blind dating girls by going through their phones | vs 1

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- You're kidding me. Free Bird, Bird House in your Soul, Surfing Bird. Birds in the forest for 10 hours playlist. Calming and relaxing bird sounds. Relaxing bird songs. Bird songs and calls. Songs about birds. The science of birds. You got podcasts? What the. (bright music) What's up, guys? My name's Ryan and I make YouTube videos and I also do music. And today, I'm gonna be blind dating eight girls based on their phones. Oh, the worst thing that I might see on the phone is too many dudes. I've like peeked over some girls' phones and seeing like their Snapchat and it's like athlete, athlete, athlete, YouTuber, YouTuber, random guy, friend, guy friend, guy friend, friend zone, friend zone. And I'm like, that's outta control. So I'm scared that I might see something like that today, but I'm hoping I don't see that. - [Speaker] Can you tell me how you're feeling? - I feel bad for them because I would not be willing to give up my phone for people to look at. So I don't know why they even signed up, but I'm excited. Thank you. So at first glance, we're looking at the phone. Let's see, your background here is like a nice pink tangerine color. What was the thought process behind your wallpaper? - [Paris] It's like an aura, like kind of wallpaper - You into like spiritual stuff? - Mm-hmm. - Mm, love that. Oh, you got it like color coded. Hold on, now you just peeped this. You got the blue apps, the black and white. Do you really walk around with it this nice with color coded? - [Paris] I do. I like organization - Screen time. Let's look into that right now. Four hours 51 minutes daily average. That is love. So I can see you actually live a life, you don't just sit on your phone all day. - [Paris] Yeah, exactly. - There you go. - Thank you. I'm looking at the phone case. Baby blue, that's your favorite color? - [Kellie] Yeah. - I see you have it where it's organized with the stuff, travel, school, rainbow with a little sparkle. Daily average, two hours and 19 minutes. Oh my god. - Good job. (Kellie giggling) - Like I said, this is why I wouldn't do this because I would not give up my phone 'cause mine would be 1,000 hours. - Ah, okay. - Here we go. Thank you. I've never seen this. Okay, I don't know if y'all knew you were coming on the- - [Kate] No, that's how it looks. - I'm gonna go to your screen time. First two girls gonna be hard to beat. Two hours and 17 minutes. - What? - Okay, that's so surprising. - [Speaker] When you look at the screen time, are you looking at the daily average? Can you go to last week's? - Let's see. - Today's Sunday. - Oh, maybe a reset. - Oh. - [Kate] Let's start with me. - Last week's average, one hour, 35 minutes. - What? - What? - Oh, I think she might have cleared some (bleep) out on this phone. - [Kate] No, I actually didn't. - The first two kind of got away on that one. - Are you ready? - I'm ready. - Okay. - Thank you. You got some games on here? Okay, candy Crush. How often do you play games on your phone? - I don't play most of them. Only Sudoku and Candy Crush. - Uh-oh. Last week, it was eight hours, 42 minutes. I think that's a normal, like that's what I was expecting to see was eight hours, nine hours. Oh, I like this. The ice cream sandwich cookie pop socket. You guys definitely did a good job of cleaning these phones out before this video shoot. All right, last week was seven hours. The week before was four hours. Really good. And then I see Sudoku, three hours and 39 minutes on Sudoku. - Like, instead of like watching like YouTube or TikTok, I'm like, this is like productive and good for my brains. - You have to be intelligent to be doing that. There's no dumb person that's on there playing games like that. - [Catie] Yeah, thank you. - So I respect that a lot. - Thank you. - Be careful with her. - Okay. - You have the very beautiful cat as the lock screen. All right, what is the Flo app? What is that? - Oh, it's a period tracker. - Oh. The more you know. - Yeah. - So does it just help you like, "Oh, it's coming today," like. - Yeah. Or I need to be on the lookout. - Gotta be on the lookout, okay. - Here we go. - Great. Again, this is a very minimalist phone. Again, I'm suspicious that you might have cleared this (bleep) out. - No, no, not at all. - Before we started. - No. - All right. Last week, it was seven hours and it was 11 before. Okay. Instagram and messages, who do you text typically? - Work? - Mm. - [Pearl] So I own a restaurant, so. So I text a lot of people. - That's great. I mean, I applaud that you're a restaurant owner, chef, like. - Thank you. - That's serious. Thank you. And your name was? - [Crellyn] Crellyn. - You have it the most spunky wallpaper of everybody. You've got these two birds that are like kissing. - [Crellyn] Yup, could be us. - What made you want to do these two birds? You like birds? - Oh, I love birds. - And look, you said not bird, very bird, little bird are the names of the sections you have. And then Bird Alone, Bird Sort Color, Flappy Duck, Merlin Bird ID, Smart ID. And I'm looking at your purse here, is that a bird by any chance? - [Catie] Oh yes, this is a chicken. - Okay, a chicken purse. I love the theme you got going on. - Thank you. - Okay. She cleared this (bleep) out. I see zero minutes. - [Crellyn] I'm busy watching birds. - But what do you typically spend your time doing? Is it the bird games? Is it texting? - [Crellyn] Probably looking at pictures of birds on Instagram. The web. - All right. And could you please, what is it about birds that resonates with you? - [Crellyn] I think it's really great that when you get pooped on by a bird, it's good luck and I wish I could do the same for others. - Let me get this straight. You don't wanna poop on other people and then- - Well if I did, then it wouldn't be good luck. But if I was a bird, it would be. - Yeah. - Yeah. Yeah, all right. That makes sense. Great. Okay. Let me think here. 'Cause it's effectively based on nothing because everyone's phone, like everybody was chill. Okay, three people. Okay, the first person I'm gonna eliminate is going to be the chef. I think it's because she, as a business owner, as an entrepreneur. And I need time with my SO, and she's gonna be too busy. (upbeat music) - Hi. - Hello. I'll give you a hug. I feel so bad. - Oh no, don't be, don't be. Your reason are valid. - You have a restaurant here, like in LA or? - Yeah, it's in LA. - Amazing. Well, I'm gonna go there when we're done filming. - Absolutely. Yeah, please, come in. - Thank you. - Thank you, thank you. Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. Okay. Holy (bleep). - I'm going to take out first girl. And I actually don't have a reason. I'm getting some sort of energy through the damn tent. And that's it. I have effectively nothing to base it off of. (upbeat music) Hello. - Hi. (bleep) - Nice to meet you. - Oh my gosh. Nice to meet you. I'm Paris. - Sorry. - No, it's okay. - I mean, I have nothing bad to say about you, so. - Oh, thank you. - Thank you. - Thank you so much. - Oh, there's another elimination. - Okay, let's think. Ooh. - I'm gonna go with the number four and I don't have a crazy reason. (upbeat music) Hello. - Hi. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - I'll give you a side hug. Thank you. - Yeah, you're welcome. - I have nothing. I like your dress. Nice everything. So thank you. - Thank you. - I lose regardless, but. All right. - Bye. - Bye. - Here you go. - Thank you. - You got some nice hands. - Thank you. - I know we're not judging hands but, I'm gonna look at your recent searches. I don't know any of these people. Renee Rapp, Beebadoobee. - Beebadoobee. (giggling) - Okay. And what type of music is this? - [Kellie] I would say I listen to a lot of, like, indie pop. - You listen to any rap or like hiphop, RnB? - [Kellie] I would say occasionally, but I think- - Judging by your response, that's like a no. We're going to messages. - All right. - Can I open up some of these or? - Sure, yeah. - Okay. See, the fact that you even would allow me to even open these up is a good sign because I would never let someone do that. Who's Ryan Kim? - [Kellie] Oh, he is one of our friends from college, like our little friend group. - Okay. 'Cause my name's Ryan. And you know the rule, you can only know one Ryan. You're can only be friends with one Ryan or you know. Dad, then, you left your dad on open. - [Kellie] Oh. (laughs) - You didn't even open your dad's message on Wednesday. - I did not see that. - Okay. I see SD Bitches. San Diego Bitches, what is that? - [Kellie] We went on like a little trip to San Diego. - Can I click on the SD Bitches? - [Kellie] There's some interesting photos in there, but yes. - Oh, okay. - [Kellie] My friend has a habit of photoshopping us into things, as you can clearly tell - Aaron with the devil emoji? - [Kellie] Oh, that is my brother. - That's your brother, okay. Do you have any love interests on your phone that you've been texting? - Unfortunately, no. - Okay. And if you did, you would've cleared them out by now. All right, here we go. Spotify is the first thing we're going into. What type of music do you typically listen to? - [Kate] I like, like RnB and like rap and like indie and then also like jazz sometimes. - Mm. Okay. Are you like, you're giving like funky, not funky, like are you like a spiritual type of girl? - [Kate] I mean, yeah, like I'm like religious. And I like, I don't know, I'm just kinda whatever. - Okay, do you believe in like astrology? Like crystals and shit? - [Kate] Actually, I don't. I think people like, I don't know, do whatever you wanna do. - Messages, which I can't find because it's all these pastel box. - [Kate] Oh, okay. Wait, just like scroll all the way to the side, it has all my apps. - There it is. Oh, I'm seeing a lot of unopened. - [Kate] Yeah, okay. I'm like, not the best texter. - A lot of unread here. Oh my God. I see Ken talking about you going home for Thanksgiving. Who's Ken? (Kate laughing) That's all I need to know. Samuel Sam. - These are just like friends. - Hmm. Friends. I love that. 'Cause I speak womanese, so I- - Oh, are you fluent? - I know these things. - [Kate] Oh, you're very fluent, okay. - You even saved his, you know, image for the, I'm not gonna click into it right now. And he's a "friend," quote unquote. - [Kate] Yeah. There's like a long story. It's- - Oh, okay. - [Kate] Well we talk more again. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We'll get into that. - [Kate] For another time. - Appreciate that. - Yup. - All righty. Let's go first into the music. Apple Music, my favorite. Of course, you downloaded "Rich Baby Daddy" from Drake. That was my favorite song. Uh-oh, she got the Bhad Bhabie, Gucci Flip Flops. Uh-oh. How's that song go? - [Maci] Gucci Flip Flops. I don't know, I can't sing that. Don't make me do that. - You good. Now let's do the messages. 251 unanswered. - [Maci] Okay, you know what? I have a work group chat from like, my job in Atlanta and they go crazy in there and I have it muted. - I immediately see yesterday. Mom, "Call me back please." Unopened from yesterday. - Well, I called her back. - Oh, Jimmy? - Jimmy's my brother, - Brother. - Before we get too far. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - 'Cause I'm not opening these El Padre. - [Maci] I've named them in middle school. - Dad said, "Is there a more economical way you can eat? The Amazon Fresh is running my credit card up real high." Ah, I needed to open that one. - Here you go. - Here we go. All right, I will look at the most recent search on your Spotify. Mac Miller, Kanye West, okay. Eric Bellinger, one of my favorite artists. Uh-oh, Cupcake, "Deepthroat." - [Ahjanae] I listen to it in the shower sometimes. - How does that song go? - [Ahjanae] I'm not... (girls laughing) I think you know it. I think you know it. - Oh, I do know it. I know it very well. - [Ahjanae] How do you know it really well? - I make YouTube videos and there was a time in my life where I played this song in the library. We're gonna be blasting more inappropriate songs in the library. ("Deepthroat") Let's get straight into the messages. Who's Andrew? - Oh, work friend. - Work friend. - Yeah, he's gay, so. - Oh, okay. - [Ahjanae] I don't think I have anybody's number saved in my phone. Like updated and like half of my contacts are now unsaved. I don't know how that happens, so - Interesting. Yeah, I'm seeing a lot of no saves here. - [Ahjanae] Yeah, I don't know. - You just said F it. I'm not even gonna bother saving them. Menace to society. - [Ahjanae] That is my little brother. - Yeah, I like how the other girl had the little devil emoji. - Yeah. - Next to the brother. You have menace to society. Gary Perry. - Another work friend. - Gay? - Yes, gay. - Okay. Bird girl, here we go. Music. It's gonna be nothing but just Tweety Bird and shit. - [Crellyn] You'd be surprised. - You're kidding me. Free Bird, Bird House in your Soul, Surfing Bird. What the? Birds in the forest for 10 hours playlist. Calming and relaxing bird sounds. - [Crellyn] It helps me go to sleep. - Oh my God, okay, okay. Relaxing bird songs. Bird songs and calls. Songs about birds. The science of birds. You got podcasts. So like not only do you like birds and bird noises, but even the song free bird. - [Crellyn] Oh, absolutely. - Oh, "If you're reading this, it's too late" by Drake. - [Crellyn] Yes, because I don't love Thanksgiving but there's Drake's giving. - Okay, that's your one other thing that I've seen that you like outside of birds. Drake. - Yes. - And let's do the messages. If I see more birds. Who's jubirdie? - Jubilee. - Who's dove? - My friend. - Do they have a real name? - It's Dove. - Their real name is Dove? - No, it's Nicole. - Okay. All right. All right, yeah. I'm about to say like, now you're curating friends based on bird name? Nicole who got the eagle emoji. - [Crellyn] I got two Nicoles. - Your friend sent you an image of a flamingo and said, "This is so you." And then they said, "I know how challenging mating season is, but two can do this." You said, "I'm trying. No one is down cluck." - [Crellyn] Yeah. - And then they said, "Tweet, tweet." And you said, "Chirp." Let's go. I'm gonna have to eliminate the first girl. I don't think you would like me for some reason. I don't know. Just based off your phone and the people you're talking to and stuff. I don't know, I just don't think you would like me. So that's it. - That's fine. - I could be wrong. Hello. Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - Nice hands as well. I have nothing bad to say about you. - Thank you. All right, I go. - I'm going to now eliminate number two. Again, I don't have a strong reason necessarily. Just, I don't know. Hello. - Hi. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - Thank you very much. - No problem. - That's it. - Okay. - I'm gonna have to say goodbye to my favorite bird girl. You were a great sport. - Thank you. - But we I don't think our personalities will click. - They wouldn't cluck. - They wouldn't cluck. Hello. - Hi. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. Oh my God, I totally recognize you. - Oh, amazing. - I bought you a gift 'cause I thought for sure I would win with my love of birds but that's okay. I bought you Quackers. - Oh my God. Thank you. - Yes, absolutely. - Nice to meet you. Just some Quackers. - [Speaker] Ladies, how are you feeling? - [Kate] I'm so scared. (laughs) - [Ahjanae] Oh, I'm feeling good. Like, I mean, there's not, I don't think it's that crazy dude. - [Kate] My notes like hold, they hold all my secrets. - Oh man. Here we go. This one says, "Yes, yes. Thanksgiving is always a good time, but blokesgiving is going to be even better. Whether you consider yourself to be a friend made or a bloke, please join us for the evening of maybe great American food or maybe some stellar British cuisine, but definitely some dashing hummus with incredible accents. Would you like to pontificate on that one?" - [Kate] My housemate, he's British so he doesn't like celebrate Thanksgiving. - Okay. - [Kate] And I was, I don't know, I was like, I feel like we should just have a little fun thing. - This little section here called Side Quest. - [Kate] It's like my to-do list. - Eurovan warning lights, change temp fluid, inflate tires, rotate tires? Text people back. I'm glad you set a reminder. - [Kate] I have ADHD. I have to like write down the things that I need to do so I remember - I am simple. Oh, a little poem. - Oh no. Oh my God. - I'm simple. - It's not even good. - Simply a little speck. I'm one or many little lifetimes but I'd like to think that in this one, I'm the happiest. That's all I'll read. I appreciate poetry, I appreciate art and I think you should be proud of that. - Thanks. - Let go of me. - [Kate] Oh God. - I wish you'd let me pull my own weight. I wish you'd let me make my own mistakes. You're a poet. I like that. - [Kate] You know, it's only for the notes. I just like journal in there. So those are more like journals. - This almost redeemed your lackluster texting abilities. - [Kate] Oh my God. - Just these little precious little poems in here. TikTok. Let's just see, I'm gonna just scroll here and see. We got the For You page. It's probably a bunch of girls. These, yeah, little try-on haul. A white woman in a garden in New Zealand. You're giving me very granola vibes. - [Kate] Okay. You know, I'll take that, I'll take that. - Yeah, I think it's just like a type of person. - [Kate] You know, I think that could be in line with what I am. I like farms. - May be you and Bird Girl might link up. - Dude, maybe. - Collab, - Like I collab. - Collab. - [Kate] Birds, farms. - You probably have ducks there. - [Kate] I don't know. I like hiking. I like the beach. I'm open to it. - We are going to the notes. Oh, look at this. (Ahjanae laughing) Things I think about. Why bitches stir their ice cream. Like it's the 1800s stirring butter? I'm bitches. - [Ahjanae] You know like when you have ice cream and you're like stirring it so it's like almost like bush? - Yeah. - Yeah. - The singers on TikTok that pretend to sing it live, but the vocals and smoothed and harmonized. (girls laughing) That's hilarious. The TikTok Green screen background being real. The early 2000s Fruit Loop cereal straws. I remember that. I don't know. It's Chamoy Pickle Kit. - It's like a pickle, and then they have like talkies and like all this spicy stuff and then they eat it like fruit roll-ups and they eat it all together. And like I watch those videos all day long. I personally would never, but I do watch the videos. - Now, can I look at TikTok real quick? - [Ahjanae] Go ahead. - Salad after dressing. It's just a funny little TikTok here. I'm looking at it. It's interesting 'cause I can blatantly tell that First Girl's White and you're not. And on the TikTok For You pages, I saw strictly white women on hers. And I saw strictly, not strictly, but I'm seeing Black women on this. It is quite interesting how TikTok does that. I can't say it was like a landslide or anything. This is really just, I'm going to eliminate first girl simply because of the bad texting. That is one of my biggest pet peeves. And- - I'm so bad. - But you're obviously a very sweet girl, so I feel bad, but- - It's okay. - That's it. I think that's the only reason. Hello, - Hello. - Nice to meet you. - Oh, what's up? Hey, you got your Quackers? - I got my Quackers? - You gonna eat your Quackers later? - Well, I'm gonna split them between everybody. - Okay. Okay. Sounds good. - But nice meeting you. - Nice to meet you. - All right. Great. Here we go. - [Ahjanae] I'm excited, a little nervous. - [Speaker] All right, whenever you're ready, you can walk out. - Hello. - Hi. - Nice to meet you. - It's nice to meet you. - I have some Quackers for you. I give her the gift that I got. - Oh, the gift that keeps on giving, huh? - There you go. Do you feel like you won or is it like, "Oh great, this guy." - Like won. I mean, you're good looking, so. - Oh, thank you. What I liked about you the most was your sense of humor with the little notes. So I think that gave me a good insight as to like, just your personality. So I think that was it. I think that's what sold me. - [Speaker] So Ryan, I have to ask you, do you ever let her look through your phone? - Absolutely not. - What do you got in there? - Stuff that I... Like, I wouldn't even have time to clear stuff out in time. There's like too much stuff on there. - Is it like pictures, videos, like what's? - All types of things. - Oh. - Like too many apps. Too many, just. - Is it like games? - No games. - No games? - No games. Things that I wouldn't even be able to explain myself if it was like, "What is this?" - Okay. - I'd be like, "I don't know." And then that would be it. - Okay. - So that's why I'm on this side and not doing the curtain. - [Speaker] What was going through your head going through for Birdgirl's phone? - The Jubilee casting people nailed it on this one because what the fuck? How do you find someone like that? It just didn't seem real to me. I was like, "All right, you're trolling." Like you're trying to put on some act or something and God bless her heart. When I saw her, I was like, "Yup, she's not trolling. That is really her. Amazing girl."
Channel: nectar
Views: 1,393,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: versus 1, versus 1 nectar, versus 1 jubilee, versus 1 jubilee nectar, online dating, dating show, dating tv show, dating internet, internet dating, nectar dating, nectar jubilee, dating, love
Id: 1hyuJQ0XE1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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