Tucker Carlson's Plane Crashes

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22 years ago next month I was uh in a plane that crashed whenever I hear somebody talking about how they've been through a plane crash I find it really interesting because as you can imagine most people don't survive plane crashes and a guy like this guy tuo Carlson who's Super Famous him surviving a plane crash and then telling the story about it I was very intrigued to what he was going to say if you aren't familiar with who this guy talking is his name is Tucker Carlson he's a really famous news journalist he used to be on a major News Network FOX in the US but he got from that and started his own show and just recently he did an interview with Putin and if you don't know who Putin is I I can't really help you but I'm really curious to see what this guy says about a accident that happened 20 years ago being in a plane crash is a very traumatic thing people tend to in very high stress situations remember things differently so he's going to tell one story the way he remembers it and another person who could be sitting right behind him might have a totally different Viewpoint of what happened so it's I'm very curious to see what he says in this interview or this story that he's telling about a plane crash that he survived while he's flying out of the Middle East it's pretty wild all right check out this video 22 years ago next month I was uh in a plane that crashed amazingly in the Middle East flying from Pasha Pakistan the kyber pass was right after 911 I was going over to cover the Taliban and something happened in the cargo hold and we went down in the sandune in Dubai when you say something to me like we went down in a sand dune in Dubai this is what I'm imagining when he says something like that listen to Tucker as he says this and something happened in the cargo hold and we went down in the sandune in duai so at this point this is what I'm imagining is what's going on and he's on a passenger plane but what you may or may not know is below your seats on most passenger planes is a cargo hold area that cargo hold area is where all your baggage goes but also a lot of airlines I've talked about this in some of the other videos but they make money moving cargo so the additional space that they have so let's say you have uh a 100 bags I'm just making up a number and those bags have a a traditional amount of weight that they're going to be well then they have Freight room where where they can take an extra 5,000 pounds of freight and then they can make extra money on that flight so they have the passenger seats and your bag that goes underneath there and then a separate amount of money that they can make moving cargo freight inside there now a passenger plane cargo freight is a different amount of different type of freight than what you would get if let's say on a straight freighter so when I'm flying passengers I can move certain stuff with them and when I'm flying cargo I can move other things like you're not going to get um certain type of weapons and uh certain battery types will'll never be on a typical car plane that you as a passenger will ride on but they will put it on a cargo flight I couldn't find any actual report or breakdown of what actually happened in this so we're going to take his recollection of everything that happened and see if we can figure out what actually happened based off of what he's telling us so for reference of what he talking about is they flying out of Pakistan he said they were flying out of Pasar and I believe they went through Islamabad on their way down to Dubai and for a point of reference just up the road here is one of aviation's most loved people this guy was living just up the road in this town right here well he was living there until 2011 when he met another Ginger fellow which you may or may not know this guy this guy came over for a late night visit one day in 2011 and and that was the end of Osama bin Laden coincidentally I met that guy while I was of course having free breakfast in a hotel I saw the guy come in and I was on the phone with somebody and I said oh my gosh dude Rob O'Neal just walked in Rob O'Neal was part of the task force of guys that went in and and got Bin Laden but I saw him from a distance away I knew exactly who it was so I let him order his food and I just went up to him after we finished ordering and uh I talked with him super humble guy for a guy that gets to that level of where he got in his career super humble really cool we chatted for just a few minutes but I didn't want to hold them up and I didn't ask them for any photos so I guess if what do they say there's no photo that didn't happen but super humble guy really nice I got to talk with him for a few minutes so it has nothing to do with this story but I just thought it was funny that that this guy Tucker was in Pakistan just down the road from where Bin Laden was and he was down there interviewing the Taliban probably nobody at that time obviously knew that Bin Laden was probably just up the road there a couple hours way so it's just funny and I thought it was coincidental because Aviation okay I'm getting sidetracked so back to this video we have Tucker Carlson and a plane like this hitting a Sandu nbai here we go obviously I survived but it was a Pakistan International Airways flight and the thing that changed my life about that experience was something happened horrible to the plane like there was an explosion in the cargo hold some debate about what it was but it happened and the plane starts dropping and the wing appears to detach the right wing and the plane is like struggling for altitude and going up gunning the engines and sideways it's like 3 in the morning over the Arabian Sea people are freaking out on the plane now like I talked about earlier is a common occurrence in high stress situations especially when you don't understand everything that's going on your brain will interpret things and hear things and see things differently than somebody else that's why in a lot of high stress situations or a bank robbery they'll interview different people and different people will have a totally different perspective on what happened so this is Tucker's recollection of this story from 22 years ago so it's a long time ago and it's a high stress situation and if me and Tucker were sitting on that exact same plane we would be interpreting that diff that information differently because I'm used to flying on planes obviously and I and I understand what would be going on if I'm hearing the engine roaring or things or the plane is moving sideways like he's describing I would understand more about what's going on because that that's what I do for a living right he's there as a passenger so his it's going to be a higher stress because he's going to understand less of what's going on and when you understand less of what's going on it could be a lot scarier for me if there's an explosion on a plane and then I hear an engine roaring that's going to make me nervous that's going to make anybody nervous a regular engine failure the engine just fails on takeoff without the explosion from the cargo area that he's describing um that's not going to really worry me too much but an explosion then rattling and parts of the wing coming off that's going to make me really nervous but just for the official record here planes with only one Wing fall out of the sky you could have it a part of a wing missing or a chunk those are things that are possible that the plane will still generate lift these planes are are made to withstand all kinds of crazy stuff you've seen in World War II these planes are just shot up and they still continue to fly well it's the same for commercial Aviation a lot of things can be br broken on this a chunk of the wing could be missing and the plane will still be generating lift but you can't have the entire Wing missing that's never going to work out the part that would concern me the most is when he says this about the cargo area something happened horrible to the plane like there was an explosion in the cargo hold that would concerned me the most because now you're dealing with an unknown factor now that explosion could be that the engine had an explosion that would be less of an issue an uncontained engine explosion that's okay that's a problem but that will ra the whole plane that will be very scary but that's different from the actual cargo area of the plane or something in the pressurized area of the plane there was a case where there was an explosion uh let's say near the cargo area basically there there were the plane wasn't pressurizing correctly and it ripped off part of the near the cargo area it ripped off a huge hole it was back in the 80s this is a photo of the plane here it's obviously a 747 and that explosion from from the depressurization of the cargo area ripped off this entire side of the plane now that was caused from a design flaw there was no explosive charge or anything it was a design flaw in the plane which obviously they have fixed and what happened is when that rapid de pressurization happened that explosion happened it was in the cargo area and it blew off and then it damaged both the engines on the right hand side of the plane and then ripped off side a side of the plane so here you have this plane with this massive gaping hole in the side of the plane that's up in the air and they were able to come back around with two damaged engines on the right side of the plane and come back in and land that's how incredible these planes are they're just so resilient so people get nervous about a small thing um but you can see that had a gigantic enormous hole on the side of it the engines on the right hand side obviously ingested a lot of that debris and the engines aren't made for that so those engines are in bad shape huge hole in the side of the plane and they were able to come back in and land so it could be that that that right engine basically had an explosion and then it rattled which would rattle the whole plane that made it sound like it was a cargo area that's possible or it could have been something like this where the cargo area had a problem and it blew into the engine causing that whole right hand side of the plane to have a problem I don't know I wasn't there but he started talking about the power going up and the plane turning on its side and the plane starts dropping and the wing appears to detach the right wing and the plane is like struggling for altitude and going up gunning the engine and sideways that sounds a lot like maybe they're losing an engine or the engine got lost and they added extra power on the other engine which if you lost one engine and you add power in the other engine it's going to make the plane turn hard to the right or turn hard to the left depending on which engine you lost and which one you're adding more power and there's a startle Factor so if you lose an engine you could end up pumping the other one punching it up a bunch unnecessarily if you get startled right so that makes it more dramatic to you as a passenger in the back again as a pilot as you're up there and you're reading that information you have control of the plane it's a lot less startling if I'm in the back as a passenger and an engine explodes that's going to startle me a lot more than if I'm flying the plane because I can see all the instruments okay what's happened oh we've lost Engine Number Four okay cool now this is what we're going to do we're going to have a plan of what to do you in the back aren't going to hear from me because we're going to be first dealing with this plane situation getting it stable before we make an announcement we're going to be communicating the pilots about this is what we're going to solve you as a pastor in back like Tucker here freaking out because you hear explosion rattling plane is doing this turning to the side you can understand why that would be stressful all right here's what happens next every person in that plane thought we're going to die very much including me I had three little kids I was half drunk which makes it worse and we finally come in kind of sideways into the sand the Plaines on its side and I'm in the first seat on the plane it's a big double Airbus and I just had one thought which I'm getting off the plane and it's you know totally dark and you can see burning from the wing so it's like it is time to depart the plane so I hop up and this male flight attendant stands right in front of me goes sit down everything is fine everything is fine you may have missed what he just said about the Airbus I don't know if you caught this big double Airbus the plane that this is happening on is an Airbus a300 I'm I think you call it a Double L um I've never heard the Airbus a300 called that this is what an a300 looks like it's a pretty big plane and it holds a few hundred people and I just never heard it called that before so don't start calling it that now he is as we're piecing together his story partially drunk which is part of the reason I never really I never I rarely ever will drink on a plane I have done it obviously as a passenger for the record uh I have drank on a plane before but I typically don't one because a lot of the times I travel I travel in uniform and I'm not allowed to and the times when I have traveled and I'm not in uniform I just don't typically do it because I like to be paying attention to what's going on uh flying isn't stressful for me I get drunk super easy anyways and I rarely drink even when I'm not flying I I just don't drink very often I get drunk really easy and then I get a hangover and I'm a big so I I don't like to have that hangover so this guy is now interpreting this information from 22 years ago when he was partially drunk in a very high stress situation so these are all going to change his way he's going to recall things obviously when you're drunk you don't recall things as sharp he's not a pilot so it makes a whole other thing and it's a high stress incident so we're going to have to kind of piece this thing together based off of what he remembers now you've heard me talk about how important it is to listen to your flight crew despite what the people on Tik Tok tell you to do but if the cabin crew is doing like what Tucker is describing here and this male flight attendant stands right in front of me goes sit down everything is fine everything is fine obviously you're going to need to get off the plane there are people who don't do well making decisions and they need to be told what to do there have been cases where uh there's been a plane that is Crash landed everybody or most everybody is alive and the pilots are shocked they're stunned and the flight attendant the the lead flight attendant often called the Purser they call it different things but let's just call call them the Purser uh he or she will make an announcement hey time to evacuate now that is a very difficult call to make because you as the purer the flight attendant aren't really supposed to make that decision the captain or the flight crew are supposed to tell you and then you get the passengers off but the pilots weren't making that decision they may have been in shock I don't know but I know of one particular case where the flight attendant just overrode the flight crew and they started evacuating and it's a good thing they did because the plane eventually caught on fire and that flight attendant she made that call to get everybody off the plane and saved a couple hundred people's lives so that's One Direction the other direction can go where people get paralyzed when something like this happens and saying no no everything is fine well obviously if you've just crashed uh based off of what he's describing into a sand dune um part of your wing is missing and there's a fire on the plane now it's not fine however you have to be really smart about what you do here he's saying no it's not fine I'm going to get off the plane which makes sense but you also have to be very aware of your surroundings because if you start evacuating a plane really quickly before the flight crew has shut down all the engines you could end up Surviving a plane crash running off of the plane half drunk and running into an engine and you're just going to get sucked up and die and that's going to be really embarrassing so yes there is a time to pass the authority and say like no this this is not going we this is not okay we do need to get off this plane but you have to be sure that you're making the right decision you have to use clear-headed judgment when you're doing that and look at things for actually what they are not I see a fire I want to run away which obviously you want to get away from the plane that's on fire but you need to analyze everything that's going on I see a fire and I want to get away like me as a pilot if I see that if I'm in this situation I see a fire I want to get away one of the first things I'm going to be doing is waiting for the flight crew or cabin crew to make an announcement and tell me hey uh this is a problem we're going to evacuate up the left or the right hand side not just evacuate I'm going to listen left hand side right hand side or that is say evacuate like Get Off This Plane no matter what I'm going to listen for that and then I'm also going to listen are the engines running because if he does what he says here and the flight says no everything's okay which it's clearly not I'm not just going to run out of the door because I don't know what's out there if the engine still running that's a problem now he's again on an a300 and if he's sitting up in the very front he's long ways from the engine but you just have to factor those things in when you bypass Authority that's a verb Ed quote everything is fine it was so dram demonstrably unfine I I can't even begin to describe how unfine it was and I think just out of pure panic I like ignored the guy and I opened the door and the slide went up and I jumped into darkness with like four other westerners in the front everyone in the back though they were like oh everything's fine and I thought I've rooted on that for over 20 years like why did he claim everything was fine the pilots by the way went right out the front windows well they did oh absolutely like whatever good luck guys um and I think he just couldn't metabolize the change it was so awful he just could not admit what was happening right there in front of everybody okay so the part about the pilots going out the front window probably not um the front window of the planes don't slide so unless they got into an accident so bad that it smashed the front windows out they didn't go out that the plane the Airbus has I'm pretty sure sliding Windows I've never flown one but sliding windows on the front so you can open them up and get out that way most planes have some type of a hatch to get out or something like that so the pilot are able to get out in case the door that's behind them gets smashed up and they can't get out they they left a way for us to get out which thank you airplane designers so my guess is is they went out one of those side windows however you are as a pilot when I fly passengers one of the things that I review before the flight is the evacuation procedures when I'm flying cargo not a big deal me and the other couple Pilots oh you were leaving your next day delivery on the plane and we're out I don't care however if I have passengers on the plane that's a different thing what typically happens at most Airlines is you'll have the duties get divided you'll have the captain will be in charge of let's say calling Air Traffic Control making announ to the passengers shutting down the engines the the first officer or one of the other crew members is in charge of like getting a flashlight um if you're in the water getting the um Beacon that lets everybody know where you're at uh they're in charge of that and they're in charge of getting out of the plane first so they can hurt everybody together to a safe area so if you're ever in a situation where you're in a crash landing and you see one of the pilots jet out the door it's not that they're scared I mean they could be but it's mostly like they're probably getting out there first so they can start getting people together in a safe area away from the plane because not everywhere in the airport is safe and they're going to start hurting people out so there are different duties so there will be an instance if you see somebody shoot out the door however both Pilots shouldn't be shooting out the front of the plane and then just leaving everybody in the back that shouldn't really happen now I wasn't there so I can't say for sure that it happened but apparently soy ran through the cabin of the plane to make sure that nobody was on there before he got off just like that the captain goes down with the ship concept you as a captain have the final responsibility to make sure everybody safely gets off the plane before you get off that's just kind of the rule so apparently and again wasn't there he went through the to make sure that everybody was off the plane first and that's the right thing to do that's what you as a passenger flying pilot are are requireed to do is make sure everybody can safely get off the plane obviously there's a time and a place where you can't do it and you're not a firefighter but you need to make a reasonable effort and if you're just shooting out the front the flight deck before you're even talking to anybody and just leaving the flight attendants to offend for themselves which I'm not saying Tucker is wrong here because I know a lot of Pilots that will do that they would just be like me first I don't care about anybody else there's a lot of Pilots that will do that and culturally different countries handle high stress stuff differently so you will have just different countries where the culture will be like I don't care about anybody else I'm just doing me and then you will have other cultures where they'll have more of a take care of everybody mentality I'm not naming any cultures I'm just saying different cultures different people will act differently in high stress in situations and in some case you don't know how you're going to react guys in combat the first time they're think they're ready to go it's going to be fine and then all of a sudden they start getting bullets go past them and they just stand there stunned you know and you need someone to like yank you on the ground like hello like you're going to get shot doing that there's a lot of occurrences of that so this part where Tucker is talking about the guy basically going into shock and not being able to interpret the information that's actually going on and I think he just couldn't metabolize the change it was so awful he just could not admit what was happen happening right there in front of everybody so he's 100% right there are people that just will not be able to process that information or it will take them a long time to process the information uh obviously this type of thing that happens it sounds like as they were coming in for a landing there was either some type of explosion meaning the engine could have exploded and that made the plane rock it could have been some type of a cargo thing possibly um or or or who knows what but my guess is the wing didn't go off there might have been something wrong Ong with that engine that caused some type of an explosion which felt like the cargo because now the whole plane is shaking so that' be my guesses what's happened something wrong with the engine if they were still in the air with the engines surging and the plane rocking I'm guessing the uh right engine right fire so I'm guessing maybe off of that side there was some type of a situation because it sounds like he heard it from the cargo area and the cargo area on almost every commercial jet is off the right hand side so my guess is the right engine had some type of explosion of some kind um or the cargo area I don't know but something off of that rightand sign my guess would be the right-hand engine had something and then they're rocking the engines are surging and they came into land now I am pretty lazy so I didn't look too hard but I did find this small report which says basically the Ling gear collapsed and then the plane went off the side of the runway breaking off part of the wing we won't really ever know because I don't have a detailed report it's different from let's say in the US where you're going to get a full report and nobody died in this case so there's less push from people to find out exactly what happened now it could be because that has happened before landing gear collaps that's possible however you wouldn't have surging engines you wouldn't have something that sounded like an explosion before you touched down um you would have that if you touched down and sounded like there was an explosion but then you wouldn't have the engine revving running up like he's saying so it sounds like possibly there was something wrong with that engine some type of explosion and then out of let's say um anxiety or fear or whatever they may have just came in and just smash that plane crumpling that right-and gear that's possible or the gear collapsed when they landed that caused the running of the engines because you heard the engines roaring back that engine sounded like an explosion and then you're going off the end of the runway and you didn't know that you would even touchdown that's a possibility too again doing a 20-year recollection from this you can see that the engine is busted up but the wing is still there and the cargo area could be under that Wing that had the explosion I guess we'll never know but as the saying goes believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see which applies to tuer too because when he started telling the story I imagined this is what was actually going on but hey I've never been in a plane crash and I'm hoping to keep it that way I look forward to hearing from you until then keep the blue side up
Channel: 74 Gear
Views: 734,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pilot, airline pilot, 747 pilot, 74 gear, pilot Kelsey
Id: dG-gXIY-GtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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