nadine lee blind dates 10 guys by type | vs 1

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(gentle beat music) - Hi everyone, my name is Nadine and you may have seen me from Netflix Singles Inferno 2, and yeah, I'm a student, or not anymore. I just graduated. I went to Harvard College and I studied neuroscience and I have a secondary in computer science. I would love a man who's loyal. It's hard to ask for these days. It's rough out here. You have to be a little tall. I'm pretty tall. I do like the whole like mysterious, cold, bad boy vibes, but that gets kind of old quick, so I like somebody who's very just loving and has good, kind energy. I'm here to possibly find a match for the second time. - [Crew] One, two, three. - Oh my god. Hi. (all laughing) We can just go down the line. - [Alex] All right, Nadine, well, if I were to take you on a first date, I would take you to the mall. I love gonna the mall, I'm not gonna lie, and it's kind of cool 'cause I get to see what your interests are. So we go different stores, we go get some food. I love Japanese food. I'm half Japanese myself, so like wagyu, ramen, sushi, that's the way to go. - [Richard] I would love to go to the beach, go on a walk, and after that we'll go to Erewhon, get some sushi there. I just love Erewhon, it's the best sushi. - [Logan] I'd say the best first date would probably be like mini golf. It's pretty fun. I think it's very like, it's a good space to be sociable, and then there's also that little competitive edge that would make it kind of fun. - I love mini golf. I think it could be fun 'cause I am quite competitive. - [David] Griffith Park has like horseback riding so I think we could go on a horseback ride and afterwards we could go for a drive on Mulholland Drive 'cause that's like the spot where you can overlook the city at night. - [Nick] Honestly, I'll just take you to McDonald's. (all laughing) (guys clap) You can tell a lot about a person by like what they order, so if you, they get chicken nuggets, I think that's honestly a queen right there. Big Mac, your basic. And then we could go to the playhouse and then we could play hide and go seek. That's perfect. (guys laughing) - I mean, I love McDonald's, but I don't know for a first date and I would get a Big Mac, so. - [Nick] I was joking, dude. (all laughing) We actually go to Wendy's. (all laughing) - [Dion] Start out with, you know, dining at a nice restaurant, right, and then finding a place to walk around, talk a little bit there and maybe get some dessert. Yeah, that's pretty much all we do for a first date, you know, and it just depends how it goes, how we vibe, and then move on to the second date. - [Ethan] I would want to go to like a pottery class, that way like we can like have something to take home and remember the first date. - I like the ceramics idea. I think it'll be really cute and I think it's really thoughtful that you could make something together and it's like a memory. - [Tala] We can go to the beach, get some outside yu bowls, light up some candles, put on some R&B, might get up and maybe pressure you in doing a little salsa, you know, or something like 'cause I'm dating to marry so it's kind of like I'm not messing around no more and I'm just looking for a wife instead of a little girl. No offense. - Oh. - [Tala] I'm off, but. - [Josh] I would definitely take you to a park and have a little picnic. I could definitely take pictures of you that we could post on Instagram. - [Ikponmwosa] We can do a number of things, depending on what you like. I can take you thrift shopping and we can pick each other's outfits out, or we can go-karting and then get dinner, maybe catch a movie, so it's really up to you. - [Crew] I'm gonna force you to eliminate four people. - Four? I feel so bad, but number two 'cause I don't really remember his answer. (Nadine laughs) - [Ikponmwosa] You got this, bro. - Hi. - Hi, how's it going? - [Nadine] Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - My name's Ricardo. - Oh, I'm Nadine, so sorry. That was more awkward than I thought. Oh god. Number three. I'm sorry. - [Contestant] Wow. - Hi, nice to meet you, I'm sorry. - I'm sorry it didn't work out. - Yeah. I don't know what else to say, bye. Number three, again. The McDonald's, I mean it was funny, but then I thought about it again and it was not that funny, so. - Oh. (Nadine laughs) - We could have been something. I'm kidding. - Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, I'm Nick. - I'm Nadine. - I'm gonna leave now. - Okay, I like your jewelry. - [Nick] Thank you. - Bye-bye. Five. The reason why is because the little girl comment. - [Contestant] Oh. - Hi. - Hi. - Oh, you're so cute. You're tall. Nice to meet you all. - Love your nails by the way. - Oh, thank you. Bye. That was so rough, like really rough. So I just graduated from Harvard College and on the show there was like a campfire scene where I like reveal it and it became like a funny moment in the show. (Nadine speaking in foreign language) - [Contestant] Wow! (contestant speaking in foreign language) (all laughing) So, number one, what is something that I may not know about you just based on the way you look? - [Alex] Okay, we'll be vulnerable today. I have three things. - Three. - [Alex] The first three is that when people look at me, they don't think I am a PhD student. For one, I look very young, I don't age at all, which is pretty awesome. The second thing is that I'm very insecure, actually. And lastly, I have no lines. I just talk so directly. I don't have no kind of game like, "Oh hey, what's going on?" It's just like, "Hey, you're beautiful. What's your name? I wanna dance with you." - Those are like honestly my three, very relatable. - [Logan] When you first look at me, I look a little intimidating sometimes, I think. I've also been told I have a very punchable face. (all laughing) - [Ikponmwosa] That's kind of true, I'm not gonna lie. - [Logan] Hey, hey, wait. - [Contestant] We can test that out. - [Dixon] Yeah, I guess one thing that surprises people, you know, I'm in my late 20s. I've only been in one relationship. Just growing up, I've been socially challenged. But you know what? I had to overcome those challenges and I worked on myself and now I'm here shooting my shot with Nadine. - People my age, usually, when they hear that the person that they're interested in maybe doesn't have too much experience, it could be like a turnoff, but for me it's actually the opposite. I actually admire people who are not serial daters. - [Ethan] One thing you wouldn't expect is I would say I'm very shy. I remember on my first day of first grade, I made my grandma come with me to school for the whole day, which is a little embarrassing. As I grew older, I tried to make new friends, but yeah, in the past I was definitely the opposite. And even now, like going on the show is pretty scary for me, but like I'm grateful for the opportunity. - Very eloquent. Very good at expressing yourself and going to class with your grandma is so cute. I would love to take my grandma. - [Ethan] Yeah, she had a great time. - Yeah, don't be embarrassed about it. - [Josh] I'm very much of a homebody. I try not to go out as much and just stay home and spend time with family. I'm a very family-oriented kind of guy. - What do you spend the most time doing at home? - [Josh] I like to watch movies. - What genre? - [Josh] Romcoms, like "Crazy Rich Asians." I think that's honestly one of the best movies. - [Ikponmwosa] I'm also a homebody so I'll be in my apartment blasting music and dancing and I'm also really awkward. Yeah, I don't know what to do with my hands, so I think when people like first see me, they don't really get that I'm really awkward. - I think I'm like super awkward as well. Like same with my hands. Like I feel like I'm just doing random stuff. I think the first person I will eliminate is two. Sorry. At first, you know, he was very charming and kind of interesting because he was very different and funny, but. Hi, sorry. - Nice to meet you, Nadine. - I'm Nadine. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - Punchable face is not really the best answer. - Yeah, you don't have a punchable face. - Well, I appreciate that. - Yeah, you have a very nice face. - Thank you, that's very kind. - I don't know who would say that to you. - (laughs) You'd be surprised. - Next is number four. I could feel how genuine he was, but I'm not a super homebody person. I love exploring and going out. Hi. - Hi. - Oh my god, you're so cute. - Hi. - Josh. - [Nadine] You're my first hug. - You're tall. - Yeah, I'll wearing heels but. - It's okay. Thank you. - Bye. Similar reason, but number four. Yeah, sorry. It's the homebody. Hi. Oh my gosh, you're so handsome. - Oh, thank you. - You're very beautiful yourself. - You smell nice. - Oh, thank you, thank you. - Sorry. - This is amazing. - Oh, thank you. - You look too good, oh wow. - Thank you so much. Kind of sad because they're so hot, all of them. First question I have, what's your happiest childhood memory? - [Alex] My dad would take me to the park. There's this huge ramp and my dad and I, he had a bike and I was always in the passenger seat behind and every time he would go down as fast as he could to terrify me and I would be so scared, like, "Dad, no, wait, time out, time out, time out." But you know, he got me through every single time, I never crashed, and as weird as it sounds, like that's when my biggest bonding moments with my father. - I feel the same way about my mom. I wanna be her, she's been such an inspiration, so that's really cute. - [Dixon] You know, in the fifth grade we would do this school field trip to Lake Arrowhead so it's like my first time ever going out. For me that was like a whole new world to me. We gotta try like a lot of cool things and that memory really stuck out to me. - [Ethan] When I was younger, I was very, or I still am, but I was very close to my grandma and great auntie and when we'd go to church every Sunday I was so attached to her that I would like hold onto the tail of her dress and I would like crinkle it and I felt so bad now that I'm older, but I just didn't wanna leave her side. And then like growing up, I would like cook with her. Totally ruined some dishes. They were pretty gross, but now like when I'm older, like I've seen that it's really important to like have a connection with your older relatives, especially 'cause like they aren't getting any younger. - Yeah, I'm super close to my grandma as well. She's like this tall. She's so cute. I mean in Asian culture, like respect your elders is like a huge thing so we might have the same values on that. - [Crew] So if anyone has a question that they'd like to ask Nadine, now is the time. - [Alex] What are your three greatest accomplishments and also what are three things you're trying to work on to improve on with yourself? - [Contestant] Dude. - I feel like I need some time to think about it. - [Alex] That's okay, we're here all day long. - Oh god. (all laughing) Three things that I'm most proud of, my relationship with my mom and sister and the reason why I'm proud of it is because I went through a lot of hardship and yeah, it wasn't easy. Second thing is definitely my determination career-wise, but also with my friendships and relationships. Third one would be my sense of fashion. I like to play around with fashion. - [Alex] I kind of have that sense about you, so again, I really appreciate it. - Thank you for asking. - [Dixon] Whenever I consider dating someone, I tend to look at, you know, where they're at in life. So where do you see yourself in five years? - I would definitely be busy with at grad school, whether it be med school or another path. I'm definitely a career woman, but I do see marriage probably like early 30s. - [Dixon] Cool, thanks for sharing. - [Ethan] What's the next thing on your list that you want to do that'll push you out of your comfort zone and it's something you're looking forward to? - Even like going on that Netflix show was like something that I wanted to try. It was super new. So I wanna embrace that like more crazy side of me that comes out when I'm with the people I love. Travel more, go out more, date more, hopefully, so yeah. The first person I would like to eliminate for round three is number one. I loved all of his answers, but I think in terms of like... (Nadine speaking in foreign language) - Banter. - Banter. I don't think it will match with me. Hi. - How you doing? - Good, how are you? Oh my gosh, your hair's so beautiful. - Oh, thank you. - You're beautiful, so thank there go. - Oh, thank you. - Whoever you pick, muy bueno, muy bueno. - Oh, thank you. - Nice meeting you, okay? - Yeah, nice to see you. - [Contestant] So nice though, so nice. - Was that a wrong choice? He was so nice. I think the second elimination will be (dramatic music) number three. (crickets chirping) Or sorry, number two. (all gasping) Why? Did I do something? Why? - [Contestant] Good job, buddy. - His answers again, were just definitely the most eloquent, but I think I'm very practical and logical. Maybe there will be a gap in terms of communication. Hi, sorry. - No, it's okay. - You're so nice, amazing. - Congrats on graduating Harvard and everything, so. - Thank you. - Yeah. - [Crew] Okay, how do you feel about meeting your last guy? - I don't know if he's excited to meet me, but we'll see. - [Crew] All right, so whenever you're ready, go ahead and walk around the curtain. (drum roll music) - Hey. - Hi, nice meet you. - Nice to meet you too. I'm Dion, nice to meet you. - [Nadine] I'm Nadine. - You look great, by the way. - Oh, thank you. I love your- - My hair. - Yeah. - Thank you. I'm a little nervous, but. - Don't be, I was nervous too. - [Crew] How do you feel being the winner? - How'd I feel? It's kind of crazy. It's kinda kind of a blur, but I'm excited that she chose me. - I liked how, again, practical his questions were. His answers were not too long. They were concise and I'm very much kind of like that. I thought we could vibe and- - Yeah, I think so too. - Get to know each other. - [Crew] What would a first date look like? - Nothing too activity-based. First date, you know, we just eat at a restaurant. We be walking around and get some desserts and just talk. - And that's my ideal first, I didn't say this earlier, but for me it's just going to a restaurant and eating and talking. That's my ideal first date, but I also like activities and stuff.
Channel: nectar
Views: 4,014,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: versus 1, versus 1 nectar, versus 1 jubilee, versus 1 jubilee nectar, online dating, dating show, dating tv show, dating internet, internet dating, nectar dating, nectar jubilee, dating, love, nadine lee, singles inferno, netflix, deeenerss, 이나딘, cute girl, hot, cut, single guys, korean, drama
Id: sjk2rP9u4M4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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