I'm sorry I'm sorry welcome to the button speed dating show when the button lights up red either player may press it and swap out their date for a new person get out of here if two people can last on a date for 10 minutes they win an all expenses paid second date this is the button hi there hi what's your name and what do you do for a living I am the kid Leroy and uh I am an aspiring [Music] musician are you single I am do you know what you're doing today uh yeah I believe we're doing a speed dating situation yeah when I light up bread you can reject your date or they can reject themselves all right I'm nervous how you doing good how are you good ly nice to meet you I'm Lily nice to meet you nice to meet you Lily has an ultra ego Lily tell us about it okay my old Eagle his name is Daniel and he's from Manchester oh W and he has a little British accent you know I like to whip it out at a potty sometimes that's cool and it's actually I'm sorry it's I think you're I think it's great I just um maybe maybe a lot sure okay I'm sorry nice to meet you Lily yeah nice have a good one I'm sorry it's okay L I feel so mean hello hi how you doing good how are you good thanks good I'm looy nice to meet you nice to meet you too are you from around here no I'm not from here I'm actually from Sydney Australia originally but I I live in Los Angeles I have a fun little toxic trait about Saia she goes through her partner's phones oh how do you feel about that uh I'm not a fan of that I can't lie yeah I'm sorry no it's okay yeah sorry I think I'm going to no it's is that okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I hate doing that oh man how you feeling are you nervous yeah dude I'm [ __ ] shaking well I also want to be clear we have told nobody who you are beautiful that's perfect what are you looking for in a partner someone who's motivated who um is inspired to do you know cool things and someone who's adventurous I like go- cotting so anybody who likes going to go- cots I think that's pretty cool hi hello I'm Ellie how you doing I'm ly nice to meet you nice to meet you I'm sorry my hands are so clammy no no I didn't even notice you didn't say anything yeah what do you like to do for fun I'm actually a photographer oh W cool yeah I do mainly Sports Photography ask him if he's ever had his photo professionally taken have you ever had your photo professionally taken yeah yeah I can give if you want your photos taken ever please I would love I would love yeah please I will do you like go cutting go carting yeah yeah yeah sure really yeah you like that yeah oh wow that's great yeah that's perfect oh no was it the go-karts maybe maybe it was the go-karts I'm sorry lovely to meet you bye you you think is the go-karts I think the go-kart situation was very direct think I could put it in a little smoother next time Tatiana's types are emotionally unavailable are you emotionally unavailable uh no I don't think so I'm sorry that's fair Emma is obsessed with Disney World really yeah I'm going to sorry don't about your hoodie says brangelina and then it's like how long they were dating cool yeah sorry I think I'm going what do you do for uh I'm a teacher oh nice do teachers intimidate you uh yeah I'm slight a little bit I dropped out in the ninth grade so I don't really yeah yeah that's fine I was walking around the street and he was giving chocolate to people and I didn't have pockets so I put it in my bra and then like later on like it somehow made its way to somewhere on my body so it looked like I shat myself but it was chocolate it was chocolate it was is a Ferrera Ro I'm sorry it was really funny but like I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry lovely to meet you have a good one I am exhausted no one has asked you what you do for a living yeah no I mean who cares right is there a specific job you could see a partner doing I want a partner who doesn't know anything about music because like I just think that'd be really cool someone who's really disconnected from the world that I'm in but then again I'm like somebody who is in my field of work could like understand more and maybe we could relate on more things I don't know what I want I'm 20 hi hi what's up nice toet how you doing ly nice to meet you what is your favorite song current or just overall because I'm somebody who consumes music very frequently okay uh I would say my favorite song right now would be this song called from Sarah's place by Zack Brian Rowan ask him how much he knows about music how much do you know about music a I mean you know I like I listen to a lot of music I make music so I mean I I think I know a lot what is your favorite song that you've made probably this song called bleed can you sing it for us no oh I get it I get it as somebody who has also been like very musical their entire life putting somebody on the spot is very hard it's kind of embarrassing right like I feel I get I get really like embarrassed yeah do you know he's 20 oh you're 20 how old are you 25 okay okay is that a little too old uh you know maybe maybe maybe a little bit yeah maybe just a little yeah I'm sorry ask him if he's ever do an older woman not seriously just slept with that's a little personal hi there all right for both of you for this date you have to whisper okay Sarah who's the last person you kissed my ex-boyfriend how long were you guys dating um 4 years oh wow I just got to have a relationship too oh really I was dating someone for 3 years oh okay yeah yeah yeah so you know yeah I know you guys can start speaking normally now okay what what do you like to do for fun are you like a are you adventurous you like I like going on Hikes um do you like go cutting I do like goat cutting but the thing is with goat cting like one of my best friends had kind of like a scary accident with it where she had to get surgery it's terrible yeah ly sings professionally would you day a singer I would uhoh it gives me kind of like I don't know I feel like a little bit nervous okay [Music] ly is that a deal breaker for you um just a little bit I'm sorry because of what you do for a living does it make it hard to date it does make it hard to date 100% how so I'm just traveling so much I'm always going different places and I'm I'm busy a lot hi what's up hi how you doing good how are you ly I'm Zoe fun fact about Zoe Zoe's an art student who who's painted Timothy sham over 50 times 50 times that's a lot yeah yeah he's he's definitely my celebrity crush oh I love that that's cool I have lots of celebrity crushes that's cool yeah the person you're sitting across from may be a little bit of a celebrity oo okay uh what kind of I just make music music yeah I just make music I'm sorry Z I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry 50 times her deal breaker is if people don't want to date longterm are you looking for a long-term relationship right now no right I just got out of a relationship I just got out of a relationship that I was in for like 3 years oh no and like within the past like couple months and I'm just like it's hard for me to go right into something again lovely to meet you yeah like right hi hi nice to meet you nice to meet you I'm Natalie I'm ly nice to meet youy you sweater thank you super cool thank you Natalie doesn't like liars bad hair or bad hygiene I can get behind that do you like his hair I'm I mean I got a hat yeah normally I go for like a darker hair but I think you have beautiful hair and it's really nice with your eyes thank you very much yeah fun talks about Natalie she eats an insane amount of slim gems every day holy [ __ ] that's czy I mean have you had a slim gy I I've had a slim gym I have like do you like the spicy ones that's exactly what I like how many do you eat I came up at my bedside table so I can have up to like five or six but not the long ones like a day or at a time like in a day is it like an essential like water M no I wouldn't say it's like water I mean there's definitely days where I'm like I don't need a slim gym today like it's not an everyday thing okay that's good but I'd say a lot of days I I like a good slim gy ask her what do you find sexy about me uh what do you find attractive about me you have really pretty eyes thanks could you see yourselves getting married I mean we just met I would like to say that down the line I would like to get married not to you but maybe to you maybe to you not to me but I just mean in general I I would like to get married yeah I mean I'd like to get married one day yeah I'm not in a rush you want kids I mean eventually yeah sure yeah me too too do you work or you in school or like I do like some professional dancing and then I work at a dental office so what do you do uh I'm a musician okay yeah I make music do you want to invite her to see you sing one of these days uh yeah I mean you're more than welcome to I mean that'd be a little scary for me but yeah sure you can you can come watch me sing scary for you I'm just really weird about like kind of I don't know like playing my music to somebody like it's a little embarrassing maybe yeah but I mean you do do you do like big shows sure sometimes yeah yeah so I mean you know what you're doing yeah maybe a little bit yeah you seem like you do do you like go-karting you like stuff like that go-karting uh oh yeah that was like such a cute way to say that oh do you like go cotting yeah I do go I I've never been but my brothers love to go-kart and I feel like that's something that I would have a lot of fun doing so yeah all right I'm going to light up one more time if you don't press me you are matched together all [Music] [Music] right woo great job nice to meet nice to meet you too yeah tell us what you got coming up my album is now out it's called the first time so uh please go and listen to it and don't hate it I think it's way better than anything I've ever put out before so um yeah
Channel: Cut
Views: 1,425,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cut, Watch Cut, people, people videos, storytelling, relationships, Dating, Interviews, Firsts, couples, exes, love, Kids Try, games, challenges, Ethnic groups, People Interviews, Dares, Truth or Dare, 100 ways, blind dates, 100 people, experiments, #tbt, party games, Truth or Drink, HiHo Kids, Hiho, college, 100 YOB, 100 Years of Beauty
Id: viURy8tYYlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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