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what's worse than being a loser being cringe these are two very powerful forces of Shame loser and cringe but what would happen if you combine these two elements put them together well Buster the product of that Fusion Dance would be Nico de Ambrosio a turbo loser cringe specimen the likes of which this world hasn't seen in many many moons Nico de Ambrosio is a Chicago man who's currently SU 27 women because they didn't enjoy the dates he took them on and they dared say that to each other in a Facebook group a private Facebook group mind you and Nico with steam coming out of his ears said this cannot fly in a civilized society every woman should be enamored with me and only have positive things to say thus I'm taking you to court heathens that's exactly what he's doing man a Chicago man has taken out a defamation lawsuit against 27 wom women one man in multiple social media platforms are finding negative posts one man in multiple social media platforms after finding negative posts about him on the are we dating the same guy Facebook group according to YX WXYZ ABC Chicago 31-year-old Nico DM brosio is suing up to 30 women for sharing negative dating reviews on Facebook group are we dating the same guy he claims that the negative reviews started in November and these people made false and defamatory statements about him the lawsuit included screenshots from the Facebook group describing Nico as very clingy very fast and claiming that he flaunted money very awkwardly and kept talking about how I don't want to see his bad side oh my God he hit him with the The Hulk you won't like me when I'm angry D Ambrosio is not happy about how he is portrayed in his asking for 75k in Damages so if you're sing Oh that's the end of it how do you calculate damages from a private Facebook group what damages did he suffer he's the Billy Mitchell of Bad Romance it's a frivolous lawsuit filed because his feelings got hurt and I think all of you know by now how I feel about people that try and do this kind of [ __ ] these abhorent lawsuits made to like Bully or scare people into silence I [ __ ] hate it and this has to be one of the more pathetic examples of this tactic being used he's suing these women for $75,000 claiming they defamed him with slanderous untrue remarks and it it hurt his reputation which is why he's seeking so much money in return for it but it's a private Facebook group you goober your lawsuit has done significantly more damage to your reputation and put you in the spotlight I would have never heard of you most people would have never known who you were had you not done this ridiculous lawsuit you pitiful whiny little worm douchebag it's ridiculous so what happened is a a group of women that had dated Nico or met him gone on dates with Nico occasionally all talked about it in a group chat called are we dating this the same guy which is a private Facebook Community that's supposed to talk about women's experiences with a particular individual and just go over like maybe some of the red flags that they encountered on their date and it's just them going over their experience that's it in a private Facebook group and with Nico they were saying things like he got very clingy very fast or the date just was unremarkable or he ghosted me it was never anything mean or slanderous or anything like that and it was never even [ __ ] publicly put out there Nico went out of his way and found it and got so hurt and offended that he issued this lawsuit so he now put all of this in the public eye so now his face is on it like a [ __ ] wanted poster in one piece with a 75,000 Berry bounty on him being a goddamn cringe Lord all because some women that went on dates with him didn't really enjoy his company mentioning those things that I briefly touched on but then also saying that he would talk about money pretty quickly and flaunted or whatever from everything I've seen it's just super tame stuff but even if they were being brutal about it like man Nico is a real cuck this guy was terrible our date sucked we're sex of my life I I couldn't imagine a man worse at sex than Nico they can still say that you still can't sue them for giving their opinion on how the date went with you or anything like that that's still completely fine they're not going out there and defaming you or slandering you it's a private Facebook group they weren't going out there making fraudulent claims about you saying things like Nico evades his taxes Nico is an animal abuser they were just sharing their opinion on you and the date which they are totally well within the right to do it's completely legal the same way it's completely fine for me to say that you are a loser I can say that you can't sue me for calling you a loser and insulting you it's not defamatory you are a loser we met organically in Chicago 2 and a half months ago very clingy very very fast okay that's what we just just read you came to see me yesterday and I explained I think is what that is after I blocked his number he texted me on another one which is the other text screenshot [ __ ] it's too small to read damn it he alleges the woman initially shared the post under her real name but deleted and reposted anonymously after his lawyers made contact last month you're not even allowed to just say it was a bad date you can't just tell the people he had a bad date it's just a [ __ ] Facebook group I matched with him a month or so ago but convo never went anywhere I went out with him a few times just over a year ago he told me what I wanted to hear until I slept with him and then he ghosted I'd steer clear he's been posted here before the poster said he sent her a slew of text calling her names because he didn't want to spend the because she didn't want to spend the night with him I just searched and this was on November 2nd so take a look they got the APB out on this guy and damages cuz he's a victim of defamation doxing privacy Invasion according to the suit the defendants broadcast their outrageous cruel and malicious lies about the plaintiff with knowledge that the statements were false or with Reckless disregard as as whether or not they were true this wrongful conduct is so outrageous in character and so extreme in degree that is beyond all possible bounds of decency it is to be regarded as atrocious and utterly intolerable in a civilized Community brother this is like this is like the most lukewarm ratings ever like hey the combo didn't go anywhere hey he ghosted me after I slept with him just maybe avoid him like what the [ __ ] they're not even being vicious or anything they just like yeah this is my experience I didn't really like it and he's like no no my [ __ ] is ruined there's a tier one Kraken I wonder if he'd sue me I haven't been on a date with Mr Nick de Ambrosio but I will say he seems like a very insecure sensitive little [ __ ] and a coward I'd urge any Chicago women to probably steer clear of him as well I wonder if I can get added to that suit bro wants to prove in court that he's not cringe it's too bad I already know better you have been firmly judged as cringe no chance of parole that was a $50,000 statement lowkey just advertising his RZ yeah his lawsuit RZ pretty cool I want you to read this statement again their wrongful conduct is so outrageous in character and so extreme in degree that is beyond all possible bounds of decency and is to be regarded as atrocious and utterly intolerable in a civilized Community the lawsuit said it's like they're referring to some kind of hate crime that they all just witnessed or were exposed to if they thought those text messages they highlighted about him being clingy or whatever were so atrocious and extreme in nature I can only imagine how Niko and his legal team are reacting to watching this video right now and the things I'm saying about him their jaws with must be on the floor furiously drafting up some kind of legal document for me like [ __ ] flames and like smoke coming off of the pages they're writing it all down and I've never even met Nico and I think he super sucks I think Chicago women should definitely avoid him like just look at the way he reacted for women that just shared their experience of having a less than Stellar time with him he will shut down your opinions it seems he does not want anyone to have an opinion of their own only the opinion he wants you to have of him what a piece of [ __ ] how can you be so insecure and weak that when you find this instead of learning from it Like H maybe the problem really is me maybe that's why I haven't had the a real relationship out of the last 27 dates I went on yeah maybe I should really reflect on that instead of that he goes where's my lawyers you do you see what they do you see these mean words they're saying about me in this group chat they called me clingy me they they called me clingy come on we got to sue them 75 grand maybe at least like that's probably how much my tears are worth I also can't help but appreciate the delusion from the rest of it too saying things like thousands of men have been potentially defamed by members of the group via these online Publications and remain entirely unaware of the attacks on their character as a result of the social media group's private status and heavily moderated members list the suit says can you just wrap your head around the Ridiculousness of that statement they are openly saying that it is private and heavily moderated and that the individuals that are being talked about there are most likely entirely unaware because this is basically just a tight-knit community disc discussing their experience privately with each other it's no different than a breakroom conversation with co-workers talking you can't you can't sue someone for a conversation they had privately with others about you you are going after people for their opinion of you they are not defaming you or anything like that and since it's not public they're not even bringing awareness to you being a weirdo they are just talking privately with each other about like Hey listen this guy was kind of shitty I didn't really enjoy it like that's it so if you met match with him just know I didn't have a great time maybe you will but here were a couple of the red flags I noticed that's totally fine totally reasonable there is nothing wrong with it and this guy is still crying it's crazy and the lawsuit's trying to make it seem like it's some kind of almost noble cause like this Shadow organization working in secret has been defaming thousands of men for so long and the men don't even know it it's called just having a conversation in a group chat it's it's not illegal you can't you can't sue for that at least you shouldn't be able to but this guy clearly has a ton of money at his disposal and we all know how this system works we just saw it [ __ ] unfold with Billy Mitchell actually since I name dropped him earlier if you have a lot of money you stand a much better chance of winning even if it's the most outrageous [ __ ] ever so I'm really hoping this doesn't go anywhere because it is so [ __ ] stupid and shameful this man Nico D Ambrosio and his entire legal team are absolute clowns so I just wanted to talk about it a bit more that's really about it see you
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 2,569,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: F3tS6CYRiXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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