Getting Started Guide - Microsoft Flight Simulator

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so the new microsoft flight simulator 2020 just came out while you're downloading it i wanted to go over a few quick things that should help you get started more successfully firstly flying with a mouse is absolutely horrific i wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy you're really going to need a controller joystick flight yoke something like that thankfully this time around the game released on xbox in addition to pc so they have really good support for controllers so if you have a ps4 xbox controller lying around it's probably good enough to get started flight joysticks or flight yokes are even better uh they do require you to buy one because you probably don't just have one lying around unless you've played flight games before while most general aviation uh and small jet aircraft use like the yoke style control which kind of looks like a wheel with the top cut off uh i would probably stay away from those at first unless you really really care about matching what like your favorite airplane has joysticks are less expensive they're smaller they take up less space when you go to store them and make sure you get one that twists because then you don't need a set of rudder pedals which is like another hundred fifty dollars and takes up more space on your floor it's just another thing to set up if you haven't yet purchased the flight simulator uh do keep in mind xbox game pass has the like the standard edition available in their subscription right now the first month is only a dollar and each month after that is five dollars it's on sale right now so that's a really great way to try the game out for a month or two for super super cheap and decide if it's something that you even want to play if your computer can run it if you do decide to purchase it outright it does have three different versions uh the only real difference is the number of aircraft and hand custom modeled airports that they come with every single airport in the world essentially as long as it's registered is in the game pretty much all of them are auto-generated based on like the airport diagrams and maps and all that stuff these auto-generated airports are pretty high quality but the absolute best quality is definitely the ones that they've like custom modeled um they have a list on their website that shows uh which airports and aircraft come with each version if you buy a version that doesn't have you know this airport as a custom model it'll just be like the the default one that's modeled based on its map there does appear to be plans for a marketplace for additional aircraft airports and other mods in the future if you're using an xbox controller the controls pretty much come set up for you and i probably recommend just sticking with it for the most part you can scroll through here and see what each button does and once you get a little bit more comfortable with it if you feel like there's a better way to lay out the controls for your personal use or the type of flying or aircraft that you fly go for it on the joystick side a lot of the time you're going to have to set up your joystick manually my joystick at this point is probably about 15 years old so it didn't have a profile in here it's a microsoft sidewinder precision 2. i've had good success with all of the microsoft joysticks that i've used so i really like it and wanted to just keep with it but you i had to go and manually create this profile for it so most joysticks you'll have like a slider and then you'll have the you'll have like x y and z um which is like x and y are fairly obvious there you know x is left right y is up down and then z will be the twist if your joystick has one which you really want to get a joystick that has twist for the rudder if at all possible and then it also has the slider which you can double triple quadruple binds to control all four engines because very rarely would you need to change the throttle on one engine but not another and if you did need to do that there are other ways you can do it with your mouse or like with keyboard it will warn you if i go in here and click joystick slider x that it's used somewhere else but you can just click validate and it'll be fine for the actual flight control surfaces uh what like pitches the plane rolls the plane and yaws the plane uh the easiest way is to just use the aileron elevator rudder there are there are more granular ones but that tends to just create more problems than it's worth uh it's really easy you just click there find the axis that you want so just joystick left axis x and then validate boom and you'll see as i move the joystick to the left and the right you'll see that adjust i've already got the other ones set up in here forward backwards and then the rudder you can reverse the axis if you need to but you shouldn't need to i will hit on real quick the throttle for whatever reason low throttle shows up as a hundred percent and high throttle is zero that's actually the way it should be coming into the flight simulator so if you look at this and say well my throttle is closed why is it at 100 and click reverse axis that will screw everything up so don't do that one other thing that you will want to adjust is your sensitivity for whatever reason the sensitivity of the flight controls in this game are incredibly high that incredibly high sensitivity makes it really really hard to fly smoothly right now i have my sensitivities at negative 29 which is just i was playing around with it i'd probably go to more like negative 35 or negative 40 you can adjust it and see what feels right the dead zone is basically an area where it won't pay attention to the input at all um my joystick being fairly old it has a little bit of play in it before like you get into actual resistance so if i take my hands off you can see depending on which way it falls like it's giving a little bit of an input so i had to bring my dead zone up just a touch that way i can take my hands off of the joystick completely and it won't start you know banking or pitching the airplane a little bit you do have a sensitivity for the controller as well you'll want to decrease that at least a little bit just because it is very sensitive play with it see what feels comfortable anything that you don't have controls for on your controller you'll have on the keyboard this game is pretty good when you're doing training or are new to the game about popping up the recommendations for hey are you trying to you know release the parking brake if so push this button are you trying to do this are you trying to do that and telling you what button you need to press now that you got your control setup let's go over really quick what the flight controls mean if you didn't already know pitch which is controlled by the elevator on the tail is the rotation of the airplane around the lateral axis tilting up and down um you can almost imagine grabbing the plane by its wings and like rotating it up and down pitching up or down adjusts what is known as the angle of attack which is the angle of the aircraft's wing is hitting the air greater angle of attack means greater lift however if the angle of attack is too great for the current air speed of the aircraft a stall occurs a stall is when the air is no longer flowing smoothly across the surface of the wing and it starts to tumble basically you can see some cool videos of like aircraft and wind tunnels with the smoke if you want to see what that looks like when that happens the aircraft's wing is no longer creating lift most aircraft have a warning horn when you're approaching a stall based on the speed that you're going and the angle of attack of the airplane the next thing roll which is uh controlled by the airlines on the ring is rotating around the longitudinal axis so if you imagine a line drawn down the center of the aircraft from front to back and you just rotate that yaw controlled by the rudder the vertical piece on the tail is the rotation around the vertical axis basically like if you grab the airplane while it's sitting on the ground and twist it to the left and the right the rudder pedals are also connected to the front wheels which sear the airplane on a tricycle gear aircraft so that will be your sole method of steering when you're on the ground when you're in the air the rudder is used to keep your turn coordinated which basically when you're turning if you don't add in a little bit of rudder to yaw the airplane around you get almost like a skid um in the air which is especially when you're in a real airplane is very very disconcerting you don't want to do that on the panel in most aircraft you'll see what's known as a turn and slip indicator usually you'll either see like a little model of an airplane or sometimes it's just like an arrow that will point straight up when you're level or left and right depending on how much you're banking either direction below that then is a ball in a little glass tube when you're turning you want to use rudder to keep that ball in the center of that tube usually it's marked by two little lines you want to keep it inside when you're flying a flight simulator keeps track of all the stresses on the aircraft how fast you're going how hard you're turning uh and it will basically crash you or end the simulation if you put too much stress on the aircraft there is a way to turn that off if you want if you want to go absolutely crazy and do whatever but if you want to be a bit more realistic leave that on you can actually go into the manuals of the aircraft and see what's known as the v speeds for whatever aircraft so you'll see things like vne which is the speed you should never exceed you'll see vfe which is the maximum speed with the flaps extended you'll also see things like v glide which is the best glide speed uh if you were to lose an engine also list the stall speed with flaps up and down in level flight once you're set up and in the game if you really want to learn to fly quickly there are plenty of great tutorials in the game they teach you everything from basic flying to advanced stuff with navigation flying and ifr conditions etc let me know with a comment down below if there's any questions you have about the game once you're into it and if there's anything else you want me to hit in a future video [Music] [Music] you
Channel: DroopyBird
Views: 65,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flight sim, flight simulator, microsoft flight simulator
Id: 6A-P74Ho2TU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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