Red Bull Flying too Dangerous?

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someone sent me these clips asking me how dangerous the Red Bull flying was and could I do this type of unconventional flying so how safe is this type of flying well I wouldn't say it's very safe your typical safest type of flying is going to be on an airliner and this type of flying is very unconventional so could I do it yes probably parts of it we'll see in this video ready I'm not sure we can do it okay so uh I'll try another one okay sounds good I'll let him know is on Bullseye bull my friend that was perfect we made history man we made history that was beautiful all the way good job all right guys 3 2 one okay first things first could I do that type of flying absolutely not not even close to as well as this guy is doing it that type of flying is short takeoff and landing and that type of plane is called a tail wheel plane you saw the main gear on the front typically like a commercial airliner the main gear is in the back now there are these short take off and Landing competitions and they are very impressive but the important thing to notice here is that if this pilot were to land short of this line it's not really a big deal he would just not win the competition however those rules don't apply when you're doing it in real life which is exactly what this Red Bull Pilot's doing if this Red Bull pilot didn't keep his plane level until he got onto the platform this tail section of the plane could have slammed onto the corner of the landing platform damaging it if he had done that it could have made the plane unstructured sound and not safe to fly anymore and now you have a whole other problem because if that were to happen you're going to be more inclined to do a go round and go back up in the air again but now part of your tail could be missing it could have been a whole mess however on this very Final Approach you saw that he came down on a perfect path looked like he was exactly on speed and hit exactly where he needed to touch down that is the equivalent in the airline world of a stabilized approach right now in the airlines it's huge they're really pushing the stabilized approach criteria and that's because back in the day and by back in the day I mean just even several years ago it used to be that if you were to get high or get fast the other pilot you were flying with would say something like on that pilot and then you would do whatever you needed to do in order to safely land the plane so you might get the speed brakes out and then you might drop the gear early and put the flaps out and do all these things maybe not in a conventional way in order to get the plane slowed down and get everything done all your checklist and everything completed maybe 100 ft off the ground which does make you a better pilot in the sense that you're able to push the limits of your aircraft but it's not exact ly safe and what they're trying to do is take out and all the things that could be dangerous and so now most airlines are requiring you to have be on the path that you're supposed to be on on the speed that you're supposed to be on and have all your checklist completed by a th000 feet now I don't think this guy was doing any checklist it didn't seem like he was but the two really important things is that he was on path and on speed obviously when you're dealing with such a short platform like this that you're trying to land on you can't be going too fast or you're going to land and go off the end of the runway and you can't be going slow because if your propeller uh hits the beginning part of that the landing platform that's obviously going to be a problem too as you watch him come into land if he were coming in at too steep of a descent it could cause him to actually bounce back up in the air and he's not going to be able to land however if he comes in too shallow he's basically going to be level with the platform and that means he's going to have to add extra power which is not going to help him by descending on that shallow path it allows him to keep the plane speed up but not going too fast and that's why you'll notice a lot of airliners we might start our descent really fast but when we come into land we're typically aiming for about 3° now I don't know what his descent path was here I think it was a visual thing but what you're looking for on an airliner is typically 3° sometimes it's a little bit more sometimes it's a little less I've talked about that in other videos but you're looking for that and that's kind of The Sweet Spot now when we're looking out the front of our plane as an air line pilot we get to cheat and we get to use these lights here on the side of the runway those lights will tell us exactly when we're on path in order to be landing where we're supposed to now not every Runway has that but the vast majority of them do obviously those are not on the side of this building on this helicopter platform they I don't see it at least doesn't look like he has any type of uh path guider that's helping him get down he's just visually looking outside and trying to aim to hit that Target so he's having to deal with the Wind his descent rate and being on speed but this is what he's trained to do in the clip I was sent you saw that there were several grow arounds because he wasn't able to get the right speed or the right path as he was coming into land and I'm guessing he was trying to figure out exactly what he needed to do in each case when it didn't look right he did a go around and went back up in the air and tried it again I know some of you that are scared of flying you experience a go around and it creates all kind of anxiety for you but this is a perfect example of what's going on when the pilots do a go around it's the same scenario hey I wasn't on the right speed I wasn't on the right path or possibly there was a plane on the runway it could have been any of those things but either way that's exactly what you're seeing there it's just hey this doesn't look right doesn't feel right we'll go up and try it again not a big deal so when your plane does go up and do a go round don't sweat it they're coming back around and going to land in a few minutes another thing that you might not have noticed is look at the wind sock here this indicates the wind is actually pushing the plane towards the building and I'm guessing that's why you see the wing keep rocking up from the right you can see the wind sock is changing but all these approaches have it going towards the building now it doesn't look like that wind sock is fully inflated so it's probably maybe around 10 knots but on these types of planes that's kind of a lot especially when you're talking about having a very small margin for air at the airlines if we have wide runway so in this scenario 10 knots would be not a big deal at all but on these types of planes they're designed to be able to land in really short spaces like this but having really strong Crosswinds especially around buildings that makes it a lot trickier and obviously in an airport if you get blown to the left or to the right there's not a building just a few feet away you could see in that one clip during his very first go around look at his eyes as he looks over as that left wheel touches down he can see how close he was going to get pushed into that building now is this safe I guess as safe as it can be landing a platform with a plane that's not really designed to land on something like this but obviously all the protocols were in place and this guy's obviously trained in doing this type of flying would I be able to do it no nor would I want to to be honest with you that's more high-risk flying risk reward than I personally would want to do this pilot is very good at what they do that is not easy and he made it even though it took him a couple tries that is not easy to do and there's very little margin for air so I will not be attempting that ultimately if we get it wrong we hit a building we one North running [Music] now we're going to be doing some hang of flights now and ready to roll y we got a long run in the correction [Music] [Applause] looked across at each other to see that all the bits were still there and they were so great relief so in a way this is a lot less technical skilled flying in one aspect but the other aspect is that you're having to deal with a second plane so you're really having to work with a teammate which is what makes this actually a lot more complicated so it's it's a different level of complication if you will doing formation flying like you see the Blue Angels do at all the different air shows it is is impressive because they're doing a maneuver which really isn't that difficult per se but the difficulty is actually in how close the planes are to each other sometimes it's feet but in some cases it's inches and that's what makes when these Red Bull Pilots do things like these rolls really impressive it's not the maneuver most Pilots could learn how to do that including myself but it's how close they are and if there were to be a little mistake from One Pilot the other pilot has to be able to react in time to avoid hitting them so really takes a lot of trust from these Pilots to trust the other pilot they're flying with because you have to know what that guy is doing and thinking so you're able to line up your plane and all work together as a team the flying that they're doing not really technically that difficult but there's a lot of training to be able to be just inches from somebody else at the speed that they're going at now this part where they're flying through the barn that looks really cool but essentially what they're doing is a low pass with their wings level and it looks like there's a decent amount of margin on both sides for them to safely get through this hanger so could I do this type of flying I I guess I could do this type of flying it's actually pretty safe the the tricky part would be finding the other person and doing the training in order to be able to fly that close to them that is not easy if you said hey Kelsey can you get into one of these planes and fly these Maneuvers and do this roll and then fly even and parallel to the ground and through a hanger yeah I could probably swing that or do a little bit of practicing I could do that however to do all that with somebody else that that takes some skill so I would say this is more safe than the prior video and skill-wise I would say the other one is is obviously higher risk this is is more precise if you will in the sense that they're flying together but I would say it's probably a safer maneuver because they've been flying together and they're not dealing with all of the mother natures and having the risk of hitting that building I'm guessing I would hope that they have some type of markings on the ground as they're getting ready to fly through that hanger so as they're lining up together they got some type of idea of hey yeah we want to be Crossing these points right here and I'm sure they're used to practicing landing on a Runway at the same time together and taking off together which is kind of the same thing as going through this hanger It's Just Happening a lot faster but Wings level through a hanger like that it takes some skill but I would say not that risky I could learn to do it it would take me a while to be able to do it with somebody else though take car started take car started side window is [Music] open [Applause] okay now I don't want to sound arrogant like oh I'm some an amazing pilot because I'm not but of the three this one would probably be the most realistic for me to be able to do because he is flying by himself which is great that's not used to Flying side by side with somebody and then he's also doing something which is basically keeping the wings level and that's something I'd be able to do but there is some skill for sure in what he's doing you can see that he's essentially flying wings level but he's keeping low to the ground and just holding an altitude of a couple feet which my flight instructor would tell you it would not be able to do that I would be going up and down 40 ft at a time but that was flight school and I think I'm probably better now so of the three this first one I think has the highest risk however if things don't look good you saw that he just did a go around and he tried to come back again in the second one they're dealing with teammates which has a whole other additional level of complication but more or less they're flying straight and level through the hanger which has a fair amount of space on both sides but they are flying through it very quickly this third one in a lot of ways has some of the highest risk because if something were to go wrong he's going to end up hitting all sides of this tunnel like a pingpong ball but of the three of them this one would be the closest to what I think I could personally do that's because all he's really having to do is maintain Center Line which I can do I do that on a daily basis but then he's just having to control his altitude up and down so he can't obviously go too low because he's going to be hitting the ground and he can't go too high so he's keeping that in that balance there which is tricky but not something that I would not be able to do however the risks in this are a lot higher because if it goes wrong in any way goes a little bit up he's going to be in a lot of trouble in the other ones there was a lot more options for them to pull out no pun intended however one of the things that I found a bit strange was they had him starting all the way over here on the left side and not in the middle so I know that wasn't a coincidence and that was done on purpose it could be because a lot of these single engine planes have a tendency to want to pull to the left so they wanted to start him to the left so that way he could push himself to the right but the fact that I don't know why is why I will probably never be doing this type of flying I'll stick to my nice 4 engine plane that has snacks and a bathroom and a place for me to go nappy when I get tired I look forward to hearing from you until then keep the blue side up
Channel: 74 Gear
Views: 1,089,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pilot, airline pilot, 747 pilot, 74 gear, pilot Kelsey
Id: bypofS42xfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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