Rocks & Gold - How rocks tell you where to find gold.

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okay we got one step up Otto says hello to all anybody else Erik says he confirmed so you guys are seeing this okay good then let's get rolling I've got the slides up and I'll switch over to that right now I'm going to headphones on here and we'll go figure out which window is controlling what okay so tonight's topic of interest is kind of near and dear to me I'm going to start with the first slide rocks and gold clues what rocks tell you about where to find gold there are clues that they give and those are very important if you're going to find gold and that's what we're here for right hi I'm prospector Jess this is another hangout regarding gold prospecting and how to find gold I just want to make sure that everybody is in - with where we're going the adventure for tonight is about rocks and gold and how the two are connected together my background I have a background in geology and engineering primarily from UCSD I have been an engineering manager for a number of years and then more recently I'm doing work with helping the gold prospecting the gold prospecting part I started as a family adventure but actually it's deep in my roots my great-grandfather was a prospector in 18-49 so it's one of those things where I learned about it as a child and then sort of learned again when I had children and I think it's important to recognize that there's certain a certain amount of excitement and and history that goes along with gold prospecting that I will share with you as we go along so first take a look at this picture you can see the water rushing down this is a late spring flow after a rain but what you see is that the nature of the rocks that you're looking at these are these are basically the streambed bedrock but there's something interesting I wanted to call your attention to two things on this one is that number one item arrow points to some white lines running horizontally you can kind of see them striping the opposite bank of this Creek or ravine those lines correspond to gold potential being injected via quartz veins or quartz stringers so these are actual cracks that were exploited by hydrothermal venting into the host Rock the host rock being this number two which is this green stone commonly known as serpentine and and that material basically is is formed at great depth it's heavy and iron and other minerals that makes it tend to be kind of weak when it comes to the surface water that comes up through the surface material gets injected into those cracks in the form of hydrothermal vents I'll talk more about that in a little bit but that water can have a high concentration of silicon in the form of quartz but it's more of a fluid kind of quartz so it's this viscous liquid with with water in it and and being that it actually becomes kind of acidic and dissolves the metals and carries them with it until it hits certain conditions like corners and changes in size that will cause it to precipitate out the metals that are in solution that precipitate forms Load gold deposits those are the things that you're looking for but our primary adventure here will be with the low gold effort rose into the creek in the form of placer deposits down in these creeks below where the loader roads out and as you can see with that water rushing through there and the rocks and boulders and material coming down it's kind of like a giant band saw or a grinder through there through the winter seasons especially in high flood and that will break down all that material and that smashes that stuff and the quartz is very brittle and will will essentially break apart and release its contents in the form of load material we'll talk a little more about that in a second so to find gold you're going to need to know where the gold came from in the first place that's why I hinted at that with those those injections because there are several different sources for gold one of the primary ones are these hard to thermal vents you can also have metamorphic gold which comes up from the Reformation or compression of old sedimentary deposits under heat and pressure or in some cases even sedimentary deposits that may have concentrates of gold that are there concreted with other material with them so it's it's important to understand the nature of that material and how it connects between the material you're looking at and the kind of gold you're looking for in this location I also connect the the rocks that come with gold along with the water and the flood effects on those goals how it affects them softer rocks tended to curate more rapidly harder and and and tighter welded rocks tend to be affected over longer periods but slowly what minerals go with the gold so one of the key things here is to know the chemistry of the metals involved and some of the other elements that go along that might affect the way the gold deposits and also what might show up nearby in the way of minerals or corrosive materials that would show up and give you the kind of traces in color and and luster etc so then you'd know what to look for so let's take a look at an example this is a quartz trigger but notice it doesn't look like the one we saw originally it's not that smooth long thing it looks rather corroded and it has a whole bunch of lichens and other stuff living in it but the reality is see the reddish earth and the black background and that white stringer that tells you that the host rock is basically deteriorating rapidly and the reason for that often times in this kind of material I know a little bit about this one is they're sulfides nearby so the acid helps to erode the host material as well as the quartz itself and the stringer especially if there's manganese involved and that's a purpley black mineral that will that will actually act as a catalyst in a reaction between the quartz and the sulfuric acid that's released by oxidizing that sulfides now the sulfides are commonly in the form of something that we've all heard you never look for when you're looking for gold and that is pyrite you see pyrite has part I on and part sulfur and when that iron starts to corrode out the sulfides basically between water and air and turn into sulfuric acid what you also may not know is with those sulfides can go other minerals other metals in particular in this case it was copper with some gold about ten percent and five ten percent in this load so it turned out to be a valuable thing to mine the recovery of the copper would yield the gold so that's what they did so what are rock and gold clues well gold has unusual elemental properties those properties will lead us to understanding what it is that gold will do now let me give you a little bit of a background on some of those properties there's density malleability gold is very dense and gold is very soft it has an unusual color and it alloys well with certain other metals such as silver platinum copper okay as we mentioned a second ago it also is relatively inert chemically compared to those other metals with exception of platinum and so when you look at that it will out whether those other metals and so if it's found in ratio because it's an alloy that's solution on the surface when exposed to sulfuric acid and the oxidation of air and water will tend to enrich in the material that it's in and there are certain placer deposits that show just that that is the Nuggets are richer than the original lodestone in some areas because of how the gold has how the silver has corroded out differentially compared to the gold it's an interesting property and what it means is you can often times tell where a certain piece of gold came from if those other rocks and other minerals such as sulfides are in the area because you'll see that the gold is very rich deep yellow color not silvery grey like some other areas are when you see placer gold in the river also we need to look at the near neighbors and what their elemental affinity is for each other for example looking at iron silver copper platinum sulfur and manganese each of these minerals is often found in conjunction with gold or gold minerals and what it can do is affect the chemistry in such a way that you will spot those materials much earlier than you will the gold that's around them and so one of the things you want to learn to do is how to spot those kinds of rocks by the mineral stains that they leave behind and we'll talk about that in a second so how do you spot these rocks now so what are some of those rock and gold clues that we're looking for well rocks have characteristics they have density also they're the ones we're looking for will be heavy and the reason is if you look at those minerals we talked about earlier iron silver etc they tend to be heavy in terms of the where they are in the periodic table and so the minerals that form out of them tend to be heavy in terms of their density relative to quartz which will consider be kind of a base background material so what we're looking for those kinds of things also they tend to be sulfide loaded and that leads to other things like corrosion so the colors what you tend to look for are redder the better that's the same remember that also black or blue green in other words rusty corroded looking stuff is a big hint that you're heading in the right direction when you start pulling out rocks I'll have a little show-and-tell here in a minute so the former shaped of those rocks take mainly you're looking for the crystalline forms of the minerals inside of the rocks that is things like the cubic forms of pyrite the rainbow colors and fractures of quartz and the rainbow colors reports but the rainbow colors and fractures of chalcopyrite which is a copper pyrite often found in conjunction with gold as well as other mineral minerals egg quartz which has its own conchoidal fracture in shape it doesn't form crystals except when you find things like amethyst and stuff that that's really not what we're looking for as much as we are these injected quartz stringers and typically they don't have much in the way of what they call crystal habit or shape in addition we're looking for other minerals I mentioned earlier that manganese those pearly colored the iron you won't see iron and it's in its reduced form as a metal like steel what you're going to see is rust really deep dark reddish stained grimy stuff maybe even down to black as well as black hematite and other magnetic materials that go along with it and I'll show you a little demo on that one igneous metamorphic sometimes sedimentary but start primarily with the igneous and hydrothermal injection for your primary candidates in the Rock area and then when you get to the creek bed you're going to be looking for quartz and large quartz rocks that break out and carry with them potential load material and also some of these crystal and hints and mineral hints that go along with it again how do you spot these rocks so what we're looking at right here is a rock that when my wife is holding this is a Jasper like material notice it has this what we call conchoidal fracture it's kind of cooked and looks almost like broken glass through it and then it has this if you see it in a in water this thing was almost deep blood-red you know dark dark brown red and so when you see a bunch of these showing up in your pan or in your sluice box that's a good sign this is high in iron content that's what gives it the reddish color it's also very dense so it hangs with the minerals that hang with gold the key is density Gold likes to go to the bottom and things that are heavy and dense like iron maybe even steel parts from a car bolts and nuts will actually go down and hang with it so you're looking for those those clues because they will tell you earlier than you'll ever find the gold that you're in the right area to start finding it and then you want to intensify your search so rock and gold clues the rock types and mineral composition tell you what you're looking for we talked about having a lot of heavy minerals a lot of iron and other stuff as well as sulfides and oxides which will give it a bluish or greenish tinge things like that the characteristic colors typically are darker than lighter specific gravity they're going to be heavy we're talking something that feels like you're holding up a piece of steel as opposed to something that feels like you're just holding a rock sometimes they're magnetic in their nature these are hematite and magnetite also related minerals and their elemental composition I showed you some of those green stones I'll show you a few more in a second but those are things that hang with gold these gold rocks and there's a whole bunch of topics here are important to understand but what I'm doing right now is giving you this overview of which ones you're looking for and some rules of thumb that I use all the time to help find gold let's see let's go back uh before we go into this section I wanted to spend a second going over some show-and-tell so let me switch cameras here and we'll go y.f and so with that let's set up some walkthrough to demonstrate what I'm talking about so I have some rocks with me I'm going to show them to you on the camera and to do so I have to change the focal point of the camera so you can see the crystals and the colors and things like that I'm going to put them here and I have to have both the see I have to have both the rocks and the camera set up right see so focus okay so let me adjust the lighting a little bit okay everybody see that this is what looks like an ordinary piece of quartz that you'll find a cobble that's rounded and shaped on the bottom of a creek bed that has placer gold now what caught my attention where these pock marks you see these little spots on the surface look like little dental cavities on a tooth those pock marks are where they used to be minerals such as pyrites and other metals that have eroded out of this quartz stringer this used to be a port strainer when you look inside and break the rock open you see something quite interesting and that is these colors you have to drop this down some more and maybe boost the color intensity so you can kind of see the colors better there you go now see the colors and the globe notice how rusty things start looking inside the rock and it's in particular notice this spot over here where it's very dark and purpley that's that manganese I was talking about so what you're looking for are rocks that are full of these kinds of mineralization and typically are much darker on the outside than this I'll show you some of that later but this is stuff that heads toward a tertiary type quartz deposit the tertiary ones will be very dark maybe even blue to black in their coloration not so much white on this outer surface here's another shot of that same rock notice we're starting to get really dark stuff okay so actually this is the same kind of rock this is a different one this is a better sample notice how dark and black the quartz gets now you start looking in this kinda mental for a for a couple of crystals of quartz inside this kind of stuff can easily be basically crystalline quartz which can be quite valuable so we kind of decide how you want to break it up but at the same time if you're just sampling and looking for this stuff then you can go this route I'll show you in a minute how to do that without breaking it open here's another one notice how this one is just totally parked and look at all that rust you see that that materialisation you know the mineralization rather and the the crystal habit used to be in there it leaves a dent in the shape of what used to be a crystal but it's been corroded out and the court starts looking a lot less like quartz and a lot more like like a cavity or bad - a lot of black in there now we're heading in some good territory but again this is a piece of lever right leave a right there now I want to call your attention to another type of rock pretty important and that is some of these dark mineralization x' like this okay these these heavy peridotite or serpentine type rocks these are actually high end in basalt now basalt but in ultramafic so it's magnesium ferric in its bases and that tends to make them extremely dense and they are also tend to be areas where there's a lot of volcanic activity intrusive volcanic activity and that's kind of paired up with finding gold and Load gold at that and of course this is a piece of magnetite and i'll show you in a minute what that means but actually show you right now so magnetite I brought a magnet piece a steel like steel says right there and our magnet attaches if I take a piece of magnetite and take my magnet and go to the surface damn sticks to it just like I did to the steel in fact this guy will set off a compass or any other device and I'll show you that in a second when we work with our metal detector does this can play havoc is a hot rock but this is one of those things that still is an indicator that you're in the right area for gold when you start finding ones like this and you're down near bedrock then you want to make sure you clean those gaps in in the bedrock cracks thoroughly now other rocks you might find in the vicinity are things like slate okay this is a metamorphic rock basically it's it's made out of material that once was basically a clay material that hardened and then metamorphosed now why is this significant well one it can have layers of fine gold that's embedded in it from previous Gold placer deposits these are ancient ones that that re reweld it into this rock so that's one piece another thing is if this rock is long and vertical notice it has this kind of linear structure to it that makes a great gold trap so when you see these rocks sticking out of the bottom of the creek and the waters flowing over them looks just like a riffle doesn't it that's because it'll act just like one - so that's an important kind of Rock to keep your eye out for anyway the other kinds of things you'll run into are rocks like this whether it's whether it's this kind of metamorphic structure but fine gradiation in there now sometimes in a rock like this they'll actually mind this kind of stuff as they did like at the Homestake up in South Dakota where these these rocks had micron gold embedded in them from ancient and water flows that have since been welded into this rock and there was sufficient gold that that was a very high production goldmine up until more recently recent history so it's important to kind of consider everything you're looking at not everything will show up as a as a visible gold deposit I mentioned earlier about serpentine and that kind of material here's one is kind of interesting so you starting to get into serpentine and then these slick areas on the side our indicators of other materials such as such as a stuff that will turn into a bestest and on that kind of structure this is a very heavy rock dense dense material it will go in the area where a gold is found so it's important to kind of keep your eye out for this kind of structure oh by the way up micro crystalline form of this that's a little more metamorphosed will BJ you're familiar with that so these are all different kinds of rocks and have different properties I thought I'd also show you a little bit about what happens when you take a few of these such as this one it's kind of dull and uninteresting and but yet it has an interesting tone to it and I'll just I'll just wet it down and show you what it looks like when it's wet notice how dark it got and notice that it has those red overtones we were looking for for rust and purpley that is not uncommon the mineral structure will look very dull when it's dry but when it's wet it will look quite different some of these things it's night and day like that and so you want to kind of keep that in mind when you're looking at the mineral that you can't always tell now I mentioned earlier the possibility of having some minerals that have pyrites associated with them and some gold I want to show you something this is heavy and chalcopyrite see the rainbow colors and that the brilliant luster to that mineralization there's a story behind this this is gold ore and it's a chalcopyrite so it's high in copper and high-end gold so high that recently the mine that came from was approached by some people from China to basically export shiploads of that material to process in mainland China not even where the mine was and so the value of what you see and what you're looking for can be quite different than what you think and it's part of what I want to do is open your mind to be ready to explore the different things you're see and challenge yourself with what it is that you're looking at to understand what it is that it really might be worth and where it's telling you to go next and I think that's about it for our rocks now I did want to show you one more thing I have a falcon mv-22 Tector here let me show you what this is so this is a metal detector really handy a gold tracker and what it what it does is it's a pin pointer it's a small little metal detector very precise and a very useful tool to solve that problem I mentioned when you're looking at a stone and don't know whether it might have gold in it of significant size or not so I'm going to tune this thing up and then we'll take a look at what it tells us about the rocks we just looked at hang on one second hear that beeping sound that's that's the alarm going off telling us that we've got something as a target I'm tuning it to where it sounds just like a bee in the background mosquito now if he is getting a little pesky so I have gold on my finger as I approach this it makes a distinctive sound on approach that's a positive signal for gold the way this thing works if it goes and makes a signal on the way as I pull away from it then what we're talking about is not gold it's hot rock or usually iron iron oxides so here's here's our good friend the magnetite and so when I approach it not just one signal but many okay and that's basically the way the wave forms collapse as I approach it's not making the noise as I go towards as I go away that's negative now we have some of our quartz huh now this thing is so sensitive that the way I just dialed it in it would sense gold the size of a head of a pin within about an inch maybe half inch so I detect all around this piece nothing happening remember this guy as I approach so that's significant that's a really good rock not a hot rock so it's really important to have the right tools and to know how to use them to keep yourself from being confused by what you're looking at it's also important to know what you're looking at because the best tool you have is right here your eyes and your brain that beats one of these hundred thousand one it's no question about it but it's important to know that as you're looking rocks you can have all kinds of rocks that have properties that affect essentially their ability to carry gold they can look like something as plain as a piece of slate that might have a stringer of gold embedded in it and if it did then a bunch of slate around it might be well worth going after but if not don't water and that was kind of it for today ready for quite you a let's go oh I wanted to bring up one thing a lot of people are asking me where do I get this information this is actually out of print now it's Earth by press and Seaver give you an idea I just looked it up on on Amazon and I can get a copy used for about 90 bucks this was fourteen ninety five when I was in college so things have changed maybe better would be to to get a hand on a couple of books here one of course I've mentioned it many people and that is gold prospectors handbook by Jack Black and then the other one is as the series gold mining in the 21st century by Dave McCracken both of those books would give you a good start on gold prospecting in general the problem is that I found with many of the books is they don't go into the details that I just showed you about what you're looking for and how to look so that's why we're here so time for questions uh before we go to questions I wanted to cover one more thing let me go back to the slides for a moment so before we go to Q&A if you want to know more about how to find gold then you probably need to check out the gold prospectors Bonanza Club to get access to prospecting courses newsletter and more gold finding insight starting today you just go to this link at honey frugal comm get GPB see that's gold prospectors Bonanza club membership and take a look at what it has and the basic topics that we cover and the benefits you get so if you want to that's where you can go next and now we start into our Q&A session good the brief rules of engagement so please stick to the topic of the day if at all possible these will get top priority in my answer queue the time is limited to roughly 30 minutes for all Q&A s if possible if you have more than one question go ahead and put it in there pick your biggest issue first that's okay to have more but I'll only be able to answer one per QA cycle and as we found last week there may have been a few that I didn't get to will queue those up for answering but if we don't have time where you don't have time sorry about that so let the questions begin ask your top gold prospecting question for today's topic of rocks and gold clues be specific restate the one question with a small back story if that helps you so that I can rephrase that and put it out before everybody else so they understand the background of what your question is type in your questions in the in the QA section on the page and then I will be monitoring that and and talking back with you about what the what the answers are that I have for you and we'll see where we go from there so let's go we adjust our cameras a bit could not make my face and a rock work the same way I don't know why okay so let's have the questions I'm going to go switch over to the other screen and trust that this stays live if it does not my compatriots will come and get me - intense on the color and not enough on the contrast yes yeah okay so type in your questions I'm going to switch over to the other screen you can see me but I cannot see me what I'll be looking for is your cue A's on the site the chat has been closed let's see okay here we go so people enjoy the last session I'm going to pick up on today's so step out Oh says for the Geo on one of my mining claims in Idaho I found a bunch of material I not used to seeing it called amber sands because that's what it looks like under magnification it looks like golden quartz mouse turds that's an interesting description and they are heavy more so than the black sands and I found that if I powder them with my mortar and pistol I can pan them and extract gold there is a bunch so much so that within an hour so it fills the riffles amiss loose and I have to clean out often they also make it real hard to separate the actual gold any idea what it is uh not exactly you're describing that you actually are able to crush it and extract real gold have you had that acid for the concentration take the amount of material you have a fixed size of grind out the material to reduce out the gold and that out and then and then essentially make sure that you know what the percentage of gold is in that that requires a fire assay from that you can take your original volume or original size weight and figure out how much gold per per pound you have that's an important factor when you're looking at something like this now the fact that you have gold coming out is pretty cool I'm not familiar with amber sands and if anybody in the audience is I be glad to have them pipe up because I haven't heard of this usually black sands do this kind of thing and and typically not amber now amber can go along with sapphires and other heavy crystal mineralization such as garnets and things like that and they typically pan out along with gold and so because of their density again so it's not unusual to see that what is unusual is to see large quantities of a particular coloration that could indicate that you're sitting in an area that has sapphires and and garnets and things like that that might mean you have gem possibilities in your future and you might consider putting a greased plate at the end of your exclus because it would capture those crystals that might otherwise just bounce on through your system but it sounds like you're capturing them so that's a that's a pretty cool thing ah so last week was easy season on I have nothing and getting gold chat going took me a half an hour is there a link to the video I don't know and that's an interesting problem I would like to know more about the colors of the rocks Rosenbach says I would like to know more about the colors of the rocks to look for do you know of any online photo references available actually I don't know of any online ones I do know of a really good one but none that really focuses solely on gold the one I use is called min dat mi n dat and that site is worth its weight in gold but it also covers just about every kind of mineral you can think of it's one of the world's largest collections of mineral photos and it's great in the way that is tagged and grouped so that you can search it it also has extensive chemistry and and mineral properties descriptions along with each each sample so for example those amber sands I might want to go in there and look around a bit to see what can be found because that's a pretty powerful site it can it can be used to find that stuff mi n dat ah Kenneth sa erson box says can a small-timer how can a small-timer with only a gold pan process micron gold primarily the old-timer with gold pan would not be able to process a lot of micron gold especially if you're talking about micron gold found in black sands with adding either a mortar and pestle or a pistol or a small rock tumblr or a cement mixer with some with some metal parts in it to crush the rock down to really fine fine sand to release that micron gold and then a treatment using salt and some other heating agents etc is a little long to go into in this session but there are ways of releasing it that that utilize stuff that a small timer could use is it is it bigger than a you know bigger than a kind of painting project yeah sure but at the same time if you have good concentrations of micron gold like was mentioned earlier it could prove to be worthwhile and then you might want to invest in a rock tumbler or something like that to start with I would just invest in a mortar and pestle and crush out a small sample or two and see what you find and then learn how to do that there's several sites that have information about it but what you want to do is combine it with salt and heating and drive off any excess chemistry sulfides etc to release the gold from the matrix and then you basically reduce out the gold and you know pan out the result it's beyond the scope of this without a demo so uh Greg can Gold be found in lighter sands in Brooks or will it always be found with black sands that is a really good question remember this guy I brought up earlier magnetite okay your black sands are composed of iron rich particles iron should be a big hint iron is quite a bit heavier than quartz which is what most your light sands are composed of so what's going to happen quartz and feldspar and a couple other lighter aluminum silicates that's it but lumina me tells you how does aluminium compare to iron night and day in terms of density same things true of the minerals they form out of so what you're looking for are these iron dense minerals and the reason is they're dense like gold they also have some chemistry that favor but the big thing is the density so when you start seeing black sands you're getting to the bottom layers of those sins now will there be cases where the blackness of the sand isn't very rich and there's gold sure but the reality is in most cases you're going to find that those things that would collect with your magnet they are the stuff that you play with it's kids in the sand pile are going to attract they say are going to be attracted to the bottom with the gold the density is the key it's not that they're magnetic Gold is not magnetic it's not that they have any chemistry in the sense of favoring one other other than certain weathering characteristics they and that they form together but the big the big thing isn't magnetic its density these things are massive for unit volume and so is gold so they go down to the bottom together under the lighter quartz laden rocks think of this as a grain of sand and this is a grain of blacks and the black sand is going to go underneath that grain of sand and the goal that's going to go underneath all that that's how you find these things but that's what you're looking for so in most cases the black sand is going to be down there with the gold are there exceptions to the rule always just not that often next question step out out in my cleanouts there are always a lot of red garnets and clear gems and black gems mainly red that's a good sign those gems especially those garnets are high in iron and other chromium etc other minerals that are dense like like the iron and gold so in in general they tend to go down into the into the sands in the bottom and congregate where the gold congregates so it's not uncommon diamonds included for people to find that there's gemstones that they pass through their sluice box because they didn't have a greased plate to capture the gemstone the greased plate is a is an extension to your sluice box that you coat with a thin layer of grease no it's use grease cuz you don't the oil of flowed off and so forth but you want to after you've finished sifting out all the gold because you don't want to contaminate and cause the gold to flow out of your sluice box but what happens is all the fine sands float over the grease and because crystals have the facets have a particularly interesting affinity for water and and grease sort of breaks that and so they stick to it once they stick they stay stuck and so those plates will actually concentrate the the gemstones in that end of the plate now you can also use an ordinary gold pan to concentrate there's also special pans that are made just for basically sifting out and concentrating gemstones and you'll see some things on YouTube about those etc but primarily you know if you're looking at getting red garnets and gems in your cleanouts that's a good sign that you're in a good area that you should find gold with it we also have somebody asking on YouTube from last week's replay is there gold in Emeril or in Emerald or and the answer goes along with what we just mentioned and that is a emerald and chromium bearing minerals tend to be heavy along with gold bearing minerals in fact they're oftentimes found together you'll you'll if you look at if you look at the government Gold Maps thing we talked about and you look at the USGS MRDs you can select other than gold you can select diamonds and you can select gems and things like that and it's oftentimes instructed to flip the flip the the target from gold and look at the other gems and minerals that are found adjacent and you'll start seeing these parallels between oh they're gold mines here and look over here there's a garnet mined used for sandpaper garnet or for gemstone quality garnet or and and that's an interesting thing same kind of thing you'll see with chromium and emeralds and things like that not so much here in the States because that's a kind of rarer mineral to be finding here but you will find diamonds down in Murfreesboro and down in the south where the gold the gold belt runs through and so sometimes it's instructive to go look for those minerals using the usgs MRDs along with looking for gold like we do in government gold maps same tool just just flip what you're looking for is pyrite worth keeping in general the answer is no it can be pretty with one exception or two this is chalcopyrite when it has this rainbow glow it's because as copper in it copper and gold alloy together and oftentimes go together with gold at that point you're going to want to do a little bit more to if you find a significant amount of this to have a sample sent out for a fire assay and find out the percentage of gold that has in concentration because you could be sitting on it on a pretty good fine if it has a good concentration gold measured in you know tens of percent that's a significant fine this particular rock is pretty dense I can't you know it compares with this magnetite factor feels a little denser when I want to have the two this is a bigger rock but you know when I feel it it feels heavier now that can be copper but it can also be the significance of golden 'us in this content which I happen to know is is relatively high so it just depends pyrite in general is full gold so when it glitters and it has those nice square facets it's usually not that interesting it's distracting but it also goes with gold in load it gets injected with the same goal they just typically precipitate a little further away from each other with with exceptions like that when there's when there's an alloy of silver or copper with them and you get a high concentration of silver they call it electrum high concentrations of copper typically chalcopyrite and then or copper itself and it can have gold with it and you'll see that in places like the gold built up in Michigan where there's a fair amount of copper and gold nearby okay good question by the way thanks for asking I had some questions here I dig a little bit they were asked from the last few sessions and then I rearrange things just before hang on one second like a clear everything out and then I lose it you guys don't ever have that problem do you well we'll pick them up next week I think at this point were good for go we are running red at one hour if there any more questions please let me know the wise will close for tonight and I will find my list of questions for next week we'll pick up next week we're going to move the session to Friday night or Thursday but I think it's going to be Friday night basically we have a surgery coming up and my daughter is going into a some some knee work on and so we need to kind of get that all squared away and that's going to take us out on Wednesday night so I'd like to give a little space and make sure we can go get our get our Q&A up so if you don't mind we'll move it okay I'll let you know any other questions okay then we'll wrap it up let me go we have a slider - I wanted to close with so again what to do next if you want to know more about how to find gold then you have to check out the gold prospectors Bonanza Club you can get access to these courses the newsletter finding insight also we're going to be putting the backlog of these webinars as we start producing them they'll go into inside the club area so they'll be up for limited time on replay between each week and then it will go into archives inside the prospectors Bonanza Club so it's another reason to join you can go onto this link at hunting for gold com get GPB C membership and that's how you start so thanks everybody thanks for joining we'll catch you next week prospector jess or now
Channel: Prospector Jess
Views: 1,028,601
Rating: 4.7135372 out of 5
Keywords: rocks gold, how rocks tell where to find gold, rocks and gold, rocks tell where to find gold, how rocks tell you where to find gold, gold finding strategy, where to find gold, gold rocks, where gold is, prospector jess, gold rocks and minerals, rocks gold and minerals, gold minerals, hunting4gold, how to find gold, find gold, gold prospecting, gold panning, gold geology, hunting for gold, finding gold, rocks & gold
Id: e9rZxBvS1-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 43sec (3343 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2013
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