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[Music] feel the power welcome to rishi's invasion of truth with dr ebel damina hello family and friends on facebook youtube instagram twitter i want to welcome you to the ever increasing world feast and i'm excited today to have all of you connected to this broadcast abel damina is my name we are very committed to the vision of reintroducing jesus to this generation equipping the believer to know who you are in christ what you have in christ and what christ can do through you do me the favor today invite somebody share this video tag somebody you know create watch parties let's float the entire blue marble planet with the fragrance of jesus's grace and i want you to know we're going to have an exciting time of studying the word of his grace on this particular broadcast today let me quickly mention that my two books are out and if you don't have a copy of these books i don't know what you're waiting for courses myth and the truth very powerful material you know in this book i talked about the language in which the bible was written use of words the role of the bible reader and the bible teacher the blessing and the curse does god curse the curse of the law what of generation that cases jesus and the fig tree and a lot more it's a book you don't want to you know go without especially for people that have been threatened with causes before now you know what you don't know is bigger than you ignorance is the greatest undoing of any man my people are destroyed not because satan is powerful but because they don't know they have no knowledge so get this material today it will build you up and edify you and bring clarity then there's this other book on the communion table many people ask me so many questions on the communion you know and all of that this book is very powerful i wrote this book and there's a lot in it exceed justices all over the book the promise of god the old testament feast the difference between the passover breaking of bread and the lord's supper the lord's table and walking in love very powerful material i'd like you to order for them you know and all other books that we have written all of these efforts is to see that you are enriched in your walk with christ that you maximize everything that christ has provided for your spiritual edification i'd like you to share with other people you know the things we are sharing with you here get more people to be connected get more people to order for the material right now on the screen the phone number to call for the material is on the screen and the email address where you can send your orders to is also on the screen there are also many other titles i have written over 30 titles you can order and our office can send you all of the catalogs for it now let me also mention those of you that have been following my teachings who don't have a local church where you attend where christ is revealed god wants you to live among brethren god doesn't want you to be isolated the bible says god has placed the solitary in families the word of god tells you i will bring you to your fold and i will give you pastors according to my heart who shall feed you with knowledge and understanding and he says it shall come to pass that when you are fed you shall not lack you shall not fear you shall not be dismayed if you are in a location where there is no bible teaching church where christ is revealed all the time you've been following my teachings and you want to identify with one or you want to start a campus we call our churches campuses you want to start a campus all you need to do is send me a mail dr abeldamina we will equip you and train you and work together with you to create a campus in your locality so you become a lighthouse where other people seeking to know christ can come around and be part of the fellowship and you can be pioneering a church there that will bring light to that community you become a lighthouse in that society i'm really excited about the opportunity god has given us as a ministry to enrich and equip believers all over the nations of the earth just before we go into the service remember again that you need a pen a notebook and a bible because it's going to be an exciting adventure as we adventure together into the word of his grace my prayer for you today is that grace are bound towards you that you always have sufficiency in all things you are bound onto every good work in the name of jesus amen let me mention the story we're going to be having the next one two weeks here on facebook youtube every evening at 6 00 pm gmt plus one the study we're going to be having is going to be a bible school we want to equip you and train you in the pursuit of the kingdom assignment that god has for your life i want to encourage you every day at this same time 10 pm gmt plus 1 to get more people to be part of this broadcast so together we can lighten the dark places of the earth let me take you on a gospel adventure right now into that service where the spirit of our god is already moving happy viewing we're beginning a series on being filled with the spirit being filled with the spirit the teaching of scripture is the definition of doctrine the teaching of scripture is the definition of doctrine doctrine is not what somebody thinks or what some church say you should do doctrine is practically primarily the teaching of scripture when we say doctrine when they say doctrines we say doctrine doctrine the bible tells us that from a child you have known the holy scriptures which are able to make you wiser unto salvation through faith which is in christ jesus second timothy 3 15 all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine doctrine not doctrines doctrine singular singular we don't have doctrines we have a doctrine we have a singular teaching we have a singular explanation of the scriptures a singular revelation of the scriptures the scripture is not books is a book with a message and a character is a book with a message and a character one book one message one character pay attention to ii peter chapter 1 verse number 19 brother peter speaking we have also a martial word of prophecy did you see singular not prophecies a singular revelation is a prophecy we don't have doctrines we have a doctrine we have a martial word of prophecy where unto you do well that you take heaters onto a light that shine it in a dark place until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts look at the next verse knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation the whole scripture the whole bible is a prophecy 21 now observe carefully 21 for the prophecy not the prophecies the prophecy the entire book is one prophecy a singular revelation of god a singular consistent revelation of god for the prophecy came not in all time by the will of man but holy men of god speak as they were moved by the holy ghost so the teaching of scripture is the definition of doctrine the scripture refers to what is written what is written it is a fact that these are words inscribed in the pages of the bible a book which explains itself the bible is self-explanatory that is why you do not import your thoughts into the scriptures because the scriptures have their own meaning the scripture is self-explanatory it has its own meaning don't try to think for the scriptures the scripture has its own thoughts the scripture has its own message don't try to impose and import a message in the scripture or make the scripture say what the scripture is not saying why because the teaching of scripture is the definition of doctrine that is what defines doctrine it is not what our church has been doing forever no the definition of doctrine is the teaching of scripture somebody said but i don't like doctrine well if you don't like doctrine then you don't like scripture because the entire scripture is the doctrine the doctrine of christ look at ii john chapter one verse number eight look to yourselves that we do not lose those things which you have wrought but that we receive a full reward next verse whosoever transgressed it and abided not in the doctrine of christ the doctrine singular the doctrine of christ the message the revelation of christ whosoever does not abide to abide means to take up residence it means a permanent place of abode a permanent place of your stay you need to abide that is supposed to be the mainstay of the church the doctrine the teaching the explanation of christ and he says anybody that does not abide in that heart not god he doesn't have god he that abideth in the doctrine doctrine singular revelation singular explanation singular teaching of christ he have both the father and the son so if you say you don't want doctrine you're not a believer you're not even a christian because it is doctrine that defines your union with god he said that man hath not god so scripture therefore should be read and understood why because it is self-explanatory look at ephesians chapter 3 verse 3 see what brother paul says to the church at ephesus how that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery as i wrote a four in few words verse 4 whereby when you read the scriptures are self-explanatory whereby when you read you may understand so you read to understand my knowledge we are in the mystery of christ what is the mystery of christ again the doctrine of christ which is the proof that a man has both the father and the son or does not even have god the doctrine the teaching of scripture the singular revelation of the scripture so the scriptures therefore are written to be read they are written to be read look at jesus happening on this fact in matthew chapter 19 verse 4 and he answered and said unto them have you not read because the scriptures are supposed to be read many people ask questions because they are not reading the scriptures because if you read the scripture it is self-explanatory it is self-explanatory especially after we teach you because first of all you can't study the bible for yourself because you don't even know what to study so when we teach you you now take the instructions and go and search for yourself and get those teachings you know enshrined into your understanding have you not read a nagi no school have you not read because jesus expected them to read he said this severally the term to read means to view have you not viewed to mentally capture and appraise words that are written to mentally capture and appraise words that are written this implies that the teacher of the word must read and have this audience read to it's critical i read you two will have to read so the essence of teaching is to get you to read and read with a view to mentally capture and appraise the message of the scriptures with a view you must read with a view to understand don't just read you read with an intent to understand what you're reading that's why philip actually you know you are reading but do you understand because the intent for reading is understanding whereby when you read you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of christ first timothy 4 13 see what brother paul said to timothy till i come give attendance to reading to exaltation and to doctrine to explanation to doctrine give attendance like a student will attend lectures consistently continually without stopping you also till i come that means the church is one school you only matriculate and never graduate till i come so from the day you come into a teaching church like this you registered as a lifetime student till i come give attendance to reading and to doctrine till i come so through bible teaching is study hallelujah so we're examining how to get people filled with the holy ghost and of course by implication how to also get you that is not filled with the holy ghost because there are people that are in church that are not filled with the holy ghost please watch what i say that are not filled with the holy ghost i didn't say they are not born of the spirit they are not filled and in the course of teaching those words will come handy first corinthians 12 1 now concerning spiritual gifts actually the original has it now concerning spirituals and of course whenever you see now it means therefore therefore concerning spirituals brethren i will not have you ignorant the word ignorandia is the word agnew agnew n o e o agnew in the greek a g n o e o for those making notes somebody said i should slow down when i'm reading greek words e g h many times it is used for willful ignorance intentional ignorance deliberate ignorance agnew willful ignorance you just don't want to know about it you just don't want to know for instance if you have never bothered checking the book stand out there to get the books i have written for you to get the messages i have been teaching for years a plethora of messages you are in willful ignorance you are in willful ignorance that is to say nobody is responsible for your ignorance and the repercussions that comes with it it is your daily bread choice and deliberate acquisition willful ignorance nobody can help you including god when you subscribe to willful ignorance nobody can help you even god takes his hands off at that point because the way of escape that god makes for you is the teaching materials that's the way of escape and if you know god's way of escape then even god becomes handicapped where you are concerned because you are in deliberate and intentional ignorance it's not that it's not available teachings are available materials are available but you have decided to subscribe to the school of illiteracy it's willful ignorance you have never taken one of the books that takes me years and hours painstakingly that sucks out my blood sucks out my energy to put together you've never read one and you're in discharge and you're asking too many questions you are in willful ignorance you've deliberately decided that you and satan will stay in darkness because ignorance is darkness and satan is the prince of the darkness of this world so don't complain that the devil is after you you gave him fertilizer to go after you you created an enabling environment for satanic pursuit when you admitted intentional ignorance it's not anybody's fault okay means you have chosen his choice to be ignored nobody made you ignorant notice what paul says about this church first corinthians 1 7 pay attention so that you come behind in no gift waiting for the coming of our lord jesus christ that is you are not left behind in the gifts of the spirit you operate spiritual gift yet he said to that church that is full of gifts i will not have you ignorant that means that you are gifted doesn't mean you have knowledge so beyond gifts you must go for knowledge you come behind in no gift in chapter one in chapter 12 he says i wouldn't have you ignorant concerning spirituals the word gift there is the word charisma in the greek charisma charisma c-h-a-r-i-s-m-a charisma despite the fact that they are behind in no gift so it's not like they are ignorant of gifts what paul was talking to them about if you notice very well is the house the house to operate the gifts you can have gifts but you lack the house of operating them you can have gifts and the way you operate them can make the gifts questionable so brother paul was talking about the house when he was talking that church agnew agnew also is failing to recognize failing to recognize many times in this epistle brother paul talked to that church in corinth about knowledge knowledge if you notice the problem he had with them is he said they were babes and i brethren could not speak to you as unto spiritual but as unto babes as unto babes they were babes and he didn't call them babes because they just got born again yesterday he didn't call them babies because they are new in church somebody can be new in church and mom had shot down somebody that was there when the foundation was late so it's not the longevity of being in charge that determines spiritual maturity it's a longevity of understanding christ he called them babes not because they just got born again no but because they were not paying attention to the teaching and the knowledge that was required by the word of god so he couldn't feed them with meat he couldn't feed them with meat he could only feed them with milk milk all right and he called them babes the word nephious in the greek nephews where you have you know no napkin you know nepeas napkin you know napkin is used for babies okay in the piers nepeas all right he called them the pios in the greek and many times there was no other church he called their knowledge to question that was the only church that brother paul emphatically called their knowledge you know he called their knowledge to question all through the book of corinthians if i look at first corinthians 3 16 let's do a little bit of study know ye not see the word knowledge know ye not that you are the temple of god and that the spirit of god dwelleth in you no ye not first corinthians chapter 6 verse 2 do you not know that the saints shall judge the world do you not know verse 3 knowing not that we shall judge angels no ye not the same church all right verse 9 knowing not that there are righteous shall not inherit the kingdom of god no he not first corinthians 6 15. know ye not that your bodies are the members of christ no ye not the same church verse 16 what knowing not that he which is joined to unhealth is one body look at verse 19 of first corinthians chapter 6 what knowing not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost knowing not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost so that church brother paul called their knowledge to question no he not one church no he not one church no he not no he not no he not i wouldn't have you ignorant he kept talking about knowledge with the church at current so when it comes to spiritual babes don't be particular about their conduct like a particular about what they know because it is what they know that informs their conduct it is what they know that informs their conduct amen i said amen yeah you know when jesus got to his hometown and they didn't receive his ministry he didn't outrightly condemn them no he went ahead to teach them the word of god exhaustively in the book of mark chapter 6 look at it mark chapter 6 verse 1 and he went out from the ends and came into his own country and his disciples followed him that's too and when the sabbath day was come he began to teach in the synagogue he began to teach if he observed that everywhere jesus was found in the synagogues he was teaching he didn't preach in the synagogues he was always teaching because teaching is the only way to build precept upon precept teaching is not haphazard teaching is organized teaching is systematic and teaching is gradual teaching is painstaking you know preachiness anyhow just proclaim and declare but teaching teaching is organized so jesus was always teaching in the synagogues he began to teach verse 2 in the synagogue and many hearing him were astonished saying from wings at this man these things and what wisdom is this which is given unto him that even such mighty works are wrought by his hand next verse it's not this the captain that the son of mary the brother of james and joseph and of judah and simon and are not his sisters here with us and they were offended at him but jesus said unto them a prophet is not without honor but in his own country and among his own kin and in his own house and he could dear he could dear do no mighty works he couldn't even if he wanted to he couldn't they put brakes they put restraint they restricted him it's not that he didn't want to he just couldn't they restricted him dishonor restricts the ministry of a man of god in your direction dishonor can make you a member of this church are not a particle of the grace of this ministry so you're physically in this church but the impact and the influence of god's word the grace that is available that makes things happen beyond explanation can be seen in your life so you're in a church where there's a lot of grace things are happening easily for your ministry but yourself you're under heavy yolk you're carrying ions on your head that makes it difficult for you to move you're under a graceful ministry but you're graceless because of this honor familiarity i know i know the moment papa comes is john 5 39 look 24 25 to 27 as if we are stupid people he doesn't know where i've understood it i know so today i won't go with pen and paper if he's talking about i know what he's going to say i know dishonor dishonor is very costly honor cost you nothing but dishonor cost you everything honor will cost you nothing honor will cost you nothing but dishonor will cost you everything jesus could dear do no mighty walks save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk and heal them look at the next verse and he muffled because of their unbelief he called this honor unbelief that is dishonor his faithlessness a man in this honor has no faith and it takes faith to receive from god that means a man in this honor cannot receive from god say that because a man in this honor is double-minded the reason why you're in dishonest because you believe what you don't believe you're double-minded you believe but you don't believe you trust but you don't trust so you are listening suspiciously because you don't believe you don't trust you cannot relax to just be blessed by the ministry no you are suspicious and because you're suspicious even you yourself don't trust yourself so you can receive a man in that atmosphere cannot receive that's why some people can't receive any spiritual invitation brother paul say i long to see you that i may impart an impartation is done on a people that believe a people that are receptive a people that are in honor a people that are respectful if you're full of disrespect and disrespect doesn't mean that you're outwardly rude to somebody you can be very distractful in your heart you're doing everything that makes you look like you're respectful but in your heart you disdain you disdain and spirituals are heart to heart deep color to deep i can't impart on you by even touching you but i can impact on you by speaking words and you open up to those words in honor and those words will go and do wonders in your heart that's why jesus will say ah i've never seen this kind of faith before because the guy said you don't have to come to my house that is oh no don't come to my house sir don't stress yourself don't travel down just to come to my house your words carry power you don't need to physically be in my house just pick the world and your word will do the job jesus said what i've never seen this kind of faith he called that honor faith jesus called honor faith this honor will deprive you deny you rob you and cost you so much dishonor can make you go around one circle for the rest of your life this honor can keep you in a place where grace is available to push you but because of this honor the grace can't access you and that is why you can't afford to play with ministry that god has directed in your direction jesus now when he saw that dishonor what did he do to that place bible says he began to teach he began to teach because the cure for this honor is teaching the cure for dishonor is teaching you keep teaching you keep teaching you keep teaching until the people come to a place of placing value on what they are receiving but you know it's unfortunate some people never come there ever learning is unfortunate some people never ever arrive at a place of honor so they never arrive at a place of receiving from god they take things for granted and remain you know in the familiar zone when they stay with that familiarity and yet you see somebody that is not even a part of the ministry just passing by he's just passing by the grace of the ministry just descends on him and the guy he's already enjoying it and somebody has been there for long you know the only proof that has been there for long is a sand that has rubbed off on him in the course of the journey you know when you travel for a long time on a sandy road the dust will come on you that's the proof that he's been around he can tell the stories of what happened 2014 2003 we were here 2005 2010 you know you don't know anything you're just new say you're new you're new you're just somebody was sharing with us in the uh this house center pastors meeting and he said there's an old member of this church who is living by his house and never attends house fellowship and he is new he's been in this church just a few months and he's a house fellowship leader and he's busy telling that brother join the fellowship the brothers say you are new you are new where were you do you know how long i've been in the church i've been in the church before you long you just came yesterday now we have already done our own it's time for you to do our that's dishonest that's total dishonor dishonor to christ dishonor to this ministry dishonor to that house center and the brethren in that house center this honor to everything that christ represents total disdain because you're a bad example you are a discouragement you are not an inspiration and there is no proof that you have ever understood john 3 16. there's no proof you don't know nothing you are far from the truth you are far because when you understand scripture you edify knowledge a desire to edify means you build but scripture that you understand i will not build anybody you didn't understand it you're far from the truth and if you're new in church and any brother tells you he's been here since jesus christ was born and he's not showing an example ignore him don't take him serious at all he doesn't know anything don't take him serious don't let anybody block you jesus says only pharisees that stand at the gate they refuse to enter and they stop others from is only a pharisee and a pharisee cannot access the things of god the bible says when the time for you to be teachers so there's a time you are in church where you should be a teacher there's a time you can be in church all your life as a flow member god forbid there's a time within a few months of intensive teaching it should be teaching you to teach when the time for you to be teachers you still are in need of the elementary things of christianity you are a wisp of grace waste of grace we have not received the grace of god in vain the reason for receiving grace is so that we can give grace to others we minister grace to hear us how do you receive grace grace and peace be multiplied through knowledge so as i'm teaching now what are you receiving grace you are receiving grace and when the time now comes after a while of receiving when you should now dispense grace to others you are still in need of elementary teaching you are a waster of grace total waste colossal waste of grace there's a time you yourself should be an institution that when people encounter you they know that you have been a custodian of the mystery of christ is keyword of the mysteries of christ so brother paul took time to deal with this church no you're not no you're not no you're not all over the place because with all that i'm doing you are still babes canality is still showing there is still division among you is this same church brother paul say how big there is not in every man this knowledge is the same church in chapter eight or first corinthians how be it there is not enough so brother paul's emphasis for the church that corinth was knowledge knowledge is that same church he said some of them their knowledge perfect you have acquired a lot of knowledge from my teaching and you have become pompous so the knowledge that should have made you humble has made you proud that means you're not getting the right kind of knowledge because if you're understanding well it should affect your attitude you see he said knowledge is supposed to edify not to puff so now because you have knowledge you don't greet anybody in church you expect everybody to greet you the transliteration of that word in the greek when you look at the septuagint greek with all the grammar you don't even know anything you don't even know anything you think it's grammar this is beyond grammar they say spirituality because life is spiritual life is no english language there are people that can speak english more than the queen and life has tortured them so it doesn't end in english english is starting point english is where we begin but it doesn't end there there's more to life than that it's like now say i have some level of understanding then i respect nobody what kind of foolishness what kind of a fool will i be what kind of a fool will i be how much do i know do i even know anything do i even know anything i'm just starting i'm just starting god is my witness i'm just starting we are still at introductory level after 30 years of intensive revelation knowledge brother paul say that i may know him 30 years of intensive revelation knowledge paul was still praying that i may know him it's after 30 years so some of us that are just warming up what do you know some of you on the note you're right you can't explain it you're writing it but you can't explain it because it takes time it takes time it takes time it takes time it takes time it takes exercise it takes time you keep hearing it until you're tired then when you become tired and you're boring that's when you started then at that point you stay again you keep hearing until the tiredness gives way now you are enjoying it because your past faces you have now understood the value of what you're hearing so it doesn't become bottom anymore it becomes exciting it's a journey glory to god it's a journey in chapter 10 of first corinthians verse 1 more of a brethren i will not that you should be ignorant he says i do not want you to be ignorant and he went on and on saying it to this church don't be ignorant so ignorance in the kingdom is not allowed it's not permitted you must spend time to teach you yourself you hearing me must spend time to teach the same way i spend time to teach you because that's the essence of teaching so that you can teach others the things that you have heard of me among many witnesses what do you do the same commit to faithful men who shall in turn come so the essence of teaching you so that you two can teach others so you must spend time to teach and when he gets to first corinthians chapter 12 verse 1 he now says i do not want you to be ignorant that is i do not want you to be willfully ignorant i want you to willfully recognize in first corinthians 15 34 see what he told them awake to righteousness and sin not for some have not the knowledge of god i speak this to your shame i speak this to your shame i awake awake arise and see not i speak this to your shame so you must develop your teaching ministry every member of this church you must develop your teaching ministry and teaching ministry is developed by teaching you don't develop teaching ministry by thinking it is teaching practice practice practice the first time you teach you to be clumsy second time you teach it will even be clumsier but after a while it starts getting smooth after a while you start mastering it after a while you start mastering after a while you speak and people wonder whether you were born speaking no it's practice and if you don't step out you will never know it so you must be ready to step out clumsily let people laugh at you if they need to laugh but at least you've started something yes teaching ministry has to be consistent as your pastor with all that i do and teach all the time if at any time i go on a break for two three weeks and i come back to start teaching even me i feel the clumsiness for that little break i took that's when teaching ministry don't take a break you keep preaching all the time if you take a break you will pay for the brick because it must be consistent then imagine a man of god that does not teach for one year then he comes back even he himself will know that something has gone wrong that's why some men of god when they leave ministry for some time they never come back i cannot tell you of anybody i know who left ministry for some time and came back i don't know of any they never come back because they totally get out of tune they get out of tune and tune into something else so ministry now doesn't look it anymore that's why i said till i come it's what you keep doing it's what you keep doing as a member of this church once you start teaching you don't stop that's why you now i'm back on a responsibility to start a teaching center so that you keep teaching there you keep edifying building admonishing the brethren that's why brother paul calls it back sliding he said this guy dermous has backslid you cannot backslide in salvation but he can backslide in ministry he has left me having loved this present world he's in love with the things of the world more than he's in love with ministry there's a place of practice there's a place of continuity in in ministry and in teaching and because everybody here is a minister of the gospel you know whether you've started or not that you're a part of this house you're already a minister yeah now please pay attention to something else here i want to deal with very quickly sometimes what you're listening to in this church you may not be the one who need it but somebody will need it that will come to you so that's why you must listen very well sometimes what i'm teaching you may not really need it but it will be useful somebody else and somebody that god is going to use around the world you have to listen attentively can i hear powerful amen let's examine the ministry of the laying on of hands the ministry of the laying on of hands because we're talking about how to get people filled with the holy ghost the ministry of the laying on of our hands leader of hands ministers the things of the spirit one of the ways to minister the things of the spirit is via the laying on of hands the laying on of hands things of the spirit can be ministered we can minister the things of the spirit we can minister them we communicate spirituals by laying on of hands we communicate spirituals by laying on our hands see moses and joshua numbers 27 18 moses and joshua and the lord said unto moses take thee joshua the son of nun a man in whom is a spirit and lay thy hand upon him lay thy hand take joshua the spirit of god is already in him but he still needs you to lay hands on him lay your hands on joshua look at verse 23 of numbers 27 and he laid his hands upon him and gave him a charge as the lord commanded by the hand of moses he laid hands and spoke words he laid hands on him and spoke words over him now please listen very carefully laying on of hands is not symbolic it's actual ministry when hands are laid on you it is actual ministry it's not symbolic we're not doing something that symbolizes no no it's direct ministry laying on our hands because the hands are actually ministering something so you're not just doing a ceremonial thing he says lay hands on him and give him a charge before the people lay hands on him and give him a charge before the people then you find ananias and brother paul ananias and brother paul in acts chapter 9 verse 12. and as seen in a vision a man named ananias coming in and putting his hand on him that he might receive his side look at the next verse 13 then ananias answered lord i have heard by many of this man how much evil he had done to thy sense of jerusalem god said ananias one guy paul is going to come lay hands on him he will receive his sight and i now say lord did you say saul i have heard many things he has done in jerusalem i don't trust that man god is telling you about somebody and you're telling god you know the person better that's how dreadful it's all of us i don't trust that guy ever had the things that that guy has done then look at verse 17 of acts chapter 9 see what happened here and ananias went his way and entered into the house and putting his hands on him said brother saul he called him brother that means there was an unlearning to relent he didn't call him killer mother no brother saul the lord even jesus that appeared unto thee in the way as thou came as has sent me that that might have received that sight and be filled with the holy ghost why didn't jesus lay hands on paul and do the work why did jesus send him to ananias because god walks through men jesus appears to the man and yet jesus didn't minister to him remember he said who are you lord he said i am jesus whom that persecutes arise go ananias will minister to you why didn't you just say come take god doesn't minister to you god uses men to minister to me the deliverance of men is in the hands of men the healing of men is in the hands of men everything that a man needs on earth is in the hands of a man god's mentor this man and some of these men are even imperfect sometimes you look at them you see shortcomings brother that is the best god has that's all god has he doesn't have any better the people that god will use to minister to you are imperfect like you because of mortality that's all he's got he will use a goat to minister to you a goat is not better than a human being that's all he's got that's all he's got now remember he wasn't laying hands on paul to be healed he was laying hands on paul to be filled with the holy ghost he was laying hands on paul to be filled with the holy ghost all right now then we have peter let's look at peter peter in acts chapter 6 verse 3. wherefore brethren looking out among you seven men of honest report full of the holy ghost and wisdom whom we may appoint over this business look at verse 6. whom they set forth before the apostles and when they had prayed they laid their hands on them when they had prayed they laid their hands on them they picked stephen and philip among others they were filled with the holy ghost what does it mean to be filled with the holy ghost to be filled with the holy ghost means utterance mangalo na mengren and mahota that's being filled with the holy ghost utterance ultras okay full of the holy ghost that is they're full of utterance that is they speak in tongues and they have a good report then they laid their hands on them and they prayed on them or over them look at verse 7 of that acts chapter 6 and the word of god increased when they laid hands on those men in the church and imparted grace on them by virtue of that impartation the word of god increased and the number of disciples multiplied because the people on whom hands were laid on received an impartation of grace so what one grace could have done now you have 10 15 20 gracies doing the same work so the result they turn over multiplied impartation took place the word increased the number of disciples multiplied not the number of converts or the number of church attendants disciples say with me i'm a disciple maker say it very confidently say it boldly say it like you know it say i make disciples by teaching say i'm a teacher of the word of god say i teach sound doctrine i didn't hear a good amen stephen full of faith the word faith there is the word karis in verse eight stephen full of faith and power did great wonders and miracles among the people the word charis karis the gift of the spirit that faith was a gift in verse 3 of that acts chapter 6 he was full of the spirit utterance so full of the spirit utters full of faith another gift of the spirit and by the time hands were laid on him this same guy something had happened beforehand where a lady was full of ultras by the time hans were laid he was full of faith so something had happened in his life because laying on hands changes things laying of hands in parts laying of hands administers grace laying of hands adds to you laying of hands puts into you what is lacking laying of hands and i'm going to be laying hands on you more than ever before amen i'm going to be laying hands on you more than ever before and it's important for you to understand the importance of laying of hands so when i put my hand on your head you will take what it came from you won't hold my hand it is not in holding the heart it is in taking it because if you don't understand it laying of hands can be the same as shaking somebody's hand there's a difference between shaking your hand and lay hands i could lay hands on your head i could lay hands on your shoulder i could lay hands on your hands okay but majorly lane of hands takes place on the head but it doesn't have to be the head it could also be anywhere else could be your shoulder it could be your hands the important is there's a contact through which impartation and transmission takes place so something that happened to this guy by the time hands were laid on him in other words something supernatural had happened to him it wasn't a mere ceremony again in acts chapter 9 verse 17 see what happened to brother paul when hands were laid on him and ananias went his way and entered into the house and putting his hands on him said brother saul the lord even jesus that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest has sent me that damn myers received thy sight and be filled with the holy ghost 18 and immediately they fell from his eyes as it had been scaled and he received his sight fought with and arose and was baptized not water baptized with the holy ghost that means he began to speak in tongues see with impartation things happen papa spontaneous it's spontaneous impartations make things it's like when you treat malaria with a testament or with one of those quarter you know when you treat malaria if you're swallowing tablets you will swallow one after eight hours another one then another one then another one until you take like six doses before malaria clears okay and sometimes in the gradual taking of the medication the malaria will start playing out you become sicker sometimes okay but there's a way valeria will enter you it is not that tablet you swallow his injection doctors who say confess this malaria you will not listen to tablets we have to send the medicine direct into your blood so they would shoot straight in that one is instant action it goes in see when you're learning and learning sometimes it's gradual but when we lay hands on you those gradual things are fast forwarded so it's like taking you from where you're walking i'm putting you on a speed limit you just find yourself things to just so laying of hands unleashes deposits it unleashes things that are dormant it activates it gets into you things that are there and you're not aware of suddenly poop i didn't know i could do this i didn't know that this was happening in me that is what laying of hands does that's what laying of hands does it releases grace it it makes you begin to function at a level you're not even aware of hallelujah in acts chapter 9 brother paul was already preaching preaching jesus the son of god after he just got baptized with the holy ghost he started preaching straight there was no waste of time in acts chapter 10 nobody heard of him in acts chapter 11 he was at antioch because barnabas brought brother paul he brought him and he was teaching then they sent paul and barnabas to bring relief to the saints in jerusalem in chapter 11. then in chapter 12 we see him go to jerusalem and came back so all we see of paul is that we see him go to jerusalem and he was teaching by acts chapter 13 look at acts chapter 13 verse one please pay attention now they were in the church that was at antioxidant prophets and teachers as barnabas and simeon that was called niger and lucious of syrian and manian which had been brought up with herod the tetrarch and saul which is brother paul verse 2. as they ministered to the lord and fasted the holy ghost said separate me barnabas and saul for the work we're unto i have called them why didn't the holy ghost say i have separated barnabas and saul he said you you you men separate from me but it's me that i want the separation but you would do it for me you separate barnabas and soul for the work that i have given to them look at verse 3 and when they had fasted and prayed fasting for laying on of hands is a demonstration of honor and a demonstration of concentration and seriousness now she said i know what is about to happen to me and i do not want to be careless about taking it so i put myself in an environment where i am very very spiritually sensitive and alert so nothing misses me when they had fasted and prayed they laid their hands on them and sent them forth they sent them for this is opposed to paul running errands running errands moving all over the place because there is a place of service in the color of ministerial growth there's a place of service let me tell you this it is service that helps you to develop a culture of honor service when you submit yourself to service it helps you develop honor because in serving there are people that will insult you there are people that will handle you anyhow and yet you have to be patient so it helps you develop character service helps you develop character it helps you develop tolerance and it helps you develop a culture of discipline and a culture of of excellence a culture of excellence if you meet a minister that has served another minister even the way he talks and the way he treats ministry is different if you meet somebody that has never served before who just stood up and carried briefcase and said i have been called you will see the pomposity of his lack of discipline there's no way a man that has served somebody can be the same with another man that has not served anybody no matter what is on top of your head there is a the quran that comes with serving people so when you are now in position where you are the one that is supposed to be to minister to people you minister to them with an understanding because you came from where they are coming i've seen ministers who serve nobody i can tell that even the way they do things you know that this one he has a long way to go now so i found out that even in the bible where ministry is concerned it is is elijah served elijah joshua south moses timothy south paul is the pattern for ministry the 12 disciples served jesus they were the ones who took the bread they were the ones that broke the bread and it is in their hand that the bread multiplied it was in the hands of jesus that the bread multiplied jesus only prayed and gave them the bread and as they were breaking it it was increasing so the miracles happen in their hands in the place of service you will understand why things happen the way they happen in ministry because you'll be face to face with the practice of ministry you will know why some people behave certain ways because you've experienced them and you know how to handle them because you will have to succeed with people in service so in succeeding with people you master the art of serving people and being a blessing and leading people you can't beat it you can't beat it so that is why service helps you to humble yourself because if you're not humble you can't serve if you're not humble and you're serving people the bottle of wine that you open you will pour it on the person's shirt because instead of pouring it in a glass since you are not used to serving people you end up buffing the bird what he's supposed to drink to buff him it is service that will make you have the discipline the decorum that culture see brother paul that was going to be the chief apostle of the new testament see him running around they sent him the apostles gathered and said yeah go to jerusalem yes sir he went to jerusalem and when he finished they said come back and report he came back he came to report training with all the visions he saw in arabia he's taking brexit to be running errands why that is the way to climb up in the ladder of ministry that's the way to climb up in the ladder of ministry and we're talking about ministry here because if you're going to lay hands from people and minister the holy ghost to them you must understand the foundation on which all of that operates it's not just calling people come come have you received holy ghost neither lift your hands up it's beyond that it's beyond that there's a holistic understanding required yeah there's a holistic understanding required to serve in the operation of ministry please pay attention very carefully pay attention there's something i want you to notice brother paul was not among the ministry gifts apostles and prophets gathered and called paul and lay downs on them they laid hands on them remember the person that god paul baptized with the holy ghost was not a ministry gift his name was ananias and ananias was not an apostle he was not a prophet he was not a teacher he was just a brother in church yet it is a brother the minister to the man that will be the apostle of the new testament are we observing he's a brother ananias and he came and said brother saul the lord jesus who appeared to you has sent me to lay hands on you so that your eyes be restored and so you can be filled with the spirit right where you are right now under the sound of my voice there is ministry inside you it's ananias ananias was not anything he was just a brother a brother in church and then the second time was among the apostles and they laid hands on paul and send them forth now by the time you read father he you know you will see that he tested them immediately there was a test elements elements of sorcerer and what happened to brother paul in acts chapter nine happened to elements in acts chapter 15. look at acts chapter 15 verse 12 acts 15 12. then all the mortals kept silence and gave audience to barnabas and paul declaring what miracles and wonders god had wrought among the gentiles by them remember that this is after acts chapter 13 where they have sent them fought miracles began to happen they had laid hands on them in fact the first notable miracle that happened in the life of brother paul was after the leaner of hands in chapter 13 by chapter 14 verse 7 a notable miracle after they laid hands on him look at acts 14 7 please pay attention and there they preached the gospel verse 8 and there sat a certain man at least impotent in his feet being a crippled from his mother's womb who never had walked verse nine the same had paul speak who steadfastly beholding him and perceiving that he had faith to be healed verse 10 said with a loud voice stand upright on their feet and he lipped and walked that was the first notable miracle in the life of brother paul and that miracle operation in the ministry of paul came by the laying on of hands and impartation spirituals were administered spirituals were administered when hands are laid on you spirituals are administered amen so laying on our hands is a supernatural ministry it is not a symbolic practice some of us went to denominational churches and were used to touch oil and dab our forehead that's not laying our hands that's ceremony what we're talking about here is spiritual it's serious when hands are laid on you something happens amen i said amen when hands are laid on you something happens in 1st timothy 4 14 see what brother paul said to timothy neglect not the gift that is indeed which was given thee by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the elders by the laying on of the hands of the elders look at second timothy chapter one verse six wherefore i put in a remembrance that does tear up the gift of god which is indeed by the putting on of my hands notice i kept telling him on two occasions remember hands were laid on you remember hands were laid on you and remember words were spoken over you remember acknowledge it and walk in the consciousness of the impartation that has happened in your life i put you in remembrance the hands were laid your head is not an empty head you are not carrying an empty body something is at work inside you i put you in remembrance stir it up steer it up when your hands are laid on you and your face your face with people need ministry stir it up tell yourself i'm carrying something i'm carrying something and these people need what i carry come here i want to pray for you lay hands on them remember you carry something i say remember you carry something say i carry something seven hands are laid on me something comes on my inside say i put you in remember hallelujah don't treat it as common don't treat it as common notice that the key word here if you observe moses and joshua the one thing that stands out here is that in the old testament this man had a relationship an ongoing relationship that was key that was key just like we have relationship here as a church ministry gifts minister things for ministry if you observe ananias laid hands on paul paul only spoke in tongues but by the time the apostles and the prophets laid hands on paul ministry came out of paul ministry gifts minister the things of ministry and it becomes much more effective when there's a relationship that's why brother paul's instruction to timothy was direct and personal by the hands which i laid on you by the hands which i laid on you moses joshua if i look at the resultant effect of where moses laid down so joshua look at what happened to joshua in deuteronomy 34 verse 9 and joshua the son of nun was full of the spirit of wisdom for moses had laid his hands upon him and the children of israel had come unto him and did as the lord commanded moses did they observe they didn't do as the lord commanded joshua but who laid hands on them huh moses laid hands on who joshua and israel happened to joshua and what did they happen to joshua on the account of what god told moses so joshua is an extension of moses ministry joshua cannot claim to be a general overseer he's an extension of moses ministry so the vision of moses is what joshua carried joshua didn't carve out his own vision it became one vision and that vision is redemption the redemptive purpose of god am i blessing somebody if you're learning shout out hallelujah so laying on our hands you know can pull out of you a diversity of operations it can bring out of you a diversity of enablements and abilities and the principle is simple without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better the less is blessed of the better i'm not saying that somebody is better than you in christ i'm saying somebody is better than you in ministry all of us are the same in salvation but we're not deceiving ministry responsibility in the kingdom is what makes a difference responsibility brother posse esteem them that label among you and labor over you in the lord among you and over you responsibility among you and over you you say esteem them that means they read higher than you in the lord in first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 12 and we beseech you brethren to know them which labor among you and are over you in the lord and admonish you verse 13 and to esteem them very highly in love for their worksheet and be at peace among yourselves that means we must all act according to the measure of god's grace available to us amen we have distinctions in function in the ministry and laying of hands is supernatural lane of hands is what supernatural the bible says in mark 10 16 jesus called the little children he says suffer the little children come to me and when the children came to him he laid hands on them and blessed them so when hands are laid on you a blessing comes to you every time hands are laid on you sometimes you may fall and sometimes you don't have to fall okay sometimes you may sometimes you don't have to the important thing is a contact took place and sometimes the contact can take place in a way that it overwhelms you so your body gives in but whether you fall or not it's not a requirement what matters here is that you are in honor and you are expecting to receive and when it is released you receive hallelujah say i receive impartations of the supernatural say i receive impartation of the gift of god say i receive impartation of divine abilities say i receive impartation of ministry say there is ministry on my inside coming out of me to touch my world to change my world and to be a blessing to mankind i didn't hear powerful amen are you blessed hallelujah stand on your feet i want to pray for you i like you to place your hand on somebody touch somebody hold somebody place your hands on somebody's shoulder let's pray in tongues for a few seconds here legos let's pray in the holy ghost everybody in the building let's pray in the holy ghost let's minister to one another it's called body ministry body ministry let's minister to one another let's minister to one another our online community join us just pray in the spirit wherever you are around the world join us just pray in the spirit pray in the spirit whether you're online on kingdom life network on television wherever you're watching the service just begin to pray in the spirit let's pray for one another let's pray in the spirit everybody [Applause] go ahead and pray in the holy ghost go ahead and steer up the gift of god on your inside hey membrane [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you father in the name of jesus i'd like you to you know bring your hand down and pray for yourself father make me an instrument of service make me an instrument of blessing make me an instrument make me an instrument of changing lives make me an instrument of this gospel i preach this gospel in and out of season i receive boldness pray for yourself i receive boldness to preach your word i receive boldness to teach a world i receive boldness to manifest your kingdom i receive boldness to heal the sick i receive boldness to demonstrate your world to demonstrate your world i receive boldness to manifest your grace and glory in my generation oh god i am a plus to the kingdom i am a blessing to my world angrily about sacramento i am an instrument of the gospel i bring change i bring liberty i bring freedom i bring liberation over your people around the world go ahead and pray for yourself karate [Music] oh lord i'm available use me for your glory [Music] use me for your glory flow through me lord jesus flow through me lord jesus use me for your glory thank you father i'm willing i'm available i'm willing i'm available use me as a light in the darkness of this world use me as a light in the darkness of this world mer supreme toro dobosa thank you father hallelujah in the name of jesus can i hear powerfully amen lift your right hand to heaven father we rejoice thank you lord that it is you that walketh in us but to will and to do of your good pleasure and father we rejoice that we acknowledge that we have a huge responsibility to teach the things we have been taught and raise disciples all over the world and father even in this responsibility that you've given to us as a ministry to reintroduce jesus to this generation equipping believers to know what they have who they are and what christ can do through them i pray that everybody in this church is illuminary to this world in the name of jesus i declare that you receive boldness receive boldness hey i say receive boldness i say receive boldness boldness to preach the word boldness to demonstrate christ boldness to manifest the kingdom in the name of jesus and i decree that every one of you under the sound of my voice is enriched in all things you lack nothing you are abundantly supplied for in the name of jesus mato branagas decree that everyone here is a blessing to his world in the name of jesus you're an agent of change you're an agent of redemption you're an agent of salvation you're an agent of deliverance you're an agent of the manifestation of the glory of god in the name of jesus bhutapatana we are not ashamed of the gospel we are not ashamed of the gospel we are not ashamed of the gospel we are not ashamed of the gospel the gospel of christ is the power of god unto salvation is the power of god unto salvation is the power of god unto salvation thank you father hallelujah is there anybody here not ashamed of the gospel of christ go ahead and celebrate the gospel go ahead and celebrate the gospel of christ the power of god the gospel of christ the power of god the gospel of christ the power of god glory say with me i have the power of god in my hands right now it is the gospel the gospel is the power the gospel does not have power the gospel is the embodiment of power you know somebody says i want the power of god i say sir open your bible he said no i'm not saying i want you to teach me bible i want the power of god i say maybe you're looking for the devil because if it's the power of god there's no other way of transmitting the power other than the gospel if i teach you the gospel what am i giving you power say i carry the gospel the good news of jesus to my world say i'm a custodian of the power of god i didn't hear powerful amen you're a carrier of god's power heal the sick cast out devils raise the dead listen if you pray for a sick person and he doesn't get healed pray for the next one as you begin to practice they will start getting healed there's a place of practice in the operation of the supernatural when you start it may be clumsy after some time when you pray for somebody it may delay after a while you start seeing instant it takes practice the things of the spirit are practiced there is a practice in the things of the spirit there is a practice say i hear you because as you begin to practice you become perfected in it hallelujah we're going to see cities who are going to seize nations we are going to seize continents if you are part of this shout glory [Applause] [Music] every man's world will be invaded the whole world needs the gospel and we have the gospel say i have the gospel say my community will no more be deprived i will take the gospel from dopes to doorpost house to house community to community i am an agent of redemption salvation deliverance i am an agent of change that only the gospel can provide i didn't hear a good email everybody but those of you online on television all of us on radio we're all agents of change going into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature go go and these signs shall follow those that believe glory to god i didn't hear powerful amen welcome back ladies and gentlemen welcome back it's been an adventure together studying and learning the things that christ will have us do to a generation that don't know him i believe that the word of god has blessed you and challenged you today i want to encourage you we have a mentoring academy where we can take time to equip you some more so if you're looking to study further with me i will encourage you to email me today to join my mentoring academy let me also mention if you live in a place where there's no bible teaching church where christ is revealed a church where you can learn the things you're learning from me here you can start one in your community you can start one in your locality and if you want to start one we can train you equip you and walk with you until a campus that's what we call our churches a campus is launched in your community you're not learning all of these truths to just sit down somewhere you're learning them so you can also teach others brother paul said to timothy the things you have learned and heard of me among many witnesses the same commit to faithful men who shall in turn commit to others everything you're learning is so that you can also be a blessing to other people remember blessed to be a blessing so if you want to study campus today or you want to join one send me an email dr ibel damina at we love you remember we are live every day 12 noon gmt plus 1 6 pm gmt plus 1 and 10 pm gmt plus 1. you don't want to miss what god is doing at this season equipping and preparing people that will take this gospel to the ends of the earth we love you and look forward to hearing from you and until we call it in the next broadcast enjoy the grace of christ amen [Music] victory station
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 3,203
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: aph5DOeKEBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 59sec (4919 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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