Keep Calm When Your Mind is Wild

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

One of the main aspects of Buddhism is to open your psyche and unlock what is already there. Happiness is within you.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Teh_Pi 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
when we say the result of meditation what happened is our mind become more calm peaceful and then also one of the most important is hyper walkable freedom then the happiness comes automatically happiness comes like by pada but that happiness is not like happiness from drinking coffee you know so when you drink coffee you will be happy about twenty to thirty minutes isn't it after there you you know you become law law so not that kind of happiness and that the happiness come from meditation is some kind of life joy contentment which is coming within no need to rely on the external circumstances sometime what we call more stable or lasting happiness over the past many years I have been become guinea pig you know so since 2002 I went to the laboratory become what I call red guinea pit you know normally guinea pig is white right so I'm red select guinea pig so they put me in the big machine fMRI easy to check the brain so about 2002 this is the early stage of the research about the meditation so that time meditation is not so much popular as now so so then continued for many many years so what I found is through discussion with the scientists that readings three important things the first is what I know now is you have hope you can change your brain of course the the what they call neuroplasticity so your brain has capable of change many years before maybe 20 some years before neuroscientist doesn't believe that if you are born with unhappy you will be unhappy rest of your life if you're born with a little bit angry no hope you will be angry if you feel a little bit panicky rest of your life depression rest of your life so kind of a baseline we all have baseline and then baseline cannot change they don't believe there it will change because normally whatever try like Fame power money all this doesn't help much like they research about them winning lottery winning lottery could for two years then I headed back to the baseline marriage about five years back to baseline that five years I heard of five six years before but nowadays the three years but anyway it is not everybody you know some of you have very nice wonderful marriage happily ever after you know live happily ever occurred who knows but this study so the bases are not is recent so but now many meditators when they track this for over many years even you're not meditating you're heavy so baselines can change through the meditation so therefore this hope so what they could no replies the city and not only that now there's a neural pathways so in the brain even structure can change some structures and they make new we knew and wrote the whole road closed make new road and now they are also neurogenesis the gene expression it's an expression in the brain also can change so this is a wonderful news so that's the first important point and the second is what I know is one of the best way to change the baseline is through the meditation Avernus meditation love and compassion meditation and the wisdom so we have the joy of living one is about awareness we have joy living workshop no and never one more focus about awareness level two more for focus about love and compassion that we three more focus about the wisdom so and this when you transform this comes inside then not so much the nine on outside circumstances so your happiness become kind of become lasting happiness so therefore the byproduct of the meditation is come peace joy happy pliable workable so these are what we call experience of meditation resolve of meditation by part of meditation but not the essence of meditation the essence of meditation is awareness and I think I mentioned this many times in the past so awareness meaning knowing so our mind has special quality capacity is that in it quality which is knowing and that knowingness is no need to reline always on subject and object what we called south luminosity clarity and non conceptual knowing knowing beyond subject and object so we have that everybody s that you have I have but then I mentioned this many times in the past furious video that will not recognize so we are not recognized and what happened is what we see is we only see talk emotion memory perception feeling all this that's all what we can see so when you ask somebody can you describe about your mind and they will describe about hot feelings memory perception feelings they will discuss and even the psychology when they are when we ask them about what is mind and they took up a function of mine because we don't know the true quality of the mind it not manifests for us when we not when we not know that first first of all when we don't know it is exist then we don't know how to get in touch with that so the two things we don't know that it exists within a second we don't know how to in touch with how to connect with them so the traditional example is this our innate quality which is awareness is knowingness it's like sky and thought emotion perception memory all these are like cloud so cloud is not the sky although the sky wall comes cloud the cloud comes in the sky stay in the sky it is a bag to the sky and cloud change something beautiful ooh cloud sometimes like flowers of girl a person horse animal house and different color sometime sometimes storm sometimes dark skies full of that especially in the night you know new moon in the night in in my in the pollen or some remote area in the mountain it's totally because there's no electricity on the ground and if the new moon there is no moon there and the sky is full of cloud and you can assist that of course is not son there's no you cannot see Sun in nighttime I mean I'm taking about the mitre so even the skies totally become dark but an edge drops guys not dark at all so then what is the main point wisdom to recognize so normal I give example again again I want to remind all of you I can I can like watch if you don't know what is the main quality of watch the main quality of watch is test time so if you don't know what cannot tell your time no matter how good ones best watch best words in the world cannot tell you time so you have to recognize it as much so we need to recognize this innate qualities so in it quality not just awareness there's a love in compassion there's a wisdom there's power energy Testim potential capacity so many things are there in it but then we are not recognized so that's what we call ignite so then what happened we have become very small tiny sensitive you know easy to cry easy laughs easy to disappear is it to melt is it to burn easy to disappear very tiny end and not only in the conceptual level that appear in the perception level also the senses and then our mind become very tiny small black and white and we accept in the time we trap in the subject and object we trap in this body so become very small so what we call freedom liberation comes when we connect with our in it call it inside so so why we are not recognized first nobody tell us right so this why we need help teaching me a path so for us what we call she's sipping teaching is really important about this but at the beginning we will not believe no when I was young my father told me you have this great colleges within yourself awareness is a wonderful love in a compassion with you all the time wisdom is with you so I thought it's just sweet you know because I had panic attacks when I was young I thought my father my father tried to make me happy so one time in the path here and in the mountain there's a nunnery my father stained nunnery and some day he keep teaching to the nuns and I also joined teaching together with nun and one time we both having lunch me and my father so one side this beautiful buddha shrine statue and image of buddha and the other side is a huge window from that window we can see entire because sit in a public art mundo we can see it ikat mundo and also in Thai in honoring so in the nunnery we have a lot of dogs sometimes that local village people they put talk in the nunnery so whenever the new people comes all the dogs get together and chase up to that person so while having the lunch all the dogs are making a lot of noise you know and both me and my father look through the window and we say doesn't we see that there's a one new person coming some nuns are helping the dog keep away and you know and we we both saying they're my father's I hope that dough will not bite that new person and then my father Sir hmm these dogs has also this innate quality the dog has awareness love and compassion in step so the nature of this dog nature of me no point me nature of you unless you're with this Buddha my father told me like that so I thought me and the talk might be said my nature and organizers said but how come my nature and nature of this Buddha or the Buddha is one is same they're not different I don't believe that but now I believe that I don't believe I thought my my father tried to make me just make me happy so it's when you practice this process step by step and this aha moment stare and we will find that how come I did is just day in from me sometimes what I keep example in somebody some people they read they put the class here in i class they put here and they lost their classes did you see my class I cannot find my class but actually class here so actually this awareness love and compassion wisdom just here with us the problem is too easy so too easy I cannot believe not easy to believe and too close to us we cannot see not easy to recognize that's the problem so main problem is too easy so true is the bigger problem true close to you so like sometimes we have example the bird flying in the sky without notice sky fish swimming into the river without knowing the river son like that for example when we look at the sky what we look as if we look at cloud we look the sunlight we look at the blue dish or whatever color we don't see the empty just openness we don't see that Canyon infinity sometime what we call indestructible we cannot shoot sky you cannot burn sky and then you kind of float it no matter how much you try you cannot be polluted skyy cannot become dirty even there's a pollution in the sky but natural sky is free from pollution so therefore when and my meditation lineage is what we call the subject in general there's two kind of style of meditation the subject oriented object oriented so subject oriented meaning awareness is important object doesn't matter you can meditate everywhere anytime with under any circumstances short time many time everywhere you can do that so object doesn't matter so subject is important awareness subject is important but observe or emn object oriented meditation meaning you have to have object meditation like breathing meditation has to stay breath don't go to the past don't go to the future to stay with the breath don't think about the pizza just breath if your mind goes somewhere bring to the breath so this has to stay with the breath so object is important so for my tradition the subject which is awareness is important anything can be used as support for awareness so therefore the common mistake about meditation is normally two things I think two mistakes the one common mistake is people think meditation meaning thing of nothing you know consultation empty my empty brain don't think anything so that is a one mistake and second mistake is many people think meditations please [Music] open there's joy so many people associate meditation as peace come joy clarity but these are not the essence of meditation this experience of meditation so what is the essence of meditation here awareness Tarkan's cause no problem emotion comes cause no problem so when you wash your breath pizza come let pizza come so I think I mentioned is that one of the first video isn't it so as long a if you not forget your breath true pizza three piece of pie pieces no problem becomes always all the direction around you no problem breathing pizza like this so the meditation is not letting of nothing non like empty mind empty brain so so ask I the important is we need to connect with the sky it's not we need to get it up cloud it's very difficult to get rid of cloud almost impossible if you even you can get rid of cloud not so much benefit then become better try isn't it Klaus good rain is good stone sometimes good so emotions okay thought is okay feelings okay how you react to that that is the problem when we only have God II thought emotion feeling perception memory we don't have behind that that awareness that love and compassion the wisdom ten is the problem but I should at the behind the sky so sky here is awareness loving compassion wisdom mystery idea so don't do anything with the clouds so you don't have to do anything without any emotion let them go let them go but you need to connect with awareness so at the beginning to connect with awareness is with the true through knowing the breath awareness knowing so knowing the breath dan sound mind sound or mental recitation then sensation so those meditation techniques there for men meditation techniques I introduced in this open video then this the first step then you need to go deeper then you need to join the workshop the joy live in one two three desired step-by-step practice what we call experiential lineage so you have to go step by step so so therefore you don't have to block anything and you don't need to look for peace come joy because when you look for them they will disappear if you look for peace peace will say I'm busy you have to make an appointment if you said hunting our Pizza Pizza become more you would think more about a pizza so that's the hour none on mine what we call out of control one of the goal of meditation is it might become pliable walkable so you can you you will have freedom of your own mind so normally our mind we cannot control our mind we are not freedom from our mind mind does the opposite no when you say yes mind say no when you not mind say yes the monkey mind I'm talking about the cloud not I said the club sometime but I could crazy monkey me so therefore the many people they mistake when the beginning of meditation they are looking for peace come join or thought non-emergent empty mind and we pray it doesn't work so then what happened sometime become more these things become more and then another thing is maybe I will tell you more about the meditation experience experiences of meditation so what we call there are three states at the beginning the waterfall experience riverlite experience leg with our web explain so these three states of meditation step by step come step by step so first is wonderful experimenting when you begin to meditate at the beginning you might feel a little bit come then after that you become worse some time you come to teacher and you meditate together with the teacher and colleagues together nice you will feel the peace or your meditate in front of this video we meditate some time together right you you might feel mMmmm today I know how to meditate it's peaceful joyful I get this love peace joy through this meditation wonderful since form today I think I tell some a little bit then next day you try nothing your mind get worse you might think you're getting worse so if you think you're getting worse wonderful very good sign why because the traditional example is that the cup is dirty and dry it doesn't look so bad and if you put some cup of water try to clean then all the dirt come back looks like cup is getting more dirty as it is not getting more dirty its process of purification process of cleaning clean right another example is in India Nepal we have Tibet also we have monsoon season during the monsoon season when you look at the river you can now see fish in the river when the monsoon season stop the fall during fall when you look at the river he will become very clean and pristine calm and suddenly you will see a lot of fish in the river sometimes you might think wow so many fish where they come from three months ago I was here no fish but now certainly an orifice where they come but during monsoon season there is fish but because of River become muddy you cannot see fish now River become more clean calm so you can able to see fish so same thing when we begin to meditate at the beginning look like we are getting worse so any of you when you feel like you're getting worse very good sign you have to feel happy oh now I feel like getting worse how nice the first step waterfall experience so what if all come from them rock from the mountain and water is moving here there and spreading the water assembling it at the beginning wonderful experience so they are too rough experience what have you come three peaceful experience through wrathful experience so - rough experience is one is agitation agitation demeaning looks like mm-hmm yo you have more talk your mind will have more emotion I panic or sometime whatever looks like getting worse and thing a lot of image will come lot of voices a lot of this or pain in the body or something like that so that's education second is a dullness meaning your mind become unclear sleep even if you don't feel sleepy but your mind become totally kind of life tell there's not any kind of like feels like lost taste of meditation the kind of like empty so this too is the roughest and peace peace experience battery clarity joy non-conceptual so clarity is your mind become very clear even you see things as like very clear but without so much grasp in your mind is like blue sky with sunshine and joy experiences you feel calm as feeling of just love happy peace something like that the non-conceptual experience is not much thought pala pala pala area become more quiet and you your mind become less concept less talk sometime when you look around you see everything like dream the river like dreaming what happening you know because the concepts are very very free don't be afraid of that some people might have fear comes that time what is good so at the beginning rough experience peaceful experience up and down up and down up and down so what we call like if you want to go to in Tibet from Eastern Tibet to Lhasa you know so there's a lot of Tibet is a lane of mountain a lot of you have to go a lot of up and down so you have you have big pass then you've got down deep then you've got another cross another mountain so up and down so AB is getting close to Lhasa down is also getting close to gaza this up and down is the part of the journey but it's good appiy clarity joy non-conceptual explained good down agitation and telling us all this looks like crazy also good journey part of the train so I've been down at the beginning don't give a meditation and slowly slowly your practice and then if you so what we call the traditional expiry example of how to meditate maybe I will tell you I don't know should I tell you or not they develop borderline example but anyway we tell you so what we call the under meditate one or two day too much don't totally give up like physical exercise you cannot do exercise one day three four five hours right then you feel the Chi muscle pain the next you cannot do papí weeks so every day little baby you can increase by the time and really you've become more fit you know healthy good for you even you become mom you're looking good become more good right so same thing so that the traditional example is how to meditate is like all cow pee so all cow pee is no morning a little bit not too much at the same time young cow ping to miss then finish so all cows know like this so how does meditation you can meditate everywhere anytime with under any circumstances so therefore this is really important so when you do that continue practice then second experience is what we could do better life experience now you are getting more familiar with your in it ecology awareness become more salient more vivid although you cannot really grab the awareness is not tangible but you can experience it you can feel it although you cannot really describe and then cloud doesn't matter up and down still there up and down but this up and down doesn't affect because normally we are lost in the cloud and what we have is only the cloud but now we have something more than cloud what we have sky so we can be with the sky and then cloud comes and goes it doesn't matter so still achiever she were still moving is a continued right so your mind become more peaceful more pliable more appliable love compassion some manifests here and there without effort so this is the second stage of meditation then the last stage of meditation is the retriever I'm sorry lake without wave meaning you can remain in awareness almost 24 hours so awareness always there even when you sleep you can stay in our wellness and you can solute you know at the beginning you don't know you are in the sleeping sleeping meditation sleep become meditation slowly so you know in your while sleeping your body become paralyzed and then your sleep there's no front in the back no time not up and down so this experience come slowly slow don't expect now so what we call even the five unconscious moment cannot really vents you more familiar with awareness your inner quality these cannot affect like even the dark in the new moon the sky is total attack you know full of cloud in the nighttime sky doesn't become dark nature of sky still free from Dark Sun like that yeah so then this I kind of have to say containment joy freedom deeper level there's no fear but then still you have emotion okay I'm down kill you can have clap no promise dramatics nice you have thought your emotion you old and these are other transform you see SN of those thought and emotion it's awareness it's a love and compassion this wisdom so in life become wonderful I think so that's a great discovery there you can you can have a great discovery within yourself in their mining you know mining some people go to mining about the diamond about them gold something right like that right but Dad you have to go out but then no matter how much you look that not really get real lasting happiness even you win the lottery also two years ended but then if you get the really real mining inside you there's a really great teacher we have unlimited discovery within ourself amazing normally what we do is our mind look out we're looking for answered they're down and here and you know about the universe about or maybe enlightenment we are thinking in lineman up their white we are thinking samsara is down there but actually inside real freedom really enlightenment real liberation is in or out so you have very precious actually you are the key to find the answer the answer of everything within yourself answer of University answer of universe I mean so therefore I hope that you all continue to join journey of this path step by step so this is really important so we will continue to offer online teaching so now in the next month I would like to begin the the first job living one workshop online courses and that is try to really connect it with awareness the in it quality awareness within ourself so I'm going to do that and if you have time available come to join and will benefit for these teachings as it benefit a lot of all my life it changed my life and I hope it will appeal I'm here for all of you thank you
Channel: Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
Views: 427,747
Rating: 4.9442058 out of 5
Keywords: meditation, mindfulness, Tergar, Joy of Living, Mingyur Rinpoche, awareness, anxiety, stress
Id: Ro4k70dHCL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 25sec (2125 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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