Worst 747 Landing Ever Recorded? | Viral Debrief

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viral debrief   coming up hey 74 crew welcome back if you don't  know me my name is kelsey i'm a 747 pilot   my channel 74 gear is all about aviation breaking  down videos on this viral libre series that you   all send me is a lot of fun if you have a video  that you want to see in this series the two   easiest places to send them to me my instagram  or the free form 74gear.com let's get into it i'll tell you a quick story about a 747 incident  that happened and why it relates to this one here   a 747-8 which is the largest freighter that they  make on the 747 we can be at roughly a million   pounds when we get ready to take off that's a  lot of momentum to have as you're going down the   runway at a 150 160 knots what happened in this  747 story was is as they were rolling down the   runway a door message came up now the 747 has  a logic system and things that will advise you   when stuff is something that's very important and  things that they won't advise you of that it's not   very important it has a whole logic system that  the engineers who are way smarter than most pilots   understand really what the risk is if you  try to stop a 747 when you're going 160   knots down the runway and you're on let's say a  three mile long runway that's a lot of momentum   if you're close to a million pounds that's a lot  of momentum to try to stop so what happens is they   call that a high-speed reject that high-speed  reject is something that most pilots always   want to avoid we have a speed that we decide  that we're going to go flying no matter what   below that speed it is your choice to reject  the takeoff or not but in many cases even though   you're not at that speed yet where you have to  take off in some cases it's smarter to take off   and the logic in that computer on the 747 will  not make a noise or an alert for things that are   not that high of a risk and that's what happened  in this situation they got this message that the   door had opened now that's something that if your  door opens on a 747 depending on what door it is   you can still take off come back around and land  you don't need to pressurize you could be at 3000   feet not a big deal come back in around and land  and you're going to be fine it's not something   that's ideal but it's probably not going to cause  you to crash when you take off now hindsight is   always 20 20 right like in this situation here  you go well obviously you should have taken off   well we know that because we're watching that  video now in his situation what happened is they   decided to abort the takeoff they forgot to use  the thrust reversers because aborting a takeoff   is only something that you really do in training  especially a high-speed report abort like this   it's not something you normally do they ended up  melting all of the tires and the brakes and there   was all kinds of problems because they forgot to  do some things there is a rejected takeoff brake   setting but if you stomp on the brakes it kicks  that off so anyway there were some things that   went wrong in this situation here but the reason  i bring that up is because in this situation   here had that pilot continue to take off and come  back around and land would he have been in more   danger or less danger i've talked about the story  before when i was doing my first multi-engine   flight my door that was next to me came open it's  kind of like this here that door if that door were   to rip off it would have flown over the plane it  probably would have landed somewhere there at the   airport probably nobody would have been hurt and  they could have came back in around and landed   again if that airport for example was at big bear  or somewhere where there's a cliff at the end   and you were to try to do this make that decision  you're going to go up the end of the cliff and   you're going to be in a lot more trouble than just  coming in around and coming back and landing again   so i want to let you pilots know if you're  in a situation that you're on a runway   that's something to consider now this is a split  second decision here just like the captain on the   747 someone yelled door they decided to make that  split deck and decision of aborting the takeoff it   costs about a million dollars to replace all those  things and in this case i don't know how much it   was definitely wasn't a million dollars but it's  something to consider as a pilot if you have this   situation sometimes it's better to come back  around and land now you can make that argument   to get on the ground would be the safer choice  here because he thought well i don't know what's   going to happen or what else what other door  was open you could make an argument either way   i think in hindsight the pilot probably would have  preferred to go back around and just fly and come   back in and land and i'm sure if he encounters  this exact situation again which is probably one   in a trillion he would think all right i'm gonna  go back around and come in and land unfortunately   that's just not the way things work in aviation  very rare for that to happen very rare for the   door to pop open for me but i learned something  from it and luckily when i was flying i had   my flight instructor with me she said all right  we're going to come back in and round and land   no big deal and then once we landed she kind of  made it a teaching moment of aviate navigate and   then communicate she said don't focus on the door  even though i was holding onto the door she's like   don't focus on the door the door is just going to  stay closed fly back around and come in and land   not a big deal it was kind of in the wind but it  wasn't a big deal same thing with this situation   had the pilot gone up and come around he would  have been fine it would have been a split second   decision so it's hard to criticize him and if  you're watching this i don't blame you i think   depending on your experience maybe even now if a  door came open in that situation that's right in   front of you you say oh that's not normal i'm  gonna land but he was already pretty far down   the runway and he didn't have time to stop  the aircraft in time so it didn't work out   as you can see here as soon as the pilot landed  he realized that he had made a bad decision   and you can tell that based off of the cuss  words that i bleeped out with the seatbelt sign that's never good nicely done i think it would be great if  people had front-facing cameras that are facing   their face kind of like what i did for 7-4 burger  so that way i could see the face of someone that   just watched their propeller shoot off of their  plane that's just so crazy and so abnormal to   have something like that and catch it on video so  i have a question for you would you rather have   your engine seize up and lock with your propeller  on there or would you rather have your propeller   shoot off like what happened in this video in both  scenarios you don't have an engine to help get   you to where you want to go in one scenario you  have the propeller out there which is adding drag   to slow you down to maybe getting further in  your flight so of the two situations having   your engine locked up or not being able to help  you where the propeller is creating drag or your   propeller shooting off besides wondering if it's  going to hit somebody on the ground of the two   situations it'd be better to have your propeller  shoot off so technically this guy is really lucky   even though i'm sure he didn't feel like that in  that particular situation the reason i bring it up   is because you think your propeller is flowing off  that's got to be scary it's just as equally scary   as having your engine stop when you only have one  engine jokes aside this pilot did an amazing job   whether your engine seizes up or you have your  propeller shoot off of your plane either way   you're gonna have to find a place to land pretty  quickly luckily he was able to land at an airport   i don't know if that's his normal airport but  he seemed to be able to find it pretty quickly   i sped up the tape so we didn't have to watch all  the descent but he seemed to be able to find that   and land there pretty quickly very nicely done as  he turns here for the airport he's obviously very   high which means he's going to be going faster  and float but 100 that was the right choice here   you don't have extra power it's easier to kill  energy than make energy when you've lost your   engine and i have no idea what he's grabbing for  down here thankfully it wasn't his phone or a   gopro to do a last minute selfie but if you know  what it is please tell me in the comment section   because i am so curious because he was coming in  very high like that it meant he was going to float   because he had all this additional speed which  is what you're going to want in this situation   with a long runway you'd be better to land along  down the runway like that and go off the end at   10 miles an hour then miss the runway which i've  seen a guy do i saw a guy who had a multi-engine   failure we'll not talk about what the real reason  was but he thought he had a multi-engine failure   and he ended up missing the runway by like 10  feet which really sucked but you'd be better to   land and come in too fast and land a little  bit long and go up the runway at 10 knots   in this case he landed and was able to slow down  and stop so he did a really really great job here   but the best part of this video is after he lands  he gets out and looks at his plane this is the   look of all disappointed fathers like how could  you do this to me after all i've done for you hopefully this guy finds that propeller because  man that would be so cool to mount up on your wall   and have in your house and then have this  video to go with it that would be so cool   i don't know if it's going to help you convince  your wife to go flying with you or not on a nice   sunday day like this but hey man congratulations  you did a great job here it was well executed   you came in fast which is what i would do in  that situation you landed on the runway you   got everything done you got it playing on the  ground safely anyways that was very well done embarrassing the truth is is that no matter what's going on  no matter how windy or whatever the situation   may be no pilot is ever going to feel good about  a landing like this i've had some landings that   if they were on video they would probably have  ended up on this series they've been pretty hard   not in a 747 the 747 is actually pretty easy  to fly in most respects it's really hard to   bounce this aircraft now this pilot seemed to  be competing with the silkway pilot that smashed   it in a few months ago on that other viral  debrief they didn't quite get there though   so this is really interesting angle because we are  looking right down the middle of the runway these   main tires right here should actually be right  here this is clearly a windy day which adds an   additional challenge to the pilot that's landing  this aircraft the thing is is that when we're   landing in gusty conditions which i don't know  if this is i know it's windy it may also be gusty   if the gust is coming and going as you're getting  ready to land it's an additional challenge because   you could lose 10 or 15 or 20 knots in the gust  and right as you're getting ready to touch down   and that can cause the plane to slam hard into the  ground but to mitigate that and reduce the risk   of that happening we have something called a wind  additive where we're going to start to fly faster   than we normally would so that way if that gust  goes away we don't have exactly what you see here a firm landing on a 747 is one thing playing  hopscotch on a 747 is something totally different   as an example of a win additive i just recently  was coming into miami i think our approach speed   the speed that we're coming in to get ready  to touch down was somewhere around 174 knots   so a normal plane would maybe be around 130 maybe  140 if you're looking at a small plane it might   be 60 to 80 so i'm doing about double what a  small plane would be doing and so for some of   you that fly smaller planes you think my gosh it  does happen very quick you have a lot of momentum   and that's why over time you build up to larger  aircraft so we agree this is the line here where   the tires should be lined up so let's start with  the fact that the pilots are way to the right of   the runway here you can see they are trying to  correct to the left and to their credit they're   doing while keeping the wings mostly level which  is super important on a large aircraft like this   something that will happen with pilots is that  everything will be set up we're getting ready to   land and we don't want to do a go around things  don't look right your plane's all over the place   and it doesn't look like hey it's going to work  out really well but we just want to complete this   task of landing the aircraft and i've seen that  happen with brand new pilot i've done it when   i was in flight school i haven't done it on a 747  but i've gotten pretty close to where it was right   on the border of doing a go around or not so it's  just something that you should always remember if   you're coming in and it doesn't look good just  do a go around come back around and try it again   and that's probably what should have happened here  by how far to the right they were on the runway   you can see that there are some minor corrections  from the pilot to slide to the left and you can   see that based on the left wing being lowered  and it also shows in the order which the tires   are hitting the ground but being to the right  side of the runway was only part of the problem   i'm going to make an assumption here and say that  the runway here is 150 feet wide your typical   runway is 150 feet there are sometimes runways  that are 200 feet there are some that are smaller   but on average i'd say 150 is the norm so let's  assume that this is a 150 foot wide runway which   means the middle of the runway would be 75 feet on  either side the left tires on the outside aren't   even on the center line technically with a 747 you  could land like they did here obviously it worked   out but you could land with your left outside  landing gear touching the center line and you'd   have plus or minus about 30 feet on the other side  that's not a lot when you're talking about a big   jet especially with a wind the way it's going  right now see engine number two this one right   here it's actually in the middle of the runway so  they don't even have the left outside gear called   the wing gear they don't even have that tire  on the middle so what is the distance from that   inboard engine to the outside of that main landing  gear tire i honestly don't know that's not a   limitation that we get taught it's not very big  let's just guess 10 feet that's not a lot of space   so if that distance is 10 feet and we were talking  about having roughly 30 feet now they have roughly   20 feet left to spare on the outside of that  runway i can assure you for whoever was sitting up   on that flight dike it was very uncomfortable but  now let's talk about why the landing was so hard   the plane comes into the frame here kind of late  but what the pilot does is the pilot flares very   late and by doing that he drives the gear into  the ground watches as they flare here on the 747   i always flare at 30 feet everyone has their own  strategy and style but that's when i like to flare   that flare slows your descent rate but after you  flare a 747 you need to let off the back pressure   and what will happen is the gear will slide up a  little bit because the nose will go forward and   the gear will actually come up but as you're very  close to the ground here and you flare what you're   actually doing is driving those main gear into the  ground even harder than if you just landed normal   i'm going to talk about a hypothetical situation  here i'm not recommending that anybody does this   but in this situation you have a few options  one of them would be adding power if you added   power here what you would do is reduce the rate  of descent into the ground and you would start   pushing the aircraft forward which would make  the landing smoother it doesn't justify being   so far off the side of the runway it's probably  not the best course of action but by doing that   you would have reduced the impact of going into  the ground by flaring this late to the ground   you just make the landing even harder adding power  at the last second like that isn't something that   normally happens i've done it before when i was  flying a crj we were coming in and we lost a   bunch of speed i added some power right before  we landed and it worked out to be really great   but it doesn't always work like that on a big  engine like the engines that we have on the 747   it takes a little while for those to spool up  you can still get a little bit of thrust forward   but it takes a little while for them to spool  up so you could do that but really the best   decision right here would have been for them to  go around because they were so far off to the side   if you remember that a380 video that i did where  they slid off to the side imagine if that pilot   had landed way to the right like what happened  here if they'd had that and then slid over more   they would have been off the runway and that is  hard to explain why you made that decision so on   the positive side they kept the wings level which  is great and super important for this they were   far to the right which was not good and obviously  they had a mismanagement of speed because they   slammed into the ground really hard here and they  flared really late which just made the situation   even worse but whoever the pilot is good news your  landing was still not as hard as the silkway one wow not sure what caused the instability to be  getting there where you saw the nose dip over   it could have been pilot induced it could  have been wind shear it could have been   gusts that went away it could have been anything  but you saw them then getting very unstable so   credit where credit's due they executed to  go around and got away and came back in and   landed i'm guessing again safely the one thing  that is a little crazy here is why this camera   on this phone decided to focus on the water inside  the plane i wanted to see if they were going to   put the gear up that would have made me so proud  everything was looking good until this point right   here you notice how the nose drops again that  could be caused from air speed loss it could be   pilot induced i can't really tell from this either  way from there it started to go from bad to worse   they decided to do a go around right about here  which was 100 the right decision that landing was   never going to work out and be good and then the  guy's phone found the raindrops more exciting than   the plane so we don't know what happened after  that for those of you that are planning to be an   airline pilot or that you're scared about flying  you see something like this and think oh my gosh   there's something called a no fault go around  at most u.s airlines everyone that i've flown   and people that i've talked to at other airlines  internationally there's no fault go around what   that means is that a pilot can execute a go run  which is what these pilots did and come back in   and land and they don't have to explain anything  to anyone in their company obviously it's a lot   of extra gas and things like that but they don't  have to explain anything and the reason they put   that policy in place is for this exact situation  here you don't want the pilots to feel obligated   to land and if they don't land that they have to  explain something of why they made the decision to   go around whether it was gus whether it was pilot  induced who knows and it doesn't really matter   it was bad and then it was getting worse  they executed to go around and they were   able to come back in and land safely that really  at the end of the day is the most important thing   now i say that about you don't have to explain to  anybody but i also want to tell you that you may   have to tell atc air traffic control you may have  to tell them the reason for the go around i don't   know if they got paperwork to do or they have to  explain something to somebody but you may have to   explain to them why you did a go around but that's  not a big deal you could say whatever you want   oh we got unstable or whatever the situation is  they're not going to then right to your airline   and be like hey this stabilized approach looked  really bad blah blah blah it's not going to   happen like that so pilots know that this is the  safest way if there's something that looks bad   like exactly here they'd execute a go around and  come back in and try it again the only time that   you're really going to get in trouble here is if  you kept doing go-arounds and ran out of gas which   i've heard of pilots doing maybe two or three go  arounds because they just can't get it together   but usually after two it's best just to give the  plane to the other pilot sometimes you get rattled   sometimes your nerves get messed up and you get  for whatever reason you just can't get your your   swag on to get that plane on the ground you either  need to give the controls to another pilot or go   to a different airport where the wind's not as  bad or something you need to make a decision but   i've heard of a situation i think where the pilot  did three or four attempts and then on the fourth   attempt they said like okay your turn is over  i'm gonna take the plane i think the captain took   the plane over and landed the aircraft usually  i've only seen one maybe two i've never heard   of someone getting three chances to land usually  you only need one and on the second one everyone's   hyper focused on getting it on the ground if it's  wind related or whatever the situation may be   so that's what a no fault go around is if  your airline doesn't have it they should   i think it makes safety more important to the  pilots when they know they don't have to explain   to their boss or write a report or explain what  was the reason for doing the go around a pilot   wants to feel obviously safe they want to know hey  i'm going to make safety the priority and that's   what happened here so whoever these jal pilots  were well done i love flying on your airline nice um my guess is this is in alaska just based  up the train and honestly they have some of the   best bush pilots i've ever seen doing things like  this which if i did something like that it would   be a total hot mess the reason that i thought  this was also a very good video is it really shows   that the speed over the ground is really  not relevant it's a speed in the air   so you see that this plane is barely moving at  all i once had a newer pilot that had sent me a   message said oh i was going to go flying today but  the winds were like 30 or 40 knots right down the   runway and i said great that makes landing even  easier because your ground speed is going to be   so slow it's going to be happening in slow motion  now obviously that's true and not true this pilot   is very skilled they're doing a very good job you  can hear the wind speed is changing so they need   to be very quick to react to keep their speed  up so that way they don't fall out of the sky   too high in the air but they did a really good job  but that just goes to show you how important the   the air is not the actual ground speed when  i went and started flying some smaller planes   after i was flying the 747 our normal speed  that will come in and land i'd say maybe   140 150 something like that last night when we  came in here i think our ground speed was 190   because i was coming into i'm in bogota right  now up here the air is a lot thinner your ground   speed's a lot faster and i think it was like 185  knots or something like that across the ground   to come in and land but when i went from a  big plane like this a 747 to a small plane   we were landing at like 70 knots i was like  this whole thing is happening in slow motion   so then when you get a strong headwind like that  it's even slower the risk that you have is that   the wind is going to die out the wind's going to  cut out really quick and you're not going to have   to be quick enough on the power to keep the plane  flying and what will happen is if that happens   you're just going to fall out of the sky so when i  say that it's easier to fly with a strong headwind   take that into consideration there is definitely  a skill that this pilot did this is not something   that just every guy who been flying for 20  hours can execute as smoothly as they did here   takes a lot of skill so don't go out flying and  40 to not wins and then say oh yeah so this is   the best kind of fly and it's even easier that's  not what i'm saying your ground speed is slower   once you have a lot of experience you can do  things like this but it's not always as easy   as this pilot made it look i always tried to in  flight school and through my whole career it do   things that i was uncomfortable with stronger  wins than i had normally flown different things   maybe fly in faster maybe fly in slower do all  types of different things so that way you're not   just a robot doing the same thing every time you  want to challenge yourself like what this pilot   is doing so that way if you're in a situation  where it is really windy and you didn't plan on   going this place and now there's these very strong  winds that you're able to do things and you want   to do it when you have a lot of opportunities to  get out meaning you have enough gas that if you   go there and you just like i cannot do this that  you can leave come back and maybe come back with   someone that's more experienced that can kind of  walk you through it so that's something that i   do as i try to challenge myself now my landings  on the 747 now are pretty good but when i went   through the simulator the initial training on 747  we do i think nine simulator sessions my first   three the landings were terrible if you ever meet  my simulator partner he will tell you they were   so hard i just smashed every single one of those  landings in it was really bad so you're going to   be doing stuff that's outside your comfort zone  but you just have to continue to try things   and keep pushing through and know that over time  you're going to get better if you want to see more   videos of me messing up watch this early youtube  video where i left the bloopers on at the end of   the video a lot of people never saw it and i  know that you didn't see it because you didn't   comment about it they're terrible so if you  want to see me messing up some stuff check   out this hollywood versus reality here and if you  want to see some other pilots messing things up   check out this video up here i look forward to  hearing from you until then keep the blue side up
Channel: 74 Gear
Views: 1,444,728
Rating: 4.9015002 out of 5
Keywords: pilot, airline pilot, 747 pilot, 74 gear, pilot Kelsey, viral debrief
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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