What's New in Twinmotion 2023.1 Preview 2?!?! [It's BEAUTIFUL!]

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what's up guys hey and welcome back to another twin motion video I know it's been a long time you know that's what happens when you buy a house you know things got to happen it's it is what it is so for right now I'm back but we are back here with twin motion my gosh when I saw this wow and over a few days late but nonetheless twin motion 20 23.1 that already came out but this is preview number two and if it doesn't speak for itself right now then I don't know what does but my gosh I know we're about to get into it so like let's first say this please mouse that like button it really helps me out quite a lot because we're about to look at new brand new beautiful looking twin motion updates I'm so excited okay here we go so obviously you can see just they laid it out all on a platter for us just immediately boom hits you right in the face and my gosh if it doesn't then you're using the wrong version of twin motion obviously I mean look at this I knew Through the Grapevine and post and whatnot that they were working on an update to the UI but can are you kidding me look at this this is amazing so I have my own criticisms I have my own thoughts not really that many criticism but I have my own thoughts and I'm going to say that specifically for a brand new overhaul twin motion UI video because there's a lot here there's a lot to digest granted I will say if you are familiar with what to expect when it comes to certain tools and locations of tools within twin motion then you're going to be fine it'll take you a few minutes to adjust to it but in the end you're really going to like it so the few things we'll look at here is like obviously everything on the left panel is basically the same you know they have it all here but the nice thing is you can see this is the whole left panel we're not interrupted by this ridiculous horizontal business here at the bottom obviously very good we have the stats here it's pop a lot of these are like pop in pop out look at it as you need to and give you the most real estate you know bang for your buck when it comes to screen space which is great that's the way to do this way to build a UI so everything else is essentially as is here but as we move up here to the top we've got path racer you can kind of think that everything up here was down here now I I don't like it up here as much but whatever it doesn't matter it's all the same what was here is now up there the nice thing is that it is just centering everything that you really care about right there in the middle you know I mean come on and then from here obviously the Imports are the same but really everything across the bottom now like we have this entire Bottom bar and a lot of it is what you've seen obviously import um we've got materials here we can populate but you'll see as I do this I can even like collapse the Bottom bar which is awesome again real estate in mind materials here yeah we can just basically make one add one populate populates this bar at the right now the I would say the newest addition to the UI is this bar at the right because everything kind of funnels through here if it isn't by default on the left side it's just kind of the way it is but the cool thing is here again you've seen all these things before they're just organized in a different way which is really great and so here are the tools that work with these paths below and all this which is great you know all this is wonderful cool and then obviously we move on to Media we're familiar with all of these there's nothing new here in a sense to where it's just all the different export options different media options things like that and then obviously export again the nice thing that we really see here is this properties panel basically have I clicked something and if so I should probably look at the properties that makes sense and you can see there's literally properties here and I can literally just collapse it it goes away if it's not blue it's not there even if I click on this but as soon as I click on something new with properties it will it will show itself which is great but the cool thing here is obviously I can expand anything I can choose to look at the whole screen if I want which without even being in like the preview mode which is awesome or like the the fancy presenter mode that is really cool so obviously we want to look at a more traditional scene that we're used to like we're used to seeing this which is great but looking at the UI the rest of the UI here is essentially the same we don't quite have a burger menu which is fine because we've always had the real menu here and file and edit that's fine one thing that you'll be looking for like all the view settings but you can see here in the scene graph we always have have the scene graph that's great but we have this Ambiance and Ambiance again it's going to be in the properties if I click properties here it is and this is really pretty and obviously this is everything when it comes to the view and what you're looking at in the UI but it's everything we are familiar with but it's just the properties of the view and it is a physical element that falls within the scene like the whole scene graph that's cool I like it and again all the settings you've seen before not a big deal the one final thing I want to cover with the UI is you'll notice this they don't really have the best way to describe it other than then it looks like a Nintendo switch but besides that you've got one side that's highlighted and so let's clip this and we can literally expand it so in a sense we're kind of customizing our UI now we don't really have the ability to drag this around and do anything that we want but I can I basically have relocated my properties panel if I want to just for like that one instance and that means I have more real estate for my properties if I have a ton of properties like I do here or maybe it's an elaborate material or something that kind of thing I don't I can't see myself doing that all the time because I have enough space but I can see is I have my scene graph here taking up a lot of space I want to have a separate properties panel that's cool I can also see this working really well if you have an ultra wide like myself I'd recommend that too because that space that can be dedicated to something you know long and tall like this and then you have plenty of screen space elsewhere but regardless like cool it's cool I like this and you can always put it back not a big deal obviously our XY is just a specific object but then finally view sets view sets might sound new but it's actually not you can think of this as view States I never really liked the you know wording of view States because obviously it's the state in which a view is in but if you set makes it seem like hey I've saved this View and all of these models and elements looking this way so I can go back to it looking exactly like this and that's basically what a view set is so it's the exact same function the same again we'll go over that later not a big deal all right that's the UI I love it I'm looking at some of the other updates that were were within twin motion 2023 0.1 preview two my gosh I wonder when the real release will come out hopefully soon we've got viewport scaling so this is along the lines of some something UI but if we go up here to edit in preferences so obviously there's a lot here that we've seen before this is not so much what we're really want to look at but when it comes to the Quality yeah this is all kind of here again kind of the same stuff but appearance we can see appearance interface scale and so this is going to directly change the entire UI the scale of the entire UI so if this goes up and I press OK you can see that everything in my viewport here got smaller but these icons are much larger now I don't like that at all and to be honest with you I kind of want to go the other way now this is totally up to you and depending on a lot of things size of your monitor resolution aspect ratio you name it but honestly this looks really good thankfully my eyes still work well enough for me to be able to see these pretty well but this just means I have so much more screen space even with everything visible so again totally up to you but for the sake of this video let's put it back to 100 so you can see things my gosh and then finally we have some New Path Tracer features there's nothing really to show with the pathways other than here it is we can see obviously it working but it now supports decals has a better like improved height fog like so literally the height fog will show up with past ratio with the squish is cool improved atmospheric rendering along the same lines of the fog but that also includes the sky color and the light scattering so we're going to see all of that when it comes to environments which is awesome that's really good um again back of the settings this is not a huge deal for me because this is you know maybe 10 15 years ago this would have been really game changing but we can see obviously we have graphic Hardware support that's perfectly fine but under the path Tracer we specifically now yeah we have all our settings but we have specific support for multi-graphic processing unit or video card whatever you want to call it multi-gpu support so if you have two Nvidia cards you can have them in SLI or AMD you can use crossfizer and fire that like that's fine um it's the type of thing that will obviously improve your performance because it twin motion can now fully take advantage of that I have not seen that to be necessary whatsoever um mainly from because of what I'm working on is nothing gigantic but uh you know kind of is what it is we now actually have the ability to export if we go to file and Export we can export our credits and these credits refer to all of the models that we use from sketchfab and it's basically crediting the original artist and you can get that exported as a CSV for your knowledge for sharing it along with your exported scene anything like that if you need that it's there it's cool it's nice that it's really easy to do because obviously it's really easy to pull in all these sketchfab models really quickly but if you want to credit and basically back yourself up that you didn't you're not claiming that as your own yeah totally do that file export credit it's very easy to do and that's cool this is really interesting this is maybe something that was in the pipeline I didn't really end up paying attention to but nonetheless it's pretty cool we can take these containers and you can kind of think of these folders as containers but they're what they're called you can see create subcontainer or move to New container or set active container that kind of thing they're all containers if they're these folders but now we can scale not just a single element because we've always been able to do that if you click tab here and I zoom in and we see I can change this to all the different gizmos but here's my scale I can obviously scale this uh in any direction that I want all the time but I can actually take this entire starting base because it includes the pedestal the cylinder this particular graphic and a sphere I can include all of that within my selection just by selecting the base and I can scale all of that now it only works uniformly but that's perfectly fine at least that's a start like I don't need to actually do anything weird in One Direction or one axis that's not a huge deal but I can scale everything in the container which means I can put whatever I need to in the container and then just boom all at once uniformly which is really great stuff that's really good we have some more like high quality Reflections if it within the import so like obviously um as you import something go to import here the plus as we import things here just another check box is going to be uh full Precision normals if we can achieve that basically we we get the full precise Reflections using the normals the normals being all of the directions that are basically perpendicular to that particular face if we just we just have to check that in the import window it's very simple it improves reflections of anything you import and it's something I would totally do because not the reflections are the worst thing into emotion they're actually pretty good if you know how to really take advantage of them but they the fact that they're improved now is fantastic that is really cool of IES lights in addition to fixing certain regressions that were introduced in previous builds the functionality of IES lights has been improved it's now possible to import non-symmetric IES files and render them accurately well it's the type of thing that you assumed right if you go to lights and you can see all these IES lights and that that applies to these of course but I assume they have always kind of wrapped these up pretty well but I put this light down my thought is regardless of the IES that's on here by default my thought is that okay it's it's working no matter what you know that that's kind of a safe assumption in my mind but that may not necessarily be the case which kind of is what it is at that point so if I click on this light go to properties come all the way down here to miscellaneous I can see IES I can literally obviously choose another one in this case just import one but they're what the new update is saying is if I have an IES light that is kind of we want to one side and there are I don't even know if there are a couple of now these are all symmetrical so the point being is now if you import non-symmetrical IES profiles then you're likely to get a very much accurate more accurate true model true Reflections true lighting from that which is cool like that's the type of thing that you would expect you know so I haven't had that issue because mainly I'm using these These are good enough for the most part but I have used IES profiles in the past because I needed to see something a very specific way that a light manufacturer had and I knew we were using this light and this light needed to be in there in a very particular way in a big particular place and so that's where it was used okay we've got some UV mapping of Primitives and so this is kind of funny if you've ever used Primitives which I've used them a decent amount if we go to objects your Primitives there's obviously a ton and let's just say this box a lot of times what I've done in the past is I'll just take a box and no matter what I'm doing I'm just going to throw a material on it does not matter at all but we put this material on and we start to scale it up and down or better yet literally if we start changing the scale of this box some of these UVS start looking weird now I will say because like as as drastic as that scale change was that the material is pretty good obviously it's stretched and it's I need to change the skate literal scale of the material but this is not bad at all before in previous versions of twin motion this would just stretch everything out of the material and it would just look terrible and so I I'm encouraged to see this because now I feel better about using Primitives it's really easy to dump them in throw material on it be done with it it looks good you know it's it's all Native and it's really easy to manipulate but now it actually looks right which is great that's really good to see and so besides some other little things that really don't matter I'm going to leave a link to all of the updates including all the bug fixes I would encourage you to read through um not necessarily everything that we just covered but that'd be good too but as well look at through the bugs that are fixed because they'll give you an idea of what they're addressing I mean that's a huge thing and but also known bugs and limitations that is I make sure to read that every single time because it's really important there might be something that says oh yeah if if you move this material and add this material to this type of model it's going to crash like that type of thing is great to know they're not all like that thank goodness but a lot of things there will tell you some of the issues that they're aware of and maybe you'll be aware of them at that point too but the nice thing is that you can start looking for those in future updates and to make sure they're they're getting taken care of which is really good and I've seen a lot of them checked off which is great to see I don't know if I'm the only one but I've had significant performance improvements especially over the last year but two years obviously it's just I don't I don't get the crashes like I used to which is awesome that's really great to see so that was it for all of the twin motion 20 23.1 Preview 2 updates quite a lot and that's perfectly fine we're gonna go break these down into other videos especially the UI there's a lot here with the UI more I want to talk about just in depth about my thoughts um not necessarily just my thoughts but you know what this really means is because there's some implications to it so stick around for that I will see you as soon as I can more videos to come do not worry I am always here for you I hope you demolish that like button and that you do end up enjoying this video and that you learned something and that you look forward to the true release of twin motion 2023 because it's coming soon and it's they're not gonna they're not just going to remove these previews off of the title of the Year and be done with it now they're going to have some more Heavy Hitters with that one I'm sure of it so I will see you in the next video thank you very much for watching have a great day [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Architecture Vanguard
Views: 4,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twinmotion 2023.1, twinmotion 2023.1 preview 2, twinmotion user interface, twinmotion UIO, twinmotion user interface update, new twinmotion interface, what's new in twinmotion, whats new in twinmotion, twinmotion new updates, stunning rendering, realtime rendering, unreal engine 5 twinmotoin, twinmotion to unreal, new user interface, twinmotion new user interface
Id: soccf8Nyac8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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