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[Music] you are bought with a price therefore glorify god in your spirit and in your body which are god so your spirit and your body is sealed until the day when mortality puts on immortality sin cannot break the seal individual mistakes cannot break the seal persecution cannot break the sea nakedness cannot break the sea hunger cannot break the sea farming cannot break the sea i am fully persuaded that nothing in this life nor in the life to come shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ where are you in christ what keeps you there the love of god join doctors abel and rachel daminer in new christian camp meeting 2021 and ask the councilor with michael bush theme in christ realities ministering dr abel damina date 31st january to 14th february 2021 time mondays to saturdays 6 p.m daily on inspiration fm 105.9 uyo comfort fm 95.1 yo xlfm 106.9 ryo radio aqua bomb 90.5 uyo yunyo fm 100.7 uyo and heritage fm 104.9 and also live on sundays 7 30 a.m first series and 10 30 a.m second service venue power city international number ninety eight wangipo road oyo akwa bomb state nigeria you can also watch this program's live on kingdom live network tv on your strong decoder or my tv decoder you can also follow abel domino's facebook page public figure as well as youtube twitter and instagram handles to watch real time host doctors abel and rachel dominar if you know that you're not going to remain the same again jump up on your [Applause] feet one more time authority in my [Music] is i believe are you excited i am what god says i have what god says when the holy ghost [Music] jesus is my salvation say jesus is my salvation jesus is my righteousness is is i never understand [Music] me i would it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend dr ava demina you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tail you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness he came from death he came from sin by the power of the holy ghost is your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor [Applause] ever i will never never be the same oh [Music] we have the privilege to study your holy written word and we have the privilege to feed from your world thank you for the mighty holy spirit living on our inside we give thanks unto the father tonight who has made us qualified to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light we are justified by faith therefore we have peace with god through our lord jesus by whom we have access into this grace we thank you lord that we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit that is of god that we might know the things that are freely given to us of god and so we thank you that our eyes of understanding are flooded with light tonight veils fall off and clarity comes by your world whatever is not planted by god is rooted out and we rejoice that by the end of this service will all be better for it in jesus precious name and every believer says it powerfully man lift your right hands to heaven let's release our faith together to say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees it powerfully man we want to welcome everybody connected to this service by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram all of the social media community we're so glad to have all of you and all of the aquaburn state community everyone connected by way of comfort fm xlfm radio aqua bomb you know ufm inspiration fm heritage fm we're so glad to have all of you connected to this service tonight help me do a favor to a friend a loved one a family member ask them to tune to this radio station right now life is flowing through the airwaves our social media community what a joy to label together with all of you in getting the whole blue blue marble planet flooded with the fragrance of jesus's grace do me a favor again let's flood the earth with the light of god's truth tonight as you share the video on your page great watch parties tag some people put the videos on monogram telegram what's up group join as many groups as possible and let the light flowed into those groups but we love you and we thank you for all that you do to ensure that this mandate reaches the ends of the earth all our campuses around the world and bible study centers get ready guys we're going to have an exciting time as you study the word of his grace are we excited to be here tonight can we give the lord a shout in this building glory to god amen grab your pen your notebook your bible you can be seated with your sweet smart self glory to god we are still on our series on in christ realities when we began we started by answering questions like what is the reason for bible study or where were the things written in the bible what were they written for and then we also took time to look at the book of second timothy and i want us to look at it quickly second timothy chapter 3 verse number 16 why the scriptures were written all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness they are profitable so the scriptures were given to us for teaching profitable for teaching and teaching will involve reproof correction and instruction in righteousness which means therefore that the profitability of the scriptures can only be achieved when the scriptures are taught or when the scriptures are explained therefore the scriptures must be explained let me say that again the scriptures must be explained explanation of what the bible cannot be used to explain any other thing outside of the reason for which it was written so the bible has who it explains the bible has who it explains the bible is for teaching teaching what that same second timothy chapter 3 verse number 15 gives us a further insight into what it is to be taught for and that from a child that was known the holy scriptures which are able to make the wise unto salvation through faith which is in christ jesus so it is to teach the in christ realities through faith which is in christ so primarily fundamentally the scriptures are given to us to open the realities of in christ in christ right through faith which is in christ somebody saw me the other time and he said to me uh dr damina please can you help me with scriptures on the antichrist i say scriptures on the antichrist maybe you should meet the devil the devil should be the best person to give you the scriptures on the antichrist and he said to me i don't understand i see i don't understand too he says i want scriptures on the antichrist i said the devil would be in the best position to give you that he thought i was joking i was very serious and i'm still serious and then he said what about the book of revelation i say well the book of revelation is not a book on the antichrist and he said what is it about i said to him revelation 1 1 put it up revelation chapter 1 verse 1 gives us the reason for the book of revelation the revelation of jesus christ the revelation of jesus christ so the entire body of the book of revelation is to reveal jesus christ the revelation of jesus christ if you observe very carefully in the book of second peter chapter one verse twenty second peter chapter one and verse number twenty brother peter was communicating you know in the same line he says knowing this first that no prophecy did you observe is singular no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation next verse for for the prophecy not prophecies the prophecy came not in all time by the will of man but holy men of god spake as they were moved by the holy ghost for the prophecy meaning the scriptures carry a single revelation it carries a single revelation the scriptures don't have dual revelation it's a singular revelation called the prophecy the revelation of jesus no wonder jesus who said to them in john 5 39 you search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life but they are they which testify of me look at revelation chapter one verse three let me dig a little bit in revelation chapter one verse number three revelation chapter one verse number three who is on the computer this night revelation chapter one verse number three blessed is he that read it and they that hear the words of this prophecy singular this so the bible is called the words of this prophecy a singular revelation a singular revelation all right so it's the book of the prophecy of a person the scriptures testify of me so in other words the teaching or explanation of the scriptures is centered around two worlds in christ in christ that's the essence of bible story what are we looking for when we study the bible they testify of me they testify of me all right they are they singularly which testified of me collectively so the entire embodiment of the scriptures carry with it a singular revelation it carries with it a singular message and that message is the message of jesus christ now yesterday we began to examine the book of acts as we began to look at doctrinal positions where the book of acts is concerned and we concluded yesterday's service by saying that the book of acts does not recognize the new birth you will never find the mention of the new birth in the book of acts you will also never find the new creation in the book of acts the entire 28 chapters and in the book of acts you will never find our rights and privileges in the book of acts so we said that a lot of doctrinal confusion emanates from how people saw or how people still see the church in the book of acts again if you observe in the book of acts there are no references to us being the children of god even the children we saw there were children of israel the only terminology used in the book of acts was believers belief which was not often used in the epistles now let me show you from the book of acts how they operated their understanding of tongues because that's why we stopped because if you read the book of acts and you are not very very careful what you will observe is that people gathered and they were praying and the spirit fell and they stood up and spoke languages and everybody had what they said and so that is where many people have concluded that if your tongues are not a language that people can understand it is not tongues from god that's where they got all of those assertions from that if you're speaking in tongues and it is not a language that can be explained maybe spanish or french or english or hausa then you shouldn't speak in tongues at all and then they call tongues gibberish they say it is gibberish it's not the real thing because in the book of acts on the day of pentecost people were hearing them speak languages and that confusion is because these people are not detailed remember yesterday we said that the circular people say that the devil is in the details so we've got to do some detailed analysis of the book of acts now please pay attention what brother luke called tongues he called it another tongue look at it in acts chapter 2 verse number 4 acts chapter 2 verse number 4 and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance he called it other tongues the greek word heteros different tongues other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance look at other instances where there was an outpouring of the spirit acts chapter 10 verse 46 acts chapter 10 verse 46 for they heard them speak with tongues and magnify god then answered peter they heard them speak with tongues tongues why didn't luke say or why did luke say other tongues we will get there acts chapter 19 verse 6 look at the way it was reported in acts 19 verse 6 and when paul had laid his hands upon them the holy ghost came on them and they spoke with tongues and prophesied they speak with tongues and prophesied observed they called it tongues which is plural we have tongues mentioned three times once he calls it in one place he calls it other tongues now let's go back to brother paul's language which will help us on the same subject before we get to brother paul it is clear that the book of acts may not be reliable as touching who we are and what we have in christ is that clear is that clear now not just that alone there are other things that the book of acts is not reliable for so let's begin to travel through this in the entire first corinthians chapter 14 paul did not use a single adjective for tongues he didn't use a single adjective for tongues rather the only adjective brother paul used will refer to is what the unbeliever will be saying that the unbeliever will be saying you are mad you are mad now so look at first corinthians chapter 12 verse 10 brother paul first corinthians chapter 12 verse 10 to another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another diverse kinds of tongues diverse kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues paul just have one adjective for tongues diverse stones diver stunts again some people think diverse tongues means different tongues so when you're speaking a cutter a cutter a cutter a cutter a cutter they say your own is not diverse stones okay because in their mind diverse tongues have to sound different different different different different you are still thinking like a cannell man in first corinthians 12 28 observed first corinthians chapter 12 verse number 28 and god has said psalm in the church first apostles secondly prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healings helps governments diversities of tongues diversities brother paul uses diversities look at vast 10 first corinthians 12 10 first corinthians chapter 12 verse 10 to another the walking of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another diverse kinds of tongues diverse kinds the diverse is not in the original so it will be to another kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues do you know that the word here is not the same as diversities of gifts diverse is not the same as diversities of gifts in first corinthians 12 4. the word here is genus genos used for a language that belongs to a people a tribe or a country diverse tongues is the word genos a language that belongs to a people a language that belongs to a tribe a language that belongs to a country that is what is common to these people diversity means it is a common language among them it is a common language among them now another time brother paul talks about it is in first corinthians 13 verse 1 first first corinthians 13 verse number one though i speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have no charity i am become a sounding brass or a tinkling symbol and then you hear some people say well there are tons of men and there are tons of angels no that is a figure of speech it's not literal brother paul was just communicating to a church where he had to use parables to bring out a lot of things remember in chapter three he already sets the tone of communication he says and i brethren when i came to you i could not speak to you as unto spiritual but as onto canal because you are babes hence the use of parables and a lot of parables in the writings of brother paul to the church at corinth so when he says though i speak with the tongues of men and of angels the angels that used to say no matter how serious your tongues are it's just a figure of speech if you don't have love you're just a noise maker and he was establishing the place of love in the operation of the gifts of the spirit because in that church they come behind in no gift yet the love of god was not operating among them are we in the building so he gave them a figure of speech the only other time brother paul will use an adjective for tongues is in first corinthians chapter 14 verse 21 first corinthians chapter 14 verse 21 in the law it is written with men of other tongues and other lips when i speak unto these people and yet for all that will they not hear me say yes the lord that's another place brother paul talked about tongues and here he was quoting isaiah isaiah 28 11 gave us the original text isaiah 28 verse number 11 isaiah 28 verse number 11 for which tamarind leaves and another tongue will he speak to these people stammer he lives there he's talking about you know tongues stammering lips look at vasquez i love the way he puts verse 12. to whom he said this is the rest when you begin to speak in tongues you are functioning in rest this is the rest you may cause the weary to rest so when you are tired and you are feeling a little touchy spiritually the way to rest is to speak in tongues you just relax on your bed or on your chair again membrane you don't have to think to speak in tongues you don't have to calculate you don't agree if you stay there for a bit before you know it you're charged up you are revived you're refreshed you are fired up are we together in the building he said this is the rest you may cause the weary to rest and this the refreshing yet they were not here you've been giving refreshing instead of looking for sleeping tablets refreshed in tongues there's a way you blast in tongues while you are blasting you slip off and you see the visions of god somebody is not shouting hallelujah all right now so brother paul here was was was you know quoting from isaiah with men of other tongues and that's not an adjective for tongues but the men so paul does not use unknown or different for the word tongues he doesn't use unknown or different for the word tongues is the translators of the king james that added unknown and if you check it is in italics or in brackets they put it there because they themselves you know the best way they could explain it in translating was unknown but notice it's in italics because brother paul never used unknown for tongues the first thing is brother paul's teaching on tongues doesn't say tongues are unknown he doesn't say tongues are unknown neither did he say tongues are different rather he says tongues belongs to a tribe and that tribe is the tribe of those that are born again we have a tribe for the new creation new spirit new man new tongues the sign shall follow those that believe at the point of believing they have new tongue they have a new language they have a new language are you still in the building here so we have a tribe of the born against see how he describes describes tongues and how that is explained first of all look at the way brother paul talks about tongues first corinthians chapter 14 verse number two first corinthians chapter 14 verse number two for he that speaketh in untone unknown was added speaketh not unto men but unto god for no man understand it how be it how be it in the spirit he speaketh mysteries he that speaks in tongues speaks not unto men but unto god so in acts chapter 2 where are they speaking to men he that speaks in tongues speaks not to men but unto god so we use doctrine to explain eyewitness so if doctrine says you speak not to men but unto god so in acts chapter 2 where they speaking to men or unto god speaking to god all right we speak unto god not unto men observe they we are speaking the wonderful works of god they were speaking the wonderful works of god so is it god that requires different languages does god require different languages okay good god doesn't require different languages speaks not to man but unto god why no man understanded tongues no man understanded tongues so when they said the people heard them that narration requires explanation because no man understanded them why they speak not to men but unto god so once we are speaking and you understand something has happened that is not just the tongues are we in the building here okay please stay with me no man understand the tongues so is it tongues they understood in acts chapter 2 no was it tongues they heard was it tongues they heard when they said they heard the wonderful works of god was it tongues they heard no because if it was tongues they wouldn't explain what they were hearing so for them to conclude that they had them speak the wonderful works of god what could they have heard he said they understood in their language is their language tongues so it was the interpretation of tongues they heard the interpretation so there was tonguing and there was interpretation of the tongues on the day of pentecost now we understand it so when i speak in tongues you're not supposed to understand me but if at all you understand it means another gift of the spirit came into oppression via the tongues that's why brother hagin calls tongues the doorway to the supernatural that when you start speaking in tongues every other team flows are we in the building here right now please stay with me so that you know the difference between tongues and interpretation of tongues we are not behaving like luke because that book is not supposed to be doctrinal and we are not blaming him because he was giving a an eyewitness account you have to be careful with the terms you use in the book of acts you have to be careful with the terms you borrow or apply in the book of acts notice another terminology in the book of acts baptism baptism is the same thing the terminology baptism you find out the writers of the epistles were careful with the usage of that word but art just used it anyhow a major question we want to examine today is why did peter and the 120 when the peter and the 120 the apostles when did they get saved when did they get saved so we will start examining that today remember i just told you that the book of acts cannot provide sufficient information for you when did they receive salvation the apostles the 120 when did they receive salvation well let's go from the known to the unknown subtle fact is that no one could have received salvation until jesus rose from the dead that's a settled fact no one could have been saved until nathan's resurrection first corinthians 15 verse 3 and 4 first corinthians 15 verse 3 and 4 for i delivered unto you first of all that which i also received how that christ died for our sins according to the scriptures verse 4 and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures all right now the gospel is that christ died he was buried and he rose again romans chapter 10 verse 8 romans chapter 10 verse number eight but what sayeth it the word is naidi even in thy mouth and in thy heart that is the word of faith which we preach verse 9 verse 9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and shall believe in thine heart that god hath what raised him from the dead that is when you shall be saved so salvation is predicated upon his resurrection all right look at first corinthians 15 17 first corinthians chapter 15 verse 17 and if christ be not raised your faith vain you are yet in your sins so the guarantee for freedom from sin is his resurrection are we still in the building matthew 26 28 a lot of scriptures good for your health matthew 26 28 for this is my blood of the new testament which is shed so until it is shed there will be no remission of sins it is the shedding of the blood that guarantees the remission of sin and he only shed the blood when he ascended in heaven and offered that blood so even on the cross he had not shed the blood in the grave he had not shed the blood when he rose he has not shed the blood is when he ascended to the right hand of majesty on high that he appeared in the presence of god for us that he shed the blood is it clear here so the resurrection of christ is a guarantee for salvation faith in that message look at luke chapter 24 verse 47 please stay with me luke 24 47 and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached so the forgiveness of sin is not a prayer the forgiveness of sin is a preaching it should be preached we preach the message of god's forgiveness you hear and believe it it is effected the forgiveness of sin is not a function of prayer as a function of preaching after his resurrection nobody is asked to pray for forgiveness we are asked to preach the forgiveness of sins and when people believe they receive and that forgiveness is eternal are we in the building in front of the building can i have a powerful amen so it's clear that if jesus didn't rise from the dead no one will be saved now we have an issue jesus rose from the dead and saw his disciples look at john 20 17 john chapter 20 verse 17 jesus saith unto her touch me not for i am not yet ascended to my father but go to my brethren and say unto them i ascend unto my father and your father and my god and your god mary magdalene he went and came back at that point did he satisfy the demands for justice huh at the point where mary was holding him had he satisfied the demands no that's right now that's why first corinthians is how that christ died he was buried he rose in the resurrection is the ascension the resurrection always is with the ascension it is in the ascension that he was exalted and given a name that is above every name so when specifically did peter and the 120 receive salvation look at john chapter 20 verse 21 are you still here yeah i'm beginning to get into the quarters where i've been waiting to get to sins then say jesus to them again peace unto you as father has sent me evil so send are you next verse and when he had said this he breathed on them and saith unto them receive ye the holy ghost next verse whosoever sins you remit they are remitted unto them and whosoever sins you retain they are retained now where they explain that that's an instruction is the same thing in acts chapter 1 verse 8 you shall receive power you shall be witnesses unto me in jerusalem in judea and samaria and onto the uttermost part of the end is the same thing in luke chapter 24 verse 49 tarry in jerusalem until you be endured with power from on high and then you shall be witnesses unto me so now he went into heaven and shed his blood he applied the blood on the mercy seat he sat down on that messy seat jesus sitting down on that mercy seat is the shedding of the blood he himself sitting down not some liquid jesus himself is the blood so when he sat down on the mercy seat that was the bloodshed so that's why sinners are asked to come boldly to the throne of grace where he shed the blood that they may obtain mercy and find grace to help which is forgiveness of sins now john 20 but before john 20 let me give you something else hebrews 9 23 so that we established where the blood was shared hebrews chapter 9 verse 23 it was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with this the pattern the pattern it was necessary for animal blood to be used on the pattern put it up but the heavily things themselves with better sacrifices than these 24. for christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands which are the figures of the truth but into heaven itself observed now to appear in the presence of god for us so jesus's appearance in the presence of god for us is the shedding of blood are we in the building here yes it's a shedding of blood now come with me to that same book of john chapter 20 verse 19. john 20 then the same day at evening being the first day of the week when the doors were shot where the disciples were assembled for fear of the jews came jesus and stood in the midst and saith unto them peace be unto you remember doors were shot windows were shot yet he appeared in there and he says peace be on today notice verse 20 this is the same day he went the same day he came back and when he had so said he showed unto them his hands and his side then where the disciples glad when they saw the lord observers 20 they saw him they saw the sides they saw their hands and they were glad when they saw the lord we found out that jesus after that spent 40 days teaching them from the scriptures someone asked did jesus sleep during those 40 days yes he slept those 40 days he has risen from the dead he's wearing immortality he appeared in heaven he appeared on earth he entered room without a window entered the room without a door appeared in there yet he slept he slept somebody asked was he eating during the 40 days yes he ate and somebody's asked did he go to toilet during the 40 days yes he went to toilet oh yes okay keep it somewhere so jesus spent 40 days with them teaching look at luke 24 verse number 27 beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded this is the 40 days teaching he expounded unto them this is after resurrection in all the scriptures the things concerning himself look at the effect he had on those guys in luke chapter 24 verse 30 look at the effect jesus had and he came to pass as he sat at meat with them he took bread and blessed it and broke and gave unto them next verse next verse and their eyes were opened and they knew him and he vanished out of their sight next mass and they said one to another did not our heart burn within us while he talked with us by the way and while he opened to us the scriptures he vanished you cannot vanish but jesus vanished because something has happened to his body he could appear and disappear yet he was eating what they were eating are you following now stay with me they said while he opened to us what our heart didn't bond because we saw him what was burning is not his appearance is the fact that he opened the scriptures now and in explaining it the scriptures came alive the scriptures became meaningful and when scriptures come alive you produce burning hearts you will see man's heart set on fire you will see somebody that never looked at his bible once in a year before always checking his bible because his heart is burning you will have people asking questions asking questions the moment you say is ask the counselor you see questions coming from everywhere why burning hearts why are people's hearts burning the scriptures has been opened [Music] are we in the building here the scriptures have been opened stay with me verse 44 of luke 24 and he said unto them these are the words that i spoke unto you while i was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of moses and in the prophets and in the psalms concerning me next verse then openly their understanding that they might understand what the scriptures now to what intent was he doing this in john 21 he even performed a miracle for them now the question is the 120 when did they become believers the book of acts doesn't tell us but look at john 20 i'm just dropping tips for you to help us arrive at the answer john 20 verse 30 john 20 30 and 31 and many other signs truly did jesus in the presence of his disciples which are not written in this book next verse but these are written that he might believe that jesus is the christ the son of god and that believing you might have life through his name now he did this in the presence of who of his disciples this miracles in the presence of his disciples so why was he showing himself to them so that they would believe that he has risen because the basis for salvation will be faith in the resurrection so when he rose he said hey guys they were panicking look at my side look at my hands it is me okay okay right he is taking time to prove because it is critical for it to be proven that he has risen from the dead are we in the building here now look at acts 1 1 acts chapter 1 verse 1 and 2. acts 1 1 the former three teams have i made autophilus of all that jesus began both to do and to teach until the day in which he was taken up after that he through the holy ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen what was jesus teach doing he was teaching till he left he was teaching till he left look at verse 3 notice notice something notice something verse 3 acts 1 3 to whom also he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs being seen of them 40 days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom how many days notice the word infallible proofs underline that notice the word showed himself alive showed himself alive paris temi in the greek used for living things paris tell me if you are making notes p-a-r-i-s-t-e-m-i parasteni showed himself a lie used for leaving things all to show i am alive so jesus proved to them for 40 days that he was alive himself it's used for personal testimony he showed himself himself used for personal testimony or a personal witness he proved to them he was alive so they actually examined jesus like a living thing they examined him they saw him alive like every other being i'm even sure they might have asked him breathe in breathe out okay okay in other words he was alive as they were alive that word infallible proof is not in the original infallible is the only thing in the original the word proof there is not in the original the word infallible is the word technerion t-e-k-n-e-r-i-o-n sorry the word infallible is not in the original is the proof that is in the original the word proof is the word t-e-k-n-e-r-i-o-n proof is used for an indisputable information indisputable information something used to convince one that when the person sees this he will be thoroughly convinced so infallible proof the intent there was to convince them notice he did not do this to the world all of this was to his disciples are we in the building he didn't do it to the world he did this exclusively to his disciples he didn't do it to pilate okay first he restricted this appearance to his disciples the 120 of them the proof now is that he is alive nobody will tell them jesus rose from the dead for you and i we we are told for them they saw him examined him because our witness was going to be standing on their witness so they touched they checked him they had to be very conscious that's why the word proof indisputable fact beyond every shadow of them even history has it recorded 500 men saw him and they touched him after he so the resurrection is not just a spiritual fact it's a historical fact are we in the building here yeah it's a historical fact that jesus rose from the dead are we still in the building now pay attention pay attention there's something i want to bring out for you so the proof now is that he's alive they had proof they had a technology on that is why they saw it clearly they touched his skin you understand they examined him you know they held the skin and pulled it to see if it would go like jelly and it was not melting they asked him to bend his knee and lift it up they saw that he had structure they examined him they even asked him to eat let them watch to see if the food will enter and disappear but they saw that he was chewing and i'm sure they looked inside the mouth to see that the food is still there because he had to confirm are we in the building here they confirmed that he was alive that was infallible or that word proof there is critical now look at the thomas example people use thomas to teach faith but thomas was not there when he appeared now why are you blaming thomas all of them were the same they too asked him to prove jesus showed them his hands isn't it and he showed them his side he sighed in thomas absence so why blame thomas jesus appears to thomas and says thomas put your hand see it here and then thomas said my lord and my god my lord and my god okay now he said to thomas because you have seen you have believed but it's the same thing with the other ten now all of them saw did they believe without seeing no they all saw and believed believe what that god raised him from the dead remember our question when did they receive salvation they touched him to believe notice can we just say they believed no but we say when you believe you receive the holy ghost if they have believed after jesus spent 40 days of teaching with them then why acts chapter 1 verse 4 put it up acts chapter 1 verse 4 stay with me and being assembled together with them commanded them that they should not depart from jerusalem but wait for the promise of the father which saith he you ever heard of me same thing in luke 24 49 tarry in jerusalem after all the teaching until being dude ask one for same instruction what was that promise in acts chapter one and verse five that word promise how many of you realize that what promise was used by peter in acts 239 for the is unto you to your children to your children's children and to as many as the lord our god shall call do you think that promise in acts 2 39 is the same with the promise in acts 1 4 you said no you said no why no why no okay so salvation is not the receiving of the spirit so there's a different spirit for endowment and different spirit first what's the difference between promise and promise that's what i'm looking for because you said the promise in one form is not the same promise in 239 okay so you are saying is the same promise okay so you're saying it's the same promise okay write it and keep it somewhere i just want to be sure that you know he has his answer kept somewhere because we are still studying what about acts 13 33 look at acts 13 33 we're doing bible study acts 13 33 put it up for me quickly acts chapter 13 verse 33 god had fulfilled the same unto us their children in that he has raised up jesus again as it is also written in the second psalm thou art my son this day have i begotten thee look at it again in acts 1 4 tarry being assembled together with them commanded them that they should not depart from jerusalem but wait for the promise of the father which saith he you have had of me now peter used it again in acts 11 14 put it up for me acts 11 14 and 16 who shall tell thee words whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved 15. as i began to speak the holy ghost fell on them as on us at the beginning they remembered i the word of the lord how that he said john indeed baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the holy ghost so what happened in the house of cornelius they believed they received the holy ghost and what else they spoke in tongues three things they believed and at the point of believing they received the holy ghost and at the point of receiving the holy ghost they spoke with tongues now the holy ghost falling on them what does he refer to when we say the holy ghost fell on them utterance ultras ultras ultras that's correct now in verse 16 of acts 11 please pay attention acts 11 16 then remembered i the word of the lord how that he said john indeed baptized with water but he shall be baptized with the holy ghost is he referring to the same thing he said in acts 1 4 huh yes it seemed to be that the word baptized with the holy ghost in acts 1 5 means utterance it seemed i have not concluded it seemed to me ok keep it somewhere who was the first person who used baptized with the holy ghost in the gospels john the baptist notice john the baptist used it in four places you can write down for your personal story matthew 3 16-17 luke 3 16-17 mark chapter 1 verse 8 john 1 33 and every time he mentioned baptized with the holy ghost he was referring to jesus his ministry look at peter simon if peter had believed before the day of pentecost yet jesus said they shall wait till they receive the promise of the father does it mean that they didn't have the holy ghost but they had believed or they have the holy ghost but did not have the full holy ghost okay okay or they had the holy ghost but the holy ghost was not ready to manifest there must be an explanation look at peter 7 in acts 2 16 again stay with me stay with me acts 2 16 but this is that which are spoken by the prophet joel and it shall come to pass in the last days saith god i will part of my spirit upon all flesh your sons and daughters shall prophesy your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams when the holy ghost was given in acts 2 peter simon gives us a little problem because now peter goes to joel he goes to job the word promise of the father looks to me like utterance acts 19 2. acts 19 2 he said unto them have you received the holy ghost since you believed and they said unto him we have known so much as heart whether there be any holy ghost look at paul's next question his mind numbing look at it verse verse 3 and he said unto them unto what then were you baptized and they said unto john's baptism did brother paul use baptism here for utterance or salvation salvation okay paul used it differently from what peter used it for are we in the building because i wanted to see how they were using baptism anyhow in the book of acts that's where i'm heading to look at verse 4 and 5 of acts 19 pay attention then said paul john truly or verily baptize with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him which should come after him that is on christ jesus verse 5. when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus is this water baptism now let's quickly run to paul's epistles how did paul use the word baptism what we are doing today is word study so you can explain them easily and understand how they were using it look at romans chapter 6 verse 3 romans chapter 6 verse 3 somebody asked me a question from there last night knowing not that so many of us as were baptized into jesus christ were baptized into his death verse 4 therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death that like as christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the father even so we also shall walk in the newness of of life is this water baptism no he is talking about identification with christ finnish work which is what we call salvation first corinthians 1 13 1st corinthians 1 13 is christ divided was paul crucified for you or were you baptized in the name of paul 14 i thank god that i baptize none of you but chris puss and chaos 15 lest any should say that i baptized in my own name 16 and i baptized also the household of stefanos besides i know not whether i baptize any other next verse for christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel not with the wisdom of words why lest the cross of christ should be made of known effect so water baptism makes the cross of christ of non-effect now stay with me you shall be baptized he didn't say i will baptize you you shall be baptized not i will baptize you what a baptism first corinthians 10 2 stay with me first corinthians chapter 10 verse 2 and we are all baptized on to moses in the cloud and in the sea that's strange baptized unto abel is moses a body of water they were all baptized into moses again this is talking about identification with the law of moses which is the same thing in romans chapter six paul mentioned spirit and baptism did he mention them in the same term spirit baptism huh no first corinthians 12 13 pay attention first corinthians 12 13 for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether we be jews or genders whether we be born or free and have been all made to drink into one spirit do you think he is referring to the same baptism in the book of acts huh notice the book of acts doesn't say the holy ghost baptized you won't hear that in the book of acts you are baptized with the holy ghost so though the word baptized is in this verse we just read is a different shade of that world so let's read further galatians 3 27 galatians 3 27 for as many of you as have been baptized into christ have put on christ his holy ghost mentioned here okay so ephesians 4 5. ephesians 4 5 one lord one faith how many baptisms so when you are born again what is that so if you not enter a river what is that that will be our many baptism i'm teaching good here i like that you are having your birth you have turned the river to swimming pool and if you observe when paul talked about baptism he didn't mention holy ghost colossians 2 12. i'm beginning to round up colossians 2 12 buried with him in baptism wherein also you are risen with through the faith of the oppression of god who has raised him from the dead is that the same with romans chapter 6 yes is he referring to salvation yes so paul's use of baptism is it the same with the book of acts use of the word baptism no does paul use the term baptism of the holy ghost or baptism of the spirit does he use baptism of the holy ghost no the spirit talks about baptism of water he did only once where he listed the few people he baptized because he met people doing it so he jumped in before light came and thank god he didn't do men he could list them even though he said the rest i don't know if there's any other person but at least in my memory that means it's a long time it happened in my memories only these three four people i can remember okay okay all right now now paul says there is one baptism so paul's use of the word baptism is it the same as the book of acts is it possible that if paul will explain luke's baptism of the holy ghost he may not use the word baptism to explain it yes yes yes yes yes now if peter had believed before the day of pentecost yet jesus said they should wait to receive we can never get our answer till we understand the word baptism of the holy ghost because jesus having convinced them still said wait for the promise of the father how many of you think that the apostles and disciples were saved before the day of pentecost how many of you think so okay okay okay how many of you think they were not saved until pentecost okay how many of you don't know what to think because there are many of you in that class if we don't know what the term holy ghost baptism means we will never know when they were saved so the word baptism must have been used by the different authors differently first peter 3 21. first peter 3 21 the light figure well unto even baptism dot also now save us not the putin aware of the field of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience toward god by the resurrection of jesus christ he is talking about noah's ark do you think peter's baptism here is water baptism no when did the apostles and disciples believe during the 40 days are you convinced it's during the 40 days you're convinced okay okay that is during the 40 days you're convinced keep it somewhere was the church born during the 40 days when exactly was the church born during the 40 days before the 40 days of on pentecost on pentacles during the 40 days okay just be writing it [Laughter] we're doing bible study are we not when did they receive salvation because you're always asking me questions let me also ask you so that is how sweet it is when they heard when their heart was burning i'm almost through so we all agree before we leave here tonight that the use of the word baptism in the epistles is different from the use of that word in the book of acts do we all agree do we agree that the promise of the father is utterance did i also agree with you that the baptism of the holy ghost is our trans you don't know okay just put you don't know there let me close with matthew 27 51 so you can think about that scripture as you leave the service tonight and behold the veil of the temple was rent into end from the top to the bottom and the egg the earth did quick and the rocks rent 52 and the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints which slept arose 53 and came out of the graves after his resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared unto many when after his resurrection was it the day of the resurrection or during the 40 days or in the book of acts because we're establishing when did the 120 get saved okay you are not answering me make sure you don't ask me that question don't ask the counselor because i won't even look at your face that's your homework hallelujah these bodies of the saints that came out of the graves which bodies are this old testament when their bodies came out of the grave we are they born again did they have the holy spirit did they speak in tongues [Laughter] we're doing bible okay okay think about it these folks who rose from the dead with jesus did they see jesus the people that came out of the grave who are those people saints which things the old testament things was abraham there what about moses rahab the halot what about gideon something in god what about devo davido stand on your feet let's close his eyes somebody shot glory so some of these questions are the kind of things we want to documentally establish in the next few days and there are quite a number of things we're also going to look at that has to do with the body of jesus has to do with jesus himself because all of this is to bring us to a place of exact knowledge where all of these realities are concerned are you blessed tonight if you're blessed can you give the lord a shout and just celebrate the word we just received glory somebody shall glory amen one thing is sure that there'll be no salvation until there is resurrection so men were only born again after resurrection is that settled who was the first to be born again who is the head of the church so where was the church born so the moment jesus rose was the church born [Applause] okay the rest still tomorrow glory to god lift your right hand to heaven father we rejoice tonight and we thank you for light that is shining thank you for clarity that is coming by your world your people being grounded rooted established in exact knowledge precise knowledge accurate understanding of the truth of our realities in christ jesus revelation knowledge growing big on our inside until nothing else matters barriers terminated obstacles destroyed sick bodies be healed be healed he sent his word and his word healed them and is what delivered them from all their destruction the word has comforted them sick bodies be healed be healed when you need a miracle receive a miracle in the name of jesus and we rejoice lord jesus that the reality of what you have done in us is growing big in our understanding that we're able to present the facts of the gospel with accuracy and thank you for great men and women that you are raising out of this congregation out of our various campuses and online community those on tv and radio and army rising all over the blue marble planet that will preach the gospel of the forgiveness of sins and we rejoice and we thank you that we're partakers of this assignment in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on and out of finality grab an offering let's give and rejoice tonight as we honor the word of god those of you watching online the banking details are scrolling those of you on tv the banking details are there radio audience mr michael bush will read the banking details in another two minutes or so as we begin to respond to your questions your phone calls and all of your queries concerning the things we are teaching here but it's a joy to have everybody all our partners and friends we love you and we thank you for all you do to support us to enable us do the things we do for the kingdom of god in this house remember next sunday is partnership sunday and i want to thank all of you that have volunteered to partner with us the next 12 months of 2021 so together we can flood the earth with the fragrance of jesus grace please lift your offerings up to heaven let's pray father we thank you for the privilege of worship we lift up holy hands without doubt or wrath and in those hands they are not empty there's an offering in them for the advancement of your work so we worship you with our offerings we worship you from our hearts we worship you for every blessing we worship you for every victory we worship you for the forgiveness of our sins and we worship you that we are accepted in the beloved so tonight our offerings are a sweet smell before you and thank you for grace that is abundantly supplied and i declare for everyone giving your needs are met supernaturally in the name of jesus thank you lord for great grace upon your people in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen only not a finality hey online community i'm gonna i'm gonna you know we're gonna flip to the other studio in another few minutes where we'll be answering questions and all of that you don't want to go away invite more people radio audience get more people to tune in so that we can be able to bring more clarity from things you have heard us thought that you still have questions about so we can help you come to a place of confidence in what you have learned but we're so excited we love you guys and we will see you again in another one or two minutes in the order studio and we're just excited are you excited about our online community give them a big hand give them a begin the online community glory to god glory amen message for these all the messages and books by dr abel dominar please call plus 234 806 a [Music] or email powercityofficegmail.com you are bought with a price therefore glorify god in your spirit and in your body which are god so your spirit and your body is sealed until the day when mortality puts on immortality sin cannot break the seal individual mistakes cannot break the seal persecution cannot break the sea nakedness cannot break the sea hunger cannot break the seal farming cannot break the sea i am fully persuaded that nothing in this life nor in the life to come shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ where are you in christ what keeps you there the love of god join doctors abel and rachel daminer in new christian cup meeting 2021 and ask the councilor with michael bush theme in christ realities ministering dr abel damina date 31st january to 14th february 2021 time mondays to saturdays 6 p.m daily on inspiration fm 105.9 uyo comfort fm 95.1 uyo xlfm 106.9 ryo radio [Music] 104.9 and also live on sundays 7 30 a.m first service and 10 30 a.m second service venue power city international number ninety eight huangavu road oyo akwa bomb state nigeria you can also watch these programs live on kingdom live network tv on your strong decoder or my tv decoder you can also follow abel domino's facebook page public figure as well as youtube twitter and instagram handles to watch real time host doctors abel and rachel daminer [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so i'm 24.5 small minutes since the clock seven in your nigeria on a tuesday evening and we are set as global bus set just a moment ago for part two of this global showpiece on radio and tv and on the social media and online of course okay so the bank details especially for radio audience uh the account number is power city excuse me the account name is power city international there are three banks there is uh fcmb there is zenith and there is ubr start on this edition of the program with zenith 10 12 36 59 12 10 12 36 59 12. then fcmb is 29 82 68 2028 fcmb is 29 82 68 2028 and of course the third certainly not the least bank is ubm 139 26 465 139 26 465 announcement number one down two more to go calls um i think in another five ten minutes you'll be given the opportunity to join us on live telephone just call into the program if you can if you're doing that from outside nigeria it will be plus two three four otherwise it's eight oh six eight hundred nine nine three nine or eight oh six eight hundred nine nine three nine if you are doing that from outside the country then it's plus two three four before you also expected to send an sms or two to plus two three four seven or three six eight or an email or two to ask the counselor now at gmail dot com okay final announcement because global buys already seated and in 30 seconds you should be seeing him for sponsorship just call us up on plus two three four eight three two seven five six one or four or you email dr abeldamina at yahoo.com doctor there of course is dro my name is michael bush my producer is pastor ij aquari complete with the production team and of course pastors praise and wimakun the resident pastor here we're so thankful to them we're thankful to all of you especially our audience put your hands together for yourselves please so nice to see you so nice to see you by the man that receives all the applause at the athletes and justifiably cell is here blah blah blah is an international televangelist it's also on radio 11 hours all of 11 hours daily in nigeria i'm so super excited to see that i feel very privileged to sit by him every edition of this program it's written right now i thought they were 30 but now 32 books and counting you know the next two would be up soon and he continues to do great things intercontinental mr bush so good to have you here just coming back it's fantastic to be here it's fantastic to be okay look about two things we must do before we sell number one is the prayer that we always pray the ritualistic prayer we always pray for acquire them for our government for people for nigeria for our world let's pray father we thank you that grace abounds all over the nations of the earth because the truth of the gospel is being proclaimed more than ever before men are being raised in all the nations of the earth to preach the truth of the gospel with boldness so we pray from boldness more boldness upon your servants all over the world men and women brethren that are rising to preach christ they have ultras they have boldness to declare the truth thank you for our government in acquiring bomb state we use the acquire bomb state government as a point of contact to all the governments around the world that lord all of our leaders the governor his cabinet will have such unusual compassion to be able to continue to serve the people of aquarium and the people of nigeria and the rest of the world and create enabling environments for potentials to thrive and in the name of jesus we deny the devil access to our cities and our nations satan will bind and restrict and stop your activities and we declare that the gospel continues to gain fraud all over the world in jesus name amen amen no bubba fantastic you know so just before we start looking at the questions by the way we spent last night in south africa yeah so beginning there from in a moment let's just start off from where you ended um earlier during part one where you talked about the the resurrection no not resurrection oh yes that's the resurrection when jesus rules um i'm wondering the bible records that he he rose with many other people yes and we guess that would have been many generations who have been told so many people yes where are they where were they where did they move to where do they stay they are called the cloud of witnesses so when he rose with them the bible tells us that they appeared in the city all over the city and they were appearing to their great-grandchildren and they were saying hey this great grandpa on my way to heaven hey all of that was part of the proof of christ's resurrection now after that the bible says he was received up into heaven with a cloud that cloud is all of those people so all of those people are in heaven with jesus right now all right and that is why the word cloud there is not a cloud for rain it's actually the people are called cloud in the bible cloud of witnesses so he went with a cloud and on the day of our own resurrection we're all going to go with jesus as a cloud so that's that's where they are okay um actually i was listening to it on radio as soon as i stepped out because incidentally i finished my radio program at sex so as i step out into the car i i joined your life and then you said something about the resurrection of christ guaranteeing salvation yes what about those who don't believe they are not saved once a man doesn't believe that jesus rose from the dead he's not saved salvation is predicated on the resurrection that is why churches must leave every other thing and preach the resurrection because that is a fulcrum that is the basis for christianity if christ is not reason then our faith is vain we are still in our sins if you don't practice christianity you're not a christian it could be any other it could be worshipping in in any of the other regions we need the other really religions but do you believe that christ resurrected are you saved once you believe that christ resurrected it means the holy ghost comes in you the holy ghost is a spirit of truth so he will guide you into the bible because the bible is the only sacred book on earth that contains the comprehensive revelation of christ okay finally global baba before we join begin a global trip and um on this edition we're going to almost all the continents because we have too many christians coming there from i'm just wondering you you study clearly it shows you studies so so so much in fact too much i'm wondering therefore have you ever come across in in studying have you ever come across something that shocked you yeah the first time yes years ago the first time i discovered that water baptism was not relevant i threw my bible on the floor i just threw it away because when i realized that what came on me was an understanding that i will have to preach this so i will now be like the only voice against the entire church world that has preached baptism as a condition for salvation and i was not already when i discussed i just threw my bible i said god no no no no then god spoke to me he said are you serious about preaching the truth of the gospel or not i said i am serious then he said to me then you have to preach everything that is the truth of the gospel so that was shocking for me very shocking but you still went back i won't forget i finally picked the bible the same bible and told the lord yes i'm going to preach it and i'm preaching it comes to this persecution but it's part of it you're everyone getting some of it so okay so we can appreciate we can forgive others who threw their bibles down they would also pick it up they will pick it up okay they threw the bible they didn't throw the word of god absolutely oh the bible they threw the bible down but they didn't know the word of god because the bible is not the word of god jesus is jesus is the word of god so the bible contains information concerning jesus meeting the bible doesn't save you it's meeting jesus but you need the bible to point you to jesus okay okay no barber finally you know it's a confession that i've made with um to you in private i've made it on uh you know the only problem i have with following you is that sometimes i just look like a fool you know it doesn't look like somebody you know i just look like somebody who's never read his bible who doesn't understand anything feeling like that means you are wise ah foolishness only a wise person will feel like that oh foolishness and wisdom yes a foolish person will think he knows everything blow baba let's begin a global trip on this edition we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it uh producer okay so producer i can now do what you want me to do if one day would just allow me a moment okay oh i'm basically good boy on this edition of the program okay so south africa next and you harness but hello my able teacher and soul feeder by dr abel damina and the indisputable intercontinental mr michael bush thank you so much global baba for the amazing work you're doing you liberate one soul at a time from bondage with real true spiritual meaning i thank you mentally robo baba we are calling to this end time generation i've been benefiting from your teaching for the past five years and my spiritual life and views of so many things that used to discomfort me suddenly left me to be you know to a more to a better it should be a better understanding of the true word of god that includes all temperamental fears i used to get so much light has been revealed in me due to my constant watching of kl and may god richly bless you global baba and protect you from all the never learning or reasonable men amen there is this church i was attending before i finally stopped because of the lack of proper teaching of the true gospel of jesus christ and many extra other questionable things happening in the church when i am happy okay i'm happy when i go to church but when returning i'm very sad and empty as i'm not spiritually fit well with the true gospel of christ then until one of my friends introduced me to your channel kln since then my real true understanding of jesus came alive in me my former church used to do fit washing and during one renovation time in the church the pastor buried four bibles in four corners of the church and many other backyard issues my question global buy is washing your feet and ketchie for olive oil during service or olive oil service at the scriptural i want to beg you global but please pray for me because i'm used to swearing at anyone who leaves this church okay the pastor is used to swearing at anyone who leaves his church also i sense diabolical means in in all of that please pray for god's blessing for my new line of business as royalto please pray for me and my siblings since we lost our mum last month due to sickness that took our life now praying to raise money for burial it breaks my heart please pray for me as i work towards settling down with my wife for god's favor i can't wait to visit acquire boom that's with you because of your best regards your spiritual son kenneth writing from jailbox south africa wow kenneth well we speak the comfort of the holy ghost the peace of god and we decree that you're far from oppression no we performed against you prospers we rebuke fear and the voice of the enemy you are protected you are secured you are preserved and established in righteousness and we decree that you are favors to be able to have the monies you need to go through the process of the burial and settling whatever you need to settle receive a miracle for that in jesus name amen now back to your question on feet washing mantles and all of that they are not apostolic traditions they are not apostolic teachings and because the church is built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets we stay up with apostolic traditions and apostolic instructions so that's why the teaching of god's word is much more needed more than ever before so don't be afraid don't allow doubts arise in your heart be confident in the love that god has for you and be confident that your secured christ said he will never leave nor forsake you bless you okay global papa we're out of south africa presently but for the road as we head to rwanda next let's take this anonymous entry dear doctor abel i mean i have a question after divorce can we get married again with someone else and god will bless that marriage because the scripture says that that is committing adultery well i don't know which scripture you're reading but i think you're not interpreting the scriptures right because once there's a divorce it means the marriage is dissolved it means traditionally or culturally because marriage is cultural it is dissolved also legally is dissolved so that marriage is no more existing it's no more in existence and once it's no more in existence you're free to go and get married again be afraid to go and get married again to rwanda next and everest right there from says hello global i'm being blessed by your teachings i just needed to report to you right right now i'm listening to your teaching on marriage i just wanted to know that i love you baba thank he loves you yeah from rwanda to zambia chandra is my name i'm 28 years of age i'm from zambia and i've been blessed and inspired by your teachings and preaching of the word of god through your books on social media we pray for your visitation here in zambia as soon as you can great man of god i was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes last year in august and since then i've lost concentration on focus because i've lost weight as well i'm a youth leader in church and i believe that when you pray for my healing i'll be free from diabetes because prayer has no distance amen amen when we rebuke diabetes in the name of jesus we flush it out of your body receive a miracle of healing and restoration now in jesus name amen amen to kenya and we have two entries i'll start with the shorter one hello dr damina thank you for your great insight into god's word please explain matthew 11 12 peter in nairobi kenya right from the days of john the baptist the kingdom of god suffered violence and the violence take it by force is actually you know the writings in matthew well a lot of them were parables what jesus was simply saying is that from the days of john the baptist the kingdom of god is open and people are pushing into it people are coming into the truth that's all it means it doesn't mean praying and clapping under hitting the floor as violence it just simply means the kingdom is open and men are pressing into the kingdom of god to get seated 20.5 minutes to the top of the hour meaning we just have a little over 20 minutes to the end of this edition of the program from short kenya to long kenya praise god global baba my name is pastor michael i write from kenya i recently followed the teaching on being filled with the spirit and i'm greatly catapulted by this semen but the prevalent question global bar came after you said a person must get its way through and come to nigeria for the laying of hands for perfecting partition i want you global baba to help him because even to have a ticket to come will be will take many years in saving and i want to be able to establish and reach many people with the gospel i'm now in my second year in ministry that god has directed me and i'm not happy with attendance and how people are dragging themselves in catching this message of grace since i planted our ministry we're about 10 in number i want you to know that due to listening consistently to you i found i couldn't flow in the ministry i was before because of the unscriptural semens of moses and law that difference created a mayhem between my pastor and me i did what you instructed other people to do i went somewhere else and started straight fellowship and instead of my pastor blessing me through insults and curses at me not to mention what he said okay he also asked me not to mention his name for the rest of my life but god is faithful after continuing to listen to your message global baba i got healed and started in the ministry to preach the way you touched me and you continued to teach me now help me the way god will help you in everything about military impartation he continuously goes on and on well like i said you know we were just teaching on how how much you must desire impartation and i said there are times you even have to travel you know travel go to where the person you're learning from is so he can impart into you all right so but that doesn't stop you from doing ministry that doesn't stop you from listening to the things i teach and growing in knowledge and effectively doing ministry and then pray for me to come to your country if you're not able to come you know pray that all of this corona thing gives way and we'll be able to visit different countries around the world and bring the love of god and we're able to meet you physically and do physical invitations if you're not able to come here so one way or the other because you desire it it will happen one of these days amen in 3.5 small minutes you should be taking your calls so keep them coming but from kenya quickly quickly flying to togo hello global barber so glad to be enlightened by your teachings let the truth triumph and cover the earth please don't i want to know if there is any training we need to undergo as far as ethics is concerned when doing ministry for instance if i want to become a coordinator of power city campus in my country is there any special course i need to take from you in order to know how to organize behave and manage the campus brother david is in togo yes brother david there's a training for all people who coordinate power city campuses around the world so if you desire to do that you need to reach out to us there's quite a lot we're going to teach you and help you understand to make you effective in starting a campus and maintaining the campus from lumen you know one francophone part of africa we're going to another cameroon dwala greetings global baba the troubler of israel wow the trouble of israel that's a new one and the no nonsense missed the boost okay global by your own words the new one my own is a good one okay i said greetings from my diligent disciples in the city of dwara in cameroon i'm kid c blaze there is a seeming contradiction in my mind about whether john the baptizer he should have been john the baptist knew jesus as the messiah baptizing him or whether he didn't know him before baptizing him this in accordance with the gospel according to the accounts according to matthew 3 13-17 where john wonders allowed why jesus comes to him for baptism whereas he john is supposed to be baptized by jesus this shows that the first of all if it's of all objects because he knows jesus before the baptism progress process but john 1 32 to 33 shows that if not of water baptism john would not have known him meaning john knew him only after water baptism please trusted barbara do exegesis here well first of all the book of john does not give us the chronological accounts the book of job john is like a summary actually the first thing john just did was in the beginning was what the world was god after all of that he now went back to see how he can give us a few information all right that's why some theologians argue that the book of john should not be a synoptic gospel now but matthew went you know sequentially giving us the history and if you observe what matthew was saying is that jesus shall have baptized john not because john knew that jesus was the savior but they already knew that jesus there was something special about jesus remember the mother of john had the prophecy concerning jesus so the mother of john must have told john a lot about jesus and then moreover remember the age of 12 jesus was talking with doctors and lawyers so there was something special about jesus he had a lot of education and you know his of modus operandi made him stand out among his contemporaries so when john was saying you should be the one baptizing me not me baptizing you he was referring to the fact that there's something special about you even though we are cousins i know you but there's something about you you're more learner than i am you're more educated than i am because the bible says he grew in wisdom in stature in favor with god and man so all of those were the reason why john said you should be the one baptizing me not that john knew he was christ but it was in the baptism when the heavens opened that john's eyes were opened to now know that this is actually the christ the son of the living god the one who takes away the sins of the earth so it's not a contradiction it's just the way the two books were written one was written from the end and then a little bit was added which was actually a lot of revelation in john no stories at all and then the other one went sequentially with all the stories and all the background it's not a contradiction it's just understanding that the two books were written differently okay the time has come for your calls if you can squeeze in a couple before we round off this edition of the program would just be nice but from cameroon we stay on in cameroon i'm mrs jonker right from cameroon i'm so grateful to god for your eye-opening messages i have a question sir after the burial ceremony of a loved one can a believer organize or attend memorial ceremony or thanksgiving life celebration some years or months after that person was buried i mean yeah why not there's nothing wrong with it nothing wrong with it go on honor the person honor the family you know identify with them if that's how they choose to honor and respect the memory of that person there's nothing wrong with it okay i was telling you we were in some part of uh africa that is francophone part we'll be leaving africa in a moment we're heading to europe we'll go to the francophone part of that continent first though our first caller hello if that's how they choose to honor and respect the memory yeah we understand that hello okay yeah i understand that just you're listening device or you're watching device just move it we'll go ahead okay good evening good evening bless you go ahead um sir i want to ask a question okay my action are you there okay so um we just played with you when you're going to call us as soon as you see that your phone is ringing just strangle it bury you are listening or watching device just bury it you know and just know that you can hear us on telephone but let's go to paris france and that is in europe says hello global mr bush i'm pastor steve i write from paris i appreciate your work and labor for the body of christ small grace and revelation knowledge unto the spirit my question global baba where were disciples of jesus excuse me where okay where were the disciples of jesus born again that is baptized with the spirit was it at pentecost or before pentecost and if not a pentecost when was it keep following following the class we started on it today we continue okay so from uh parry we go to germany excuse me from france we go to germany from peru we go to berlin barbara any um i agree to you all in the name of our lord jesus christ please kindly help me understand romans 10 9 to 10 in these verses i if i preached to someone and he or she believed in the message of christ jesus do i have to leave the person to receive christ i said in as we are told in romans 10 9 to 10 thank you global baba thank you brother bush may god continue to strengthen you too yours in christ jesus jeffrey que azuma tangito in berlin germany oh sure if you get somebody you preach to somebody he receives christ let him in the confession let him declare his faith and let him be confident in what he has received okay someone anonymous entering even as we make okay i hear that we have another caller i just go back to that caller hello hello amen we have many thanks for joining us you know where you're calling from yes my name is i'm coming from this state yeah shoot on okay please my question is uh i just want to know after salvation is there any necessity for restitution that's my question okay i understand no there's no necessity for restitution what are you how are you going to study restitution you know what are you going to restitute there are so many things so and if you're going to do it you have to do all of it if there's anybody that should have done restitution was supposed to paul when he was sold he went everywhere killing wasting lives destroying churches he should have been the first person to do a restitution but instead he explained to you if any man in christ is a new creature all things are passed away behold all things are new so once you're born again there's no need for restitution no need whatsoever you know okay global we're heading out of uh germany as a matter of fact out of europe we'll be going um towards asia vietnam is an export of call in disguise we take this anonymous entry hello dr damien and mr michael bush thanks for the teaching this is my question hebrews 6 4-6 i still cannot understand how he it is talking about salvation what i understood is that it doesn't make sense that after a certain time in christ having tested everything you start shaking again and we have to teach you again the basics like we have to be mature i don't understand that well that scripture is remember the the people that the writer of hebrews was addressing you're not is you are not their audience they were addressing jewish people believing jews and non-believing jews that's the audience he was talking to and he was making them see the fertility of the law the vanity of works and making them see that only what christ has done counts so that's why he says seeing that they have crucified to themselves the son of god afresh and put him to an open ship and because you know that nobody can crucify jesus the second time that means what he was actually saying to them is that when you've tasted all of that you can never follow it if you read further he now say well persuaded better things of you that accompany salvation so that's actually the scripture for eternal salvation another caller hello many thanks for joining us where you calling from i'm calling from your name your name my name is blessing sir go ahead mom i want to answer i love to pray but i lose interest in reaching the word of god so i need help and insight well uh you can't walk you can't pray without the word of god prayer without the word of god if you're not careful can't even take you into spiritism so the word of god is critical because what are you even going to pray prayer is fellowshipping with the word so my advice um i will advise you to get on youtube look for our materials on youtube just begin to listen to them one every day one every day and i guarantee you in a short while your habitat for the word of god is going to explode you betray the word of god and then it will make your prayer very effective and powerful it's very important that's my advice just go on youtube type a bell demeanor and look at all the messages that are there for free just begin to to consume them as much as you can it will help you a lot there are even teachings there on prayer that will help you there very important bless you okay global baba we're going to some dangerous parts of the world vietnam and later kuwait wow my prayer is that um time does not allow us to sleep there i don't want to stay there i want to spend the night okay we're covered okay i'm going to get out we should not be afraid okay the presence of gokey okay okay so vietnam hello riot my name is navoma sunita i'm a cameroonian i currently live in vietnam at least i need your help i would like to advise you to advise and teach me about the repercussions of breaking covenants with god actually i learned from my place of worship way back in my country and entered into a covenant with god in 2015. out of there i broke one not once not twice i'm confused on what to do blah blah blah sometimes i feel i wasn't supposed to get into a covenant in the first place i feel like i didn't do the right things yet i don't know what to do next and how it could affect me for playing babies with god above all it makes me feel like i sound too complicated in front of a man who was interested in marrying me i came across the teachings of dr ebel damien are three days ago and i feel convinced that it could help me with sound ad piece of advice please teacher of the believer's message grant my humble request thank you sir what's the name sunita sunita listen carefully relax when you are making that covenant god didn't take you serious because he knew you are not going to do it so relax you are covered be at peace god is not holding it against you does not even exist just relax enjoy christ enjoy what christ has done for you and i'd like you to email our office and order for my teaching on the promise of god the promise of god is a teaching series the promise of god and the integrity of god's word the promise of god and the integrity of god's word sit down with those teachings they will change your world for you bless you love our last caller last caller can we just take our last call on this edition of the program hello hello good evening mr bush and good evening thank you for teaching us god's word thank you yes sir um sir i want to ask a question what's the name my husband lost his dad and his dad is a prince his dad died in america and while he was still alive he told them that when he dies that he shouldn't take him to they shouldn't bring him to nigeria to vary so um their planning is burial now his family members are trying i like giving my husband issues they want to tell him when to bury his dad because they said that because he's a prince that he cannot bury him anything that they will tell him when to bury him and they would also ask him to bring money to do some things back here in nigeria so i want to hear what you have to say concerning this and then secondly supplies i want you to pray for me i'm believing god for speed so i think i won't go to um speeding everything that i'm doing concerning my american himself so that i can go and join my husband in america okay let me just actually don't go away don't go away don't go away was your was your husband's was your husband's father a believer a christian was he born he was a believer yes was he in any church yes he was yes he was in a church he was attending a church in america but when he was in nigeria he was a pastor okay so what you'll do is tell your husband to last with the church he attended in america and let the church tell those village people that they have taken over the burial because he was a member of their church and he instructed them to bury him in america and that's what they will do that settles the matter permanently okay we need to go on you know what what i feared most has come over me um in vietnam in uh vietnam about we need to go we need to go we need to go there was a prayer for her father in the name of jesus we declare that she has speedy favor on speedy performance amen with her visa in the name of jesus receive it we pray for others that are sick those expecting miracles those desiring jobs marital favors receive it in the name of jesus amen thank you father for answered prayer amen in jesus name amen amen that's this edition of the program pastor's praise and we knew mayor cohen many times pastor yj aquarium the production team professor j query is a producer and a production team i'd like to say many things my name is michael bush enough on this edition blu baba yes dr ebel damina the intercontinental mr bush what a day what a blessing we want to thank all of you thank you thank you thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve all of you the grace of god i'm excited tonight we still have dr gabriel pastor god's power is here from abba pastor payami is here with us from uyo dr christian is here with us from maryland we love all of you what a joy now listen you have to follow us on radio i'm on radio tonight eight to nine on inspiration 9 to 10 sorry 9 to 10 on inspiration fm 10 to 12 on heritage fm tomorrow morning on xlfm 5 45. 5 45. every day good morning acquire bomb every day is 5 45 on excel f xl 5 45 a.m and then radio acquire bomb 11 to 1 xl fm one two three you know your fm 35 and we're back here tomorrow evening on 6 p.m on comfort fm it's going to be an exciting time we love all of you and thank you for giving us the opportunity to keep serving you and they will see all of you tomorrow enjoy the grace of christ and remember dr gabriel and pastor gus power and persecute will be live on kingdom life network tonight you don't want to miss it at all for anything be blessed and good night goodbye from uyo nigeria amen you are bought with a price therefore glorify god in your spirit and in your body which are god so your spirit and your body is sealed until the day when mortality puts on immortality sin cannot break the seal individual mistakes cannot break the seal persecution cannot break the seal nakedness cannot break the seal hunger cannot break the seal farming cannot break the sea i am fully persuaded that nothing in this life nor in the life to come shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ where are you in christ what keeps you there the love of god join doctors abel and rachel daminer in new christian camp meeting 2021 and ask the councilor with michael bush theme in christ realities ministering dr abel damina date 31st january to 14th february 2021 time mondays to saturdays 6 p.m daily on inspiration fm 105.9 uyo comfort fm 95.1 yo xlfm 106.9 ryo radio aqua bomb 90.5 uyo you know your fm 100.7 rio and heritage heaven one zero four dot nine and also live on sundays 7 30 a.m first series and 10 30 a.m second service venue power city international number ninety eight wannabe road akwa bomb state nigeria you can also watch these programs live on kingdom live network tv on your strong decoder or my tv decoder you can also follow abel damina's facebook page public figure as well as youtube twitter and instagram handles to watch real time host doctors abel and rachel dominar [Music] this
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 5,280
Rating: 4.9718308 out of 5
Id: qjtz6VHb2FA
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Length: 125min 25sec (7525 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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