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a believer does not need to break any foundation because the only foundation a believer has is christ you don't break christ once you're born again you're on a short foundation if things are not working it's not because you are under a cause it's not because you are not born again no this may not be working because of certain miscalculations on your part or lack of skill or lack of sensitivity to when the holy ghost gets you direction but it cannot be because there's a foundation a christian has no foundation to break a christian cannot be possessed by devils to be possessed means satan entered your spirit and sat there that's possession how can a christian who is born of god the dna of god is in you how can satan and god live together so that is a deception and is fraud to the body of christ join doctors abel and rachel daminer in new christian camp meeting 2021 and ask the councilor with michael bush theme in christ realities ministering dr abel damina date 31st january to 14th february 2021 time mondays to saturdays 6 p.m daily on inspiration fm 105.9 uyo comfort fm 95.1 uyo xlfm106.9 ryo radio aqua bomb 90.5 ryo you know your fm 100.7 uyo and heritage fm 104.9 new and also live on sunday 7 30 a.m first service and 10 30 a.m second service venue power city international number ninety eight huangavu road oyo aquabomb state nigeria host doctors abel and rachel daminer be there a christian life devoid of a regular prayer pattern is a life living in sin if you are not praying you are living in disobedience and disobedience is a seed so if you are not praying you are living in sin why because prayer is an instruction power city international present international week of corporate prayers pray in the spirit with dr abel terminal date monday 18th to sunday 24th january 2021 time 12 noon to 1 p.m every day venue power city international number 98 ranger rodrigo aquibo state nigeria men ought always to pray and not to fade don't be left out come on one more time if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet [Applause] i believe the word of god [Music] is are you excited [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i can do oh when the holy [Music] but i would never never be the same [Music] is is i believe [Music] i no it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor eva [Applause] come on you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tale you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost is your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favorite get the lord i will never never never be the with the same ghost [Music] making christ realities of paul's revelation of identification the book of luke chapter 24 verse 25 when he said unto them all fools and slow of heart to believe on the line that would believe that's a what to really pay attention to to believe all that the prophets have spoken but not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory next verse and beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures take note of that he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself look at verse 44 of the same chapter and he said unto them these are the words which i speak unto you while i was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of moses and in the prophets and in the psalms concerning me next verse then opened he their understanding that they might understand the scriptures that was the first time their understanding was opened to the scriptures now john chapter 16 verse number 12. remember the the book of luke chapter 24 was jesus 40 days teaching ministry after resurrection all right so in the course of that teaching after his resurrection their eyes were open and they understood the scriptures right i have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now next verse how be it when he the spirit of truth is calm he will guide you into all the truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come next verse he shall glorify me for he shall receive of mine and shall show it unto you fifteen all things that the father hath are mine there are four said i that he shall take of mine and shall show it unto you can i have a powerful amen parables are not a product of the spirit of truth i didn't say spirit of god i said the spirit of truth yet the parables constituted mainly jesus teaching ministry so jesus did not expect you and i to have revelation in his teaching ministry he expects all of us today to explain what he couldn't explain he expects all of us today to explain what he couldn't explain their minds were open to the scriptures for the first time again in luke 24 44 all right so jesus in john chapter 16 verse 12 says i have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now so in luke 24 25 to 27 and luke 24 44 to 45 did jesus now teach everything he couldn't teach in john chapter is luke 24 the answer to john chapter 16. sometimes i hear people say well but all of this great message grace grace grace jesus never preached grace yes he never preached grace it's not only gracie never preach i have yet many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now however or how be it when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all the truth into all the truth in the gospels he couldn't have been speaking grace they couldn't even fart from it they couldn't even understand little things like born again they couldn't handle it and when you go to the epistles every time they quote jesus you will see they quoted him in red they all spoke about every speech of jesus was written in red because those are the words of life his words are higher than the words of his servants jesus also made disclaimers on certain things he said for example in john 16 12 he says when the spirit is calm he will show you things to come he will show you things to come all right he will give you revelation knowledge he will bring you to a place of precise understanding john chapter 16 verse number eight when he is calm he will reprove the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment when he is come when he who when he the spirit of truth is come he will improve the world of sin now look at verse 9 of seeing because they believe not on me of seeing because they believe not on me now the question i want to ask is when jesus was making this statement who was he speaking to when jesus was making this statement in john chapter 16 verse 8 when he the spirit of truth is come he will reprove the world of sin who was he talking to the disciples were the disciples part of the world of sin huh yes they were they were in john chapter 16 they were not born again he will reprove the world of sin he will convince the world who will convince the world when he the spirit of truth is come now when jesus said that had the spirit of truth come so it also means that when the spirit of truth come even the disciples that were with him were going to be part of the beneficiaries of the ministry of the spirit of truth how will he convince the world when he the spirit of truth is come he will convict the world how will he carry out that functionality where will the conviction come from it will come from revelation knowledge when the spirit of truth comes one of the cardinal points of the presence of the spirit of god anywhere is revealed knowledge revealed knowledge that's why it's called the spirit of truth revealed knowledge jesus said he spoke of ugly things if i have spoken of earthly things and you do not understand how much more when i speak about heavily so what jesus spoke was heavenly meaning his teaching was not spiritual that shows us the need for the epistles it shows you the importance of the epistles the four gospels were not in circulation when almost the last epistle was being written historically there were no four gospels when the apostles wrote the epistles so that will mean that the writings of the epistles did not have any singular reference to the gospels when the epistles were written the four gospels were not in circulation so the apostles made no reference to the four gospels but you know in other words the church was not feeding on the four gospels the church was not feeding on the four gospels although the history was being said and the history was being retold but they were not materials used as the interpretation of the old testament the gospels were not materials used as the interpretation of the old testament so the four gospels were not relied upon as interpretation of the old testament the four gospels were not relied upon as the interpretation of the old testament they were used however as reference materials but not in interpreting the old testament that's why jesus was hardly coated in the epistles was jesus quoted at all well in a few places in the midst of a historical reference second peter chapter 3 verse 15 glory to god an account that the long suffering of our lord is salvation even as our beloved brother paul also according to the wisdom given unto him has written unto you now what brother peter is referring to here is that brother paul had a wisdom about the lord jesus this is peter peter was the main g among the apostles peter was the main guy he was a person who preached on the day of pentecost he was with jesus for three and a half years i mean peter was such an authority among the apostles so whatever peter is saying must be very heavy because this is peter he's not just one of the apostles he's the main guy among the apostles and he was also an eyewitness of everything that happened so if peter says something concerning the lord jesus it cannot be taken lightly so that's why i went to brother peter to see what brother peter's commentary is concerning brother paul he said god has given paul wisdom he was talking about the in christ revelation of brother paul of identification now the word wisdom is the greek word sophia the word sophia implies intelligence insight and skill peter was with jesus in fact peter had all the teachings he was present in all of jesus's teachings paul didn't know jesus physically historically paul and jesus never met once never met once paul never saw jesus in the flesh not even in a flesh they never had contact they never met they never saw peter was with jesus with jesus slept with jesus rebuked jesus even before he rose and after he rose peter was still there till jesus left paul never for one peter said paul has wisdom paul has wisdom not experience he couldn't have said paul has experienced because paul never met jesus by any chance so when peter said paul has wisdom he was referring to inside he was referring to intelligence he was referring to revelation according to the wisdom the revelation interestingly peter had used that same word in chapter one of his books where he said we have not followed corningly devised fables skillful skillfully crafted stories like movie script that is skillfully scripted such that when it is acted professionally it is as real as real could be so peter is saying when we spoke about the parusia the coming of the lord jesus we did not follow corningly well scripted our faith is not a script that is acted we are not acting a drama in christianity christianity is too real to be dramatized we have not followed cunningly devised fables when we spoke to you about the parousia of jesus in second peter chapter 1 verse 16 let's look at it for we have not followed corningly devised fables that's a place to underline when we made known unto you the power and coming of our lord jesus christ but where i witness is that's a good place to underline we were eyewitnesses of his majesty now please listen carefully when peter said we were eyewitnesses you are not included in that number he was making reference today the apostles that were there we were eyewitnesses of his majesty that word skillfully devised fables is the same word for sufficient skillfully done so brother peter said paul had a skill a wisdom in explaining christ look at second peter again chapter 3 verse number 16 as also in all his epistles speaking in them of these things in which are some things this is peter acknowledging in which are some things hard to be understood which they that are unlimited and unstable rest as they do also the other scriptures onto their own destruction ignorant people cannot contend with the revelation of brother paul he said the things paul spoke are hard to be understood he didn't say they are impossible he said they are hard to be understood in his epistles can you imagine he didn't even refer to the gospels in his epistles his epistles some things had to be understood the word had to be understood is implied in the greek as difficult something that stretches your mind something that calls for deep thinking something that engages all of your reasoning faculties and something that appeals to that segment of your mental obligator that has to deal with intelligence it stretches your mind a dummy can follow these there's a level of intelligence there's a level of reasoning required someone that is laid back mentally someone that is lazy mentally and someone that is mentality has engaged a retirement gear will find it difficult to reason along these lines there is a presence of mind that is required in coming to a place where you fathom what brother paul was talking about brado's slow of heart sluggish laid back mentally lazy there's a level of mental stretch mental engagement that is required in understanding the scriptures hard to be understood something that stretches your mind he wasn't referring to paul having wisdom in what jesus did three and a half years he wasn't referring to paul having wisdom in what jesus did three and a half years what he is going to tell us is what we didn't know what paul was going to communicate was what the apostles didn't know the wisdom the inside is not in the event of three another they were there if it is the event of three and a half years paul cannot have a say because paul didn't even see what happened there will be the masters of that so the wisdom of paul is an insight into christ an insight into christ peter saw jesus and he saw him physically i mean look at luke chapter 24 verse 40. and when he had those spoken he showed them his hands and his feet honey this is after resurrection he showed them his hands and his feet after he rose from the dead he even told them touch me and they touched him upon his resurrection he said touch me they touched him they saw him raised from the dead look at acts chapter 1 verse 2 until the day in which he was taken up after that he through the holy ghost have given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen look at the next verse to whom also he showed himself alive he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs being seen of them 40 days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of god that is they saw the proofs of his resurrection they were too sure the fact that he ate in their presence he not only said touch me he not only say handle me when they were still afraid he said do you have some food and they were so intelligent they didn't give him puff puff they didn't give him biscuit they went and brought boiled fish they brought cooked food he ate it i'm sure after eating he belt because he's a man he rose a man he hurt a man they touch a man's body he said put your hands through the nails these are eyewitnesses these are core evidences that he was alive he was not a jelly they were not trying to touch him and touch air when they touched him they felt him when he moved they saw his structure his legs were moving his bones were flexible they knew that this is jesus i mean they knew that he was he they saw him they touched him that is what the bible means by infallible proofs that is they saw him they felt him they act with him they touched him when he rose from the dead so they saw him he ate in their presence jesus was human in fact you know jesus slept so well that when the wind and the storm blew in the sea he didn't even hear it and i'm sure when peter said master character not that we perish he didn't talk nicely he didn't say hey master master when death is threatening your life i'm sure they went and said master master cares are not that we perish because that's the only way you can wake him up from sleep the man is deep asleep if possible he was even snoring master cares not that we perish he stood up he didn't laugh at them he stood up he looked at the wings he looked at the waves he rebuked the winds and the waves he says peace be still and then i'm sure he turned and he said to them guys i said let us go over to the other side i didn't say let's go and perish but you took care of the situation first now all of these were the physical experiences that peter and his colleagues have had being with jesus but see they were there they saw him raised from the dead now look at the sermon of brother peter acts chapter 2 verse 32. this jesus has god raised up whereof we all are witnesses we all are witnesses human witnesses acts 3 15 and killed the prince of life whom god hath raised from the dead whereof we are witnesses we are human witnesses of his resurrection acts chapter 5 verse 32 and we are his witnesses of these things and also the holy ghost whom god had given to them that obey him we are human witnesses acts 10 40. him god raised up the third day and showed him openly not to all the people but unto witnesses chosen before of god even to us who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead now when peter says we of course you know is referring to them so they hurt and drank with him did you notice that in all the accounts of peter in chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 5 chapter 10 something unique did you observe that peter simon on the resurrection of jesus did not rely on eyewitness peter simon did not rely on eyewitness he spoke more from the scriptures did he observe that let me read those scriptures again put it up acts 2 32 this jesus has god raised up whereof we are all witnesses give me 29 men and brethren let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch david this is not eyewitness this is not eyewitness that he is both dead and buried and his sepulcher is with us on to this day next verse therefore being a prophet and knowing that god has sworn with an oath to him that of the fruit of his loins according to the flesh he will raise up christ to sit on his throne next verse he's seen this before speak of the resurrection of christ that his soul was not left in hell neither did his flesh did see corruption next verse this jesus so that jesus peter is talking of here is not eyewitness account jesus is jesus in the prophecy of the scriptures he is not preaching the jesus that they experienced he's preaching the jesus that was contained in the prophecy of the scriptures that means peter relied on the scriptures he saw him he touched him they ate with him he would have written a book 40 days with jesus 40 days with jesus day one how we sat on the chair together that's chapter one you don't know what i'm talking about that's chapter one then he will now give us experiences stories of chapter one day one chapter two day two how we went out by the beach to hang out we ate ice cream together the revelation of ice cream with jesus that's chapter two then chapter three how jesus used the shower in the shower he saw visions it would have been a book full of experiences 40 days with jesus and there are many such books out there the jesus you are knowing from such books is jesus of experience when you read such books the jesus you will encounter is jesus of experiences that's why when people write books on the holy spirit the books are full of experiences you know how the moment i woke up and i said good morning holy spirit i fell on the ground boom so everybody now wants to fall on the ground so every morning you wake up good morning holy spirit if you don't fall you fall by yourself because you will not be different from what another person has experienced revelation knowledge can never agree with experience that's a peter never relied on experience he never quoted from experience he never cited his experience he has already told you we have not followed corningly device fables even though we were eyewitnesses of his majesty we saw we touched we felt we saw him we ate with him he touched us we felt him but they spoke according to the scriptures so you can imagine they didn't even refer to the parables of jesus they were only making reference to the old testament now let's hear peter himself in second peter chapter 1 verse 16 now pay attention i gave you all of that background for this for we have not followed connelly devised fables when we made known unto you the power and coming of our lord jesus christ but we're eyewitnesses of his majesty verse 17 for he received from god the father honor and glory when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory this is my beloved song in whom i am well pleased was eating and this voice which came from heaven we heard when we were with him in the holy mount we heard peter said we had the voice we experienced the voice on the holy mount we have not followed currently devised fables why did he say that he said that because he was eyewitness he saw things we saw him we heard his voice we touched him he touched us then peter now said after establishing this in that same chapter look at verse 18 and this voice which came from heaven we heard when we were with him in the holy mount look at the next verse we have also emotional word of prophecy after all the experiences we had we are not relying on them put the experiences aside we have a martial world of prophecy where until you do well that you take heed as unto a light that shine it in a dark place until the dead dawn and the daystar arise in your heart that word a martial word is also a more reliable word of prophecy a more reliable is the greek word babies b-e-b-a-i-o-s babios it means firm enduring we have a more reliable firm enduring world of prophecy we had the voice we heard the voice but we are not relying on that voice we have a martial firm reliable world of prophecy so peter on his own made his experience secondary emotional world that is don't rely on our experiences don't rely on our eyewitness account rely on a martial word of prophecy the word the scriptures baby us that word you can see the application of that word in romans chapter 4 verse 16 romans 4 16 as a guarantee second corinthians chapter 1 verse 7 hebrews chapter two verse two hebrews chapter three verse six is the word for ashore rounds bibios hebrews chapter 3 verse 14 hebrews chapter 9 verse 17 2nd peter chapter 1 verse 10 for for the story peter himself uses the word three times something you can rely on he said look we saw him we are not following connelly device fables but this is from a martial world of prophecy emotional word of prophecy or it can be said like this a prophetic message or a prophetic world same word by the paul used in romans 16 26 same word but now is made manifest and on the line by the scriptures of the prophets by the scriptures of the prophets according to the commandment of the everlasting god made known to all nations for the obedience of faith so when peter said a martial word of prophecy what was he talking about what was he making reference to which scriptures the old testament okay the old testament so if i'm going to interpret that word martial word or prophecy i will call it written prophecy written prophecy because the next verse is now explained second peter 1 19 written prophecy we have also a martial word of prophecy where onto you do well that you take it as onto a light that shines in a dark place until the dead dawn and the destar arise in your hearts 20. knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation no written prophecy that is what he calls the prophecy of the scripture which means the old testament no written prophecy or knows prophecy of the scripture which is old testament is of any private the word private is the greek word idios i d i o s idios it means no prophecy of the stands alone no prophecy of the scripture stands alone which means scriptures are interpreted together scriptures are interpreted together meaning no scripture stands on its own private or alone in other words all the scriptures are interpreted together the scriptures you can't take a verse out it is contextual it is interpreted together what is saying is that all the scriptures converge in the same place okay so no prophecy of the scripture is of any private is not alone the word interpretation i love that word is of any private interpretation is the word epileusis epi l-u-s-i-s a p-lucius that is the word for interpretation the word epileus is means it is used for solving problems so it will go like this no written prophecy or no prophecy of the scripture is of private explanation no prophecy of the scripture is a stand alone explanation but prophecy of the scriptures are explained together so he's saying that the scriptures are centered around christ no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation mean it does not stand alone or it's not on its own just like jesus said in john 5 39 search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life but they are they all of them put together testify of me no scripture stands alone they will only be useful when they are brought together to an end to reveal christ they will only be useful when they are brought together to an end to reveal christ that word is appealing it means to interpret or to decide so the next thing he now says in second peter chapter 1 verse 21 for the prophecy came not in all time by the will of man but the holy men of god spake as they were moved by the holy ghost so peter said i saw him i was with him but there's something much more reliable the written word i saw him i touched him i felt him he spoke to me we act together but there is something much more reliable than visions and dreams and experience it is the written world now so if he tells you that paul has a peculiar insight if paul had a peculiar insight and wisdom this peculiar insight would not be jesus's parable so this peculiar insight will be the old testament concerning christ the old testament concerning christ so peter's eyewitness therefore is biased because when peter saw jesus moses and elijah he said let us build three tabernacles three tabernacles let's have a church where three people will be preaching this sunday moses will preach next sunday jesus will preach another sunday elijah will preach powerful church you know we pray the god of elijah bring down fire we bring the law of moses if i be a man of god if i be a man of god may you not die a common death then we bring jesus grace is available to all of you and you know that's how many churches are they have the combination is a variety church is a corrupted corrupted pollution contamination of the truth that is in jesus three people are preaching in those churches three spirits spirit of elijah spirit of musa and the spirit of jesus three of them you know busa is a if i be a man of god may this ground open bam miriam how dare you talk to me like god that technically jose mosey three tabernacles peter wanted a complete church jesus is not enough jesus alone is not enough we must add other things we must add moses and elijah to balance jesus after all they were there before jesus combination therapy when they pray they pray like elijah when they pray they pray like elijah when they preach they preach like moses yeah when they do wrong they ask for forgiveness like jesus when they have gone and say father you know you're all merciful but when is prayer fallen die fall and die anyone that will hinder you from progressing may he die you may be the person hindering yourself you may be the person hindering yourself something you are supposed to do you have not done so it has stopped and then somebody say may he die and you are shouting amen and you die after two years and they say why did god kill him oh god has suffered in the hands of religious people moses elijah so now peter now said in spite of all my experiences what is more reliable is the written prophecy now don't miss this don't miss this one those who had a more reliable account of jesus never saw him those who had a more reliable account of jesus never saw him whether the prophets that spoke about him or paul who thought about him all the prophets of the old testament and brother paul never saw jesus yet it is the account that is more reliable and sure revelation is only given by the spirit knowing jesus therefore has to be by the spirit so the most reliable evidence will be the written world so if you like give us a history if you like disapprove where jesus was born this improved the day he was born if you like carry out a thesis on the fact that jesus was not born 25th of december if you like write an entire an entire manual on historical details that jesus was never anywhere around jerusalem if you like give us all your history trying to prove a point we have emotional world of prophecy we have a martial world of prophecy it goes beyond history if history was sufficient peter will be the best teacher of christ look look christianity goes beyond history if it is about historical facts paul should not speak the main speaker should be peter but because it has nothing to do with history peter said we know our brother paul there is a wisdom there are cabbage okay give him to him but paul never saw jesus paul was not there paul never taught jesus so there's something in our relationship with god that is beyond historical data it is called revelation on it it is called revelation knowledge we have a more reliable a more firm word of prophecy if you like let him be bound in the fifth december if you like let him be born 10th of october if you like let him be born 15th of january the important thing is that he came he died he rose and we celebrate the fact that he lives on our inside and because of that we celebrate it every day we celebrate it morning afternoon night it's not about a calendar day it's about our reality that's where we live we live in the reality of the resurrected christ he lives in me does he live in you does he live in you how long is he living in you he will never leave he will never forsake you when all of hell breaks loose he's still there and you're still in charge we have emotional world of prophecy the christian faith is not built on experience the christian faith is built on apostolic revelation apostolic revelation an apostolic revelation is drawn from the canon of scriptures apostolic revelation is drawn from the canon of scriptures it takes the holy ghost to unveil jesus to us it takes the holy ghost to unveil jesus to us the jesus you know without the holy ghost is religion it takes the holy ghost to unveil jesus in our hearts i don't need to have been in jerusalem i don't need to have been in jerusalem i want to be ready walk in jerusalem just like john i don't need to have been in jerusalem i don't want to be ready i don't want to be ready i have been made ready i want to be ready i want to be ready some of you don't know it at all i want to be ready walk in jerusalem just like john john or john what do you say working in jerusalem i want i'm already ready knowing not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost we have the emotional word of prophets anger zakayana we are the jerusalem of god what paul said jesus told him acts 26 verse 16 but rise and stand upon thy feet pay attention for i have appeared on the line that for i have appeared unto thee for this purpose appeared appeared to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which i was seeing and of those things in the which i will appear unto thee which you have seen underline that sin where we just said paul never saw jesus seen where appeared to be where look at verse 17 of that acts chapter 26 this is brother paul narrating his mission delivering thee from the people and from the gentiles on to whom now i send the next verse to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of satan unto god that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith which is in me powerful words from a man that never saw jesus we will explore those words powerful words from a man that never saw jesus in first corinthians 15. now before we read first corinthians 15 i wanted to realize something the lesser you were with jesus the more you knew him the lesser you were with jesus the more you knew him movies about jesus dolls people's perception of jesus movies about jesus dolls people's perception of jesus drama does more damage than you think drama broadway shows christianity is not a broadway show dramas is because of drama that people have jesus pictures in their houses with mustache it's because of drama mustache everyone the silent listener to every conversation the guest the unseen guest with moustache say jesus saw jesus in a vision with jesus he said that type on that calendar he appeared to be it is the calendar that evil spirit has entered and appeared to you we have not followed cunningly devised people we have the emotional world glory to god i say glory to god i say glory to god you know jesus by the spirit henceforth now we know man after the flesh for once we knew jesus after the flesh but from now we know him no more no eyewitness revelation first corinthians 15 verse 1 to 4 more of our brethren are declaring to you the gospel which are preached unto you which also you have received wherein you stand glory to god by which also you are saved if you keep in memory what i preach unto you unless you have believed in vain pay attention now for i delivered unto you first of all that which i also received how that christ died for our sins according to the scriptures next verse and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures where did brother paul receive it i receive of the lord jesus where did he receive it he received it from the old testament account he received it from reading the old testament he received it from the old testament scriptures okay so why didn't paul ask peter why didn't paul ask james and john to give him a narration to use it in writing the epistles why didn't paul ask peter james and john and all them that were eyewitnesses to tell him so that he can bring out revelation from all that jesus did and said why did he go to the old testament no experience revelation knowledge emotional word of prophecy glory to god look at that first corinthians 15 verse 5 and that he was seen of kefa's then of the twelve next verse after that he was seen of about 500 brethren at once of whom the greater part remain unto this present but some are falling asleep next verse after that he was seen of james then of all the apostles look at the next verse and last of all he was sin of me sin of me also as of one born out of due time he was seen is a greek word h-o-r-a-o appeared to me that the meaning of that word sin of me appeared to me is used 684 times is either an experience or a revelation a perception a revelation when the apostles saw jesus he was raised from the dead he had not gone to heaven but when paul saw jesus he wasn't bodily here anymore revelation knowledge glory to god that word out of due time as one born out of due time is the word ectoroma in the greek it means immature birth or irregular birth why did paul use such a word the word ectoroma has no greek synonym at all however you find it in the old testament used in numbers 12 12. we need to settle that born out of due time let us not be as one dead or from the flesh itself consume it when he cometh out of his mother's womb irregular something not regular irregular birth ecclesiastes 6 3 if a man begot a hundred children and live many years so that the years of years be many and his soul be not filled with good and also that he have no burial i say that an untimely birth untimely birth is better than he untimely birth someone born not planned for born out of due time paul calls his birth on plan for he's not talking of natural birth he's talking about he's born again it was not planned it's unplanned for born out of time that word is personalized for only brother paul don't go around and be saying i was born out of due time that word is personalized there is another word personalized that brother paul uses christ jesus died for sinners of which i am chief it's not a general statement don't go around be saying jesus died for cinema i am chief you're not chief paul those two statements are peculiar to brother paul when we get to heaven when we leave this realm and we appear fully in heaven we will ask brother paul what do you mean by being the chief of all sinners may i will ask him i have noted this somewhere and circle it we're going to have a discourse on that matter so paul was not an eyewitness he was an irregular person so paul's gospel was not according to man paul's gospel was according to the scriptures it was not according to experience look at romans 16 25-26 now to him there is a power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of jesus christ according to the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began look at the next verse but now is made manifest and by the scriptures of the prophets according to the commandment of the everlasting god made known to all nations for the obedience of faith why does he call it my gospel why does he call it my gospel because all the others had their stories tainted with eyewitness all the others matthew mark luke all of them had their stories tainted with eyewitness my gospel is i never saw him i never heard his voice i never touched him but by the scriptures i know him more than those who saw him i never touched him my gospel and the preaching of jesus christ according to the revelation of the mystery so brother paul preached by revelation revelation the word revelation featured so much in his letters revelation the word apocalypses apocalypses is used 18 times in new testament greek paul used it 13 times peter used it three times the rest in the book of revelation brother paul uses the word mystery on mysterion he clearly made us know that the old testament was referred to as mystery that which has not been spoken 28 times 28 times the word mystery is used three times in the four gospels in the book of revelation four times brother paul alone used the word mystery 21 times brother paul has a total control of the use of the word knowledge revelation and mystery knowledge revelation and mystery so he saw jesus by revelation so we can say that the polite revelation unlocks the old testament for us the polite revelation unlocks the old testament for us because the further away from eyewitness the closer to jesus the further you are from visions the closer you are to knowing and that is what brother paul's revelation has brought to us first corinthians chapter two verse nine somebody get him blessed but as it is written i have not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which god had prepared for them that love him thus then but god has revealed them unto us by his spirit for the spirit such as all things yay the deep things of god say with me very loud i have access by the spirit of god into the deep things of god say it again very loud i have access by the spirit of god into the deep things of god i access the deep things of god naturally say it again i access the deep things of god naturally say i have revelation revelation is higher than experience i function by revelation i didn't hear powerfully put that scripture again i love it but god have revealed them unto us by his spirit say with me i have revelation for the spirit such at all things yay the deep things of god glory to god next verse hey for what might know where the things of a man serve the spirit of mind which is in him even so the things of god know it no man but the spirit of god next verse hey now glory to god we have received now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of god that we might know the things that are freely given to us of god shout hallelujah say i have received the spirit of god i know the things that are freely given to me of god i didn't hear powerful amen give me the next verse which things also we speak we speak which things which things also we speak miranda we know the things that are freely given to us of course we know the deep things of god and because we know them we speak them nakatola negareta karanaga karadobera speaking not unto men but unto god the deep things of god happy in the spirit he speaketh mysteries which things also will speak not in the world which must wisdom experience not in the words of men's experience by which the holy ghost netola they began to speak in terms as the spirit given them utterance which the holy ghost teaches hey we know all things and we speak the things we know how we speak the things that the holy ghost has taught us and we speak the things that be of god and we speak the things of the spirit and we bring out the deep things of god and bring them to our understanding anger parables were earthly things parables were a step down from the spirit agave but we have the spirit of god that we may know the things they told her as you're looking at me suddenly you're coming to a place of revelation a place of understanding somebody shout i receive understanding by the holy spirit say i speak the wisdom of god say i speak mystery say i speak the things of god and i understand i understand i understand i understand give me verse 15 pay attention but he that is spiritual judge at all things yet he himself is judge of new man give me the next verse but who had known who had known the mind of the lord that he may instruct him but we have we have the mind of christ hola botada we are the mind of christ we have the mind of christ i prophesy i prophesy you are never void of direction clarity i prophesy you will never miss the plan of god you will never miss the plan of god no error in your life you are error free no trial and error you know exactly what to do you have precision you have accuracy you have precision you have accuracy so with me i have precision i have accuracy i follow the plan of god for my life i didn't hear a good amen who has known the mind of the lord that he may instruct him the word instruct is a very beautiful word in the greek sunday basil sandy basil means to put together in reasoning or to understand to instruct god means to understand god or to put god together in reasoning that we may know the things that are freely given to us who are known i have known who are known i have known the mind of the lord therefore i instruct him that's when nobody can stand up and just say because god is angry with sin he will release volcanoes all over the world that man has not known the mind of the lord therefore he cannot instruct him but i have the mind of christ that word mind is the word understanding i have the understanding of christ i know what god will do and i know what god can never do because i know christ christ is the mind of god revealed yeah i know the mind of christ i have an understanding sambibaso you will see that in acts 9 22 the use of that word has proven acts 16 10 that word is used as gathering facts together to explain to men acts 9 22 somebody basil proving to explain acts 1933 to defend god's character ephesians 4 16 colossians 2 2 colossians 2 19 to put together so that word instruct sambibaso means to explain to prove to put facts together for explanation to defend we put the scriptures together to explain the lord we put the scriptures together to explain the lord so who has known the mind of the lord that he may instruct him but we have we have the understanding of christ who can put together genesis to malacca we have when we put together genesis to america we arrive at the mind of christ when we put together genesis to malachi we arrive at the understanding of christ or we have the explanation of christ the explanation of we have the intellect of christ oh gemina we have the intelligence of christ yeah yeah yeah yeah we have the explanation we have the understanding of christ and that explanation is not in parables that explanation is not an eyewitness account that explanation is given by the spirit of truth from the holy scriptures we have the mind of christ sacramento we have some of the shot i have don't your neighbor say we speak not in the wisdom of men's words but we speak in the wisdom of the spirit of god hey batakaya tell the neighbor i speak mysteries i speak mysteries by the holy spirit i speak the deep things of god when i speak in tongues i speak the deep things of god when i speak in tongues i speak mysteries new creation new spirit i want you to just blast in tongues everybody [Music] speak in the wisdom of god speak the deep things of god rento marantella babas rihanna declare words concerning the work of the ministry this year declare words concerning your service in the kingdom declare words concerning you depopulating hell and populating heaven we have the understanding of christ thank you lord in the name of jesus can i hear that amen on the note of finality say with me i have the mind of christ i have clarity of understanding i have the understanding of christ i have the explanation of christ i know the mind of god i know the mind of god i'm not confused about the intent the plan the program the agenda of god concerning now and the future i see clearly i see clearly into the plan of god the next 20 years i am not confused i see clearly i see clearly i see clearly i see clearly by the holy ghost concerning my life in the plan of god i see clearly concerning my life in the plan of god i see clearly concerning the body of christ in the plan of god i see clearly concerning my brother my sister in the plan of god i see clearly and i declare i declare i declare the environment is conducive for the manifestation of god's plan and purpose in my generation i didn't hear powerful amen touch your neighbor say you have accuracy you have precision you are exact you are exact you are exact said your neighbor i prophesy over you right now you are exact accurate and you are strengthened with might by the spirit in the inner man your inner man is strengthened you are strong you are strong you are strong for the work of the ministry you will fulfill the ministry you will fulfill you are not weak you are not feeble you are not a misfit you are not a misfit you are not a misfit you are able you are competent you are strong and you will do the work of an evangelist you will preach the word in and out of ceasing your hands will heal the sick hey your hands your hands your hands your hands your hands will heal the sick and your mouth will reveal so hey your body is strong your body is well you will fulfill the purpose you will fulfill the plan you will fulfill the agenda you will fulfill the program of god you will not be distracted you will not be distracted you will not be distracted and listen i prophesy over you you will never walk in this honor you will never walk in this honor i forbid you access to dishonor i forbid you access to dishonor i forbid you access to this honor i banish dishonor from your life you are working in honor you are working in honor you honor god's word you honor the ministry you honor the brethren in the name of jesus i'm getting shocked a lot about thank you father glory to god lift your hands and give him praise glory to god our sufficiencies of god angela bush we have everything supplied we are sufficient we are god's sufficient we are god's sufficient we are god's sufficient we lack nothing thank you father it is dawn in jesus christ can we celebrate for 30 seconds glory we are god's sufficient we are god sufficient we are the martial world of prophecy glory to god amen whoa we trust that you have been blessed by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel domino please call plus 234 806 800-9939 or email powercityofficegmail.com a christian life devoid of a regular prayer pattern is a life living in scene if you are not praying you are living in disobedience and disobedience is a seed so if you are not praying you are living in sin why because prayer is an instruction power city international present international week of corporate prayers praying in the spirit with dr abel terminal date monday 18th to sunday 24th january 2021 time 12 noon to 1 pm every day venue power city international number 98 huang ibu rodrigo aquibo state nigeria men ought always to pray and not to fade don't be left out a believer does not need to break any foundation because the only foundation a believer has is christ you don't break christ once you're born again you're on a short foundation if things are not working it's not because you are under a course it's not because you are not born again no things may not be working because of certain miscalculations on your part or lack of skill or lack of sensitivity to when the holy ghost gets you direction but it cannot be because there's a foundation a christian has no foundation to break a christian cannot be possessed by devils to be possessed means satan entered your spirit and sat there that's possession how can a christian who is born of god the dna of god is in you how can satan and god live together so that is a deception and is fraud to the body of christ join doctors abel and rachel daminer in new christian camp meeting 2021 and asks the councilor with michael bush theme in christ realities ministering dr abel damina date 31st january to 14th february 2021 time mondays to saturdays 6 p.m daily on inspiration fm 105.9 uyo comfort fm 95.1 uyo xlfm 106.9 ryo radio aquibo 90.5 [Music] and also live on sunday 7 30 a.m first service and 10 30 a.m second service venue power city international number ninety eight rangibo road oyo aquabomb state nigeria host doctors abel and rachel damina be there
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 3,015
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Id: U5ClKQ6k-aU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 55sec (5155 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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