Full Teaching - The End of Suffering: Finding Freedom from the Causes of Unhappiness

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hello everyone first of all there's some questions so I would like to answer those questions I have develop a strong fear of awareness in post meditation I even have a version to practice how can I help myself through this obstacle yeah sometime what we call there's energy movement I think I mentioned energy movement in the past lectures but this wheelchair I mean the YouTube online live lectures I talk about the energy movement last time so sometime we have energy movement then when we meditate and suddenly sometimes we have energy movement so when we meditate certainly we will feel fear sometime a joy sometime in the press so dad is sometime connected with the energy movement so why this fear because when you're raising awareness certainly there's some kind of light some experts um experience which is you never had before so therefore this fear comes and for some people there's a fear of um what we call fear of happiness fear of the beyond concept fear of the performers so sometime there is some kind of fear but that fears could sign but anyway both of both fear with energy movement or fear with the / founders of or non-conceptual all this a good sign the important is you have to recognize it is good sign then the relation will change otherwise oh I'm not supposed to have fear fear is no good so that concept is the problem but you know these are fear of awareness fear of non concepts or fear of happiness fear of / founders this is a good sign so if you know it's a good sign and you tell yourself is okay it's okay and eventually no problem and sometime if you have strong fear you can do physical exercise so that will helps and also so meditation when we have the strong fear all these there's four steps right I think I mentioned last video with the sensation meditation so you can connect with awareness to be aware first one to be aware or watch second is step back know second is try something different so when you connect with awareness sometime that awareness also say to be the fear or sometimes you watch a panic panic become stronger change listen to sound or watch your breath so do something else I don't know meditation training and third step back meaning fear of fear watch a version of the whatever practice or whatever the emotion and fourth is take a break so don't practice meditation just take a break so taking play is sometime part of practice some can feel very stone take a break a problem should we spend our longer time on a meditation or studying Buddhist philosophy it depends if you really want to study you're young you have energetic you can study more but of course meditation is really important in Buddhism all this Buddhist philosopher all this study is for meditation so this is important but if you don't have much time you're busy and you're a little bit you know that H is a little bit higher then just focus on meditation practice and study instructions what you go into practice learn well and then meditate so traditional example is e that's two way um one is tradition tradition example is two way one is if when you take medicine if you know how this medicine you know what is the things inside meditation medicine how to make this medicine what is my disease you learn all these things if you take medicine good you know but then another is you didn't learn what is in the medicine and what is my dizzy how to make medicine but you have to go to meet one good doctor and you take medicine from the doctor you so for the diseases sim but if you learn a lot actually it is help to prevent wrong path but one problem is it takes so much time and if you don't practice then there's a weakness and the second is if the wrong doctor might be also problem isn't it but also another way is if you take it you take it then amid if you taking this medicine immediately benefit right so the one is beginning study a lot and meditate and one person statue what they want to practice one true style one is study a lot in a minute a second is just study the instructions how to practice and meditate so this true style you're teaching helped me a lot but still I face panic and anxiety attacks am I expecting too much out of this meditation so sometime when we practice meditation the all this panic all this not go away right away for me it takes two five years aiya panic when I was seven but really I know when I was eight and I learned meditation when I was nine so I continue to meditate mine ten of course on and off on and of lazy I'm lazy no eleven so until when I went to retreat so it took me five years to really become friend with the panic so don't expect you learn meditation now and tomorrow will heal so it's take some time and another thing is motivation is very important don't try to don't try to fight with the panic so important is I think very important don't try to fight with any important years think about I'm going to learn how to live with my panic I think is really important what do you do if you can see the good in a person yeah so you cannot see normally we can do the meditation of appreciation gratitude so you can write down about the person's normally what we call if there's ten quality within that person one negative nine positive you don't see nine positive we see one negative isn't it so how did so how to change that you can write down so five things every day you can appreciate that yourself also sometimes people has self-hatred and appreciative of yourself appreciate about others appreciate about the world five things every day that really helps how do practice if sometimes sadness about what is happening is bigger than the desired true practice yeah so that is the sometimes it happens so normally what we call try to develop inspiration so to find the sense of meaning to practice so why I'm I'm practice it's not only benefit for myself I want to practice people who around me because if you become little bit peaceful it helps your friends family people around you there's a really great influence comes great kind of like contagious and and every you can give influence three people they can influence another internet connection is impermanent so they can influence another so eventually it will help for the society bigger in general and then another thing is what are the benefit for to find this ystem to discover your true nature there's a lot of great quality within yourself to understand those things but these are two cents to find the meaning the motivation is very important at the beginning and the second important is when you meditate you have to make to some creativity make it creative so maybe there are many meditation techniques isn't it now breath sound mental recitation appreciation so many different many meditation techniques what you can do is change time to time so changing is very important one meditation training for support and the second thing is that you can maybe let's say you can make special for one or two days special walk with the anxiety or maybe meditate while you're walking meditate while exercise or cooking or tomorrow I will focus more about cooking meditation or next day I will do meditation whether you're talking so a next day I will do meditation whether watching on the smartphone you know you might have this habit but you can join your existing habit with the meditation okay so today teaching is about how to free the causes of suffering or causes of unhappiness so normally the Buddha teach about 4 noble truth for truth so first is truth of suffering second is the truth of causes of suffering and then the third is Nirvana which is the freedom and the last is the path that with a path so therefore mobile truth so we discussed a lot about the suffering from the beginning and we I discussed a little bit about the path meditation also so today I would like to mentor us about the causes of suffering so the causes of suffering or causes of unhappiness is normally there are three things there so a version attachment or craving and ignorant so there are three things a version is kind of like rejecting dislike try to get rid of which is you don't like it so try to push away a version and then the attachment craving is try to get try to cheap and base of this true is ignorant and the line of these two is ignorant so this tree is the causes of suffering so maybe I will give example about my panic so when I was young I have panic attacks so when I was young I have panic attacks so my panic the one of the main problem for my panic panic panic fear or panic a version so it took me five years to recognize that a version you know I have this aversion since eight years old and even though I received his meditation from my father and my father always said don't try to fire in my panic make it as friend so I tried that but still in my mind you know when I try to accept my panic when I try to make friend with my panic my main motivation is try to get it on my panic I love Hanna Qualcomm if I say welcome then you will not come back again you know so five years so then I went to retreat for three years to you know three years non-stop retreat and I told everybody oh I didn't do this retreat although I'm young but then what happened the first month my panic become worse and I thought I want to leave out of retreat but I feel embarrassed because I told many of my friends now I can do this so then in the end I really accept my friend and I decided to learn how to leave it my how I decided to learn how to live with my panic so dad has really helped me when I let go of a version then all the sudden this kind of like openness relieved some kind of freedom and my mind become bigger and then I don't mind panic all those symptoms - they're so so then when I really accept my panic symptoms - there but then this dislike feelings gone I don't mind with the panic and in fact I feel little bit when the panic comes I feel excited you know so that really helps okay so maybe and this is not with the panic not only with panic you can look at entire your life the real cause of suffering is this a version 103 the one of the one of the main causes yeah three but one of the main causes is it's a version so that aversion create panic depression fear sense of it screeching so that is not only with the panic everything in your life depression also and that happened with the relationship and your workplace the more you try to push away in the mind more resist more there's more aversion then even more difficult more resist more push away and more difficulty in your life okay so maybe we will so this is not only with the panic right everything in your life related with this aversion it's become very make worse so maybe we will do small example today so normally what I call pizza meditation so we will do peace of meditation so internet connection is not so well so now peace of meditation is there's one rule that you are not allowed to think of pizza for one minute okay so I will say 1 2 3 so when you here but when I said to you need a tree-planting of a pizza you can think of anything you can think about Apple Pass future to-do list whatever but no pizza okay now please close your eyes okay I will say one two three okay when you hear three please don't think about pizza three no pizza please don't eat pizza hmm how was it do you think about Pisa or not I bet you thing all these I think more Pisa comes in your mind isn't it the moment of you said don't think of a pizza what happened we will think about pizza so now here one thing about pizza is a version you try to block resist dislike push away so when you try to push away what we do is what our mind does the opposite you will think more about the pizza so then what happened slowly slowly you will make small problem as big problem so small problem seemingly become bigger bigger bigger louder louder more powerful it will help you it will make you unhappy so desktop a version so then there's some when there's a version then obviously there's a craving and the craving is looking for something and that is the solidifies the converse stone is like drinking what we call drinking salty water the more you drink you will more you will feel more thirsty like for example if you go to exam you prepare for the exam for many weeks soon as if you enter the exam hall half of your mind and so then you see all these questions you know I know the answer unser don't want to come then the time's up now the exam time is finished and when you go out of the exam hall the moment of you come out of exam I remember oops you know now too late isn't it so a version and craving these two add up like when you drive a car accelerator and brake right so like that so we are driving car of samsara samsara meaning suffering cycle cycle of suffering so we are driving car of suffering by a version accelerator aversion craving aversion brake accelerate accelerator and brake using this true version and base of this true is engine we have to own the engine right that is ignorant so what is ignorant opposite of awareness so ignorant is without awareness loving compassion and wisdom for these three these three awareness compassion wisdom always together actually it's kind of like flame has light heat and color right just one thing but different quality so how to free this suffering you cannot really free suffering I wonder free my suffering but don't think about pizza you will think more pizza I I need peace so when your loop of peace peace we'll say I'm busy I don't have time you have to make appointment so when you look for something look like that thing is going away when you try to get rid of something looks like that thing is always available come to you more so you cannot really free sorry unhappiness just thinking that I want free I want happiness so now what to do then so you have to not secret secret of the universe you have another secret the key so what is the secret so here in the meditation the real secret is a real secret is it's just there with you actually the real secret it is your fundamental quality is it is your true nature it is there with you but you need to recognize it that's the big secret you are perfect fantastic I told I discussed this many times in the last teachings isn't it so we need to recognize that so what we need to recognize a secret within us the key so the word are the secrets awareness compassion wisdom so dad we need to recognize so so within this few days I discussed about meditation training many times and little bit about love and compassion and an appreciation a little bit so for example we learn about the breathing meditation right breathing meditation so when we learn about breathing meditation we are connecting with awareness so watching the breath okay so now today online live teaching was not successful so this was great lesson now I'm watching my feeling aware of my sensation in my body that's the awareness and don't try to fight with that sensation we have this conceptual mind saying oh it's too bad many people are waiting and then from the physical level they might have different sensation comes from stomach sometime from heart and it's like wave is go throughout the body so then you just be with them where and and then these sensations become your friend actually just like breath that perhaps become your friend now this sensation become your friend this sensation become object of your meditation and when you are facing this sensation the aversion is not there so when you watch your breath you don't have the version of your breath right I don't want this breath I'm practicing breathing reject stop doesn't know you need a breath or something now when you meditate with the sensation you can't have sensation all the unpleasant sensation you can meditate with unpleasant sensation and now unpleasant sensation become support for your meditation and you just be with it you don't have to do anything you don't have to control the sensation you don't need to fight this sensation your embrace and then what happened the sensation is become like in the sky and awareness become my sky awareness is with us all the time no matter what kind of bad sensation or crazy sensation Pleasant sensation unpleasant sensation it doesn't matter so crazy weather in my hometown we have snowstorm in the winter crazy for a few months summer thunderstorm also crazy and my father said it doesn't change the sky right sky is always present pure free so awareness is like that actually what we don't see them we are not recognized so that is a combination is the wisdom so freedom the real liberation freedom begin with this wisdom recognize the awareness recognize love and compassion with us 24-hour actually and recognize within recognize wisdom within ourself so these are very important so how to free aversion and craving first important is the wisdom so once you recognize who you are you are great you have awareness your love and compassion your wisdom so your fundamental qualities like sky so this is really important so then after that what happen is you will what we call doing verse being so you just be with the for example when you watch breath first step is watching breath isn't it sometime you know when I was young I have this question you know watching bread is stupid I want to free my panic and my father said watch today tomorrow next month what is the benefit of watching this bread but actually we are connecting with awareness so awareness is our fundamental quality so this wire really helps us to be free although it's ruble I stupid right at the beginning wisdom is very smart you're not the reason loving compassion oh but so but this is really important so first even when we learn meditation with the breathing first to be connected with awareness knowing the breath is wisdom and then we are allowed to have thought emotion not like peace of meditation is the meditation counting up a pizza right so now with the breathing meditation you can have pizza you can have past present future talk to drool is panic you can have depression but you're not lost as long as if you remember your breath just cleans up remembering your breath so just clips of the breath as long as if you remember your breath everything you want coming if this 10-piece that comes around you okay okay so when you when you say okay that is really brave actually courage that is the beginning of opening opening yourself welcoming and that is really you're learning how to free the aversion you cannot free a version that I'm trying to free this a version doesn't work but then you just you don't have to look for them if it doesn't want to come great you don't need to look for pizza in Pisa I want to come welcome so that is you're freeing a version from the subtle level is the key secret I told you we have a secret right you have to another key a secret really with the brain then second important is now now study important stuff first important you connect with the breath that's awareness wisdom second is welcoming so you're freeing a version and third is don't care about the ecology now so good meditation pad meditation peace joy clarity non-conceptual olala whatever those experience so awareness is important joy clarity non-conceptual these are the experience of meditation not the essence of meditation so essence of meditation is awareness don't care about those then one good news is with you all the time remember sky sky is always there no matter how much the crazy cloud comes you cannot lose sky you cannot last - actually so all these feelings like panic depression joy it's like wave of the ocean wherever wave goes water course the wave cannot go beyond water so water is the awareness wave is this up in the emotion summary sky Klout is always in the sky in a cloud cannot go beyond sky as long as glimpse of awareness so this way you are freeing a causes of suffering causes of unhappiness and you free any freedom so remember how to free this you cannot free that I want to free right when you said no pizza more pizza when you look for I need answer you cannot find out so that's how our monkey mind works so now key is here just connect with your fundamental quality awareness love and compassion and wisdom so now here our main focus the first step is the awareness but as I mentioned before there is love and compassion because when you one come pizza welcome to do this welcome panic welcome to pressure that is the real kind that is a real compassion you're not fighting with yourself you are not fighting with those actually you're really kind whatever mistake whatever past guilt whatever past worry let them come that is compassion there's a real kindness so loving compassion also there and then at the same time there's a wisdom recognition of awareness is the wisdom so wisdom is their love and compassion is there then of us awareness also there so three three three in one know sometimes we can buy coffee three in one right by 1 K 2 3 so then eventually what happened you will discover awareness love and compassion wisdom with you so that is what we call the secession truth of cessation nirvana freedom liberation so you will discover who you are the Nirvana is not like a place where you can go very nice place you know there's no such place wherever you go there's no such place that there's no suffering actually wherever you go if you're not free this aversion craving and ignorant within your mind a suffering will follow you as like shadow wherever you go even though you reach the best place very nice fantastic I will follow you there but if you free here this is the Nirvana this is a freedom this is the liberation so that is the third what we call noble truth so today I meant all of us it is true so we I already focus last time about truth of suffering all these lectures I took a lot of those and the path which is meditation breathing meditation sound the mental recitation first step and second step with watching aware watching the sensation third step is open awareness I already discussed this and the appreciation gratitude also but some paths there and today the causes of suffering is a version craving attachment and ignorant right and how to free their recognizing the Nirvana what is in Nirvana your true nature awareness love and compassion wisdom which is there within yourself it had recognized no no this is my job so if you if you if you don't have grasped in a version not judgment then we think like if we lose everything in a way is true right if you don't hold mala you lose money right lose relationship yes another way although you let go of your hand so this is another big secret I don't know should I tell you or not if you want I will show you one so this magic is although I let go of my hand but he will not lose mala okay I let go of my last so it's different so although you will slowly free from a version craving ignorant but you still have wisdom that wisdom is really you still have love and compassion you will have awareness so awareness love and compassion wisdom it really helps your life actually it will help to develop peace happiness skills talents if you want it will help for the relationship it will develop your alive outside inside it will benefit for yourself and for others win-win situation right so therefore don't worry sometimes what we call we have three sense of self unhealthy sense of self it's like this grasp then this is opposite of craftsman but still you are there then last is luminous self Oh so beyond self or the ultimate ultimate reality it's just me so step by step practice and I will stop here for for today and sorry about today internet was not good for the not good for the live streaming but I think this record will benefit for you thank you
Channel: Tergar Meditation Community
Views: 92,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meditation, mindfulness, tergar, mingyur rinpoche, buddhism, compassion, awareness, wisdom, anxiety, suffering, coronavirus
Id: 310VtSLIPzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 46sec (2746 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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