I'm Addicted to Cringe Again

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I know my calm composed stoic demeanor may not give you any clues or hints at my internal struggle but trust me right now I'm spiraling I'm falling down a dark path I swore I'd never walk again like a former addict who finds the pipe once again I have found my long since abandoned drug I have become hooked on reading horrible text messages from dudes trying to get late again it's been many moons and some of you who have been around the channel for a while may remember I've made a lot of content covering horrible pickup artists as well as horrible text messages with self-proclaimed nice guys who are one gentle no away from letting the demon out and just flipping the switch to a full-blown conniption like the word boyfriend would be you know a winter soldier event that would have them just go ballistic and I made quite a bit of content both both laughing at the absurdity of it as well as using it as an educational tool like hey don't be like these goobers but over time I started kind of petering out from doing that cuz I just made so much of it and I stopped indulging in that kind of content until recently I could only fight the urge for so long the werewolf is coming out it's a full moon and that moon is nothing but [ __ ] cringe I saw some text messages today that I've just got to go over now before we embark on this journey together it's important that I let you know that these are two college students as we go through this you'll probably assume that it's two 13year olds but that's not the case these are two college students that worked on a group project together and now we're coming in after the completion of the project so they say I just emailed Professor the final draft so we should be good to which the poster says yay and then sends a meme go team I really enjoyed working with you you seem like a very sweet and smart girl and I'd love to take you out sometime to which they say that's very kind of you but I have a boyfriend oh boy she said the phrase I have a boyfriend there is no phrase more powerful in the English language than that the strongest sentence ever constructed that's like the nuclear bomb here I have a boyfriend is a phrase nay an incantation more powerful than a Vada kadavra from Harry Potter and it's just been deployed so you can already start to speculate where things are going to go south he responds by saying he well thanks for leading me on which catches her offguard she says I'm sorry but I don't think I've done anything to imply I was interested in dating you to which he responds it's just funny how you never brought up that you were taken until now which is an interesting thing to respond with because that makes it seem like he expects every girl that's taken to immediately state that upon starting a conversation with a man like they need to wear some kind of sign or some kind of label on their forehead that says currently in relationship not available thank you try again at later date although she does say that she mentioned her boyfriend actually I did when I was at your house I told you my boyfriend was picking me up which he's able to counter beautifully by saying I thought you meant a boy that you were friends with because why would you go over to a guy's house if you're dating someone and she says because you offered to host and we needed somewhere to work on our project together my boyfriend knew and didn't care because all we were doing was working I'm sorry if I did anything to give you the wrong idea then he says you let me buy you a pizza now admittedly I understand where the guy is coming from here we all know about the Law of Equivalent Exchange thanks to Full Metal Alchemist and we have something like that in the real world if you buy a girl a pizza she is obligated to have sex with you it's the [ __ ] for pizza transaction it it's as old as time itself so the fact that he was able to buy our pizza and he didn't get his winky stinky is shocking but anyway he seems to really put a lot of stock in the importance of that pizza like that was going to carry them all the way to marriage like this is a moment she'd remember for the rest of her life or something that pizza that he bought her but i' I'd like to backtrack a bit just briefly let's go to the previous chapter where he said I thought you meant a boy you were friends with because why would your boyfriend be okay with you going to a guy's house to work on a project and I feel like that's a dog [ __ ] perspective that's not unique to just this guy in this situation I've seen a lot right now where people work under the assumption that if you're significant other is doing anything in any capacity with someone of the opposite sex it means that they're unfaithful to you and they're cheating but I just don't really subscribe to the belief that most normal sane people think that way of course there are extenuating circumstances to that but in this scenario and in most scenarios like this where it's just she's working on a group project with a classmate I don't know why you'd immediately jump to she must be a [ __ ] who's going behind my back to [ __ ] this one goofball in her class and pretending that they're working on a group group project I just don't think that's something most ordinary people jump to immediately and in this case the guy views it as weird that she ever even agreed to go to his house to work on this group project if she was in a relationship but I just don't understand why that would be viewed as weird like where else are they going to do it like if they go to her place and do it it's the same problem right now she has invited a guy over to her house and she's in a relationship to work on this group project wouldn't that be the same issue or if they go somewhere in public and do it like a [ __ ] Starbucks or whatever it's still the same issue like oh now they went to a public place where people go like on dates sometimes to do this group project so you can always make that argument no matter what so just I don't know just doesn't compute with me but anyway back to the pizza I offered to split when you told me you were ordering a pizza and you said it was your treat if you'd like I can Zell you for half of the cost yes I'd like that and you ate more of the pizza than I did so you should pay for like 2/3 of it now we're getting into the nitty-gritty math calculations here like well actually listen here Harpy you ate more of the the pie than I did so you're going to you're going to need to reimburse me more for it and you know what it wasn't my treat because this Halloween there was only tricks you tricked me you lied by not telling me that you had a boyfriend so give me extra cash for that pizza you disgraceful Harlot she's being as gentle as possible here I imagine she's scared of this individual and she said as much in the comments of the post she said that she didn't want to like get too aggressive back because then she'd be like afraid of what he might do it's just like I understand where she's coming from you don't want to you know poke and all of that so she's just like okay that's fine and I'm sorry again if you got the wrong idea but I thought I made it clear that I viewed this as a professional relationship well you didn't and then he comes back and says don't leave me on red so he's getting very aggressive here he he's red in the face he's steam coming out of the ears like I understand why she wants to like tiptoe around this as gracefully and smoothly as possible and it's something I've said a lot on stream Where in the current climate of things it feels like everyone's more on edge than ever like I've read so many stories over the last couple years of people snapping at the smallest things the like even the most minor inconvenience like this is a story I've referenced a lot but it's one that actually legitimately sticks with me there were there was a murder at a subway where a man shot two Subway workers because they went a little heavy on the mayonnaise on his sandwich too much Mayo was a death sentence for one of the two workers that was shot the other one did survive but I mean it's it's things like that where you just it's never really worth pushing back so in a case like this I understand why she'd want to be really light about it and I just want to mention that cuz I saw a lot of comments like not really grilling her or anything but just really kind of wondering why she was being so polite in Li of all of the aggression from this guy and I totally understand why she would be I I really do get it I just wanted to point that out real quick but anyway way it wraps up by saying I don't think this conversation is worth furthering which is fair and then he responds saying it's ridiculous you even chose a guy to work with if you have a man I bet he was upset even if he pretended not to be now she explained this a little further in the comments she didn't even choose him to be like her group project partner apparently the way the groups were chosen where people chose topics and whoever had similar topics worked together so these two just happen to have the same topics it's not like she went out of her way to choose this you know benevolent Ang to work with or anything but anyway I understand this was like a very short text exchange it's only like three screenshots here but I just think there's a whole lot to digest and analyze here as we as a species have become more and more isolated all of our socialization and human interaction comes from behind a computer screen now mostly almost all of our interaction with each other is through the internet so it's leading to a lot of people not knowing how to socialize or not knowing how to pick up on like social cues and I don't even really blame indiv uals for that but it's led to situations kind of like this where this guy really views that her being off the market you know having a boyfriend should mean that she shouldn't do anything at all with another guy even work on a class project with another man and also something as simple as buying a pizza shows some kind of romantic interest between the two of them some kind of mutual romance so when it turns out that she wasn't interested and it leads to a rejection it's something that he doesn't know how to handle appropriately and overall it is just pretty sad yes it is like equal parts entertaining with some cringe text messages of course but at the core of it there is a problem where people aren't going out in the real world and making genuine human connections it's all through computers so when you are in the real world with real humans you don't really know how to handle things super well so something as simple as getting like a rejection is a much bigger deal than it used to be and overall like I said it's just kind of sad I wanted to just talk about these text messages cuz I got real deep on why why would this be the response to something so simple and of course the text messages are very silly like with the whole [ __ ] Pizza side quest thing but anyway yeah I I just wanted to talk about it a little bit that's it see you
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,698,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EiAHVk9wlMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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