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Sana as the 2nd place prize... 🥺 I'LL TAKE IT! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

SAMO Aliens at it again. 😂😂 Even Tzuyu was a little frustrated. 😅

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/SeaSaoirse 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

I had smile on my face for the entire episode without understanding anything. There was just too many good moments lol. Now waiting for the ENG subs.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/KoeVek5 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
Go, go! (Difficult group board game) (Team Alien did better than expected) Go, go, go! (Trying to keep the throne with fantastic teamwork) Hey! (and winning candidate, Team Brains) (And the Team Smart, Read as Ambitionz) I should tie my hair. (even the youngest is ambitious) Go, team! (Ambitious today, too) We can do it! (Team Smart’s endless spark of fire) No, we can do it! (Team Smart turned the table and won) (Which team will be the final winner?) "Time to..." "TWICE!!" Yeah! (Shake) (Shake) Finally, Round 3 has started. (3ROUND MC NAYEON) The first game is mini basketball. (3ROUND CHAPTER#1 Mini basketball) The farthest hoop is worth 1,000 points. The middle hoop is 100 points, and the closest hoop is worth 10 points. You have two minutes. Two players stand at their spots and keep throwing at the hoop to gain points. What does the third person do? The third person picks up the balls and throws them back. There are only ten balls, (Only ten balls) so her role is important, too. (Important Ball Girl) Go! (3ROUND GO! GO!) GO GO GO GO GO (Team Smart is first) (JIHYO: Player 1 CHAEYOUNG: Player 2, NAYEON: Ball Girl) Come hither, immediately. (Happy Spirit descends) This looks really hard. (Not an easy role) You have to do well. (Ambitionz checking carefully before the game) - It’s been ages doing this. - Huh? We are cheerleaders. (Cheering team Brain & Alien Human Chair) Start! Go, girls! (Cheerleading team draining their energy) (TWICE!'s Merry Cheerleaders no one requested) Start! (Team Smart's game starts) Wow! I did it! It went in! (Goal in the first shoot!) Yay! 200 points! (Scoring consecutively) (10 points into 100 (100 points three times in a row) Yeah! (Ambitious Girl excited about scoring) You're good! What? This is too hard! (All her shoots are 100 points) CHAEYOUNG, here. Hehe. I feel pressed for time (Relax! Relax) (Relax and shoot once more!) Wow (Goal!) (Succeeded in scoring!) 1,000 points? (Trying out for 1,000 points) What if I make it? (CHAEYOUNG failed, but she was close) (NAYEON is panting and picking up the balls) Go! NAYEON, you can do it! (Aiming for 100 points rather than 10) (Slowly) (Slowly) (Sorry) (No! It can't be!) Game, stop! (Team Smart’s game ends) You did well. (Ambitious Girl is out of her mind) (Team Smart expecting good scores) CHAEYOUNG scored a lot. (Team Smart : 680 points) (Team Smart is happy with their score) (Ambitious Girl gained points but lost her health) (Spark) (Gone) 1,000 points is pure luck. (Someone always makes that shoot) (MOMO: Player 1 TZUYU: Player 2, SANA: Ball Girl) - Go! - Ready... Start (Team Alien’s game starts) TZUYU! (TZUYU has fun with one ball) With one ball... (Go in) Doing well with one ball! (Go in) No! (Time is ticking) What do I do? (Team Alien haven't scored yet) SANA, are you okay? (Ambitious Girl understands her) I'm okay. (MOMO goes for 1,000 points) (So close) Huh? Oh. (MOMO retries 1,000 points!) (Go) (Please) (No) (I think it will get in) (Can't give up on the 1,000 points) I didn't score at all. (MOMO hasn't even scored 10 points) (TZUYU stubbornly goes one way) (MOMO's third try) (I don't want to go in) What? (Furious) Why won't it go in?! (Furious) (Angry MOMO is determined) (Fourth try right away) (Score!) (Finally scored) (The miracle of 1,000 points) (Hop) (Hop) Do I need to do more? (Suddenly arrogant) Awesome. (An unbelievable 1,000-point shoot) (TZUYU sticks to only one ball) TZUYU's awesome, too. (Encouraged, trying another 1,000 points) (Goal) Wow. (Consecutive miracles) (Goddess of Victory came to MOMO) (Awesome) (TWICELAND's mouth opens 2nd time!) (The more they think, it’s amazing) Wow, it’s amazing! Game, stop! (Team Alien's game ends) Wow, awesome. (High expectations of Team Alien’s score) (Team Alien : 2190 points) (Alien level) (Team Alien in lead with just one game) Wow. (JEONGYEON: Player 1, DAHYUN: Player 2, MINA: Ball Girl) I'm nervous. Where should I stand? Start! (Team Alien's game starts) (DAHYUN focuses on 10 points) (JEONGYEON focuses on 100 points) (MINA is the busiest) I can’t do this. I’m bad at it. (At this rate, they’ll rank last) MINA’s doing a good job. (I will gather the ball) Aim and shoot! (Who’s going to score?) (JEONGYEON joins the 10-point hoop) (focuses on the 10 point hoop) They're only shooting here. I should just stay here. Let’s try the middle one. - Yes! - There are more balls at your feet. MINA looks like their mom. (Mama MINA picking up balls) (I will gather balls, you score - MINA) There are balls around your feet. (Finally getting a hang of the 10-point hoop) (Concentrating on scoring) It’s like babysitting! (The 1,000-point hoop is hard to reach) Why’s it not working? MOMO, how did you do this? (MOMO getting 1,000 points TWICE! is a legend) (Team Brains' game ends) Smart - 680 points Alien - 2190 points, Brains - 170 points) (Mini Basketball Winners: Team Alien) (Now after the 1st place!) (Who will start next?) (Ready?) - "Time to..." - "TWICE!!" (3 ROUND CHAPTER #2 Group Running) Behind us is a round tent. Three players will get in the tent and move forward together. After the turn, everyone turns around and return to where they started. (What the?) The team that returns first will be the winner. You get 1,000 points, 500 points, and 100 points, respectively. Shall we start? Let's go! I’m scared. (Nervous before the start) (Ambitionz has no mercy) - But I can’t see! (Confused with the new game) - Shove against at the wall. - Okay. (Ambitionz’s trap ties up the Baby Beast) I’m scared. (This is the sound of a Baby Beast who wants to live) (CHAEYOUNG rushes in anxiety) (Chaos) (Crash) (BDZ Team Smart push forward) Slowly! - Slow down! - Hold it up! Now go back! The other way! (Tangled steps, folded tent) (But Team Smart don’t give up) (No time to waste) Hurry up! (Laughter) Hurry up! (Trying again but already panicking) You fell out! (Team Smart arrives) Oh! We reached the end. (Team Smart: 20.89 seconds) Wait, Time out. Can't we take out the middle person? Weren't we quick? (Ambitionz come to their senses) (Remembering to check scores) (Go Ambitionz) (Baby Beast catches her breath) This is really fun! I was scared! (Next is Team Alien) Hold it like this? (Their position looks stable) - Hold it up? - Ready... Set... Go! Right, left, right-- (One step) (One step) (An organized crash) Right, left, right-- (Moving forward, crouching) Quick! What is this? (Hurry, Hurry) Hurry (Not rolling, but wearing, the tent) (All fall down) (Team Alien, the comedians) My head hurts! (Laughter Mine) (Laugh, cry, collapse 3-combo chaos) Wasn’t this practice? (Feigning) (Innocent) (Passing the turning point, SANA heads back) (Touch the wall before coming back!) (Must touch the point of return) (They try to go back) (To the Basketball hope... Good-bye...) (These girls...) What's wrong? (The youngest explodes) TZUYU is angry! Slowly (Starts the game again) (Crouching down, wearing the tent) (TZUYU becomes the coach) You have to push this. Okay, we’ll push! I’ll push. (I’m sorry, I’ll push) (Team Alien collapses at the turning point) (You did it!) Come back! (Laughing hard) (Come back quick!) (Girl doing nothing & Girl pushing a little) (Stuck between girls that are no help) (TZUYU fighting alone) (Roll) (Roll) (Team Alien arrives with difficulty) Huh? Not bad. I had to push! (Finally realizing after the game) (Sorry, TZUYU) (Just laughing) (What is Team Alien’s score?) (Well over over a minute) (Team Alien : 1 minute) It’s okay! I did well before. (First at the end... Back to square one) It’s so funny! (JEONGYEON can't stop laughing) What shall we do? We’ll do okay. (Team Brains is last) How should we stand? (MINA’s biggest question: Formation) Will DAHYUN try to be funny here? (Team Brains’s score depends on DAHYUN’s prank) - Me in the middle? - The middle is scary. (The fun or the score) (What will DAHYUN choose?) (Crash) (Not easy Group Running) (DAHYUN chose to score) Go, go, go, go! (Roll) (Roll) Touch! (Only 2 meters until the end) (They start getting anxious) Look out! (What they need is SPEED) (Tumble) (Almost plunging down) (Team Brains: 19.42 seconds) (Group Running Winners: Team Brains) What? We won? Whose hair is this? Mine. (MINA's hair sacrificed for victory) -It got caught at the end. -It got caught? (A lot of hair sacrificed) MINA’s hair. Wow, 100 points apart. We need to end in the end. 1st place, Team Brains. 2nd place, Team Smart 3rd place, Team Alien. (Let's fight!) Good job. Thank you. The last game is left. Yeah, there isn’t much difference. (110 points between 1st and 2nd) (It isn’t over until its over) "Time to..." TWICE! "Time to..." TWICE! The last 3rd game is... Mini Archery. One player from each team will shoot five arrows and add up the points. The yellow target in the middle is 1,000 points. The yellow ring is 500 points. The red part equals 400 points, 300 points, and 200 points. The white is 100 points. Ten points for the space outside the circle. (okay, got it) The tiny marks at the corners... - ...will be 10 points. - Okay! 10 points is important. You can turn the tables here. (Last chance to become No. 1! I trust you. Good luck. (Team Alien, biggest rival) -Good luck! -Good luck! (First players - Alien: TZUYU Brains:DAHYUN, Smart:CHAEYOUNG) The School Meal Club! One player at a time? Is this practice? (No practice for those with experience) No practice. (TZUYU’s first arrow) (TZUgolas’ mistake: 0 points) (Shocked) It’s okay! It's okay. (DAHYUN’s first arrow) (Stable position) (300 points) (DAHYUN has a good start) Sorry. (Angel TZUYU feels sorry) (Perfect position) (Perfect) (200 points) You can do it! (TZUYU’s second arrow) (Bracing herself calmly) (200 points) (Second arrow is quick) (400 points) (I’m the ace) JEONGYEON, where am I supposed to aim? (Where else?) The middle. Thanks. (Great advice: middle) Important advice. - Important. - Very. (Patiently and calmly) (10 points) (10-point bonus harder than 1,000 points) Yeah! This is actually harder I should get 3,000 for hitting the corner. (TZUYU’s amazing concentration) (0 points) (Disappointed) ("It's okay" alarm service) (100 points) (Calmly reloads) (Shoot) (400 points) (CHAEYOUNG shows great skill) CHAEYOUNG got the grasp of it. Why can’t I do it? (Go for it, Baby) You can do it. (Will she become the ace? (0 points) It's okay. (Team Okay is with TZUYU) (Right arm shaking) (10 points) (Unbothered Baby Beast) (300 points) (Shooting brings admiration) Whew! Sorry. (I’m sorry) (TZU, anything is okay) (TZUYU’s last arrow) (300 points) (TZUYU tried her best) (A disappointed TZUYU wraps up) (The last one with focus) (300 points) (The constant ace) (Last shoot) (200 points) (A disappointing end) (DAHYUN - 1,100 points, CHAEYOUNG - 1,100 points, TZUYU - 500 points) (Second players - Alien: MOMO Brains: JEONGYEON, Smart: NAYEON) How do I shoot? (Arrow won’t shoot forward) (A. Release your hand) I let go! - How... - Let go! It's hard! (Too hard) How do I shoot? (NAYEON shooting with her face) Release your hand. (A. Right hand should let go) It hurts! Like his? (MOMO has unstable posture) (Serious in front of the mark) Everyone’s so serious. It’s not working. (Arrow won’t fly 2) (A. Let go of the arrow) I did! - Your hand. - I did. Why? (Ambitious Girl gets the grasp) (Shocked) (Archery is mine) (Shaky eyes, shaky posture) -This is really scary. -Let go. (Why can’t you let go?) (Only Peach Sisters understand) MOMO, I feel you. (Last lesson) Oh, like this! Let it go. (The arrow finally flies) Shall we? Good luck. (MOMO’s first arrow) (Shaky from the beginning to end) (Squirm) (Squirm) Your fingers shouldn’t be there. (Why won’t the arrow fly) There is tension. It won’t go. (The arrow won’t even go) I feel you. I was like that, too. (Shoot!) (0 points) (No expectations) (Nice power shot) (Only what she did was lean back) You’re good. (LOL) (I didn't even pull the arrow) (But you are good) (Don’t make me laugh before the start) (Laughter-inducing MOMO) (Loads one arrow of laughter) (200 points) Nice. (NAYEON’s first arrow) (Powerful noise) (100 points) (Not bad for first shoot) (Tremble) (Shooting with the temple) (Shaking) (Shaking) (0 points) (Despair) You're strong. (Power is top-class) This is hard! (Too hard) (Stable shooting) (0 points) (Score not up to par) This is hard. (It gets harder) (Mouth is focusing) (100 points) (New shooter NAYEON) You’re getting the targets. (Shoot sitting down?) (MOMO’s new skill: sitting archery) She wants to enterntain. Wow, a new still. (Stands back up) (Performance archery) (I can’t even get the arrow in the bow...) I’m sorry. Is this right? (If so, then shoot) (0 points) (Power Archer could drill the ground) (Archery is too difficult for MOMO) - I can’t. - But you’re strong. (Yellow) (Let's go) (300 points) (Not bad) (You’re really good...) (Go for) (Yellow) (Sharp shooting) (Eyes gleam!) (400 points) (My name is NAYEON, I am ambitious) (Already fourth arrow) Let's go! (Still can't control the arrow) (I’ll just shoot) (300 points) (MOMO's first score) (TWICE cheers for her) (Right arm shaking) (0 points) (Amused sisters) - Oh, it went far. - I shook too much. (Best concentration) (300 points) (It’s me, LIM NAYEON) You hit the targets every time. (Perfect shot) (MOMO's last arrow) (Good eyes, good posture) (Boing) Oh? (What's this?) (Arrow drop) (400 points) (Now I know... Too bad it’s the end) I get it now. (Calmly shooting last) (100 points) (NAYEON’s last arrow) (300 points) (Unwavering, stable finish) It's really hard. (NAYEON - 1,200 points, MOMO - 700 points, JEONGYEON - 600 points) (Last players - Alien: SANA, Brains: MINA, Smart: JIHYO) I can't do this. (Objective observation) (skilled aura) (Eyes closed) (SANA watches with her heart) (I apologize in advance - JIHYO) I’m sorry. I don’t think I can. SANA. (SANA’s first arrow) (Patented eyes-closed shooting) (300 points) (SANA is good in real competition) MINA. (Next player is MINA) (Calmly loading) (Watching) (Ready, shoot) (200 points) (Disappointing score) (Become friends with the arrow) What do I do? It’s okay. (Ambitious Girl said it's okay...) Third lane, PARK JIHYO. (She grabs the bow and sobers up) It's her first shot. (JIHYO’s historic first shooting) (300 points) (Oh) (Oh) (Suddenly confident) (Peaceful Ambitionz) Carry on. Next up is SANA. (Archery with her heart) (200 points) (She scores even with her eyes closed) (Expert's aura) Wow. (300 points) Yap! (Her voice shakes and the arrow droops) Wait. Pull back. (Shooting with a confident expression) (0 points) It’s okay. You shook at first. (Ambitious Girl said "It’s okay" again...) Next up is SANA. Bang-bang! (Third arrow shot with the heart) (0 points) (Didn't work this time) (MINA’s mission: Hit the yellow target) Bang-bang! (Great focus like an archer) (Stable shooting) (That’s it) (400 points) (Confident) Bang-bang. (Make MINA dance... Bang-bang) I don’t like being pressured. You have to catch up, JIHYO. (Two spoonfuls of pressure, third arrow) (I am PARK JIHYO) (400 points) (Already smells like gold) (Ambitious JIHYO overcomes the pressure) (SANA still shooting with her heart) (Wow!) (500 points) (Second jaw-drop) (Unable to hide their shock) You’re great. - Wow! - Last turn. (MINA’s fourth arrow) (200 points) (Disappointing score) (Confident JIHYO’s shooting) (200 points) - It’s okay. - You’re after MINA. - Don't! - Not bad. (Ambitious Girl said, "Not bad...") (Each team's last arrow) SANA! Bang-bang! She’s nervous. (More nervous with the last arrow) (TZUYU’s sharp advice) Stop laughing! (Smile Angel) Bang-bang! (Last arrow shot with the heart) (200 points) You were nervous. (Disappointing end) (The last shot is nerve-racking) (10 points) I’m sorry. (Ending with "I’m sorry") Not this one. (The last arrow shouldn’t be like MINA’s) (Last arrow shot) (0 points) Not even ten points? (Cannot overcome the shock of 0 points) Wow, SANA’s score. (SANA - 1200 points / MINAㅣ- 1110 points / JIHYO - 900 points) (Mini Archery - Total Points) (Thump) (Thump) (Team Alien - 2,400 points) Wow! (Team Brains - 2,820 points) Oh. - Not bad. - Team Smart, 3,210 points. Wow! ("TIME TO TWICE" Final Score) (Smart: 8,590 points, Brain: 8,090 points, Alien: 6,190 points) (Ambitionz and Ambitious Babies' achievement) (You did well, Team Brains) Games require the will to win! (Team Alien still did their best) We still tried hard. Do you remember? We said we will - get prizes. - That’s right. Bring in the prizes! Let’s start with the 3rd place. (3rd team's prize - Exercise kit) - Nice! - It’s nice. - Thank you. - That's for the worst team? I want a hoola-hoop! (An item catches their eyes) I love this. (TWICE is excited about the cart) - I want this. - Me, too. (First sit, first served) The hoola-hoop's great! It’s fun. Ta-da! (2nd team's prize) (2nd team's prize - SANA(?) and indoor workout set) Not bad. (We'll take her and raise her) (Wanted: ONCE to tie JEONGYEON's shoes 1/11) (Exciting twist dance) ♪ Shake your butt ♪ (The gift makes her sing) What is that. (body and feet moving separately) (1st place prize – a massage machine and multi exercise equipment) (Happy with prize 111%) Try the massage machine. I'd keep this in the car. (Satisfying gift) This is good. (Everyone is happy with the prizes) (I bet you want the 1st prize) JEONGYEON, it's been a while since we came back with "TIME TO TWICE." How was it today? Uh.. It has been a long time since we shot a reality TV program. I think our fans will enjoy this. I hope we can keep shooting more reality shows. The ONCEs will love it. Our fans will also be spending time at home. Watch "TIME TO TWICE." I hope you enjoy our show and have a good time. ONCE! I miss you! Yeah. (Me, too) (I miss you) The games we played today can be played at home, too. If you're bored, ONCEs, get together and play these games, in my opinion. We miss you. We miss you, ONCEs. "TIME TO TWICE" hasn't ended yet. - Next time... - We just started. We don’t know what we'll come back with. Please wait for us. - Shall we say good-bye? - See you! ONE IN MILLION! TWICE! Thank you. - "Time to..." - "TWICE!"
Channel: TWICE
Views: 1,424,387
Rating: 4.9832058 out of 5
Keywords: Twice, 트와이스, twice TTT, TWICE TimetoTWICE, TIME TO TWICE, 타임투트와이스, 트와이스타임투트와이스, twice reality, 트와이스 리얼리티, TTT, 트와이스 TTT, 트와이스 티티티, twice timetotwice, ttt ep.04, ttt 4화, timetotwice ep04, time to twice ep4, twice to twice 4, 트와이스 타임투트와이스 4화, 타임투트와이스 4화, 타임투트와이스 4
Id: pYthm_qWzPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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