Passenger Hurt as Another Boeing Plunges at Ground

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if you love Aviation content I'm sure you heard about this latam 787 that went plunging towards Earth passengers on board de atam Airlines flight from Sydney to Oakland say they fed for their lives when the plane suddenly dropped and originally I wasn't even planning on talking about it because the investigation is not done but I saw this guy talking about it on Tik Tok I got on Tik Tok I thought well they're about to close this thing down I might as well see what's going on on this app and of course the algorithm serves you up content that they think you would like and I guess this guy talks about Aviation stuff and finance stuff and I've seen some of his stuff before and I was watching this video that he was making about this 787 incident and then he did something that really I found irresponsible and very disappointing to me but to make the story complete in case you aren't familiar with it there are reports that this 787 recently went for a nose dive and there's a few different stories now you've heard me talk about engine failures in the past and how that wouldn't really scare me if I was on a plane and there was an engine failure however something like this if I was just comfortably sitting in my seat with my seat belt fastened then as a passenger and then all of a sudden people started flying up onto the ceiling because they weren't wearing their seat belt even though I'm sure somebody mentioned while you're seated wear your seat belt but even though somethingone went flying into the ceiling that would scare me I'm just being completely honest I saw some images like this where apparently people had actually broke through the ceiling panels on the top of the plane now if I was a passenger and I saw something like this my initial gut thought would be a tcast ra which basically is the system that the plane has all modern planes have this now it's a traffic collision avoidance system so all the planes in the air were all talking to each other or the planes are talking to each other and then there's this resolution advisory and that's what tcast ra stands for so the planes are talking to each other just in case Air Traffic Control makes a mistake and were to put you and another plane on a similar altitude and I've had that happened to be in the past and you can hear the Panic from the air traffic controller which makes you get a little bit anxious and then you come to find out that it's like a 100 miles away but anyways the this tcast system will detect another plane if you get too close and then it will tell you let's say in your plane to go down it will tell the other plane to go up and that overrides anything that the air traffic controller is telling you so you listen to your plane in that case over what air traffic control is telling you because there was a situation in the past where that they didn't listen to the plane they did listen to the controller and the controller caused a crash this was a long time ago so now the protocol is if you get that you follow the plane and then you sort it out later now the reason I would think it was a tcast ra would be because especially when I was a newer pilot and I still see some newer pilot do this they get that resolution advisory and it says descend let's say you're in the descend plane and your plane gets told to descend they disconnect everything and they just nose it over that means to slam it down and what that does is it creates a a negative G effect so you are in the back as a passenger and the pilot up front just slams the nose forward and all of a sudden you just start floating there's videos like this on the internet where you'll see people floating around and they're pranking their friend that's in the back of the plane and that's basically when you just you nose over the plane and do that now on a compal plane you're never supposed to ever do that unless they were trying to visually see a plane and get away from it but the resolution advisory is going to tell you Way in advance and we do a lot of training on this and it's really just a smooth disconnect and a smooth if you're on the descend plane it's a smooth pitch over or if you're on the climb plane it's a smooth pitch back and you have the planes will miss each other with with plenty of distance now you have to react quickly of course but you don't need to nose it over and send somebody to the ceiling but I've seen people do that so if I was a passenger and I saw that that's what I would initially think that's what happened however the reports are saying something completely different the first initial report said that the pilot told someone on the plane that all the gauges and instruments went blank and then the pilot came to the back and he said my instruments I just lost them just for a few seconds they went blank now for the record if I'm flying along at 41,000 ft as these Pilots were usually you're going to have a pretty clear side of the Horizon and if I was flying around at 41,000 ft and all of my instruments went completely black which is I guess anything's possible because it's a machine but if all your instruments went completely black assuming that your engines were still running there's no reason ever to knows the plane over you're flying flat level the flight was in the daytime from what I can understand so you would have a sight of the Horizon because usually you're above the clouds generally at that altitude and so you would say oh man everything blacked out even if the autopilot disconnected my first instinct is not let's go plunging down towards the Earth there's just no reason to do that you would hold on to the Yoke and make sure the engines were still running even if you had no indications on there you would be able to tell if your engines had quit so that's would be my first thought so the the screen's going blank doesn't make sense that no one would knows the plane over not saying that somebody couldn't do it but it just would make no sense to me that somebody would do it but the Air France incident where those Pilots crashed in the ocean that also didn't make any sense to me so anything's possible and then after that a couple days later report came out saying that the pilots actually got pushed into the Yoke and the yoke is this thing right here that's how we steer the plane to go left and right and up and down which is what's leading up to this video where this guy who's a general aviation person meaning they fly for fun they they aren't a commercial airline pilot but they Fly for Fun and so you're always willing to hear somebody else's opinion but they they Fly for Fun and they read this story and then they started talking about this is their explanation I don't want to say like a debrief but this is their explanation based off of The Facts of of what they think has happened and so it's probably best if you hear it from him as far as for what he's explaining and then I'm going to tell you what happened which I didn't like Dean you just learned something about the Boeing nose dive uh what do you want to share yeah oh I just saw you know some information on on CNBC so what happened in the nose first of all there's nothing wrong with the airplane from what I understand there's nothing wrong with the airplane okay it was it was an error it was a human error that caused the nose dive so in a plane like a like an 87 like in most of the advanced airplanes now the cockpit the seat you can't just come into the seat from the back like that right there's a whole console here there's everything's here your controls are here whatever so the seat has to go back like that like back and then out right it goes like Z like that so the pilot can walk in sit sit down and then press the button and then it goes in whatever right so apparently what happened was this the the I don't know whether it's the captain or the foo you know had the seat back waiting to eat right so he had a tray here and someone came and in the back of the seat there's a button that you can press to move the seat out M and the button has a the the control has a cover on it apparently the cover was open or something like that and someone trying to serve the the captain or the fo whatever right food press the button so the seat moved and when the seat moved forward I think the the the the P whether the fo or the captain was in a position where he bumped the controls and what happens when you know in these airplanes when you bump the controls usually I mean again I'm just summarizing here I don't know the details but this is what I think happened when you bump the controls it disconnects the autopilot and it and when you push the controls forward what happens when you push the controls forward it's pitch down nose down so that must have happened and it caused the plane just to pitch down and they got controlled real bad quick really really quickly you see so this isn't a Boeing safety thing it doesn't sound like it's a safety issue sound like a human era it sounds like I don't remember the airline Air New Zealand or whatever I don't know what airline it was it's just a procedural thing why did the why did that that cover was open so someone could knock the button and all of that really makes no sense at all which led me to go to the comment section because I don't think this guy was trying to scare people or give people bad information like some of the other Tik Tok people and some of the other people that I've roasted in the past because those people were telling you as a passenger do this and that to me was really dangerous if you get to the stage where you're flying a 787 you're probably not going to be listening to a guy on Tik Tok telling you what's happening at least I hope not I don't know maybe somebody will but that's probably not the case so I went into the comment section and left a comment now I'm not in the habit of recording the comments that I leave but I'll usually leave a comment and and say something if if I feel that my opinion is relevant and I figured well I fly Boeing aircraft and I am an airline p pilot so my opinion is relevant in this particular case and I said something like this Dean that doesn't make any sense because even if the flight attendant did move the seat forward it would be very slow and there' be plenty of time to move the food out of the way and bumping the Yoke doesn't disconnect it now I know the conspiracy theorists are like yeah right Kelsey he's not even a pilot what does he no so I thought well okay since I'm going to have to make a video about this I'm going to do this this is me moving my seat forward at the only speed that we have to move the seats forward so I know exactly how fast those seats move forward I use it all the time I use it every time I get into the seat I use it every time I get out of the seat I use it every time I get to get up to get snacks which is a lot of times in a flight I know exactly how fast those seats move forward I've handed food to people up there I've had food handed to me up there I've moved the seat back for food I've done all of the possible scenarios that involve me in food and that seat all of them so I know exactly what could happen and what's realistic so that's how fast the seat moves forward and then of course your question becomes oh well but what about bumping the yolk with the your tray or your food again I've done all the things in the seat so this is me bumping the Yol in cruise at a normal speed and guess what I'm still alive so bumping the Yoke isn't going to disconnect it just bumping it now you get in there and you put your feet to it or all your Force to it yeah you're going to disconnect it but just bumping it no that's not going to disconnect it I bump it all the time cuz there's feet rest right behind that yoke and you'll put your feet up there so sometimes your knee will hit it or other things will hit it if it bumped off and it just immediately disconnected then that would be a problem because Pilots like I told you are lazy and so we have a long flight and we want to put our feet up and we want to do other things so bumping it is not going to knock it off now if you really got your force on it it's going to knock it off but nobody would in their right mind would ever do that as far as I know so I left the comment on that guy's video explaining that situation and I thought okay cool and I just moved on with my day but then a few days later or hours later or something somebody either texted it to me or they shared it to me or something happened where I went back to look at it and they said oh you should talk about this and I'm thinking dude I already talked about that I already left a comment and then I saw they deleted my comment and I thought not cool bro not cool and for those you think I'm making this up in order to have some online drama since you think I might be a drama queen I decided that I would actually record this here to show these comments had been deleted in case I wanted to make a video about it you can see here this is their video and you can see here these are people replying to me even people who don't know how to spell my name and when you click on these notifications you can see that my comment is gone and again this is a comment that I left I wasn't trying to be mean or rude or anything I was just trying to State the facts and I get it nobody likes to be wrong I have been wrong on my videos there was a video I don't know several years ago I had an editor put an A3 380 in one of my videos when I was talking about 747 and I didn't catch it I don't know if it happened before after whatever but I remember very clearly I landed somewhere and a friend of mine who is a different Airline texted me he's like dude you're getting roasted all these people are laughing because you put the wrong plane on there and I was like oh what he's like you better delete that right away and I got to the hotel and I looked at it I was like oh crap I didn't do that that didn't go well so I just posted I wrote a comment and posted it up there and I don't remember what video it was or I'd go dig around and find it but it's basically like hey this was a mistake and it's there and it is what it is because right now social media is making everybody feel because this is what people are presenting is that they are flawless and they are perfect and they don't make mistakes and they are great which makes your everyday person who's watching that thinking wow this person's Flawless they don't make mistakes that that's the standard that I need to make for myself I need to if my life isn't as good as that then my life sucks and that's why I always keep it real with you guys as far as like I've made that mistake I've done that I've done that multiple times and that's because that's the reality nobody lives in this flawless don't make mistakes so when I leave a comment and saying you're wrong and here's why and it's coming from an airline pilot talking to someone who's a general aviation pilot and I fly Boeing and he does not then I'm guessing one of the two of them decided to delete it like I don't want to have this bad look like I don't know what I'm talking about but it's okay I got my own platform I can do it over here too I just thought it was very rude to be honest with you and very bad because now what you're doing is you're taking this information which I don't think is correct of what happened I don't know that I'll ever know because I won't ever get the tapes or the reports but now you're spreading that misinformation and and any of you guys that watch my videos know that I I don't like that so is it possible that this happened where the flight attendant bumped into the seat and then that thing moved forward at the snails pace that it goes forward all the way into the Yol and then he kept it there and then that kept pressing it forward until it knocked the autopilot off and then now there's no forward yoke input is all the way forward the autopilot disengages and now starts racing to the ground is that possible yeah 100% that could in one in a million scenarios happen but I can't imagine any pilot that's sitting up there holding that tray up against their stomach into the Yol or let's just say they're on the fluffier side of life and their belly has now mashed up all the way into that Yol that's not going to be very comfortable and they're not just going to stand there and keep like letting that happen right they're going to try to figure out what's going on so not very likely and if that was the case that the seat went all the way forward but was jammed forward and the guy wasn't able to do it then how was he able to get out of the seat in order to pull the Yol back to start with so it's it's just not adding up so me leaving that comment on their page to say like no that's not realistic and then them deleting it I just found that kind of rude and disrespectful and I didn't like that so I thought well I wasn't going to talk about this video but since I just was trying to correct the information that they were sharing and they have a pretty decent sized platform I thought okay cool no worries I'll just use that and and make a video about it so since I don't think it was that the flight attendant bashed the seat forward and then the guy had the slowest accident ever or it was the situation where the screens went blank what do I think happened I literally have no idea and that's why I don't report on things that I have no idea about because all we know is that the nose went aggressively forward and one of the only times that you would ever see a pilot do that would be the tcast situation I talked about earlier the plane indicating that it's in a stall and even then the training is now it used to be back in the day but back in the day they taught you to just like bury the nose basically stick the nose straight to the gown and pick up speed and and do that and when I was in flight school that's the way that I learned it or at least that's what it felt like and I really thought I was going to die in a lot of those those cases where I thought the plane was going to stall and fall of the sky and and my biggest fear was that I would I was doing a lot of stuff over the desert I would end up crashing a plane somewhere the desert and then not dying but then being on the desert floor there and dying of sunburn and lack of snacks so that might be a scenario that the plane indicated that it was stalling and then the pilot freaked out and just buried the nose forward to gain air speed which was kind of what should have happened in that air a situation from like I don't know 12 or 15 years ago but that might be one scenario that would happen just because of panic even though again they're not training that now that's one situation that could happen but until they gather all that stuff and who knows probably by the time I release this video that information will already be out but my whole point is is that people want to get out and just give this information even though it doesn't really make sense like doesn't make sense to me with that button there's a button on the back of the 787 seats that can move the seat forward and you might be wondering why they would do that and that's simply because in order for me to move this seat forward and backwards the little position on it is right here on the ground so I have to push that button forward or backwards in order to move the seat forward and backwards and I guess some Pilots are too lazy now to bend over I I don't know but so they moved it up there so is it possible yeah I guess it's possible that the flight attendant would do that but again I've handed food to people up there because on the cargo flights there is no flight attendant that's me I'm getting the food and bringing it up to the front sometimes for myself but if I'm getting up to let's say go to the bathroom and the other guy has food in there then I'll get up and say hey do you want me to grab your food yeah sure I'll run and grab their food I'll bring it to them and then I'll go to the bathroom and and probably get a snack for myself so but my point is is that if you're out there and you're making mistakes it's okay to make a mistake it's okay to be wrong you don't have to be out there pretending oh I don't do mistakes because that's just not realistic and so for having somebody that has a big platform like they have to delete my comment I'm not being rude I'm just being factual I don't think that that's realistic and the information that you're giving is not accurate that's not very nice so next time there's a comment for me you can just go ahead and leave it or you can get a bunch of free promo about how I think you're irresponsible by deleting my information that I'm trying to share with the general public that are watching your videos in order to help them be more educated about Aviation so you can do it either way I look forward to hearing from you until then keep the blue side up
Channel: 74 Gear
Views: 821,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pilot, airline pilot, 747 pilot, 74 gear, pilot Kelsey
Id: VN_13Q44rbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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