Turning Myself Into THE GRINCH using SFX Makeup

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It’s nice seeing her get back into fx stuff again and I thought the short with her dog was really cute.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 75 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/botnan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The grinch is getting a lot of love this year in the BG community. Nevertheless, love me some Mykie.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 46 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sweetcaroline1125 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Aw! I loved Ripley's part!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ScarletBloodDoll πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Who is the guy she’s always talking to behind the camera in all of her videos?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/actuallycrying πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm glad that she has the motivation to make fx makeup, but thanks to what she's done in the past, I don't want to support her via giving her views.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/poisonivysoar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 27 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello zombies tis the season again let us wag your tail of our four-legged friend for those who don't know of year one and year two of the Christmas adventures of little rapoo the story begins with Ripley's first Christmas she had hoped for Saint Nick but got something more vicious on the roof with a bang mr. Krampus arrived he took her away but she somehow survived year two came the Yeti so bloody and huge he was actually nice but turned rip into Scrooge so what happened next let us take a look back did Santa show up with his great big red sack [Music] in year three she behaved she went early to bed gelus whispers and sugar plums danced in ahead a shadowy figure snuck through the door will this little pups Christmas be ruined and once more the Grinch tiptoed down not a peep not a squeal to the last tree in LA with presents to steal he grabbed pallets and brushes this thingamajig Reagan carry Clarisse every glam and gore week [Music] he ate a cookie too quickly and held back a burp the whole glass of milk was then gone in a see had come down to this would this be Ripley's end was a Santa imposter a faux or a friend he was simply enamored by the spark in her eyes and his green little heart grew to ten times its size The Grinch suddenly felt a pinch and a clutch three would have been better ten was just too much when the Grinch hit the floor Ripley thought this is fine after all of these years all the presents are mine with the gift Fagin toe she'd go on the run grin seize credit would buy her at least 12 months of fun if you'd wondered what happened you can now say you know why you didn't see Ripley one Christmas ago Yolo zombies that was my eyeball Wailers movie star isn't she the best little actress in the whole world three years killing it three years killing it so like the title says today I am turning my son I mean you are a sloth let's just do it all right Ripley you gots to go honey yes same background as last week with a new fancy sexy green light that highlights how messy my hair is thanks Spencer Henry just kidding you had nothing to do with that you know it's more embarrassing than dog hair all over your clothes dog hair in your lip gloss that one happens to me often okay I said I was getting into it let's get into it I'm a prosthetic it's a two-piece it's not supposed to be but it got ripped in the mail don't ask questions it's gonna be fine we're gonna start by blowing this to our face and I can already tell that these edges are gonna give me problems but I'm gonna do everything in my power to have them not give me problems this is also too high but we will be wearing a Santa hat we like anyone else is doing this I'm gonna be wearing a Santa hat so I'm just gonna glue as high as I can and the rest is gonna hide under the hat let's get to it where's my glue or my glue at where's where's everything I need sometimes I think it's just gonna smell better one day it never does q-tip scalpel it's the most wonderful time of the year I can't go that low of the next Halloween on the fourth of July I like water ice water ice let's see what we can do hydras already giving me lip I need some pros-aide paste put that puppy not the puppy that started in the short but this puppy he likes Bach right because I know these edges are not going to look like they're laying flat once I paint this I'm gonna try to use pros-aide paste it's basically just a thicker pros-aide to try to cover and blend the edge looks kind of like toothpaste or shaving cream do not eat it do not put it on your face wait maximum effort in this one like Deadpool it's the most wonderful time of the year I swear I can go lower when I'm not worried about doing it on camera it's basically like spackle for your edges now for this Oh baby oh I'm gonna be a mouth breather again lucky me let's start from the middle out more glue what did everybody ask Santa for for Christmas I asked for a pair of Spanx yoga pants they're the best not sponsored although Spanx if you would like to sponsor me please do oh no I didn't think this through like glued my eyelid to itself and now I can't blink very good it's fine this is fine I'm sorry I'm not hyper you know what time it is 105 in the morning you know who's just getting started me I'm stressed Nellie wait again one rose in Wasteland late tail oh man I have ice crystals sitting here from last week's video I wanted to use ice crystals on the elf I totally forgot what this is gonna totally make a joke about powdered sugar crystals or something missed opportunity really low in the flame in the flame I'm really low in the flame I'm off to a great start today today this morning what time is it what day is it what year is it I'm out of focus it's breaking the illusion that I have a nice backdrop it's actually quite frankly we do it weekend here Alexa play all I want for Christmas is you all I want for Christmas is you all that wrong for Christmas huh [Music] all right time has come to be together Oh feels so bad oh it feels so bad huh mouth breathing that's me Wow I just came like five pounds in my face that's fun that's Louise babyish down Mikey isn't that what you've been doing yes let's do it more the baby years luckily that's gonna be covered with hair so I'm not gonna glue that edge down cuz that is like my hair you just need that for now it was gonna be fun to remove at 6:00 a.m. all right so we need to make Jim Carrey s-expressions and I am not confident that this area around the mouth is gonna hold up to that but let's try to seal this as much as possible did you guys know that Jim Carrey was not a fan of the grinch makeup like it actually caused him a lot of problems I think he had a lot of like anxiety from having to be in it because it was so restrictive and it was like eight hours of makeup before he even started his day if you guys know anything about film sets they film all day like 12 hours is a shorter day usually so it was very taxing for him and I'm not surprised but he still did such a good job you would never know yeah thanks makeup is not fun to wear nothing was like a whole body suit it's crazy but if anyone can show facial expression underneath of such a full face prosthetic it would be mr. Carey back to our pasties I like that this is a family friendly holiday tutorial yet again Oh see that's gonna be a problem all right hopefully that dries pretty seamless oh wait do you see what I see something's missing oh man there's hair stuck in my prosthetic oh yeah sorry Spencer better yes better it's 123 a.m. do you know where your children are mom are you proud of me dad let's get green and delirious already so like this spot I keep seeing it move while I dry so I'm gonna try not to talk after this but I think best-case scenario this is just going to hopefully look like another wrinkle and not an edge of a prosthetic we shall see I'm mixing together two water activated paints to try to get the perfect green it's not easy being green if you're doing a pant by numbers of the Grinch it would be really easy should just do a green screen video after this so the only thing I shouldn't paint is my bottom lip is his bottom lip is a normal color weird come on spots dry dry so I can paint you I look crazy more than usual have like a Grinch soul patch right now never thought I'd see the day guy get in the nostrils don't forget in the nostrils I'm too sexy for my shirt too sexy for my shirt I feel pretty oh so pretty it's a medley up in here well while that's still drying the nose is a darker green in some pictures it looks a much darker and in other pictures it doesn't look at that much darker but since we can't see it at all right now we're just gonna go for a darker it's like a black green it's all I'm mixing some black ah that's the wrong Jim Carrey movie thought about doing a Gore cringe because I know that there is one on the internet because you guys have sent it to me a million times and it's amazing but I wouldn't know how else to do aggghhhhh orange that has and done and I don't know I kind of just wanted to do the classic plus if I did a bloody Grinch I feel like I would have had to explain it in the short but I liked the idea that we did for the short so much my I'm gonna paint my ears green just to make sure that they're not visible and if they are they're still green so I should give myself a headache when I shower later because this one's definite require a shower honestly this would be going faster if these spots would just dry kind of thing that's holding me back right now can't go over them until they dry while those last couple spots are drawing I'm gonna start shading with a dark green eye shadow by just going right into the wrinkles you could use a water activated paint for this but I want it to look smoky and not super defined so you'll get a nicer blended outline if you use eye shadow presh has kind of an old-school glamour tutorial mode where I forget to talk while I'm doing makeup pardon me I'm just an intense concentration mode I'm currently just filling in every little line I can see on the prosthetic and I know that they look harsh right now but when I go back over it with the green it'll kind of blend it all out and it'll just sit in the deepest parts all right he's got little black spots where his little whiskers would go if he had whiskers I guess what's up with that why doesn't he have whiskers someone should get him some for Christmas that was the moment of truth and truthfully it's not the best that looks like a prosthetic edge but we're gonna paint it to look like a wrinkle and and and that's the best we can probably do yeah I also found this prosthetic in that shop in New York when I was buying Halloween stuff and I was like you know what I'm gonna finally do the Grinch this year and then everyone on Twitter and on Instagram was like you know what you should do this year at the Grinch I was like I'm Way ahead of you that's good fun by the way no Ripley's were harmed in the making of this short she's very mouthy all the time after didn't take much to provoke orcs out of her see she's just wild that's the perk of getting a mini husky I just love to talk see that particularly in the mirror there what oh wow gonna do a little bit of this dark color eyes cuz he does have slightly darker eyes oh baby baby baby baby man oh I'll go good dog man I look like the mask I look like a dog all I want to look like is the cringe Frick woof well some bits are drying again I'm going to put on mascara and some lashes because I don't know if y'all notice but the Grinch has some very nice curly long lashes jealous this is a mood The Grinch putting on mascara trying not to stretch my face so that's the one thing that'll stop me from doing the mascara face the integrity of my prosthetic it's still got a wrinkle in it that shouldn't be there via the others pretty well considering oh I felt air that's not a good sign I'm gonna stop talking I'm gonna use a little bit of concealer on my lips because his lips are not and it's pink as well that's a lot great protection while I'm waiting for lash glue to dry I want a new hairstyle yes that let's see what can we do with this yes that's very dr. Seuss fitting I don't know what that is but tutorial is happening down here from now on for the full hair effect oh yeah lashes I forgot I was like what am I waiting for that's right Grinchy lashes it's actually good cuz now on I'm too far down on the frame you still have something fun to look at my Cindy Lou Who please write to Spencer and tell him how much you hate my hair don't tell him it's because of how I styled it just tell him you hate it and see what happens feel like that could be fun for me not for him but what I should be having fun right yeah like this video if you like my hair just do it early this time I know I usually say that for the end but this is good enough that it should be done early you know I'm right Jim Carrey is probably my top 5 favorite actors of all time he might be in my top 3 he might be my number one I can't I think of someone that I feel like I just love more well actually top 3 is probably Jim Carrey Robin Williams and right that's a hard one who would be third Robin Williams might tie the spot for number one these lashes are trying very hard to make my life difficult but I will not let them because it's 216 in the morning and ain't nobody got time fo dat except me who's sitting here fixing them oh yeah Jim Carrey Robin Williams Jake Gyllenhaal duh I knew that also he a Jackman also Tom Hardy also Leo all-time a Hanks of course he has heard a pic but Jim Carrey has to be in the top three it just has to be him a bit of a green highlight there so you interesting choice but kind of like looking good first you get scary then we get hairy all right so we have a bit of a predicament here oh my god I feel like I'm trying in feathering myself right now cuz I've already sticky and there's hair floating everywhere good god right so can I paint this hair to look like a darker green that's the question or should I try to make a darker green hair look like a lighter green you can duplicate a darker maybe that's the route to go or this was the only crepe hair I could find but I think it's too dark yeah alright so this is the fabric that the costume was made from it's too bright green I'm just gonna steal hair from this cuz it's fallen off of it anyway and I'm going to pros-aide it's a bunch to my face I love green stuff oh my god oh my god I got peach fuzz going but I want to have a beard he's got a beard alright kids don't do this at home I'm glowing fabric to my face literal green sideburns oh that's why what we're going for southwards what a thought side burn coming right up so willing down a big chunk first and then I'm trying to cover up the seam with a free patch of hair that I have it's as awful as it looks yes oh my god I can't even get it off my hands long enough to get to the next step getting here'll bit pros-aide that day I'll try to get it into a chunk that is roughly compiled and then you sit it down at the edge of where you want it and you pull some away this will help you get a more natural kind of hairline for a very natural cringe you straight up oh yay it's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me god this is gonna be such a [ __ ] to get off his neck is Harry oh no I don't want to do that boy oh boy alright well we're gonna make something happen there this is like the Yeti my worst nightmare remember that one time I said that something was worse than glitter and it's hair this is the Yeti part - for real my neck area to try to hide the fact that I'm wearing a fur scarf at the moment yeah we go I just thought of a nickname or I do think I still need to make this a bit darker but we had try do some eyebrows but I'm not real confident it's gonna go well it works you're not curled at the end of it we can still do sure what sisters not twins aim for twins and I'm curling the end by just kind of wrapping the pros aid q-tip in it and then shaping it like that pretty and now it's because the fur is too neon for my face by a little bit I'm taking that darker green aqua color paint and maybe big fluffy brush that I can lightly darken this a bit oops say that don't do that look at that they're like low lakes beautiful eyebrow just fell off ah really trimming my eyebrow hair now this is now an eyebrow trimming tutorial eyebrows shaped and done ish I've never spent so much time on my eyebrows my life now we just need teeth stained this his teeth are quite yellow I wanted to wear these but I can't really get them into my mouth without messing these corners up again I just tried and I kind of messed him up so that's not happening done ish there's a couple more things the best part [Music] and that is the Grinch ah this uh I'm gonna be honest with you this feels horrible my eyes bird listen just now I bought yellow eye blood to make this look even more exact but I feel like my eyes are gonna fall out if I put blood in so we're not gonna do that there's hair in every orifice of my body yes everyone this feels Spiti and soo naughty it's hot it's edgy this is the worst but this is my Christmas or holiday present to you zombies I hope you enjoyed this nostalgic type tutorial going back to the Christmas specials and I hope you enjoyed this look because you guys have been asking for it literally since the start of glam bag or if today is your first day here on glam and gore hit the subscribe button or if you're just here lurking I think Ripley earned it hit the like button if you're on the nice list hit the like button if you're on the naughty list hit the like button if I'm still picking a hair dry mouth so you all should be hittin it and hit the notification bell even though it rings as often as Santa's sleigh bells maybe once a year maybe never thank you for watching and I'll see you guys next year / I think right before the new year math I don't know okay thanks [Music] this is fine [Laughter]
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 4,369,642
Rating: 4.9508157 out of 5
Keywords: Turning Myself Into THE GRINCH using SFX Makeup, Turning Myself Into THE GRINCH, makeup tutorial, sfx makeup tutorial, fx makeup tutorial, halloween makeup tutorial, glam and gore, glam&gore, mykie, mikey, christmas makeup, jim carrey, how the grinch stole christmas, grinch makeup, grinch makeup tutorial, ripley, krampus, yeti
Id: c0xBA1lQ85k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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