2019-06-09 Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche's Teaching on Meditation - 1/2

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[Music] good morning how are you good so how many of you are original during meditation more than one year more than three years I ten mm-hmm more than 10 20 30 hmm good lot of long-term meditators anybody new to meditation okay good so what should I teach I have some plane now I need to change my plan completed okay so maybe since a lot of you already learned meditation a long time so I will teach you how to deconstruct the meditation to let go of meditation it is really important so for our lineage our style of meditation all the meditation has to be with the three connected with the three colleges the three quality is first first don't meditate what we call non meditation second don't get lost not meditating but not lost quite difficult right one way is very easy problem is too easy so that's why problem so turn is uncontrived and contri meaning you don't have to do anything just be in our life we have a lot of habit of doing right doing achievement strong strategy follow-up and the deadline and then try to I dream right or am i doing okay or how can I tell I'm doing right or wrong you know so nowadays many doctors you know telling me that the patients come to see the doctor and the doctor first say how how are you they say I don't know I come here to ask you this question how am I so we have a lot of kind of life worried about we our dreams right or wrong and then is there any particular measurement that we are doing right or wrong or how can I tell I'm doing right or wrong right so I'm contrived meaning don't worry about this takes money but it doesn't mean you are ignoring them you know maybe there's right maybe there's a wrong but you don't care and you just ignore it's not like that the nature of the meditation it's very simple actually the practice of meditation practice can you hear me right they're not clear like this is better right there okay so the nature of meditation is actually very simple and you don't need to worry about those things why I will tell you later so I'm a tree uncontrived on meditation second don't get lost third I'm gonna try one more examination first non meditation second don't get lost third mm pass so so this is them kind of life essential key points of the older meditation some people said oh don't meditate don't get lost and contri you are teaching the highest you know practice of the meditation this is the heart of the maja muda mati mama t mega so these are the mama dada mama t mega these are the three main lineage of the meditative tradition in tibet you know so you're teaching heart of that how come so this is just open teaching everybody can join but you are teaching the really essence of all this some people confuse you know but actually all the meditation we need this theory called anything and special at the beginning right and not only at the beginning in the middle not only in the middle in the end also I've been meditating more than 30 years I still have to practice these three we all need this but this is from good from A to Z you say like that right intercept it is e at a-z yeah it was he good for all good for it was D ok so first three right first is non meditation so don't meditate meaning we have some kind of expectation about the meditation maybe less less explore the expectation you know what is the meditation for you normally normally what you are expecting special at the background background of your mind you are looking for some kind of flavor maybe flavor of peas and can non non conceptual stage clarity concentration or MD mind empty brain think of sorry think think think yeah thing or nothing right everybody has a little bit little bit different expectation or joy or blissful so you have this this expectation may be for you meditation is peace your your belief then every time when you meditate you match that piece in my piece am I not P my P so now I'm meditating how to say in America olala ah what what any expression Oh aha maybe aha peas now I'm I'm sure that I'm in meditation mmm I'm doing right because I happy and then if the piece is okay if the piece is you know become longer and longer you're more and more happy and now what happened is the grasping becomes stronger stronger stronger Oh peace yes good mmm it will be like this forever from today on I have a lot of problem before but all the problems are gone from today on I think I'm getting close to the realization so grasping so chorus pin has two things permanent meaning expecting peaceful like this forever permanent or singularity everything is number one the best I think I'm getting the realization today this is this is not the same as the previous experience something really aha you know I think I'm sure I think this is realization I can't wait to share this to my teacher of my colleague meditators and I may have a special recognition from them so when the graspin become stronger stronger stronger then the piece explained go stronger for a while you know speed the speed is similar as your grasping experience both go up up up up then what happened experience cannot stay up forever like stock market you know experience meditation experience is like stock market it has to go down it will go down you cannot control so that when the pieces go down now the Grossman is going up what happen is big disappointment now now you feel like you are swimming into the into the swimming pool don't know how to see the water's coming in or the piece is gone what happened I'm getting worse than before please a piece yesterday was wonderful I need that experience again and now you broke your heart broken heart you know so yeah have you ever experienced something like that yes just raise your head so now the important is we need to learn from this and essence of meditation is maybe many of you know right what is the essence of meditation awareness yeah essence of meditation is awareness not the peace joy clarity non-conceptual stone concentration all these are the experience of meditation not the essence so the essence of meditation is awareness one more very important the essence of meditation awareness what is the awareness knowing knowing right what we call knowing what we call clarity what we call the Manasa T cognize mm yeah kind of local mission consciousness consciousness or the mind something mind awareness so the knowingness is like lamb you know lamb have you ever seen lamp a candle lamp so lamb has lamp has true quality what we call two aspects of clarity clarity the lamp illuminate darkness around the lamp so light radiates right the lamb has light at the same time the land luminate itself the lamp is the light so in order to see the land you don't need to use flashlight to you Kailash light where is the lamp because the land is the light so self luminosity self clarity so same as our mind or our awareness the meaning mind awareness consciousness here for here now same thing so awareness knows about something form sound smell test sensation see all these things around you at the same time the mind is the monastic mine is clarity mine is knowing - right even there's no object always your mind is always clear and knowing agree or not so so the essence of meditation is the knowing to connect with that knowingness to connect with that awareness that's all not the peace joy clarity non-conceptual blissful all these are the experience of meditation they go up and down just like stock market up if specially if you look for peace a peaceful experience will say I'm busy you have to make appointment first then I will think about it no if you look for peace that's the our mind does normally no man our mind does the opposite you know when you look for something then you cannot find disappear you go to an exam you prepare all the answers study study for many many months and when you go to the exam room most of them I forget you know all the answers there and you're thinking and thinking your mind become blank blank what I didn't know before what happened so you wait and you wait and wait and nothing happened time's up you come out soon as the will you come out oh I remember that sorry now too late right or or what we call prison meditation you know piece of meditation how many of you know Pizza meditation raise your hand Pizza meditation pizza no you know how many of you know the piece of meditation raise your hand there's special piece of meditation you have I I taught that last time I think not here as a weekend right so how many of you remember that Pizza meditation raise your hand so should we try again because many of you not remember a banana I mean many of you not know about this so very important so Pete we're going the first meditation today is the piece of meditation so if it isn't meditate the piece of meditation has a one rule one rule that for one minute you are not allowed thing of pizza for one minute keynoting cannot think pizza you can think about a hamburger no problem you can think about the Chinese food Indian food Japanese food Italian Mexican what is American food hamburger anything okay of fresh salad bar organic salad bar but not the pizza for one minute if you think pizza one second you will lost this meditation so for one second I'm sorry one minute copies are all okay so first please keep your spine loosely straight and close your eyes relax muscles in your body just relax if you cannot relax is also also okay allowed that you cannot relax and you allow then you cannot relax that means you are relaxing now I will say 1 2 3 when you hear three no pizza so be ready [Music] No Oh oh okay how was it mmm here's a meditation easy or not easy not easy why lot of pizza come yeah that's normal so when you say no pizza then you will have more pizza different type of pizza right cheese pizza ah veggie pizza okay organic vegan pizza maybe you have vegan pizza yeah or meat pizza American pizza Italian pizza all these pieces jump you know if you if I think most of you not really believe this you know if you're really serious about this meditation then you are in big trouble you will find pizza everywhere so when we say no then our mind does the opposite so nann meditation meaning you are not particular doing anything you are not looking for particular non conceptual mind clarity mine one-pointed mine openness spacious blissful joy all these things what you're looking for remember awareness just knowing so just connect with that name easy or not easy actually very easy why is it very easy I will tell you later okay so maybe we will do more deeper discussion about this how about the expectation expectation about the meditation the belief about the meditation what meditation should be you know you have something that in your mind maybe we can discuss about that yeah for five minutes you can discuss with the two people three people four people five people doesn't matter just discuss about what is normally your expectation about the meditation what you feel or what you believe meditation should be right so now within five minutes and if your friend next to you don't want to discuss you talk first you know don't be shy [Music] okay so did you found that your expectation so anybody want to share whoever want to share welcome raise your hand or whatever your discussion yeah not question okay step question first I we have microphone okay okay microphone is coming one second yeah I thought my voice was so big I wouldn't need a microphone maybe they are doing recording oh I see okay so I've been meditating a long time and mostly I seem to have gotten a lot of bad habits mm-hmm like I heard you saying oh so much peace then you get busy then you don't want to do it and that's where I am now I'm too busy to meditate anymore someone else in the group said well you find your meditation in your daily activities and I went yeah that's real interesting when I sit down on the cushion now after 40 years is this what I have to look forward to so my friend said to me you know maybe you should try going to your minja Rinpoche maybe he will teach it to you a different way she didn't say this that even you will get it but I okay so I will tell you something and you will change your life you know I'm just kidding that is how to build with a habit so later I will tell you later someone raise your hand someone somebody raise in there yeah I did someone there yeah my my expectation is just to have stability of awareness and what is the awareness your you're thinking about normally what is the awareness awareness of mind just knowing or like more open open yeah more openness yeah spacious yes clarity yes non conceptual yeah okay that's Dessau know much my expectation right so awareness not necessary to have openness not necessarily feel spacious not necessarily feel clarity also right no it's just knowing natural knowing south-south luminosity so we need to tell our self again and again become more normal or natural deconstruct the meditation yeah good good somebody here who lady there first thank you I get lost a lot lost so much and I think it's a meditations a destination a place to arrive at your order to no good behind I think through my expectation of meditations through meditation I would like to find awareness and through meditation I would like to find my my mind the nature of the Buddha nature and through meditation I would like to find a moment of contemplation and continuously I would like to have that continuously extend that contemplation throughout my daily lives and the ultimate goal is through meditation I would like to find the nature of mind my mind the real mind that Rhianna the nature and then of course I have a goal the reason I want to find my nature my Buddha nature is that I would like to just like Buddha I would be able to sell liberated and I would like to be able to to also help all the sentient beings that's the meditation expectation of meditation I want to do yes we have the objective goals of course but the experiential level is very subtle now so the subtle is my meditation now I'm I think I'm doing right oh yeah peaceful now now is non conceptual now its net nature of mind now it's not nature of mind now yes openness now suspicious now still you're looking for experience so all these are come okay if those openness spacious clarity comes wonderful you can appreciate that feel happy about your experience but don't think that this is the sno meditation it's just experience to tell yourself it's like stock market or up and down so will not be forever so when we believe or when we expecting this has to be forever so that's the concern there's a grasp in our permanent and the second thing is oh this is the realization supreme singularity you know what we call grasping up singularity but feel happy about your experience completely okay Wow today I have nice meditation experience great I'm so happy I appreciate gratitude who knows tomorrow it will go away so that's the you you're accepting as experience and expecting that it will change but SNS awareness awareness no need to have flavor not necessary just knowing it's just consciousness it's just your own mind isn't it so back to awareness back to events if we want to have the goal goal is to connect with awareness and doesn't matter about the quality doesn't matter about the writing wrong right is in the awareness wrong isn't awareness clarity and awareness dull is in awareness peaceful is in the awareness painful is also in demands happiness in the is also in awareness suffering is also in the Venice right so awareness is like sky and these peace not peace spacious black and white openness close tight card Allah Bala yada yada all these are like cloud cloud in the sky so blue sky with sun shining great dark flute polluted you know so low pollution now right clusion lot of lotion now collusion with the stone also okay for the sky nature of sky is always free free from cloud free from pollution free from stone right that and bright doesn't matter for the nature of sky so for the awareness it doesn't matter it's always there always present always peaceful but the problem is we are not connected with awareness we are not recognized awareness we don't know how to be with awareness we are looking for special cloud they would you know beautiful with the rim were around trainers with a little bit of the light inside and then suddenly the beautiful favorite cloud disappear then we feel not happy a storm comes oh now I'm in trouble big trouble now what about the sky doesn't matter right sky never say shoot my favorite flower is gone you know how I need my favorite club come back please okay so let's try to practice one simple meditation training and we will still explore about this this first non meditation okay [Music] which-which meditation technique I will teach the basic meditation how about the breath breathing meditation right anybody who ever practiced breathing meditation before Traci hen everybody good so on this time forget about the whatever you normally usual breathing meditation you know it might have some expectations now just know your breath you don't need to look for particular flavor as long as if you know your breath your mind come okay not come okay peace okay not peace okay openness okay not openness okay as long as if you know the pretty right if you become unconscious than you cannot know your breath so as long as you're not unconscious you know you're breathing you're fine okay now how many of you are breathing right now raise your hand that's all that's all you need to know awareness so when I ask you how many of you're breathing right now you raise your hand that means you're aware of your breath that's all not necessary to do particular concentration on breath you know I'm going to practice this breathing meditation no pizza has to be right no need peace okay not P so concentrate over not considered as long is if you know your breath you're fine okay so please keep your spine loosely straight and close your eyes first feel your body feel your body feel the gravity in the body and relax muscles in your body we can buy head hat face neck shoulders back chest and stomach arms and legs now just to be aware of your breath doesn't matter the sound fun ring is okay as long as if you can still remember your breath whatever sound comes no problem okay how was it more more free this breathing meditation feels like more free raise your hand yeah if you don't feel free Allah also allow that you are not free so when you allow that you're not free that means you're free right I have to be free I could be free I feel free and again like a more complicated so you are even open to have not free that means you are free you can even open to judgment that means you have become non-judgmental if you say don't judge don't judge don't just you're judging right okay and not judge is okay you're not judging so the goal here is awareness as long as if you know you're breathing everything's okay you don't need to have strong concentration if you look for strong concentration a strong concentration will say I'm busy you helped to make appointment you know similar piece if you look for peas please please mind and the peace of mind say I'm busy right if you look for like exam you go to exam room and look for unser and you mind become blank so when you you don't have to look particular anything you don't need to particular block anything don't say no pizza if he succumbs why not let pizza come and that pizza not become obstacle for your awareness meditation as long as if you remember your breathing trip is a repeater 10 pizza comes around you know no problem yeah so then if we practice like that then this what we call craving grasping and aversion the hatred or the medical it dissolves it free by itself liberate by itself through the breathing meditation through knowing connecting with awareness so then you can apply this in everyday life so when you see the life freeing from craving and Napa craving and attachment a fixation mind you see the reality very clear normally we don't see reality very clear because there's a lot of layers of all this concept aversion craving craving attachment aversion craftsman like this role when I was young I had panic attacks and the moon the biggest problem for the panic attacks is fear Oh panic panic panic so that is the the most problem so I slowly slowly learn how to welcome the panic I asked my father you know my father is a don't fight with the panic just welcome so then I tried to say welcome but why I want to say welcome because I want to get rid of my panic so the still the motivation is same but even you don't mean really welcome the painting you're faking it you know it still helps but fake welcome actually but it helps it is a big step so what I'm saying is hello penny welcome if I say welcome then you will not come back again right you know but that helps but then in the end I really accept my panic I I make friends with my panic so then when the panic comes I don't mind I feel quite excited oh you know penny coming there's a symptoms are still there heartbeat tightening disease sweating uncomfortable class unpleasant experience in from the stomach some time some time from the heart go to all over the body like you're in the in the aeroplane and if you don't like the aeroplane passing through the turbulence and you feel terrible right so yeah so that really helps but it took me five years to understand that so you may not get right now maybe you get it from the intellectual level I still experience a level you will not get it it's okay no problem even if they get it's quite good fake it until make it right what do you call fake it till you make it take it till you make it okay so now non meditation is finished understand clear not clear you have question microphone Thank You PJ my question was about one pointedness and you kind of address that a little bit so it's it's much more relaxed state so then when we're looking when we're maintaining an awareness mission above anything there's a little bit of a one-pointed feel to that but you're saying it's it's easy very easy so when you not particularly look for one point in this some time one point in it comes very strong that's good why not when you look for one pointedness then one point in say I'm busy you know you have to make a point man you know you have I have a lot of requirement for you not of how to say agreement we have to do requirement requirement right yeah but if you don't care sometime very strong kind of situation comes it's not like not allowed concentration even down is allowed why not concentration allowed right even confusion is allowed even doubt is allowed out even negative emotion is allowed so you're allowing when you allowed your mind become bigger bigger go beyond craving and aversion normally this true makes our mind very narrow black and white sensitive easy to cry easy to explore easy to burn disappear person step right now your mind bigger bigger bigger more brave more confident more contentment become like space okay now it does what is the second one don't get no no no yeah yeah bring your loss yeah I get lost the second one is don't get lost so meaning we need to connect with awareness we need to be with awareness we need to recognize awareness so that is really important so you are not meditating why you're not get lost so their sense of presence sense of being sense of relaxation right for example how many of you when you read the books you know books and you're reading and reading reading after some time you read three four pages but you don't know what the book is talking about anybody who ever experienced like that raise your hand so that means your loss it lost you become like a zombie you know you're just reading and you don't know what is what's there and the moment of you know oh I lost but do you feel you feel like wake up right you feel like back to alive again oh the sense of a sense of that is the sense of being sense of presence yeah so you're not lost when you lost your become like a zombie or mostly your unconscious whatever in the book you have no idea you become like this so to connect with the awareness connect with them sense of being how do that a first important is we need to recognize awareness awareness what is the awareness hmm so what is awareness knowing okay no eNOS right and so first recognize awareness what what is eveni knowingness second motivation the motivation of I'm going to meditate oh I'm going to be oh I'm going to press it so that motivation helps the the recognition of awareness bring the recognition of awareness what we call view a view which is recognize awareness and that motivation helps to connect together with whatever you're do you know maybe breathing meditation maybe the sound meditation maybe the visual object so whatever meditation just knowing the breath automatically connect with awareness by recognizing what is awareness and then now you just know the breath knowing breath is awareness you connect with our wellness so automatically will connect you don't have to aware of the awareness because awareness has self self clarity south knowing South luminosity right so knowing knowing press will automatically connect with awareness yes good clear no yes I will do examination I do this examination a lot so examination of awareness so maybe there's there's no fairly no failure of examination okay because since this is the examination of awareness so nobody going to fail so don't worry so I have only three questions and you can answer what do you think don't be shy and you will not lost anyway I'd say hell fail it will not fail anyway right so I do ready for the examination how many of you are ready okay the three questions are first how many of you recognize awareness raise your hand okay second question how many of you think still not really recognized yet not recognize awareness raised yet good third question how many of you maybe I don't know what this guy talking about yes your head good okay so that now a great party cool what do you call resort great or result great yes so all of you are pass all of you are very smart you know some art student so congratulation okay so do you have any idea about how all of your past awareness of not knowing is awareness correct so you said I don't know awareness right do you know that you don't know awareness if you know you don't know awareness that is awareness so you pass very easy very simple it's just right there and some of you said maybe not sure right do you know you're not sure so if you know you're not sure you recognize okay so pass also and those who said yes those of you said yes I recognize of course you pass so all of your pass so further awareness it doesn't matter you recognize or not recognized or your confuse isn't it it doesn't matter so this is the blue you all pass so that's the fluke that it doesn't matter for the awareness recognizes not recognize confused it doesn't matter awareness is like sky all this there whatever cloud all this cloud are happening in the sky without sky there will be no cloud so whatever yes no right feeling thought emotion you know blah blah blah area all are happening in the awareness in your mind in this clarity without mind without clarity without this consciousness you cannot have all this thought and emotion and feeling anywhere right very simple a simple step as simple as that know how to say look a symbol snapped yeah assembly step but the problem is too simple too easy so that's the problem too simple we cannot not easy to recognize too easy cannot believe I think this is not just just just normal mine not mine I had that before I learn meditation you okay so you all have this awareness 24-hour all the time right believe or not how many of you believe how many of you not believe it doesn't matter who's believing is awareness who's not believing also awareness it's just like gravity you know whether you believe or not stir there it doesn't matter but what I what I say is you all have a weariness 24 hour right yes or not even I will tell this later what we will even five unconscious moment are the what we call mental event is kind of like clout in the night in the countryside completely become full of cloud sky completely become full of crap cloud but nature of sky is not become back right so still it's free from that so what is the essence of meditation awareness do you have awareness 24 hours yes are you meditating 24 hours so now we have big problem right a sense of meditation is awareness and you have awareness 24 hour but you are not meditating 24 hour how is that so this is a really important topic I have to discuss about three minutes you know the discussion topic how many of you not clear about the discussion topic raise your hand okay the discussion topic is I told you the essence of meditation is awareness right and awareness with you 24 hour but you are not meditating 24 hour not only you're not meditating you have a lot of all available in the area really you're not free awareness free you know event as peaceful by you're not peaceful a lot of things there I mean it's perfect but we are not perfect why is there so the so the discussion topic is what is the discussion topic hmm we have awareness 24 hour per we are not meditating 24 hour why is that okay now begin the discussion for three minutes okay after the discussion more clearer or more confuse more confused raise your hand more confused a good sign more confused is begin to understand more clear also good okay any questions about this yep question raise your hand continuously you said that dullness and confusion were also okay yeah but the dullness and confusion is when I lose recognition of awareness and I'm just Sambi so would you talk about that a little bit more yeah when you lo lose concentration when you feel the zombie the important thing is feel the zombie if you feel the zombie you're okay if you don't feel the zombie that's the loss so of course we lost we cannot maintain the recognition very long time the shot you come back in also can come back in a second the important thing is when you're not lost even you feel dull it's okay even you feel there is zombie it's okay if you know you're feeling zombie then means you're not lost annoyingness that is the important normally what do you think Oh zombie zombie no no no no no I need clarity oh well again but that means you are already connected with awareness but you don't know so sometimes what we call using the flashlight under the Sun and in the night if you use flashlight very clear and you go out again you use flashlight under the Sun you think what happen is this flashlight last night was so clear no no something wrong you know clearly so the knowingness is the key it doesn't matter what about the experience but of course you cannot maintain too long if you lost again come begin again come again so what we got short time any time it's really important also we just need to do short time many people ask me yeah meditation Chinese area code how can I maintain this long time there's there's no particular technique that you cannot maintain no the only way is repeat again so what we call meditation in Tibetan word gum gum meaning get familiar with so all the meaning of the meditation is getting familiar with awareness to get more familiar more familiar as short at the beginning doesn't doesn't have most of the time there's no flavor we are expecting a flavor or come play spacious openness presence even you don't feel the present okay you know you don't feel present that means you're in the present so at the beginning is like this maybe I will give you example about short time short time anytime meaning okay like that short no the sound and not-so-nice know oh yeah dissipate at the beginning like this meditation class again breath loss again are you come back again something you feel like you continue to wear but actually your loss and comeback loss and come business it's very fast ok still ok and there's a lolly big on IDs I don't know sound sounds better and then I think [Music] [Music] us again Oh [Music] Oh clear and longer try again yeah and number right now you're getting more familiar with the awareness [Music] they're nice not and clear and clear meaning your clearer more clear with awareness more confident so don't don't try to mention very long at the beginning then you feel very tired and bored and then confused and and then you feel like you know I have better I'd rather grab my phone it's better you know my smartphone look at things the message there you know I put some photo before and how many likes you know only three some people come to me complain about you know not many likes and asked me to pray more like see more likes on the photo okay so you cannot stay long but if you're trying to stay long become like this you know nice no in the issue the more expectation above meditation is the concentration concentration one pointedness think of nothing Shh I'm meditating keep quiet and sometime and in the West policing out looking for peace joy specialist urban airs clarity big smile I'm totally so when you still has your tight already and special people who really want to jump to the heart of the Mahmud or heart of the MIDI what they do is no conceptual oh there's concept coming no no no no not supposed to are not supposed to be any concern this is the man or the practice Marty a union of samsara and Nirvana so no concept right you're not allowing the concept that means more concept you're not allowing the judge you're judging but this practice is you allowed adjust so then that is the biggest step for the non-judgmental you accepting right and wrong money yes and no that is the biggest step for the non conceptual the real known conceptual experience so remember the essence of meditation awareness so awareness can be with object without object so here we are being with object the object is your breath so if you know your your breathing you already not lost you already connected with awareness you're not lost okay why because a recognition of the awareness and then the motivation combination of this to just knowing the breath become meditation okay so I haven't give you answer about the discussion right how many of you want to know the answer raise your hand how many of you don't want to not answer I can give you answered the afternoon so now better or I've been done better okay the answer doesn't matter so I think you might know the real answer is there is no issue that we have awareness or not it's not issue but issue is the recognition we not recognize our own awareness so the meditation the real purpose about the meditation is recognize our own awareness and maintain that recognition so to maintain that recognition with the breath become breathing meditation knowing breath knowing breath breathing in breathing out breathing in right now or to maintain that recognition with the sound with the visual object with the body with a sensation with thought with emotion or without object just be with itself yeah so what we call open awareness meditation open press in meditation or Shimada without object so all these are the how to maintain the recognition of awareness so once you maintain the recognition of awareness again again again then you will have discover a disc of discovery discovery discover you will have a lot of discovery you will discover your fundamental quality of your own mind which is this boundless awareness and this awareness is always free free from concept free from thought and emotion but at the same time you can have thought any emotion sky is free from cloud but at the same time you can have cloud isn't it it's very important very important point meditation is we are not trying to block caught any emotion with we are not trying to controlling anything we are not trying to this is actually uncontrived subject you know I will tell you later so meditation is just recognized awareness and be with it so once you discover your great quality within yourself that is the beginning of enlightenment of course enlightenment not having just now like that you know there's a lot of steps you know step by step not just one day suddenly lighted and what should I do now some people ask me can you tell me I'm already enlightened or not you know so if you asked your enlightened or not that means you're not or some people say I'm already enlightened that means also something wrong okay so oh yeah normally I give example about the watch so do you know what is the main quality of the watch first time right if you have the best watch in the world maybe diamond with the pure golden Rolex might be the best right you know after you and you don't know your own watch you just thought it's just kind of late romantic bracelet bracelet you don't know is watch so can watch tell your time or not if you don't know your own watch so if you don't know your own watch even you have the best watch the watch cannot tell your time right there's not issue whether you have the watch or not you have watch but the issue is you're not recognize your own watch so the quality of watch cannot manifest for you awareness system awareness is just like best watch in the world and the quality of awareness is free present pure not only that there's wisdom love compassion all this thing are all these things are there what we call our basic nature basic goodness our true nature our true nature is always perfect perfect wonderful but we need to recognize the only issues we have to recognize so you have awareness 24 hours but problem is you know now what is the problem non recognized and cannot maintain the recognition we lost I don't know how to be with that right we lost with a club we don't know how to be with her but sky yeah that's the answer okay so now next is what is the number three uncontrived uncontrollably you already got it they already got it now the meaning of uncontrived what is the meaning of uncontrived okay we're going to meditate on the breathing again and then let's see after that I will to the examination okay so please keep your spine lose the straight and you know how to practice breathing meditation if you are new new to meditation it's very simple you know your your breathing that's all breathing in you know that your breathing you know that your breathing out that's all so now we close eyes and feel the body release the muscles in your body and also if you're not if you cannot realize also okay right remember allowed you don't need to control anything you don't have to worry about doing right or wrong awareness is the basis of all this right and wrong feeling yes and no feeling or thinking la ba la pelea de yada yada all these are in the wareness and awareness is free and palpable Valley area all these are like loud so don't worry just be with awareness be yourself you are free actually you have this a wonderful nature which is awareness and this awareness is totally free now please be aware to be aware of your breath nose they are breathing breathing in breathing out and your breath totally natural normal breath now please open your eyes and you just be with awareness itself how to build awareness itself just rest just let your mind as it is okay how was it good good rezian not so good raise your hand do you know not so good if you feel that your not so good that means you're good all we feel not so good maybe you you don't we don't have these flavors peace concentration openness kind of like please warm right it's ok as long as it if you feel like you are not doing correct remember that still you remember my bread or not if you still remember your breath or try to remember your breath you already connect with awareness or even when you're asking am i doing the right meditation or wrong meditation you're already connect with awareness right so when you lost that iZombie write it in book remember oh the moment of you know you lost you back so it's kind of like very tricky one ways because so easy sometimes oh I lost then we look for awareness when you look for awareness you cannot grab also you cannot really identify the what is awareness that's also good on me it's like water when you try to grab by hand you cannot grab it right air when you try to grab the air can you know but still air is there so just be with it as long as if you are not become unconscious you are not a zombie you're okay so or if you feel great you know if you feel great it's great but watch out you know if you feel good and then my have the expectation again ahaha cool now he is non conceptual non judgmental mmm-hmm so when you feel great you can appreciate will feel happy about feeling great but the done thing that it will be last long it will not last long try afternoon completely different disaster but you have still breath right even you feel disaster so try to know that you're breathing even you feel disaster if you're not still your breathing you okay so that is the meaning of uncontrolled and contrived meaning you are not controlling anything blocking anything making anything it's just being and the main thing what you are being you're being with awareness so understand three important things so afternoon we will I will do the bee examination about this three awareness I mean a theory principle of the meditation not III awareness sorry three principle of the meditation so I will give you homework during lunch time so try to be with you can be with the breath or be with the food be with the taste be with the walking you know that you're walking which one easy for you you can do that okay which one easy for you you can do that try that if you feel lazy know that you're lazy be aware of that you're feeling lazy so you can be with the lazy you know if you can be with the lazy good you don't have to fight with the lazy you know kind of like a sensation go through the muscles you don't want to move your hand maybe you'd maybe the main problem for you might be the sit straight if you are lazy and you cannot sit straight you can line down right side down like sleeping buddha posture you saw the photo so left side left hand around your your face and then like left sorry right hand around here left hand on your braver leg and the leg little bit straight no need to lock like that but loosely straight you can lie down meditate or sky gazing posture meaning you can face up you can keep your pillar very low to hide in your neck bent you know so keep still keep your spine loosely straight if you line down so face up the hen and legs are straight you can still practice meditation so three choice seven posture proceeding say living buddha posture or sky gazing posture or walking meditation you walk with the tibia spine loosely straight don't walk like that you know [Music] just loosely straight if you're naturally you're you'll become like this then it's okay sometimes the bones are crooked it's okay and you can do still practice meditation these are I'm talking about the formal meditation for more formally you know informal meditation then you don't have to worry about the posture you know you cannot do the all this posture while you're eating food seven posture doesn't work sleeping buddha posture eating doesn't know sky gazing so the informal meditation you can apply everywhere anytime during the lunch time you you have to practice there okay and if you communicate with others discuss about this three principle of the meditation you can discuss what you heard of what you understand not that you're teaching to others you know but you reflect on what you understand up through my teaching about these three principles you can discuss about that and after you come back I have big examination for you so we will stop here
Channel: Palpung Lungtok Choeling Temple
Views: 155,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 明就仁波切, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Meditation
Id: 7BnebkKJ2PE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 2sec (5582 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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