Equanimity in Uncertain Times - with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

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welcome back so in this session I would like to share something about patience and equanimity but before there there are some questions so I like to do some Q&A so the question is how to deal with the social distancing with social distancing when my body is craving for personal touch so in normally we have this three kind of like a set of mind the feeling or emotional mine and the concept or intellectual mind and then the third is unconscious unconscious level almost like habitual the wheel so there are three set of mine so in Buddhism what we talked about five skandhas so first ganda is the phone which is a matter matter and then last ganda which is consciousness so the form is the object and then the consciousness is the subject so in between this two the object out there and the consciousness within then there's a feeling concept intellectual and then the habitual mine so the lot of things so for example when you look at the object when you see something when we see is this object which is matter and then what we call I the organ organ itself and then there's I consciousness so the moment of you see something they have to match these three things the object the organ and the eye consciousness what we call three-match then what what happened next millisecond some tiny millisecond appear image of the object you cannot see object directly normally what we see is the invisible I mean the visible object which is not the object itself so like scientists said what we see is just light when we see the object the light can't touch to the our eyes so we can see the look like object but objects is or it's not real object isn't it symbolism object is in prime minister change already past so then after that what happened is there some kind of like sensation feeling comes the feeling which is you see beautiful then there's a pleasant feeling or are not beautiful than unpleasant neutral object neutral feeling so there's some someone suddenly this feeling the sensation comes sensation come it's the body then next then the the conceptual mind label or this is a good what is not good whatever then next it will resist in the subconscious level whatever event comes so that is the third there is term the third aspect of mine which is the habitual and become unconscious slowly so so they or this craving normally the sensation sometimes stayed in the body sometimes stays in the subconscious level so how to work with this craving for example like if you have addicted addicted to the alcohol drink too much then this craving comes and actually this feeling our mind the conceptual mind is really looking for this chasm the credit the pleasant feeling which is sensation when you drink alcohol this pleasant sensation comes and you're craving you're looking of you're feeling and your con the conscious mind and then become slowly little habit so solidify and looking for them phenomenon what do we project it to be project under alcohol we think we are addicted alcohol right shall be addicted to the sensation of that alcohol so normally we don't see that we just always our mind always project out and we will not come into the body into the sensation so not is easy to free this addiction so so sometime you know conceptually you know drinking too much alcohol no good and after doing an alcohol some time emotionally some time you feel now good then you have lot of you feel not good also you know in the consequences a lot of consequence is also not so on well you know that but then the habit and the habit become a boost to the sensation and the habit become together the craving and you're looking you looking for the alcohol you cannot control so even though you know so therefore how do with this craving sensation the one of the first step very effective this is a foundation practice and also fundamental practice which is to be aware of this craving sensation so if you are really craving for this touch you just be with that craving you don't need to block don't try to chase them I mean don't try to get get out of don't try to catch eat up that don't try to create this craving sensation yes yes awareness stress on the craving sensation just like your mind rest on your breath or your mind rest on the sound so we learned this in the past right something now rest on the crave okay but if you feel too much overwhelm and change listen to sound what what's your breath and okay and then craving become pieces there's a lot of sensation the body there's an image of alcohol whatever order many voices oh you should now your body's shaking you know a lot of you know there's a belief so become four pieces pieces if you remove on one of them there will be no craving so if you remove the sensation okay remove the object alcohol cannot if you remove the voice cannot remove the belief also not easy to find the craving so all these four combination together then become Craig so this is also good to work with addictions also so when you say no no no same light no pizza something sometimes that even worse for the addicted once the additions no no no no doesn't work no sir not me sir no piece of mop is all right and if you look for pizza then it's problem so just with that that mmm kind of like restless impatient actually today I want to discuss our patients so how do I patients one of the thing is we have this impatient within us moving and shaking and mine become speedy so how we can three this we cannot free you get out oh stop doesn't work yes followed this doesn't know so pivoted relation is a key part so it's a very good question in this troublesome times I have been feeling a sense of urgency that I must awaken my Buddha nature could Lee saw that I can benefit others this sometimes leaves me feeling frustrated and guilty how should I deal with these negative emotions so Buddha is just here right now what we believe you are Buddha we all are Buddha but what happened we are not recognized not discover so awareness I introduced a lot about awareness isn't it awareness like sky always free present pure genuine thought emotion feeling guilt here stress impatient all these a cloud in the sky and emotions panics some steam hatred ignorant all these are like sky I mean the cloud in the sky so what is awareness see it is clarity it is luminosity and awareness is love awareness is compassion awareness is wisdom so I mentioned before how to connect with your innate quality now you just know that your breathing for example it's a simple practice with it with a breathing meditation knowing breath as it is normally with just knowing breath yes it is shallow breath deep breath peaceful breath most peaceful breath whatever breath is okay is just whatever so that is the wisdom seeing things as it is is a wisdom so knowing knowing when that is awareness knowing from the noise aspects awareness shakuni's test knowing also wisdom and knowing the breath is it is also wisdom at the same time you're not blocking utter thought you are not blocking mistakes you're not blocking killed you're not blocking panic you're not looking impatient that is a real kind that is beginning of love that is the really compassion so by doing there this learning solo you will discover your innate quality within yourself so of course we have step by step levels normally I have this introduction meditation level so now we are most of what I'm teaching is the introductory level but very important like foundation of the building then we have this next is the joy of living joy of living courses this I booked but I have courses so one two three never one is all about awareness level two is all about loving compassion level three is all about wisdom so then I've got there a very serious to practice we have path of liberation so there's a level five so in my tradition we have to practice step by step so there's a lot of kind of like tricks kind of surprise aha like when you watch movie you don't want to know the ending story beginning of the movie isn't it so I cannot tell you all this what's inside I am teaching now is the foundation very important but you have to practice step by step practice those so then you have fooled this practice of discovering who you are our in it enlightened quality within ourself so don't worry about I have to get know when you really let go of achievements and enlightenment is getting close the real enlightenment is nothing to achieve I do a lot of informal meditation during my training and in working hours should I change it to formal meditation to achieve the learning yeah normally we need to have formal and informal but patient you know this is the patient topic patient economy T these are really important so when you do meditation the firm's important is you need to find some kind of rhythm nature flow naturally them so of course you have to begin yeah so here patient is is all about how to find in balance so you have to start but at the same time you have to will lose let go don't be rigid don't be too tight so like the formal meditation you have to do but also have to see how much you can do maybe some people can do 10 minutes some people cannot only if I mean some people one hour is easy so you have to slowly slowly increase you need to build this habit so habit begin beginning to begin with this happened but we got 21 3 weeks to the 30 days to begin to have habit and after there are more easy after three months later become three months little become more solid the habit become easy so it will become so 3 remember feeling a cognitive mind and habit of mine so episode will fully register the good habits are wonderful to to have we should have these good habits so so therefore we need a patient cannot resolve today maybe you meditate for 1 hour today and tomorrow you cannot meditate so you need if I find natural rhythm so even that a formal meditation when you sit on the cushion the first what do you have to see is ok what my mind want to do maybe watch breath maybe listen to sound maybe a simple mental recitation or maybe awareness of the body or open awareness so this 4 5 meditation techniques that I taught in the pyrius the YouTube open this teaching so try to do practice one of those so then try that under you feel some bark then change so changing is also important change since your meditation technique that really helps you to be more fresh and also meditation should be working with them more creative so in this today I walk my meditation with my major emotion like panic the moment of panic comes back to the breath panic back to the breath panic back to the breath or craving back to the breath so these are the first meditation training then slowly you can use that craving you can use the panic sensation s support for meditation so I said two days focus about painting through this focus about whatever problem craving or killed so cuz I'm something like creative so you have to do this formal and informal kind of balance so if you cannot do too much formal meditation then even five minutes or so good then you can do a lot of informal meditation also so you have to have some formal and informal session but how much you can see you need to find your balance I have tried to carry out charitable suitable but events come up events come up to stop my charitable activities it is karma related so what is the Karma we cannot really tell so things which is no matter how you try to change even you pray to all the enlightened beings it doesn't change not is it since this might be karma and things easy to make effort easy to find solution that is not the Karma is might be obstacle just temperate obstacle just let it be pray Oh magic happens Oh enlightened being that enlightened being is powerful you know next time and you pray you get worse nothing really change well that in line anything doesn't have power so some people think like that so what we believe not everything what happened in this life is is karma some is karma some of the temperature costs and conditions what we've got past life karma and temporary obstacle okay this stuff about it so now I would like to discuss about the patience so nowadays everything is uncertainty people don't know when the this quarantine lockdown open when we go back to our normal life I can do my study I can do my business I can do whatever those people are waiting and uncertainty so it's very important to know about the patient so what is the patient what because the essence of patient is mine or Brazilian so the your mind is such them like real a very open big there's some kind of courage so if don't have courage peace mine become non resilient then it's become very sensitive even something wrong we are very upset something slightly problem occur in our life we disappoint easily disappoint even though you don't want to disappoint even though you've done one where panic even though you don't want to angry even though you don't want to have worry but it was so mine should be more resilient so that is the patience so then how to help these patients so normally patient is comes with finding balance so I believe I will give you one small example so here's a pain and the paper now I want to write something on the paper so there are three style the first style is oops sorry very loose I wanna write something very difficult to write anyway so I need to write this letter you know I have deadlines what and tomorrow become next day and next day become the next week makes it become next year maybe so this first time and second style is have to write down deadlines yes to-do list number one so I come like this you know so very difficult to write and there's extra tension tight and the letter will not be perfect you know you want to make you know not a mistake perfect nice sentence then it's become opposite you know this and the look the letter look also become not nice you will forget and you will do more mistakes and then you will more upset and then in the end what having to give up so you very easy to keep up so then the third style relax your hand gently gently grab the pen and you can write down something follow to the nature flow it don't have the door lights you don't have to do like that then that's too tight introduce isn't it so nice flow supposed to be a and B so you can write right so so third style is fine we have the balance so you are not too loose by you're not too tight so how we can do that not to lose so tight to find balance so not too tight how to be not too tight we have to let go we have to accept the reality so therefore in the patient one of the very important thing is to know to accept the reality as it is so what we call live is like wave of the ocean I mentioned this before many times life is up-and-down so we should accept every time but at the same time live as an of life there's full of great things who we are we have awareness wisdom capacity skills love compassion wisdom so many great things within us isn't it so accept this to recognize this but at the same time whatever we do there will be not always perfect so up and down up and down up and down so therefore let go life is like wave of the ocean except I've been now but don't give up use your wisdom knowledge skills whatever you can try your best what vehicle you have to try your best but your mind turn to tighten on the result enjoy the cause with whatever you could whatever you can try your best so then you will find a balance then you can easily follow the nature of rhythm so when you go up you can go up and it's gone down you can go down you know how to dance the life life is like dancing like dancing my life is like stock market I mentioned this before so accepting that is letting go but not giving up using your unit call it try your best so then it become really powerful so let's say if you want to go to top of this mountain it's there straight straight path it's the straight line that you can go impossible that is not exist so what happened actually you start here and you go up a little bit and it will come down don't give up learn from your mistake learn from obstacles learn from problems everybody does mistake everybody has some kind of problem love his problem but the problem obstacle can become opportunity problem can become solution obstacle can become opportunity so tuneable you will go a little bit and you will come down okay so each time you learn you grow more and then then even hits the top so it is to become like cyber time today - dad is the our life but normally what happened what we are expecting is straight line like this so when we won when we don't have that straight line we have set we make big deal out of that we feed ourselves them to others them to environment make messy so then in the end with my new to Cuba to type to loose to tight so so be patient is to find nature in in Tibet we have this very famous story so when I was young my grandfather told me about this story how to be patient how to make right effort so story is about turtle and rabbit so the rabbit and turtle they want to race who can reach the top of the mountain first and then when they start the rabbit thought oh I can jump me in a few times I will reach the top of the mountain this turtle how I cannot hear it how can I compare with the turtle so then rapid jumps jumps almost reached hop and the rabbit was very tired and let's live there but can change not give up but not not too tight and then in the end total reach the top of the mountain and then total was calling to rabbit in grab a cup and I would look down oh yeah where's Toto Toto is calling me you cannot see and again turtle call the rabbit no well maybe nearby mean look at the right and left there's not toto but then try to call the rabbit look at up reverse there I mean the total is up there so therefore continued don't give up learn from mistake grow from obstacles and in the end everything actually become kind of like add up to your whatever your sense of your one true achieve so it will become like that so the real important is to find this balance it's a really important so for example you know if you are to see a casino once you learn nicely then when you pin something so if your pending comes almost effortless then I'd become very good same with the singing you know and the singing comes effortless the voice everything become so f it feels like effortless but angel not effortless there is some effort but that effort is follow to the natural rhythm not too tight so so then that is the kind of large real patience economy T so economy T meaning not too tight not too loose hate to the enemy you know too much attached to the some something someone close to you then it's become unbalanced so you know what is people who you don't like you know what is people who you like but there's everybody you can learn from those both and this this boat can help you to grow to transform to learn sometime you know when you when you want to do something when you want to achieve something so you will reach the dead end so normally my father said when I point something your is a dead end then what happened most people give up or bang the wall you will you know it will damage your head right so actually you may you may not cross that way but it is different ways maybe right maybe different ways you know actually you might cross that wall but not that way sorry for example I went to retreat for in half years and then when I come back here in that occur whistling in the park at man - so our my the old monastery is here so when I come back the whole monastry was broken because of the earthquake damage it's the moment of I when I saw the monitor Wow so big shocking experience I have a lot of memory there my father I learn in this Mahna Mahna stupid daughter meditation from my father and my grandfather and now is cracks all over the place some wall is falling you know be shocked then I suddenly remember yeah implement tell you thing about impermanent so impairment it doesn't mean die and nothing impermanent is changing so it's full of possibility full of different door so I was thinking how can I make how can I transform this something beneficial for the people so I make different projects so now we are projects processing developing so I think soon will benefit for now we have this monastic college here and we plan to have international like meditation teaching and learning so now what happened many kind of Institute they teacher put this philosophy and philosophy about meditation but they don't really teach your technique but some the middie retreat place they would teach technique but they don't teach you background so here the scholar aspect meditative aspect join together and we will have also new very exciting Kukla so it will soon will have nice things will happen around this monastery because of the earthquake I'm not saying the earthquake of course a lot of damage lot of take a lot of here was a lie but whatever who are here right now don't let that you know take our inspiration our courage our resilience so don't give up continue learn from the continued grow from the continued transform so I think this is a really important to our life so so economy T passions is walks together so now what we do is we will us we will do first little bit awareness of the body then we will ask a question so when we are facing a problem in our life do we have solution or not do we see the solution or not if you have solution if you see the solution you don't have to worry too much you will talk but if you don't see solution if you don't have solution don't be too upset don't be true feeling bad accept it but don't give up continue to look for another solution so we will do this a little bit analytical meditation so first keep your meditation posture and close your eyes fill your body and relax muscles in your body from head to feet scan your body really quickly from at the field and to be aware of any sensation in your body pleasant sensation unpleasant sensation neutral sensation or even you cannot find sensation also okay just be so when you aware of your body in the sensation in your body this is wisdom this is awareness so appreciate about this awareness and wisdom and at the same time allowed to have talked the other talk emotion mistake panic impatient allowed have impatient allowed to have economy or not in economy whatever things are loud but don't try to forget your body as long as if you remember body and sensation you can allow anything so this is the balance this is the patience this is the will be the equanimity and this is also compassion love forgiveness even the destructive thought comes let them come your kind even the worse emotion comes you allowed this really great openness great resilient so to recognize that Rizzoli recognized appreciate and recognize that sense of openness but we still remember your party mister remember your feelings in the body and now you recognize that remember body is wisdom it is awareness allowing thought is love is compassion and there is balance here also appreciate them you found the balance you found a great resilient appreciate that finding the Rizzoli now thinking about whatever problem in your life obstacles especially with the pandemic - I have solution now - I know the solution to overcome if not it is not solution if you cannot find solution then worry not benefit if you have solution to be no solution you don't have to worry you don't have to be tight even if a fine so let go but don't give up continue to learn continue to grow okay now please slowly open your eyes and raise your mind as it is non need particular object okay thank you very much and apply this in your life so whatever you're alive feeling of impatient filling up to try to lose cannot find balance not finding equanimity so please practice and apply this in your life remember about a pending or writing thank you thank you very much
Channel: Tergar Meditation Community
Views: 44,353
Rating: 4.9459887 out of 5
Keywords: Tergar, meditation, panic attack, covid-19, pandemic, Mingyur Rinpoche, anxiety, anxiety relief, buddhism, mindfulness, stress reduction, wellbeing, mental health, compassion, awareness, equanimity, uncertainty
Id: tK1m2fRbRp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 21sec (2721 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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