Tutorial #1 - Getting Started - Microsoft Flight Simulator

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I don’t think he’s slept for the last two weeks.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Indigo457 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is great for me. Thanks for posting. Any idea when he's doing the second tutorial on peripherals/controls? That will be very helpful.

Thanks again...


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Gruchak πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does anyone know the best way to import flight plans? I have GPS waypoints that I would like to hit for certain attractions and I'm not sure there is an option in-game for that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/heyjunior πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He and 4 others (including Chewy) did a multi-player stream this morning for like 3 hours doing bush flying and it was awesome. They all seemed to have a blast.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Daudr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

he should be in the actual game giving tutorials ;)

"im going to assume you already have it installed"

god damn it....

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Gotta say a few of the terminals look really strange in that vid. One looks like a hotel, another having a detached section, and one that has gates 100 ft long. Also, planes are clipping through the terminals in a few places. I hope that the strange generated buildings aren't common with most airports in the sim.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Aluminum_Owl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I do love these videos. Just hate the number of ads they have within the video. 4 or 5 per 30 minute video. I’m not sure how ad revenue works but I’m sure it’s more then a couple of bucks when the viewing figures are in the hundreds of thousands.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dukeuk76 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hi guys squirrel here and welcome to my microsoft flight simulator tutorial series in this tutorial series and every episode we'll look at different aspects of flying in the sim this being the very first episode of course we're going to do a getting started so having just installed microsoft flight simulator i'm going to help you get set up and take you through the options in the next episode we will cover peripheral and control setup so if you want to see more videos from the series don't forget to subscribe so here we are at the main home screen of microsoft flight simulator i'm going to assume that you've already got it installed and that you've signed in and that kind of thing what i wanted to do is take you through some of the major options that you're going to need to set and just give you some advice on how to set things up a little later in the video we'll look at such things as graphic settings and give you some advice about how to tune this for your own system so let's begin by clicking on the options we're presented with general assistance and controls controls is something i won't focus on in this video that's too deep a topic we'll do that in the next video so today we're just going to focus on general and assistance so if we go into general options the first thing we see is graphics of course initially you want to make sure that you've got the right resolution set uh i've got mine on full screen mode you might want to go for windowed and in full screen mode i can pick the resolution that i want to uh to have because i've got an ultra wide screen i've got 3840x1080 most likely you're going to have 1920x1080 whatever is your native resolution for your monitor is what you want to pick that'll then resize and won't look stretched at all you then want to choose a rendering quality for now i suggest you just go with the medium and we'll tune this stuff a little later next up are the camera settings now i suggest that you leave these as they are for now just leave them on default uh because we will be doing a future video on camera setup if you do encounter anything when you're playing around that really annoys you about the camera just come back and make some adjustments here but for the most part these things tend to work pretty well as they are next comes the sound settings now the thing about the sound settings is for most people you'll want to leave them as they are for me first thing i have to do is turn off music because i don't want to get a copyright vote strike or anything like that music selection here you can actually choose between two different themes of music in the menu i prefer color too i think it's nicer a legacy is the old microsoft flight simulator sound but you'll only hear that if you actually turn on the music volume these are obviously preferential for you leave them on 100 and if you find something a bit too loud just come back in later and adjust it one of the more interesting options is this one this is the communication selection for the most part people will want to leave it on default if you put it onto headphone simulation then when you get in the cockpit the sound is as if you put some headphones on so all their external sounds then dumb down and you can hear atc better um communication output is generally used if you've got some kind of mixer going on so what you can then do is have your default sounds going down one channel and all your voice communication going into a different channel and you can then mix the levels yourself so as it says here this is something you have to set up in the windows sound settings to make it work properly just separate your communications audio from your game audio and then switch that on and you'll be able to play with them in in the mixer most people will just leave it on default vhf signal degradation as you're talking to atc on comms vhf signals degrade and become noisy at a distance and behind obstacles if you want that in your life turn it on suggest you do it adds a little bit of realism active windows spatial sound i leave off text-to-speech settings as it says when the atc is talking the inbuilt atc i should say uh it will speak using the azure cloud voice option if you have something else installed in windows you can turn that off and it will use that instead subtitles i always turn on just because i like seeing the text written at the bottom particularly in like i don't know tutorials and that kind of thing and this one here is when you tab out of the game whether the audio continues to play or not uh even in full screen mode the sim allows you to move your mouse out of the window so that you can continue to click on other things so this is whether you want the audio to stop or not when you do that next come the traffic options now the traffic is to do with not just aviation traffic uh in the air it's all to do with what's on the ground and what's rendered in the scene so it starts at the top here there are three options for aircraft traffic that's off in which case you won't see any aircraft traffic there's a real time option in which case it will go online and pull down real world traffic and then it will try to sort of simulate that but it does require you to have as it says on the right a persistent internet connection finally there's ai traffic with ai traffic it will generate aircraft both airliners and ga traffic and fly around the sim and you can adjust the density of each with these options here when there's aircraft up and in the air um you'll obviously see the lights but if you want you can have a nameplate shown over them so you can easily identify them then there's to do with traffic that's at the airport so worker density is obviously marshallers and that kind of thing walking around uh ground uh ground aircraft is the traffic that's parked at the airports the things that you see parked at the ga ramps and at the gates and that kind of thing how dense do you want it more dense obviously looks cool it looks realistic but do bear in mind that drawing all that stuff will affect your frame rate as well finally there's the airport vehicle density so this is the ground support vehicles of fuel trucks that kind of thing that are milling around again you can adjust the density here down the bottom land and sea traffic the boats road vehicles ships and ferries again you know increasing all this stuff you know sounds great you're going to see a lot more stuff on the ground but it all affects your frame rate so be careful with these options suggest you just start off middle of the road if you click down here reset default middle of the road just start with that maybe start with some ai traffic bring some in like that and just go with it and see what it feels like next is the data now this is this is one that's been discussed many many times how much data does microsoft flight simulator use on your internet connection what does it need well it can fly completely offline you can literally just turn it off here and fly totally offline however you need it to be online if you wanted to stream uh scenery and data down and information weather that kind of thing so if you have this turned on you can have bing data world graphics photogrammetry all of this needs to be on if you wanted to stream photo realistic content as it says on the right there potentially gigabytes of data you may have to adjust this based on your system and your internet speeds to see what works for you ideally you want to have it all turned on next options are live real world air traffic live weather and multiplayer again if you have multiplayer turned on you can connect to the multiplayer services uh depending on the flight conditions as to whether up other people will see you then we come on to data consumption now this is used to track how much data it's consuming and you can tell it the day of the month to reset the above but right now you can see that basically it's downloaded seven and a half gigabytes of data in total since i've been playing it if i want to i can set a limitation on how much data i want to consume so let's say i give it a maximum of 10 gigabytes then it will not be allowed to go above 10. i can also have a warning turn on so for example when it gets to say 8 gigabytes it's going to issue me a warning and say look you're getting close to the limit you set me so personally for me i can have it turned on be turned off because i have an unmetered internet connection but you know you may want to adjust those settings based on your internet connection finally uh down here we have a couple of interesting things the data bandwidth usage limits this is a real-time download limit so that above is how much data in total per month this one is how much i it to physically limit itself when it's pulling data down so if people in your household are complaining that you know you're playing your sim and it keeps causing your netflix to stall well maybe you can dial this you can't really adjust the settings that much it's just a set of presets but it's there if you need it and down here this is disabled by default but i i enable this what i've done is i've said to it look i want to use a rolling cache i want you to use 500 gigabytes of data and this is where i want it what that does is it it says to the sim you've got 500 gigabytes to store your scenery data that you download over the internet and it will potentially fill up to 500 gigabytes of scenery data before it starts to delete the oldest scenery that it downloaded what that means is if i start to fly over the same places again and again and again it's not going to have to keep streaming and downloading it all the time it can just go to its cache and when it needs to it deletes the old files quite useful if you've got some space definitely think about allocating some next comes the flight model now it should already be defaulted to modern modern is the new flight model that you see in microsoft flight simulator i strongly urge you to leave it turned on modern but if you want to you can switch it back to legacy and then use the old presets of fsx intermediate and realistic but if you can leave it all modern down in the miscellaneous options you can set your language and set the pilot avatar so these are the guys or girls that you see when you go external view and you look inside the cockpit you can change them to do different avatars there's a number you can choose from whatever you fancy uh then there's some legal stuff and credits and then accessibility uh this will this is for you obviously if you if you're hard of sight or anything like that colorblind you know you can basically adjust various menu opacities the color scheme that's used the text size that kind of thing so and also instantly down here controller vibration which i would never would have put under under accessibility but i guess it belongs there so that completes the general settings bar going into details about graphics do bear in mind that all these options are subject to change in the future and depending on how old this video is when you watch it some of the items may have changed or be not there at all although maybe new ones if we go back to the assistance options now they should all start as medium by default which is as it says the middle ground so up at the top you've got true to life all assists and middle ground it really depends on where you are in terms of your flying whether you're new whether you're you know intermediate or whether you want it on full-on hardcore let's go through some options on middle ground and we'll see you know what you might want to pick so first of all we've got the piloting uh take off auto rudder just whether you want rudder controls to be assisted during takeoff if you've got rudder pedals you very likely want to turn this off um if you don't have any way of controlling the rudder then you probably want to leave it on because what happens is particularly with propeller planes when you're taking off with the full power on they will have a tendency to twist to the left and you'll have to counteract with some rudder assisted yolk um cystic yolk is whether you want the yolk controls pitch and roll to be assisted i would suggest you turn that off and just get used to the feeling of flight we can turn the failure and damage off later so you know if you put it in the ground it doesn't matter but i think it's better if you just get used to it uh cystic checklist is whether you want the ai to deal with checklist there's good and bad in this um first of all it's better if you run through the checklist yourself because you'll learn better that way and secondly if you have it assisted the ai can just run ahead of you sometimes and get you in a bit of a twist uh just starts pushing you back when you're not ready that kind of thing so i would suggest that you turn that off even if it says that's a hard option assisted landing is whether you want it to control the throttle pitch landing gear and flaps and all that kind of stuff during uh final approach you can have it on if you want to i suggest you don't i i'll we'll be making a video later that will help you teach you how to land so if you feel confident turn it off um i i would leave it off but you know if you're struggling to land then definitely turn it back on again system takeoff really suggest that you don't however it will require you to remember to put your landing gear and flaps up so maybe in the first instance leave it on and then later turn it off dedicate atc to ai again this is another one of those things that will run ahead of you and if you can turn it off and just deal with atc or just completely ignore atc you don't need it in the early days anyway aircraft systems auto mixture if you know nothing about mixture then definitely leave this on and just let it deal with it we'll cover that in a future video unlimited fuel um i don't think you need this by all means go for it if you want but you're probably better off just picking your fuel level before you fly uh aircraft lights whether you want the lights to be turned activated automatically i would leave that off quite frankly you can learn how what lights are supposed to be on when and if you're just flying around on your own it really doesn't matter anyway gyro drift is something that this is a more realistic option personally i would turn off um this is where the magnetic gyro starts to deviate from the compass just leave it off it really shouldn't be on by default i don't think failure and damage um if you just started out in flight sim you're not sure what you're doing definitely turn off crash damage uh aircraft stress and engine stress this will allow you to basically do what you like you can fly around there the aircraft won't you know suddenly snap into or if you hit the ground you'll just bounce so you probably just want to have that all disabled for now until you feel a little bit more confident about especially landing and then turn it all back on again same thing with icing um it looks cool um when you fly through clouds and the aircraft starts to ice up uh but do you really want your pitot sensor failing and do you really want the engine to suddenly stall probably not so go for visual only until you're feeling confident at which point turn it back on nav aids these are handy in the early days um these are things that visually appear on the screen such as root and waypoint so it will show you in the game an actual waypoint for you to fly to same thing with taxi ribbons um if you say to atc you know take me to ga parking it will put a physical guide on the on your sim and show you which way to turn left and right suggest you turn that on it is pretty handy um particularly when you're taxing around airports you have no clue where you're going uh landing path if you're just learning to land turn this on uh smartcom mode i would suggest that you turn that on to manual i really don't see why you would have that on auto uh poi mark is a point of interest so if you're flying past a stadium or i don't know the shard in london it will highlight it for you if you turn this on so that can be useful if you're just flying around a city you know nothing around about city markers again it will point out cities to you as you fly near them uh airport markers that will point out nearest airports in the sim uh fauna markers really don't know how that works yet i i presume that's gonna be like a forest thing but i've never really seen that option be used here uh notification pilots and controls notification adjust whether you want on-screen notifications about control inputs suggest you do that on if you're learning to fly in particular that can be very handy same with the aircraft system and the flying tips you probably want to turn those on if you're fairly new objectives whether you want on-screen recommendations about objectives to take during flight again probably want to turn that on if you're new to flying software tips don't know what that does user experience atc ui panel open at start this is whether you want panels to be open automatically there's a hot bar at the top of the screen that you can operate with your mouse and turn on any of these options and bring them up when you want them why you would want this to be on by default is beyond me but maybe you want the vfr map to pop up when you spawn in your plane i don't know why i personally turn them all off so that completes our look at all the options in general and assistance what i want to do now is we'll jump in and start looking a little bit in depth at some of these graphics options and help you to get yourself um set up so that your fps is decent enough based on your system so let's tune your graphics settings for your system in order to do this we're going to need a couple of things uh first of all we're gonna need to know how loaded your graphics card is how much work it's doing that's easily done you can just bring up windows task manager and then click on the graphics card and you'll see a percentage that indicates what it's doing put that on a second monitor if you can just so that you can watch the kind of percentage load that your graphics card is under second thing is we need a way of viewing what our frame rate is in real time so that we know that any setting changes we make it's having an adverse effect or a positive effect on our fps there's various ways of doing this uh if you're on steam you can use the steam overlay if you're nvidia you can use nvidia shadowplay to put the fps on your screen you can even use a tool called fraps f f r a p s fraps if you google fraps it's a very old tool i used to use it many years ago to record video but it has an option to just show fps on the screen in bright yellow letters so that's a free tool you can download finally i use personally msi afterburner which is another free tool msi afterburner is a suite of kind of tuning products but it comes with something called river tuna statistics server and that has the ability to overlay fps so if i turn that on you'll see in the top corner now i have my temperature of my gpu the current fps that it's pushing out and then this horizontal line says uh stays horizontal if it's continuously rendering at 60fps if the frame rate drops it will it will show you as a timeline so i find that to be the best one to use but you can use whatever you want first of all what we need to do is make sure there's some options set because what i want you to do is render into an airfield where we can a real world usage scenario shall we say so a couple of things number one go to your general and traffic settings make sure you've got ai offline and then all the numbers down here are split 50 50. that's going to give us a starting point for general airport density traffic vehicles that kind of thing in the sim uh then you want to click on the home screen click on the world map uh top left choose the aircraft click on airliners just use the airbus a320 neo which will have in every edition of the sim and then for the airport click departure egl and choose heathrow heathrow is reasonably complex um it's you know if you can make a good frame rate here you should be fine anywhere else finally i want to choose gate 535 as the departure so click on that and under flight conditions click up here top right and i want you to choose presets weather so you should have multiplayer off ai traffic preset on the weather then choose clear skies initially and then slide the time of day so that it says the local time is around about midday then click fly and we'll jump into heathrow and start tuning now when you first spawn in you may notice that the frame rate um is perhaps higher or lower than you was expecting it may stutter somewhat you can see the timeline here is kind of getting a bit wonky it's not settled down yet the thing about microsoft flight simulator is it does a lot of things dynamically and that does affect your frame rate you can see already it started to settle down it loads scenery and it's loading cloud in it's loading weather data all kinds of objects are being pulled into video ram etc and it does take a bit of time to settle down so if we click on ready to fly that puts us in the cockpit and immediately you see the fps generally will tank downwards and then settle down again that's just because it's rendered all the stuff inside the cockpit which is more stuff that i had to load so be aware of that whenever you change weather or time of day or any of your graphics settings don't immediately look at the fps wait for it to settle down before you make any kind of judgment call on it because it does make a difference okay next thing i want you to do is to just turn the aircraft on you can do that quite easily if you've got the default mappings press control 8 that will take you to the overhead uh turn on the batteries which are both of these buttons here and press external power there that's all you need to do press ctrl 8 and you should have all the screens lit up what that's doing is that's making sure that we when we're in the cockpit we've got a fair test of avionics we've got displays here which have to be modeled and displayed and that will obviously consume resources which will affect our fps it's important that when we do this we are in a reasonably complex aircraft at a reasonably complex airport and we are using different kinds of weather settings and testing it because when we fly we never know what we're going to get weather-wise and we may land in an airport and our frame rate starts to tank and you know it may look nice when we're in a field but we're in a heathrow we've got 20 fps and we can't even land the plane properly so hopefully by doing this we'll eliminate that problem now what i'm going to do is go to the drone camera press press the insert key on your keyboard and that will go to the drone cam uh there are default keys for this they're not the best um if you plug an xbox controller in you'll find you can use that to control the drone camera and that's way better but the default keys are r and f to go up up and down so press the r key and just bring the drone camera up like that and if you press on the numeric keypad four and six it will go left and right respectively now what that'll do is let's just look around the the airport as we test various settings and see what's happening remember we're in medium graphics settings you can already see that the the control tower over there looks a little bit basic and also because we put it on medium settings for um ground uh ground um aircraft and services you can see that there's various airplanes being rendered all this is taking up precious fps but it's okay at the moment i'm getting 54 fps you may be getting something completely different to me this is all about just helping you to tune your settings for your system so given the fps that we have i want you to take a look at your test manager and have a look what your gpu is doing what percentage load is your gpu under right now mine is on about 60 running at what nearest 60 fps yours may be lower fps with a higher load whatever it is question is is there more room for maneuver here can we up the settings or not well heathrow is in england and england isn't always blue skies right weather does have an effect on your fps so we need to bring some clouds in because clouds are difficult to render and they will affect our fps so we can just hover up to the hot bar at the top here choose the weather option and instead of clear skies we'll drop that down and choose broken clouds click on the x to close that box away and there we go we've actually got some clouds now the fps is fluctuating right now because it's basically pulling in weather reports and all the rest of it and it's having to render these clouds rendering clouds is not easy if we look right with these number six key i don't know if you can notice or not but it's actually very very very stuttery and at first i did wonder why that was the case now bear in mind i'm on the preview bill but this may apply after release as well what i found this to be is actually flying ai vehicles you can see there's actually one i just saw the light through the cloud though for some reason currently this causes stuttering so we can eliminate that by pressing the escape key click on general click on traffic and then choose off just turn that off for now we don't strictly speaking need it and whilst it's causing issues we'll turn it off then we'll just let the sims settle down again and then look it's all nice and smooth again if that works for you definitely turn it off if that's been fixed uh and it doesn't make any difference by all means leave it on so if we just use the uh number two and number eight key we can pan the drone up and down like that and we can have a look around at those rather soft fluffy clouds that we have now what 60 fps with so one other thing we might want to try is just bring in the weather type and choose the time of day and see what the sim does when you have different lighting time of day have a look at your fps consider what would happen for example at night because at night there's an awful lot of point light sources so we have a look around with the drone my fps is staying stable at well i say it was staying stable it was at 60 and now it's kind of tanking around at 40 and 50 again but my gpu load has gone up which is not unexpected because well there's an awful lot of point light sources being rendered right here hopefully the fps will settle down i've got a feeling the sim is loading different things in right now but you can see it is quite stuttery and it's amazing how just the time of day changes weather changes have a big effect on the rfps in this game and it's something to be aware of it looks like it's settling down so it was probably downloading things but yeah we're back to 60 again so i know that that's doable for me but i can also see that my gpu is on 85 that tells me there's not a lot of room for overhead anymore if i start to crank loads of settings up and i fly at night like this my gpu is already fairly loaded i could tip it over the edge to 100 fp into 100 percent and my fps starts to drop but let's set it back to day time and we'll play with some graphic settings again okay so choose from the weather option and just bring the time of day back up to sort of midday just to eliminate all the night lighting and you should notice that your graphics card comes down a little bit so why don't we have a little play with some of the presets for the graphics options notice the tower here and the building's over the buildings very rectangular very simple shapes uh also notice the shadowing that's going on particularly under the aircraft actually you know what let's say what we'll do we'll just quickly uh change the preset from broken to scattered and that might give us some more defined shadows as well there you go so now we can see the light this sort of shading underneath the aircraft and get a better feel for it so just do that and then press escape general graphics and then global rendering quality to up that now to high end click on apply and then see what your system thinks of now you'll notice the tower is a lot more defined those buildings are better lit but they're still fairly simple um but this here this tower looks a lot better my fps is staying fairly stable if i start to sort of pan around and see what the sim does you'll notice it fluctuates a bit my my load on my gpu is already up to 90 so i know now that my graphics card is already saying whoa whoa whoa whoa this is getting a bit much here right this is getting a bit much and if we pan up and look at the clouds see what that's doing that's fairly stable so it's doable can i fly with this maybe one thing is to check the cockpit as well so if i press the insert key just go back into the cockpit you will always find um with any cockpit that has glass screens you'll pretty much always find that your fps is lower than what it is outside and it's all to do with the cockpit rendering and the avionics the point is though if you if you pan around because this is where you're going to spend most of your time are you able to fly with this fps at the moment for me this is over 40 this is perfectly fine anything over 30 as long as you can hold at least 30 you'll find it's perfectly flyable so in the business environments when the weather's a nightmare you're at night with all the lighting gone can you fly at least 30 fps that's where you want to be in terms of just flying never mind how it looks so press the insert key and just jump back outside a second and you can see we've got 50 60 fps what happens if i go to the options and try and put it into ultra now depending on your system this may or may not completely kill what your machine does right now for me my machine is now 95 average and you will notice that the definition on all the buildings have changed trees draw all the way into the distance um the sky looks lovely can i maintain this well hang on press the wrong key i press the number five key and that resets the drone's position which is useful by the way numeric five key resets the drone's position um but my fps feels a little bit it's okay i could roll with this but it doesn't feel smooth and comfortable anymore um so i'm pretty much you know at the limit of my system i can see my graphics card is on 100 so the frames i am dropping because the graphics card just can't deal with it anymore point is what happens if we change the time of day we make it into night time start planning around you know it's doing okay but it's 100 percent my gpu is 100 and i would never recommend having 100 what if we bring in some rain so now we're on night time rain i'm just gonna press the number five key and reset the drone back down there and i'm on what 38 40 30 fps sorry i'm on nearly 100 gpu if i rotate around just feels a bit nasty so i can pretty much tell you that my system is not going to run on ultra just no way but maybe there's some things that we could do to uh to tweak things let's just bring it back to um scattered let's bring time day back up again by the way the reflections one thing to know about microsoft lightsim is after it's rained the water remains on the floor and if you sit and watch it it actually evaporates it's kind of cool go back up and we'll start playing with some more settings so this is where you can get a little bit creative um some settings make a difference more than others i haven't played with all of these like in glorious detail i'm sure there'll be people that will and also this is a preview read so it's kind of unfair to do that what i want to show you though is some things to focus on so one thing is vsync that can help or hinder you depending on your system generally speaking you probably want to have it turned on if you come down here you can turn off uh depth of field completely that will give you some frames back reflections are a real killer to frame so if you want to you know steal some frames back just dial that down a notch ambient seclusion is another thing that you can potentially dial down a notch you won't lose too much fidelity um but it will help another thing is shadows on high this will come down to 1536 and this will come down to 512 contact shadows you can bring down to high so we're just we've got our own kind of version somewhere in between high and ultra at this point which is probably what works for me i personally like having volumetric clouds on ultra but when you fly through heavy cloud you will sometimes feel it if it's too much for your system dial that back another thing is on high level that will be down to 100 so what i like to do is put it on like 150 and the same for the terrain level of detail and the other thing is tessellation quality this is like the detail of triangles you know whether you feel every single bump whether you see every niche on a mountain do you really need it on ultra probably not you could dial that down and finally grass and trees i reckon you can get away with high so these are the kind of things that i like to dial down a notch when things are getting a bit too much and if we just let that settle down hopefully the frame rate will come back up and be nice and smooth so we're pushing over 50 back in the cockpit we're around about 40 which i say is quite reasonable it looks good that's the main thing actually look outside you can actually see what it looks like if we go to the weather play with time of day so what sort of frames we're getting my gpu is pushing 19 something percent you know it probably i would dial something down just a little bit more but we're almost at the limit of what you know my system can deal with right now you may find yourself dealing in for example medium to high end or low to medium but these are the kind of things that you want to be playing with and the kind of frames you want to be looking at and finally if you bring in some weather nighttime rain it's always the best this is 90 on my gpu and i'm maintaining over 46 fps feels quite smooth as i fly around you know i would suggest to you that this for me is the settings i want to go for so night time in the rain 35 37 fps in a very very busy environment and we didn't even touch some of the stuff like we didn't even dial down um some of the traffic stuff which is another option that you can do just finally remember i said to you that um the ground things that you have will also affect your uh frame rate so all this stuff here is optional and has to be rendered all these planes all these little you know guy go around the baggage car that's all optional if you go to general and then you go to traffic and here we go so if you feel like there's more aircraft than you think you need feel free to just bring that back ground aircraft things driving around and the number of workers you can even bring back some of these if you don't mind not seeing maybe you don't even care about road vehicles you know just dart just turn it off click apply and what you'll notice is they all completely disappear this is the way the sim works they all completely disappear and then it will slowly repopulate things again and uh you'll find that with not as many um aircraft and things on the ground the airport looks a little bit empty but you'll also find that the frame rates are a lot more solid once it's finished and settle down but yeah everybody's system is different um there are you know an endless combinations of hardware that you can have and there's a large variety of options that you can choose in the graphics menu the important thing is get your fps monitor up get your gpu monitor up play with the settings and figure out what works for you but do it under conditions where the weather's bad you're in a busy airport and you're in a glass cockpit and if you can make the fps stick with that you'll pretty much be good to go to fly anywhere and when you do jump in a nice vfr only plane and fly around some scenic countryside you'll find it's butter anyway that is it for this first video guys i've talked way too much i hope that's helped you to just get started with the simulator in the next video i will be covering peripheral and control setup so we'll be having a look at how to set up your uh joysticks your rudder pedals uh the default keyboard operations that kind of thing which will set you up for then moving on to the next video which will be the camera setup so please subscribe if you're not already done so give me a like if you enjoyed the video don't forget share with your friends take it easy guys until the next video happy flying
Channel: Squirrel
Views: 864,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulator, gameplay, commentary, walkthrough, tutorial, asus, msfs tutorial, microsoft flight simulator, msfs 2020, cessna 172, takeoff, landing, new, preview, overview, review, flight, journey, wind speed test, weather system, experiment, ground services, atc, ground control, control tower, comms, ai, St Maarten, San Juan, tbm, TBM930, athens, skiathos, Robin CAP10, Diamond DA40NG, Edinburgh, Dundee, msfstt
Id: QL4q_Tbv0jM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 15sec (2295 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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