The New Version of Twinmotion CHANGES EVERYTHING!

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what's up guys Justin here with the so in today's video we're going to check out the brand new updated version of twin Motion in their new preview version that completely changes the user interface let's go ahead and just jump into it alright so you can access this version from inside of the epic games launcher just like you would anything else inside a twin motion and in this case to get the version with the new user interface you want to make sure that you download twin motion 2023.1 preview 2. so if you open up the 2022 version obviously it's going to have the old interface and so when you do that for you there's probably going to be a button that says install once you've installed this you can click on the launch button and so while we wait for this to load note that I am planning on updating my course in order to reflect this new version that's just going to take me a little bit of time if you do want to learn how to use twin Motion in the meantime you can check it out at twinmotion course okay and so when you open up this new version um it's going to start looking something like this which is something we already saw on the preview version before so you've got like your day and night skies you've got all your different uh templates that you can use let me go ahead and use the day and night skies um just as kind of an example file okay and so when you open this up this is what the new user interface is going to look like so um you're going to notice there are some similarities to the way that it looked before but mostly everything has been kind of redesigned in order to kind of reduce the size of the icons that are in here and make everything a little bit more accessible and so your 3D workspace isn't all that different right you've got the same options in here that you did before but you can see how they've moved your path Tracer which by the way is not working in my new version right here I've got a new computer on the way so I'm just going to test it when that gets here so it tells me that DirectX 12 is disabled if I actually go up into my preferences like this um DirectX 12 is marked as enabled so I'm not really sure what's causing that but notice how they've taken this bar which was down below oh and they moved it up to the top of the page so now this is at the top of the page at all times and you can use this in order to access the different tools your library is pretty much the same um other than now you click on these buttons down at the bottom to pop up different Windows right so I can toggle My Scene my properties all of those by clicking on the buttons buttons on the bottom of the page so um bringing things in to Twin motion is pretty much the same right you can just take this and just bring like a chair in for example if you want to do that um you just drag that into the scene what's really changed is just the way that everything looks and how you access everything notice how if you want to do things like importing models from outside of twin motion you now do that by clicking on this button right here and that's going to pop up a window so you don't just have this big window sitting in here with giant icons anymore click on this in order to manage different things now notice how for example let's say that we wanted to populate some trees in here so what I can do is I can click on the populate button that's going to give me the ability to do things like placing foliage create your pads or your Urban but notice how again that pops up in a little window on the right hand side of the page instead of taking up a bunch of your viewport down below so let's say that I did I want to bring in trees maybe with just like the paint tool what I would do is I can click on that and notice how that's now over here on the right hand side of the page then I can click drag in whatever trees I want so say I wanted these trees right here and then I can use this to paint those trees in so the paint function is now over here on the right hand side of the page instead of being at the bottom of the page um so Media mode is a window that you can pop up right so if I click in here notice how this is allowing me to go between those different templates that are inside my scene so I can use this in order to get my different looks but then notice how now everything inside of Media mode and so now everything about Media mode is off to the right hand side and I can use this to adjust my different things so let's say for example I'm going to right click in order to toggle this paint tool off but now like my weather shows up over here on the right hand side like this and I can use these Sliders in order to set my weather up so my location settings my hdri settings other things like that those are now over here on the right hand side of the page as well and so remember that you can save these different settings in here notice how you are in Media mode and it kind of shows you this if you click out of Media mode but you still want to change things about the way your scene looks now that's located inside of the Ambiance setting inside of your outliner right here so notice how when I do that I can use this to adjust the direction of my sun I can adjust my camera settings so things like my field of view my other camera effects like my vignette my lens flare you can adjust those using the sliders on the right hand side over here and then you can also click on this button right here in order to change your rendering settings so basically what they've done is they've taken all of this and they've made all the icons smaller and they moved them off to the side which again to me is a really great move because this just looks better it feels a lot more professional working in the tool now best as I can tell the settings all seem to be pretty much the same it's just the way that you access things and again like your export settings those are all going to be on the right hand side of the page as well so let's say for example that I wanted to export uh maybe the sunrise right here so I could come in here I can adjust my sky dome a little bit like this but then if I wanted to export it I would just click on the export button right here and that's going to pop up the export window and notice how I can click in here in order to export my image I can set my format really whatever you want in here so if you want to look at jpeg or whatever file format you could definitely do that and then you can click on the plus button in order to select an image so in this case I'm going to select this Sunrise right here notice how as soon as that's selected I can come down to the bottom of the page and click on start export then you can pick the folder and you can click on select and that's how you're going to export your images and so then if I open up my image this is going to look something like this note that I didn't do the path tracing I just did a quick raster export okay so a couple other things to note so first off now your material management is going to happen over here on the right hand side of the page and so the way that that works is let's say that we were to apply like a concrete material to this right here so notice how when we do that if we select that material and this kind of Auto selected but you can use this to select your materials notice how now your tools for editing material show up on the right hand side of your page so let's say for example that I wanted to make this smaller I can bring the scale down using this function right here so I can also adjust the rotation of my objects and again instead of that happening at the bottom of your page is happening over here on the right hand side of the page so other things are going to get adjusted in here as well so for example like if you wanted to load a roughness map you could just click in here click on this texture option and this is where you're going to be able to open up a roughness map so obviously this doesn't have one associated with this particular block but um you can adjust that in here and you can also click on these and type in values if you want to do that so your material editing is now going to happen in a window on the right hand side of the page right here and note that for different things the different options are going to show up in here right so for example let's say that we were to bring a person in so we're going to bring a person Model N notice how the person model all of the options for the person model are going to show up on the right hand side of the page so you've got your different poses other things like that so whatever kind of model you have picked in here the kind of options that are associated with that are going to show up over here so for this one right the Box doesn't really have anything for the person it's got the clothes and things like that for the trees in this case this is painted vegetation now if I was to just drag a tree in like this one right here this is where you're going to have the option to adjust the tent of the leaves the age of the tree other things like that so now all of your options for different things are going to pop up automatically on the right hand side of the page when you want to edit them now one other thing to note about your materials is notice how those are going to show up down below down here as well inside the material manager so not only can you drag these in from the library you can also manage the materials that are in your model by clicking on this materials button right here so notice how I can click on those I can drag them in and apply them to different things other things like that okay and so another adjustment that they've added is you can also adjust the interface scale so like for example say that you still want all of these icons to be smaller well you can go into edit preferences and under appearance there's Now options in here to adjust your interface scale so if I wanted these all to be as small as possible so that my viewport is as big as possible I can set my interface scale down to 75 percent notice how when I do that all of these icons and words are going to get smaller inside my viewport alternatively if you need some bigger text um you can come in here and you can adjust your appearance up as well so notice how when we do that those are going to start to get larger now one thing to note about that is that rapidly at least on my monitor which isn't super big that rapidly starts taking up more and more of your space so just be aware of that if you are going to use that for like the larger text and things like that you're probably going to spend a lot of time toggling all these windows off by clicking on these buttons right here so in addition to the new user interface they've got some other functions in here as well like for example if you go to edit preferences now under your quality you've got an option to adjust your viewport resolution scaling basically what that's going to do is that's going to decrease the visual quality in your viewport so if I bring this down to 50 for example notice how my quality is going to go down but my frame rate goes way up because it's not as visually intensive so now you've got these kind of like 30 50 70 100 options for what's shown in your viewport in order to improve your performance so if you have a slower computer or something like that you can use this in order to make that adjustment so notice how if I adjust that up my viewport quality gets better my frames per second goes down okay so there are some other features that have been added to the path Tracer which I haven't been able to test because I'm getting that DirectX 12 error I'm going to try this again when I get my new computer later this week but now the path Tracer supports things like decals which I know people have been waiting for for a long time as well as height fog better atmospheric rendering things like that um it also looks like you can use SLI in order to link multiple gpus together if you are trying to do some kind of crazy rendering or something like that you can use that in order to get some additional power I actually like this feature which is the credit export for sketchfab assets basically you go to file export credits and that's going to export a CSV file that will actually contain the license information for any sketchfab assets you use so instead of you having to go through and like make notes in notepad which is what I've been doing you can export that CSV file which to me since you do need to do a lot of attribution for sketchfab assets is actually extremely valuable and so we do have some other quick changes in here as well so scaling container level allows you to select a container and you can scale everything in the container all at once so you've got a higher quality Reflections option which is something that you need to um basically use this when you import a model and you can bring in the full Precision normals note that this is going to increase some memory consumption so they've also improved the IES lights and the UV mapping of Primitives but the big change in this version is definitely that new user interface so I will note this is more of like a look and feel update in the sense that the user interface has changed things are in different places but the way things work is still generally the same it's just that the sliders might look a little bit different or they might be in a different place but fundamentally the way that twin motion is doing things isn't significantly different at least in my opinion I'd love to hear from the comments down below about that what you think about the new user interface one other note I am going to be working to update my course to reflect this new user interface that's obviously going to be a little bit time consuming so I will get that done as soon as possible but like I said leave a comment below let me know what you think as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this and I'll catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The Rendering Essentials
Views: 27,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rendering tutorials, SketchUp rendering, Vray Rendering, the rendering essentials, therenderingessentials, rendering lessons, photorealistic rendering tutorials, architectural visualization, twinmotion interface, twinmotion new interface, twinmotion 203.1 Preview 2, twinmotion 2023.1 Preview 2
Id: v1r7eou8e-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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