"Influencer's" Dangerous Airplane Advice

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I got sent this Tik Tok about this guy talking about airplanes and I was like hold on wait a second there's no way that these two guys who are super famous can lack all common sense especially this guy this guy is worth hundreds of millions of dollars and apparently it's selfmade from what I understand so I went under YouTube download the full podcast and I was hoping okay maybe somebody cut this thing up in the Tik Tok that make it look like these two guys lacked all common sense but I was wrong apparently they do here's the full video and they're also outdated like there is no reason why like your seat back up down when you're land like what do that I I've heard it's an insurance thing because if you this is a conspiracy I've heard I have no idea if it's any truth of this whatsoever but it makes sense to me the reason they teach you to like put your head down in a crash and stuff like that is to make because if you crash head first into an airplane not only are you for sure going to die but just to make sure like if you're in that position your spine would shoot through youring head like you would it would it would kill you instantly right so the theory is that they have you get in that position to make sure you die cuz the lawsuit if you survive a commercial plane crash is like ridiculous that's a wild it makes sense to me I get everything's run by money dude okay first let's talk about this guy this guy's name is Dave and he owns barol Sports the guy has made all kinds of crazy deals he has a bunch of different media companies the guys worth tons of money so it surprises me when people who are are really wealthy and are able to put together big business deals lack Common Sense the reason your seat needs to be upright for takeoff on Landing is because let's say you're sitting in the aisle here and you recline your seat back and then as the plane is getting ready for takeoff there's a problem there's an explosion and now there's a fire and now everybody has to get off the plane the problem isn't for the guy who reclined a seat the problem is for the guy in the row behind you you've now reduced his speed that he can get off of the plane because your seats in the way and I know some of you are going to say oh those seats barely recline it wouldn't make a difference and I know they'd barely go back it depends on what kind of plane you're on however regardless of the situation we have people who are let's call them fluffy and fluffy people are going to have a tight squeeze no matter what it is and if there's a seat that's reclined back and they can't get off that's going to be a problem now as for this guy Matt he's obviously getting his information from the same site where this lady got her information from when you're in this position your back is going to break including your spine and you're going to die immediately and I already made a video about that which got almost 10 million views but Matt obviously wasn't one of them so Matt at your level of Fame I'm sure you have a lawyer somewhere on your team so ask them in the event that you on a plane and that plane crashed if your family would be able to Sue that Airline cuz that literally happens all the time otherwise that means Airlines when they messed up would just make sure they mess messed up enough to kill you and if they didn't kill you that means if they skid It Off The Runway and there was a bunch of people injured they would get Pilot's guns so we could just go back there and shoot all the people that were like kind of M but not really dead because we don't want any lawsuits that's essentially what you're saying or maybe when suly made the announcement to the cabin crew to prepare for a crash landing this is the captain brace for impact he wasn't trying to save anybody's lives he was more just curious like how many spines are going to be in the aisle as soon as we land if you listen into the audio in that movie in the background you can hear the flight attendance screaming heads down stay down I don't know if that's the command they used in real life but that's what they're saying in the background of that movie and the reason they're saying to keep your head down is because in a crash there's going to be projectiles flying all over the plane and if one of those projectiles were to fly and hit you in the head that would definitely Kill You So by bracing against the seat in front of you it stops from your face getting slammed into that seat and since planes don't have airbags that removes another way that you can be injured and if you're watching this thing and oh Kelsey this isn't fair this guy Matt he doesn't know about this and you go through pilot training so they teach you all these things no Pilots don't learn any of this stuff it's just common sense my job as a pilot in the event that there is an emergency that we have to crash land somewhere it's just to safely get the plane down in the safest possible place that is not for any other reason other than I also don't want to die so I'm going to pick a place that I think hey that's going to be the best likelihood of surviving a field or whatever it is I think that's the best chance that we have for surviving and so we're going to go over there and we're going to land there the flight attendants are the ones that are in the back of the plane and their main responsibility in that event is to safely get you off the plane so next time you get on the plane be nice to your flight attendant otherwise if they're really Petty they might just leave you you catching on fire or you can go to the same media source that Matt and this girl went to and you can put your feet up in the seat in front of you and then let your face spash into your knees and have your teeth go flying into the back of your throat your legs all broken and then you can scream at the flight attendant help me get off this plane my legs don't work and my face is all mangled up that's your other option if you want to take Matt this girl's Theory which is keep your head up as much as you can so your spine doesn't go shooting out the back of your head the best advice that I can give you and any situation on any time that you're on a plane is just listen to your flight crew and listen to your cabin crew the cabin crew is trained and they go through a current training all the time of the safest way to get people off the plane they're the most comfortable that back there as far as working the slides and getting people off this plane safely so listen to them listen to your pilots and don't listen to people on Tik Tok or social media regardless of how famous they are or how much money they have because clearly they are lacking in common sense now the one thing in this video that I did find kind of of funny was this girl's response to spines coming out the back of your head but just to make sure like if you're in that position your spine would shoot through youring head like you would it would it would kill you instantly right so I'm not a doctor or a medical examiner who's the guy who sees dead people and explains how they died but I'm pretty sure if you ask one of them how many times they see accidents where spines went shooting out the back of people's heads and that was the cause of death I I would guess it's probably pretty low so don't listen to this guy if you're scared of flying don't watch this video here are some terrifying things I've learned as a flight attendant that have actually made my fear of flying even worse number one you know those oxygen masks that are right above your seats yeah those only have 12 minutes of oxygen in them and as if that wasn't terrifying enough I've talked to the maintenance people and they even say that those things have never been checked so who even knows how good that oxygen even is in that tank speaking of Maintenance I don't think you guys want to know how many things are broken on an airplane that maintenance will literally defer for the next flight or the next time they're in their maintenance Hub AKA if they tell you the reason that your flight is delayed is because they need to fix something really quick on the flight they're probably not fixing it they most likely got a random maintenance guy to come in and sign off on it to say that they could still fly the plane I can personally testify this after they made us fly a plane with a broken slide on it you know those blowup slides that are supposed to inflate during an emergency crash yeah it was broken and we still had to fly a plane not to worry we still made it on the ground safely but to this day I really don't know if that side was ever fixed or not I guess this girl's a flight attendant I don't really have any way to verify that that she has millions of followers and then she's spreading this type of stuff which really irritates me because she's supposed to be a professional in her industry and clearly she's using the same tactic that the media companies use which is to sensationalize thing and take a fact and then spin it away to make it sound scary because that's what gets used if you take something that revolves people dying and something that's really crazy that will get you attention and that works on social media just like regular media so so that's her strategy let's look at this thing right here where she talks about the oxygen mask and how they're never checked I've talked to the maintenance people and they even say that those things have never been checked I don't know how often they get checked that's something that maintenance does but here's the thing you need to know everything on the plane has some type of thing that needs to be checked at a certain point they have different levels of inspections and there's some inspections where the whole plane gets literally torn apart and put back together again and made sure that everything is really safe and to show how little she know knows about it she thinks that there's actually oxygen tanks that are up there so who even knows how good that oxygen even is in that tank it's not oxygen tanks throughout that entire plane that would be one very heavy and two adds an additional risk in the event there's a fire now you have all these oxygen tanks spread throughout the plane so that wouldn't be really safe what it is is actually a bunch of chemicals that are up there that's why when they say when it comes down you have to give it a tug and you tug it and that releases this pen in order to get this oxygen compound from the chemicals I don't know how it works I'm not a scientist but that will give you oxygen now that will give you 15 18 minutes of oxygen and she's making it sound like that's some crazy small amount of time that and you would never be able to survive it but the only time that you would ever have your oxygen Mass drop out is if the plane had a rapid depressurization of some kind so anytime the pressurization of the aircraft were to get really high and there was no pressurization and you wouldn't have oxygen the oxygen mass will automatically the pilots are able to make it go but the system is designed that if the pressure gets too high of an altitude that automatically drops and then what happens is the pilots get on a race to get to 10,000 ft or the lowest safe altitude which usually is going to be 10,000 but there might be a few places it will be 12 or 14 which you would still be able to breathe now I can assure you that we're going to be getting down as quickly as possible because Pilots have to wear these super annoying masks and I should tell you that those tanks are connected to oxygen and it a a different setup than what you see as a passenger so we do have oxygen tanks in the front of the plane and that is because our oxygen needs to go longer it needs to get fumes out and a few other things so our system is different than your system and our mask obviously covers our eyes so we can be able to see because it's not great flying when you can't see now I'm going to give you a worst case scenario let's imagine your plane here is flying along at 40,000 ft and boom there's an explosion and you need to get down 30,000 ft so you're able to breathe typically when you're flying in a commercial plane you're maybe 33 to 38 would be the typical range that's the announcement that you normally hear your pilot saying so let's just say that's the norm but I'm giving you like a worst case scenario of 40,000 even though some planes will fly like I can fly up a little bit higher than that but typical 40,000 you need to get down to 10,000 so you need to lose this 30,000 ft in the let's say 12 minutes like she said well a normal plane if you were trying to do a quick descent at a minimum would be doing 5,000 ft per minute so if you got to get 30,000 ft that's 6 minutes and her saying that the oxygen mask will only last for 12 minutes it means it's double the amount of time and what I've heard and I've never tried it before but it's like 15 to 18 minutes but here's the other thing that you need to know if you don't get that mask on because you're freaked out because you've been watching girls like her or or listening to Matt and freaked out because oh my gosh here's the explosion and this is when I die if you were to do that after let's say 10 seconds or 15 seconds it's going to depend on the altitude that you're at you will just lose useful Consciousness and then you will you'll pass out but your plane's still going to be descending at that same speed five to probably 10,000 feet a minute because we're going to be going down as quickly and as safely as we possibly can to get down to 10,000 fet so if you forget to put your mask on or you freak out have a panic attack and don't put your mask on it's not a big deal your body's going to keep breathing for the most of you your body's going to keep breathing until you get to 10,000 feet and then you will wake up and be like oh my gosh what happened there have been cases where Pilots have had this rapid depressurization they semi lose Consciousness they hit a state of uh Euphoria where you think everything's going to be okay even though you're in a lot of danger there have been cases of real life cases of that happening I've talked about it in some of the videos and those Pilots as soon as they got below probably 13 14,000 ft or so they came back to normal so don't think that if you have that situation The Mask come down that you're in any danger the pilots are going to we're trying to get our mask on and get down as quickly and as safely as possible to an altitude where you're going to be able to breathe fine so even in the scenario that we went down super slow and it even in the scenario where it was 12 minutes you would still be fine but I guess she forgot to mention that when she mentioned the 12 minutes now as for this part AKA if they tell you the reason that your flight is delayed is because they need to fix something really quick on the flight they're probably not fixing it they most likely got a random maintenance guy to come in and sign off on it to say that they could still fly the plane she's right sometimes we fly the plane with broken things on them but there's a lot of redundancies in Airplane so there might be a case let's say that you have four engine starters and one of them is broken so now you have three engine starters okay great so you have a redundancy on one the engine so okay not a big deal you're good to go that's an example of something being broken and the plane still flying and the reason is is because that plane may be in a place where they don't have one of those igniters to fix the engine starter I don't know they're just coming up with an example so the plane will fly back to a maintenance base on the way they'll have some people get that thing there the plane will land and they'll fix that thing however if there is something that the pilot seem that hey this is isn't safe then we're not going to fly they don't pay us enough to take a plane up if we think that there's any risk of us dying so regardless of what that list says that says hey you don't need any of these things on it if there is a situation that I see okay hey these four different things are broken and I don't feel safe to go fly because I'm worried about X Y or Z if that were to happen then I can call up the airline and say hey I'm not going to take the plane it's not safe and this is my reason behind it and that is the final answer there is no way to force the pilots to do it so this thing about flying with broken stuff is true but there isn't just like oh there's part of this Wing is missing and this engine seems like it will probably quit go fly the plane anyways think of it like this when you brought your car in to get maintenance check a lot of times the mechanic will come in and you're sitting in there and say hey uh this this and this is broken you had no idea you've been driving been around for months with some broken piece of your car and you thought Oh I thought this car was running fine it's the exact same thing the car is going to have ways that it's going to continue to operate even though something isn't working perfectly it's the same thing on a plane except every time we get into our plane the pilots and usually mechanics look it over very carefully most of the time when you get in your car you just jump in your car and drive so we catch things as soon as something's a little bit broken we see it right away it gets written in this log book that log b gets signed off by a mechanic and the mechanic has a responsibility if they were to send this plane off and there was something wrong they sent the plane off knowing hey this thing is broken and that there's a risk of these people dying he's at risk of obviously losing his license going to jail there's massive penalties for that and the pilots aren't going to go out knowingly fly thinking oh we got this broken thing that would never happen and then she mentions this thing about the slide being broken and she doesn't even know that it ever got fixed you know those blow slides that are supposed to to inflate during an emergency crash yeah it was broken and we still had to fly a plane not to worry we still made it on the ground safely but to this day I really don't know if that side was ever fixed or not my guess is is that plane when they flew it was probably a fairy flight meaning there was something that was broken on there and so the airline said to the crew hey we're going to reposition you back to a certain spot uh so another crew will take the plane tomorrow and the maintenance people there will fix it because they're not going to put people on a plane with a door that doesn't work in order for the slide to be able to safely be deployed but the crew they will put let's say four people or six people on that plane and everybody will know that one slide on the left don't go to that one go to the one on the right and you can safely get six people off the plane off of one slide but you're not going to put a bunch of people on there because now you're on a time crunch as far as getting these people safely off of the plane so they're not going to fly people on a plane where the slide is broken but again that was forgotten to been mentioned so my guess is that was a fairy flight I don't know that to be the case but that's typically what happens there have been times where I've flown planes where there's something like that that's broken and the airline will just say hey uh you and the crew you guys are going to take this plane and we'll fix this thing over there no big deal you might watch videos when I do things like this and you can tell that I'm irritated by it and you might think that's because I want to protect my job and my livelihood so I'll say whatever I can in order to make the general public feel safe about getting on a plane here's the problem majority of the planes I fly are cargo planes like this one and when I do fly passengers they're usually professional sports teams or the military and they're getting on the plane whether they want to or not so it doesn't really matter to me if you want to never get on a plane again what matters and what irritates me is when people who either are scaring you on purpose like she is or people that don't really know what they're talking about and clearly lack common sense like Matt and surprisingly Dave that irritates me because you don't know what you're talking about and instead of just taking 10 seconds and Googling why would you have to put your seat up uh in the takeoff and Landing you get on there and say like yeah it's stupid they don't need that anymore and of doesn't make any sense to me so break open that wallet spend the $39 get onto a flight watch a bunch of grown men fight like children or don't I really don't care I look forward to hearing from you until then keep the blue side up
Channel: 74 Gear
Views: 1,542,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y85OjRF5Ie8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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