Gibraltar to Majorca IFR (Airbus A320neo) - Microsoft Flight Simulator (LXGB-LEPA)

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[Music] hi guys scott here and welcome to another microsoft flight simulator video this one we are in gibraltar in the airbus a320 neo and we're going to be taking off out of gibraltar on zero nine it's a quite a nice day actually we're on live weather lifetime so everything's dynamic and we are going east we're gonna go to majorca one of my uh favorite destinations uh l e p a parliament airport should be a great flight so what we'll do is we'll first have a look at the actual briefing and the route and then we'll jump inside uh fire up the apu we'll actually probably get the ground power then program in the flight plan then fire up the apu and then do a push back and start and perform the flight should be good let's get going so on the left we have the flight plan which i've generated using sim brief the website and on the right we've got navigraft charts so we'll quickly go through this i won't i won't label the details but let me start off by showing you the actual route today so gibraltar is lxgb and there is no published instrument departure for gibraltar so we'll basically be taking off zero nine and climbing straight out to our um cruise altitude of flight level three four zero before descending down towards majorca the actual route is here um it is direct to pemos then we'll be going direct to rickshaw direct to alicante then direct to rook set and then we'll be doing the rook set to mic approach down towards the ils406 left we won't actually fly the ils automated because there are still some issues with the aircraft but we'll factor ourselves in and fly it in manually using the ils uh guidance system so here we are this is where we were at uh apron a and we'll be taking off out of zero nine straight out uh we'll then be coming down let me just make that a bit thinner if i move down to the vertical profile on the left this will help to make more sense so our cruise altitude three four zero when we get to alicante according to same brief we'll then be descending down to what looks like about flight level one four zero at rook sets that fix in with ruts it's restrictions of being above flight level one zero uh so that's fine then our actual top of descent is sometime just after lampa which is about here something like that and then we'll be descending down towards uh rook sets the actual end point for this um for this uh star is mallorca and what's supposed to happen at majorca is uh you presumably get vectored in or fly some kind of arc if you actually look at ios 06 left it's meant to be an arc from majorca so what we'll probably do is uh just before we get somewhat somewhere in between um rook set and um uh somewhere between rock sets and the york i'm getting myself mixed up here somewhere between rook set and majorca we will turn left and just vector ourselves in on the ils here this is a 8 dme from mjv the actual approach plate looking at this is 11 dma from joa so joa is just about at the back of the airfield there and we should be an altitude of about 1900 feet as we vector ourselves in um at about nine or ten dme and we should capture the glide path down into zero six left so that's the basic plan like i said i won't go too much over the details i want to just focus on the flights and that kind of thing so let's jump back in the aircraft and see if we can get it set up so here we are back at gibraltar uh and by the way when i kept saying rook sets i meant ibizu was the uh the last waypoint before new york and not rook set rooks that was down at the beginning i was getting a bit mixed up that let's have a quick look at um let's have a quick look at gibraltar um i may have already shown you this i can't remember but we'll quickly look around because it is one of the handcrafted airports and it really is quite splendid indeed considering we get this completely for free is it is a taster for what we might get you know once we start getting the uh the handcrafted airports ported over from the the people like orbex and fly tamper and uk 2000 um yeah the future's bright that's for sure so let's jump back into the aircraft and we will get the batteries on not sure if we'll be able to um contact ground to get the power truck in let's have a quick look let's see if it's available tune into gibraltar ground ground services can we have a power supply yes we can okay cool so he's about to um come and plug in that'll give us some ground power that'll be nice means we don't have to be in a rush anymore before we flatten the batteries it does in fact allow you to just connect ground power anyway even without that truck so whatever change that in the future or not don't know so there we go we'll turn on the external power and uh that will uh power things up nicely we could also i suppose bringing the air stairs see what that looks like uh can you connect the ramp connection please ramp is on its way there you go so he's open the door already it's perhaps a little unsafe but yeah anyway let's not worry too much about that i think it's warning about the door being open right so let's get down to business here uh let's knit this let's see where are we going to be we are going from uh l x g b we're gonna go to l e l e p a so punch that into from there we go it says norm it's fine then go to the flight pan page click on lxgb our departure will be direct out of zero nine so we'll insert that so then we've got uh lxgb climb out then a d cell so what we need to do now is punch in lxgb and we'll go to airways and our first waypoint is the imos there aren't any airways in the current preview build so we have to do everything direct so the next one is rxl and then after rooks there we've got alicante and it says which alicante do you want let me quickly look at the flight plan it says alec can see is approximately north three eight one six west is zero zero three four so it's gotta be the top one it's gonna be this one here and then after all i can see we've then got rook set which is our final fix before we begin the approach so we'll insert that so lxgb most rooks are the canti rook set and then d cell on our approach down but what we want to do is go to arrival and we want the ils for six left uh it says there's no star but we can get the rook set to mike should be on here looks like two mike are you on here so three mike it's quite a few rock set two mic there we go right set to mike insert that and then we'll have a quick scroll through okay so now upon here if we go into plan mode and we should in theory be able to see the plan i can perhaps pitch my camera down as we scroll through that rickshaw is there say what this is one of those things that's a lot easier in real life yeah so there you go there you go so alicante rook set lampard down and this is more or less the arc that we was expecting so we'll turn plan mode off that looks good let's have a look at the actual um altitudes that it's put in here um so let's see we've got rook set 6000 or below at lampar 5000 dolby load um that's wrong it's actually wrong the problem is you can't actually change this because if we if i remember off the um the chart itself on the approach at lampa we had to be above six thousand so this is pretty certain this should be a 6000 a but you can't change it i don't believe no because when you click on it just goes into here so i don't know i'm not sure about that um we'll just have to monitor i'll probably manually descend anyway and we'll just keep our eye on it and try and stay within the restrictions uh so that's the um flight plan programmed in let's set everything else up so performance data uh transitionality is fifteen thousand i'm not going to de-rate the engine it's about 30 celsius outside so we're going to punch that in this flex but i'm going to toggle it anyway i won't be doing the uh flex thrust we're going to put in flaps of one and then it should calculate our rotate speed is one two three at flaps one uh next phase is climb we don't need to worry about that stuff for now uh so that should do is if we quickly look at the rad nav page you can see it's already punched in ios 6 left 1 1 0 decimal niner which is correct we could in theory punch in the joa what's it called some point joan which is one one seven decimal seven so we can put that in two for your r2 see if we can pick that up uh the course inbound is going to be zero five eight degrees if let's push that in yes it will actually no sorry that's for vor1 uh it's already punched in the core zero five eight that's actually correct nice so i think we're set up here i think now we just need to get the aircraft ready for uh take off and then we can push back okay i forgot to mention the fuel uh fuel is 7 600 tons 7.6 tons sorry 7 600 kilos which should be enough i've allowed a little bit more because uh i'm not entirely sure how accurate the fuel burn is on this preview release um barrow's been set i'll put the flight directors on uh i've set the altitude to three thousand four hundred thirty four 000 sorry which will be flight level 340 when we get up there so what we'll do now is we will fire up the apu let that get going and put the strobe onto auto i do notice one thing it's automatically retracted the air stairs and close the door which is a bit of an interesting one but what we'll do is we'll get the apu fired up and then we'll disconnect the ground power uh in terms of pushback we're gonna have to manually get him to push back probably straight and then push just to the left and we'll line up there and we'll taxi on down there's actually a turnaround point right at the bottom which is going to be quite cool okay available maybe bleeds on disconnect the ground power and we shall tell the pushback truck to disappear uh so anyway we've got auto brake on maximum there's not a lot we can set up at the moment um even in terms of this stuff there's only the fuel in the engine page that we can really flick between uh we could set up other things but we'll basically get the engine going a lot of this is still a bit in up so we'll wipe the beacon light on because we're about to move and we'll go outside and see if we can actually get a push back ground quest push back while he's doing that we will disconnect the parking brake and we'll begin engine start takes his sweet time hooking up all the trucks to actually all the vehicles tend to move around very very slowly there we go these engines take a little while to get going so it's definitely best to just start them early although doing this does mean you're not actually monitoring the engine okay stay to the left now the other left how is that okay whatever push that straight it's almost like i'm telling him to steer to the right it's weird because my nose is going left honestly i can't wait for somebody to um bring an add-on for this to replace the push back with something a lot better a little jiggle okay that should be pretty good for us we'll just push back a bit further and then we can basically taxi straight on okay i reckon that'll do it let's put the parking brake back on um something tells me we don't have fully running engines okay so let's try that again i've got the bleed on not entirely sure what happened though do you want to know what really really helps when you're trying to start engines fuel pumps fuel pumps are great if you actually give an engine fuel it will actually start that one threw me it was like what we're done wrong i realized i forgot to put all the pumps on before i push back too busy thinking about other things so now the engines are actually starting i read somewhere that the neo you're supposed to start engine 1 before engine 2 which is the opposite to what you normally do so i've gone with that for now start up engine 1 instead and now we'll start engine two there goes the little dolphin whale noises of the airbus two hydraulic systems pressurizing anyway we should be good to go in a second it looks like it's going to be some really nice flying lovely weather today this runway i think is about 1500 meters long so it's not huge um but we should be fine we should be rotating before uh all before here we're not actually heavy on fuel that's the other thing only about 30 on fuel these engines are pretty powerful especially in toga mode [Music] alrighty then that's better so let the engines just fire up and we'll carry on and put our taxi lights on because we're about to go taxiing stroking stone auto internal lights we don't need looks like we've got two stable engines we can't check our controls yet but that's good so we'll turn that back to normal and we shall turn off the apu bleed and turn off the apu itself [Music] okay we'll arm the auto throttle okay all the approaches looking clear maybe i'll shoot slightly on the external camera that's a bit nicer said before the drone camera is really nice but you can't actually control the camera in this view so i just like hopping to it just to get a nice view then jumping back again okay 27 foot elevation that's all good into arc mode so basically we're going to more or less take off and then go to autopilot fairly quickly and then it and then pull back into the climb detent which is uh two notches back so it goes climb then flex then toga we're going to go full together and pull back to climb that was the one thing i didn't do on my um paris to cardiff video was i forgot to pull back into climb because it was a bit rusty on the old airbus but hopefully we won't have any of those shenanigans today right the actual turnaround is indicated here you sort of swing out and turn around there's here but you know scope exists to get your nose off the edge there and uh have a really bad really bad day try explaining that to insurance company okay just maneuver over here try and get it straightened off okay i reckon that'll do us right let's check everything down so we want uh flaps flaps in position one speed brake is armed parking brake is off engines are all in the normal position engine season ps all look good auto brake is set to max [Music] lights strobe actually i think the strobe on auto should automatically come it detects the takeoff on the airbus and then goes on automatically i believe and then when you land it turns off again i believe that's how it's supposed to work okay all the overhead looks clear so fly runway heading climb turn out after together go to climb approach climb thrust autopilot and it should then go on its own right we're in nav mode srs that led unsheated together when we put our foot down i don't need anything else really we don't need to have um terrain on well let's get the engines powered up a little bit and there's togger enunciated srs nav mode auto thrust blue 130 was our rotate nose is up gear is up climb thrust also pilot is in yep clan thrust confirmed quick look back that is a wonderful departures look at that [Music] okay let's bring the um flaps up now [Music] retracted dude okay it pits down and overspend a little bit but it's fine but yeah when you're here look at that when you're here that runway looks like the size of the football pitch and you think to yourself how on earth are we gonna land on that [Music] looks absolutely lovely anyway let's keep our attention on what's going on here so at the moment it's probably following some constraints speed restrictions that are going on it's okay let's on the flight plan it's doing what it should be doing lights can stay on for now it's all good so yeah there you go i'm thinking by pimas i don't know why it's got a uh that's a top of descent symbol i think not a white showing there once we're getting past pimos it should start to climb if it doesn't i'll put it into managed climb mode and it will get some altitude but it should be climbing already actually fantastic i love taking off and landing gibraltar is just that rock it's the rock that makes it okay let's uh put it into yeah i know what it was it was because i know i'm shaking five thousand here that's what i was because i didn't pull it into managed my bad i've been flying so many different aircraft and they all behave in different ways but yeah that's what it was it was another shooting 5000 here so it was holding at 5000 because that's what i told it to do so she needed to pull on that and it was all good just punching up through the clowns which also looks spectacular with the bottom end of spain in the distance there and the medby lowers what a lovely day for this all right that's in 9000 [Music] so press down it'll set standard pressure which will do now some standard pressure track all the landing lights strobes and auto everything else looks good that's it we've done what we need to do for now airbus is generally if i fly a lot smoother than this i need to do some adjustments on this but it's still pretty fun anyway i shall leave you with some music and scenes from the flight and we shall pick it up so [Music] welcome back guys we are uh on our descent now as you can see here currently flight level one five zero out of rucksack descending down towards lampar trying to get down to lampar it's uh flight level seven zero although we'll switch to low compression when we get down though um which i have punched in if i get the right camera view that one i've actually punched into um the approach the low compression one zero one three temperature three four celsius wind coming in zero seven zero one three knots transition altitude it's given us a v approach speed of one four two when we're in full landing config that's flaps three our decision height is two seven four but i don't think we'll have any visibility problems today yeah it's just a matter of monitoring the approach now keeping things within the restrictions um of the star and what it told us we our minimum altitudes were uh but you can see the island on the left out though so yeah we'll pick it up a little bit minute time we're going to end up doing a lot of manual stuff because the avionics are still not very polished at the moment but uh it should be good we'll get in somehow see in a bit okay landing lights have come on we're on local pressure so far so good we're down at seven thousand feet which is where i want to be for lampa by ib ibvu we should be about 5 000 feet i believe so we're just going to be leveling off shortly there are speed restrictions in place here so it should all of those when we get to lampar should be down to two three zero but at that point when we get to lampa i will probably um not lamper when we get to ibu i will probably go manually here and just uh vectors in because i'm not so sure what it's gonna do about this looks like it's gone for a different approach actually it's gone in um that's interesting it's actually gone in via adx in that case i might let it fall around to adx and then manually vectorism might be a little bit easier to do that but yeah a crack in view i mean if you just look down the detail on the scenery is just fantastic look at this do you like my orca we're gonna have one of the best approaches and i've actually i've actually landed on the approach we're about to do in real life only once every time i've been to majorca we've always come in on the reciprocal runway which brings you over the land but once i manage to land in um from over the sea which only happens when there's like an easterly wind whereas mostly it's not that way so i didn't know at the time but it was kind of lucky okay seven thousand feet so far is good so ibv we want to be down to 5 000 it does bug me though though at the moment in the preview build you can't set um oh you can say active ass i do beg your pardon in this aircraft you can say heck to pascal's but um it's some of the other ones that locked into inches of mercury well that's good also in this aircraft all the fuels in kilograms which is correct but some of the other ones is locked into pounds let's just descend it out over the sea we should start our left turn we'll pick it up shortly in uh ibvu welcome back guys uh i think we went over by bevu and things got a little bit crazy it just it literally threw in the towel well literally got taibu and he just kept flying straight they just it didn't follow any of this secondary plan so uh so be it we'll just go manual completely now um all the lights wrong yes they are everything should be set up we'll uh we'll intercept we'll just vector ourselves in it's absolutely fine i kind of expected something like this would happen i need to get myself descended [Music] come on engage vertical speed okay we'll do it that way then okay so majorca we can actually see the runway flashing approach lights uh to the right there stop the white wing so we could follow this vector all the way around or we could just basically turn an intercept this way you know if atc could just vector australian that'd be nice so things i think that's what we'll do what we're looking to do is get ourselves established on the uh on the ils plm showing up down here as you can see that was the um palmer that's what we're looking for so it's locked in on that right auto throttle blah blah by the way the expedite button here does not d-click currently you can't touch it so we'll start turning in now we're just over what 15 nautical away probably go a little bit quicker yeah so i think the approach plate is basically taking you that way and then bringing you in on the left left base okay let's get the speed down [Music] just looking to um capture the glide slope on the ios now although i'm not going to arm the approach itself because crazy things happen sometimes when you do that there's the slope coming in see the lateral anyway okay right let's get some gear down [Music] okay it looks like i've got some distance to run looks like there's a bit early on that but we're 15 nautical away it's fine so the lateral ils is there so we'll try and get a lock on that the vertical one is still way above us currently but if i was to press the approach now i'll press it we'll see what happens it will probably just kick off and start doing weird things no it's actually behaving it's actually looking for looks like it's looking oh it's looking to capture the horizontal which is what it should be doing and then it'll capture the vertical and let me quick look at the plate should be 9 dme from palmer and it's 12.9 so it should it should come down to about here when that's on 90me if we've got this correct otherwise looking good once it does capture here i'll disconnect my flight manually let's quickly have a look at but that is some very nice scenery very very nice scenery i really wish this thing had a replay and then i could fly and approach in and then come back outside and just do it again and look at this because what the heck is that island looks like a little like water sink or something 10.3 that should come down soon i think the uh we'll settle any speed of about one four five we've actually got a quite a strong right crosswind coming in it doesn't look like it's trying to compensate for the crosswind but it's not really staying on the horizontal localizer 8.4 hmm dme 5.1 1700 it should capture so that really should be coming down shortly okay we'll start backing off and get ready for the landing now right slopes coming down there is coming in okay so we'll have low auto brakes spoilers are armed we're in full flap configuration all the lights are on everything looks good it's following the glide slope it's not following the localizer very well but it is actually flowing i think what it's doing is it's not taking into account the wind properly but that's why it's getting blown off course but it's actually following the glide slope notice what i'll do i'll disconnect the auto and we'll take it in manually so first thing to do is compensate for the wind just keep the nose up just trying to follow those diamonds now so you guys enjoy the view it's a lovely approach though this especially from even a passenger perspective it's lovely one but time problem with the decision high today super clear visibility perfect day to land i'm at the airport is not bad in the sim it's pretty decent oh there's something on the right way taking off i think yeah looks like something just took off 300 200 reverses okay welcome to majorca let's see if we can get some taxi to the gate i'll just pull up here a second clean up okay uh taxi lights it's on turn off those lights the strobes and also that's fine let's clean up the flaps let's turn off the flight director if you had any radar we turned that off contact palmer ground and sexy too please do you like that feature [Music] [Music] start at the apu try and get ahead of the game oh yeah as you can see outside it's not bad for a default airport is it it's pretty good gate five just down here nice hope you enjoyed the flight as i've already got a little bit interesting towards the end the um the flight plan itself when you punch it in to the mcdu you can't edit it very much at the moment so you can't override settings and make it do what you want to do and then the avionics as well you you never know quite what it's going to do next but you know we got here wow not even going to go to jet way why me cheaping out on this guys i don't even have a marshaller what kind of surface is this feels like the friction on the wheels is a bit too high at the moment on the on the planes it's a little bit like you're sleeping on tarmac it feels a little bit like you're on treacle or something i think that'll do us parking brakes are set tax lights coming off apu power is available making light can come off strobe light off engine disconnect please continue i really wish you wouldn't do that um let's see ground services jetway connection let's see if we can get at least that at least it's gonna be connected it says win i don't know where it's gonna come from the other thing is not have the option to um d board like there's no option to get the baggage handler and stuff like that but anyway it's opened the door i don't know where they don't know where the guys were the stars maybe it's like on the other side of the airport or something i do hope you enjoyed that flight uh i certainly did please let me know if you have any suggestions give me a like if you enjoyed the video subscribe for more content don't forget to hit that notification bell guys otherwise you don't get alerted when i uh push out new videos uh so yeah that is it from me until the next video guys take care and happy flying
Channel: Squirrel
Views: 486,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulator, gameplay, commentary, walkthrough, tutorial, asus, microsoft flight simulator, msfs 2020, cessna 172, takeoff, landing, new, preview, overview, review, flight, journey, wind speed test, weather system, experiment, ground services, atc, ground control, control tower, comms, ai, St Maarten, San Juan, tbm, TBM930, athens, skiathos, Robin CAP10, Diamond DA40NG, Edinburgh, Dundee, Citation CJ4
Id: bQ3tx_0NxZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 15sec (2955 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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