Tutorial #2 - Peripheral Control Setup - Microsoft Flight Simulator

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[Music] hi guys squad here and welcome to episode 2 in my tutorial series of microsoft flight simulator in this episode we're going to look at peripheral setup that is how to map buttons switches hotes rudder pedals sticks anything and everything that you might have in your pc how we're gonna map it so that you can control things in the aircraft in microsoft flight sim now this being episode two i strongly urge you to watch episode one before you start watching episode two the knowledge that is running through these tutorial series is designed to be layered so that it builds on top of previous episodes that being said i strongly urge you to subscribe for more episodes and in the video description you'll find a playlist to the whole tutorial set so let's get started now when setting up controllers it's actually a lot easier to do it if we're inside of the aircraft so what i want you to do is click on the world map top left click on the aircraft selection screen click on propellers scroll along and find the cessna 152 this is a basic aircraft which we'll do for our button mapping purposes and then i want you to select departure airport type in l-o-w-i which is innsbruck and then click on runway 2-6 as the departure points flight conditions on the top right uh click off for multiplayer off for air traffic control click on preset choose clear skies and then slide the time of day till about midday then click on fly and i'll see you in the plane so if you've done things correctly you should now be at runway26 and uh we're in the cessna 152 first things first if you right click and hold right click with your mouse button you'll be able to look around the cockpit which is incredibly useful also if you spin the mouse wheel you'll be able to zoom in and out this allows you to just look around and decide what it is that you want to map also if you click on the base of the yoke it will disappear which can make it really a lot easier to see buttons and things behind so there are many many controllers and peripherals that you could plug in not all of them will be supported by microsoft flight sim some of them are supported out of the box for example the thrustmaster warthog controller it will recognize that and it will set up some default but then something like say my mfg crosswind rudder pedals it won't recognize them out of the box and i'll have to configure everything so let's go through them step by step first of all let's just look at how we can map any button on our controller to something in the plane so we'll start with the flaps normally if you want to operate flaps with just the mouse you can drag them up and down like that but when you're flying it's really handy to have a button that you can press to just retract the flaps or extend them press the escape key and go to controls if we go over to one of your devices so let's say on my on my system i have a throttle a thrust master warthog which is the throttle quadrant pick one of the devices that you want to put flaps on now because this is a supported controller it shows me a picture of it if i was to choose the crossroad rudder pedals you can see it doesn't recognize this and there aren't any mappings available so because this is something it recognizes it will pre-populate some control mappings for me however i may not agree with them and i want to change them or just add some new ones so how do we do that well for example over here on the left is the search box and we can click in here and type the word f l a p and it will show us some flat mappings that it already has so button 23 is this switch here button 22 is the opposite this thing goes backwards and forwards and if you look it says extend flaps to the last level and retract flaps completely so what it's done is it's given me a button mapping to fully extend the flaps and fully retract the flaps this is not very useful it's much better if we extend the flaps in stages so we need to find the mapping for that why is it not showing it well the reason is because the filter over here is on assigned so all it showed me at the moment is mappings that match my search criteria where it has something mapped on the controller if i change this to all it will show me all the possible mappings that match the criteria flap so cow flaps flaps one two three four increase flaps all of this stuff if you click it again it goes to essentials and essentials will show you things that the sim believes to be essential items if i clear the flap down a second you'll see what i mean so these are controls that it kind of suggests that you will need to map at some point whereas all will show every single possible thing that you can map so for now just put it back onto essentials type in the word flap into here and this is what we want decrease flaps by one level and increase flaps by one level now what i want to do is i want to map it to this red button here so it's quite simple to do you just click on the and then it will say what is it you want to map and you just press the button so this is the decrease flap so i will press it back click on that and then press back and it will map it to number 12 validate and it now says you need to enter a name for this new profile because we're about to change the default profile if you look top right here it's got default we can't change the default profile so what we have to do is give it a different name so let's call it episode 2 for episode 2 of the tutorial click ok and it's now got that mapped click on this one click again press the button the other way click validate and we're done so 11 and 12 is now mapped to flaps increase and decrease if we now change this to assigned now we have all four assigned so we have a flaps increment and decrement here and a full extend and retract over here but i might want to use this for something else so maybe i'll just get rid of that how do we get rid of it well we've got if you click on the mapping as it stands and you can just say clear input validate done and it's disappeared because it's only shown as the signed stuff click that again clear input validate done so i've now got that button available to do something else where then this one now controls my flaps so we'll click apply and save at the bottom press the escape key and we'll go and test it so if i hit my button forward you can see it goes up and down in stages and i can confirm that by looking out i can see my flaps coming down there and if i press the button the fully extended or retracted flaps nothing's happening cool so that's how you map basic buttons oh and before we continue you know i said right mouse button drags around the camera if you want to get the camera back to the basic control space will take you straight back to the default view that's how you just reset the cockpit camera control space very handy so how do we map for example an axis well the throttle axis down here on my wartog is already mapped because it recognized my throttle and it said hey i'm going to map that to throttle for you so mixture this one here is not mapped at all how do we map that as an axis press escape key go into controls and first thing you need to do is pick the peripheral that you want along the top which is this one here and you notice now it's on throttle hotas warthog episode 2 which is the one that we just created so what we want to do is find the axis the easiest thing to do is to type in here and put axis like that and you can see that it has already mapped two things by default it's mapped this portion here which i can move and it's also mapped this portion here which i can move the mixture however i don't want to use this for the mixture i would rather use this for the mixture so how do i change it well if i click on it and then i say clear input and then click search input and move that axis there you go this one it's called axis seven click validate apply and save go back in when i move it it does this be careful with that one because if you pull it out it will actually stop the engine which is what the mixture is supposed to do so that's how you map an axis but some axes are need some tuning for example the rudder pedals down here and the ailerons and the elevators all this stuff here will need tuning see when we move this around it has a tendency to sort of snap too much how do we actually tune an axis so that it's not so hyper sensitive so back in the control setup find the device that you want to use for rudder then it could be that you've got one of those twist grip type sticks in which case you want to use that i happen to have rudder pedals so i'll click on this notice there's nothing mapped by default now the first thing you want to do is on the left here anything that has an axis on it will have a sensitivity that you can tune so for example if we go back to the throttle and i click on sensitivity you can see my throttle axis has a sensitivity that i can tune if i go back to my crosswind and click on sensitivity it shows me three axes i've got my rudder left and right i've got my left toe break and i've got my right toe break so the first thing you want to do is set up these axes and then map them to something there are a couple of options that you have on an axis one of them is the sensitivity the other one is the dead zone if i just give it a really big dead zone and then it says to me this is not a default profile let's call it episode two click okay there you go so that's what my axis now looks like if i if i start pushing my rudder pedal to the right it will send the game as zero value this is zero this is maximum it'll send the game a zero value and then suddenly boom it'll go up now you want to have some dead zone uh in a rudder pedal probably about two three four percent something like just a small amount so you can make very very resting your feet on the rotor pedals you make very slight adjustments and it doesn't actually adjust the rudder pedal in the sim how much you want is entirely up to you personal preference but there's a little bit of wiggle there where i'm not going to get any rudder movement the other one is the sensitivity at the moment this is what they call a linear translation so as i push to the right i get a right mapping in a linear fashion from north to 100 this makes it slightly difficult to do very small adjustments in the rudder which can be very useful when you're on final to lend so what you might want to do is adjust the sensitivity and bring it down to something like minus say 40 which will give you a curve that means that at low rudder pitches low runner movements with my feet i get a small amount of movement and i can smoothly translate into full rudder deflection so maybe start at like minus 40 or minus 50 and then adjust it as you see fit over here we have the left and right break so all i want to do with these is give it some dead zones say five percent with breaks you probably want to keep it linear with rudder pedals and pitch and roll you want to have some kind of curve breaks and throttle and mixture you always want to be linear so click on done and then the next thing you need to do is map it so if we go to essentials we should be able to find those brakes there we want rudder so we'll put rudder like that there's rudder axis we click on this click on the input press the rudder pedal click validate now when i move the rudder pedal left and right there it is now when you're getting back in the game if it happens to be that you're pressing right and it's going left just click on the reverse axis so the other thing i want to map is the toll break so i'll click on search and put in break and we've got notice you've got left and right break where you can map buttons and you've got left and right break axis where you can map axes this is an axis that we're mapping so we'll click on that click on that press the left toe break validate click again right toe break validate and now we have a left and right toe break and since we already set the sensitivities up it should work exactly as we want so click apply and save press escape now if you press the end key on your keyboard that will go to the external camera and you can mouse wheel in and out like that so if i now move my rudder pedal there you go i've got full right full left deflection and you can see i've got a nice amount of sensitivity as for the actual toe brakes testing them involves releasing the parking brake which is done moving the throttle forward and then if i use my rudder pedal i can steer if i press the right toe brake and then the left toe brake i can see that they're all working nicely and i can also double check more simplistically by looking down here and saying if i do deflection or press the toe break in and out you can see that i'm getting movements and that is how you map axes the ones that you'll need to map will be the roll on whatever stick you're using the pitch this is how you control the aircraft rudder if you have it available breaks i strongly suggest definitely you want to have a throttle make sure you can just do it with the mouse for now but they're the main things that you want to map in terms of axes they are the minimum after that you probably want to map a button for parking brake that can be really handy a button for flaps would be really good carb heat i wouldn't worry too much about and then other things are things like your lights which instead of having to turn lights on and off you might want to map some buttons to lights that is basically it for a small aircraft those will allow you to basically fly you can always test it quickly by throttling forward and seeing if you can actually take off it's like the airspeed build again it's about 40 50 knots pull back and hopefully she'll fly now you may notice something you have to keep pulling back on the stick when you actually let the stick go to a level position you'll often find that it does this why does it do that well that's what they call pitch trim there's a button on your keyboard called pause break it's right next to the scroll lock key if you press pause break key it will freeze the sim so now we're able to look around even go to external camera and do things and the plane stays where it is that also means we can fix things i'm just going to get rid of the yolk a second this is what they call the elevated trim and the reason that we have to keep holding the stick back is because we're not what they call trimmed out we need to be trimmed so what we need is something that maps the pitch trim so press escape go to controls pick a device that you want to use for example i'm going to use the water the wartog here i'm going to search by name i'm going to search my name we're going to search for trim by name put in the word trim and you'll see that it already has a key mapped pov up and pov down i know that this happens to be the pov button here the gray one if you don't have anything mapped for pitch trim up and down map something anything you like any button that you want on any controller that you want but make sure you've got some kind of pitch control because you will need it particularly in ga aircraft let's quickly jump back and try that out so if i pull the switch down you notice my pitch is actually moving up and down and this is what we need once you've got that mapped and you're able to control it simply unpause and then try just put the pitch down until you're able to do this which is basically let go of the stick and the plane will just fly itself if you pull back on the trim a little bit you'll find that the aircraft just holds a position i'm not holding the stick right now but it will pitch up and pitch down that is a key thing that people miss when they first learn to fly the ga plane they can't work out why is it i have to pull the stick all the time or push the stick all the time it's simply a matter of trim so there's just two more things i wanted to show you before we finish this episode the first one is how do you find what a button is mapped to let's have a look go to controls click on one of the peripherals that you have let's say this one here and let's say i want to know what button 21 is mapped to without trying to scroll through this list and find it and by the way in all these things here you can use expand all or collapse all which might make it easy for you to look through the list but let's say i don't know what button 21 does two ways i can find it i can either select an input here and choose button 21 and it says 121 toggle landing gear so we'll clear that the other way of doing it is to click on the input and then press the button and it'll say button 21. now this won't work for example if you press a button on another controller it won't work in here because you have to first select the device that you want so for example if i want to look at the stick over here and find out what button 7 does i have to physically select this controller i can't go pressing the landing gear button it's not going to find it in here if i press it now it doesn't take the input but for example if i want button uh seven i click in here press the up and it says oh that's button seven and that's map to decrease flaps and that's how you can basically find things the other thing i want to talk about briefly is the idea of profiles you could have multiple profiles you can see them and choose them in here you can switch to defaults or some other profile you happen to have for example test profile i happen to have lying around or my squirrel profile that i use and this means i can have multiple sets of button mappings for different situations it might well be that i have this set up for ga planes in one way but then when i fly in an airline i have it set up in a different way how do we manage this bottom left is the preset manager so having selected episode two i click on preset manager and there's a few things i can do i can create a brand new profile which will be completely empty i can duplicate this profile i can rename this one if i click rename i can just change the name i can completely clear all the mappings in this profile i can reset this to the default so it just looks like default profile or i can completely delete it having that ability will allow you to have different profile mappings for different aircraft that you might fly it can be handy but it can also be quite confusing but you can also have it for example so that you have different sensitivities and that's it for this episode in the tutorial series i hope you found that very useful please subscribe for more content and don't forget to hit the like button if you enjoyed it in the next one we'll look at setting up cameras but for today take it easy guys and happy flying
Channel: Squirrel
Views: 525,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulator, gameplay, commentary, walkthrough, tutorial, asus, microsoft flight simulator, msfs 2020, cessna 172, takeoff, landing, new, preview, overview, review, flight, journey, wind speed test, weather system, experiment, ground services, atc, ground control, control tower, comms, ai, St Maarten, San Juan, tbm, TBM930, athens, skiathos, Robin CAP10, Diamond DA40NG, Edinburgh, Dundee, Citation CJ4
Id: 1DXdGaRgnhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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