Tina Fey's Crazy First & ONLY Interview With Craig Ferguson! (Full Video) #tinafey #craigferguson

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uh my first guest tonight is an Emmy winning actress she stars on the 30 Rock Show she's got a new book her it's called bossypants now a book is like a very very long tweet but it's very clever and funny and so is she please welcome the adorable Tina Fey everybody [Music] [Applause] all right yeah all right all right all right they don't know who you are they're just being sarcastic you look lovely Tina you look absolutely lovely very very voluptuous when uh is this one coming uh the end of summer nice yeah and do you know what it's going to be a baby it's going to be a woman I'm gonna be a werewolf a werewolf yeah no yeah baby all the kids love werewolves now they're the the smooth werewolves that don't wear shirts the werewolves that exercise a lot yeah do you think would you no this looks nice well thank you no this looks very good and I'm halfway through it look here's where I put my paper clips pretty good yeah I put it here because this means a lot to me remembrances of being very very skinny days isn't it beginning to end it's not really that much happening I keep looking for the rehab chapter where's the rehab Club I said I really have a lot of rehab and one-night stands and I'm gonna or you've got none of it in the Boom maybe that's for the next book I'm trying a new way of talking what do you think I think you should commit to it forever yeah I'm gonna talk like this especially when I'm in Norm you ever been to Norway no really I don't even so you don't like Norwegian I didn't say that all right because that would be odd on a night when we are celebrating the people of Norway and their culture for you to come out here and be blatantly ante Norwegian Norwegian no what is your background then where are the Fades from sounds like an English name to me it's actually a German name my mom's Greek and my dad is half German and a little bit Scottish German and Scottish yes oh an organized drunk very yeah but make a list of all the things you have to have to drink I'm going to go crazy I have to get in a fight where did you where did you grow up what part I grew up outside Philadelphia in the suburbs of well I grew up outside Philadelphia as well that's true I grew up outside Norway oh obviously again with the Norway hatred now do you find it did you find it difficult to write a book about uh someone's phones someone's old-timey phone is ringing yeah no no it sounds like an old-timey phone it's actually a smartphone what are you talking about the phone that was ringing that was an old time phone I heard it with my own ears no it's a new thing it's an app that they put on do you know what apps are no they're kind of they're kind of like tweets are you on Twitter I'm not are you yeah I got into it a little bit I kind of like if I got into it I would get into it I think you'd really like it no you just don't like heroin it's not you know okay I won't fall I won't be tweeting and then I'll just fall asleep on the sidewalk well in that regard it is a bit like heroin I suppose but no well do you write in longer bits I suppose like this giant long tweet here why why jokes I would on Twitter that's that's the joy of it it's like the show you don't have to be fun just just show up is good enough for most people yeah I'm eating a salad right now yeah everyone says that about Twitter like that I don't want to tweet what I eat yeah yeah I never tweet what do you tweet about mostly sex was it fiction or a non-fiction fictional sex which is it's the only kind I have right now yeah I got it I got a little baby running around the house uh two and a half months nearly three months wow wow a lot of sick on me and then there's the baby yeah five and a half well that's that's exactly that's uh kindergarten yeah it's just getting easy yeah yeah now you're gonna start it all again bum wiping business yeah and the baby yeah I'm glad to see you're following the rules of the studio thank you very much do you wait what who didn't notice this yeah look at your arms in this photograph I didn't notice that until right now yeah that's that's a little extra bonus you buy the book and then about a week after you own it you say wait a minute whoa this is no you that's not me no because look at your lovely thin arms they're normal that was the guy that sat behind me got paid for the day to sit there he sat behind you and then you just put his arms so he's uh I used to be a hand model I bet you could you could I was actually noticing that you were very nice yeah very yeah but I couldn't get enough hand jobs [Applause] just a joy it was a it was pathetic I wasn't a hand mode oh come on really yeah no you're messing with me no you've got good hands Bailey yes really well you've got nice hands too oh thank you yeah they are lovely and I like your uh your bracelet thank you it's quite science fiction if you don't mind me saying so should go around a planet 's neck [Laughter] do you uh do you follow the science fiction do you like the Star Wars and I grew up a Star Wars you know okay the first three I don't yeah I don't know where the hell that was about anything you know yeah yeah yeah that was bad that Jar Jar Binks if I ever meet that thing yeah that was um yeah that was incorrect yeah it was bad hey uh we have to take a commercial break are you familiar with those yes okay what happens is that we uh stop talking but we can keep talking we can actually talk about really dirty things yeah and then when we come back we have to talk about clean things okay good I'm ready to do that [Applause] so I refused now it is welcome back everybody we were just talking about some dirty things yeah whoa that was pretty dirty wouldn't it yeah yeah but it's rough but I'm glad we did it yeah that's me yeah yeah me too I had no idea that you could actually do that you can if you have enough rope I just thought you would get Hessian Burns yeah I know by the way Hessian Burns is one of the greatest poets Scotland his brother's more famous but he was good this is you as well yes oh look at you you're adorable you yes it looks like you were a part of the Norman invasion of Britain there look a little bit like um Christopher Guest and spinal tests these got to 11. where are you were you uncomfortable as a child many comedic comedians were uh um sometimes I would just wear after school yeah to relax so it's a little weird yeah just to relax just come home after school and slip into that do you ever do that now when you come home from work just slip into a costume to relax devil were you nerdy as a kid were you into the Doctor Who and stuff for example I have a tardis oh you do I used to see Doctor Who a little a little bit I'm not definitely not an uh there you go I didn't even know that word yeah I know either laughs no for me it was mostly Star Wars I had the I had all the um action figures and I had a somewhere I still have my parents house have a Millennium Falcon that I should probably get out yeah and play with in your yeah all right yeah I I think that would be good yeah yeah but do you when you play it though can you make the appropriate noises because no disrespect you're not a boy you know so yeah you have to be able to go [Music] yeah well now why is that I mean you know I don't know because it's true that maybe it's what we the girls took from what I took from Star Wars was kind of the Han Solo Princess Leia relationship story you know I mean like that like I've only seen it you know you know they kind of like each other and stuff and didn't I noticed that yeah no I just noticed I like that too yeah do you follow any of that now you don't follow any of the geeky stuff do you have you you don't have a the Tweety you don't have a Blog do you have a Blog no not that I know right no I don't have any any internet phone I have a phone there you are now does your phone work as a phone and also something else like what um you know like a map thing oh yeah yeah all right so you have a smart a nice an iPhone yes oh right they advertise on CBS yes oh yeah beat that we sometimes do you ever cuss in Saturday late live when you were doing that um on the air yeah uh but I don't yeah constantly yeah um I I don't think I don't think I ever did people have occasionally in the past I think Norm Macdonald did once I think uh a few other people have yeah I know Norm he because it's quite frequently yeah it's very fun very very funny very cussy yeah yeah I would be very nervous doing a lot well obviously this show is live but you know I doing another yeah live show and I feel like I shoot you should have why have you not hosted us now oh well this is CBS and is here our deadly enemy apparently no sense of that you know Jimmy who you used to work with who's my direct competitor I adore Jimmy yeah there's a good joke turn over and have a look [Applause] show and he's a nice man very welcoming yeah and I'm yeah I meant to have this adversarial relationship it's like Romeo and Juliet our love is forbidden [Laughter] for more more than the network reasons but uh apparently our wives have a problem yeah but you see I do you do you I mean you satirize network television in your show yes don't you find the politics well you probably do find the politics of network television Preposterous that's why you wrote this sure I don't go for Saturn I like to make things clear yeah make it clear if you're gonna say lady Camilla Parker Bulls looks like a horse lady Camilla packables just say it say it you know don't don't say why the long face lady City so a baby in the uh at the end of the summer there yeah yeah well that'll be nice you'll be you'll be doing the summer all right swelling yeah yeah that's that'll be that'll be hard work trundling around yeah is your man good with the uh with the helping out yes oh well that's good yeah he's a he's uh he's a renaissance man NY this is a man we're talking about is he Canadian or something no no no he's old He's a Part Welsh part hillbilly really yeah sounds awesome yeah yeah that's great yeah you should marry him yeah that's nice well we're done [Music] awkward pause or mouth organ I'm gonna go sight unseen and say uh awkward pause Point me did you want no that's me doing the awkward puzzle I'm leading into it you know by saying the disappointment in fact questions look you're not bad at this how about how about we try for the most awkward of all awkward pauses smell my finger awkward pause I wouldn't normally spring this on you your first time in the show but use I think you got the chops for it okay all right I don't know what this it means whatever we want it to mean [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Celebrity Replays
Views: 531,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tina Fey, Craig Ferguson, craig ferguson tina fey, Fancy Pants book, Tina Fey interview, tina fey stand up comedy, 30 Rock, Funny, Comedy, best of tina fey, tina fey funny, craig ferguson interview, craig ferguson flirt, funny late night, funny talkshow, craig ferguson and the ladies flirting masterclass, tina fey promote book, SNL, Saturday Night Live, Tina Fey SNL, Tina Fey Weekend Update, Mean Girls, sNL host Tina Fey, Liz Lemon, snl, saturday night live
Id: sCrzWes-b7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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