How to make $50,000 per month passive income with gold – My unique and diversified income stream

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hey I'm Chris Ralph the professional prospector and today we're gonna talk about something pretty amazing you know I get a lot of questions what is a professional prospector some people said it doesn't even make any sense or people say yeah I see people finding gold but you know they're finding $5 here $10 here who can make a living doing that well today I'm going to tell you all about how I make a living and in fact in February undo checks totaling about $50,000 and that doesn't count my income from finding gold out in the field mostly for me I make a few bucks doing that but mostly it's for fun fifty thousand dollars though that's pretty impressive and I'm gonna tell you how I achieved that most of that is what people would call passive income and passive income is something that's really popular on YouTube I mean there are hundreds of videos out about it but today I'm going to tell you something a technique that I use to make passive income that is the bulk of my fifty thousand dollars in a month now I admit that my February income is gonna be higher than average but still it's pretty good pretty good stuff so strap yourself in sit down and listen up and I'm gonna tell you all about my passive income streams they're diversified why I do them what I do how much I make and then we're also going to talk in detail about my special technique or where I use to make the bulk of my income as a professional prospector now like I say passive income is a really popular subject on YouTube and honestly there are probably hundreds of them different ones that people have done and they focus on different things a lot of them have a lot of similarities there are certain topics that come up over and over again and you know how investing in real estate maybe the stock market right an educational program that you can sell on the Internet and or a book or something like that and you know I'm gonna talk about the ones that I use but hey I retired at age 53 and I'm 61 now I've been retired for a little over eight years and you know I basically can do within reason whatever I want to do yeah I'm not breaking the law doing crazy stuff but you know I do stuff that I want to do okay I get to spend time with my family my grandkid you know if there's interesting prospecting opportunities out there you know I'll take ones that I'm interested in but I'm gonna tell you about how I make a large passive income with gold alright and here let me show you a check that I received a while back this is an older check and I thought it's safe to show even with the black out it's not a security thing I've changed the colors but this is a check written to me for $25,000 then this is a part of my income this you know payment you know these are regular payments so you know I offer this as proof that I really do get paid some very significant money for my passive income that I make with gold and I'm gonna tell you all about it but I'm going to talk about all my other income streams too now passive income is something that different people have different ways of describing it the idea is that you do some work in one time and then you continually get paid for it now that work may be acquiring some real estate or it may be writing a book or it may be some other investment of your time but it will continue to reap reward for you year after year after year I've seen some people talk about passive income and call it automated income it's basically where you like to say you do something or take some sort of action and it continues to pay off basically automatically over time as that money rolls in and you get to reap the benefits of that now usually to make money with passive income you have to have some sort of skill or expertise knowledge or you have to be SuperDuper incredibly lucky and the problem with the lucky thing is you can't control that I mean you can invest in a lottery ticket and win $5,000 a week for life but your odds are pretty low I mean but if you win you win a but now I'm talking about stuff that's much more reliable and stuff that you can count on now pretty much all passive income streams have some level of risk things can change you know and especially if you're looking at something that is going to be paying off for years well over the years things can change I'll give you an example some friends that I know had lots of money maybe 15 years ago tied up in real estate and man they were making money hand over fist they would get their payments but they were you know their monthly rental leasing payments but they would also get a huge amount of property price in appreciation man it just seemed like real estate was just going up and up and up and up and up there's only one way you could go up yeah but then it went down as you well know and the most these guys had like all their money tied up into real estate and you know and when the market crashed they lost their leases people moved out you know property went begging they couldn't sell it the money had to go back and the property had to go back to the bank and the bank foreclosed and you know it was just a mess and they went from being you know really wealthy and well-off - not so great so anyway all passive income has some level of risk and you have to be able to make mid-course Corrections make changes it's also really good to have a diversified income stream you have more than one source coming in because if you just put all your eggs in one basket like the real estate basket it may be good for a while but then again it may be bad after a while so you need to be able to stay on top of things and do course corrections as necessary so let's talk about my passive income streams okay the first one I'd like to talk about is my my book hey you know a book actually is pretty good deal if you can sell enough them topics that are how to related are actually very popular and this book I called Fistful of gold it it tells about how you can go out and find your own gold I mean that's an interest Opik of interest to a lot of people and so I've had love sales actually believe it or not I've now sold about 10,000 copies of this and it produces for me an income stream of many thousands of dollars every year over all the years that I've had this I have made close to a hundred thousand dollars so it adds up every year to a significant income for me the payments that I get for this book now I don't sell it myself I have a distributor who handles the account with Amazon and it's available and Amazon and then a lot of book stores and in other places as well stores to sell prospecting equipment and that sort of thing will cover the book another common one that a whole lot of guys talk about in YouTube videos on passive income is YouTube you know I got a YouTube channel cost me many years ago I didn't do anything with it and then in 2017 I did three videos and I told myself hey I'll do a bunch more and I never did and 2018 was a rough year I spent some time in the hospital and it wasn't pretty but in April 2019 I started making YouTube videos in earnest what I basically told myself I was gonna do those years before and I've actually had some pretty good success I have gone from having about 300 subscribers that resulted from those three videos I did in 2017 - as you're seeing this I have or at least as I'm recording this I have close to 15,000 subscribers I think that's great I really love interacting with you guys and at the end of this video when I talk about how I make the bulk of my passive income I'm gonna invite you to ask questions because I do respond to my questions in the comments anyway YouTube is really a good thing it's a passive income stream for me honestly I make somewhere a little bit more than a thousand dollars a month on YouTube from there Adsense campaigns you know the ads that they put on these so appreciate you watching and appreciate your being here and I look forward to a lot of great things I got a lot of great plans I did a video on stuff I got planned for 2020 if you have any interest in seeing what's planned for later this year another thing that I have is I have a website and this is another thing that I mentioned before that there's risks and and things change you know you can't count on a passive income stream to always last forever it'll last for a while hopefully and you know it may not last as long as you like I have this website I spend a lot of time putting it together it's still up and it's it's Nevada Outback Gems calm and you can go there and see it and I'll put a link to it at the in the description at the bottom of this video anyway it has all kinds of information about prospecting like I say in on the website it's kind of a bunch of stuff that I just couldn't fit into my book the books already three hundred and sixty odd pages so I you know at 360 pages I say oh that's enough and so I put the rest of it on my website and there's a lot of you know stuff on there and at one time I was making between a thousand and up to almost two thousand dollars a month from Adsense revenue on my website but things change people artists into informational websites as they once were and so it doesn't get anywhere as near as much traffic or as as much ad revenue as it once did but it still has a lot of good information if you want to check out some free information on my website hey feel free to go over there and take a look at that too but that's an important passive income stream for me and historically has been a pretty good income although it's it's dwindled a lot in the last couple years part of that has to do with the price of gold I mean the whole interest in prospecting and that sort of thing is directly related to the price of gold and you know when the gold price was low a few years ago you know interest was low and it's still pretty low right now but as I keep saying in some of my videos when I talk about gold and gold investment is the price of gold is going up its we're in to the start of a new ball market and I've talked about that in some of my videos so you know I want to check that out too but gold investment is is gonna be on the rise and interest will come up along with it now another income stream that I have that is important is I have significant investment in stocks in the stock market now you know I'd say hey Chris you're invested in the stock market you're crazy you know I'm in the market up when a famous old stock trader once said don't fight the trend don't fight the market don't fight the Fed the Fed is loosening money and pushing the stock market and the stock markets going up I know it's gonna crash one of these days but it's kind of like playing chicken when you're going 100 miles an hour it's really dangerous but if you pull away a little early you probably ain't being to be in good shape and and I intend to do that but in the meantime I'm making a pretty good income from both dividends and capital gains on my stocks my stocks up I haven't sold them they're still on the market I've probably made more than 50 grand in the last year just from capital appreciation but then also dividends so that's another important passive income stream but of course that one is one where it takes money in order to get into it and you know a lot of guys want to figure out some way to start from scratch a real estate though is the same kind of thing you really have to have some money to get into real estate you know you may not need to be a multimillionaire to start in real estate but starting with real zero in real estate pretty rugged pretty tough I also have a retirement that I earned I worked you know a regular 8 to 5 job for years and years you know I have a wife and two kids and no family and that kind of stuff and I needed to have a real reliable income and so you know I worked a regular job for a bunch of years but now that I'm over 60 I can collect some retirement and so my retirement income is also a an important income stream now I don't count that in the 50 grand that I told you about that's not included in there I did not you know even though it is something you work for and you'll get paid for as long as I'm still alive I'll get money from that retirement but I didn't want to count that because that's not really what we're talking about and the thing with the retirement income is it pays my bills you know it's kind of the bedrock a foundation of everything that I do I can know that I can take a few risks in the stock market or I can you know write a book and hope that I make money on it or do what I'm doing is I'm going to tell you in the minute of about mining properties and you know if there's a risk if I don't make money on those things it's okay my retirement still play pays the bills so let's talk about my big income method I'll show you this $25,000 check yeah that's something that I got as a payment for leasing mining properties to exploration companies so the mining industry in Nevada and then elsewhere in other states and across the world is huge they put in millions and millions of dollars and mine tons and tons and tons of gold silver copper other metals it's important you can't have a modern industrial society like ours with you know five pounds of copper a year you need thousands of tons of copper a year because it's used in all kinds of electrical things you need gold you think hey gold is just using jewelry we get rid of that no gold is used in electrical contacts every electronic device you have from your computer to your cell phone to your automobile to your camera to everything all that stuff has electric plate gold-plated electric contacts and it's necessary to be gold because gold resistant corrosion copper it can corrode silver it can corrode gold nothing it won't corrode you could probably use platinum but you know platinum is harder to work with so they use gold because it's easy and it makes the products work so gold mining companies are looking for good properties all over the place they're out doing exploration drilling like this they're trying to find new deposits and they need ideas and that's kind of what I do I find products or find properties that have potential to have good commercial gold deposits and then I lease and sell them to various mining companies now I admit that you know finding these kinds of properties isn't easy but honestly they're out there those kinds of properties do exist and the potential to make money on them is huge you know it's not unusual for these properties to sell for multiple millions of dollars and on top of which like some of the ones I have I get to stock deal - so not only do I get many thousands of dollars in in cash checks like I showed you but I also get thousands and thousands of tens of thousands of shares of stock - now these deals they depend on the company being interested in the property and what normally happens is the price is small in upfront but small may still be fifteen or twenty thousand dollars and then as that as time goes by if the company has explored it and found good deposits of copper or gold silver whatever and they're still interested in keeping it then the price the annual payments there are other payments escalate and so I'll get more more stock and I'll get more money per year and these properties the the companies really need this now I'll tell you that the market at the moment really isn't that great kind of like I've been mentioning with gold that people just are starting to get interested a little bit and as the price goes up they'll be more interested in investing in gold and they'll be more interest in companies looking for properties hey you got to know something about geology and mining in order to do this but it's not something that the average Joe can never figure out there's information available some of the information is my book but there's also information on the internet gobs of papers and things like that and you know a lot of junior colleges offer basic introductory courses in geology all that stuff is information that you could put together maybe you'll just be out and make an excellent discovery when you're out exploring in the desert or the mountains or something like that if you want to learn more or at least get started with it check out my video on what gold ore looks like it's been really successful a lot of people really like it there's been many well there's been I think we're approaching half a million views on that video it's been really popular and it'll give you start give you some feeling if you're looking maybe to go out and make a discovery you know be worthwhile to know what gold ore looks like so take a look at that video because I think you'll find it really interesting and useful now if you want to see more I suggest you subscribe to this channel and click the notification bell and you'll see more in 2020 I'm gonna be out in the field I'm gonna be staking claims and hey I already did a video on how to stake your own mining claim because that's important part of the process basically that's how you acquire property the first part of it is to have an idea of a place that's good but then the next part is to go out there and stake the claims and staking claims is not super expensive but it's not free either and so it takes a little bit of money to go ahead and pay for the fees because you file them with the Bureau of Land Management the federal government but there's maps and all kinds of information and I'm going to be going into that during my videos this year like I say I did that one on on claim staking but I'm going to do more and do more information and if you want to acquire the skin to be able to identify and stake mining claims and then potentially sell them to mining companies well this channel is the place you want to do that through that whole process we'll be out in the field will have a good time we'll find some gold but we'll look at the geology and we'll learn a lot and you can come along on this adventure because I'd love to have you join me even if it takes you a while to learn this and to acquire the right mining property you know the market like I say right at this very moment is not the greatest but as the price of gold goes up those property values and the interest of companies in acquiring those kinds of properties is also going to go up and if you have something in hand to sell when the interest is high then you're going to be in great shape I will tell you that in the 1980s man there was companies wanting to buy everything because that was when the price of gold shot up to $800 an ounce and the same thing here there was there was interest when the price of gold shot up you know eight ten years ago but as the price of gold keeps going up there's gonna be more and more interest so you want to be prepared so if it's something you want to check out and you know we got the potential literally to make millions of dollars in this type of passive income arrangement you know consider buying my book that's another thing you might want to do I've got a lot of information here on the geology and the basics of what you need to know to be successful as your own professional prospector finally if you have any questions about this if you have any thoughts you want to ask something you want to find out more maybe of something you think I didn't cover fully enough well then be sure to make a comment and ask me a question in the comments because I look at all my comments and I answer them and and and I do the best I can to fill in the information that you might need so hang in there and come along with me in 2020 and we will find some gold we'll find some mining properties and we'll stake some claims and hopefully we'll set ourselves up to make a really big passive income in the future and the hope that you find that property that special property yourself and that you end up being as successful as I have so thanks for listening to this check out my website check out the book and ask me some questions and I'll be getting back to you we'll see you again real soon
Channel: Chris Ralph, Professional Prospector
Views: 51,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kBm8mnbMYsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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