Living Well with Pain - with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

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welcome back so today the main topic is about how to work with the pain but before that there's some questions so first I would like to answer some of these questions the question is when you say to make friends with your panic how do you focus when feeling short of breath or feeling like I'm dying how do we welcome this and be peaceful with it so I think if you're new to meditation first you cannot really welcome the panic so what the first step is in the first I did for the second video I taught about few meditation techniques like watching the breath when the panic comes just try to - no you're pretty quitting or just listen to sound any sound you can have music like especially at the beginning of nature sound like water birds or eventually any sound and the third is the mental recitation so come up a word and decide that in your mind again again without using your lips and tongues so close your mouths silently recite these words so three meditation timing firsts so do it this about three to one week then second step is try to be mindful with sensation in the body so first you can begin with your hand whatever sensation in your hand call warm tingling Pleasant unpleasant whatever then focus from your forehead an entire body scan your body and to get aware of any sensation in your party to it this for maybe a few days then look at the particular sensation when we are facing panic so like cannot breathe feel a heart attack I'm going to die now or falling like in the turbulence in the aeroplane or most like plane plane is going to crash so whatever those frighten image sweating and blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda so then it become pieces a lot of sensation in the party see where the sensation around hard Aram stop even you can do if there's too much stone you can kind of like massage around that area around hard stomach in the storm on or maybe around head sometimes shoulder all over the body so be with that sensation so you can do it is you can do with the sensation just to be aware of sensation so then slowly slowly the tanning become kind of support for your meditation become your friend just like breath just like sound just like mental recitation so you will the hate feeling of kind of kg dope this penny will slows look of it that's the good improvement so eventually to learn how to live with the panic sometime even symptoms are there but we will not have the kind of panic sovan when I was young the big problem for me is panic or panic that is the stronger than panic so when we face painting and look at the sensation panic is mostly sensationalism frightening image some words some believe but mainly sensations so then you will become friend with the parents I'll try to meditate but I can focus I can't I try to meditate but I cannot focus for many times I feel like I'm getting worse what type of meditation we can do so the meditation that I just mentioned at the beginning of these three things the next step is the sensation but if you feel that you're getting worse that's a very good sign what we call the toy teacup when the dry it doesn't look bad but then when you put some few double water and try to move then all this a dirty come up so looks like getting worse but actually it's not getting worse this process of clay process of purification so it's good but the important thing is when you let example when you listen to sound at the moment whatever thought let them come as long as if you still remember thought then normally what I call the pizza comes one Pizza troupe is a three-piece ten pizza comes okay as long as still you remember the sound don't try to stop those thinking so this is very important mmm how to have compassion when we see people doing negative action so like I will tell you one story when I was a young there's a two men came to receive teaching from my father in the Pal Cartman right now in the other side of the mountain my father has nunnery and he stayed there and these two men were fighting each other the one night they both fighting in hitting each other and me and my father we both are having a soup and suddenly this man came when one of them and the phrase anger just fought with another man you know and he asked my father please help me please teach him how to control my hatred my anger and my father was listening you know while having soup you know and my father asked him why you hate him and that person said said oh because that person is doing bad things shalt me beat me ship me this way I'm angry at him and my father so Oh so that really who really heard you is the words is the stick isn't it so maybe I should hate the stick and the words from that person and the men say this is stupid stupid logic so I don't it doesn't work for me it was not benefit for me why because I know the word is nothing because she couldn't control the words he couldn't feel a stick so I am NOT stupid I was not angry at a stick I am angry the word is out of control the stick is out of control and my father said okay then maybe you should hate the emotion within that person because when the person is out of control by ego ignorant hatred jealousy strong desire the person doesn't have control no but do you want to have hatred you know normally but when the hatred comes we cannot control you also cannot control so this is why you come to me to us to help so that means oh yeah I never thought of that before so like when I was young my mother always said your action is not good if I did something wrong but she never said you are bad so we need to separate sometime think about this acoustic mind emotion whatever the controlling that person what they drink bad things and they are good they may wish to change they may everybody deeper level they want to be nice good but they don't know what is nice they don't know what is the way so think about that then it will have loving compassion how to can make meditation a habit part of our life so in order to become habit in the text 21 to 30 days beginning to have habit so at the beginning you should not promise too much so if you want to meditate half-hour maybe at the beginning maybe 15 minutes or even five minutes first and do it that for 30 days whether you like or don't like just just 5 minutes and 30 days I've got 30 days later the habit beginning to develop then after 30 up to three months later become very solid so this is a how to build the heavens if loss in the Bardot how to come back to awareness so Bardot is the like when we die we have this in between this live in next life or right now in between this life like maybe you you're doing something your job your job loss finish and another job not begin yet or begin to start new relationship or relationship broke or whatever live is up and down live is the wave of the ocean up and down up and down so this up moment down moment is a very precious moment that time we can't ask for me can grow easy to grow easy to transform easy to improve and learn so if you lost within this moment then you tell yourself try to remember how to build habit of catching awareness love compassion wisdom so that really helps if you struggle with other people's opinions and loss self confidence or self hated what can you do so normally for the self hatred we begin to have appreciation about ourselves so we have awareness we have love and compassion we have wisdom we have skills we have a lot of great things within us so right now maybe every day three things to appreciate about yourself about your quality about your innate correct so then there really helps to see the great qualities within yourself yeah so this is a question and now about the pain how we can use pain as support for awaken support for path support for freedom support for meditation or learn grow so further meditation no matter what because they are treating stem you can use pain as a part of meditation so what is pain normally pain comes in the physical pain which is in the body when this feel discomfort or the mental pain is just emotion comes in the mind but of course mind and body they are related once your pain in your mind you will have pain in the body when you have a pain in the body sometime you have pain in your mind sometime not sometimes pain in the body by mind feel happy like when you go to the massage it's painful but my angel happy depending on how your how you look at but the mental pain normally it will produce pain in the physical body like panic I have tied here and stomach pain and cannot breathe a lot of things depression loss energy and entire body this unpleasant sensation so this happen so now how to transform this pain as support for a grow then happiness so yes I just mentioned pain itself it may cause happiness it may cause suffering depend on how you look at so sometime people say oh they are really they don't like hot temperature painful they don't like to call pain so people who complain sometimes in the summertime where that's quite hard you're walking outside and then you feel like I cannot breathe now and you feel very uncomfortable each step is very uncomfortable and then if you have get some choose tops of sweat then you feel I'm going to die right now so just unpleasant but then your complain about this paint is this heat and pain and then you went to the gym you know then you to some exercise then you decided to go to sauna sauna and steam now sauna is very hot but you feel very enjoy in this and this heat in the sauna cannot compare outside but when our mind says this is good for me and you pay for this hip you pay a lot of money and make special schedule for that and now you're waiting was wet you know in the Sun and then when the sweat comes you feel like could I'm healthy now doctor say so it's good you know and you feel healthy so the heat outside the gym cause of suffering but heat inside the gym in the sauna cause happiness so how we look at pain and then right after sauna and doctor give me advice yeah means cool water is good for blood circulation whatever you know you mean I'm into the ice water feels even better but the outside of the gym in the winter you feel very cold and if you get one or two top over in you feel like you're going to die now but now in the gym in the ice water you feel more alive so that is how we look at and special nowadays many people they you know buy them a gym membership sometimes they feel very happy I'm part of that team but they never go to the gym just money you know money do you exercise by some people they go into the gym once in a while so then they're fighting for parking space they have to they won a car next door to the gym so it cannot find space then a lot of complain you know today's bad luck or to this this person took my space I cannot find and park your car far away then you have to walk from there to the gym and each step is suffering through low back or too hard to call so then what do you do is you've got into the gym now you're walking on the machine now each step is happiness so could my money become useful yeah I'm going to fit become beautiful handsome lost my calories fat whatever so each step is heaven so how we look at the pen itself there's not really inherent existing so so sometime what we call natural pain and South created pain so natural pain is just being having this physical body there's always have some pain but the fear of pain is the cell credit suffering is worse stronger so now these meditation techniques really helps you to how to how you look at the relationship between you and paint will change so pain becomes a part for your meditation pain become your teacher pen become your friend so how to do this practice so first you need to learn meditation which is breathing meditation or sound meditation or the mental recitation reciting some words peace or anything mantra or anything in your mind so these are first step of meditation and I mentioned this first one or two videos youtube video you can look at their if you want to know more detail and the second is we have to learn awareness of the body first so maybe we will try again this time so please call you about hand like this together and now simply be with whatever sensation in your hand called warm tingling or no sensation or pain Pleasant neutral whatever just being with the sensation in your hand now please slowly touch your body hand together and to be aware of touching sensation and now please rub both of your hands together slowly slowly and faster now more faster and to be aware of touching and and the temperature now hand getting warmer now open and busy with the sensation in your hand tingling cool warm pain whatever and now bring one pannier to your forehead almost touch so you might feel warm tingling whatever sensation there in your forehead just be with that and relax muscles in your face head knave shoulder stoma entire body just relax and to be aware of sensation in your forehead now put your hand down and continue to be aware of sensation in your hand now from forehead to the top of the hand and to be aware of any sensation be with whatever sensation back of the head continue to be with whatever sensation with the shoulder bag of the body chest stoma arms and legs and I scan again from top of the head to bottom of feet being with whatever senses you don't need to change sensations control suppress create no need all this just be doing worse just being now slowly open your eyes just be your mind as it is okay how is it so this is the second step the first step is bread sound mental restoration one of those and can I give a the general sensation in the body second step now third step is you need to look for unpleasant sensation in the body so any pain in your body so maybe you might have knees pain back pain you might have a sickness stomach or whatever sickness disease you might have or pain emotional pain all sake a panic depression hated when hated there's pay knows when the craving desire also have pain there's a pleasant but also pain there ready with the desire so need to have some pain so how many of you have pain yes raise your hand great if you have pain and how many of you don't have pain now raise your hand there's a problem if you run a pain you cannot make your own pain so negative one and then no I'm just kidding if you don't have pain I can teach you so how to make pain okay so how do make pain this time suppress here well you know so pins I don't know not not like this little bit like this so when you press here there's paint come so don't press through stone at the beginning always we have to work with small pain first we have to meditate with small pain person then you can increase so if you don't have particular pain Presley so we will try this one with the pain okay so please keep your spine loosely straight and close your eyes and scan your body from head to feet entire body okay and whatever sensation in your body Pleasant sensation unpleasant sensation little sensation it doesn't matter just be with all the sensation no need control it Nonna's suppress no need to create a pleasant sensation just observe whatever there now focus on unpleasant sensation so trust here if you don't have sensation and pleasant sensation then you can make it so let's be with that unpleasant sensation just like watching your breath or listen to the sound something now be with the pain now please slowly open your eyes and let go of your hand just be okay how is it good so there will be full experiences here first some of you when you look at the pain pin disappear you cannot find pain there's a gap so be with a gap not pain okay are you're not loss although you don't have particular focus the sense of presence sense of being still there so there's the first experience and the second experience so how many of you have that experience raise your hand oh I can't see so start to recognize this good so I'm I will ask you okay although I cannot see you so second some of you when you look at the paint pen will change let's pain in the chest now go into the head then you observe that a change you go to the back when you observed it and go to the knees so it was changes that's good also that means pain become object of your meditation pain becomes support for your meditation so and become actually you u.s. UN pain begin to be beginning to become a friend support so great follow P no problem so the third when you look at the pain can not change not disappear just stay there not become bigger stay very good so that means pain becomes a part for your meditation last when you look at the bigger this very good actually is what we call as I mentioned before like cup dry cup dry stinky cup or another example is during the monsoon season in India Nepal and Tibet also people become muddy you cannot see fish the stones fish woods in the river you know people become muddy so when the autumn there it will become clear when you look at the river you will see lot of fish stones you might think where they come from last month I was here nothing but actually they are there because it will become muddy you cannot see fish but now you will become more clear come so you see fish something sometimes when you begin to meditate looks like getting worse why is process of purified purification because your mind become more clear more calm so you begin to see those things correct but if you if you feel uncomfortable too much then don't press or physical pain or emotional pain become too much change now don't focus on that pain back to the sound watch breath so do that so then slowly slowly can become your support just like breath just like sound you can have peace with the pain so for me my Penant become my friend my teacher through this man this kind of meditation so that's the first this is the one type of meditation what we've got with awareness there's four steps there right and second another type of meditation is second type of meditation is you can make pain you can find love and compassion with the pain so pain becomes support of love and compassion so how to do that the first is first step is just recognize pain you're having water physical pain diseases whatever it is is okay whatever mental pain physical and then second the deeper when you got the feeling of pain and you got the deeper level there's a lot actually the body could whose pain is protection actually I just kind of get and your mind doesn't like that feeling that's also kind and care look mine looking for something peaceful healthy there's love done like that pain is kind compassion so the power I'm never going to look deep into the the nature I mean the deeper level of pain is their sense of love and compassion you want to be happy you want the free from pain so just love it the compassion there so try to see that within yourself also and another way is to transform pain love and compassion is think about others whoever when they have pain they are not in peace just like you oh you don't understand and then we have one special part is what we call taking and sending plants which is you breathe in and take others pain into your pain so think about oh I have this pain so all these other people whoever beings when they have pain they have they're not in peace so today I'm going to use my paint as represents for all beings pain slow breathing and you can think about all beings pain as like dark small just salt into your pain today my pain become meaningful then Bri out and this bright light goes and touch all beings and you wish that may all beings are free from pain because of my pain so when you take all beings pain into your pain that is virtual that is what we call good karma accumulated good karma that is love that is great love immeasurable love immeasurable compassion so become a light so now send that light to all beings and may all beings are free may all beings happy relieved from pain and whatever beings problem and suffering take again when they take into you they automatically transform into virtual so actually some people they said if I do that then my pain become worse and worse because I'm taking all beings pain I'm in a my pain no I don't want to take others if I take that I become more painful you know I will die soon I should not become opposite so there's a fear of the selfish this egoistic mind they had really supporting pain normally like when I was young I appending but panic or panic is worse than pennant so sound created pain South Korea did suffering it's based on this acoustic mind but when we do this taking and sending this become opposite of that so actually it become healing for pain healing for disease and in the in Buddhism what vehicle it produces good karma so I peeled by bad karma so eventually it helps to your pain through your diseases also kill the sickness so this this is a second one the first one is based awareness second one's loving compassion and the third is wisdom what pickle so you just go into the pain and pain is changing changing changing the sensation in the body is changing light like vibration and this image there's some voice this pains now go to you know how I can get it open it's a believer I'm in trouble this fear is a version so pain becomes raw pieces so it's like when you look at them so I'm I'm here in the park at Montreux this hill and I'm top of the hill mo SI de baile so sometime in the special in the winter when I look down entire cut mondo Valley is full of kind of like loud haze you cannot see anything look like oh I feel I can walk but then when I come down for a mountain is the cloud but when you come into the cloud it's just soft it's nothing right so panic pain depression physical pain whatever in our mind when we try to suppress try to avoid that they become very solid stone but when you face it and look at the nature of that species sensation it means boys believe fear believe means aversion craving you cannot really grab it is independent impermanent interdependent so many piece there multiple cities or what we call these three things impermanent interdependent multiplicity that is the nature of pain so there's a wisdom knowing that wisdom and you continue observe in the end you cannot find even physical sensation even the the voice so your mind become kind of life loss the concept for a while you're not lost the sense of present awareness still there but cannot really focus great that's the wisdom non conceptual wisdom limbs not very long stay with them cannot find pain but still look like there's some some feeling there cannot grab it just beam again pin come back some kind of strong garden before observe observe and you cannot find this piece not better no I can't come in the end the hatred or fear dislike a pain is gone so then then pain is not so scary anymore pain is not so painful anymore so that is them how to practice with wisdom so basically there's three important practice with the pain one is with awareness one is with love and compassion and another is the wisdom so when you do that that also helps to heal the pain also because most of the time the mind you know mind and body are related they are like interdependent what we call horse in writer the horse is the body and writer is the mind so sometime mine can influence the body of course body can influence the mind so through these meditations mind can influence the body and that's why it's become also healing so for example the first awareness when you really scan your body up and down and then special when you to be aware of those pain and awareness has healing power actually normally what happened we are not faced with the pain not aware of pain pain is so so low so stack and then Class B done like this resistor this Hobbit fear so we expectation and fear we lost it but I mean you be aware that then there's the sense of warm sense of light awareness is like light when there's a darkness and the light comes darkness help to automatically move so then there's a lot of good things happen in the body the scan body to be aware of the pain pain also helps to improve immune system that helps to kind of relieve the stress and there's peace so entire body it helps and then love and compassion even what we call poison transform into medicine so actually what we believe is we all have this great innate qualities you are great you have this great qualities within yourself but we are not recognized so awareness there and now with the pain this love and compassion there so recognize that within you and taking an ascending practice so now pain become first positive pain become love in compassion sometime what I call in the recycle you know the pain normally it's really difficult but when we transfer into loving compassion then something become useful so poison transform into medicine in the third see the nature of pain just face it and go deep into the pain pain become pieces change cannot really define in the end you will see emptiness emptiness of pain right list so try these three sometime awareness works but if you try this again I can you feel bored you will try you cannot meditate again so then change into love and compassion well great Wow pain is love and compassion I never thought of that before and you got deep into the pain you can really see the deeper level is just one to be happy essence of love is wanting to be happy good virtual nice meaningful an essence of compassionate don't want to have pain don't know one trip obstacle don't want to have problem don't want Drive suffering so that's there we didn't basically level of pain and then taking in sending also that's great but if you tied a certain level bar heavy then wisdom so change time to time and do that that really helps true to any pain you have mental pain physical pain and also helps to the physical pain or disease or whatever it help help you to heal also and also improve the happiness in your mind so in the end pain become your teacher and become your friend so not only the pain any problem in your life relationship problem stress with the job problem with job so you can use anything all this can transform into awareness compassion love and compassion awareness love and compassion and wisdom so you can be happy everywhere anytime okay thank you very much
Channel: Tergar Meditation Community
Views: 151,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tergar, meditation, panic attack, covid-19, pandemic, Mingyur Rinpoche, anxiety, anxiety relief, buddhism, mindfulness, stress reduction, wellbeing, mental health, compassion, awareness, wisdom, pain, transformation
Id: 4cBt0ILsyvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 20sec (2660 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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