π―π TWICE - Compilation Match on Archery Idol | β» RED VELVET β» GUGUDAN β» LOVELYZ β» CLC β» OH MY GIRL β»
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Channel: just-in random
Views: 647,199
Rating: 4.9336209 out of 5
Keywords: stayhome, withme, twice, isac, lovelyz, tzuyu, dahyun, chaeyoung, kei, yein, mijoo, archery, idol, sport, girlband, korea, btob, clc, got7, got 7, mina, minah, jackson, mark, sungjae, sunkwang, cube, jyp, kpop, dance, sing, archer, singer, dancer, korean, english, boyband, gugudan, sejong, 2019, music, shooting, shoot, shot, artist, fandom, red velvet, irene, yerin, seulgi, wendy, world, nayeon, mono, sana, jeongyeon, jihyo
Id: d_wZ5VGjgYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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