How Normies Get Corrupted

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can you read what that is uh that would say Normie do you know what a normie is uh basic maybe you know okay so a normie slang for a normal person okay especially someone uh seem to have conventional mainstream tastes interests viewpoints okay I have brought a specimen for you what do you call you call me a normie Blake huh when is the Super Bowl happening uh Super Bowl is going to be uh next class Monday students behold who's playing uh we got uh Philadelphia Eagles versus the Kansas City Chiefs so it's gonna be a good one man Monday I got the I'm going to be there I'm gonna watch and I'm Blake come up here observe the demeanor what's the last movie you watched uh last movie I watched let me think on the spot uh watch the New Black Panther man dear well Connor forever dude it was a great movie great cinematography Marvel yeah super impressed with it man I think they did they did a great job really really really couldn't say anything good take a seat Blake so that's okay that's okay what would a school be if I expected every student that walks through these doors to know it all we have a little bit of a test Blake do you know what an anime is uh yes I do know what anime is correct yep what's your favorite anime um top of my head uh Demon Slayer man love Demon Slayer love Tantra uh nezuko right zinitsu am I right no Blake we're gonna test you okay okay oh oh crap gotta pick it up why are you smiling boy why are you smiling so hard well it's eager yeah I'm not smiling no more what was that nothing hmm nothing [Music] do you know who this is Blake I couldn't even guess what show that's from no I have no idea all right Blake your options a c b d c z or d l um okay so Roth right on top of my head first hand sticks out to me Z I think Z would be a great name just calling someone Z you know you're not calling anyone d c even L you know like I feel like those aren't great nicknames so you're pretty confident uh pretty confident on this one this it just sticks out the most um Let me let me think I don't wanna I don't want to jump the boat too okay all right but like do you I mean okay there is sometimes where you call someone D though you know Z though no one's going anywhere no one's calling anyone we'll get rid of it to see yeah just get that out of the way no one calls anyone else right you know unless this guy's a loser maybe he doesn't look like one right well I don't know not too sure it doesn't look like I wouldn't I wouldn't mess with him you know like me either I won't mess with them look at his eyes uh looks quite scary man so I would get rid of D okay yeah okay you're left with b d or c z ah get rid of B which was D and my final answer is going to be c z [Music] Final Answer C final answer z yep Blake you are incorrect one two come on the correct answer is in fact l oh my God that is l from the hit show Naruto one more guess ah my hero Death Note you ever heard of Death Note I've heard of it dude I've heard Death Note I've heard of it yes I have all right Blake which one of these is Goku I mean ah the third one has got to be the third one incorrect come to the board maybe maybe you're not getting a good look I know Goku's got black hair uh-huh Unfortunately they all three have black hair yeah so I mean it can't be a it can be C It's gotta be B right unless it's a trick question it's a trick question none of these are Goku unbelievable this is Bardock Goku's father that's why they look alike duh this is Goten go 10 I never would have got the Sun what and this is this is zamasu Goku's evil doppelganger oh don't don't add a fifth one for me don't do it don't do it all right you know what Blake we'll make it extra easy don't do it to me we won't we won't add a fifth off all right thank you Professor thank you thank you thank you if you can tell me who this character's name is that we literally just went over and I told you if you can tell me this character's name right now that we already went over I will take away the fifth option it's deku's father no no no but cousin who's this who's this character what's his name I said it you know what forget the name you're not even getting that description correct whose father is this dekus no it's Goku's father Goku we're adding a fifth option oh I don't often send students to the principal's office but I I don't know what to really do with you at this point principal puppet can you hear me oh yep I'm here I'm here hello everyone it's me principal puppet hi principal I I wouldn't sound so jovial uh right now I I don't mean to ruin your mood but unfortunately I'm gonna have to send Blake over here one of my students to the principal's office it's good to see you good to see you give you a handshake yes sir good to see you man all right Blake so tell me what's wrong huh uh so I I haven't been doing that great in class and even when he tells me the answers I I tend to forget him really quickly um can you lean closer yeah yeah I'm I'm just trying to get too close yeah dude no it's okay okay come back okay come here okay give me a kiss give me a kiss okay okay you're gonna do fine we I can uh you know I can give me another kiss you know I think we can um I think we can arrange some stuff okay you know yeah don't worry about it okay don't worry thanks yeah honestly I mean don't tell anyone this huh I used to be a normie myself really yes and you know what I did what'd you do I just watched anime and I Read Manga now get out there all right get out there well thank you principal puppet for for joining joining us today and I I hope to see you soon yes it's good to have you yes give me come here please please let go come here we gotta do our strong for a puppet come on all right it's good to have you here yes that was nice principal that was nice thank you for coming of course all right everyone goodbye [Music] do you remember Blake what the homework was uh what is your uh favorite waifu like do you know what a wife who is uh hot wife kinda okay half a point half a point let me ask you this are there fictional characters usually anime video games that you really like uh yeah yeah for sure that are appeal to you attractive attractive of course of course at the most Baseline is just like a a fictional and I think that's the key it's like usually a fictional character usually from anime now you want to okay yeah I think it's time to see if you you have a grasp on what it really means to have a waifu so we're going to take we're going to take a look at these Discord submissions Jack from B Stars look at this ass pose he's doing only pose like this dude is that a dog yeah that is a dog isn't it Dr hakase Professor doctor wake dude so good to see you man nice to see you all right Moving On Moving On [Music] right away don't even care if she's bad stupid whatever megumin from konosuba ah I'm familiar isn't she like like 12 or something I don't know why are you keeping track of that no that's kind of weird what are you talking about see what she's under age what's weird is her personality she's in a Fantastical World she's a thousand years old like from the from the from the elder tree it would still be a no so are you saying age who cares right now that's not what I'm saying don't misinterpret my words [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Professor Lando
Views: 968,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ck6eVqAdVkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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