Abbie Cornish - What Is A Wombat? - 3/3 Appearances In Chron. Order [720p]

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find it lucky guess is it a it's a movie called bright star which is available on DVD and Tuesday please welcome the very lovely Abbie Cornish everybody happy [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Bobby how lovely to see you and may I say what a lovely dress you wear very nice though it's lovely Cheers look at that Cup that's incredible you like this go so crazy where'd you get that the ladies love that I'm kind of frightened of it yeah that's right yeah I call it conquistador yeah that's that's an American rattlesnake up right there well no you're from Australia other line I'm from Australia yes yeah have you ever seen did you have rattlesnakes mister we don't have a you have everything else is poisonous though you got the poisonous spiders and kangaroos poisonous koalas yeah I've held a koala bear oh really I did I held the burger and it pooed on me adorable look we took him out of his environment but they're not as soft as you feel as you think right they're quite wide yeah yeah yeah same as I you know what a wombat is right Wamba a one bat yeah is that ladybird what is what is the for fire so it is this trail Ian you know mammal and it says they're usually around about this big you know super adorable like fat round little you know mammals and you think they're going to be really soft and cuddly and they're super hard like they say they're as hard as this table it's crazy it's hard enough people participate yeah well I'm gonna Trump is a bore it's kind of rough in the bore and hardly stable you're making that up totally true Annie I had a friend who had a pet one bat why I'm here friend my friend I think she's still alive yet all right because it's just what you said I had a friend I was like oh that from like it's been the past well it wasn't the past what was she killed by one and one by the time but it was a long amount of time in Australia did yeah do they attack people Wamba at No all right no well that's a relief yeah when did you come to America recently I came to America year and a half ago have you been around in any of it yet no I just stay in my house probably so you get comfortable in your house no it's lovely I mean we've taken trips to big weird you and your friend my boyfriend oh that's not too big CERN Sedona you know even if I don't have a great name for him or any hassles aria I don't I do I know you know I don't know you say often yeah very nice that's not rizona isn't it is yes amazing place yeah got the Red Rocks there they do loves of Red Rock yes pretty much pretty much all there is there and there in those amazing trees that kind of a spindle around and they don't see any of them well no I need to find those that you have any other Goa trees I don't like that and the closer you are to it to an energy center the more the trees you know spindle around themselves and so you could you know Sedona is so you know quite a spiritual place and there's lots of places in Sedona where you guys are like this I'm keeping an open mind I'm keeping an open mind is what I'm doing you know Sedona is a magical spiritual place and so there's all these are yeah inlets and outlets for for energy there and if you find if you go to these places and finally spice it's really interesting to see what happens to the landscape and the trees are the biggest indication you drive a Prius Tania [Applause] but that's alright I can show that the energy things come around and I will help you being big story you think yeah I think a picture and you know the surrounding areas and I spent some time in Austin Texas I love Austin Texas yeah I do love a great hot sauce there yeah I mean I'm not a big hot sauce personally I like a little touch every now and then buy too much of you done I'm talking about yeah yeah I'm gonna drive north by charging to the store there's hundreds of different ways of hurtin yourself with sauce okay that's other guys yeah I'm good really hurt myself a little please driving around America now everyone's gonna think I have a Prius I don't have a Prius but I'm over that they do Prius is great yeah yes what was the question enjoying hot sauce or have you been attacked by a warm bar account is that the one of the other you know what when I was a kid we had a we had a jelly a baby kangaroo which is pretty amazing they loved arguing kangaroo the danger zone I mean they definitely they have to side to them that you know is the protector in the nurturer but you know most animals if you step on their territory if you try to mess with them they do yeah old ones there's another one but when I was a kid we had this little we had this little baby Joey and we reared him and he was a male so he ended up you know you reared the male kangaroo we would hang like we would hang jumpers and shirts on the doorknobs those little patches and he would just bound up and he would put in his head and get himself in the other book just a dot to be right [Music] angle being a bit needy he's been a bit needy right now so yeah goodness thank you thank you here yeah I can't even remember where I was going don't worry but it was awesome it's good is this so good it's great yes they're really really great film and Jane Campion directed it she did the pennies clever yeah he's very good she's very much she's actually from New Zealand all right he resides in Australia now all right here's the pen really the piano it's a really beautiful love story between John Keats and Fanny bran that go but live next door and it's a true story right now is he actually that size or is this you like done it's really that size right so that's going to be so your play a woman who fell in love with a little fancy giant I mean he's actually normal-sized they just say they blew me up like four times so I'm like a giant woman that takes over the town and boom yeah and Falls and falls in love with the beautiful young small poet all right I got a poem for you your hairs are different color there yeah it's it's [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah that's a good trick yeah it is it helps people you know convince them that that you're actually that character yeah no it's good idea I'm gonna try it out here it works yeah come are you coming with a whole new do I might yeah all right we got to go we're at time okay be honest with me have you enjoyed yourself here at the show yeah yeah definitely welcome back sure hey Brandon who's our next friend let me tell you Jeff she's a talented actress and very attractive who she starts a big girl which is in select theaters this ready please welcome the fantastic Abbie Cornish [Music] [Music] [Music] hi Abby how's it going good you look great hey hi you guys so your your shoes sparkle underneath em yeah that the shoes match the ring match you know I mean there's some sort that goes into the hole yes sir and it's deeply appreciated can I see the are you thick one of those up there right up all right really we're gonna do this yeah we're gonna sucker Wow they're good if it's opposed to walking on no really he's actually quite comfortable should I should I do a little promo JustFab shoes no okay no I was from there so comfortable they are I or I dog it all right loves them I think I've used but last thing you were here you were told you like an outdoor girl you run around in your bare feet and like it has something changed little you've got a little Hollywood I have like gone a little bit means come well first let's talk about this girl you look at you look very glamorous which is a good thing but also you've gone a little Hollywood like you use the promo for the shoes and you know made sure to say hi to jazz can i interject I like it when you do that your finger again right then can we just do the whole we'll just do it like this the whole like this tell me about yourself wait up can't things getting a little sweaty [Laughter] [Music] whoa you know what what we should get Larry out here no no for an RV [Music] [Applause] he wants to be a li you know a wino he said he hasn't had an orgy but he's thought about it well what was that you see we'll have you ever been proffered all this is going to come up I was actually going to ask you why you wasted two and a half minutes of talking about having an orgy with Larry and not me not as a message behind it because you know with Larry there has a comedic effect to it with you it's a whole different mainframe I get it okay cool what was the question again I can't remember no I'm gonna say that you know you'd be very outdoorsy but you know we you know we're gonna little Harvey little bit um you just get so far from orgy you like you like you know what I can't even deal with all all right let's go aren't you then alright if you were in an orgy what would be your position guitar or no guitar run our place grow my flock I actually like to strum in [ __ ] is that okay that's good yeah I'm European so I can do both of the same and I love playing guitar but there's a lot of other people who play guitar better than me so I would actually probably I'd have a little strum and a little pluck but then I'd pass it on to maybe a really good-looking male who was really amazing at playing guitar and then continue the orgy wait wait wait no no no none of that was a Bogata really confuse let's talk about me becoming more Hollywood or some yeah no brainer by the way does that do you have more than one of those mugs because it's the same mug from like three years ago guys you can't keep talking for more than three years Hollywood what does is doing up hey wait toss me avoidable I want to make sure my makeup looks good yeah guys this is check Oh yep okay we're good we're good that's Hollywood know that that's that that's that duct tape right there I use that in my article yeah all right goodbye you were the one that started grabbing for my ball you know what else I want what I want I want okay - back the money there there you go you haven't gone Hollywood at all hey and I got some sugar cubes for you - there you go well you know we think about sugar in home yeah yeah yeah you can't through it all so it's for the horse anyway I didn't have a horse I used to have a hole well where is it we always talk about animals and animals that died my horse died you use cookie dad it was like so long ago in a diet of old age but look you killed everyone up but what are all the frisbees bullets Oh God well I hide the money somewhere else where no one will take it what happens you've gone I like now I'm sorry and so CC okay let's talk about what you want to talk about what's finger that's not ready don't frenzy here because I got my I got my horse over there I got this new thing because you know I used to end their bet with like an awkward pause or maybe a blow of the mouth organ what did you blow the meadow can you realize that I'll blow it now all right you can go and I'll fly also frisbees - if you can throw frisbees and blah notes organ at the same time given givers yes I'll do that do that you should be calling shucks just alike because they could use a knife like that alright you ready I'll try it too that's a nice technique you don't let me see that again let's tickle everything now yeah you got your lipstick on your guy like that Oh lipstick here all of a sudden I look like the Joker [Music] oh my god is everybody beautiful talented actress or leads of Livi Robocop is in theaters now the lovely I be carnage everybody [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Oh Abbi you look pretty good are we doing I'll be doing that thing we doing did you study mine with garlic off I've been studying you you studying me and I've been wondering what's going on here this is a tattoo it starts there and then you just follow it see where it goes I can only I can only imagine where that tattoo goes well go ahead and imagine and well I sort of like to created the link between this and this is there a link there so the guys there a theme running yeah it's a you know it's a sort of penis II scene join or die I like how he goes it's a penis II theme and then it says join or Die well like it's an American American thing what it is when I became a citizen okay see this is please educate this was the first ever image of the United colonies that became the United States surreal absolutely this is RC important yes it Benjamin Franklin did this in the Pennsylvania Gazette in 1754 yeah and he drew all this nice at South Carolina North Carolina Vermont Massachusetts Pennsylvania New Jersey New York and New England this well we know how many states who oh how many states were declared at that point in time there were they went to state they were calling icons writing of fighting against Adonis because I'm guessing how far that's going yeah we're actually more states that is I think about it you go there's a lot of states there's a lot of states now that do help yeah yeah you could you keep going up yeah you're gonna love Hawaii I'm going to Hawaii well don't you have to go to Hawaii on the way back to Australia we laughs well good way you're gonna if it's if someone makes me go who I on the way like to thread I'm quite happy to stop there for a week and go for surf you serve I try to surf my dad's a surfer my brother's surf I get I can get up don't make a joke out of that you leave your hand here I'll never make healthy he's helping I get up when I say and I kind of go in a bit of a straight line sometimes I get a curve on better skater [Laughter] [Applause] better skateboarder and snowboarder than iru is this therapy time yeah for you it's there every time I always like to smoke after have you been like what you doing in this area I mean Hawaii you're gonna you're gonna work you're gonna make a movie or something it's a big secret I'm not going to tell anybody okay will you tell me well who is it no no no it's fine no all right okay yeah oh really oh that's really you know what I'm always jealous of you when you dance with the [ __ ] when you dance with the horse I always want to like get in there you know and have a dance to the hole before the night is free can we before the night is through you will dance with the horse kiss I'd also secretary look at dad kids going off right now just very excited he senses the sexual purity can Jeff yeah yeah but I that's kind of one of my father's pots can you get down yeah we'll do it you will you will dance at the horn I'm ready to go I'm ready to go and you want to talk about the movie the Robocop oh you mean rather cut that little movie it's about it's about a clock whose apart a robot well done you devotee very much do someone read the title but I'm a great deal of difficulty with your act I like that you turned it around it's a cop with it that's right that's the help you understand why I don't understand the club it's like bit of a real ball yeah it's like you got to flip it yeah thank you the does he donuts oh he doesn't eat donuts so he doesn't eat donuts Uzis what got quite a cut figure right essentially yeah Robocop is a reboot reboot of the 1987 Robocop right yeah we just opened number one in 10 countries Wow we opened thank you we open yesterday here in in America yes so this weekend join or die yeah do I know guys that's right oh yeah it's also Lego so come on come on [Music] [Applause] can you get right I used to get very competitive about those kind of things are you a competitive fest I think I'm a competitive person because I grew up with brothers yeah and when you go out with brothers everything's a competition right well I have a brother yeah it's like I think he won I know you doing pretty good with your talk show yeah yeah well he's doing okay - yeah yeah yeah he's the president of Australia no comment very much service area right now I know they talked about that let's talk about the guy oh let's not Harry I went on all these weird things you have on YouTube weird things in my stuff well what I don't have an office this is my actual office right here get that why is there a police box now the police folks is [ __ ] don't move suspect suspect right effect let's go ball oh I hear something you mean recognice kangaroo - I've seen it before I had seen him before you can put him back now is that how you in Hobart I've never held him I just seen him oh really put it back all right we're we're outside right well we have enough time to dance with the [ __ ] can we please dude you care - no I really want to I'll braid it on the side [Applause] [Music] you [Applause]
Channel: The Jayleno Fly
Views: 1,624,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Craig Ferguson, craig ferguson compilation, The jayleno fly, geoff petterson, geoff makes craig laugh, craig ferguson talk show, the late late show, craig ferguson flirting, craig ferguson flirting masterclass, david letterman, funny moments talk show, late night talk shows, abbie cornish, abbie cornish craig ferguson, abbie cornish hot, abbie cornish movies, abbie cornish interview, abbie cornish kiss, abbie cornish rapping, abbie cornish candy, abbie cornish compilation
Id: r3oiTFZT5pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2017
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