Turning Social Isolation Into Self Discovery - Live Teaching with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

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hello everyone so today the men discussion topic is about how to transform the social isolation into opportunity before that discussion I would like to give some some questions from the previous teaching so I'd like to answer some of those of course cannot answer all the questions so some questions I hear I'm doing the meditation on tops and sometime I don't know which of my thoughts I can trust and which one I shouldn't the more I do it the less I really know who I am or what I really think or believe why should I do so normally but the thought meditation is any kind of thought you don't need to look for particular thought you don't need to create any special thought so just being you're jobless just being so maybe okay watch is here so it's like this so this is awareness example okay awareness just P so whatever watch goes it's just you know this way okay this way thoughts a spell of Allah or the other but not like this you know this thought that whole you don't need to do that you don't need to do anything so actually doing verse P so whatever thought comes you be sometime thought kanakam thought will disappear so this is the thought meditation but of course if you are new to meditation first I recommend that to meditate on the breathing or sound or mental recitation about one month every day at least five minutes then you will have some experience with the meditation then you can watch the sensation the body I discussed about the sensation in the last video right and then you can watch thought also so thought meaning whatever you are thinking you just watch the moment of you watch thought disappear that will be the horizontal freedom or when you watch thought could not disappear thought is continued that will be the vertical liberation so vertical meaning thought is still there but there is space space comes automatically UN thought but then there's another thing what we call energy movement so some people has energy movement like feeling something on the top of the head like opening closing heat comes from stall mark and the pressure from forehead throat heart center there's some kind of tingling beg of spine the electric shock or some vibration in the brain in the middle of the body so these are the sign of the kind of like energy movement and then sometime it appears some visions you know you see something here something smells something visions of flowers enlightened beings or goals or mantras music or special messages and number three is a sense of energy Oh positive energy and negative image here number four years done emotion up and down so and as a movement is normally what we call transforming in the body prana Bindu Nadi meaning the energy cells nerves they are transforming from impure to pure good but important is done care about or not touch to that so there's four things to is real since sign in the body is real emotion I've been down severe the other troop sends to the perception don't care truth is just Allah watching television enlighten being goes don't care whatever message don't care feeling don't care and through physical a size even move a lot to stone in front of other people if you don't want to be like strange person then you can control but if you're alone you can move so for that case sometimes a lot of thought comes the vision comes feeling comes and then your wonder which ones to what is not true it should it turn care about all this that is very important and then another is how can I more turn into myself during this period instead of continuously searching to have something to do that I will tell you later mom there's much I would like to share what has been most typical for you on the path what obstacles have you faced for the pan for me like one of the big obstacle is resistant because when I was in a panic attacks all motivation why I learned meditation is is trying to fight with panic try to get it on my panic or even though my father said I need to welcome my panic I cannot really welcome from the my heart I'm just a fake it you know fake welcome but even if a welcome is helps a lot and then until when I was 13 in the retreat then I finally try to accept panic so I think these are chili and for five years really become a typical journey for my my my part I live near a hospital in Spain what is the best practice I can do for all the sick people in the hospital so normally what we call if you want to meditate at the beginning you can set them motivation I'm going to practice let's say breathing meditation or sound meditation sensation of meditation whatever meditation you do is one to benefit for your friends family people special sick even die and all beings to benefit for them therefore I'm going to meditate so Testament ovation then you can meditate continue meditate and I know meditation what we could dedicate dedication so you can dedicate the virtue of the meditation to people who seek who are already have this coronavirus so dedicated special if you have some friends family members who are already sick or even some of them passed away you can dedicate for them and all beings that know all things are free from this suffering may all beings are fully recognize their true nature and be happy and be free so you can do dedication like that way so then your meditation become benefit for you for others for everybody okay so today the main topic is how to use this opportunity to kind of like turn inside of you and actually there are really great things great qualities great discoveries that you can find within yourself much more than outside and these are actually really related with your life also your future like benefit future meaningful life a successful life peaceful life life so these are really important so some people they want to do retreat and you cannot get a lot of day off right you know in America at one time people tell me that they have only 12 days off for for one year so I think many other countries similar and if they want to do more retreat then they have to ask a lot of them permissions not easy to get but now this is kind of like great opportunity one way so maybe I will tell you what I'm doing now my I will share my life here so now I'm doing kind of a retreat here kind of loosely to do so this why I'm teaching online everyday to 4 sessions but in between session I'm reading the text books I learn those what we call Big Five Texas like a pea Dharma is like study author nature of reality mind and matter and the midea Maga meaning the middle with a view the emptiness branch a parameter is the stage of the meditation experiences the path and the logic and the Vinaya so we have this 5 min Texas I've been studied this long time back for nine years in 2000 I finished the order that I went to teach meditation here they're very busy and then 2011 I went to three to four and half years I didn't read those text books and I will come back I chose you to some time but I don't need text books so now I'm hitting all this Wow amazing lot of aha moments because I meditating since then since 2000 continued meditating and these meanings are still there with me and at the same time I'm teach I taught meditation many place around the world and also I have a lot of discussion with them scientists also so now when I go back and read these books there's a lot of things they click and before like for example every time or they try a lot of technical things but now is not dry at all it's a lot of things that related with our 9 our body the world and special all these I mean a man lay out to practice for meditation and then a lot of things the word modern Sciences is just there in these books 2500 years old you know so amazing and then in between the session I drew also on lunch you know gathering with my mom my mom cook cooking food very tasty you know my brother nearby he is just walking distance he brought some food from his home and after a few days like I'm going to co-host you know I cook in my retreat days now maybe forget I and since I come back you just one time I made it for games like you so there's no particular style no particular particular dish named for my cook more like curry you know whatever things there and put together so let's see will there be happy or not and also now I'm planning vegetables in between session in Nepal during monsoon season there's no so many vegetable can grow because of the soil wet and too much again so now I'm doing some experiment to grow some vegetables beans cones cones beans across during the monsoon season and I implant some cones are coming some ways towards coming like this big now and and then some tired do some education no like we have this abiding heart education so I'm having the discussion and this development of the new curriculum such discussion those things so every day is something new exciting something looking for forward so scale it's nice very exciting so I think we can all we can we all do something like this I think it's a really important that to try to discover yourself and to learn about yourself and grow also you can meditate you can reflect you can do something so there has to be balance the question here is how much um myself um kind of like turn into myself or to do something has to be balanced I'm also doing some physical exercise run around my small small house so slipping exercise practice meditation study contemplating and diet so you have a lot of things that can do all these things so when we look at the history lot of great discovers kind of like the person who has some moment of reflection time moment of break moment of resting moment of the quiet so in this case there's a lot of discovery I recently heard of dead in the Europe last time there's a big pandemic came there's a famous scientist Isaac Isaac Newton where escape from the pandemic stays somewhere in the kind of light to social distance and there's a correct discovery that what he found from that pandemic you know so therefore these are really important to reflect and use this precious time to transform yourself grow yourself learn about yourself about the atoms about the nature of reality and do some practice meditation to some physical exercise also and of course I I think many of you to cooking also right and n of the whatever your meditation and reflection set the beginning of their set the intention end of that dedication pray people who seek prey I dedicate to people who pass away dedicate for the world peace dedicate that made this pandemic soon will end did some new technique of meditation so as I mentioned last time the meditation normally we need to practice step by step sometime what we call experiential lineage special this type of meditation is what we call experiential lineage ostia meaning first you receive some teaching and you apply in your life and then your resume next teaching so we need to do step by step so normally I have this organisation called teri garr and in the dagger we do those things like joy of living or workshop never one two three and then you have to do homo so level one is about awareness level two is about love and compassion there were three is about wisdom so like that and then we have five levels of path of liberation so so total eight levels all this so then you get really learn a lot and go deep into yourself and then you will transform something of course you cannot transform the right way but pretty much really get really benefit of these practices so therefore today I would like to teach some new technique so first my video is main focus about the breathing meditation or sound or mental recitation these practice and the second I teach little bit about how to use emotion to panic a support with meditation and for that we did the sensation meditation scanning our body from head to feet so the panic has a lot of sensation if you take the sensation away there's not panic if you take the image away not easy to have panic if you take the words away not easy to panic if you take the believe or resist a version away no panic so penning is four of these combined together and special a lot of sensation and this is not only panic depression lower self-esteem non 4pf loneliness special now we have lot of my many of you of my face a lot of loneliness isn't it and also talk bulla bulla todd has a lot of amazing voice emotion has a lot of sensation so then we watch right so do you remember about the true freedom the horizontal freedom and vertical freedom so I make this funny terminology so people easy to remember so damn vertical meaning when you look at the sensation of the panic panic disappear this gap so great there's a liberation a few seconds freedom for few seconds not very long again panic can be you look again disappear for some people that's depend on the personality this you cannot you don't have choice you cannot choose that I want to disappear or I don't want to disappear it's true freedom horizontal liberation you are out of control but the board is good for some people the sensation not disappear great now sensation become support for your meditation cecily breath so when you're bought watch bread if you stop your breath and how you can meditate on the breath isn't it for the breathing meditation you need breath so for the panic sensation meditation panic meditation you need so when the painter comes okay you watch but then when you use wash and then there is you're not in the panic panic is still there but you're not independent you are seeing the minute so what we call if you see the river that means you're not in the river you're out of river but the river is there don't expect you will go away so this is a big confusion not normally you know many people think freedom meaning this feeling or panic has to disappear not necessary no need to disappear was because panic can be support for your meditation just like breath so panic become your friend your teacher your support also so not only panic anxiety depression loss of steam nan in this special like stress or so so all this can be used sometime what we could what I could in the recycle you know 10 a loss of steam stress normal about meetings like garbage but actually if you use a support with meditation they can become great support special these stony emotions are very effective not so easy of course but even you can watch few seconds really improve your meditation yeah so these true freedom whatever comes is okay so now today I would like to introduce the new meditation training what we call open awareness meditation so thurston so this open awareness meditation you don't need to have meditation object so sometimes what we call object less meditation so normally what we call we have this awareness so awareness is like landing so when there's a lamp if you lit the lamp in the top then what happened the lamp illuminate things around so you can see things around the lamp at the same time the lamp illuminate itself and is the light so you don't need to use flashlight to see the lamp the flame you know flame is the light some way our mind the awareness the consciousness has to sometime what we call true clarity or true luminosity two aspect of luminosity south luminosity illuminating others so luminaire others meaning now you can see my hand right so mind is illuminating through the eyes so you can see my hand you can see my video you can hear my voice you can smell things tastings send sensations thought emotions and at the same time mine is the luminosity mine is awareness mine is consciousness mine is clarity just like that so mine can know itself so therefore at the beginning when we try to connect with our mind we have to use object because normally if someone asks you what is your mind you might say oh there's a feeling my mind mean my mind meaning thinking or my mind meaning feeling or what our feelings happy not happy what are the thinking so you describe memory you may describe procession you may describe beliefs right but these are what we call mental discipline or mental activities not the mind itself so traditional example is sky and the cloud the awareness of fundamental quality over your mind is like sky sky Todd feeling perception emotion it's like cloud in the sky and that means panic is also clap may be stone you know depression is like maybe hurricane or pollution all these are just cloud so they come in the sky they remain in the sky this is all pegged through the sky so we have this wonderful awareness so this awareness is like sky always free always pure always come sky is always free you know no matter how crazy weather yes no matter how pollution is in the sky but these pollution and weather cannot change the natural ecology of the sky sky is always free you cannot burn scar you cannot shoot sky you know free pure present open something our fundamental mine is like sky the awareness is free the thought emotion perception memory cannot change awareness itself panic cannot change our animal itself they can't let go so this is a great discovery isn't it we have this wonderful nature sometimes what we call basic innate goodness this event is wonderful the gift is free pure present with us all the time not only that we have love and compassion we have wisdom we have capacity we have skills all these are inside us so so when I was a young you know I'm beginning to learn meditation with my father and I like to show off with my father him I want to I want to see my father you know good boy so every day we we have lunch and dinner together so one time my father was there and and this side is a big window my father really like to see sky and I'm sitting no face to my father and we have big window here and we have the lunch lunch is finished kind of quiet then I try to meditate you know pretend like like this and some time again my father so no my mother used to teach me about some time meditation teaching little bit here and there after the meals and one of my father said you know well we have meditated why I'm meditating there's a lot of dogs in them in the nunnery my father was in the nunnery whenever new people came all the dogs got down and we look my father's HOF this talk will not bite anybody but then some new people came and then my father said mmm the dogs this basic innate goodness also the nature of dog nature me then there's the one beautiful Buddha statue yeah panting that statue so nazarov Buddha is said I thought maybe - and measure top maybe said but how come - and measure Buddha is simple I think this is just my father tried to give me encouragement I don't believe that I have this wonderful measure within myself but then later I can't in your practice there's a lot of discovery now I believe so therefore awareness it's a gift and this awareness with us all the time you don't have to make it it's just there what do you have to do you need to discover it and how to discover at the beginning we use object so knowing the object breathing in that's beginning to connect with awareness and then awareness turn more inward sensation in the body so that is that also try to connect with our so today now awareness be with itself so sky behaving itself non need to have any support so for this meditation normally there's true steps maybe some of you already know about this but normally I gives two steps the first is not the open awareness meditation just preparation so the first is just be just relax you don't have to meditate also any of you know meditation whatever let go don't worry about meditation and since you are not meditating you have to worry about you are doing right or wrong I will tell you more detail later and second step is open awareness meditation okay we have two steps so now first step is open awareness meditation so sorry first step is not open awareness meditation so first step is just relaxed just how to just be so that you don't have to meditate thought come and go doesn't matter so how to do that so we have the example the traditional example is observed job whatever you do you finish your work maybe around 5:00 6:00 p.m. and you went you go to your home and yes on the nice sofa that's all just stress just be or you do physical exercise maybe you when you go to joking and you joke for half hour I've been finished it or anything else some people they say after the kids slip some people say invite the friends and family having lunch or dinner party and they're all very happy and went back and you wash all the dishes who are better you feel relaxed or I could exam so many do so many different things so now we will practice this so how we do right now is we will use one deep breathing medicine so breathe from the nose and let go from your mouth and yes with in between breath just a little bit with the space in between breath like this few seconds then bringing natural breath ok so we will do this together and this is not the meditation ok so you don't have to worry about your just be the stress so first everybody keep your spine loose straight and close your eye and feel your body and to be aware of any sensation in your body you can scan from top of the head to the your feet and doesn't matter what kind of sensation pleasant unpleasant neutral or no sensation is okay you don't have to control anything if control comes automatically okay what's the control also so anything's okay just being give permission to yourself be as it is you don't have to act to be someone or you don't need to pretend to be anybody just be yourself and be free and this is also great kindness you're really kind to yourself allow to be yourself it's the great kind and compassion for yourself you're going to have one deep breathing in now uh yes okay now natural breath and continue just be you didn't have to do anything if the drool comes automatically allowed dad also don't worry about don't be afraid of doing right or wrong right is okay Roux is okay everything is in the sky we will do another deep breathing slowly yes now natural breath and continue just be being is compassion being is giving permission to be yourself now last you breathing slowly breathe okay be now natural breath and continue just be okay how was that so this is the first step it's very easy right you didn't have to meditate just be so now second step remember so there's two steps first is just relax just be and the second step is remember open awareness meditation isn't it so the open awareness meditation now is second step and this is really great and very important normally what I call this big secret here so normally I teach this big secret in the courses in the workshop today I'm going to share to everybody or not this is a really kind of I'm debating myself it's big secret so I tell everybody is no longer secret alive live right live-streaming become public mmm tell you or not okay I tell you so a big secret is and this big secret is about the urban awareness meditation the second step so this second step the urban awareness meditation is actually already done you got it the oven - meditations to finish actually you learn you did it should I tell you more meaning the first step is second step actually there's no second step so what we did now together and that is the oven awareness of meditation very easy so I didn't tell you that at the beginning because if I tell you now we are going to practice this special meditation open awareness then there's some time we Titus this is a very modest third step you know so actually you don't have to do anything sis so what we call you don't need to even meditate so what we got non meditation is the best meditation the real meditation you don't have to meditate so then what happened that three things here what we call non meditation and not get loss and uncontrived not meditation meaning you don't need to do anything right here you just be be with your own mind whatever your mind is just be with it and then second you don't know you're not meditating by you're not getting lost their sense of being sense of present sense of resting so everybody has little a little bit different flavor some people has feeling of being some people as feeling loved yes some people a sense of a presence so basically you're not lost so maybe you might not understand what is the meaning of loss I will give you one example when your loss for example when you read a book at the beginning oh you know what's that what's in the book you know can you reach second page so now you lost you have no idea what's in this second type fold pages right after few minutes or Oh who doesn't smoke that means your loss so when your loss there's no sense of being since of pressing this sense of Alex all are gone you have become like a zombie you know so that means your loss so don't get loss the moment of you know your loss you're not lost when you know you're lost you're not lost oh when you are checking and my loss or not loss that means you're not loss if you're really loss you don't know your loss so it's easy isn't it so don't get lost but you don't need to meditate and third is uncontrol in tibet we have one special example be hairy as it is so into a desert yes you know some people they cut your hair and tend like something from here on the horn put some you know ornaments around egg in here and put some come colors so you cut the hair pin them yeah so so sometimes what we go done cut the hair don't change your color little bit hairy as it is so don't change young here don't cut don't change color live with hairy as it is so live in your mind a liberty your mind messy as it is anything all the same awareness awareness is like sky no matter how much cloud crazy cloud and pollution doesn't change in natural sky so don't worry be brave and give permission be yourself just like this the even after a few minutes later you will lost a moment of your no loss you're back you feel like you're alive you feel like you are makeup ain't just being again and loss again so dad this is an open awareness meditation or some object less meditation this is very important aspect of meditation so I hope you can practice for this week about this open awareness minute meditation and when you resonant open awareness or whatever thought emotion let them come it cannot hum actually and for your meditations are very easy you don't have to do many just be okay so then and then apply this meditation every day actually you can meditate everywhere any time in your life and we will have some other guides will guide you about how to apply this meditation in life we have another live streams also from the our teachers so please join those and make useful of this precious time okay so now there's some questions my friend will give me some questions from the I think here are some questions studying I know my anxiety and the depression is not me why practicing but it is possible for these emotions to stop arise and completely will it completely stop one day yeah so if it is become very serious I think you should take medication or take therapies whatever benefit for you you can do that but it's not really serious you can walk with that you can transform and another aspect is the physical exercise aerobic exercise very important also so but the one important is my problem also I want to get it on my panic and later as soon as I try to accept my panic I want to learn how to live it in my panel and even though I have all the symptoms I feel quite happy you know before that I think I'm having heart attack now die now cannot breathe terrible I feel like I'm in the airplane when I was young I hate flying you know special day so I go through the turbulence I feel like I'm going to die so I feel something when I have panic but then later when I have these symptoms quite happy exciting so one time I met a person in in California you submit a path so there's one person saw me I'm reading the ropes he said namaste because he came to Nepal to hide the Himalayan mountain and I asked him oh you know namaste namaste meaning greeting in Nepali language he say yes I went to Himalayan mountains and I asked him what are you doing here is he going to climb the rock Abdo rope or something Pedro it takes seven days and the week before somebody died on the meter happy so we have this news and I awesome it's a very dangers you don't have fear you say yes I am fear but I love here I thought hmmm I understand you so sometimes the fear anxiety is how we that how we react to them the relation of course sometimes very strong fear very severe of course we have looked at other practice but then the medium you can try to make friends but of course at the beginning you cannot watch it is very strong Braille physical exercise and listen to sound and mental recitation and become we could change again listen to sound watch Brett Sloane is really eventually the panic really little support can you explain a little more about waterful experience I think a lot of people struggle with this and some more depth would be appreciate as it can directly appeal so wonderful experience meaning so meditation states there are three states normally what we call waterfall experience really experience leg experience the three states so first waterfall experience meaning looks like getting worse some people they meditate at the beginning getting worse now I have more thought more emotion than before that's very good sign what we call when the river become muddy you cannot see fish when the river become clear you will see lotta fish you might think wow before there's no fish no a lot of fish where they come from but actually still and another example is there is if the dirty cop is dry doesn't look bad but if you want to clean put some drop of water and try to rob the plate or cup and all the dirty will come you know first look like get it worse but a still is not getting worse this process of cleaning so same thing so if you feel like you're getting worse good sign and when I was young my father told me because relieve how good sign I'm getting worse so what if L is a lot of thought emotion feeling then sometimes they come calm again 30 emotion and the river like experience meaning then whenever you want to meditate you can meditate still there up and down but there's some kind of continued it in Leila's premises then you become little bit master of your own mind sorry Notah I am so what is something we can say or do for someone we are going to visit who are dying I mean that for the dying most important is if you're going to visit they're trying to listen try to be there and if the going the person who knows about what we call Bardo meditation part of meditation meaning death and dying meditation we can be willing you can discuss but if not you can do dedication as I told you before you can meditate and continue to dedicate that person pray for that person I think these are very important it is okay to have a hope when hope itself is root of suffering of course you can we can have hope what we go all the desire is not that all the grassman's not get like hope mr. desire is connected with ignorant but good ignorant so this question so now when Buddha was in the India sometimes Buddha said oh you know everything don't grasp don't account sometimes with the cities you are the protection of yourself and I make effort be dualism and the student confuse something you say two things you know and what I said the student was farmer but I said when you make farm do you have you put fertilizer stretch and say yes and what other fertilizers cow dung and something from humans toilet so these are dirty but when you put into the field in the farm it can grow the greens so something like relative compassion relative loving-kindness and the meditation shamans are also concept good constant and there's some effort to the meditation great effort to develop loving compassion great effort to help others great social walk whatever you can do great so don't worry about us and it's a good it's the unlimited result of birth third vertical freedom it is the ultimate result of the vertical freedom and the horizontal freedom the same yeah Ultima sim so what we call there are two kinds of meditation one is object oriented one is subject oriented so this is the my tradition is subject oriented subject meaning awareness is important objects are not important so therefore you can use anything as absorb meditation or even there's no object also okay so horizontal there's not a cap great vertical has object great so main things awareness so eventually sky is free so awareness free awareness pure awareness is present isn't it so that is the ultimate goal so real happiness comes within yourself [Music] many people are having bad dreams during this cringing time do you have any advice yeah sometime we may have a lot of dreams you can do some dream meditation also try to have lucid dream recognize your dream so if you want to recognize your dream then the bedroom is nightmares very good easy to recognize so try to recognize your dream once you recognize your dream you can fly you can walk into the fire or water so break the law of the dream the first step yeah so something like this so now I will stop here thank you very much for all of you attending this and see you in the next week
Channel: Tergar Meditation Community
Views: 84,471
Rating: 4.9283972 out of 5
Keywords: Tergar, meditation, panic attack, covid-19, pandemic, Mingyur Rinpoche, anxiety, anxiety relief, buddhism, mindfulness, stress reduction, wellbeing, mental health, compassion, awareness, Social Isolation, Self Discovery
Id: Y0QNDc2aP1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 3sec (3243 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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