Twinmotion 2023: New Interface BREAKDOWN- What We Know ?

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foreign hi everybody Jonathan here with the new twin motion video and we're going to be taking a look at the new interface of twin motion 2023 now this was actually shown on a live stream on March the 7th but just in case you missed that I'm gonna basically Break Down the video and the live stream just for you with my thoughts and my commentary on the exciting features of the new interface of twin motion 2023 coming very very soon I do hope you enjoy the video I'm getting very excited and I'm sure you are too if you're twin motion users but if you're new around here please make sure you subscribe to the channel and like this video it really helps and it's really appreciated I'll be making a ton more videos as soon as the new version drops so I look forward to seeing you then but anyway let's enjoy the video and let's take a look at the new interface of twin motion 2023 so for those of you want to watch the original live stream head over to the twin Motion Youtube channel and you'll see tianjao Martin krasman and also Colin Smith talking about twin motion and basically the new interface but I'm going to give you my thoughts on breakdown uh the sort of video if you like and give you my overview and my thoughts I've been a twin motion user for years and I'm super excited to see what they've done with this new interface so let's get started on the video and I do hope you enjoy okay so the very first thing is there was a little introduction uh which was both teased on social media where basic twin motion showed off the original interface from 2010 and then progressed onto the 2016 version which you can see looking a bit more similar to the current setup we currently have and then also just a quick reminder of what the current interface looks like in 2019 which is basically the interface that we've currently got in 2022 and the current version now you can notice uh the buttons are pretty big and it's got this sort of Simplicity about it but there definitely was some areas of the interface that I think can benefit from this dramatic Improvement we're going to now see here is your first Glimpse at the new 2023 workspace and you can see that there's a few elements that are quite similar we've got the libraries over on the left and we've got the scene graph over on the right but there's also quite a few changes down to the dock at the bottom and the new sort of uh selection tools at the top what you can also notice is that the starting scene is radically different and what basically you can notice here is that it's a fairly neutral scene without that sort of city background that was never appropriate there's also basically a kind of starting base so this is the place that your model will import when it's basically exported from your CAD software at zero zero zero and basically you can also notice there's a one meter grid so that is actually quite useful in just checking the scale of the model as it's imported and the fact that it's actually sat at zero zero zero in your twin motion file now there's another nice aspect here when it imported before you might have noticed this but it was never in the center of the um screen and what happened was the camera on previous twin motion was actually above directly above the zero zero point so when the model imported you didn't see it but now you'll notice that when you import the model your actual starting camera is actually front facing onto that Center that origin so it means that you always see the model as opposed to being sort of disappeared and you're having to girlfriend find it again so I think this is a a really nice Improvement to the new starting scene and definitely quite refreshing to not have to kind of you know change that background immediately now I guess most of the time you're always going to bring in things like hdris and sort of start building up your own kind of backgrounds as well um but yeah definitely a nice Improvement to the starting scene now you notice the bottom dock now has Imports materials populate media and Export and if you think about it this is really the different stages of a typical workflow from starting importing right through to the exporting I.E bring your project in you do some materials you populate it then you set up some media and then you're going to export okay so let's have a quick look at the importing process and one really nice new feature not all of you may be aware of is you can actually input multiple files even though there might be different types of files and all in one click so basically if you select multiple files you can then choose whether it's to Collapse by material or keep hierarchy or the usual settings and basically a couple of dialogues pop out but you'll notice that all of those files imported in a single action really which is a really nice little tip okay so this is the sort of demonstration scene that Martin was showing from the Twin motion 2023 live stream and you can see it's just kind of starting out with a fairly sort of interesting little architectural element there but really no context at all um so it'd be interesting to see how he develops this now you can kind of see we've got a starting ground a starting landscape and the scene graph can basically be sort of managed and you can slide that panel up and down to kind of expand the size of it so basically I think this really is nice and clean you definitely get a bit more vertical space on the dock previously the dock at the bottom was taking up a lot of space there are a few elements that are the same you've got the full screen button there you've also got the eye icon in the top right corner of the viewport where basically that will control things like the lighting and those sort of pedestrian mode and drone mode and so on as well another aspect that's pretty similar is the libraries and doesn't look like there's really any changes here that I can see I'm sure there's a few new sort of materials and things coming on we'll talk about later but basically the same process you drag and drop into the viewport however you will notice that once the materials are Dragged In you do get a really nice big preview over in the properties panel on the right hand side and the great thing is now all of the settings for the materials are available previously on Twin motion one of the criticisms was that the the sort of process was very uh almost like going into different folders or different settings or lots of more options and you know that well it was simplistic you really did have to know where these were but now with the new uh properties dialogue you can basically access all of these things like color UV roughness metallic all of those things and it only takes a click on the kind of tab to show or hide it and open it up so I really like the way you can kind of focus on the bits that really matter to you okay so um you can see in the demonstration just a few new materials being dragged on and there's a really cool way that you can basically just color those down and just sort of change the intensity of those colors just by clicking on that color wheel I do wish that that wouldn't pop up in the middle of the screen and I'm hoping that will become docked at some point as well the color changer that we'll see you can change things like the UV mapping and then when you need sort of even more detail you can basically click into details and here you can do things like the offsetting the stretching and even you know things like animation and speed and that's something I've used before things like Rivers as well to show water flowing so all the usual settings are there but the main hero settings are the ones that are visible until you open up the details panel and then see those additional settings so definitely a very much neater interface for the material side of things and but in terms of the actual sort of functionality most of that is going to be quite familiar for you so apart from the location everything will be quite similar so the drag and drop of materials is exactly the same the properties panel is different albeit in the it's basically similar operation just in different location now one thing that has changed quite a lot is the materials dock is now down at the bottom instead of being sort of tucked away in the bottom left corner and I really like this new materials dot you can click on the button and pop it up and down as needed and another Super useful feature is the fact that materials that are used in the scene are now shown with a little indicator and any used unused materials are not basically indicated and what's nice is that means that you can keep them or you can identify them and remove them as well so you can see any materials that were in the scene but aren't required anymore are basically not required now a little tip here if you select all of them and click the delete key twin motion won't delete all the materials it'll only delete unused materials um so it's a really good way to purge the scene and reduce the file size just also clean up the project just so you can go and really see what actual materials you've used so far okay so next up is taking a look at the uh populate panel after the materials okay and again this would be something that you would do naturally in the next stage of the workflow particularly populate your project with sort of trees and plants and perhaps people in cars that sort of thing um twin motion has an amazing library of foliage and trees so it's absolutely fantastic for visualizing landscape and that's one of the things that I personally love about the software you know my architectural rendering software can cope with the building materials really quite well as you know I use vectorworks as my main design tool but in terms of kind of putting in nice trees and plants you just simply can't be twin Motion in my view and so not only is it actually extremely fast it's actually very very enjoyable and you'll notice that you basically just select those vegetation items you can mix and match between the folders get some rocks and bushes and a few grasses things like that but basically when you're ready you basically drop them into the Dropbox you can then basically click onto the paint tool and basically literally just go into the viewport and just adjust your brush size and just paint a bit like 3D Photoshop almost now you've got to be a bit careful with your brush size and the really nice thing is you can post adjust afterwards simply to select a certain item in the Dropbox and then change the density okay so then you've also got the scatter tool now the brush tool is good for certain things but for big areas the scatter tool is unbelievable and unbeatable now a really nice little tip here is you can actually drag the same tree into the Dropbox a couple of times and in order to get a couple of sort of mixtures you can basically adjust the age and so on of those second ones before you actually click onto the scatter tool so I'm just going to sort of add a few more I think a few more elements to this Dropbox here um maybe one comment for me is uh you have to drag across the screen which is a little weird but I feel that you know once you get used to that it's fine I love the resizable Dropbox I think that's cool and then when you're ready with the single click you can click on that entire material or landscape and wow boom look at that instant forest and the scatter tool is just unbeatable you know this is just incredible the amount of time it's saved and then you can really go in and edit the as well so another really nice little aspect is the ability to colorize materials and that's no different from before however you'll notice that if you open up the details panel there's a lot more control now you have complete control over things like the saturation the gamma the lift and the gain and these headline features also open up to give you additional controls to the RGB values as well so this really does make the sort of PBR materials a lot more easy to kind of get how you want them to look it was a little bit crude just colorizing them before it was quick but it didn't really kind of give you always the tones and the colors that you were hoping for so the final element of the popular is the basic the grab Urban control where you can grab context and that basically is similar to before now one big change is the fact that the scene itself has an ambient setting so this is how you can adjust all the lighting and things like the weather and things for the overall sort of scene before you actually kind of go and create some specific media which would all have their own ambient settings and camera settings as well so I really do like the resizable dock here I think they um it's a very nice sort of aspect the fact you can kind of have the scene open uh but also the ambience as well you can even close the scene if you do want to and just work on the sort of other things like the properties and the ambience so as well as things like the environment you've got access to the camera the rendering and also the FX now when you drag in a specific object and that object is up to selected the property panel just automatically changes to give you any options for that specific object like in this case you can see resizing the tree and basically the parameters of that tree now when you click back onto the ambience you'll get access to all of the kind of scene parameters as well and you can just basically if you're running out of space you can put a click onto that little side panel and basically now you've got a two column view now this is super interesting I like the way you can do this means that you can manage your scene but you can also manage your Ambience as well and basically all the other aspects in one go so overall I think what we're seeing is the new twin motion interface is just so much more customizable and basically you can kind of find a ideal workflow that suits you previously um you really did have to go in and out of lots of kind of options and mores and sort of sub menus and now all of that is kind of just up front and you can keep it as simple as you want or you can open up those details and basically things like depth of field you can open that up when needed so um another nice little tip here is if you have the control key down you can actually click on multiple tabs and basically you can see a camera and the FX opened at the same time so you can either click one of them or you can click multiple items just by holding Ctrl down and having all of them then you can basically scroll up and down and access every aspect of your Ambience and scene so yeah I'm really really really pleased with the new interface it's still got the beauty and simplicity of before but a lot more user-friendly and a lot more kind of Rapid I do like the viewport size as well and the fact that you can actually span that and have a really nice big view pool now just on that note then if you go into your preferences you'll notice that the appearance has been overhauled as well and now you've got the interface scale so basically you can adjust that scale depending on the kind of monitor you have some of us have 2K I've got a 4k monitor and basically you can set twin motion app to suit that monitor and also your kind of eyesight level as well and that is definitely something that I know professional users will really really be pleased with because I think maybe the buttons were a bit oversized before for some people and basically you kind of lost a lot of working space another really nice aspect is the ability to scale a viewport resolution now what this means is you can essentially scale up the amount of pixels on the real time or the path tracing rendering and really the impact of this is okay the image quality on the preview won't be quite as good but basically it's going to be twice or three times faster so you're going to get a dramatic increase in speed but you're still going to be able to work very effectively to actually kind of understand the preview so I'm really looking forward to seeing how that impacts my workflow and speeds things up now if you look in the top left corner of the screen you'll notice a little home button that you can click on and at any time you can now access the new sort of templates if you like the twin motion is going to ship with um and apparently this is just the start so we've got some nice external ones product design and sort of more kind of interior design as well but yeah I think this is just the beginning of a wide range of templates as well now as you know if you've been a twin motion user for a while you'll know that they are very good at giving you regular updates on new materials and new libraries and in this new version there's some new glass materials and things like car paints as well just a few of the many new materials and new libraries that are added I just really wanted to focus on this for a minute I love the way that in the path tracing mode you get the uh sort of colored glass actually projecting its color onto the walls and things like that okay so now you'll notice the media dock is basically instead of being the top left bottom left corner is now right at the bottom and when you click that it pops open but now pretty much this is the same in terms of creating images so you simply click to create the image and move the camera around and then update it as before what is different though is the fact that you've got a properties panel over on the right hand side where you can adjust everything there you don't need to click into more and basically go through lots and lots of sub menus to find what you're looking for so you've got easier access to toggle between those images and basically work away so creating a video is really the same process as before you simply click to create a series of keyframes you can just adjust your view and get a nice kind of little frame up and then when you're ready click on the plus sign kind of move the camera a little bit and essentially basically click on the plus again so as long as you've got two keyframes you can basically animate between them and play that video you can adjust the time and the speed and all these things as well but what's really new about this aspect is previously you can only really adjust one keyframe at a time but now you can actually click settings or select both clips and you can adjust globally things like the lighting and materials and weather for all those clips at the same time now this is definitely a nice Improvement and will save a lot of time if you do want to do things like time lapse and clearly you can just adjust each image separately as well so once you've set up some of your media of course the final aspect is to move on to the export tab so when you click the export tab again the options pop up in the properties dialog on the right hand side but everything is available for you to kind of open up all the different panels you can select the images video and all the other things that you've actually created lots of details are subcontained in there but the main hero and headline features are all available just sort of right in front of you so definitely really a lot cleaner and much much easier to kind of get around to exporting now of course one of the beauties of twin motion is the amazing speed if you've used it before it puts a smile on your face every time how fast it is to export video and still images at super high quality I mean you can export 8K or even 16k images as well so you'll notice that when an object is selected there's now a new sort of transform panel called XYZ and you've basically got all the object sort of location rotation scaling and size included but what's really nice is you've now got complete control over the camera position so you can actually see exactly where your camera is and obviously you can type in coordinates there so this means that you can now finally match the camera position that you wanted from your CAD software and absolutely I'm very very chuffed with that now over on the bottom left corner you'll see just by the library the old statistics panel which looks really nice that seems sensible you know it's kind of popped up in an area of the screen that is less important previously it was in a place where it actually took up quite a bit of space when you needed to modify your scene now in terms of things like quality settings all of that is very quick and adjustable just by clicking the quality setup or popping into the preferences um now I'm not sure what the improvements and rendering speed will be like we'll have to look at that once the new version comes out but yeah very excited to see how this version plays out also definitely going to start to play around with these uh some new home scenes and templates and things like that as well but of course you know there's nothing to stop you setting up your own templates and opening those as starting scenes well everybody what do you think of the new twin motion version I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below let's get a bit of debate going uh do you think it's cool are you looking forward to using it I know that I am for sure now I just want to draw your attention if you're a vet to its user like many of my clients will be basically you can get twin motion for half price until the end of March there's a vet to its promotion on where you can snap that out so do give me a call or drop me an email I'll be very pleased to help with that I'm also going to include my 322 page or revolutionize your rendering with twin motion ebook or PDF so that's a very generous offer half price to emotion and a free book so look forward to hearing from you soon and look forward to seeing you in the next video thanks for watching Everybody bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Jonathan Reeves CAD
Views: 8,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twinmotion, Twinmotion 2022, Twinmotion 2023 Preview, Twinmotion Release Trailer, Unreal Engine, twinmotion animation, twinmotion render, twinmotion revit, twinmotion architecture, Twinmotion new release, Twinmotion New Version, Enscape alternative, Lumion alternative, Quixel, Twinmotion Libraries, Learn Twinmotion, Twinmotion Book, What's new in Twinmotion, 3D, Rendering, Revit, Autodesk, Twinmotion2023, Twinmotion 2023 New Interface, Twinmotion 2023.2, Twinmotion 20203 Preview 2
Id: C-gYtatocZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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