Tuyen & Liza #1 - The Introduction

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] here's some interesting news to you and Lisa do hair and makeup on the show and before the show the Scottish who's talking to them and said would you like to be on the beginning of the show well Wooper be done with it you know you really have I mean not me I'm flattered no the reason why I'm here is twofold one it's the first of the month so it's you know the correct thing to do is say lucky why rabbits come on girls love you why rabbits [Applause] we were looking at the research right did you girls know about this on the show right and they have this thing called minute by minute writings and it shows you who's the most successful guess who people like and then other when people turn off and we were looking at cuz computers work you know anybody ever to get a laser on the show the ratings go through this is this is frightening to me anyway apparently love these girls a lot so please enjoy for the next couple of seconds [Applause] [Music] you probably want to stay around to the end of the show now don't you everybody buster yet at least are here right Jeff yeah I was wondering if maybe the four of us could go out afterwards and maybe get a bite to eat or something maybe do a quick porn don't go straight to quick porn you know what can we end slowly you say would you like something to eat how's your drink do you want to do a porn I'm sorry so what did you learn another show tonight ladies I did learn what would it's the Mingo things I was thinking that flamingo thought about you right there when you did that silent thing after two yen and Lisa anyway let's just you know relax enjoy that two yen and Lisa are here and soak up that magical ratings power the 18 more seconds to go feel the approval all right here's a quick update slow it was happening last night we tried an experiment every time we have two yen and Lisa on the show the ratings go up we look to the reins from last night they went up sobriety you know get used to them also Brenda is here brand atella folks were you from Scotland which part of Scotland are you from Humber no number no that's interesting I'm also from a town called clump Renauld in Scotland do you know Big Jim just played in bike gyms in school yeah there are what school did you go to in come along um I didn't go to school and come Bernardo nice cool and spring button my family are from Spring burn why I talk in a high voice like this do it your family talk in a high voice like this oh okay so wait wait you moved with spring fun to come burn old by choice Sumathi oh through marriage how's that going but you met LeeAnn and Lisa they cheer everyone up apparently they are lovely girls now let's see well as a few scenarios I could run none of them i broadcast the ball how long are you in America for Brenda I'm here to next week next Thursday next Thursday I don't understand a word yeah but are you having a nice time I'm having Americans nice lovely yes when I was in Scotland I thought well you know when you come to America everyone oh shoot you but they don't or have you been shot at you are threatened to be stun gun but know it really yes I'd rather no you see well I'm afraid in America you have to we have a you know freedom of information here if you don't tell us then we get to make fun of you oh no you can't the madman isn't it yeah gee if you'd have studied up on that brand are you Danone you know sometimes Brenda asked myself [Laughter] [Applause] - myself and then I think yo because I was gonna say was sometimes ask myself maybe I should go back - come on old though I mean there's a lot of nice people there that is yes and what a faint Lord that's true we're very friendly don't oversell it Brenda so that's about all the time we have for tonight ratings people [Laughter] good night everybody [Applause] [Music] yeah that's right America go ahead and enjoy see here's the thing oh by the way I wear I wear vest now vegetable here's the thing now the last couple of nights I've had two yen and Lisa on the show and you know because in a strange quirk of fate every time we have them on the show the ratings go through the roof for this show this is a funny thing so last night as a joke we did again we brought her into yelling Lisa we looked at the ratings this morning what is this and then I asked a couple of people rent here and they said well they were attractive and not you great so they're gonna be here now from now on and I've noticed that Tian is originally from Vietnam well Orange County your family are from Vietnam and Lisa is from Ireland yes and their ratings in Vietnam and Ireland skyrocketed so I've had this idea like every night Alka mo and to Yen Lisa can be dressed in different outfits from history you know like beer garden girls or vampires although I don't know if vampires are historically accurate anyway what do you think ah you're not allowed to speak fine though you are actually aren't you yes you can see why this is a ratings cracking good for ratings bad for rating we went too long tonight's a good night good night everybody [Applause] hello my name is Greg I'll be your captain for the show tonight weõll I will be a pretty boring routine journey to bedtime but before we get going that to you and Lisa are gonna take you through the safety instructions please follow along carefully we started out started that's adorable I was like what you're late is this it was like thanks the air anybody here you go uh the overhead lockers are above your seat do the thing while I say it if you like you do the thing you know yeah the overhead lockers are above your seat yes there are two exits in front of you and the nearest exit may be behind you I'm sorry I just realized we customer buddy out in deaf sign language that no I know how to cuss in sign language what don't show you why it wouldn't that be good all right the the if in the unlikely event of a water landing a swim away from the aircraft using the breaststroke [Laughter] [Applause] or the backstroke well I think I think they look great I'm gonna get one of these it's not it's not the army Lisa you don't have to like anybody it's gonna be an awkward kind of a show tonight you might experience a little turbulence don't worry it's perfectly routine and we'll get you where you need to be perhaps you could name that would you like me to moment we'll be right back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we've got a little bit of work to do but I think we're getting there [Laughter] [Applause] it's October somewhere alright girls could you put your beer down I have something I'd like to do but a nickel for every time I'd say that that sounded dirty which if you don't know is my new catchphrase anyway I've just started it I'd like to do some marching up and down because you together at least I do the two yin and Leeside said to you annalisa obviously that's not the way it is to yin and Lisa to you only since you're here and make up on the show and they have to actually work but I'd like to march up and down with the horse they can't march up and down with oars because they actually have to do their jobs so I say [Applause] [Applause] you know sometimes Jeff I think the show is getting to commercial one more time we get to move that [Music] [Applause] everybodyís recently to Yen and Lisa who worked in here in makeup on the show have have been joining me to start the show but Lisa's not here today she's doing something else more profitable and so so Tian is here and so last night they said to me hey what do you want to yet to wear I said traditional costume because you know - yen's family originally from Vietnam but I think they got confused and then I thought - yen's gonna be on our own here in the creepy basement with me that's not right we better have a chaperone right so Jeff's here - that's right what better chaperone than a creepy guy skeleton so now - yin won't be afraid knowing that she's here with me and my gay robot pal I think I think she's a little scared you know don't be it's all right do you want to go back and do the hair and hair and makeup stuff on you go right I was bitter awkward but I think I think you creeped her out though I think you creeped her out man why would I creeper [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] goodbye everyone goodbye people say to me what people say to me sometimes Greg tree ends no on her own because there's two guys in the horse suit no you know what's inside the horse a horse Jeff wanted to be on the show as well but but you wouldn't dress up as a little Dutch girl hey Tian how are you okay just the stick with me through this bet it's gonna be great we're gonna do our best to give you a safe and pleasant show tonight in the unlikely event of any trouble just follow the security instructions from Tian she will guide you to the nearest exit if Jeff feels you up please feel free to file a lawsuit to CBI we gotta run everybody we're after that who you losing the news concert tonight [Applause] Jeff a lotta folks were emailing during the commercial break asking why the girls were dressed as construction workers why don't you tell the folks at home why that is well that's partly because it drives the ratings through the roof that and the fact that the there was 800 pounds of marijuana found off the coast of California today but I suspect that that was only part of a larger consignment what do you think Jeff I would have to agree and I think there's somebody out there watching TV tonight that needs this kind of thing and I like to I like to reach everyone that sounded dirty oh wait I don't think you should say that word in front of the construction workers I'm terribly sorry all right you know you never contribute at this part of the show yeah yeah yeah kind of yeah kind of creeped me out you stand there you do it don't really do anything when it when it's not time for physical comedy you just kind of freeze [Laughter] you know you remind me about even slower version I say you remind me of an even slower version of a foghorn leghorn [Laughter] anyway the girls are actually doing some construction work around the studio Jeff's having a new ass right Jeff yes it's made of titanium titanium so tune in tomorrow why don't you for a new robot ass [Music] Susan says Craig we run a well-established professional extermination company should you find yourself in need of the help with that pesky Jaylin will fly it does fly in from time to time very good my car Oh [Laughter]
Channel: The Jayleno Fly
Views: 258,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: クレイグと女の子の女性, クレイグ・ファーガソン, ロボットをゲオフ, craig ferguson, craig ferguson and the ladies, flirting masterclass, funny late night, best talkshow, funny talkshow, talkshow compilation, talkshow moments, flirt talkshow, geoff the robot, the jayleno fly, funny moments, super happy fun time hour with robot and old man, tuyen & liza, tuyen liza hair and makeup girls, craig ferguson tuyen and liza, tuyen & liza #1, hot cute girls, beautiful woman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 11 2018
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