TWICE REALITY "TIME TO TWICE" - Noraebang Battle EP.04

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ITZY By ICY - Tzuyu, 2020

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 53 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/chucknorris1997 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 05 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Baby Tiger is extra adorable here :D

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 17 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/janatxy ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 05 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I think Momo spoke three times in those 18 minutes lol

I hope they work on the format a bit, this was hilarious but was dominated by the k-line, and then poor Tzuyu blew her one chance :D

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/narthgir ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 06 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
(Previously) Where are we? - Karaoke! - Karaoke! (But the fun didn't last long) (To take the 1st price of Korean beef and fruits, TWICE gets aggressive) (Thereโ€™s no backing down in the singing battle) (Round one was a tie between Team Bobby Brown and Team Madonna) (The Ambitious Women will not just stand by) (Wow...) Wow! (But the Ambitious Women grab the mic) What was it? (The ending fairy finishes up with glaring eyes) (Team Bobby Brown and Team Madonna slow down in round two) Wham. (But the Ambitious Women gets aggressive and fires up) (The flaming sprout grows up) Good job, TZUYU! (Team Michael Jackson surpasses the rest) The volume of her voice is something else. (Will Team Madonna and Team Bobby Brown be able to be number one again?) (Who will take the Korean beef and fruits?) The volume of her voice is something else. (With their powerful voices, they are forestalling from the beginning) (JIHYO's voice can be heard over the headphones) (Concentrating) (Her voice is refreshing The ambitious sister in happy) (The ambitious sister in happy) (JIHYO ends up losing to the music playing in her headphone) (It's not an easy game for JIHYO either) Five, four, three... Catch it! Five, four, three, two, one. (Team Michael Jackson is very stable) (Laughing) (Her head and her lips are not in sync) (The powerful voice has found her pace) One, two, three ah... (Her head becomes confused again) (NAYEON is totally into the music playing in her headphones) Run. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six. Your everything falls for me. (JIHYO's voice explodes even in an extreme situation) (She's really good) She's good. Even the smallest thing. (Everyone acknowledges JIHYO) (JIHYO heads for the finish) (JIHYO is great) (Let's get 100 points!) (Good job) Come to me. Five, four, three. Fall for me. Five, four, three, two, one. (It's an explosive finish!) ("Touchdown" was a big hit) (Was it good?) Was it good? - I can only hear you. - You're really great, JIHYO. (Headphones are useless with JIHYO's voice) I can only hear your voice. (I can hear your voice well) I can hear JIHYO's voice very well. (Team Michael Jackson receives 98 points) (JIHYO did great) JIHYO, you're great. (Let's get 100 points) Let's get 100 points. (Team Madonna has a long way to go) (Which song will Team Madonna sing that'll be fun just to watch?) ("Dance The Night Away") What is it? I didn't see the title. This is a problem. (Team Madonna gives us a good laugh from the beginning) (JEONGYEON realizes what song it is by reading the lyrics) Tonight we'll have a fireworks festival. (It starts nice and easy) (They're very relaxed) (They dance and sing to the song) Oh, my! (It's starting) (They start to have different beats and the song become weird) - Dance the night away! - Dance the night away! (Freddy Yoocury is back) (Hoo!) (Freddy Yoocury is jamming) Hey! You and me... (Her D.T.N.A is deteriorating Everyone, let's do it together!) - Dance the night away. - Dance the night away. (Yoocury exclaims as she dances perfectly) (Yoocury exclaims as she dances perfectly) (They're all over the place) (They're all over the place) (They're something else) (They end on a note between laughter and shock) (What is Team Madonnaโ€™s score?) (It's so funny I'm going to die Team Madonna gets 96 points) (Michael Jackson 400, Bobby Brown 200, Madonna 100) Team Madonna has 298 points. - With me, you'll have lots of fun. - Team Bobby Brown has 398 points. (The score is too high to beat) And Team Michael Jackson has 945 points. - Wow. - Team Michael Jackson wins again. (Try to win us) Let's go onto the next game. Time to - TWICE! - TWICE! (TWICE) It's pace counter singing room! (First game of ROUND 3 Pace counter singing room) (Shaking Running) (Stable singing Running in place for a higher score) (Team Madonna takes the challenge next "Still Alive") ("Still Alive" JYP) ("Still Alive" JYP) The song and movement has to go well. In the year 2000 and 2010... (Points are raised with the standard procedure dance) (Lastly, Team Bobby Brown is up) ("Hands Up - 2PM) (Shake It x 2 Aggressive shaking raises the points) (Shake It x 2 Aggressive shaking raises the points) (Aggressive shaking raises the points) Wow. Who is that? (What is the score of the three teams?) (The three teams' points are very similar) Wow. - There's barely any difference. - Yay! (Currently number 1) Team Michael Jackson (Currently number 1) has 2,937 points. (Currently number 2) Team Bobby Brown has 2,700 points. (Currently number 3) And Team Madonna has 2,483 points. Now there's just one game left. - This game can turn the scores around. - Yeah! That's what I think. (Shall we go onto the next game?) Then let's go onto (Shall we go onto the next game?) the next game. Time to... - TWICE! - TWICE! This is... (It's the last game. the last game. Are you ready to have fun until the end? (Of course) Yes! (Singing room in TWICE) I will explain (What's the last game?) the last game. (The name of the game is?) The name of the game is? (What was it?) It is... What was it? I told you earlier! (I told you earlier Whispering) - What's the name of the game? - Challenge 88! (My precious line Challenge 88) (Round 3 LAST GAME CHALLENGE 88) (ONE MORE TIME What's the name of the game?) Challenge 88! (The Ambitious Women show them how important it is to repeat oneself) Let me explain the game. In the machine, there are 88 songs from from our company. (The machine has 88 JYP family's song) From those, they'll play a song randomly. Just the music will play. If you know the song, call out your team name... For example, if it was our team, we'd call out "Michael Jackson!" Then you can guess on the song. - I don't think I can explain well. - The title of the song? - The title. Yes. - So say the singer's name and all? - That's right. - Okay, okay. So each time you guess correctly, - you receive 50 points. - Wow. Okay. (The three teams shout at the same time) Me! (Team Michael Jackson was a tad bit faster) - Michael Jackson! - JYP. (She got it) "Elevator." (Wrong! It's wrong?) (CHAEYOUNG calls out her name instead of her team name) (Get it together) It's not "Elevator?" ("Elevator" was wrong) JYP. "Elevator." (JYP "Elevator is correct) Yay! (Good start Team Madonna gets 50 points) (Her name was a free pass) CHAEYOUNG! (CHAEYOUNG was a student) CHAEYOUNG! (I'm so frustrated_CHAEYOUNG) (How could you miss that?) You got it completely wrong. She did that on purpose. (Thank you very much) (Let's go onto the second question) Seven, one, five, five. (Verifying the team name again) We're Madonna, right? (We're get this one for sure Second song PLAY) (CHAEYOUNG call out her team name first) Bobby! (It's Team Bobby Brown's turn) Bobby! - Bobby! - Michael... It's miss A's (Correct) "Breathe." (Correct) - Whew. - That sounds weird. (Producers are embarrassed) Yeah. It's a bit sharp. (Trying again) Huh? (That's not it A third try) (Feeling at ease) (Maintaining calm Third song PLAY) (Quick, accurate, instant) Madonna, Madonna, Madonna. I'll tell you. I'll tell you from here. (Will Team Madonnaโ€™s strategy work? Third song PLAY) (JIHYO shouts Team Michael Jackson first) Michael Jackson! TWICE, "GIRLS LIKE US." (Team Michael Jackson receives 50 points) (Team Michael Jackson receives 50 points) (Written by JIHYO, I know my song) You wrote this song, right? (Written by JIHYO, I know my song) Two, seven, two, (Super silent TWICE?) five, six. (Fourth song PLAY) Madonna! (She just have to get the song right) - 2PM's "My House." - "My House." (2PM's "My House") (The fireworks are about to fire up) I'll call out our name, you answer. (The heat between TWICE is fierce) Let's all sit down. (Fifth song PLAY) Madonna! - I didn't hear it. - We didn't hear it. We were talking. (The turn goes to Team Madonna) You didn't hear? - Madonna! - Miss A's... Bobby! - Bobby! Bobby! - Wonder Girls... "Two Different" - "Tears." - "Tears!" (Team Bobby Brown received 50 points) (Team Michael Jackson is on the verge of losing) (Team Bobby Brown is working for a comeback) (And Team Madonna is having fun Sixth song PLAY) - Madonna! - What are you doing? (The song didn't even come out Freddy Yoocury's body reacts first) (Whatever it may be, JEONGYEON is number one) (The turn goes to Team Madonna) Madonna! (But they don't know the answer) What is it? First, it's Stray Kids. - Na, Na, Na. - Na, Na, Na... (They know the dance but they don't know the title of the song) (MINA comes forward) "District 9." (A clear sound) - Bobby. - Bobby! Stay Kids' "District 9." (MINA just got that wrong) (It's Team Michael Jackson's turn) Michael Jackson! Stay Kids. (Stray Kids) "District 9." (JEONGYEON looks confident) Stray Kids' "MY PEACE." Bobby! My peace. - I know! - Bobby! Bobby! Stray Kids. "My Pace." (Yoocury just gave her a hint) I said "Peace." (A fun ceremony is just an option Team Bobby Brown receives 50 points) (I do that best) You just easily took the answer. (No time for a breather Seventh song PLAY) - Michael Jackson! - Whoa, Michael Jackson... (NAYEON was shouted slightly faster) - Michael Jackson! GOT 7's... - Bobby! "Hard Carry." (GOT7's "Hard Carry" Very sad) (The competition is fierce Eighth song PLAY) (The competition is fierce Eighth song PLAY) (TWICE is shouting their team names at the same time) (Who was the first to shout?) (JEONGYEON is first once again) (JEONGYEON is first once again) (The turn goes to Team Madonna) TWICE's "ONE IN A MILLION"! (TWICE's "ONE IN A MILLION" Team Madonna receives 50 points) (Michael Jackson might lose their place) You guys are good. It must be louder here. (Will they let them win? Ninth song PLAY) (Will they let them win? Ninth song PLAY) Madonna! (Very fast) Madonna. (JEONGYEON did it again) Bobby! - Bobby! 2PM's "I'll Be Back." - Bobby. (Team Bobby Brown receives 50 points) (Team Madonna especially JEONGYEON warning) (You can just shout out your team name) What? - I can just yell it first! - You lose a turn. I can yell it if I want! (Team Madonna gets a warning Tenth song PLAY) (Concentrating) (The teams names are being shouted at the same time) (NAYEON shouts first) - Michael Jackson! Miss A's... - Michael Jackson. "I Don't Need a Man." (I feel great it's making me dance) (Eleventh song PLAY) (Eleventh song PLAY) Madonna! (Michael Jackson and Bobby Brown are late) (This time it's Michael Jackson!) Michael Jackson! - It was really us this time. - Thatโ€™s right. (She was so fast that Michael Jackson and Bobby Brown didn't even hear her) TWICE's "KNOCK KNOCK"! (Correct) She's right. (If you shout first, you may win Team Madonna receives 50 points) (The speed shocks everyone) (The speed shocks everyone) Why did I think it was "Signal?" (Everyone paying attention Twelfth song PLAY) (Everyone paying attention Twelfth song PLAY this song is?) (The fastest one is?) (The fastest one is?) (The fastest one is?) (The hidden winner is me! TZUYU, Everyone TZUYU held up her hand) - TZUYU. Michael Jackson. - It's Michael Jackson. Sir, wait a minute. Since Michael Jackson is in the middle, aren't you only looking in the middle? - Sir, wait a minute. - Wait a minute. TZUYU... - ... was really fast for the first time. - I was fast. I just have a soft voice, that's all. (Everyone agrees) I just have a soft voice, that's all. (Will they receive 50 points?) ICY's... - Say it. - ICY's... (ICY's?) (ICY's "ITZY"?) (She used up her chance like this) ICY's... (Chaos) ICY? (ICY is singing "ITZY") ICY? (ICY is singing "ITZY" Good job TZUYU!) (TZUYU wasted her turn) (DAHYUN doesnโ€™t waste this chance) Bobby! ITZY's "ICY." (The Ambitious Sister explodes) (TZUYU will not be left alone) - ICY's "ITZY." - ITZY! (After a big laugh Thirteenth song PLAY) You really didn't let me down. That was really funny. Michael Jackson. 2PM's "A.D.T.O.Y." (JEONGYEON couldn't say anything) - Did you say it right? - "A.D.T.O.Y" is what I said! - We can win if we try. - Hold on a moment. - This is so tiring. - Let's try it again. (CALM DOWN Fourteenth song PLAY) (After cooling off Fourteenth song PLAY) (Concentrating) (Totally Concentrating) (Concentrating) (Will we be able to win?) (It's not over until it's over) Bobby! (The baby beast is fast) Michael Jackson! GOT7's "A." (They get an "A" for receiving points Team Bobby Brown receives 50 points) (They get an "A" for receiving points Team Bobby Brown receives 50 points) You can't shout your team name and then listen to the song to answer. (It quickly continues Fifteenth song PLAY) Michael Jackson! JYP's "HONEY." (She called the producer JYP) I called him JYP. (Sixteenth song PLAY) (Sixteenth song PLAY) Bobby! (The baby beast shouted but is not answering) (The baby beast shouted but is not answering) (The melody is familiar and unfamiliar at the same time) (When no one knew) Bobby! TWICE's "Only You?" (Challenge 88 is for DAHYUN and by DAHYUN) Wow! You got it right! (Amazing that she's the only one who realized it) (But DAHYUN got it correct) I got it correct. - I really didn't think it was that song. - That's amazing. (You're really great) That's right. TZUYU is up now. TZUYU is up now. You're all dead. (Tense up everyone) TZUYU is up now. (Concentrating again) Madonna. (Seventeenth song PLAY) - Bobby. - Bobby. (The turn goes to Team Bobby Brown) Bobby! - 2PM's... - She listened to it after she shouted out. - That's not right. - This is too much. - Michael Jackson. - Michael Jackson. (2PM "Heartbeat") (The baby beast becomes sad) - Is it our chance? - CHAEYOUNG! (I'm going to be bad) CHAEYOUNG! (Sorry) CHAEYOUNG... (Be prepared for the fire beast) (Eighteenth song PLAY) Madonna. (Eighteenth song PLAY Speed Yoo remains very fast) - JYP's "FEVER." - Bobby! (They almost lost their chance Team Madonna receives 50 points) I couldn't speak. - I knew it too. - I knew. This is all about competition. (Nineteenth song PLAY) What's that? TWICE! (I'm TWICE SANA makes a cute mistake) TWICE! (Urgency brings laughter) (Thanks to TWICE, it becomes Team Michael Jackson's turn) She can't do that. Bobby! TWICE's "Scandal." (Correct) (Feeling Proud) "Scandal." Everyone. From now on, when you shout your team name, you must answer right away. (Twentieth song PLAY) Madonna! (We still have a chance) (Twentieth song PLAY Are you sure?) (As everyone waits nervously, the song plays) (No reactions yet and then) Madonna! - Madonna. - DAY6's... - "Letting Go." - Bobby! Bobby. DAY6's "I Wait." (Correct) "I wait." (I knew first) You almost got it. DAHYUN is really good at this. (Twenty-first song PLAY) DAHYUN is really good. (Twenty-first song PLAY Will Team Bobby Brown make a comeback?) - Michael Jackson. - Miss A's "Hush." (Miss A's "Hush" Team Bobby Brown receives 50 points) (Shall we play once more for 500 points?) Do you want to play for 500 points? - Alright. - Okay. (We can't lose 500 points) Madonna! Let's make it a thousand points for the last one. (All in) Alright! - Alright! - Good! (With one song, you can be number one) Practice. (The Ambitious Women surface again) Try it. I'm really confident about shouting our team name quickly. You have to use a unique voice. That's the only way to be called. - Really? Michael Jackson! Like this? - Michael Jackson! (The last song is one thousand points) (Last of Challenge 88 Twenty-second song PLAY) (Last of Challenge 88 Twenty-second song PLAY) (Last of Challenge 88 Twenty-second song PLAY) (Last of Challenge 88 Twenty-second song PLAY) (What will be the last song?) (The last song plays quietly) Why am I so lonely? (The last song plays quietly) (Why am I nervous?) (We must get a turn) Michael Jackson! (Who's was first? Michael Jackson! (CHAEYOUNG shouted her name first) (Team Bobby Brown gets a chance) Madonna... (Correct) Stray Kids' "Hellevator." (Challenge 88 game over) I really knew this one. (What's the final score of Challenge 88?) (What's the final score of Challenge 88?) (Bobby Brown 1,500 points, Michael Jackson 300 points, Madonna 250 points) (Bobby 4,200 points, Michael 3,237 points Madonna 2,733 points) (Thankful that the last place has an award too) We should be thankful that the last place has an award too. (3rd Place Team Madonna Fun and sweet snack basket) - Thank you! - This is great. How about if we trade? A piece of beef for a snack? I really like this. (I love fruits) (2nd Place Team Michael Jackson Fruit basket full of natural vitamins) I really wanted to eat this. Thank you. (The Ambitious Sister is happy to receive fruits) - Everyone did really well. - But you gave us a big laugh. - You gave us a big laugh. - The fruits... (Laughing) ICY's "ITZY." I had a lot of fun. (They're not interested in the other teams' feelings) It's really good for our health. It's your favorite. (The highlight is the 1st place prize) - Thank you. - I want some. - Invite us when you eat it. - It's enough for 15 people. - Fifteen people? - Alright. Let's have a party. (I love meat) Oh, yay! (How did you like TWICE in Singing Room?) I think we found out how much we were competitive. (Agrees) That's right. We had overflowing passion today. It was really fun. I even lost my voice. I'm really proud of my teammates. We received so much delicious snacks. We'll enjoy it later. (Good job everyone) Thank you! (TIME TO TWICE EP.2) So today we had a singing room day for episode 2 on "TIME TO TWICE." I'm sure it's been hard for everyone these days. We hope you were energized by us. And we hope that you will overcome it all. Alright then. TWICE will get going now. One in a million. We were TWICE. Thank you! Time to - TWICE! - TWICE! (TIME TO TWICE)
Channel: TWICE
Views: 1,128,338
Rating: 4.9846373 out of 5
Keywords: Twice, ํŠธ์™€์ด์Šค, twice TTT, TWICE TimetoTWICE, TIME TO TWICE, ํƒ€์ž„ํˆฌํŠธ์™€์ด์Šค, ํŠธ์™€์ด์Šคํƒ€์ž„ํˆฌํŠธ์™€์ด์Šค, twice reality, ํŠธ์™€์ด์Šค ๋ฆฌ์–ผ๋ฆฌํ‹ฐ, TTT, ํŠธ์™€์ด์Šค TTT, ํŠธ์™€์ด์Šค ํ‹ฐํ‹ฐํ‹ฐ, twice timetotwice, ttt noraebang, ttt noraebang ep4, timetotwice noraebang ep, time to twice ep, twice to twice, ํŠธ์™€์ด์Šค ํƒ€์ž„ํˆฌํŠธ์™€์ด์Šค ๋…ธ๋ž˜๋ฐฉํŽธ, ํƒ€์ž„ํˆฌํŠธ์™€์ด์Šค ๋…ธ๋ž˜๋ฐฉ, ํƒ€์ž„ํˆฌํŠธ์™€์ด์Šค ๋…ธ๋ž˜๋ฐฉ 4
Id: cPh8I8fmtQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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