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a believer does not need to break any foundation because the only foundation a believer has is christ you don't break christ once you're born again you're on a short foundation if things are not working it's not because you are under a course it's not because you are not born again no this may not be working because of certain miscalculations on your part or lack of skill or lack of sensitivity to when the holy ghost gave you direction but it cannot be because there's a foundation a christian has no foundation to break a christian cannot be possessed by devils to be possessed means satan entered your spirit and sat there that's possession how can a christian who is born of god the dna of god is in you how can satan and god live together so that is a deception and is fraud to the body of christ join doctors abel and rachel daminer in new christian camp meeting 2021 and ask the counselor with michael bush theme in christ realities ministering dr abel damina date 31st january to 14th february 2021 time mondays to saturdays 6 p.m daily on inspiration fm 105.9 uyo comfort fm 95.1 uyo xlfm 106.9 wii o radio aqua bomb 90.5 rio you know your fm 100.7 uyo and heritage fm 104.9 and also live on sunday 7 30 a.m first series and 10 30 a.m second service venue power city international number ninety-eight wannabe road uyo akwa bomb state nigeria host doctors abel and rachel damina be there a crystal life devoid of a regular prayer pattern is a life living in sin if you are not praying you are living in disobedience and disobedience is a seed so if you are not praying you are living in sin why because prayer is an instruction power city international present international week of corporate prayers praying in the spirit with dr abel daminer date monday 18th to sunday 24th january 2021 time 12 noon to 1 p.m every day venue power city international number 98 ruangapur rodrigo aquibo state nigeria men ought always to pray and not to fade [Music] don't be left out praying in the spirit turn your bibles to the book of ephesians chapter 6 verse number 18. praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching their aunty with all perseverance and supplication for all saints next verse as for me that utterance may be given unto me that i may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel the fact that you see prayer in a verse of scripture doesn't mean it is telling you to pray you need to study the pretext and the post text to find out what he's trying to communicate by talking prayer in that verse of scripture and then we said that in that verse when the bible talks about groaning it's not groaning in prayer it was the groaning that we have immortality desiring to put on immortality however there are groanings in prayer and we shall examine groanings in prayer in the course of this study now there are scriptures that talk about prayer for example romans chapter 1 verse 10 making requests if by any means now at length i might have a prosperous journey by the will of god to come unto you 11 for i long to see you that i may impart unto you some spiritual gift to the end you may be established another place prayer is mentioned is romans 15 verse 30. now i beseech you brethren for the lord jesus christ sake and for the lord of the spirit that you strive together with me in your prayers to god for me next verse that i may be delivered from them that do not believe in judea and that my service which i have for jerusalem may be accepted of the saints so that's opposed to paul asking the church at rome to pray for him first corinthians chapter 14 verse 14 and 15 talks about prayer for if i pray in an unknown tongue my spirit prayed but my understanding is unfruitful next verse what is it then i will pray over the spirit and i will pray with the understanding also i will sing with the spirit and i will sing with the understanding also ephesians chapter 1 verse 16 brother paul praying for the church at ephesus i cease not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers and what are the prayers next verse that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him i can go on and on but i'd like you to take the following scriptures down for further study ephesians chapter 3 verse 14 ephesians chapter 3 verse 14 colossians chapter 1 verse 9 i'd like to read that one colossians chapter 1 verse 9 to 11 for this course we also since the day we heard it do not cease to pray for you and to desire that you might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding that you might walk worthy of the lord unto all pleasing being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of god strengthened with all might according to his glorious power unto all patients and long suffering with joyfulness you can also write the scriptures down for further study philippians chapter 1 verse 9 to 11 philippians chapter 1 verse 9 to 11 philippians chapter 1 verse 19. philippians chapter 4 verse 6 philippians chapter 4 verse 6 first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 17. ii thessalonians chapter 1 verse 5 all of these are scriptures on prayer ii timothy chapter 1 verse 3 philemon chapter 1 verse 4 to 6 i thank my god making mention of thee always in my prayers hearing of thy love and faith which thou has towards the lord jesus and toward all sins what is a prayer that the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in christ jesus so you discover that of all the prayers paul mentioned only one prayer involves things only one place all these prayers are non-material only one prayer deals with material things and i'll give you that one quickly philippians chapter 4 verse 6 be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be been known unto god that's the only place in the entire epistles where brother paul talked about asking for things every other prayer they ask you to pray is not related to material things and the reason is simple unbelievers don't pray for things and they have it unbelievers don't pray for car they have cars they don't pray for job they get jobs they don't pray for contracts they get contracts they don't pray for things they get them they are not better than the believer who has the advantage of the holy spirit and the advantage of the authority that he has in christ jesus all right so that's why prayerful things shouldn't be predominant in the believer's life what should be predominant in the believer's life is for him to walk in the realities of all that christ has provided which are eternal realities which is where we find our fulfillment from our fulfillment is not in things we don't find fulfillment in cars and houses and money they are good they give us earthly comfort but beyond that somebody can have a car and a jet and be depressed and kill himself somebody can have all the money in the world and lose happiness there are a lot of multi-millionaires that sleep under their beds for fear so things don't really bring fulfillment that's why jesus said anyone that drinks of the water that i shall give shall never toast he said i'm the bread of life when you eat of me you never hunger that is where we find true satisfaction so true fulfillment and satisfaction is in the discovery of our realities in christ jesus so that is why the prayers of the epistles are predominantly for you to come to a place of precise accurate exact comprehensive insight of every good thing that you have in christ jesus in first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 17 pray without ceasing that's open-ended so the focus of prayer in the epistles is praying for our realities all right at home you can also read these ones in first john chapter 5 verse 14 it in first prayer first john 5 14 1st peter 3 12 first peter chapter 3 verse number 12 todd john verse 2 taught john verse 2 and jude verse 20 jude verse 20 you will see that the way prayer is taught in the four gospels is not the same way prayer is taught in the epistles the reason is because in the epistles people are now born again in the four gospels people are not born again so their priorities are on things but when people get born again their focus moves from things to him because scripture tells us if our hope is just in this world we are of all men most miserable so our focus changes our attention changes it moves from things to him and when your eyes are on him and your heart is on him your affections are on him where you are seated at the right hand of the father then the things of this world don't regulate you the things of this life don't manipulate you anymore you have you're happy you don't have you're happy you have it doesn't change the way you walk it doesn't change the way you operate and it doesn't change the way you relate with other people because those things don't determine your values anymore your values have shifted your values are on all that christ has made of you which has also made available to everybody else so you begin to see people with the eyes of christ you begin to see people the way god sees them and you begin to relate to people not based on what they have but based on who christ is to them so focus changes values changes even the narratives of your life get affected because you have arrived as a place of true satisfaction and the reason is because when you get into christ christ now defines your narratives many times people learn about prayer and you know the focus is always on this i've read a lot of books on prayer trust me the first thing god exposed me to when i got born again you know was prayer i've read all the books you can lay hands on on prayer from everywhere because i was trying to know how to pray i write and teach other people how to pray right and i can tell you the truth of the matter how most of those books still in my house they are all teaching some things how to get things how to get things how to make money how to pray for house how to pray for car how to pray for wife how to pray for children that's all the center on and when a believer's focus is on these things if you're not careful you get greedy you get selfish you're not more excited about being a blessing to people it's all about what i can get and you never get satisfied you're never happy the more you get the more you want to get because the true satisfaction of a man is not supposed to be from things it's supposed to be from christ so that's why the focus of prayer in the epistles it's prayers on your realities in christ jesus and you know over the years i've hardly come across a very sound teaching that takes your eyes off things on spiritual realities in fact there are more prayers nowadays on die die fall and die be roasted be cooked be cooked be cooked be cooked then in the prayer of they'll say say be cooked ten times be cooked one be cooked to be cooked be cooked for then the next one they didn't add there is who will eat who will eat who will eat who because if you're killing and cooking somebody has to eat it and a very big pastor in this country and i don't want to call me because you know i don't call names a big pastor in this country very very dishonest guy very very dishonest he was teaching his church big church he said you know jesus told us to pray for our enemies but he didn't give us prayer points he said pray for your enemies well he didn't say what to pray for that's dishonest that's very dishonest jesus emphatically told you bless those that cause you pray for those who despite fully use you he gave you prayer points so the man said because jesus didn't give prayer points so begin to call fire let fire let thunder let disaster befall your enemies no no there's no such in the bible the guy's just being dishonest the bible tells you to bless those who despitefully use you pray for those who hate you bless them that's how to pray for them you pray for them you bless them in doing that you are hipping coals of fire now coals of fire doesn't mean you're going to put danger on them cause of fire simply means you are bringing them into an environment where the gospel will find them that's what it means by cause of fire is a figure of speech when you pray and bless them you are creating an environment because it is the goodness of god that leads men to repentance it is not a danger or judgment of god so if god wants people to be saved no matter how bad they are he treats them nice he blesses them he does good things for them then they begin to say in spite of how bad i am god is still good to me why can't i serve god because god who's us with his goodness and through his goodness he brings us to the revelation of himself because somebody shout hallelujah ephesians chapter 8 verse 6 verse 18 where we read he says praying in the spirit ephesians 6 18 praying always if your bible is mine i will underline always with all prayer i will underline all prayer and supplication i will underline supplication in the spirit i will underline in the spirit and watching i will underline watching i will underline perseverance those are words to take note of in that context in the spirit in the course of our teaching we establish that there are two things in the spirit refers to number one it refers to our nature begone in the spirit live in the spirit walk in the spirit pray in the spirit you have begun in the spirit born again you live in the spirit salvation your world in the spirit conduct which includes prayer in the spirit and activity of those in the spirit prayer in the spirit we are in the spirit by virtue of the new birth when you got born again but this activity also called in the spirit where we have walk walk walk in the spirit and you shall not gratify the desires of the flesh in romans chapter 8 we see that the spirit talks about nature our nature in first corinthians chapter 14 verse 2 for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto god for no man understanded him how be it in the spirit his speaking activity and activity in the spirit look at revelation chapter 1 verse 10 i was in the spirit on the lost day and heard behind me a great voice as of a trumpet the word i was is the greek word you know my genomic genomic means i became genomic like the word became flesh the word you know my flesh the word became all right so i was in the spirit i became in the spirit i appeared in the spirit or i accord in the spirit it shows an activity in the spirit you are in the spirit so you carry out activity in the spirit i was jealous let's examine it john is saying i was in the spirit paul is saying pray in the spirit question prayer in the spirit nature or activity activity activity now i was in the spirit genomic to become same word for the word became flesh that is i was somewhere before now i was in the spirit on the last day the same thing in revelation chapter 4 verse 2 so notice that when he said i was in the spirit the activity was i heard a voice and i saw i was in the spirit activity on the last day i had a voice behind me and i saw please that's very important he heard and saw but who took the initiative to be in the spirit john so john took the initiative to be in the spirit and when he got in the spirit he heard and he saw now so we have passive and active in the spirit passive and active in the spirit please stay with me now he took the initiative to be in the spirit whether is the walk or the first corinthians 14 you are the one that will deliberately initiate the activity and we said that going into the spirit is initiated in the earth it is we that initiate spiritual activity we initiate it for example prophecy i am the one to initiate prophecy i initiate it i will pray with the spirit i will pray with my understanding let him that prayer in the spirit also pray that he may interpret so i pray in tongues i interpret tongues because the activity is initiated on the earth i don't wait for the spirit to make me prophesy i prophesy when i take the step to prophesy the spirit supplies me utterance but i have to take this step first yeah i pray i am the one because i'm already born of the spirit i am one with the spirit so when i initiate an activity the spirit supplies he always supplies except the activity is not initiated except the activity is not initiated now please remember we said it determines heaven okay it is not heaven that determines earth it is earth that determines heaven whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatever you lose on earth shall be loosed in heaven so it is act that determines the activity of heaven you see that so when i initiate an activity the spirit supplies he supplies what i'm initiating so when paul said praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit that will be activity so you will pray it in the spirit prayer on its own refers to your desire when we say pray what we're saying is you should express your desire prayer so you will take care of a desire in the spirit prayer is taking care of a desire in the spirit the word disease in the greek this is the desire you will take a desire you have in your mind because desires are in the mind they are in your mind something you are thinking something you desire then you will take that desire and place it in the spirit you take it from your mind and place it in the spirit that says praying in the spirit you take a desire you have in your mind and place it in the spirit you know when we pray in tongues we're praying in the spirit oh pray in tongues prayer in tongues pray in the spirit if you want to pray in the spirit pray in tongues now he says all manner of prayers are prayed in the spirit all manner and i'm going to show you what those all manner will be so let's begin with acts chapter 2 acts chapter 2 will give us greater insight into what i am teaching here on praying in the spirit there's active and passive in the spirit active and passive if you're in the spirit and you see and you see something is that active or passive passive passive if you are in the spirit and you hear something is that active or passive passive if you're in the spirit and you say something is that active or passive active very good very very good very very good now acts chapter 2 verse 1 and when the day of pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place next verse and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them clothing tongues like us of fire and he sat upon each of them active or passive passive it appeared and sat on them passive they didn't do anything to bring about the appearance but once they began to pray on the day of pentecost they appeared unto them clothing tongues as of fire now that's a genomic they did something prayer active and a passive thing happened which was the appearance of that figure of speech on the day of pentecost now there we are filled look at verse four and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance now remember this was eyewitness account this was eyewitness account so if you're going to correct that eyewitness account doctrinally how are you going to rewrite that verse because that verse needs to be rewritten in the light of doctrine to help you before i ask you my question flip to ephesians again chapter 5 verse 18 be not drunk with wine wearing is excess but be filled actually the original greek is but be being filled continuous action but be being filled with the spirit next verse this is how you feel with the spirit speaking be be filled with the spirit speaking what do you do to be filled with the spirit speak so when you speak what follows you're filled with the spirit so is it the spirit first or you speaking you speaking so when you start speaking what happens you are filled okay acts chapter 2 verse 4 and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them our trance if you're going to rewrite that verse in the light of doctrine how will it read yes they began to speak and we are filled they began to speak and we are filled see that that is why many people never speak in tongues because they are waiting for the spirit to speak so they stand there dump and nothing happens that is why in speaking in tongues you initiate it you initiate how do i initiate you are born of the spirit the spirit is not going to fall from above he's already inside you he lives in you forever he will never leave you he's actively on your inside speaking in tongues is simply allowing the spirit in your fine expression through you so what do you do thank you father thank you for filling me with your spirit thank you for giving me the gift of the holy ghost oh i praise you father again lord god again you start speaking you'll start speaking i've gotten many people filled with the holy ghost all over the world including people that have been looking for how to speak in tongues for years within seconds just by helping them understand and the reason is because i didn't speak in tongues for many years even though i was a pastor's son i grew in a pastor's house every time i come out for altar called everybody would speak minors me every time at one time i started falling so that they wouldn't think i'm the devil so when they just i would just fall then they'll say that's the power that's the power inside me as a huge power because i didn't want to be the odd one every time we go out everybody will speak minus me and my problem was lack of understanding because i thought the spirit will come into me open my mouth and speak so i was waiting and waiting and waiting for years till i got discouraged at a point truly i started thinking maybe i am part of those that are sounds of perdition maybe my own was hellfire because every time every time not even once by mistake people are me i'm waiting for my prayer prayer i never came i really wanted to speak in tongues and then one pastor just came and said there's a lady in uni josh that is mental and she is insane and they have tied her in chains that me and him should go and free her i say what once he told me that the devil is tricking me to go there so that he will just enter me because me i don't have the spirit he has the spirit but the pastor in cory said don't worry abel just come let's go let's go you don't need anything demons are the cheapest thing to cast out you don't even need too much prayer when we get there you see how demons will leave that girl the man was so confident so i followed him we got there and then the girl was inside tied with chains the moment he touched the gates that leads into the warehouse where they kept the girl she jumps to the whoa one girl when she screams you think an entire city all her body is shaking i see the chains will break when we entered the way she wrote i went back the pastor helped me say no no no don't go back don't go back in my mind i'm like you don't know you don't know you have holy ghost me i don't have i didn't know that that was going to be where i would speak in tongues now i remember the night before i read a book by kenneth hagin and that book explained to me what my problem was ken hagen now said he has gotten people baptized with the holy ghost to speak in tongues and their problem is always there waiting for the spirit to speak he diagnosed me then he said when he meets them he tells them to read acts chapter 2 verse 4 then he will ask them who spoke and they began to speak who spoke they who will speak i wow so i have to speak so after reading that book that night i knew that something was about to happen so when he now grabbed me and said let's go in and set the girl free i said um he said let's go in as we enter he just walked towards the that kind of audacity can only come by the holy ghost this girl is like about to break the chains he walked one says hey shut up in the name of jesus you unclean spirit quiet she sat down just seeing that one i started speaking in talks when i started and i realized these thongs i have been looking for for years i was the mental case now i was rolling all over the floor by the time i finished that girl has been freed the chains have been removed they have cleaned her up she's sitting down and talking normal by the time i was finished the power of god was all over that place and every child of god carries that capacity of power everyone you are filled with the fullness of god the holy ghost listen the holy ghost is not in you in portions is the entire spirit of god the embodiment of that spirit lives inside you right now it's not a feeling it's a knowing you don't have to feel it just know it acknowledge it and walk in the reality of it now so on the day of pentecost they spoke they spoke as the spirit enabled them so they did the speaking while the spirit supplied they initiated the action and the reason is because many people followed the eyewitness account but not the doctrinal teaching eyewitness account was what luke saw on the day of pentecost that he wrote the way he saw it but doctrine is what teaches us exactly what happened on that day what was written there was reported see so you can rewrite that place because ephesians where we read said you get filled by speaking so you are the one who takes the activity you are the one that has to be active then the clothing tongues of fire which is passive appears which is a figure of speech let's look at another one let's look at another one but before that remember the first primary activity of the new testament church was speaking speaking speaking speaking that was the first primary activity okay acts chapter 10 verse 11 and saw heaven opened that's peter now and a certain vessel descending on to him and it had been a great sheet neat at the four corners and led down to the earth where we were all manner of four-footed beasts of the earth and wild beasts and creeping things and fowls of the air and there came a voice to him rise peter kill and eat but peter said not to lord for i have never eaten anything that is common or unclean now let me ask you a few questions based on that rise kill and eat passive or active rise kill and eat passive passive passive and peter said active or passive active so peter responded to the passive vision that he saw okay so the supernatural is passive man's action is active so you initiate the activity and the supernatural rights on that activity to either give you a voice communication or a vision so you will not be active in the spirit till you speak you have to speak and you will speak on the earth ephesians 6 18 when we read the pretext you will see the sword of the spirit look at it ephesians 6 17 pretext take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of god praying the sword of the spirit is the word of god praying so the sword of the spirit is the word of god praying word of god remove all the verses the sword of the spirit which is the word of god praying so the sword of the spirit is the word of god praying and he uses spirit two times now the word of god there is the word rhema rhema that is utterance praying always in the spirit sword of the spirit the word of god praying in the spirit so praying in the spirit is the word of god praying in the spirit is the word of god when we pray in the spirit every time we are praying even though it is tongues those tongues are the word of god the word of god there is remark utterance so the sword of the spirit which is the word of god praying always always so the word of god dear is speaking or utterance because the word of god is always speaking all prayer all prayer in that verse pray with all prayer means all manner all manner of prayer then he introduced a i a chi which is the tks rule of bible interpretation all manner of prayer that is supplication so all kinds of prayer is supplication all manner is zeroed in as supplication so supplication is what is called all manner of prayer supplication which is supplication supplication in the spirit so supplication in the spirit is the word of god supplication in the spirit is the word of god that shows you that supplication doesn't go to god when you are praying prayers of supplication you are not praying to god so the word of god which is supplication is a prayer that goes into circumstances and situations to arrange and rearrange things it doesn't go to god it doesn't go to god remember supplication deals with circumstances you know situations like somebody you want to get a husband you want to marry you're tired of being alone so now we have to we have to supplicate and begin to deal with circumstances because the man you may want to marry may be in talking and the man that may want to marry you may be in turkey you're in a quiet bomb there's no way naturally two of you can meet so now when we supplicate what we do is we fire the spirit begin to navigate circumstances and begin to shift things around that guy and shift things around this lady when we start shifting things it will take a while but to stay there that's why praying always you stay there until situations will move the man and move the ladies somehow somehow they will meet yes sister say i was just on my own god just arranged this man it's not god you prayed and arranged a man it's supplication same thing with jobs there's a particular kind of job you want and it's not available here so you start arranging circumstances and situations that will connect you so supplication has to do with dealing with circumstances listen we don't deal with the man because we have no power over human will even god has no power over human will but we have power over circumstances so we will navigate to the circumstances that that man is involved in and start shifting the circumstances and when the circumstances are shifting demand will have to shift along it's not a prayer over human will is a prayer that gets involved with circumstances that's why it's supplication that's why we don't pray intercession when you have people say i'm an intercessor it's ignorance they don't know scripture no human being is an intercessor jesus is the only intercessor an intercessor is a mediator one that talks to god on your behalf and talks to you on behalf of god only jesus is the intercessor we don't have intercessory prayers we are not intercessors only jesus that's what the bible says he ever lived to make intercession he is the intercessor what we do is we supplicate what they call intercession for lack of knowledge is what the bible teaches as supplication supplicate yeah so we supplicate we don't intercede now please pay attention so that prayer doesn't go to god that prayer goes into situations is the word of god in the situation the word of god in the situation the word of god praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit the word of god there is the word makaria in the greek makaria is used to cut things or to fight sword of the spirit sword of the spirit makaria to cut or to fight okay so it's a weapon it's a weapon the sword of the spirit is a weapon a weapon against a weapon against now if you observe the pretext the discussion there is the whole armor of god from verse 10 put on the whole armor of god and you must understand what the ammo is because if you don't understand what the ammo is you won't understand what i'm explaining so ephesians chapter 6 verse 10 finally my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his mind be strong in the lord it means supply strength supply strength where are you supplying the strength from from inside you be strong supply strength in the lord now let me ask you a question in the lord is it the same thing within the spirit huh yes in the lord or in the spirit okay in the lord is it the same thing within christ in christ okay blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings where in the heavenlies where in christ so be strong in christ where you have all the blessings okay so the supply is from inside you the strength is not coming from outside the strength is from within strengthened with might in the inner man by the spirit the strength is inside be strong in the lord be strong in christ that means supply strength that is in christ that means the strength is in christ that's why he said and in the power of his might what is the power of his might ephesians 1 19 and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us what who believe according to the working of his mighty power so where is the power in christ so the power is in christ and we are seated in christ so when he says be strong in the lord what he's saying is take advantage of what you have and supply it take advantage of what you have in christ and supply it see you supply it when you are strengthened even if the whole world team up against you the strength inside you like a steel you look at them and say they don't know who they are toying with you stand so strong till all of them disappear you are still there that strength in the inner man the problem is many believers are weak in the inner man because they do not supply they do not take advantage kabato malacca when you stay for three hours you are in one place for three hours talking when you walk out when you walk out you are 30 000 times taller than you were before you look at problems you laugh because they are like biscuits before your face but when you are weak because you are not taking advantage of the supply any little thing oh i don't know if i will make it any little thing because you don't have strength that's why you must be strengthened by the spirit and how do you draw that strength praying when you begin to pray in the spirit let that dough don't leave tata you wake up in the morning you you take a corner in your room for one full hour when you finally come out your eyes are red let the storm come you use one hand and hold the storm and put it down because you're strengthened with might by the spirit where in the inner man you can be depressed somebody speaks evil of you you just laugh because it's like they they put a condition on you when people start manipulating you because you don't have strength you start a project you can't finish it literally two obstacles you give up everything you start you can't finish you lack strength you go for evangelism i ask you two questions you run away you don't go for evangelism again you say i know this one is for papa them who even deceived me to think i'm a man of god every time i say all of you are made of god all of you are men of god common question i cannot answer gideon said i am a summer boy i come from a small house and the angel of the lord spoke to him the word of the lord he didn't answer him he said go in this your mind you see weakness you see small boy but i see might you may think you are nobody but the power that created the universe is on your inside jakota makaratana the remaining days of your life you will leave it in victory you will leave it in victory victory over circumstances victory over situations i didn't hear that him electona say with me the power of god is on my inside i have what it takes to dominate my world i have what it takes to change and rearrange things please stand with me i want to pray who told you it's impossible who thought it cannot be done zazako takanaga nikaro takayana the power for all possibilities is on your inside jacob with men it may be impossible but with god all things are possible christ in you jakota makate nakata negotia who are down on great mountain before the rubber bar thou shalt be made a plain how is not by might not by power but by my spirit when you carry the spirit of god mountains will skip like ramps at your appearance somebody shout i hear you be filled with the spirit speaking when you start speaking you get filled i want us to take two minutes and just pray in the spirit everybody just pray in the spirit no protocol just pray in the spirit pray in the spirit pray in the spirit lego m in the name of jesus i want to pray for you jude verse 20 but you beloved is there a beloved in the house building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying well [Applause] done so when you start praying in the holy ghost you are rising like a building higher and higher and as you begin to rise problems of life become peanuts before your face jakota rise like an edifice higher and higher and higher and higher in the holy ghost [Applause] hey thank you father in the name of jesus lift your right hands to heaven let your image come left under i declare right now wherever you're hearing the sound of my voice throughout this year functioning victory [Applause] i command a steady supply of the spirit steady supply of the spirit steady supply of the spirit i steer you up in your inner man i steer you up in your inner man be strengthened with might by the spirit be strengthened with might by the spirit be renewed in the spirit of your mind in the name of jesus you are a rich in all things you are bound onto every good work in the name of jesus i declare that end divorce before your face they prosper this year you flourish in every direction you flourish in every direction you do ministry without apology you preach with power you minister with confirmation i see you raising disciples i see you raising disciples i see you raising disciples in the name of jesus [Applause] a decree right now every sickness and disease in this building melt and fall out sick bodies be healed tumors melt out glutes melt out high blood pressure stop and balance out sugar diabetes flushed out eye disease be healed i gotta get super tired there's somebody here with a swollen knee a swollen knee a swollen knee your left leg swollen knee right now you have treated and treated the knee refused to respond that knee is corrected now it's corrected now it's corrected now there's a lady here that every time your period comes sometimes it it runs for 28 days sometimes it will run till the next period then it will break a little and it continues you've done all forms of treatment it refuses to go i command your hormones to balance out i command your period corrected corrected corrected corrected also melt out right now be healed right now migraines are leaking right now receive healing from your head to your legs in the name of jesus where you need a miracle this week receive a miracle receive receive receive receipt receive it in the name of jesus that job is signed that employment is approved that contract is approved that check is signed receive it in the name of jesus he has risen from the dead he is long every knee shall bow every tongue confess that jesus christ he is the lord he is lord he is love is [Music] confessed one more time he is he is [Applause] everyday [Music] [Music] [Music] amen it is done the work of christ on earth is done you are strengthened with might by the spirit in the inner man yeah this year you will do exploits for the kingdom exploits for the kingdom you will preach the word in and out of season i am a narcotic of us through your disciples will be raised for the glory of our god thank you father hallelujah thank you lord jesus can we just pray in tongues and just give thanks this morning [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] praise you father in the name of jesus can i hear that amen like thunder all of these preparations is to make you an effective minister of the gospel all of these prayers is to make you a weapon in the hand of god an instrument of the advancement of god's kingdom on the earth remember all the prayers in the epistles are prayers for non-material things all of them their prayers for non-material things the eyes of your understanding be enlightened strengthened with might but the spirit in the inner man know the hope of your calling walk worthy of the lord unto all pleasing being fruitful unto every good work all of those are non-material we are not gathered there to pray for kind houses we are gathered there to pray and put on our spiritual armory for walk somebody say i hear you in acts of the apostles after pentecost in chapter 2. the bible says they went out in chapter 3 peter and john had their first miracle commanded the lame man that they get beautiful just after pentacles they're already walking in the miraculous you don't need to be a christian for 30 years to come and let people to walk the moment you receive christ you are ready for miracles you are ready to operate in ministry you are ready to preach the gospel the moment you are born again and you know what it means to be born again you are ready to get other people born again that's ministry and the bible says after they commanded the layman and they get beautiful to stand up and walk and the man stood up and walked and everybody was looking at peter and john and peter said to the people why looking on us so steadfastly as though by our own power and our might has made this man to work it's not we that made the man walk is is his faith in christ then in chapter four they grabbed them and gave them the beating of their life there is always an opposition to stop the gospel always an opposition to detain you always an opposition to discourage you always an opposition to weaken you that is why you need strength so you can prevail in the preaching of the gospel you need strength and this strength is generated in the place of prayer now look at the prayer they prayed in that acts chapter 4 verse 23 acts chapter 4 verse 23 and being let go after they have beaten them and told them never to preach in the name of jesus the governor of the state with the executive council brought them to government house and flocked them and told them all over the land there are policemen all over looking out if they catch you preaching in that name what we will do to you what we did now is nothing now they have let them go they went to their own company what are we here where company and reported all that the chief priests and elders have said unto them next verse and when they had when they heard that they lifted up their voice to god with one accord and said lord now this is a summary of what they said this is not exactly what they said this is a summary of the kind of prayer they prayed lord thou art god which has made heaven and earth and the sea and all that in them is next verse who by the mouth of thy servant david has said why did the hidden rage and the people imagining things the kings of the earth stood up and the rulers were gathered together against the lord and against his christ identification for if a truth against a holy child jesus assumed i was anointed both herod and pontius pilate where the gentiles and the people of israel were gathered together for to do whatsoever thy hand and their counsel determined before to be done and now lord behold their treatiness they have threatened us behold their threatenings and grant unto thy servants that with all boldness they may speak thy word what did they pray for boldness to do what to speak thy word they didn't pray for god to kill them they didn't pray for god to punish them they didn't pray for god to remove them from government no that is not your problem all you need is boldness if you have boldness those that oppose you will get tired and retire and you are still firing say i hear you yeah that with all boldness grant us boldness watch this put the scripture back that with all boldness they may speak thy word next verse by stretching forth thy hand to heal and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child jesus next verse and when they had prayed the place was shaken where they were assembled together and they were all filled with the holy ghost what happened they were filled with the holy ghost and what was the result of that they spake the word of god with what boldness next verse and the multitude of them that believe were of one heart and of one soul neither said any of them that other things which they possess was his own but they had all things come on next verse and with great power as a result of the prayer what was the result with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the lord jesus and great grace was upon them all when you live here after this week of prayer you're going with great power with great grace and you will preach the word with boldness somebody say i will preach the word with boldness say signs and wonders will follow me now say with me in the name of jesus i receive ultrons and i declare in the name of jesus i will not be detained i preached the word in and out of season i didn't hear powerful amen the resultant effect of prayer was that they were filled so as we are praying we are getting filled you don't get filled once you get filled over and over and over and over and over and over the more filled you are the more effective you are the more filled you are the more bold you are am i talking to somebody here i mean imagine this is peter who a little girl said you are the one that was jesus he said i swear i don't know him three times but when the holy ghost filled peter up peter stood up and said grant us boldness and they went forth on the day of pentecost peter stood up and looked at everybody and said to them we are not drunk as you suppose but this is that which was spoken by prophet joe i will part my spirit upon all flesh your sons and daughters shall prophesy this is the fulfillment this is peter there was a coward before a small girl but when you are filled with the spirit you go forth with boldness and when there is boldness miracles happen when there is boldness the supernatural takes over when there is boldness the kingdom of god advances i thought somebody will lift your hands up and say father i receive boldness to preach the word say it again i receive i receive i receive boldness to preach the word begin to give him tongues or call on a manga [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign i got [Music] activist and collage english english english english english english english english english and college and college and the last [Music] oh [Music] ah foreign shut up [Music] thank you [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign ba a right oh foreign [Music] [Applause] is [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] got foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] got hey cash ah a oh l.a l.a a foreign ah a a [Music] [Music] um hey hey yes oh i got oh i i hello [Music] [Music] hey [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so m r [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] m [Music] [Music] no no no no [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] guys [Music] oh [Music] hey [Music] hey jesus jesus [Music] jesus praise your father praise your father praise your father bless it be your holy name a lot of majesty [Music] yawning lord of my justice divine authority [Music] halloween [Music] your name [Music] me [Music] [Music] wave those hands and just wave them to him [Music] wave those hands wave them wave them in washing wave them holy hands wave them holy hands in washing wave them holy hands in washing all about [Music] thank you lord thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah glory glory glory this is the refreshing where which you will cause the weary to rest thank you lord great days ahead days of exploits days of power hallelujah and the people are willing the people are willing thank you lord are you blessed go ahead and let's celebrate with a shout out i'm trying [Music] shout out trial [Music] shout with the voice of triumph [Music] glory glory glory glory [Music] glory victory amen glory to god amen tomorrow morning first service begins at 7 30 i'll be live at 8 o'clock and 11 i'll be live 10 30 we start 11 am live it's going to be brutal again grab your offerings let's give a thanksgiving offering this morning those watching online the banking details are on the screen on tv the banking details are there it's been exciting just spending the whole of this week in the spirit praying and praying and rising like an edifice praise god father we rejoice as we give we're giving honor we're giving worship we're giving acknowledgement of every precious thing you've done for us and we are grateful and we thank you for all of the time we have spent in prayer and we rejoice because so much has been accomplished we give you praise as we give we rejoice that we lack nothing we have everything supplied thank you for the blessing upon everyone in this building today in jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen are we excited amen praise god all right you can drop your offerings anywhere on the pulpit here and we'll see all of you tomorrow those in training back to a christian life devoid of a regular prayer pattern is a life living in sin if you are not praying you are living in disobedience and disobedience is a sin so if you are not praying you are living in sin why because prayer is an instruction power city international present international week of corporate prayers praying in the spirit with dr abel terminal date 1 the 18th to sunday 24th january 2021 time 12 noon to 1 pm every day venue power city international number 98 rangi ba rodrigo acquibo state nigeria men ought always to pray and not to fade [Music] [Music] don't be left out a believer does not need to break any foundation because the only foundation a believer has is christ you don't break christ once you're born again you're on a short foundation if things are not working it's not because you are under a course it's not because you are not born again no this may not be working because of certain miscalculations on your part or lack of skill or lack of sensitivity to when the holy ghost gets you direction but it cannot be because there's a foundation a christian has no foundation to break a christian cannot be possessed by devils to be possessed means satan entered your spirit and sat there that's possession how can a christian who is born of god the dna of god is in you how can satan and god live together so that is a deception and is fraud to the body of christ join doctors abel and rachel daminer in new christian cup meeting 2021 and ask the councilor with michael bush theme in christ realities ministering dr abel damina date 31st january to 14th february 2021 time mondays to saturdays 6 p.m daily on inspiration fm 105.9 uyo comfort fm 95.1 uyo xlfm 106.9 ryo radio aquabo 90.5 uyo yunyo fm 100.7 ryo and heritage fm 104.9 and also live on sunday 7 30 a.m first service and 10 30 a.m second service venue power city international number ninety eight wannabe road oyo acquire bomb state nigeria host doctors abel and rachel daminer be there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so the
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 3,794
Rating: 4.8532109 out of 5
Id: z8x3yxE0ZCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 20sec (8600 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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