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a christian life devoid of a regular prayer pattern is a life-living sin if you are not praying you are living in disobedience and disobedience is a sin so if you are not praying you are living in sin why because prayer is an instruction power city international present power city international week of corporate prayer praying in the spirit with dr abel germany date monday 18th to sunday 24th january 2021 time 12 noon to 1 p.m every day venue power city international number 98 rangibo rodrigo akwa bomb state nigeria men ought always to pray and not to faint don't be left out [Music] praying in the spirit the book of ephesians chapter 6 verse number 18 and 19 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit praying always with all prayer so all prayer must be prayed in the spirit all prayers praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit so all prayers and all supplications ought to be prayed in the spirit and watching there unto with all perseverance and supplication for all sins next verse and for me that ultras may be given unto me that i may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel so all prayers are to be prayed in the spirit and in the course of this teaching we will help you understand what it means to pray in the spirit now you must be able to realize that when i began to teach you on how to interpret scriptures i gave you certain rules of bible interpretation and i still do that in the course of all teachings because the intent is to eventually equip you to be able to interpret the bible and interpret the scriptures so that people around you and yourself can be edified one of the rules of bible teaching is that first of all you must read through the bible you read through the bible that's one of the rules you read through the bible and then number two you must observe observation is a vital key in bible story you must observe take note of you know words like if words like and words like but take note of tenses tenses like delivered blessed all right justified sanctified they're all in the past take note of such adjectives in bible study they are not put there for decoration they are put there to help you come to a place of understanding then we also said it is after you have read through and observed that you can be able to interpret interpret the scriptures the word die harmonia to expound or to interpret the scripture you know taking your pattern from jesus bible tells us when jesus rose from the dead on the way to emmaus he met certain disciples of his who were discussing the event of the past three days and he said to them gentlemen what are you guys talking about and they said jesus are you a stranger in jerusalem have you not heard about the events of the past three days they were preaching jesus to jesus because they didn't know jesus you can be in church all your life but you have never known christ and you have never met christ all right and jesus turned to the man and he said to them all fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophet the prophets old testament prophets have spoken ought not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory verse 27 says and beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded the word expounded is what die harmonia it means interpreted so jesus had to interpret moses and interpret all the prophets meaning moses and all the prophets did not speak in literal terms meaning they used a mode of communication that was not literal hence the need for die harmonia interpret so we interpret scriptures and interpreting scriptures we interpret scriptures observing the rule of contextual interpretation what do i mean by contextual interpretation we're talking about the rule of interpreting context which will be pretext post text to be able to understand context pretext will do with the verses before the verse post text will do with the verses after the verse so scriptures must be interpreted within its surrounding verses you don't cherry pick scriptures because scriptures are not for memorization they are for explanation explanation not for memorization they are not for coating they are for explanation so we explain scriptures contextually it is called exegesis when a preacher just use scriptures to back up an ideology he is being immoral that's immorality because he is lying against the scriptures you don't use the scriptures to back your ideology because the scriptures have its own mind so in bible teaching we do not innovate we excavate like miners you go in to bring out what is there miners don't produce the mineral they bring out the mineral in bible study we go into the scriptures into the mind of the author to arrive at the thought that the author seeks to communicate it is at that instance that we can say that you have an understanding of the context somebody said to me dr damina what book did you write on how to interpret the bible i said to him every book i have written and every message i have preached is bible study and bible interpretation because that's all we do here ephesians chapter 3 verse 3 listen to brother paul how that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery as i wrote a four in few words whereby when you read you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of christ as i wrote before in few words why did he write it this is a key issue in understanding the mind of god understanding the mind of god whereby when you read you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of christ he says i wrote it then it says it is written so that it can be read it is written so that it can be read so first of all read the bible you are studying a text of any letter if you want to read philippians chapter 4 verse 19 read from philippians chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 then chapter 4 because the entire book is one letter it does not have chapter and verses when the author wrote it chapters and verses were introduced by people who published that is why sometimes you will see a verse communicating a thought the thought does not finish it continues in another verse and sometimes the thought doesn't finish in a chapter continues in another chapter because it's one later chapter one two three four five six of ephesians the whole six chapters is one later so don't read it and break read all so you have an understanding of what the author was writing if you just shall repeat you will never arrive at an understanding and if you never understand the scriptures you can be established you become a victim you know and you'll be toast to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine so you must read the entire letter all right brother paul says so that when you read you may understand my knowledge the word read is used 32 times 32 times there's a frequency in which it says something when you read is the greek word ana ginosco ana guinosco a when you read the word ana means again guinosko means to recognize when you read again and again and again in the process of reading again and again you will begin to recognize all right ana guinosko please pay attention so imagine if you have the word again it just means you keep reading and reading so when paul says whereby when you read you may understand it's like in today's language if i'm going to say what paul said it will be if you keep reading you may understand whereby when you read if you keep reading anna guinosco so you have a duty in bible study the first rule is observation you must read it well repeat it again and what you have not read well you cannot interpret in order for you to interpret what you read you must read well sometimes you have some scriptures in your mind you assume you know an assumption can be a barrier to bible interpretation don't assume to know any scripture till you read discard that assumption and just put it aside read even if you think you know it think that you don't know it and read read with the mind of a man who don't know it that's when the scriptures come alive sometimes you have to also remember that that approach will be humility to the word of god and it will help you to understand the word anaginoscope is used to relieve and experience when you relieve an experience it's like i give you a piece of literature to read and when you're done reading i asked you to tell me what you read if you're able to narrate everything you read it means you read observing ana guinosko it means you read with an intent to understand to be able to relive what you read you're not just reading you are reading with the intent of understanding you are reading with an intent to be able to communicate the same please pay attention you know it's like you watch a movie again and again after a while you start recognizing certain things in the movie after a while you start understanding why certain moves happen in the movie because of continuous watching same thing with the bible you have to read again and again and never assume that you know until you know so we have a duty not to have read the scriptures not to have read the scriptures but to be reading the scriptures we have a duty not to have read the scriptures but to be reading the scriptures understanding revelation is related to how dutiful and how diligent we are in reading reading is key whereby when you read you may understand look at the kind of questions jesus asked people in this day you know ana guinosco questions like matthew 12 verse 3 but he said unto them have you not read what death he did when he was unhunger and then they were with him have you not read jesus used it many times let's examine a few of them because that what have you not read is anna guinosco have you not read again and again to the point of recognizing certain things why are you asking me like one who has not read because if you have read you shouldn't be asking me this that's when they ask him his response would be have you not read because you're acting like one who has not read have you not read and jesus asked a number of that with his disciples have you not read means didn't you read properly didn't you read properly in matthew 12 verse 5 he asked again have you not read in the law how that on the sabbath days the priests in the temple profaned the sabbath and are blameless have you not read he acts again you can use have you not read properly in the law so he points that to them in matthew 19 verse 4 and he answered and said unto them have you not read that he which met them at the beginning made them male and female he is saying address your mind he is saying you are asking this question because you have not addressed your mind properly to the facts address your mind properly to the facts in the context otherwise you will be acting like one who has not read it means to relieve the moment or to see it again all right if it is in today's english i will say go and read it again go and read it again so there's a propelliness in reading you address your mind to the issues in bible study if many of us read our school books and our career the way we read the bible we will have not only failed failure will be better than what would have been the way we read the bible if that's how you read your school books you will not only fail that is failure will be better than what you will be because the way we read our bible we really like just something that something that makes me we have to be dutiful more dutiful in reading the bible that we read our university materials more beautiful you know you read medicine the kind of reading you read is no joke you read law the kind of reading you read it's no joke i mean you read architecture you read history then it comes to the bible some of you have been carrying your bible since you were born you have never read half of it you on your own has never read a complete book of the bible are you a believer this your christianity is a serious one the only book you have for your christian experience and relationship with god the only book you have that helps you to relate to the invisible world is the bible yet you don't need it i want to live a victorious life or from where ignorance is a major disease when you don't know what you have you function like one who doesn't have it matthew 21 verse 16 look at what jesus received and he said unto them here is that what they say and jesus said unto them yay have you never read out of the mouth of babes and circling that was perfected praise have you never read i love jesus matthew 24 42 anna guinosco watch therefore for you know not what hour your lord come next verse but notice that if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief will come he will have watched and will not have suffered his house to be broken up so ana ginosco means to read properly he is saying pay attention to details anytime he said have you not read those verses in question are among other verses have you not read where this was said it was not only that that was said but it was said in the midst of other things that were said and that's why you must pay attention it's like didn't you take note of this in your reading so the kind of reading required in bible study is to take note or to take notice look at matthew 22 31 but as touching the resurrection of the dead have you not read that which was spoken unto you by god saying have you not read next verse i am the god of abraham and the god of isaac and the god of jacob god is not the god of the dead but of the living so it's important to read reading cannot be substituted for any other thing you must read the only way to read is to read you must read through brother philip encountered a certain man in acts chapter eight that man asked philip a golden question was returning and sitting in his chariot red isaiah's the prophet next verse then the spirit said unto philip go near and join joined thyself to this chariot next verse and philip ran see that to him and heard him read the prophet isaiah's and said understand this down what dowry dest next verse and he said how can i except some man shall guide me and he desired philip that he will come up and sit with him the place of the scripture which he read was this he was led as a ship to the slaughter and like a lamb dumb before his sharer so open he not his mouth next verse in his humiliation his judgment was taken away and who shall declare his generation for his life is taken from the earth and the eunuch answered philip and said i pray thee of whom speaker the prophet this of himself or of some that is intelligently when you read intelligently in the process of reading questions begin to pop up that is when you know your reading now that you are reading and everything goes no you're not reading you're glancing when you're really reading you become interrogative that's what jesus would say you search the scriptures the word search in the greek is you interrogate the scriptures interrogate investigate the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life but they are there which testify of me the man said of whom speaketh the prophet isaiah's of himself or of some other man now that gave philip an idea that this guy is really really paying attention next verse then philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached unto him jesus the same scripture and preached unto him jesus now this is the story of the utopian eunuch who was returning on his chariot the style of reading was that they read very loud because philip had him reading they didn't read quiet that's how they read the bible in bible news they read very loud and they read out that means you read in a way where you yourself are hearing yourself that's how to read the bible properly and then he asked him do you understand what you're reading but the first thing is that the man was reading so he has met rule one he didn't say understandable greek and hebrew greek and hebrew is not your first line of learning bible leave greek and hebrew for me for now you read first don't let greek and hebrew defeat you i'm not using greek and hebrew to intimidate you or to make you think i'm intelligent greek is somebody's language hebrew is somebody's language the only reason why i have to use greek and hebrew is because english language is young and english language is progressing when the bible was interpreted from greek and hebrew to english english was too young so certain expressions in english deny you the privilege of understanding what the author intended to say so with today's understanding of english when i look at english bible and i see certain things that do not add up then i go to the greek and the hebrew to check what was said and i interpreted you to this understanding to bring you to a place where you can see clearly what the author intended and that's the duty of a bible teacher so it's not for intimidation is to make myself more efficient in explaining the bible to you know have you not read just okay simply to read but when you look at the greek anna ginosco have you not read attentively didn't you pay attention when you were reading because if you were reading by paying attention you wouldn't ask the questions you're asking so that means it's not just casual reading okay it's aggressive dedicated reading and that kind of bible study when you finish you don't say i am refreshed when you finish i'm tired i study every day of my life i live my life studying what else am i here for i study the word of god because people require the word of god from my mouth and i must be able to say it the way it is supposed to be said i can decide to just preach nonsense and you'll be shouting amen but when i appear before jesus i will face the music so i've got to be honest in the way i teach you the word of god so that even if you don't like me today because i have used my teaching to scatter what you knew after 5-10 years when you grow up you will come back to what i'm teaching because no matter how you run away from the truth one day you will come back to it that's why i'm not afraid of what i'm teaching what i'm teaching you i put it on global platform where theologians bible scholars professors of the bible have access to hear what i'm teaching so that if what i'm teaching is not true they can challenge me on it i'm not hiding to teach it because what i'm teaching is the truth nothing but the truth it may go against religion it may go against the things you were taught traditionally in churches but when the chips are down what i'm teaching will stand the test of time see so i'm not ashamed of what i'm teaching communion is not a practice some people don't like me for it their liking will not put food on my table bishop called me he said listening to you this evening on communion now i get it you are very correct now i have seen it see before he didn't like me because he felt i was attacking communion now his eyes have opened to see that there is no communion in the new testament in fact in the whole bible there's no communion it's not anywhere if you find it show me it's not anywhere what we call communion today is a rebranded version of the passover the only thing you see is passed over and passover was not bread and rabina or bread and coke passover was a feast of the jews that was used to point to the coming of jesus when jesus showed up the passover arrived so we don't need that brother rabina because the real passover is here he's not only here he lives on your inside i thought somebody was shocked glory why will i be eating bread and drink when the real person i'm trying to eat is living inside me first corinthians 5 7 says christ our passover punch out there for the all living that you may be a new lump as you are on living for even christ our passover is sacrificed for us so in the old testament they ate bread and rabina to point to christ since they didn't have christ they had something that symbolized christ to show that they have faith in christ even though he was not there so every time they were eating that they were doing it with christ in mind and somebody said to me why is it that when jesus came he too he act with them because he was born under the law so since he was still under the law to fulfill the law he had to do what they did under the law but the moment he died and rose the lord was taken out of the way so today we don't observe the law because the reality lives on our inside christ in you i thought somebody would shout glory [Music] somebody said to me somewhere but i eat communion so that i can be healed no it's not communion that heals you he sent his word and his word he left them the healer is god's word it's not ribena when you eat rabina and bread when you go to toilet is out yeah it perishes why they're using the only thing that will not go out is the word of god because the word of god lives and abides forever so philip took his time and read the written word and engaged the law of corroboration he must have given the man different scriptures to explain christ remember the key is that the eunuch read obviously the man did not read it casually those who read scriptures casually is very difficult to teach them because even their lives are casual is the responsibility of the pastor to ensure that every member of the church is reading you must read the bible and i'm here to teach you nothing but the written word look at first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 27 i charge you by the lord that this epistle be read unto all the holy brethren you know in bible days they didn't have a bible so he said i charge you take this episode let everybody here look at colossians 4 16 and when this epistle is read among you cause that it be read also in the church of the lyricians and that you likewise read the epistle from lydosa so they were sharing epistles letters were transferred from one church to another for the purpose of reading for the purpose of reading why was it so because there was no printing press available no printing press that's why till tomorrow listen carefully on every available verse of the bible you have at least 5 000 manuscripts for every verse every verse of the bible has over 5 000 manuscripts because the only way they could get it was to write it then when they write it they read it when they read it they transfer it so everybody was writing so the ancient manuscripts of the bible each verse had at least five thousand manuscripts of the same if you go to the archives or the library of how the bible was written see that's no joke at all because they didn't have printing press so they had to write with their hands you know now how can you grow when you are very lazy to write scriptures you come to church with writing materials because a lot will be taught and your head can carry all so you need to write why are you writing so you can read why you read reading because you wrote somebody say but i'll get the cd that's a lazy approach to bible story there is something writing notes does to your understanding there's something writing knows dusty understanding even if you write the note three times it grows your understanding sometimes when i write notes i rewrite them and i recopy it and in the process of recording the notes that i will teach you from it registers so i can come here and teach you that looking at my notes because i have copied and copied and copied carefully and it has registered in my mind it's learning learning is tedious learning is a discipline it's a discipline that's a lazy people can go to school only diligent people can go to school lazy people drop out lazy people can start school and not graduate but it takes diligence there's a quality of discipline required to read through and pass the same thing with the word of god there are many things that will discourage you but because you are persuaded and you're determined you overlook them to graduate same thing with bible study same thing with bible study it requires discipline and just like you study i also study so the same discipline you're having i'm having even more because i study more i excavate if you see my study it's like a construction site it's excavation all over books are scattered everywhere opened in certain ways and my house members i want not to touch any book even if they open it and drop it on the floor like this leave it there if you sweep around it and go don't touch because you don't know why it is spread like that excavation is still in progress it's a construction site my bed mama says your bed is a junkyard my bed you see books on top of my bed books viral some books are folded some you see a long line some notes scattered oh i sleep with them i wake up with them that's the only i can feed you like this it's a lot of discipline and i'm glad to do it because it's blessing you the joy of my study is to see you blessed to see you grow and to see you teaching the world the way i'm teaching it yeah when i see my spiritual sons and daughters excavating scripture and teaching people the same quoting greek hebrew all over the place and explaining exigencies making scripture interpret scripture i shake my head and say that's right it was worth the study and i have them all over the place from this house everywhere sons and daughters who i'm building doctrinally to teach you the same the things you have heard of me among many witnesses the same committed to faithful men that's what life is all about so anna guinosco is to pay attention to details first thessalonians 5 27 where we read you see that all believers must be commended to read read i'd like you to talk to your neighbor say read the scriptures i didn't hear you can i hear you louder can i hear powerful amen romans chapter 8 verse 26 many people have used that scripture for prayer the scripture is not for prayer likewise the spirit also helped our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the spirit itself make it intercession for us with groanings which cannot be altered when we read the pretext and the post text and we did some word study we discovered that the word pray is the word wish we should wish for as we ought we discovered that it is not the spirit that groans rather it is we that are groaning to put on our resurrected bodies it is we groaning in our mortality so we can we are immortality and i did some corroboration so it's not a prayer but a reinforcing of the deposit of the spirit as a guarantee for the resurrection of the body is a response to the groaning of the body and a proof to the intercessory work of christ all right now remember you cannot get the result of god by misinterpreting the bible you can never get the result of god by misinterpreting the bible that's very clear you can know jesus and if you know jesus clearly he was very particular about what the scriptures thought that's what he kept saying has you not read he never allow people to misinterpret scriptures if you look at the teachings of jesus every time he taught beginning at moses and he always went through the scriptures that was jesus's pattern of teaching he always went through always that's why we have people like peter will say we were eyewitnesses of his majesty when we saw him on the holy mountain he appeared to us we heard his voice then peter would say but we have also a martial world beyond our visions and dreams the word of god is superior we have a martial word of prophecy wherefore you do well that you take heed onto that world so it's important for you to take note of that a truth cannot be found in a lie what has been working is not that vast somebody said but i've been using that verse romans 8 26 to pray and it has been working a truth cannot be found in a lie that verse is not a verse for prayer the fact that you use it to pray and it work it's not that verse that is working it's something else that is working because a truth cannot be found in a lie when a scripture is misinterpreted that is a lie communicated because the scriptures can never mean today what it didn't mean when it was first written there is consistency in the truth of the scriptures because it is a divine message and a divine message is consistent now can there be groanings in prayer we will find out in the process that's the beauty of contextual study ephesians chapter 6 verse 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching their auntie without perseverance and supplication for all sins so now we have double emphasis in praying and we have double emphasis in supplication praying always with all prayer double emphasis supplication supplication so two words have double emphasis prayer and supplication so your mind should be on praying prayer and supplication when you see emphasis that is something to pay attention to and we have double emphasis on prayer and supplication so let's examine supplication is the word disease in the greek d-e-e-s-i-s it means heart petition that concerns you it means bringing a request that involves you it could be about others but it involves you bringing a request or a heartfelt petition a petition that affects your heart something you feel strong in your heart this is look at first peter chapter 3 verse 12 for the eyes of the lord are over the righteous and his ears are open unto their prayers but the face of the lord is against them that do evil over the righteous means supplication to supplicate so when you find the word disease it is used to become on authority to beckon on authority that means you're supplicating something that is you are asking something of god or you are asking of the situation of the ki from the king you are asking concerning a situation it was used in bible days either to request of the king to do something to request of the king to do something to give a strong request or proposal to the king so that he can act that's why you have the word disease from in ephesians 6 18 praying always with all prayer that word always means every time for all saints all believers are to be prayed for this way praying always and supplication in the spirit and watching i like you to underline the word watching praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching and watching let's see that word watching mark 13 33 watch and pray for you know not when the time is in this prayer there is a watching and by the way this series i'm teaching is a continuation of my teaching on the myth called unanswered prayer i did a 30-hour teaching on that some time back this is a continuation of that teaching okay so there is watching in this kind of prayer there's a watching in this supplication you watch you observe you look intently when praying this prayer okay luke 21 36 watch it therefore and pray always that he may be counted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the son of man so there's a watching in hebrews 13 17 he said you should obey them to have the rule over you for they watch over your soul those the same word for watch so that means in this prayer there's a watching that is we pray and observe we don't just pray we pray and observe with all perseverance we pray we watch with all perseverance to persevere and supplicate for all sins that word to persevere is the word prosecutors in the greek is t-r-o pro p-r-o scat terraces is s-k-a-r-t-e-r-e-s-i-s why does he use that word here the word watching prosecco terraces he is talking about committed prayer committed watching which will drive home the commitment watching you are praying and watching the watching is what drives home the commitment and so you get this word prosecco terrorist is from proscaterio prosca the rio in the greek p-r-o s-k-a t-e-r-e-o pros caterio which can be used for a few things for example romans 12 12 rejoicing in hope patient in tribulation continuing instant in prayer so it is used for prayer the word perseverance perseverance means to continue in this kind of prayer you pray you watch with a continuity attitude with an attitude of continuation when it is used it is used with the intent to prevail this kind of prayer is a prayer you are praying to prevail you are not praying to give up you are committed to the prayer that the prayer will not stop until the result is on ground this is it's a prayer with a commitment and the intent is to prevail that's the nature of supplication in supplication you continue supplication is a prayer you don't stop until the result arrives you're praying for a family to have the fruit of the womb you stay on that prayer you keep speaking the fruit of the womb into that marriage until the miracle happens this is are praying for a young woman to get married you stay on that prayer it's not a prayer of receive your husband amen receive your husband amen finish no no because what that prayer will have to do is to galvanize circumstances arrange situations and locate a young man that is ready to marry and is in search of a woman and then carry that young man the prayer will carry the young man and move him through circumstances and situations and as you stay in that prayer it will keep moving the young man will not know why things are working like this for him until he will arrive where you are it's not a take it receive no there is receivable for a different thing in supplication you pray on t because the intent of the prayer is to prevail it's prayer that changes things prayer that you stay on until the desired result comes so you can see that lazy people can pray this kind of prayer because it is a committed request this is is the prayer of supplication continuing instant in prayer so we are watching to prevail we are on the allah to prevail you are praying and you are watching and you stay there because while you are praying and watching the holy ghost through your prayer will start giving you direction there are times you may need to travel to a certain location there are times you may have to take certain decisions there are times you may need to change some approach it is in the midst of the prayer as you are watching you will see the signals of the spirit that will help you to navigate to where the answer is either waiting or will position you where the answer will find you it's a prayer supplication it's a prayer of commitment you stay in it you don't quit you don't surrender continuing instant in prayer in colossians chapter 4 verse 2 continue in prayer and watch in the same with thanksgiving this kind of prayer always has watching attached continue in the same with thanksgiving we must attend to it and continue so it's making us know that getting result in prayer is based on our commitment to it based on our commitment to it getting results in prayer is based on our commitment to it all right it is also used for waiting upon something watch means to wait upon something mark 3 9 and he speak to his disciples that a small sheep should wait on him shall wait on him because of the multitude leslie should throw him to wait on him to be available for him acts chapter 1 verse 14 see what happened when they were waiting for the holy ghost this all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication with the women and mary the mother of jesus and with his brethren do you know why they particularly mentioned mary to show you that mary the mother of jesus received jesus as a savior and to show you that mary obeyed jesus went to jerusalem and stayed with them in prayer meaning on the day of pentecost mary was inside the room when they spoke in tongues mary also spoke in tongues she didn't say am i not the mother of god i am the one to be praying for you no no mary humbled herself join the people to pray and enter the place on the day of pentecost and waited for the holy ghost and mary spoke in tongues and prophesied mary spoke in tongues and prophesied now so you don't ask mary to pray for you you are married the same before god the same way she received christ you receive christ the same way she received the holy ghost you received the holy ghost so i said boy she's not the one that gave birth to jesus yes she's the one that gave birth to jesus if she had said no jesus would have looked for another person jesus stayed inside her for nine months he stays in you forever he lives in you forever we thank god for her but that's the end of it i won't begin to ask mary to pray for me for what now for what don't i have mouth i have mad me too i can pray bible say we all pray how many of us pray everybody ought to be praying don't be a prayer collector you learn how to pray it's so important because if you can't pray for yourself if you depend on people's prayer this life will show you because people too they can pray for you for some time but they to have their own challenges to our face so after they pray small for you they concentrate on their own so if you're not praying for yourself you're in trouble that's when jesus took his disciples he said gentlemen my soul is sorrowful come let's go and pray when they got to the place of prayer he said you guys stay here he took three he said you guys i trust you more than the others pray well then he went further and prayed for himself he didn't rely on their prayer he prayed for himself because friends if your life is dependent on people's prayer you will live in life of suru you must learn to pray by yourself you have to learn to pray jesus prayed after some time he stood up to come and check these people that are supposed to be praying for him they were snoring they were snoring he woke them up can't you watch for one hour watch and pray that you fall out into temptation pray he went back you have to learn to pray i remember when i started ministry newly some guys because they had money they will be bringing us to their house to pray for them while they sleep i did that kind of ministry oh because me too i wanted the money so that i can do ministry that time so we will come to this big big men's house then they will give us their prayer requests on paper around 11 o'clock then they will enter bedroom and sleep then we will pray till morning then they will come out in the morning and say the prayers were very powerful i was hearing it while i was sleeping you guys are really powerful okay take hundred thousand you take fifty thousand god bless you come back next week oh after i prayed our prayer for a few weeks i said god forbid god forbid that i be praying for money instead let me not pray instead let me be hungry why would i be praying for a man to pay me what for how much can he pay for prayer you know what prayer is he's in one of those prayers that were praying with somebody he started praying and said oh oh before i know it he started coughing blood i said stop he said no he's the spirit i said no this is not a spirit you need medical attention you are coughing blood there is no scripture that says you should bring cuff blood once blood starts coming out you are a medical case i told him stop the prayer is over this was around two o'clock he said the man would say we didn't pray well i said you want to die prayer is finished god has answered if the man come now we will tell him god has answered stop coughing settle down i got him some water to drink we sat down and calmed down the man woke up in the morning said the prayers finished i said because god answered very fast give us our money we'll be praying for you you pray for yourself now can't you pray that guy is a victim of bad pastoring even a man is well pastored he learns to pray you learn to pray we pray we pray for one another but we also pray for ourselves so in prayer we watch we continue we watch we continue we are instant acts 10 7 and when the angel which speaks unto canelos was departed he called two of his household servants and a devout soldier of them that waited on him how continually so it brings in a commitment in prayer so praying in the spirit as much as it involves tongues has to do with steadfastness steadfastness they say steadfastness to it and they say continuity to eat that's why it says always for all sins then he said in the spirit so even though it's in the spirit it requires an attitude of steadfastness you pray and pray and pray and pray and pray and watch and watch and pray until you see it happen hallelujah i said hallelujah we watched to prevail we wait to prevail and let me tell if you really want to live a victorious life on earth you cannot do without prayer prayer is a necessity in your adventure with god on earth prayer prayer is so vital for the believer because prayer is what keeps your communication with the invisible prayer is your medium of fellowship with the immortal prayer is your medium of exercising your authority on the earth so when you start praying yamana you start exercising authority prayer is that medium where your authority because you rule with worlds so when you start praying you start releasing your influence over nature over things circumstances begin to bow situations begin to comply impossibilities begin to become possible where they say it cannot work it starts working because prayer will enter there and shift things and rearrange things and create space for you to enter shuttle adaba kabodega the effectual father prayer of a righteous man make a tremendous power available that is dynamic in his workings as you stand on your feet and get ready to shout the loudest amen in this building your best days are ahead your best days are ahead your best days are ahead your brightest days are ahead the part of the righteous is as the shining light that shines brighter and brighter onto the perfect day i speak unto you today as your aiming is coming like thunder every day of your future will be better than the past hey shakota wherever you are found circumstances will obey you situations will bow to you hey a gay manuka where you need a miracle in this service as your aiming is coming like thunder i command tumors in your body to melt out right now growth disappear right now disease be healed heart disease be corrected asthma out high blood pressure cease body be healed be healed be healed from your head to the souls of your foot agama lobato maraca where you need a new path in your body where you need a creative miracle as your aiming is coming like thunder receive creative miracles receive creative miracles receive creative miracles receive creative miracles [Applause] i command hearing conditions corrected i command your eye conditions corrected satan get your hands off in the name of jesus receive miracles receive favors receive miracles in the name of jesus christ oh you are so focused you cannot be detailed no persecution can influence you your eyes are set like a fleet i see disciples raised by you ministry prospers in your hand ministry flourishes through you you are an ambassador you shine the light in the dark world men come to the light men come to the brightness of your rising in the name of jesus christ you have sufficiency in all things you are bound unto every god thank you let me see some joy and celebration [Laughter] is [Laughter] is foreign foreign [Applause] foreign thank you foreign thank you lord jesus somebody shouted powerful amen amen put up on the screen for me colossians chapter 4 verse 17. there was a man called epaphras colossians chapter 4 verse 17. put it up on the screen quickly for me studio quickly quickly colossians chapter 4 verse 17 verse 17 begin begin from verse 14 begin from verse 14 to 17 14. look the beloved physician and them as creature 15. salute the brethren which are in ladosha and memphis and the church which is in his house 16. and when this epistle is read among your cause that it be read also in the church of the ladocians and that you likewise read the epistle from ladusha ladosha verse 17 say to octopus take it to the ministry which thou has received in the lord that thou fulfill it we will go back to verse 12 say with me say with me i take heed to the ministry which i have received of the lord jesus now say very loud i will fulfill this ministry say it again very loud i will fulfill this ministry say it again very long i will fulfill this ministry say i have received i have received a calling and a ministry to raise disciples i will fulfill it i am taking it by giving myself my gift to prayer to pray even which i have received i thought i will hear powerful amen give me verse 12 of that colossians chapter 4 epaphras who is one of you a servant of christ saluted you always laboring fervently for you well in prayer so prayer is laborer work somebody said can we just look look look remove the scripture put me on the screen so that they will see my face somebody said can we just pray in our hearts can we just pray in our heart why all this drama can we just sit down at home and just pray in our heart after all god is in our heart you pray in your heart is for your personal life when we are praying for ministry when we are praying for the work of god when we are praying for the vision of flooding the earth with the gospel we have to engage in liberal work put it up again ever for us a performance who is one of you a servant of christ saluted you always lay boring fervently for you where in prayers why that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of god this is not meditative prayer there is prayer of meditation where you sit down in a quiet corner and you pray quietly this one is laborers prayer is a prayer you pray and every part of your body is affected because you are laboring fervently in prayer say i hear you and this is just to help people that are not used to this kind of prayer so that your mind can be addressed so that you can engage so that they won't think we're overdoing we have not even started we're just warming up epis always how many times always laboring fervently in prayers for you masha kayada are you ready for prayers praying always with all prayer and supplication where in the spirit lift your hands let's thank him again and from there we go legaso barakatana membraga colon double rock like a rattle [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] is foreign ah oh hey a um [Music] um da da um [Applause] a hey [Music] rob foreign so m hey foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign is ah um foreign foreign a hello foreign hey foreign a a oh foreign [Music] foreign foreign okay [Music] hey huh all right foreign oh foreign hey foreign foreign ah [Music] foreign [Applause] if foreign is foreign okay a foreign foreign i i oh oh foreign foreign oh thank you oh foreign hello ah foreign [Music] oh foreign foreign foreign is [Applause] it's foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign okay foreign foreign wow i ah oh oh oh foreign foreign [Laughter] um um foreign here [Music] foreign oh [Music] [Applause] is quack yes [Music] glory glory praying always with all prayer and supplication let's rejoice for 30 seconds shout the victory shout the victory shout the to the victory shout out listen carefully when you sacrifice food time walk television comfort rest to travel when you sacrifice energy when you sacrifice you are serving god with all your heart all your soul all your strength the effectual father and prayer of a righteous man make a tremendous power available that is dynamic in his workings thank you lord jesus i sense we should also take offerings at the end of this kind of prayer if you don't have don't feel bad it doesn't affect your prayer yeah we are in the mood of sacrifice everything is sacrificed this week so even our money will join the sacrifice flow so you have an offering get it if you don't have it just be blessing god it's not composing those online you want to give the banking details are scrolling on the screen you can also do yours right now we're giving in faith we're giving with job we believe in what is going on our offering is an offering of thanksgiving yeah we're giving an offer of thanksgiving it's done father we give in faith and we go with joy thank you for those giving online those giving on television we decree that every need is met mountains are skipping like ramps obstacles are bowing circumstances are being arranged situations are submitting where it was not working it is impossibilities have become possible ayano mashaka every need is supplied every need is supplied jobs are released opportunities are released desires are granted we give you praise in jesus name we see you tomorrow by 11 o'clock you can drop your offerings on your way be blessed enjoy christ thank you [Music] a christian life devoid of a regular prayer pattern is a life living in sin if you are not praying you are living in disobedience and disobedience is a sin so if you are not praying you are living in sin why because prayer is an instruction power city international present power city international week of corporate prayer praying in the spirit with dr abel germany date monday 18th to sunday 24th january 2021 time 12 noon to 1 pm every day venue power city international number ninety eight wannabe rodriguez state nigeria men ought always to pray and not to feigned foreign don't be left out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 3,729
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 6TazpdesQOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 25sec (7825 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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